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2 – Mitosis and Meiosis

What are the two types of cell division?
1. 2.

Mitosis Meiosis

Homologous Chromosomes
How many chromosomes do humans have?

Humans have 46 chromosomes

How are chromosomes grouped?

Chromosomes are grouped in pairs called homologous chromosomes.

How are chromosomes inherited?

Chromosomes are inherited when a cell splits into two


Mitosis is nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells

As cells grow and divide, they go through a process called the cell cycle

During this process, DNA replicates, resulting in double chromosomes.

During mitosis, each side of the double chromosome is pulled to either

end of the cell.

The cell membrane pinches in, leaving to genetically identical cells.



Meisis is the reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved from diploid to haploid
resulting in genetically different cells.

Meiosis is vital for sexual reproduction

Meiosis takes place in the reproductive organs.

It results in the formation of sex cells called gametes.

Meiosis involves more stages than mitosis.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

1) Produces 2 daughter cells 1) Produces 4 gamete cells

2) Daughter cells are diploid 2) Daughter cells are haploid

3) daughter cells are genetically 3) Gametes are genetically

identical to each other different to each other

4) Daughter cells are genetically 4) Gametes are different to the

identical to the parent cell parent cell

One stage process

Two stage process

Happens everywhere in the body Happens in reproductive organs

Double chromosomes have been produced as a result of DNA replication

parental chromosomes become attached to each other

Alleles are randomly swapped betweem parental chromosomes

parental chromosomes are divided into new cells

In a second division, the double chromosomes are pulled

apart, resulting in four genetically different haploid cells

Stem Cells
Stem cells are unspecialised cells that divide by mitosis to produce
daughter cells that can be specialized for specific functions.

Stem cells have tremendous potential as a way of treating a wide range of

diseases and injuries

Important clinical traits involving stem cells are underway for many
conditions and researchers continue to explroe new avenues for stem
cells in medicine.

Theh may completely revolutionise medicine.

Key Words to know:
The genetic code

One instruction in the code telling
a cell how to make a specific

A different version of a gene

Coiled up DNA

Haploid Number
The number of different
chromosomes in a cell (23)

Diploid Number
The total number of chromosomes
in a cell (46)

Used for growth, repair, & asexual

Meiosis Used to produce gametes for

sexual reproduction

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