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Lecturer :

Momoh Mulyati, M.Pd

Created By :

IchIcha Nurhasanah 041041800162

Im Ima Muzayyinah 041041800163




Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “Direct Mail Shots, Hard & Soft Sell, And
Advertisting Brochure” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mrs. Momoh Mulyati, M.Pd as lecturer in English For Bussiness.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed.
writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in
the process of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you
all.the writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.
then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in
perfecting the next paper.last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the
readers to gain more knowledge about English For Bussiness.

Wassalamu’allaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Sumedang, Desember 2020



PREFACE ……....................………….…………………………………………..

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………..…………..…………………………………..



1.1 Issue Background

1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Purpose ...............................................................................................................


2.1 Direct Mail .........................................................................................................

2.2 Hard and Soft Sell ...............................................................................................
2.3 Create Email........................................................................................................
2.4 An Advertising Brochure In Printed Media Advertisment .................................


3.1 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………...........



1.1 Issue Background

Promotion is an attempt to notify or offer a product or services in order to
attract potential customers to buy or consume it. With the promotion of
producers or distributors expect an increase in sales figures. There are a lot
of company factors do promotions including disseminating product
information to potential target market, get an increase in sales and profit /
profit, get new customers and keep customer loyalty, take care the stability
of sales when there is a sluggish market, differentiating and favoring
products compared to competitors' products and form the image of the
product in the eyes of consumers as desired.
Companies need a medium for promotion. Wrong one medium that can be
done for promotion is to advertise the product. In this modern era,
advertising is an accurate means of marketing a product especially through
print media.
Print media is a static media and prioritizing visual messages. This media
consists of sheets with a number of words, images, or photographs, in
color layout and on white pages. Function the mainstay of print media is
giving information. Print media are like a catalog very much needed in
promoting a product because of its nature provide information about all
the products that will be marketed.
Apart from print media there are also more modern ways of conveying
information using visual messages to the public, namely by using social
media. Social media such as Instagram ads and social profiles media is
needed in making a promotion because of its nature giving information. In
this case the organizing company also needs it in collaboration with
advertising agency companies such as Visual PCH. Company creative like
visual PCH is needed to create a promotional media creative and the
resulting design is also satisfying and aimed at consumer.

1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What is Direct Mail?
2. What is Hard and Soft Sell?
3. How To Create Email?
4. How an Advertising Brochure In Printed Media Advertisment ?

1.1 Tujuan
1. Discuss the meaning of direct mail
2. Discuss the meaning of hard and soft sell
3. Discuss about email
4. Discuss about brochure



2.1.1 What is Direct Mail?
Direct Mail is a marketing effort that uses a mail service to deliver a
promotional printed piece to your target audience. The target of
direct mail is individuals, it can also be leaders of organizations and
Direct mail encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials,
including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales
letters. Major corporations know that direct-mail advertising is one
of the most effective and profitable ways to reach out to new and
existing clients.
2.1.2 Advantage of Direct Mail
Unlike other forms of advertising, in which you're never sure just
who's getting your message, direct mail lets you communicate one-
on-one with your target audience. That allows you to control who
receives your message, when it's delivered, what's in the envelope
and how many people you reach.
2.2.1 What is Hard Sell?
A hard sell refers to an advertising or sales approach that features
especially direct and insistent language. A hard sell is designed to
get a consumer to purchase a good or service in the short-term, rather
than evaluate his or her options and potentially decide to wait on the
This method is often seen as an aggressive method because of its
direct and no-nonsense approach to consumers.

Function of Hard Sell
The direct and no-nonsense Hard Selling method is more suitable if
the company wants to get a sales target in a short time. The use of
this method is also more suitable for products that are included in the
needs of everyday life.
Another function of the Hard Selling method is to influence
consumer behavior in order to transact directly. Examples of using
this method include providing incentives for certain purchases.
Often encountered the purchase of one bonus one, a discount of
several percent, and others. Although it does not directly ask people
to buy, it can psychologically influence someone to buy directly.
This is what makes Hard Selling work to get direct sales.

2.2.2 What is Soft Sell?

Soft sell refers to an advertising and sales approach that features
subtle language and a non-aggressive technique. Because soft selling
is a low-pressure, persuasive and subtle sales technique, it may not
result in a sale the first time a product is presented but helps to
encourage repeat sales.
Function of Soft Sell
The Soft Selling method has other functions such as building trust
from consumers to products.
The Soft Selling method is also often used to build business
reputation, brand awareness, and create good relationships between
consumers. So generally this method is used for long-term sales
targets. Activities carried out during the use of the Soft Selling
method are more widely used to gain consumer experience of a
Then there is feedback from consumers on the product so that it will
create trust from consumers in the product. Consumers who are

already satisfied usually will not hesitate to give their references to
other people.
Even though it has some differences between Hard Selling and Soft
Selling, it doesn't mean that one is better than the other. The use of
both Hard Selling and Soft Selling marketing methods has its own
objectives. The Hard Selling method is more often used to target
short-term sales targets, while the Soft Selling method targets long-
term sales targets.

2.3 How To Create Email?

Currently, in the midst of the popularity of marketing techniques through
social media, there is one online marketing technique with a high ROI
(Return on Investment) rate compared to social media marketing, namely
Direct Mail using email.
In the world of internet marketing, using email lists for marketing is a very
effective marketing strategy because your offers can go directly to the
prospect's email inbox and be read by them. In addition, email marketing is
considered more effective because marketing in this way can reach
potential potential customers, plus usually sales using email conversion
media are very good. That said, email is the number one tool or tool used
by world-class marketers to increase website traffic and multiply sales
from their website.
This email is sent to potential customers who have never purchased a
product and who are already customers.
In addition to sending email product offers to prospective buyers, email is
also often used as a medium to build good relationships with subscribers
via email news letters.
With email, an entrepreneur can stay connected with their customers or
potential customers on an ongoing basis. Apart from offering products,
email marketing can also keep the relationship between business people
and their customers well maintained in the long term.

There are several types of email that online entrepreneurs do, including
email retention, direct email, and advertising on other people's emails :
1) Email Retention
Email retention is email sent to existing customers to stay connected
with your business, which is crucial for any type of business. The
content of an email retention message is usually aimed at maintaining a
good relationship between the entrepreneur and the customer, this is
one different way to offer your product to customers.
That way, you will find it easier to market new products or services to
customers with a unique approach.
For entrepreneurs who market their products or services online and
want to continue to maintain good relationships with their customers,
they must send regular emails to their subscribers and subscribers.
Email retention doesn't have to contain a promotional message, it's
good to be interspersed with valuable tips and information that
customers really need to know.
Customers who are happy with the content of your email will continue
to be loyal so that it will grow your business continuously, of course
this is very important for all entrepreneurs, especially those who have
businesses in a competitive market.
2) Direct Email
Direct e-mail is a message that you send to the customer e-mail list
where the e-mail contains an offer or promotion message. Direct email
can be in text only or it can be in HTML which contains interesting
multimedia messages.
Quite a number of online business people make the mistake of using
direct email to their customers by sending promotional messages
repeatedly so that it seems that the email message contains SPAM.
The wrong approach (SPAM) to a customer or prospect can have bad
consequences, for example an existing or prospective customer will
remove our email address from their White List or Unsubscribe.

3) Advertise On Other People's Emails
This is one form of marketing that is very effective in online marketing.
For those of you who don't have many email lists and subscribers, you
can take advantage of email lists from other publishers by paying them
some money so they want to send an email to their list where in the
email there is a promotional message for your business.
Quite a few product owners have successfully marketed their products
this way. Those who have quite a lot of email lists will usually be
willing to market other people's products for profit, either by way of
affiliation or by other means.

Advantages of Online Marketing Using Email :

1) Information Sent Faster
Sending promotional messages or offers via postal mail usually
takes longer than email. Plus you also have to wait for a customer
response via mail sent by post, it will definitely take a long time
and be ineffective. With email marketing, you can reach customers
very quickly directly to their personal email so you will get
relatively faster results.
2) Measurable Promotion
You can measure the promotion you do through email marketing
because you can see how many emails were sent to customers and
how they responded. That way, you can do a better analysis of the
promotions being carried out and can immediately make changes to
promotions when needed.
3) Personal
Personal email marketing will usually get more attention from
customers or potential customers. When a customer or prospect is
comfortable receiving email from you, it will be much easier to
offer them anything in the email you send.
4) Much Cheaper Costs

Indeed you need the services of an email responder provider, but
this cost will be much cheaper and more effective than if you use
physical mail. Direct mail responsiveness is usually higher, which
is why email marketing is so profitable.
5) Build Good Relationships with Customers
As previously mentioned, you can establish good relationships with
customers and potential customers through email marketing. The
email that you send can be in the form of tips, important
information, product promotions, etc., in an easier way.
How to Create a New Gmail Account on a Computer
1) Enter the address in your web browser.
2) Click create an account, a box will open.
3) Fill in your personal data completely.
4) In the field after the name, you can choose a name for the
5) If it turns out that it says That username is taken. Try another. It's
a sign that someone else has used the username you chose. You
can outsmart by adding numbers.
6) Fill in all fields that are not filled with the correct data.
7) Click Next Step, an agreement or terms box will appear, click on I
8) You have a Gmail account now.

2. Email Structure For Business Purposes

1) Subject line.
The subject line is the first part of the email your readers see.
This can determine whether your reader opens the email. Most
experts agree that subject lines should be short (six to ten
words) and specific.
2) Regards.

Greetings are how you greet readers. It is important that you
understand whether you are addressing a formal or informal
3) Body text.
Body text conveys the main message of the email. It should
also include an introduction and conclusion. This should be
written in short paragraphs of one to two sentences. Where to
add clarity, use a bullet or number list.
4) Signature.
In a business email, after you finish conveying what you want
to say you should use a signature. The signature on the email is
your name along with your title and company along with your
3. Sample Business Emails

2.4.1 Brochure
A brochure is a tool to be able to produce goods, services and so on,
which is made of paper in which it will have a number of
information and offers about the service or product. There is also
another definition of a brochure, which is a means of official
publication from a company that will have a printed form, which can
have various information about a product, service, program or other,
and services in target markets or other specific targets.
Where is the way of conveying itself by sharing it free of charge to
customers or the public which will aim to introduce more clearly and
also in detail about products, services, programs or others that can
help from marketing or some of the functions that marketing will
implement below.
2.4.2 Brochure function
1. As a medium that will provide information to consumers who
are also related to the company. Where the information itself
will be related to the presentation from the company, new
products from the company or also other services that the
company wants to offer.
2. As an advertising or promotion tool, which can be attractive or
possible to promote one or more of the products and services.
3. The design of a good brochure that allows you to maintain a
criterion of all brochures from the company. Criteria that will be
sometimes referred to as concepts will then be integrated into all

types of brochures, which will make the company identifiable
very easily.

2.4.3 Benefits of Brochures

A brochure is a piece of paper that contains writing (writing or
pictures) and will have a specific purpose. For example, in the
business world, brochures will contain things that can invite readers
to be interested in or buy the products and services offered in the
Even though now in the digital era there are cellphones (sms), radio,
television, internet, or others, this brochure is still very important,
both basic and equipment, because:
1. Promotion of brochures can be started in the simplest and
cheapest way, for example, handwritten, manual typing,
computer printing that can be reproduced by photocopies.
2. Brochures do not need certain tools to show the contents and
their purpose only needs the eye.
3. Brochures can contain more complete information according to
taste, while digital media is often limited.
4. Brochures can be carried and given directly to anyone who is
targeted (more focus on the segment).
5. Brochures can be stored and reread at any time if needed.
6. Brochures can be used as collectibles that contain high
educational value.
7. Currently almost everyone has a cellphone, this condition is
very supportive of the distribution of brochures because if
interested in the brochures distributed, they will immediately
2.4.4 Brochure Example

1. Sample Food Brochure
A food brochure will usually provide information about the food
menu that will be offered complete with pictures and food
prices. Here's an example of a food brochure:

2. Sample English Brochure

Brochures are also usually written in English, or all the
information described is written in English. Here's an example
of an English brochure:



3.1 Conclusion
Direct mail is email that is sent to advertise your business and its
products and services. The target of direct mail is individuals, it can also
be leaders of organizations and institutions.
Direct mail encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials, including
brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letters.
Unlike other forms of advertising, in which you're never sure just who's
getting your message, direct mail lets you communicate one-on-one with
your target audience. That allows you to control who receives your
message, when it's delivered, what's in the envelope and how many people
you reach.



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