Writing 1+2

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The passage claims that the character in professionally painted portrait is Jane Austen and

provides three reasons to support. However, the lecturer argues that those evidences are
not convincing and refutes each of the author's reasons.

First, the reading posits that Austen's family gave permission to use the portrait as an
illustration in an edition of Jane's letters. The lecturer refutes this claim by saying that the
people, who permit the usage, lived 70 years after she died and did not know how she was
looked like.

Second, the article points out the there is a similarity between the amateur picture, which
Jane's sister sketched, to the professional portrait. The professor opposes this point by
saying that the character in this amateur picture can be someone else from Jane's family and
not Jane herself. We also can learn from his things that this is the beliefs of many other
professions in the industry.

Third, the reading said that there is evidence that the painting was painted when Austen was
a teenager, on the painting. The style links to a famous painter of this period Ozias
Humphrey. However, the lecturer disagrees with this statement. He said that we cannot
conclude that this is Jane just because the style of the picture. He also teaches us that the
stamp behind the picture is of canvas producer which started to work just when Jane was 27
years old.
Some people think that it is better to specialize in one specific subject than to have broad
knowledge of many academic subjects. They justify their beliefs by saying that a person with
knowledge of many subjects cannot succeed in any of them, because his knowledgein each
one of the topics is too small. However, I argue that broad knowledge of many topics has
benefits, which I will explain later, that outweigh this disadvantage.

First, people with broad knowledge of many topics can work in vast kinds of jobs. Each job is
different in its requirements from the candidate. In some jobs a person needs knowledge in
computers while in others he needs to be professional at kitchen. A person with variety of
knowledge can work in both of those jobs. For example, my father worked 20 years in Hi
tech companies. But, in the internet crisis of 2000, he loosed his job. Our family economic
status was not good in this time. However, my father take advantage of his cooking
knowledge, which he studied at the university, and opened a restaurant near our house. The
restaurant was succeed and our economic status improved.

Second, people with broad knowledge tend to have more friends than people without.
People with broad knowledge are very interesting. They can develop a conversation almost
about every topic. As a result, people like them and love to talk with them. Their friends feel
that they can learn from those people something new about every topic. For instace, My
mother is such a person. She has knowledge about so many topics. Her friends and she,
meet every Sunday in our house and talk about Politics, Science, Movies and etc. In all of
those topics my mother tends to lead the conversation. It is amazing to look on her friends'
faces when she talks. In addition, in January, my mother birthday, we always celebrate to
her in a huge party. The number of her friends is considerable, and last year we needed to
move the event out of our home because there were to many people, whom we needed to

In conclusion, I think that although it is good that some people will specialize in one specific
subject, because this is the way to reach significant discoveris. I prefer to have knowledge of
many subject. I feel that it will help me to find a better job and meet many new friends.

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