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N Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning

having no legal authority and therefore

1.1 void (adj)  /vɔɪd/ unacceptable

the coins that you have

1.1 loose change  /ˌluːs ˈtʃeɪndʒ/ in your pocket or purse
to pay a written order for money transfer
1.1 cash check /kæʃ ə ʧɛk/ into one's bank account

1.2 inventory /ˈɪn.vən.tər.i/ a detailed list of all the things in a place

made to look like the original of something,

1.2 counterfeit (adj)  /ˈkaʊn.tə.fɪt/ usually for dishonest or illegal purposes:

a large amount of goods sent together to
1.2 shipment (n)  /ˈʃɪp.mənt/ a place, or the act of sending them

1.2 bill strap /bɪl stræp/

1.2 drawer (n) /drɔːr/

1.3 pedestal (n) /ˈped.ə.stəl/

1.3 post and rope /pəʊst ænd rəʊp/

1.3 mat (n) /mæt/

a small piece of strong material that covers a
nd protects part of a floor
any material that is made
1.3 laminate (n)  /ˈlæm.ɪ.nət/ by sticking several layers of the
same material together

to read through
1.3 peruse  /pəˈruːz/ something, especially in order to find the par
t you are interested in

1.4 stock (n)  /stɒk/ a supply of something for use or sale

1.4 balance sheet /ˈbæləns ʃiːt/ a document to see balance in their account

a tool or machine that is used
1.5 shredder (n)  /ˈʃred.ər/
for cutting things into very small pieces

a large open area just inside the entrance of

1.6 foyer (n) /ˈfɔɪ.eɪ/ a public building such as a theatre or a hotel,
where people can wait and meet each other

the (large) room into which

1.6 lobby (n) /ˈlɒb.i/ the main entrance door opens in a hotel or
other large building

a room, esp. in or under the ground floor of

1.6 vault (n) /vɒlt/ a large building, that is used
to store things safely
a service that is used by the public, such as
1.5 utility (n)  /juːˈtɪl.ə.ti/
an electricity or gas supply
an electronic transfer of money from an
2.1 direct deposit /dɪˈrɛkt dɪˈpɒzɪt/
employer to an employer's account

an amount of money that a customer with a

2.2 overdraft (n) /ˈəʊvədrɑːft/ bank account is temporarily allowed to owe
to the bank, or the agreement

2.2 letter of credit /ˈlɛtər ɒv ˈkrɛdɪt/ a letter issued by a bank to another bank
(typically in a different country) to serve as a
guarantee for payments made to a specified
person under specified conditions.
a promise that something will be done or
2.3 guarantee (n) /ˌgærənˈtiː/
will happen

an agreement that allows you to borrow

money from a bank or similar organization,
2.4 mortgage (n) /ˈmɔː.ɡɪdʒ/ especially in order to buy a house, or the
amount of money

valuable property owned by someone who

wants to borrow money, that they agree will
2.4 collateral (n) /kɒˈlætərəl/ become the property of the company or
person who lends the money if the debt is
not paid back

/ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd ˈtɛlə mə Automated Teller Machine

2.3 ATM (n)

2.4 payoff (n) /ˈpeɪˈɒf/ money paid to someone for something that
you want done or to not cause you trouble

Closing costs are processing fees you pay to

2.4 closing cost /ˈkləʊzɪŋ kɒst/
your lender when you close on your loan

An auto loan allows someone to borrow

2.4 auto loans /ɔːtəʊ ləʊnz/
money to purchase a car or truck

2.1 inquire (v) /ɪnˈkwaɪə/ to ask for information

2.1 credit rating /ˈkrɛdɪt ˈreɪtɪŋ/ an estimate of the ability of a person or

organization to fulfill their financial
commitments, based on previous dealings

a serious or formal promise, especially one

2.4 pledge (n) /pledʒ/ to give money or to be a friend, or
something that you give as a sign that you
will keep a promise

2.1 credit limit /ˈkrɛdɪt ˈlɪmɪt / The term credit limit refers to the maximum
amount that the credit card issuer will allow
you to borrow on your line of credit
2.2 accrue (v) /əˈkruː/ to increase in number or amount over a
period of time

a thing of value, especially property, that a

3.1 asset (n) /ˈæset/ person or company owns, which can be used
or sold to pay debts

3.1 risk-averse (adj) /ˈrɪsk əvɜːs/ not willing to do something if it is possible

that something bad could happen as a result

3.1 insure (v) /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ to buy insurance so that you will receive
money if your property, car, etc. gets
damaged or stolen, or if you get ill or die

a person or company that has a contract to

3.2 contractor (n) /kənˈtræktə(r)/ do work or provide goods or services for
another company

a deposit in a bank account that cannot be

3.2 time deposit (n) /tīm dəˈpäzət withdrawn before a set date or for which
notice of withdrawal is required.

3.2 waterfront (n) /ˈwɔːtəfrʌnt/ a part of a town or an area that is next to

water, for example in a harbour

to accept financial responsibility for an

3.2 underwrite (v) /ˌʌndəˈraɪt/ activity so that you will pay for special costs
or for losses it may make

the business activity of banks that deal with

3.2 merchant banking (n) /ˌmɜːtʃənt ˈbæŋkɪŋ/ large businesses, helping with buying and
selling large numbers of shares in different

a bond issued by a bank or other financial

3.2 performance bond /pərˈfôrməns bänd/ institution, guaranteeing the fulfillment of a
particular contract.

the state of being able to have or do

3.3 eligibility (n) /ˌelɪdʒəˈbɪləti/ something because you have the right
qualifications, are the right age, etc.

having a system of government in which the

3.3 federal (adj) /ˈfedərəl/ individual states of a country have control
over their own affairs, but are controlled by
a central government for national decisions,
3.4 sizeable (adj) /ˈsaɪzəbl/ large

an investment fund involving a group of

3.4 hedge fund (n) /ˈhedʒ fʌnd/ people who take high risks with their
investments in order to try and make a lot of
a type of bank in the US that allows you to
3.5 thrifts (n) /θrɪft/ save money or borrow money to buy a

3.6 prohitbit (v) /prəˈhɪbɪt/ to stop something from being done or used
especially by law
3.6 usury (n) /ˈjuːʒəri/ the practice of lending money to people at
unfairly high rates of interest

the act of using or letting somebody use

3.6 leasing (n) /ˈliːsɪŋ/ something, especially property or
equipment, in exchange for rent or a regular

a business project or activity that is begun by

3.6 joint venture (n) /ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈventʃə(r)/ two or more companies, etc., which remain
separate organizations

4.1 merger (n) /ˈmɜːdʒə(r)/ the act of joining two or more organizations
or businesses into one

a company, piece of land, etc. bought by

4.1 acquisition (n) /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/ somebody, especially another company; the
act of buying it

4.1 pitchbook (n) /pɪʧ bʊk/ a sales document created by an investment

bank or firm
trading by a financial organization to make a
4.1 proprietary trading ˈtreɪdɪŋ/
profit for itself rather than its customers

4.1 commensurate (adj) /kəˈmenʃərət/ matching something in size, importance,

quality, etc.
4.2 bold (adj) /bəʊld/ not afraid to say what you feel or to take

4.2 compliance (n) /kəmˈplaɪəns/

the practice of obeying rules or requests
made by people in authority

wealth or property that is owned by a

4.2 capital (n) /ˈkæpɪtl/ business or a person and can be invested or
used to start a business

4.3 conservative (adj) /kənˈsɜː.və.tɪv/ not usually liking or trusting change,

especially sudden change

the printed notification of a securities

4.3 trade confirmation (n) /treɪd ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃən/ transaction

using the most modern or advanced

4.3 state-of-the-art (adj) /ˌsteɪt əv ði ˈɑːt/ techniques or methods; as good as it can be
at the present time
4.4 quid pro quo (n) /ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ/ a thing given in return for something else

4.4 breach (n) /briːtʃ/ a failure to do something that must be done

by law

involving trust, especially in a situation

4.4 fiduciary (adj) /fɪˈdjuːʃəri/ where a person or company controls money
or property belonging to others
4.4 violate (v) /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ to go against or refuse to obey a law, an
agreement, etc.

the money that can be officially used in a

5.1 legal tender (n) /ˈlēɡəl ˈtendər/

to believe that somebody is responsible for

5.1 accredit (v) /əˈkredɪt/
doing or saying something

5.1 insurance policy (n) /inˈSHo͝orəns ˌpäləsē/ a document detailing the terms and
conditions of a contract of insurance.
5.2 petty cash (n) /ˌpeti ˈkæʃ/ a small amount of money kept in an office
for small payments
5.2 expenditure (n) /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/ the act of spending or using money; an
amount of money spent

an amount of money that someone borrows

and on which they start to pay interest as
/kæʃ ədˈvɑːns/
5.2 cash advance (n) soon as they receive it. The rate of interest
for this type of loan is usually higher than for
other types of loan

5.2 cash flow (n) /ˈkæʃ ˌfləʊ/ the amount of money moving into and out
of a business
5.4 shrink (v) /ʃrɪŋk/ to become smaller, or to make something

to have reached the lowest point in a

5.4 bottom out (phrv) /ˈbɒt.əm/ continuously changing situation and to be
about to improve
/ɪnˌtæn.dʒɪ.bəl something valuable that a company has that
5.5 intangible assets (n)
ˈæ is not material

5.5 accounts receivable /əˈkounts rəˈsēvəbəl/ money that is owed to a company; the
department of a company that deals with
this money, sending out invoices, etc
5.5 liability (n) /ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ the amount of money that a person or
company owes

money that is owed by a company; the

5.5 account payable (n) /əˌkaʊnts ˈpeɪəbl/ department of the company that deals with
paying this money
5.5 equity (n) /ˈekwəti/
the value of a company’s shares

5.5 fixed assets /ˌfɪkst ˈæsets/ long-term tangible assets that are used in
the operations of a busines

a service where financial experts invest the

6.1 mutual fund (n) /ˈmjuː.tʃu.əl ˌfʌnd money of many people in many different

to collect something such as money in order

6.1 pool (v) /puːl/ for it to be used by several different people
or groups

not willing to do something if it is possible

6.2 risk-averse (adj) /ˈrɪsk əvɜːs/
that something bad could happen as a result

the degree of variability in investment

6.2 risk tolerance (n) /rɪsk ˈtɒlərəns/ returns that an investor is willing to
withstand in their financial planning

6.3 IRA (n) /ˈɑɪ·rə, ˈɑɪˌɑrˈeɪ/ retirement savings account

a deduction that lowers a person's or an

6.3 tax deduction /tæks dɪˈdʌkʃən/ organization's tax liability by lowering their
taxable income

a situation in which a prize has not been

6.3 rollover (n) /ˈrəʊl.əʊ.vər won in a competition and is added to the
prize offered in the next competition

an amount of money paid regularly by the

government or a private company to a
6.3 pension (n) /ˈpen.ʃən/
person who does not work any more
because they are too old or have become ill

the system of sharing the profits that a

6.3 profit sharing (n) /ˈprɒf.ɪt ˌʃeə.rɪŋ/ company makes between all the people who
work for it

a person who owns shares in a company and

therefore gets part of the company's profits
6.4 shareholder (n) /ˈʃeəˌhəʊl.dər/
and the right to vote on how the company is

6.4 dividens (n) /ˈdɪv.ɪ.dend/ the profit of a company that is paid to the
people who own shares in it:

initial public offering: the first sale of a

6.4 IPO /ˌaɪ.piːˈəʊ/
company's shares to the public

if a company is sold as a going concern, it is

6.4 going concern (n) /gəʊɪŋ kənˈsɜːn/
sold when it is operating normally
to rise extremely quickly or make extremely
6.5 skyrocket (v) /ˈskaɪˌrɒk.ɪt/
quick progress towards success:

If something such as a business crashes, it

6.5 crash (v) /kræʃ/
suddenly fails or becomes unsuccessful

a market in which prices are falling,

6.5 bear market(n) /ˈˌbe(ə)r ˈmärkət/
encouraging selling.

a time when the prices of most shares are

6.5 bull market (n) /ˈbʊl ˌmɑː.kɪt/

/səʊl prəˈpraɪətə/ a business owner who is the only person

7.1 sole proprietor
responsible for a business

A _____________ is a large business that

7.1 corperation (n) /kəʊˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/
has legal rights and responsibilities

A _______________ is a business that is

7.1 co-operative (n) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ owned by people who work in the business
or who use its services

7.1 incorporated (adj) /ɪnˈkɔː.pər.eɪ.tɪd/ If a business is ______________________, it

is a legal corporation.

Limited Liability Company

a type of business in which the owners have
7.1 LLC /ˌel.elˈsiː/ certain rights and tax benefits of a
corporation without having the full
restrictions of a corporation

___________ _____________ are expenses

7.2 fixed costs (n) /fɪkst kɒsts/ that do not change depending on sales or

expenses that change depending on sales or

7.2 variable costs (n) /ˈveərɪəbl kɒsts/ production

all expenses of a business, including fixed

7.2 total costs (n) /ˈtəʊtl kɒsts/ costs and variable costs

7.2 distribution (n) /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ he act of delivering or spreading something

Overheads are the costs of operating a

business, including rent and utilities, that are
7.3 overhead (v) /ˈəʊvəhedz/ not related to the product or service that the
business sells

an estimate of future income and expenses

7.3 operating budget /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ ˈbʌʤɪt/
over the course of a particular period
If something is sufficient, it has or provides
7.3 sufficient (adj) /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/
enough of something
a detailed plan for reaching specific
7.3 master budget (n) /ˈmɑːstə ˈbʌʤɪt/ production and sales goals that includes
several smaller budgets

___________ ____________ is a situation

9.1 price stability /praɪs stəˈbɪlɪti/ when prices in an economy change little
over time

_____________ _______________ is money

that is valuable exclusively because it is
9.1 fiat money /ˈfaɪæt ˈmʌni/
recognized by a government as legal tender,
and has no inherent value otherwise.

9.1 hyperinflation (adj) /haɪpəɪnˈfleɪʃən/ ______________________ is inflation that

occurs at an extremely high rate, such as
50% a month or higher.

A __________ controls the supply of a

9.1 monetary authority /ˈmʌnɪtəri ɔːˈθɒrɪti/ certain currency. It can be one nation's
central bank or control a currency for several

A _________________________ is the
possession of complete control over a
9.1 monopoly (n) /məˈnɒpəli/ particular product or service by one
individual or company, which gives that
entity the power to regulate the price and
supply of that product or service

9.1 inflation (n) /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ ______________________ is a rise in prices

in an economy over time and subsequent
lowering of the value of monetary units.

9.3 recession (n) /rɪˈsɛʃən/ A _______________ is a period of general

decline in activity across the economy.

A ______ is a sudden rapid growth,

9.3 boom (n) /buːm/
development, or progression.

A _________________ is an economic
9.3 bubble (n) /ˈbʌbl/ occurrence caused by the trade of products
at an inflated price.

coincident indicators /kəʊˈɪnsɪdənt A ____ is an indicator that varies directly

9.3 (n) ˈɪndɪkeɪtəz/ with the changing economy and gives
information about the current economic
A _______________ ______________ is
9.3 leading indicators /liːdɪŋ ˈɪndɪkeɪtəz/ something that tells us about the changing
activities in the economy before the entire
economy shifts.

9.3 labor mobility /ˈleɪbə məʊˈbɪlɪti / ______________ _______________ is the

ability of workers to move between
industries and locations to obtain better
wages or better working conditions.

consumer price index The _ is the measure of the average change

9.3 /kənˈsjuːmə praɪs ˈɪndɛks/
over time of prices paid for products and
( CPI)
goods by consumers.

________________ _________________ is
9.3 housing starts /ˈhaʊzɪŋ stɑːts/ the number of housing units that
construction has begun on in a given time

__________________ is a decline in prices

9.4 deflation (n) /dɪˈfleɪʃən/
caused by a decrease in economic activity

____________ ___________
gross private ______________ is a measurement of
9.4 investment that is used to calculate GDP. It
includes business purchases for equipment
and inventory, as well as real estate

(fall into) stagflation ____________________ is a situation in

9.4 /stæɡˈfleɪ.ʃən/ which an economy experiences slow growth,
high unemployment, and inflation all at

9.4 sluggish (adj) /ˈslʌgɪʃ/ If an economy is _________________, it is

slow moving and not growing quickly.
9.5 rational (adj) /ˈræʃənl / If a decision is __________________, it is
made by considering facts alone.

9.5 public sector /pʌblɪk ˈsɛktə/ The _______________ ________________ is

the part of an economy that is run by the

9.5 invisible hand /ɪnˈvɪzəbl hænd/ The ______________ ______________ is

used to describe self-regulating market
9.5 incentive (n) /ɪnˈsɛntɪv/ An __________________ is a reward or
motivation to do something.

9.5 stimulus (n) /ˈstɪmjʊləs/ A _________________ is an action intended

to increase a certain activity.
______________ ______________ is a
9.5 laissez faire (n) /ˌleɪ.seɪˈfeər/ French phrase that is used to describe the
belief that government should not interfere
with economic matters.

Written contract to transfer risk of

10.1 life insurance policy /laɪf ɪnˈʃʊərəns ˈpɒlɪsi/ premature death from one party to another;
pays stated sum upon death; creates instant

compensation /kɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/ something given to make up for something

10.1 else

Disability Insurance /ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪti ɪnˈʃʊərəns/ A type of insurance paid to an individual if

he/she is injured and is unable to work for a
10.1 specified length of time

claims adjuster /kleɪmz əˈʤʌstə/ a person whose job is to get information for

an insurance company in order to decide ho
w much money it should pay for
10.1 a claim of damage or loss
policy holder /ˈpɒlɪsi ˈhəʊldə/ a person or group in whose name an
10.1 insurance policy is held.

monetary value /ˈmʌnɪtəri ˈvæljuː/


_______________ of something means

there is not enough demand for it and
8.1 overproduction /əʊvəprəˈdʌkʃən/ therefore there is too much of the goods or
services in the market.

_______________ is the change that occurs

to one economic variable due to the effects
8.1 elasticity /ˌɛlæsˈtɪsɪti/ of another economic variable.

A point at which revenue equals expenses.

8.1 break-even /breɪk-ˈiːvən/

A _____________ is amount that is more

8.1 surplus /ˈsɜːpləs/ than what is necessary or normal.
__________ ______________ are debts that
must be paid within one year.
8.2 current liabilities /ˈkʌrənt ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪtiz/

_____________ ________________ is the

8.2 retained profit /rɪˈteɪnd ˈprɒfɪt/ profit that is earned but not spent
_______________ ________________ is
8.2 working capital /ˈwɜːkɪŋ ˈkæpɪtl/ current assets minus current liabilities,
which can be used in operations.

The portion of business profits by capital

8.2 capital reserves /ˈkæpɪtl rɪˈzɜːvz/ retained and added to equity.
A ____________ _______________ is a
measure of a company's liquidity that
8.2 quick ratio /kwɪk ˈreɪʃɪəʊ/ compares current liabilities and current

To __________________ is to fail to pay a

8.2 default (v) /dɪˈfɔːlt / loan.
_____________ is a decrease in an asset's
8.2 depreciation (n) /dɪˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən/ value due to age or use

____________ is income that a company

receives through normal business operations
8.3 revenue /ˈrɛvɪnjuː/ such as the sale of its product.

A _______________________ is the
difference between the selling price of
something and the amount of money
8.3 (profit) margin /(ˈprɒfɪt) ˈmɑːʤɪn/ required for the seller to make or buy it.

To ______________ is to subtract something

8.3 detract (v) /dɪˈtræktɪŋ/ from something else.

________________ is the difference

between total income, or revenue, and the
costs of production, before accounting for
8.3 gross profit /grəʊs ˈprɒfɪt/ overhead and other expenses.

cost of goods sold the total cost of merchandise sold during the
8.3 /kɒst ɒv gʊdz səʊld/ period
A _____________ _____________ is a
8.4 pricing policy /ˈpraɪsɪŋ ˈpɒlɪsi/ standard that a company uses to set
wholesale and retail prices.
Example synonym

Her employment contract was deemed


you should have some loose change

when you go out

The inventory of our shop must be

finished by the end of the day

Many shoes which are sold in market

are counterfeit

My shopee shipment are finally arrived

Our bank lack the bill strap , we need to

refill it

You can find my phone in the bottom


the flower vase stand on the pedestal

My cat love laying on the soft mat

We have 10 laminate collections with

more than 50 colors

This scientific research should be

perused again

Finally ,they stock my dreaming dress

The shredder is essential in the office

I am drinking wine with my friends in

the foyer

You have to check out at lobby before

come home

Every bank has a vault

Every months , my mom have to pay my

family's utility bills
All of my family's utility bills are paid by
direct deposit

A huge overdraft should be pay off this


I have received a letter of credit from

ABC bank

I guarantee

This house is cost too much , we need

to take out VND 2000000000 mortgage

We dont have anything but a car , so we

put up our car as a collateral

I has been out of cash , i need to go to

an ATM to withdraw some money

If we can not pay the loan before 30th

October , we will have to pay a huge
closing cost

We dont have enough money to buy

this car , we need to take out an auto
Somebody inquire about how to take
out a loan in BIDV

The credit rating will be lowered if you

dont repay the student loan in time

Bill gate has made pleadges to give 70%

of his fortunate to the charity

A high credit limit helps you purchase

expensive things
If you dont make the payment , interest
will accrue

Because the compay is in default of

money to pay the debt , the bank
freezes the compony's assets

He is a risk-averse person because he

spend all his fortune to buy lottery

You should insure yourself against

accident and illness

The building contractor have to take

resposiblity for this accident

you can earn 2.3 million from time

deposit account because the interest
rate is 2.3% now

There are a lot of famous restaurants in

the town's waterfront

The bank pay 50 million $ for insurance


We should open a merchant banking to

control all this business activity

The performance bond is canceled

because the project have been

The age aligibility for the President of

the USA is 35 years old

the federal government has enacted a

new law about the abortion

He has just bought a sizeable house

which need a lot of money

He wants to be rich fastly so he invest a

lot of money in hedge fund
Nowaday , thrifts association is belived
being a reliable , safe place to put their

People are prohibited smoking in public

Because of usury , my family was


The government has agreed on the

leasing of state property for building the
new factory

Vinfast and AAPICO has entered ịnto a

joint venture agreement to develop a
new electric car

There has been a merger between A

company and B

Vingroup has made a successful

acquisition : an electricity car company

Every banks need a pitchbook to show

their finance history and an overview
about their firm

Many banks take part in proprietary

trading activities in order to make profit
for themselves

1000 meters commensurate with 1km

She is a bold businessman who do not

fear anything

The four largest accounting firms in the

United States said were in compliance
with the international fianacial laws

Our CEO has successfully raising huge

capital up to 1million dollar

His belief in God , which he is

conservative with , give him hope in
difficult time in his life

We have to wait a trade confirmation in

order to make sure that we have made
transaction successfully

Our house's furniture has been updated

to state-to-the-art
The company has promised a quid pro
quo for their funds

The company is accussed of a breach in

larbo contract by a employee

Everytime she send somebody money ,

she always makes them sign a contract
of fiduciary duty
She has been arrested because of
violating the financial rule

United State dollar was introduced to

be the legal tender in USA since 1792

Our research has been accredited to be

the first prize

You should read the insurance policy

carefully if you dont want to be cheated

We need to pay the taxi tax but we has

been out of petty cash
The company's expenditure on
marketing has been declined

You shoudnot use the cash advance

service because the interest rate is high

The cash flow in our company should be

made clear
If you have your hoodie dryed for a long
time , it will shrink
after the covid 19 pandemic , many
people think the economy will bottom
The brand 's reputation is defined as an
intangible assets

My company's accounts receivable has


The startup company have to prove that

it has a liability of 3 million

We have a list of account payable that

we have to pay in the end of this month
All the euity i have is just a small house

The new office buiding which costs 5

million dollar is our company's fixed

If you want to invest in a mutual fund ,

you should find a financial expert who
you can trust in

I and my brother pool the money to buy

my mom a new car

He is a risk-averse person because he

spend all his fortune to buy lottery

Risk tolerance is an important element

in everyone's investment

If you want to save money for your

retirement , you should open an IRA

Because you has made a donation of

$1000, you will be given a tax deduction

People can transfer their retirement

funds into a IRA by using rollover

Teachers who older than 60 years old ,

are given pensions by the goverment

Do you have any idea to improve our

profit sharing plan ?

My dad want to become a shareholder

of Vingroup

Everyone want to become shareholder

of Apple because of its huge dividends

Vinfast has made a successful IPO in USA

We will get a better price if they sell the

restaurant as a going concern rather
than closing it down
Apple's stock has skyrocketed after they
introduce their newest phone

All the shareholders are worrying

because the company crashes

After covid19 pandemic , bear market

has happended in many contry

Vietnam is considered as a bull market

in the next 10 years

As a sole proprietor, you must be a

determined , intelligent person

Vingroup has been the biggest

corperation in Vietnam

Credit co-operatives provide financial

services to people who have low-

When people name a corporation , they

often use the word " incorporated "
after the name of that company

Samsung Electronics Vietnam

Thainguyen shall be a LLC

In order to provide profitability, we

have to make fixed costs reduced

In contrast to fixed costs, variable costs

change when the numbers of sales or
production change
We need to calculate the total costs of
this project
The distribution of donated food help
the homeless people

Our company want to reduce annual

overheads by as much as possible in
order to increase interest

The operating budget of about $3M in

next 6 months has been calculated by
the finance department
Those money can be sufficient for 5
people to live rest of their lives

You need to complete the master

budget before 5pm

The government try them best to

stablize the price

Legel coin money and fiat money are

the 2 main currency which can be used
by the government

Since the montly inflation in Zimbawe

reached to 600% in 2003 , there was a
hyperinflation in this country

The central bank is the only place where

has the monerary authority

The USA government have to do

something to avoid Facebook's
monopoly on social media

The yearly inflation in Vietnam

increased in 2.10% compared to the
previous years

Because of the recession , many

company has been affected seriously

Because of the covid 19 pandemic , the

insurance business experienced a boom

there is a housing bubble In property

business in Hanoi

There are some coincident indicators

such as industrial goods in the market ,
the employed rate and trade sales
Through many leading indicators , many
economics professor predict the change
in next few years

The mass industrialization and

urbanization in big city resulted in
higher labor mobility

Eventhough Vietnam is affected by the

lockdown , its CPI increase to 105 points

According to the data at this month ,

the housing starts has increased 2.5%
compared to previous month

Many goods price are now decreasing

because of the deflation

Gross private investment is believed to

be one of the most important indicator
in calculating GPA

During the covid 19 pandemic , many

big economy in the world has fell into

because of the covid 19 pandemic, the

economy is growing sluggish

After all things has been done , we need

a rational expanation

Working in public sector is believed to

have stable salary

There is a belife that an invisible hand

controled the market ,guaranteeing that
everyone would take advantages

Everytime we complete the job , we will

get some incentives
if the public transpots' fare were
decreased , it would be a stimulus to
Many people think that the government
should follow the theory of laissez-faire

Before sign any insurance contrat , you

should read life insurance policies

After the accident, many people will be

given compensation by the government

People who suffer injuries after the war

can have disability insurance

After the storm go through, the claims

adjusters have to calculate the
compensation for victims
The policy holders' name is written in
the first page in contract

This check is fake therefore it dont have

any monetary value and cannot change
into cash

Because of the overproduction , the

goods prices have to been reduced

This data shows the relationship

between the elasticity and the optimal
monopoly price for Windows

The experts predict that the firm will

break even at the operating level next
The supermarket is imports goods that
is surplus to their need

The financial report last month show

that our company's current liabilities
have increased to nearly VND10 billion
After dividends were paid out, the
retained profit was VND 10 billion
In order to provide our company's
working capital, we have to raise $500k
The city has about $23 million in a
capital reserve account

Two of the most commonly used

liquidity ratios are the "Current Ratio"
and the "Quick Ratio"
People who default on their debts
repayments may lose their car

The depreciation of many currency in

the world is the result of covid 19

Our company's main revenue in this

year is from selling our new products

The company averages profit margins of


If you detract the $100 for playing and

shopping , you can live with that salary

Gross profit for first half year is

calculated about $5m , through the
company's outcome statement
COGS for our new productions
amounted to VND 450m

Our company's marketing office has

introduced a new pricing policy for our
new products

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