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Dungeon Master:
Eastonia (UK)

Lam the Human Bard (M) (Entertainer) – Myself, Dreamstar
Moonlight (India)
Trinive the fae-blood (F) (Rogue) – SeerCat (Canada)
Ossanash Uponsavannah the Tabaxi (F) – TheTrackRunner (USA)
Immeral Siannodal the half-elf (F) – CobraAcademy13 (USA)
Kalka (F) – seekingxanadu (India)
(GF) – Demi (USA)
(AG) – Ranch (USA)
(M) Caldrin (USA)
Units of distance:
1 league = a week’s travel on foot
5 furlongs = a day’s travel by a driven cart (1 furlong is
approximately half a kilometre)

Character Name: Lam

Race: Human Class: Bard (Entertainer) Ethnicity: Damaran

Language: Unknown Background: Entertainer (Routine: instrumentalist)

Appearance: Rounded ears,

Age: Mid-twenties.


1. Entertainer’s Pack (40 gp). Includes a backpack, a bedroll, 2 costumes, 5 candles, 5 days of rations,
a waterskin, and a disguise kit (containing cosmetics, hair dye, small props, a few pieces of clothing)
2. Another Disguise kit (containing more cosmetics, hair dye, small props and a few pieces of clothing)
3. Bagpipes
4. A studded leather armour (class 15)
5. A shortsword
6. A keepsake lute with my name engraved on it. (Additional Treasure)

Magic Spells: Prestidigitation, Vicious Mockery, Cure Wounds.

Ability Stats:

 Strength – 13; Modifier = +1

 Dexterity
 Constitution
 Intelligence
 Wisdom
 Charisma

Proficiencies & Skills

 Acrobatics =
 Animal handling = +1
 Athletics = +3
 Charisma = no bonus
 Dexterity = +3
 Initiative = +3
 Insight = +1
 Investigation = no bonus
 Performance = +2
 Proficiency = +2
 Stealth = +3

 Animal handling = D20 + 1 (Animal handling) + 1 (Wisdom)

 Athletics check = D20 + 3 (Dexterity) + 3 (Athletics) +2 (Proficiency)
 Attack Roll = D20 + 2 (proficiency modifier) + + 2 (performance modifier) +3 (dexterity modifier)
 Charisma check = D20 + 0 (Charisma modifier)
 Constitution Saving Throw = D20 + 2 (Constitution modifier)
 Dexterity Check = D20 + 3 (Dexterity Modifier)
 Initiative Check = D20 + 3 (Initiative modifier)
 Insight check = D20 + 1 (Insight modifier) +1 (wisdom)
 Investigation roll = D20 + 0 (Investigation bonus)
 Perception check = D20 + 1 (Wisdom) + 1 (Perception)
 Performance roll = D20 +2 (Performance modifier)
 Spell save DC = 8 + 2 (proficiency bonus) + 0 (Charisma modifier)
 Stealth roll = D20 + 3 (Stealth modifier) + 3 (Dexterity modifier)

Upgraded to Level 2 on May 25. Added 1st-Level Spell: Thunderwave

Health/ Hit Points – (Level 1) 12; Levelled up on May 29, 2020. At Level 2, rolled a D8 and added
constitution modifier

i.e 12 (initial health at Level 1) + 7 (D8) + 2 (constitution modifier) = 21 = Health/Hit Points at Level 2.

Hit points represent a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck.
Whenever a creature takes damage, that damage is subtracted from its hit points. The loss of hit points has
no effect on a creature’s capabilities until the creature drops to 0 hit points.

The attacker makes an attack roll against your AC. If it's higher or equal, it hits. If it's lower, it misses you.

A saving throw is a roll you make to resist some effect that is being used against you, generally speaking. So
you would make a Dexterity saving throw to dodge out of the way of a dragon's breath, a Wisdom saving
throw to negate an enchantment, or a Constitution saving throw to resist a poison, etc. This is opposed to
ability checks, which are almost always used actively, not in response to some effect (Athletics or
Acrobatics checks used to resist a grapple are an exception here).

When you make a saving throw, you roll a twenty-sided die (called a d20) and add the relevant modifier;
this modifier is the applicable ability modifier (So your Dexterity modifier if you're making a Dexterity
saving throw, Constitution mod for a Constitution saving throw, etc.) and your proficiency bonus if your
are proficient in that particular saving throw. Your class description tells you what saving throws you are
proficient in; for example, Fighters are proficient in Strength and Constitution, Rogues in Intelligence and
Dexterity, and Paladins in Wisdom and Charisma.

You then compare the result to the relevant Difficulty Class. If you are making the saving throw, your DM
knows what the difficulty class for that saving throw is, so just roll. The difficulty class to resist your spells
is equal to 8 + your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Since you're a Bard, your spellcasting ability is Charisma, and if you're level 1 to level 4, your proficiency
bonus is +2. Lam’s spell save DC is is (8 + 0 char + 2prof =) 10

So the shadow would need to roll a d20 (11), add its saving throw modifier, and meet or exceed your spell
save DC, which is 8 + 0 (charisma modifier) = 8.

So Lam makes a constitution saving throw of 19 (D20 17 + Con bonus 2). Compare the value to the relevant
Difficulty Class which.

1st Level Spells

1st GAME (May 4, 2020)

 Rolled a 17 (D20 dice)

 +1 for perception
 +1 for wisdom

2nd GAME (May 9, 2020)

 Perception Check
Rolled a 9 (D20 dice)
 +1 for perception
 +1 for wisdom

 Dexterity Check
Rolled a 20 (D20 dice): Nat20
 +3 for dexterity

 Initiative Check
Rolled a 14 (D20 dice)
 +3 for initiative

 Made a Constitution Saving Throw: Rolled a 20 (D20 dice) [the first Will-o’-Wisp
fires a bolt of lightning, but misses]

 [The final Will-o’-Wisp attacks (because Eastonia the DM rolled a 19]

 Made a Constitution Saving Throw: Rolled a 19 (D20 dice) +2 for constitution [so
DM does a single die of damage instead of 2d8; and she rolled an 8. That’s (12 – 8)
for me.

 I have now 4 hit points left [how much did I have to begin with?]

3rd GAME (May 16, 2020)

 Initiative Check
Rolled a 17 (D20 dice)
 +3 for initiative

 Rolled a D4 dice

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