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Social anxiety is defined as an anxiety of

falling into an embarrassing situation in

the eyes of other people and this
embarrassing situation is associated with
falling into a bad situation in the eyes of
others, a rejection, or a fear of being

WHAT IS inadequate. Individuals with social anxiety

may feel the anxiety of being examined in
a negative way, criticized, and judged by

their verbal or nonverbal behaviors in a
social environment.

Social anxiety can affect several aspects of
your life. It can be felt while you are talking in "I won't know what I will say, and I will
crowded social environments like a party, a be stand freeze." Individuals are expressing their social
meeting, or a class, it also can be experienced anxiety that they experienced
"I will talk absurd, and people will commonly on these below physiological
in face-to-face conversations. It can be felt symptoms:
while you are meeting with new people or ridicule with me."
entering a new social environment, it can also "I will tremble, go beetroot red and I · Nausea or wanting of vomiting,
be experienced with old friends and familiar will be ashamed." dryness of the mouth
· Flushing, sweating, hot flash
groups. To have social anxiety, it is not "People will talk behind me and they · Tremors, rapid heart rate, feeling of
necessary that a person should be in a tightness in the chest
will ridicule with me."
physically social environment; individuals may · Quavering or hoarseness, difficulty
"Everyone thinks that I am very weird." making eye contact
feel social anxiety in video talks and
"They will judge me and think bad · Contraction of the muscles more
telephones. Using public transportation, and than normal
public toilets, and eating lunch in a restaurant things about me." · Rapid breathing and inability to
are also factors that create social anxiety. regulate breathing, dizziness, or muddle

Up to a certain level, feeling social anxiety is

normal and it can be an encouraging factor that
makes people excited to be in different social
environments. However, a high dose of social
anxiety may cause avoiding and it may prevent
people's daily (social and/or academic)
There are other SAFETY BEHAVIORS Studies indicate that
common coping individuals with
methods that These are examples of safety social anxiety use
individuals consulted behaviors: safety behaviors very
to decrease the frequently and those
Leaving social surroundings
density of those early or producing excuses
behaviors are not
feelings. Among not to go to there effective in
Alcohol and/or drug using decreasing social
these, avoiding Not contribute to meetings or anxiety, merely they
social surroundings conversations anything
may bring instant
Having social interactions
that make people with just "safe" people relief and then they
feel like that and Not respond calls may create regret.
acting safety Carrying some anti-

depressants around you with

behaviors come first. saying "just in case"
Create a hierarchy
Understand which conditions you feel

social anxiety and how your body Put the social interactions that you perform
reacts against this in order from easy to difficult. When you


reached the position that you perform the
Examine which social conditions and what interactions that come you easier more
ways your feeling of anxiety emerges and
comfortable, try to make progress in the
think about the reasons for those and note hierarchy. For example, your first step can
them in your mind. Listening to your inner be saying "good morning" to your
voice may help you to discover the neighbors in the mornings, and on the
expressions that create social anxiety. higher orders it can be joining a student

club that you do not know anyone. If using
Control your breathing
public transportation is a behavior that

encourages your social anxiety, you can
Because physiological symptoms, to
use the bus for one station, and then you
understand people's social anxiety that they
can increase the number of stations.
experienced, are one of the most apparent

factors; giving priority to coping with these

factors can be an important step to make

people comfortable. Trying to be calm and

controlling your breathing may provide that you

can think more comfortable and clearer.

As you continue having social interactions, the

difficulty of these interactions will decrease. As

with learning any skill, the confidence in being
Consider your experiences
able to do that job will increase with practice.

Remember that skills develop with practice
Before having social interaction, you might
over time, not in a day.
imagine some negative scenarios that might Aim to decrease avoiding and safety
be real during that social interaction in your behaviors
mind. It will be beneficial that thinking about

all your social interactions and asking that Anyone doesn't like staying in a situation that References
"What can I learn from this situation?" You makes feeling anxiety or fear. However, if we ●
can consider whether the things that you avoid these situations, we let social anxiety merkezi/psikolojik-danisma-ve-gelisim-
thought they will be before they do not manage us and this may cause that we are yayinlar/utangaclik/
happen really happened or not. Generally, far away from our aims that we wish to be ●
you can realize that your expectation about real in a long term. You can remind yourself mer-Modules/Stepping-out-of-Social-Anxiety/Stepping-
the event creates more anxiety than the that the feeling of anxiety is normal and out-of-Social-Anxiety---Module-1---Understanding-
actual event. Considering your experiences Social-Anxiety.pdf
temporary. ●
will provide that you will be more prepared for
the situations that you will experience in the ●
future. iety.pdf

If you think that you need more support on the subject, you can get
support from psychologists at Koç University Guidance Service (KURES)
or from a mental health specialist outside the university.

For detailed information:
Instagram: kocunikures

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