PERFORMANCE TASKS 1st Quarter Gen Chem

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Goal: Your goal is to create a brochure on becoming a better consumer.

Role: You are a researcher.

Audience: The target audience is the people in your community.

Situation: Your task is to research or read on different components or ingredients of the following
items (junk food, soft drink lollipop, detergent). Decide whether it is safe or has good quality. You
can add graphics or pictures in your brochure. It can be printed or handwritten. Use a long bond paper
and fold it into three parts.

Product/Performance: Brochure

Standards and Criteria for Success: The performance task is to be assessed with the following
guides. (Rubrics for the output assessment)


10 points 8 points IMPROVEMENT 4 points
6 points
Sources Careful and Careful and accurate Careful and accurate Sources are not
accurate records records are kept to records are kept to documented accurately
are kept to document the source document the or are not kept on many
document the of 94-85% of the source of 84-75% of facts and graphics.
source of 95-100% facts and graphics in the facts and
of the facts and the brochure. graphics in the
graphics in the brochure.
Attractiveness & The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's formatting
Organization exceptionally neat neat and attractive well-organized and organization of
and attractive formatting and well- information, but may material are confusing to
formatting and organized be a little messy. the reader or the
well-organized information. brochure may be very
information. messy.
Writing - There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than four
Grammar spelling or spelling or spelling or spelling or grammatical
grammatical grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes in the brochure.
mistakes in the in the brochure. mistakes in the
brochure. brochure.
Content - All facts in the 99-90% of the facts 89-80% of the facts Fewer than 80% of the
Accuracy brochure are in the brochure are in the brochure are facts in the brochure are
accurate. accurate. accurate. accurate.

Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well Graphics go well with Graphics go well Graphics do not go with
with the text and the text, but there are with the text, but the accompanying text or
there is a good mix so many that they there are too few appear to be randomly
of text and distract from the text. and the flyer seems chosen.
graphics. "text-heavy".
Information All requested All requested 1-2 pieces of More than two pieces of
information, as well information is requested information are missing
as additional provided on the information is from the flyer.
information, is brochure. missing from the
provided on the brochure

Goal: Your goal is to reflect on how you balance the different aspects of your life.

Role: You are a student.

Audience: Your teacher and classmates.

Situation: We balance equations for a lot of reasons. First, we want the equation to represent what
happens when we observe the chemical reaction in the real world. It also obeys an important guiding
principle which is the law of conservation of mass. Your task is to make an essay about your guiding
principle in life.

Product/Performance: Essay/Reflection

Standards and Criteria for Success: The performance task is to be assessed with the following
guides. (Rubrics for the output assessment)


10 points 8 points IMPROVEMENT 4 points
6 points
Focus on Topic There is one clear, Main idea is clear but Main idea is The main idea is not
(Content) well-focused topic. the supporting somewhat clear but clear. There is a
Main idea stands information is general. there is a need for seemingly random
out and is more supporting collection of information.
supported by information.
Sequencing Details are placed Details are placed in a Some details are not Many details are not in a
(Organization) in a logical order logical order, but the in a logical or logical or expected order.
and the way they way in which they are expected order, and There is little sense that
are presented presented/introduced this distracts the the writing is organized.
effectively keeps sometimes makes the reader.
the interest of the writing less
reader. interesting.
Word Choice Writer uses vivid Writer uses vivid Writer uses words Writer uses a limited
words and phrases words and phrases that communicate vocabulary that does not
that linger or draw that linger or draw clearly, but the communicate strongly or
pictures in the pictures in the writing lacks variety, capture the reader's
reader's mind, and reader's mind, but punch or flair. interest. Jargon or cliches
the choice and occasionally the may be present and
placement of the words are used detract from the meaning.
words seems inaccurately or seem
accurate, natural overdone.
and not forced.
Adding The writer seems The writer seems to The writer relates The writer has not tried to
Personality to be writing from be drawing on some of his own transform the information
knowledge or knowledge or knowledge or in a personal way. The
(Voice) experience. The experience, but there experience, but it ideas and the way they
author has taken is some lack of adds nothing to the are expressed seem to
the ideas and ownership of the discussion of the belong to someone else.
made them "his topic. topic.
Capitalization Writer makes no Writer makes 1 or 2 Writer makes a few Writer makes several
& Punctuation errors in errors in capitalization errors in errors in capitalization
capitalization or or punctuation, but capitalization and/or and/or punctuation that
(Conventions) punctuation, so the the paper is still easy punctuation that catch the reader's
paper is to read. catch the reader's attention and greatly
exceptionally easy attention and interrupt the flow.
to read. interrupt the flow.


Goal: Your goal is to make a short poem about “Pressure in Everyday Life”.

Role: You are a poet.

Audience: Your teacher and classmates.

Situation: Your task is to make a poem about pressure in everyday life. You may use some facts,
based on your daily experiences or relate it in the emotional aspect. You may also add any creativity
or even write your poem in calligraphy. It should be handwritten in a short or long bond paper.

Product/Performance: Poem

Standards and Criteria for Success: The performance task is to be assessed with the following
guides. (Rubrics for the output assessment)

10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Focus on The entire poem is Most of the poem is Some of the poem is No attempt has been made
related to the related to the assigned related to the assigned to relate the poem to the
Assigned assigned topic and topic. The poem topic, but a reader assigned topic.
Topic allows the reader to wanders off at one does not learn much
understand much point, but the reader about the topic.
more about the can still learn
topic. something about the
Meaning & Poem is creative Poem is thoughtful and Most of the poem is Poems appear to be
and original. It is creative. A couple of creative, but appears thoughtless or rushed.
Originality evident that the poet science facts, phrases to be rushed. This is Work is very repetitive, and
put thought into their or ideas may be evident in the poet's ideas are unoriginal and
words and uniquely revisited, but the overall redundancy or use of not many science facts.
conveyed their ideas product is carefully clichés.
and emotions and written.
science facts.
Grammar Proper use of A couple of spelling or The poet's intended There are numerous
English spelling and grammar mistakes are meaning is confusing spelling or grammar errors,
grammar is used evident, but do not by several spelling or making the poem difficult
consistently diminish the meaning of grammar errors. to understand. Punctuation
throughout the the poem. Punctuation Punctuation may be is used incorrectly.
poem. Punctuation is utilized when misused.
is utilized when necessary.
Vocabulary Very high level Adequate use of Unclear meaning; little Inadequate science vocab;
science vocab; science words with description and no figurative language
vividly descriptive some descriptive and figurative language
choice of words; figurative language
good figurative
language used
Neatness The final draft of the The final draft of the The final draft of the The final draft is not neat
poem is readable, poem is readable, neat poem is readable and or attractive. It is not typed
clean, neat and and attractive. It is some of the pages are and looks like the student
attractive. It is typed typed and looks like the attractive. It is not just wanted to get it done
and looks like the author took some pride typed and looks like and didn't care what it
author took great in it. parts of it might have looked like.
pride in it. been done in a hurry.

Record yourself reciting the poem created for Performance #3. Submit the recorded
video either via messenger (Juvy Ann) or gmail ( Your work will
be judged using the following rubric.
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is rarely loud
enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard by all
by all audience by all audience by all audience audience members.
members members most of the members some of
throughout the time. the time.

Posture and Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands Slouches and/or does not
Eye Contact looks relaxed and and establishes eye up straight and look at people during the
confident. contact with everyone establishes eye presentation.
Establishes eye in the room during the contact.
contact with presentation.
everyone in the
room during the
Speaks Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or cannot
Clearly distinctly all the distinctly most of the distinctly only some be understood.
time. time. of the time.

Preparedness Student is Student seems well- The student is Student does not seem at
completely prepared enough prepared but somewhat prepared, all prepared to present.
and has obviously might have needed a but it is clear that Poem is not memorized.
rehearsed and couple more rehearsal was
memorized his/her rehearsals to reduce lacking. Some parts
poem. hesitations. of the poem are not
memorized properly.
Voice and Voice was Voice was Voice was Voice lacked enthusiasm
expression enthusiastic and enthusiastic and somewhat and expression and did
expressive, expressive most of enthusiastic and not convey emotional
conveying emotions the time, conveying expressive but content.
appropriately. emotions emotional content
appropriately was rarely
Body Student maintains Student maintains Student maintains Student's posture is
Language and good posture good posture good posture some sloppy and makes no
throughout throughout most of of the time and effort to incorporate
movement presentation and the presentation and incorporates very actions using body
incorporates many incorporates some few actions using movements.
actions using actions using body body movements
various body movements
Articulation Student's speech Student's speech Student's speech Student does not
and articulation is articulation is good articulation is articulate his/her words in
excellent and word and word sometimes lacking an effective manner and
Pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation and word word pronunciation
contains little to no contains very few pronunciation contains major errors.
errors. errors. contains many minor

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