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Name __Chloe Osborn

Lesson Plan # __3__ Highlight one: observed video additional CT initials: _______ Date CT reviewed:
Academic Subject: __Area and Perimeter__________________ Date Lesson Will Be Taught: __3/1/21__ Class Period/Time: 2:45-

Instructional Planning
Academic or Alternate Learning Assessment
Standard(s) Goal/Target Skill Lesson Objective(s) (Quantitative and Qualitative)
NILS, Essential Elements, Next
Include all 4 components Describe procedures to collect data to monitor learning. Include how
Generation, Social/Emotional
the data drives future instruction. Attach tool(s).
Write out in full. Not for use in SED 251
4.MD.3-> Apply the area Given a random number Quantitative:
and perimeter formulas for and word generator to Throughout this lesson, I will be taking data on how
rectangles in real world determine what type of much EH gets correct and incorrect of the word
and mathematical problem with what sides problems, area, and perimeter problems she rolls.
EH will solve, EH will I will provide feedback on all problems completed and
problems. For example,
solve given any type of give assistance during harder problems such as the two
find the width of a problem (area and irregular shape word problems and feedback toward
rectangular room given the perimeter with rectangles, incorrect problems. If EH solves all problems with
area of the flooring and the squares, irregular shapes, minimal assistance with 100% accuracy, EH will have
length, by viewing the area and word problems) met the objective. If EH does not complete all problems
formula as a multiplication correctly with 100% during this game with 100% accuracy or more
equation with an unknown accuracy with minimal assistance is needed such as using explicit modeling to
factor. assistance. help during a problem, EH will not have met the

During this game, I will be taking notes on the data
sheet of what type of problem EH will be completing
and if EH gets it correct or incorrect. The error patterns I
will be looking for are:
- Miscalculation of area with irregular shapes
such as: multiplying the length and width
incorrectly; dividing the shape inefficiently;
multiplying two-digit numbers incorrectly.
- Adding sides for perimeter incorrectly of
irregular shapes.
Name __Chloe Osborn

Connection to Learners with IEPs

List each learner (bolded initials) with an IEP in the lesson. Include connections to the IEP (e.g. IEP goals and objectives, accommodations, AT). Include learner assets (e.g.
knowledge of learner, strengths)
Learners’ initials with IEP goals (goals taken directly from students’ official IEPs): eTutoring (if no IEP goal/objectives available, create in MAG

Accommodations (includes AT):

- Completed sides on all shapes in this game, no missing sides are included
Learners’ assets (knowledge of Learner and Strengths:
- Benefits from modeling and explicit instruction
- works hard on all problems
Enjoys more independent and guided practice with hands on learning

Learners’ Prior Knowledge: What knowledge, skills and concepts must Learners already know to be successful in this lesson?
- Area and perimeter application on rectangles, squares, and irregular shapes knowledge
- Multiplication
- Addition
Materials/AT/IT: Label each category.
- Completed power point of the lesson
- Geoboard
- Wheel of names and random number generator link
- Data sheet on the iPad on Good Notes
- Some word problems given through the chat written in the body of the lesson that EH will look at and do on geoboard; irregular shape
shapes will also be given if landed
- Exit slip through Google Forms (
Learning Environment: Describe the learning environment including grade(s)/ages of learners. Identify additional personnel (paraprofessionals/speech pathologists/peer
tutors, etc.) & their roles within this lesson.
In this learning environment, EH is in 4th grade on Zoom. The learning environment is a one-on-one instruction between the tutor, Chloe, and
Name __Chloe Osborn

the etutee, EH. No additional personnel included within this lesson.

Grouping of learners: How? And Why? List Learners’ initials in each group.
Transitions: Describe transitions into, during, & out of lesson:
Transition into the lesson: After personal conversation of EH day, I will transition into the preview of the lesson.

Transition during the lesson: After the preview of the lesson, I will transition into introducing the game. The game is a rolling the dice game
where I will click the random number generator which will pick the length/or width of a shape that will have been selected from a random word
generator. Then, EH will use geoboard to complete the problem. In the mix will be some word problems to practice real world application
where on the random word generator, “word problem” will be included.

Transition out of the lesson: After about 20 minutes of playing the game, I will transition out of the lesson by saying, “Okay, that was a great
game, full of practice of area and perimeter!”. I then will review what area and perimeter is one more time and then give a preview of what
Friday will look like, which will then be a reading pre-assessment. I will then give a exit slip more for my reflection of the game.
Cultural & Linguistic Responsive Considerations: How do you plan to make this lesson culturally/linguistically responsive?
EH’s language at home is English and so to keep this linguistically responsive to my student, I will keep the lesson in English.

Learn from and about their students’ culture, language, and learning styles to make instruction more meaningful and relevant to their
students’ lives.
With every lesson, I make sure to adhere to EH’s interests and learning styles for as I want to make each lesson tailored to her success and
comfortability to be who she is and to have fun while also learning. By doing this, I take data with each lesson and reflecting on how to adjust
my teaching for next time and if I need to go back and model some more problems or if I can move on with the lessons.

Academic Language: List vocabulary & instructional language, either foundational or specific, to the lesson.
- Perimeter – specific
- Area – specific
- Shapes (irregular, rectangle, square) – foundational
- Word problem – foundational
- Length -specific
- Width -specific
- Multiply – foundational
- Add – foundational
Communication Skill: Choose only one.
Not for use in SED 251
Communication Skill Strategies & Support:
Not for use in SED 251
Name __Chloe Osborn

Instructional Delivery

Highlight pedagogy of instructional delivery:

Systematic Instruction --- Scripted/Direct Instruction --- Explicit Instruction --- Guided Inquiry/Problem-Based Learning (PBL) --- Other:
Not for use in SED 251

Opening of the Lesson

 Planned Supports (materials/AT/IT to be  Transition into lesson Elicit & Monitor Learners’ Responses
used)  Gain learners’ attention (“hook”)  List Opportunities to Respond
 Instructional or Engagement Strategies  Preview (the agenda of the lesson)
(OTRs) List questions and prompts
with desired learners’ responses;
 Modifications or Accommodations the  Purpose of the lesson (why)- Quote List as many as needed for each
learner may need relating to the
instructional strategies and learning tasks.
 Review critical prerequisite skills methodology piece.;
Prompt or Question (P or Q)
 Expectations for learning (behavior expectations)- Quote
Desired Response (DR)
Planned Supports: Transition: Okay, let’s get started with today’s lesson and
- Completed Power point for today, we are going to be playing a game that practice’s area
the lesson
and perimeter of all shapes that we have learned so far. N/A during this part of the lesson.
Instructional/Engagement Strategies:
- Preview of what is to come Hook: Okay, EH, ready to begin our lesson?
with the lesson
Modifications/Accommodations: Preview: Today, we are going to play just the game today
N/A for this part of the lesson which will consist given area and perimeter problems where
we will roll a dice and roll a random generator of area and
perimeter and also word problems as well. You will get to use
geoboard again to complete all problems.

Purpose: Practicing our skills that we continue to learn is

important to our success in future math classes and subject
because we want to be able to have mastered our skills and not
learn and forget because area and perimeter will come in handy
as you progress with shapes.

Review: No review in this lesson.

Expectations for learning: During this lesson, you will be

playing a game that will allow for guided and independent
practice. You will receive independent practice on rectangles
and squares, but guided practice on irregular shapes since we
Name __Chloe Osborn

just learned that skill.

Body of the Lesson

 Planned Supports  Input/Modeling (explaining and showing learners how; the “I do”) Elicit & Monitor Learners’ Responses
 Guided Practice (practicing with the learners/guidance; the “we do”)  List OTRs (questions and prompts
 Instructional or Engagement Strategies with desired learner responses)
 Independent Practice (total learner independence; the “you do”)
 Modifications or Accommodations the Prompt or Question (P or Q)
learner may need relating to the Desired Response (DR)
instructional strategies and learning tasks.
Planned Supports: Modeling: Okay, let me demonstrate how this game will Questions I would ask during
- Completed Power Point that go. First, you will click on this wheel to determine if you area of irregular shapes:
contains the link to geoboard
will be practicing a word problem, area, or perimeter
and random number/word Q: Remind me how to find
generator preprogrammed problem. The word problem will be a predetermined
with area, perimeter, and problem that I will give you and you will complete in
 DR: length x width
word problem slots for EH to geoboard. With area and perimeter, the slots will also say
land on. what shape you are going to complete. You will then click
- Word problems and Q: Remind me the first step to
on the random number generator for you to receive finding area with irregular
irregular shapes given when
random numbers for your length and width. After you shapes
Instructional/Engagement Strategies: have done all these steps, you will move to geoboard where  DR: diving the shape
- Geoboard then you will complete the problems. I will be here if into smaller shapes
- Modeling if stuck on needed if you get stuck on any problems. P: Find the area of the small
problems shapes
- Random word/number Guided Practice/Independent Practice: This part of the  Q: What are all the areas
generator lesson will entirely be the game and how much assistance is you found?
Q: Tell me what you do next
Modifications/Accommodations: needed. For irregular shapes on area, I will provide more
when you have all the areas of
- Geoboard guided practice structure of asking questions and scaffolding, the small shapes
- Scaffolding during area of but during perimeter and area of rectangles and shapes and  DR: Add the areas
irregular shapes perimeter of irregular shapes, more feedback will be given to
correct if needed.

Irregular shapes:

Word Problems:
A square spring floor has sides of 7 yards long. What is its
Name __Chloe Osborn

 49 square yards

Jordan wants to create a rectangular border around his

gymnastics welcome board. The board is 10 meters long and
and 5 meters wide. What is the area of the welcome board?
 50 square meters

Stacey built a square hamster pen that has sides of 24 cm.

What is its perimeter?
 96 cm

A rectangular airtrack has a width of 5 ft and a length of 15 ft.

What is its area?
 75 square ft

Elsa built a large square vegetable garden that is 9 meters long

and 12 meters wide. What is its perimeter?
 42 meters

*draw for EH* You are walking on an L shaped trail. The trail
is 126 ft wide, 200 ft long on its longest side, 63 ft at the top,
and a short walk of 100 ft to the corner with a sharp 63 ft left
turn and walk another 100 ft to get to the top of the trail. What
is its perimeter?
-> 652 ft

*draw for EH* You have two rectangular gardens with lengths
of 12 and widths of 6 that connect to each other. What is the
area of the entire garden?
-> 144 units square

A beam is 9 ft long and 5 ft wide. What is its area?

 45 square ft

Closing of the Lesson

 Planned Supports  Review Elicit & Monitor Learner Responses
Name __Chloe Osborn

 Instructional or Engagement Strategies  Preview (tell learners what you would do IF you were teaching this lesson again  List OTRs (questions and prompts
 Modifications or Accommodations the tomorrow) with desired learner responses)
learner may need relating to the  Transition Prompt or Question (P or Q)
instructional strategies and learning tasks. Desired Response (DR)
Planned Supports: Review: Today, we played a fun game that allowed us to solve
- Completed Power Point of any problem that came our way with the random dice roller. It Q: What was one thing you
the lesson allowed us to have fun with area and perimeter! found fun in today’s lesson?
Instructional/Engagement Strategies: *provide exit slip with questions on the side* Q: What is something you would
- Review of the lesson like to change if we were to play
- Exit slip through google this game again?
Modifications/Accommodations: Q: Remind me the steps to find
Preview: We will take a break on area and perimeter for now
- Review of the lesson area and perimeter of rectangles,
because we need to work on other skills before we can move on
such as division, but once we work on division, we will start to shapes, and irregular shapes.
incorporate missing sides and figuring out sides when given the
perimeter or area of a shape.

Transition: Have a great night!

Data sheet in Goodnotes

Name __Chloe Osborn

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