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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Paquete Didáctico

Datos generales
Unidad académica: Chetumal ( ) Cozumel ( ) Playa del Carmen ( x ) Cancún ( )
División académica: DCI ( ) DCPH ( ) DCS ( ) DCSEA ( ) DICA ( ) DDS ( ) UAPC ( x )
Departamento académico: English Department
Programa Educativo: Business Engineering, Hotel Managements, Law and Government
Nombre de la asignatura: Inglés Introductorio
Clave de la asignatura: AG-151
Nombre del Docente:
Horario y Aula: 11:00 – 13:00
Total de horas del curso:

Competencias/Objetivos genéricos que se Foreign Language Learning

Competencia/Objetivo disciplinar de la asignatura: To learn English as a foreign language as part of the general subjects needed in each of our four
bachelor’s degrees, up until the English level stated in each degree’s study program.
Competencia/Objetivo The class introduces students to Intro English level integrated practice in reading, writing, speaking
and listening for academic and career English. During this course you will be learning about but not

Greetings and Giving Information Verb to be Most Pronouns

Frequency Words Singular and plural Daily Activities/habits Giving directions
Generalizations Present Simple Do and Does Prepositions
Vocabulary such as statement and action verbs, colors, numbers, nationalities, objects, adjectives,
jobs, food, weather etc.

Special attention is paid to speaking skills as well as comprehension at an intro level.

In order to pass this course students should be able to master the use of Present Simple tense, the

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

use *of Do and Does, as well as greetings, introductions, talking about themselves and the world
around them in present simple. Similarly, they must be able to use prepositions, know nationalities,
colors, numbers, everyday activities and generalities, to give simple directions, tell time, to ask
questions and give proper responses, to talk about themselves and others. So as to pass this class,
all four areas on language acquisition must be master by the end of the course: ENGLISH

If one of those areas were not mastered by the end of the course, the student will be considered as
not on level. Thus, it is not possible to advance to the next level and a failing grade would be given.
Once more, all four-language acquisition areas are considered as part of learning a new language
and they must be master to pass to another level.
Special attention is paid to Speaking skills as well as comprehension at an Intro level.
Propósito/Justificación de la Asignatura: Student’s enrolled in any of the degree programs offered by this University should learn English as
a foreign language up to their bachelor’s degree designated level and as part of the academic
general subjects in compliance with our University regulations.

English Classroom Policies Textbook:

 Empower A1, Starter Student’s Book with Online Assessment, Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine by
Cambridge University. Bring in the original edition book. Do not bring-in unauthorized
copied books from your own making since each book has its own Online access password
thus you cannot use an Online assessment graded and used before. You only need to buy
the Student’s book we won’t be using the students’ Workbook.

Attendance: Attendance is very important. Under the teacher’s free speech rights, you will be
allowed to be absent 1 time only during this semester. After your 1st absence, you will start losing
points in several areas, such as, oral speaking test, vocabulary test and unit test. Handle your
attendance and make good use of the 1 free day you have, which should not be taken if you have a
unit test. If you miss more days, it is up to the professor, and only the professor, to decide if you will
not be able to take the corresponding unit test and a zero will be given to you.

You will be considered as an automatic drop out student and a 0 will be granted to you if you miss
the Mandatory 80% Attendance according to our University Regulations.

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Excuses due to absence will not be accepted. Work, previous commitments, transport problems,
neither parent’s phone calls, letters, tutor’s letters etc. would not act as a support statement for
students to be absent. It is the student responsibility to attend every single class. Moreover, it is the
professor and only the professor decision to accept an illness excuse or a letter etc.

If a student gets sick during the semester, an excuse letter given by the doctor, in which bed rest is
required, needs to be given to the professor. There is a difference between a doctor’s prescription
and a doctor`s letter requesting bed rest.

Punctuality: 5-10 minutes after the assigned hr. would be given to arrive to class; if students were
not on time, the entrance to class will be deny.

Late Work Policy & Make up Tests. Assignments and homework are not accepted after due date. If
you miss a test, you cannot make it up later-on. At the end of the day it is the teacher’s decision to
grant a test re-take.

HOMEWORK is COMPULSORY (MANDATORY). Students would not receive a grade for homework,
although is compulsory to turn it in on time. It is student’s responsibility and duty to do homework.
Turning in homework is a compulsory commitment not a reward. Homework is given in English class
for students to practice and a mean for the professor to check up progress. If students miss turning
in homework, points will be taken away from the corresponding unit test. One point per missed
homework. Even though is mandatory to do and bring your Homework, teachers can consider giving
you a grade for homework done. Check the following grading table for more information.


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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Attendance Mandatory
Speaking Test 30%
Written Final Test 20%
Unit Test and Platform Activities 20%
Written exercises 10%
Oral presentations 20%
Homework and Tutoring Mandatory TO PASS
Total 100%

Academic Integrity: We have high expectations of student’s behavior and academic honesty. We will
not accept work, which has been copied from another book, the internet or another student. If a
student defrauds (copy) on a test, plagiarize on assignments or presentations, the student will
receive a zero for that test or assignment.
Do not copy during test. If students are caught copying, a zero will be given.

If a student is caught copying, no arguments or excuses of any type will be accepted.

Sitting chart in class: The professor can and will ask students to change sitting places during a test,
during speaking conversations, activities and /or at any given time.

Expected Student Behavior in the Classroom: Students are expected to follow appropriate
standards of classroom behavior.

1. Exhibiting respect to other students.

2. Showing respectful values.
3. Showing respect to your professor.
4. Paying attention, participating in class.
5. Turning off cell phones and other electronic devices during class.
6. Maintaining and treating classroom equipment with care.
7. Talking back or raising your voice at professor would be considered as a mayor disrespectful

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

behavior that would be penalize by asking the student to leave the classroom and can be
expelled for one or more classes according to the professors’ discretion. A letter informing
the student’s tutor about the incident will be written and ask to be kept in the student’s
permanent record.
8. Tantrums such as leaving the classroom in the middle of the lecture, slapping doors, yelling,
crying, verbal abuse and false accusations to professor or classmates are not allowed. Such
unacceptable behavior would be penalized by asking the student to leave the classroom and
can be expelled for one or more classes according to the professor’s discretion. A letter
informing the student’s tutor about the incident will be written and ask to be kept in the
student’s permanent record.

Learning Assistance: If you need assistance or extra practice, we offer tutoring given by our Tutoring
Learning Team (More information will be given to you later-on). You can either look up for learning
assistant on your own or you could be sent to take tutoring by your teacher as a mandatory

Read the Following Statement Carefully:

English Language acquisition has specific needs. English classes are not and should never be
measured with the same or similar requirements than classes given in Spanish. English Teachers due
to classroom needs and teaching and learning requirements is not subject to finish or follow this
outline as you see it. Teachers can change a unit’s pace according to needs, to skip or review units
due to students learning outcomes, and to review and stay on a unit for as long as the teacher
decides it. This is a communicative student-centered program which allows for change to be made
by teachers. Students do not learn languages at the same time and pace, and this is done to benefit
students. This point should be clear to all students in this class.

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 1 -2 Hello and All about me

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
- Getting to Know Each other
- Review syllabus: class polices, grading system etc.
- 16 weeks overview of what we will be working on.
- Students will be signing the sign-in paper in order to confirm the delivery of the semester content by teacher.
- Talk about people you know.
- Ask and give information
- Talk about possessions
- Complete a personal information form
- Write an online profile
Unidad 1-2
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 1 Day 1 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and Teacher Ss will look at the Should be able to use and
of know how to apply introduces the picture on the Ss’ correctly apply in all 4
system etc. 16 weeks independen correctly in all 4 Language topic by showing book page 8-9 and language skills the
overview of what we t study or Skills: Introducing a picture from the answer the leading following: Be positive,
will be working on. more. yourselves, talking about S’s book and ask: questions. negative and questions.
Welcome to our people you know and 1.What different Ss will read and
class. Review greeting people. Use verb countries are the answer the exercise An online profile including.
syllabus: class Be for asking and giving people from? on pages 10-11. *name, nationality,
policies, grading Extra peer information in Present 2.Why are they Ss will work in pairs hometown, job, likes and
to peer Simple together? asking and giving dislikes.
Unit 1 and 2 tutoring information. They
Write an online profile Leading will work on Ss’
Grammar: using capital letters and questions: book page 14. Communicate at a basic
Verb Be positive, punctuation correctly 1.Where are you level: asking and giving
negative questions from? Ss will listen and information using Be
and short answers. answer questions present simple.
Possessive Adjectives Reading exercise: from Ss’ book pages
Plural nouns Teacher ask Ss to 16-17
read and answer *To pass Unit progress
Vocabulary: exercise page 12 Ss will work on test 1 and Unit progress
Unit 1- countries, pages 18-19 test 2
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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Unit 2- common
adjectives in/near,
common objects,

Ongoing Speaking
Assessment: talk
about meeting
people from other

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 3 – Food and Drink

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
- Talk about likes and dislikes
- Be able to make a conversation about breakfast/lunch/dinner
- Manage Present simple positive and negative
Unidad 3
Estrategias de Actividades Productos
Temas Hrs. Resultados de enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
aprendizaje/objetivo aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
específico del tema docente
Week 2 Solve Unit 1-2 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and *Ss will look at the
Questions of know how to apply picture on the Ss’ Should be able to use and
independen correctly in all 4 Language book and answer correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: t study or Skills: Talk about the food, some questions. language skills the
Present Simple: more. meals, say what you eat *Ss will listen and following: Present Simple
positive and and drink, order and pay in answer some Positive, negative and
negative. a café questions. questions.
*Ss will make a list
Present Simple Extra peer of different types of A competition entry form
questions and short to peer food and meals, Filled out
answers. tutoring then talk about in
peers about their Communicate at an intro

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Vocabulary: Food. favorite meals and level: ordering food and

food paying it
Ongoing Speaking *Ss will read and
Assessment: Talk answer Ss’ book *To pass Unit Progress
about what kind of exercise pages 32- Test 3
food do you like or 36

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 4 – My life and my family

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
- Conversation about work
- Describing people
- Talk about your family
Unidad 4
Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
Temas Hrs. aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 3 Unit 4 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and *Teachers’ book Ss takes notes from Should be able to use and
Grammar: Present of know how to apply to introduce the the topic correctly apply in all 4
simple positive and independen correctly in all 4 Language topic. presentation. language skills the
WH-questions t study. Skills: relationships and *Teacher Ss use the following: forming
family vocabulary. introduce the Interactive Platform questions in present
Vocabulary: common vocabulary to Ss. extra activities simple, being able to
verbs, family and Extra peer Read for understanding Ss will look at a express in 3rd person,
people, numbers, to peer and meaning picture and will describe family members,
expressing age. tutoring answer questions understand common
about it. verbs.
Ongoing Speaking Ss will make an oral
Assessment: Talk presentation of *To pass Unit progress
about your family their family test 4
and describe people

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 5- Places

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- To learn the use of very

- Be able to perform a conversation about places in a town
- Be able to write a review
Unidad 5
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 4 Unit 5 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
Use of there is and t study. Skills: The use of there is directed learning, learn verbs and following: Asking and
there are positive, and there are. Asking and discussions, pair vocabulary content. saying where places are.
negative and saying where places are work, group work, Use extra internet Write a hostel review and
questions Extra peer listening activities given by an email.
Vocabulary: to peer activities, reading teacher, do
Places in town, very, tutoring Write a hostel review and comprehension homework, go to
a few, lots of, an email. activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an intro
describing a town presentations, speaking and level: conversation about
Read for understanding and media listening. places, and at a hostel
Ongoing Speaking application, Independent study reception
Assessment: perform videos from to master all 4 skills.
a conversation about teacher’s DVD, Listen to video *To pass Unit progress
places in town and Interactive music, interact with test 5
inside a shop Teachers’ book. tourist, watch
movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 6- Work and Routines

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- Learn to talk about daily routines and habits

Unidad 6
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 5 Unit 6 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
Present simple 3rd t study. Skills: present simple in 3rd directed learning, learn verbs and following: present simple
person person negative and discussions, pair vocabulary content. 3rd person
questions, prepositions for work, group work, Use extra internet
Vocabulary: Extra peer intro level listening activities given by
Jobs, routines, habits to peer activities, reading teacher, do Communicate at an intro
tutoring comprehension homework, go to level: talk about people’s
Write about daily routine activities, oral tutoring to practice jobs, daily routines and
Ongoing Speaking and describe someone presentations. speaking and habits, make and accept
Assessment: Talk else’s daily routine listening. offers.
about people’s jobs, Peer work Independent study
daily routines and Read for understanding discussing daily to master all 4 skills. *To pass Unit progress
habits, make and meaning routines and Listen to video test 6
accept offers. habits music, interact with
tourist, watch
movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 7 Shopping and fashion

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- To talk about the clothes on a market stall

- To talk about things you want to buy
- To talk about clothes that people wear
- Know how to ask about and pay for things in a shop
Unidad 7
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 6 Unit 7 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: possessive independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
‘s, revision of t study. Skills: adverbs, clothing directed learning, learn verbs and following: possessive ‘s,
adverbs the use of vocabulary. discussions, pair vocabulary content. revision of adverbs the use
this, that, these, work, group work, Use extra internet of this, that, these, those.
those Extra peer Write questions about listening activities given by Usage of the unit
to peer clothes, and an email to activities, reading teacher, do vocabulary
Vocabulary: common tutoring reply to an advertisement, comprehension homework, go to
objects and prices, learn hoy to use commas, activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
clothes, colors exclamation marks and presentations, speaking and level the clothes you wear
question marks. and media listening. and a small conversation
Ongoing Speaking application, Independent study about going shopping
Assessment: talk Read for understanding videos from to master all 4 skills.
about clothes that and meaning teacher’s DVD, Listen to video *To pass Unit progress
people wear Interactive music, interact with test 7
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch
movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 8- Past Events

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- To learn and Master the use of regular and irregular verbs Past tense
- To learn and Master asking and giving recommendations
- To learn and master talking about past events

Unidad 8
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 7 Unit 8 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: Past independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
simple of verb Be, t study. Skills: Past simple of verb directed learning, learn verbs and following: Past simple of
past simple positive Be, past simple positive, discussions, pair vocabulary content. verb Be, past simple
past time expressions, free work, group work, Use extra internet positive, past time
Vocabulary: past Extra peer time activities, describing listening activities given by expressions, free time
time expressions, to peer food activities, reading teacher, do activities, describing food.
free time activities tutoring comprehension homework, go to
Write a review positive and activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
Ongoing Speaking negative simple past tense, presentations, speaking and level: places to go
Assessment: be able a question about clothes, and media listening. shopping, conversation
to talk about past an email reply to an application, Independent study about old clothes,
events advertisement videos from to master all 4 skills. conversation at a market
teacher’s DVD, Listen to video stall
Read for understanding Interactive music, interact with
and meaning Teachers’ book. tourist, watch
movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 8- Past Events Begin Unit 9

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- To learn and Master the use of regular and irregular verbs Past tense
- To learn and Master asking and giving recommendations
- To learn and master talking about past events
Unidad 8 Continue Unit 8
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 8 Continue Unit 8 12 hrs. plus To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
begin Unit 9 6 of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
Grammar: Past t study or Skills: Past simple of verb directed learning, learn verbs and following: Past simple of
simple of verb Be, more. Be, past simple negative discussions, pair vocabulary content. verb Be, past simple
past simple positive, and questions, talk about work, group work, Use extra internet positive, past time
negative, and past holidays, talk about listening activities given by expressions, free time
questions travel and holiday activities, reading teacher, do activities, describing food.
Extra peer experiences comprehension homework, go to
Vocabulary: to peer activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
Weather, seasons, tutoring presentations, speaking and level: places to go
transport Write a review positive and and media listening. shopping, conversation
negative language: a thank application, Independent study about old clothes,
Ongoing Speaking you note, short emails, videos from to master all 4 skills. conversation at a market
Assessment: Talk letters and notes, free time teacher’s DVD, Listen to video stall
about holidays activities using past events Interactive music, interact with
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch *To pass Unit progress
Read for understanding movies at home in test 8
and meaning English and subtitles
in English

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 9- Holidays

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

- To learn and Master the use of regular and irregular verbs Past tense
- To talk about travel and holidays
- To talk about past holidays

Unidad 9
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 9 Continue Unit 9 12 hrs. plus To learn and master and Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
6 of know how to apply learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: past independen correctly in all 4 Language autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
simple negative and t study or Skills: Past simple of verb directed learning, learn verbs and following: Past simple of
questions more. Be, past simple negative discussions, pair vocabulary content. verb Be, past simple
and questions, talk about work, group work, Use extra internet positive, past time
Vocabulary: past holidays, talk about listening activities given by expressions, free time
Weather, seasons, travel and holiday activities, reading teacher, do activities, describing food.
transport Extra peer experiences comprehension homework, go to
to peer activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
Ongoing Speaking tutoring presentations, speaking and level: places to go
Assessment: Talk Write a review positive and and media listening. shopping, conversation
about holidays negative language: a thank application, Independent study about old clothes,
you note, short emails, videos from to master all 4 skills. conversation at a market
letters and notes, free time teacher’s DVD, Listen to video stall
activities using past events Interactive music, interact with
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch *To pass Unit progress
Read for understanding movies at home in test 9
and meaning English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 10- Here and now

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- To learn the use of present continuous

- To talk about your home
- Ask where people are and what they are doing
- Ask for travel information
Unidad 10 Unit 10
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 10 Review Unit 8 and 9 6 hrs. plus 6 Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
begin Unit 10 of To learn and master, know learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
independen and apply correctly in all 4 autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
Grammar: present t study. language skills: directed learning, learn verbs and following: present
continuous Present continuous and discussions, pair vocabulary content. continuous positive,
Place phrases with work, group work, Use extra internet negative and questions,
Vocabulary: the Extra peer prepositions listening activities given by place phrases with
home to peer activities, reading teacher, do prepositions,
tutoring comprehension homework, go to
Ongoing Speaking Write a review positive and activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
Assessment: talk negative language presentations, speaking and level: present activities,
about and media listening. phone conversation to
communicating on Read for understanding application, Independent study make plans, conversation
the internet and meaning videos from to master all 4 skills. about travel information
teacher’s DVD, Listen to video
Interactive music, interact with
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch *To pass Unit progress
movies at home in test 6
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 10

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- To learn the use of present continuous

- To talk about your home
- Ask where people are and what they are doing
- Ask for travel information
Unidad 8 Here and now
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 11 Continue Unit 10 6 hrs. plus 6 Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of To learn and master, know learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: present independen and apply correctly in all 4 autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
continuous t study. language skills: directed learning, learn verbs and following: present
Present continuous and discussions, pair vocabulary content. continuous positive,
Vocabulary: the Place phrases with work, group work, Use extra internet negative and questions,
home Extra peer prepositions listening activities given by place phrases with
to peer activities, reading teacher, do prepositions,
Ongoing Speaking tutoring comprehension homework, go to
Assessment: talk Write a review positive and activities, oral tutoring to practice Communicate at an Intro
about negative language presentations, speaking and level: present activities,
communicating on and media listening. phone conversation to
the internet Read for understanding application, Independent study make plans, conversation
and meaning videos from to master all 4 skills. about travel information
teacher’s DVD, Listen to video
Interactive music, interact with
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch *To pass Unit progress
movies at home in test 10
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 11- Achievers

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- To learn and Master the use of object pronouns

- To learn and Master the use of can for ability
Unidad 11
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 12 Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
Unit 11 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master, know learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
of and apply correctly in all 4 autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
Grammar: object independen language skills: directed learning, learn verbs and following: object
pronouns, can, t study. Object pronouns and use of discussions, pair vocabulary content. pronouns, can, abilities
abilities can and can’t work, group work, Use extra internet
listening activities given by
Vocabulary: life Extra peer activities, reading teacher, do Communicate at an Intro
events, abilities to peer Write a review positive and comprehension homework, go to level: conversation about
tutoring negative language activities, oral tutoring to practice a job advertisement, a
Ongoing Speaking presentations, speaking and conversation about
Assessment: talk Read for understanding and media listening. people’s lives
about things you and meaning application, Independent study
know how to do, talk videos from to master all 4 skills.
about opinions, talk teacher’s DVD, Listen to video *To pass Unit progress
about people’s lives Interactive music, interact with test 11
Teachers’ book. tourist, watch
movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 12- Plans

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- To learn and master future simple

Unidad 12
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 13 Unit 12 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master, know Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of and apply correctly in all 4 learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: future independen language skills: autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
simple going to t study. future simple going to directed learning, learn verbs and following: future simple
positive, negative positive, negative and discussions, pair vocabulary content. going to positive, negative
and questions. questions. work, group work, Use extra internet and questions.
Extra peer listening activities given by
Vocabulary: Months to peer Write a review positive and activities, reading teacher, do
and future time tutoring. negative language comprehension homework, go to
expressions, ordinal activities, oral tutoring to practice
numbers, the date. Read for understanding presentations, speaking and Communicate at an Intro
Common verbs and and meaning and media listening. Level: conversations about
collocations. application, Independent study summer holiday plans,
videos from to master all 4 skills. conversations about
Ongoing Speaking teacher’s DVD, Listen to video weekend plans,
Assessment: Talk Interactive music, interact with conversation at a dinner
about future plans, Teachers’ book. tourist, watch party
and holidays movies at home in
English and subtitles
in English

Secuencia didáctica de la Unidad 12- Plans

Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- To learn and master future simple

Unidad 12
Temas Hrs. Resultados de Estrategias de Actividades Productos
aprendizaje/objetivo enseñanza- de aprendizaje del esperados/evidencias de
específico del tema aprendizaje del alumno aprendizaje
Week 14 Unit 12 6 hrs. plus 6 To learn and master, know Student-centered Listen, Speak, write, Should be able to use and
of and apply correctly in all 4 learning, see, interact in correctly apply in all 4
Grammar: future independen language skills: autonomous/self- class, use book, language skills the
simple going to t study. future simple going to directed learning, learn verbs and following: future simple
positive, negative positive, negative and discussions, pair vocabulary content. going to positive, negative
and questions. questions. work, group work, Use extra internet and questions.
Extra peer listening activities given by
Vocabulary: Months to peer Write a review positive and activities, reading teacher, do
and future time tutoring. negative language comprehension homework, go to
expressions, ordinal activities, oral tutoring to practice
numbers, the date. Read for understanding presentations, speaking and Communicate at an Intro
Common verbs and and meaning and media listening. Level: conversations about
collocations. application, Independent study summer holiday plans,
videos from to master all 4 skills. conversations about
Ongoing Speaking teacher’s DVD, Listen to video weekend plans,
Assessment: Talk Interactive music, interact with conversation at a dinner
about future plans, Teachers’ book. tourist, watch party
and holidays movies at home in
English and subtitles *To pass Unit progress
in English test 12

Secuencia didáctica
Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad

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Documento impreso o electrónico que no se consulte directamente en el portal SIGC ( se considera COPIA NO CONTROLADA
Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

- Review or catch up on units left behind

- Cambridge Mock Test – Oral exam

Cambridge Speaking Test

Review or Catch up days

Week 15

Secuencia didáctica
Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
- Final Testing Week

• Final English Oral Test

Week 16

Secuencia didáctica
Competencia/Objetivo de la Unidad
- Final Testing Week

TESTING Grades in SAE.
WEEK AND Grades needs to be signed by English Coordinator.
REGISTER Grades will not be received before this date.
Week 17


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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Criterios de Evaluación
Estrategia de evaluación Fecha de evaluaciones Ponderación
 We use Cambridge English Test Maker to give
out Unit test and Final TEST Attendance Mandatory
 We evaluate after each Unit or 1-2 units
Speaking Test and 45%
together, in other words we evaluate
throughout the semester, according to our Final Test
Cambridge program. Unit tests, 30%
 We give vocabulary pop quiz, Cambridge Vocabulary Test
vocabulary or Verbs test. and platform
 We give out On Going Speaking Test activities
 End of the Semester we give out Cambridge Homework and 5% Mandatory TO
Speaking Test to measure real acquisition Tutoring PASS
goals and objectives.
Oral presentations 20%
Total 100%


Bibliografía Básica
 Empower A1, Starter Student’s Book with Online Assessment, Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine by Cambridge University. MANDATORY

Bibliografía complementaria
1. Empower, A1 Starter Workbook by Cambridge University. OPTIONAL. We won´t use it in class

2. English-English Dictionary (recommended)

3. Internet extra support sites

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Procedimiento: Formación profesional- Enseñanza aprendizaje frente a grupo

Fecha de entrega

Elaborada por

Revisado por
Nombre, firma y fecha del Jefe de Departamento que supervisa el paquete didáctico (cumplimiento en cuanto al contenido
del programa de la asignatura y legislación universitaria aplicable a programas de estudio)

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Documento impreso o electrónico que no se consulte directamente en el portal SIGC ( se considera COPIA NO CONTROLADA

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