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The context of the dialog

Four burglars have successfully robbed a wealthy antiques collector.

They decide to flee into the wilderness and keep a low profile for some time.
The dialog unfolds in a car as the gang speeds off into the southwestern American desert, in the middle of the night.
 The characters
Hunter (leader) : Head of the gang; tall, care-free, a gambler.
Sparky : Small, nervous, greedy and mean.
Vijay : The intellectual of the group.
Kat : The young woman.
 The dialog
Sparky (laughing) : “The look on that guy’s puss!”
Hunter (amused) : “Who you talkin’ about?”
Sparky (laughing) : “That guy we just ripped off!  I’m thinkin’ about the look on his face when he sees his
big collection of Navajo jewelry is gone!”
Hunter : “I know somebody else who’s gonna bust a vein in his head! ...his insurance guy!”
...General laughter.
Kat (showing off a ring on her finger and taking a snobby tone) : “Madam’s jewelry ain’t too bad either!”
Hunter : “No wonder she has the nicest jewelry, with a husband that’s got the most valuable collection in Albuquerque.
Sparky (jokingly) : “Had the most valuable collection!”
...General laughter.
Sparky : “Hey, Vijay—what’s your problem!?”
Vijay (scowling) : “You shouldn’t have taken that Navajo statuette, Sparky.”
Sparky : “You’re makin’ a face ‘cause of that crummy statuette?!”
Vijay (scowling) : “That one, we shouldn’t have taken.”
Sparky : “And why not?  It looks cool!”
Vijay : “Maybe, but something’s not right.  We shouldn’t have stolen it.”
Hunter :  “Relax, Vijay, it’s only a piece of stone!”
Vijay (his anger beginning to build) : “A piece of stone that wasn’t mixed in with the others. 
If the guy hid it that well, it’s because he had his reasons.  Don’t you think?”
Sparky : “Whaddaya mean by that?”
Vijay (his anger coming back) : “Well, why do you think he put two circles of salt around it?”
Sparky (mockingly) : “Oh-ho, he’s gonna do the Exorcist for us now!!!”
Vijay (angry) : “In any case, we shouldn’t have taken it.  It wasn’t part of the plan.”
Vijay’s firmness imposes a few seconds of silence.
Hunter : “People can do whatever they want in their own homes.  The important thing is that we can steal from them!”
Sparky is the only who laughs.
Kat :  So where’re we goin’?
Hunter (glad to change the subject) : “Don’t worry, a place where no one can bug us.”
Vijay : “Are you saying that for my benefit?”
Kat (calmly) : “Geez, Vij, don’t take everything so personally. (pause)  So where is this place?
Hunter (taking an exaggeratedly mysterious tone) : “It’s a... ghost-town!”
Sparky (brandishing his weapon) : “Ghosts or no ghosts, we got what we need to be goddamn left alone...
(looking at his watch) Hey, my watch stopped working.”
Kat (looking at her own watch) : “Mine stopped too!”
Vijay (anxious) :  “Shit, me too!”
A heavy silence hangs over the group.  Fear begins to creep into everyone’s spirit.
Hunter (annoyed) :  “Where we’re going, we won’t need them.  Time doesn’t count in Hell.”

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