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Summer Internship Project
“A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in
Surat city”

Submitted by
Prachi O. Asawa

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Riddhish Joshi.


Submitted to,
S. R Luthra Instituted of Management,
Adarsh Society, Athwalines,
Athwa, Surat.

Affiliated to
Gujarat Technological University
Academic Year (2020-2022)

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I, Prachi Asawa hereby declare that the project work entitled “A study on impact of
social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat city submitted to S. R. Luthra
Institute of Management, is a record of original work done by me under the
guidance of Professor Mr. Riddhish Joshi.This project work is submitted in the
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Masters of
Business Administration.
I further declare that the contents of the report are authentic and specific
references have been quoted along with the secondary data for better cross-
check and verification. Any material which has been used for the theoretical
framework and literature review has been clearly indicated and duly
acknowledged and mentioned in the bibliography.




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I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Mr Riddhish Joshi for
providing me valuable guidance in project, right from the stage of selecting
the project till the stage of completion of the project. And I would like to
express my vote of thanks to the honorable principal Dr. Jimmy Kapadia of
S. R. Luthra Institute of Management, Surat, for providing me an
opportunity and extending their support.

I would like to acknowledge my parents and friends for showing their

immense trust in me and supporting me throughout the study.

Finally, I also express my hearty gratitude to all my respondents for their

Co-operation and all those people who are directly or indirectly helped me
for the completion of my project work.

Thank You.

Prachi Asawa

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6 FINDINGS 73-74



➢ ANNEXURE 78-79

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My project is about “A study on impact of social media on

consumer purchase decision in Surat city.” Today most of the
people use social media in their day-to-day life as it helps people
in many ways such as less time consuming and better options on

Today many people buy online produces by just seeing different

advertisement on social web. They prefer to get better option on
online mode of purchases.

This study will help us to know more about impact of social media
on buying behaviour of consumer.

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Individuals were speaking with others without a language in times past. There is an
enormous change in the technique for correspondence in present day days. Web based
Media have turned into an advantageous way of imparting among all age bunches.
The Web and especially web-based media have adjusted the customers and advertisers
conveying medium. The Web has qualities, for example, - the ability to economically
store enormous measures of information at various areas the amazing web crawlers,
spreading of information the ability to work an actual dissemination medium as
programming moderately low costs. With the assistance of net and the presence of
different web-based media locales it is presently workable for money managers to
meet overall clients at single tick of the button. Shopper buy choice is impacted by
online media through bunch correspondence. The web stage is another technique for
fostering the business. Online media alters the specialized strategies among merchants
and purchasers. Online business impacts the purchaser in their buy choice.
Correspondence through online media is another stage to trade data about item and
administrations. Buyers investigating on product through online mode which make
them convenient and get many options and experiences of products.

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It is the study about individual, group of individual and the method people
use to purchase and use the product or service to satisfy their wants.

The study combines various subjects which include economics, sociology,

psychology and marketing.

Consumer behavior will make an attempt to find out the Various factors
which are behind the consumer decision making process for purchase of

It also studies the demographic and psychological characteristics of

consumers and how consumers are influenced by various factors such as
friends, relatives, members in the family, co-workers, people living in the
Consumer behavior, also known as client behavior, provides information
concerning client and his/her consumption patterns. An organization will
still survive if it will offer client desires and demands with a comprehensive
understanding of them. This shows the importance of studying client
behavior.This requires understanding client behavior that isn't thus easy.
A group or individual in a group can make an influence on the behavior of
consumer. The group can be small or large in number. Some of the groups
which will make on influence over an individual behavior are members
belong to family, workers in the organization, individuals living close to
the consumer.
Other group which may affect the individual consumer behavior are
workers union, associations, trusts, community group etc. These groups do
not have regular communication with the individual customer.

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The factors that affect consumer behavior are as follows: -
There are various marketing factors which affecting consumer behavior
that isproduct, price, promotion and place of distribution.


Product plays a very important role. There are various features of product
like in which affect market behavior and purchasing decision of
➢ Physical Appearance.
➢ Packing and Packaging.
➢ Colour of packaging.


Price is also important factor which affect consumer behaviour Target


➢ Price sensitivity
➢ Taxes added on produces.


There are various elements components of promotions that are

advertising,publicity Which affect consumer behavior. There are
various elements
components of promotions that are advertising, Publicity etc., which
affectconsumer behavior.
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The channel of distribution is mainly of two types that is direct channel and
indirect channel which affect marketing behavior, marketers make an
attempt to select proper channel of distribution.

Other factors
There are various factors which affecting consumer behavior that is.
1. AGE:

Age is the most important factor which affect consumer behavior for
example when consumer is younger that is teenager, he may prefer trendy
cloths wherehas an office executives may like to were formal clothing.


Gender is also important factor which affecting consumer behavior like

girls may prefer certain favorable color like pink, purple peach whereas
boys may like blue, black, brown and so on.


The consumer who are educated may like to spends on book, personal care
products and so on.


Income is also an important factor which affect consumer behavior. Highly

income person wants to spend more and vice- versa.

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Social factors are also affecting Consumer behavior like: -

It may be small or big team which contains coworkers, friends and others.
Members of the family will influence the behavior of the individual
consumerand their contribution will be more when compared to others.


1. Culture.
Culture is also an important factor which affecting consumer behavior.
For Example, the culture of South Indian is different from North Indian.
Whereas The culture of Indian is different from other countries too like.

2. Sub Culture.

Sub-culture is yet another factor which affecting consumer behavior.

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Social media permits the user to post comments, give reviews about product and
services which they have consumed put status for the product or service which
includes likes and dislikes, tweet and review about the products. When a customer
is satisfied with the product, he might recommend the product to different users
of social media by passing the message with the help of various available social
media tools. In earlier days, consumer digest was used to put the reviews about
the products,but nowadays social media is slowly taking the position for placing
the product reviews, ranking and recommendations advertising of product. Ten
years before, people rely on the opinion of the retails shop owners and specialists
for purchase of new product, but today consumers rely on the opinion and advice
of the people in social media online web application.

Companies are reducing their budget for paid advertisements and

concentrating on social media advertisements. Ernst & Young surveyed 0n
48 firms that have strong social presences and implied that 83% of the firms
have presence in social media and out of these 42% percent of the firms
using social media to post advertisement, conduct web contest about their
product. They have also used social media tools to build their brand and
the goodwill of their company. Buying decision can be defined as the
method by which customers pass through various stages of buying decision

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The various stages involved in consumer buying decision process are

➢ The problem recognition stage: the identification of product a

clientdesire and willing to buy the products.

➢ The search for info: which suggests search for data bases or external

datasources for information on the merchandise or serving online.

➢ The possibility of different options: which means whether or not

there'shigher or cheaper product offered.

➢ The choice to purchase the merchandise &
➢ The actual purchase of the product.
➢ The below given is the diagram which is showing the various stages.

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A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

The Consumer Behavior for social media decision making process consists of 5

1. Need/problem recognition,
2. Information search,
3. Alternative evaluation,
4. Purchase decision
5. Post purchase behaviors.

According to studies, all of these stages are impacted by social media usage, not
only in developed countries, but also in the developing.

1. Need/problem recognition:

Know that the trigger for all purchases is a need or a problem that the shopper tries
to satisfy or solve quickly. Where it concerns this recognition, Guided Selling acts
as an efficient prospector, uncovering latent consumer needs just waiting to rise to
the surface. Hear recognition is made for different services and product.

2. Information Search:

In this stage overwhelming potential customers search for many products if

they don’t find any solution, they are choice overloaded. Where they are
unable to make any choices for their need.

3. Alternative evaluation

In this stage consumer has harvested all their data and alternatives in order to
make their best decision. In this some products which are selected by
customer may sometimes rejected due to past experiences.

4. Purchase decision

This stage comes after the consumer has taken into account all solutions relevant to
him for shopping needs, and thus is ready to buy. Those that have adhered to the
above principals and offered assistance at every stage will find them strategically
positioned for this impending sale.

Sometimes choice may be overloaded with multiple confusion for different

product. This stage builds consumer confidence for buying produces.

5. Post purchase behaviors

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Once consumer buy products and good and satisfy with their purchase
decision, they will buy same goods again and again with satisfaction. This
way this is the dictionary definition of brand loyalty. If consumer is
dissatisfied, he or she will again search for new products from again first
stage which will again make them to think on product.

Ultimately, Guided Selling delivers the tools retailers and brands need to keep
modern shoppers engaged and satisfied, thus driving conversions and loyalty.
The most ideal scenarios when businesses utilize key Guided Selling solutions
to effectively leverage the above five stages, they find that the lifetime
customers value of their loyal shoppers shoots up and brand loyalty is built
and image of particular products goodwill is maintained in the market.

these prior days buying any merchandise and item by shoppers should get the data
through gathering data from those companions who are either utilizing social sites or
through web.

Social media and Consumer Behavior

Over the most recent 5 years, web-based media develop huge amounts at a time and
become a significant stage for correspondence among individuals. The web-based
media instruments likewise progressed because of innovative improvement. Social
destinations are taking part in persistent exploration to further develop specialized
strategies in online media locales. Numerous sites are giving different devices to
promote and offer items to the clients, however web-based media give offering
instruments as well as gives apparatuses to organize individuals. These days online
media network turns into the significant promoting apparatus for organizations.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City



It is named as the assortment of online correspondence of different data sources which
might be local area based or individual, communications, intercommunications,
substance sharing, sites and a lot more among various clients". While different web-
based media experts characterize the term Online Media and their definitions on the
different focuses: it's
▪ An on-line medium controlled by the net for social correspondence.
▪ A two-way correspondence medium.
▪ A medium that grants creation and trade of data.
▪ A medium that is upheld by web innovation administrations.
▪ Are stages like Twitter, Facebook, Social Gaming, Web journals, Social
Bookmarking, and soon


As indicated by Wikipedia report, there are 300 and more Informal communication
Locales and 150 crore individuals from one side of the planet to the other
( At the fundamental level informal organization is a web
local area where individuals travel through profiles that address themselves to other
people. The significant justification for today’s individuals to peruse these
destinations is a direct result of the rise of Person-to-person communication Locales
significant standards shift that has occurred among the large numbers of individuals.
The Informal communication Destinations ready to acknowledge companions
basically and structure groups building to the interest, business, and so on It is
exceptionally direct to move photographs, share sees on culture, film, sports,
schooling and everyday occasions and happenings.
Long range informal communication Destinations is rejoining old companions and
assists with continuing the wrecked securities. Through Long range informal
communication Destination’s information fills in social, social and efficient angles.
A definitive justification for the rising of long-range interpersonal communication
Destinations is, in light of its ease of use. Anyone can have a record and relate with
anybody. A large portion of the substance partook in long range informal

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

communication Destinations is close to home subtleties, photographs, interest and so

Long range informal communication Destinations are still appallingly a ton of its
beginning phase yet contains numerous product applications which are utilized
around the world, when it achieves development stage, new applications will appear.
Online media focuses on relationship with the clients via sharing of data and interest
among clients. There are various Person to person communication Locales present
across the world, going from Facebook, Myspace, Orkut, and World to LinkedIn
Among the quickly developing rundown of Interpersonal interaction Destinations,
Facebook is the worldwide pioneer, taking into account concerning 300 million
enlisted clients all throughout the planet.


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


In 1995, assists with building up association and correspondence
with their cohorts where they have already considered. Presently the site has forty
million clients. This site doesn’t license the clients to associate with various clients,
it grants to set up correspondence just with the clients who examines in a similar
school. Six began in 1997, the previous interpersonal interaction site
that allows its individuals to build up correspondence with various clients.
Interpersonal interaction started with the on-line networks like which
was begun in the year 1994, GeoCities began its working in the year 1994 and began in the year 1995. This people group fixated on client connection
via talking and helps online media clients to share individual information and ideas
by means of sites by giving free web space to sites. has another
methodology by having connections to each client through mail. In 1990s, client
profiles were a component of Interpersonal interaction Destinations, grants clients to
have an arrangement of companions and quest for various clients with interests of
comparative nature.
In 1987, online informal organization were observers with the clients in Greened
inside the England who speaks with their partners at the Foundation for Worldwide
Correspondences (IGC), prior named as Peace Net and Econet, in the US.
Individuals shared data in a strategy which will be contemplated on-line
interpersonal interaction. At the point when we think about these elements in, then,
at that point, we can say that the Interpersonal interaction Locales as of now exists
even in 1990‟s. It is feasible to do a few of the things, since the days of yore that
informal communication site clients do right now, such as making individual sites
and human activity with others through interfaces, for example, web transfer talk,
online gatherings and networks. A few capacities of Long-range informal
communication Destinations what we have today was there in late 1990‟s.
Six which was set up in 1997, as an organization allows its clients to
keep up with profiles, companions list which assists them with interfacing one
another. The organization was shut following 3 years of foundation since it
neglected to perform well. The justification behind disappointment was less
utilization of net and there were set number of interpersonal interaction locales.
There was dating destinations with various client profiles, however the sharing of
profiles was missing during that time.
In 1999, live diary was made which assists with trading diary with their friends. A
Korean organization named world was begun in the year 2001, with the choice of
soil organizing. In Sweden, lunar Strom was made trailed by world which has choice
of keep up with friend’s list. A site with name ryes was made with the point of

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

building up association with financial specialists in San Francisco. Comparable

informal communication locales like Friendster, liken din, Clan was set up
individually. Clan knew about money managers; Friendster was neglected to
withstand in the market during the newborn child stage however acquired force in
the later stage.
Numerous new interpersonal interaction destinations appeared with many advances
choices for the clients to keep up with companion list and to speak with
companions. In 2002, Friendster acquired significance and many individuals began
utilizing it followed by Myspace, LinkedIn and bobo. On account of the expansion
in utilization of interpersonal interaction locales, in 2005 myspace was seen by a
greater number of individuals than Google. In 2004, face book, the biggest and most
famous person to person communication site was dispatched.
LinkedIn the renowned site was focused on creating and building up work and
business organizations. Flickr was set up for a particular reason for photograph
sharing. Myspace turned into a cutthroat site to another person-to-person
communication site including Friendster. Myspace licenses clients to redo their
profile which got intensely drawn in by the client local area and the situation of
holding biggest clients in interpersonal interaction destinations. Increment of
affection enthusiasm and style for long range interpersonal communication
Destinations, many groups also wandered this field. The other long range informal
communication Locales that arise during this period incorporates YouTube, Zoom
and BlogSpot.
For individuals at 50 years old or more, saga zone was begun in the year 2007. With
the headway of innovation and development in the utilization of net client’s
informal communication locales started to develop a long way among the web
clients especially among the children. The fundamental of your interpersonal
interaction locales is to find companions, allowing the clients to speak with
companion of companions, share photographs, set up talks, foster business
organizations, set out work open doors through known sources, sharing of data and
experience about item and administrations. Toward the finish of 2010, there were
various destinations for interpersonal interaction and a large number of individuals
were clients of these locales.
Early social media. Six degrees is the first of social media platforms
launched in 1997. It had about a million members when it peaked. Unfortunately,
Six Degrees was shut down in the year 2001. From 1997 to 2001, other sites
followed like Asinine, Magenta and Black planet.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Social Media in the 20th Century Technology began to change very

rapidly in the 20th Century. After the first super computers were created in the
1940-time scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create networks
between those computers, and this would later lead to the birth of the Internet.

Social media has become an integral part of all of our lives. We use it to connect
with friends and family, to catch up on current events, and, perhaps most
importantly, to entertain ourselves in this modern world. This is why just under 70
% of Americans, and more than 2.6 billion active users globally, use social
networking sites.

Back in just 2005, social media penetration in the U.S. was just 5 percent, and most
of the rest of the internet didn’t even know what it was. All of this means that the
history of social media is a brief yet tumultuous one, and studying it can help us
better understand just how much, and how quickly, the world around us is changing.

Nowadays, social media is understood as the different forms of online

communication used by people to create networks, communities, and collectives to
share information, ideas, messages, and other content, such as videos to keep touch
and active in social and cultural platform and keep touch with their close once with
long distance.

Many people like to link the history of social media to the growth in
communications technology that has been occurring since the end of the 19th
century. A common starting point is Samuel Morse’s first telegraph, which he sent
in 1844 between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. However, going off our
definition from before, this type of communication does not qualify as social media
history. First, it did not take place “online,” and second, telegrams do not contribute
to any larger community or collective. Instead, they are used to send individual
messages between two people. So, while it’s interesting to think of social media as
being part of a much larger continuum, the real history of social media starts in the
1970s with the emergence of the internet.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Social media role in Globalization.

In our world today, social media has a presence all over the world. It provides a way
for friends to connect with each other, people to meet others on the other side of the
globe, and businesses to connect with each other and especially consumers.
• Social media allows for businesses to personally connect with their
consumers, it also allows them to purchase space for their advertisements to
be seen.
• In the world of business social media allows for companies located in one
country to easily reach consumers in countries all over the world.
• The global aspect allows for companies to produce one marketing strategy
that can reach everywhere.
• As companies develop themselves and decide where they want to go the
creation of a social media account can have a great impact.
• A company can choose to make one account that will be used to reach users
everywhere, or they can choose to make separate accounts for each country
that they want to reach.
• Trading have become the best and flexible it deals online with other country
and make income on it.
• Digitalization in trading has become flexible to work and make dealing globe
in day-to-day activities.
• Hence, social media have connected people globally.
• People can deal with each other by seating overseas and miles away and can
deal on internet with mails, calls, social websites etc.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Social media role in Indian Seniors

India has embraced the internet with open arms, and its digital population has been
rapidly growing in the past decade with over 692 million active internet users . What
started with simple email correspondences, has expanded to a digital universe with
social networking giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter becoming a part
everyday life for millions of Indians who are active in every day-to-day activity in
their life on social media. People are more attracted towards social media and
staring their life and events to stay connected to their close once from long distance.

People started adopting online purchasing and booking on social media


Internet is still propagating in the roots of the Indian society. People are now
becoming more aware of Internet and its benefits. Internet usage has now
matured from the basic emails and search to upscale activities like e-ticketing,
online banking, e-retailing and the ubiquitous social media.

Social Media is really picking up new heights in India. With more people
joining the social networks like Facebook & Twitter, brands are finding it
easy to spread the word about them over the web as consumers find it easy
connecting with each other by using these sites. The trend is flourishing as
many companies are coming big way for Social Media Optimization for their
Product or Services with an objective of increased awareness about the
company and the brand, lead generation and increase in loyal customers. Not
only corporate, political parties are involving social networking sites to
influence voters, as was done in 2009 elections.


The most importantly motivation behind web-based media is to impart; Individuals
were cooperating even before specialized apparatuses were liked. Conversations
have consistently existed anyway the speed to that the associations happened
changed at last that brought about web-based media stages. Generally, these
conversations used to unfurl through Informal. Web-based Media has become part
life, musings, culture and business world any place people have begun abuse
computerized advancements for systems administration, mingling, data assembling
and spreading. Online media, in some structure has been presence since the 1970„s.
The look and feel has changed extraordinarily since the good old days, the
correspondence idea stays as before. Today innovation grants for a bigger
cooperation and time of correspondence anyway like its foundations; online media
permits individuals to communicate to the parcels.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

The announcement board framework started as a virtual impersonation of release

sheets found in schools, local area corridors and supermarkets. Principally utilized
by gamers, programmers and other net clients, Announcement Sheets were among
the first on-line networks. Clients could convey by email, dial-up talk rooms and
local area message sheets. Wonder brought the principal modern notice board
framework, yanking online media up from the underground and making it extra
idea. It was dispatched in 1990 it acquired mass allure because of its shading
interface. The web existed since the last part of the Sixties, as an organization,
however the Overall web turned out to be publicly out there on 6thAugust 1991.
Friendster was dispatched in 2002. It allows the clients to set up profiles, contact
different individuals and offer information with them. In 2003, Myspace was
dispatched, and it held the title of most far reaching long range informal
communication site for a couple of years. It is as yet a valuable site for specialists
and artists to push their work. In the year 2004, the most well-known site Face book
was set up by, Imprint Zuckerberg. The stage has been indispensable in carrying
web-based media into the idea and these days sees more than a large number of
dynamic clients. Twitter was dispatched in 2006 and is a well-known miniature
contributing to a blog site. As of now interpersonal organizations exist for every
enthusiasm, leisure activity, interest, industry and bunch. Enterprises in a wide range
of businesses are creating assortment of specialty interpersonal interaction locales.
Online media isn't simply limited alone, it incorporates sending photographs, sight
and sound message substance and so forth with the development of online media,
the web-based media sites began focusing on creating innovation for sharing of data
in different structures like photographs, sound and video. Photobucket was set up in
2003 for sharing of photographs through site. In 2005, YouTube was dispatched
which was the as a matter of first importance video sharing and facilitating site. The
coming of social news and bookmarking locales like Flavorful, Digg, and Reddit,
inside the mid-2000′s caused a whole better approach for trading of data on the
planet. Web-based media has advanced itself step by step from the time of notice
loads up and as of now there were discrete long range informal communication
destinations for looking, monetary arrangements, film surveys, book audits, sharing
and forming of individual objectives, sharing business thoughts and so on.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


Long range informal communication Sites assist individuals to keep up with their
current associations with loved ones and connect without breaking a sweat and rate.
However, the capacity of Social Networking Sites was accepted to invigorate
genuine world connections, clients frequently release the method for companions
and stretch out their organizations to associates and outsiders.
I Categorizing Social Networks
Long range informal communication Sites can be ordered in a really assortment of
the way, with explicit capacity. Digizine, an organization orders the informal
community, in light of various capacities.

II Profile-based informal communities

This depends on user’s Profile pages., and, are models for profile based informal communities. The
website page created by clients remember an assortment of ways for which they
commonly add to each other’s regions – normally text, installed content,
connections to different substance. A few destinations grant the clients to post video
joins from different locales in their profile pages.

III Content-based informal organizations

Client profile assumes a significant part in building up association with others. Be
that as it may, they play a tiny part when contrasted with posting of substance. The
substance is generally as photographs, and these photographs are remarked by
different clients in informal community.

IV White-mark informal communities

They offer their clients an opportunity to make and be a piece of networks which
suggests that clients can foster their own customized little Site worried to the
interpersonal organization with a significance to their space of topic of significance.
Wet paint is a site which shapes a gathering, where individuals become individuals
from this site and they are allowed to make a substance regarding their matter
intrigue and speak with others whose subject of interest is indeed the very same.

Miniature contributing to a blog refresh

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

This sort of organization gives client to post short messages about the current states
of mind and musings. It assists individuals with getting what the client of the
gathering is thinking and discussing. Twitter is a genuine model.

V Social Search
These sort of informal communities assists individuals with looking through
different interpersonal interaction destinations and profile pages of individuals and
grants the client to discover an individual via name, area or subject interest.
Interpersonal interaction destinations like wink, spokeo are genuine models.

Nearby Forums
These sorts of class are not really going under the see of informal communication,
yet it assumes the part of interpersonal interaction via localized conversation
through on the web and disconnected.


It is a technique by utilizing web-based media website to accomplish the

consideration of individuals. These projects focus on fostering a substance which
will draw in the consideration of the peruses in web-based media and make them to
share the substance in their long-range interpersonal communication website.
Any explanation that is part taken in the interpersonal organizations, which included
short messages, data about an item or administration, brand or an organization is
named as electronic informal. At the point when the data about an
item/administration/brand/organization is partaken in an online media by a client, it
is reshared by numerous clients in other informal communities and when the data is
shared by a reliable source, it becomes appositive advancement for the item than the
advancement done through paid sources. This shows the force of online media
What the significant web crawlers look for as far as web-based media signals are the
source's legitimacy and trust. Definitiveness is not the same as Creation. Origin is a
capacity delivered by Google in 2011, which licenses creators and distributers to add
shifted parts, including photographs, appraisals and more subtleties to internet
searcher results pages. Trust is basic to social signs being perused by the web

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

indexes. Those individuals, whose online media profiles have a trust score, are
called as forces to be reckoned with.

According to shopper socialization hypothesis, correspondence with clients assumes

a significant part and its impact the mental component of client. It additionally has
an effect of demeanor of the client. Online media organizing locales gives a climate
that empowers the customers to convey in the web which will significantly affect
buyer socialization idea

Factor for increasing use of social media in recent 2 years.

Large share of purchases is made online nowadays and in 2020 this number
has grown significantly due lockdown because of Covid-19 pandemic. As the
number of internet users increases and tech companies develop more ways to
integrate the online world into shopping, online retail is expected to grow
exponentially. Logically, many consumer buying decisions are made online as
well, and where do people spend most of their online time on social media. As
they is social restriction in markets, malls, etc.

This has highly affected our use of social media. Our life has become more
and more digital day by day. Due to the rise of online shopping and the
amount of time people spend on social media, social media impacts consumer
buying decisions. Consumers who are influenced by social media are four
times more likely to spend more on purchases.

There are four ways in which social media has a direct influence on purchase

1. Social media and online shopping shortened the customer journey.

2. Social media amplified the impact of social proof or word-of-mouth.
3. Social media influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to
reach your audience.
4. Stories and ephemeral content are a new way to connect to your audience.
Every social media platform is different and can be useful for different

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms major players in social media in
recent 2021

• Blogs: A platform for casual dialogue and discussions on a specific topic or


• Facebook: The world’s largest social network, with more than 1.55 billion
monthly active users on it.

• Twitter: A social networking/micro-blogging platform that allows groups and

individuals to stay connected through the exchange of short status messages
where 140-character limit.

• YouTube/Vimeo: Video hosting and watching websites.

• Instagram: A free photo and video sharing app that allows users to apply
digital filters, frames and special effects to their photos and then share them
on a variety of social networking sites.

• LinkedIn: A place where groups of professionals with similar areas of

interest can share information and participate in a conversation

Flipkart, amazon, Zomato are also the major players to be mentioned as per
2020’s time.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

National publications

The researcher has done literature review on various National Publications, Articles,
Journals which are described below.

Manju Ahuja et al., (2003)02

In their article, targeted on investigating the factors that influence the shopping
behaviour and browsing behaviour of consumers during online purchase
specifically, the study has been conducted about the consumers using business-to-
consumer sites. The researchers also investigated buying preferences of consumers
with varied
demographic profiles which may reveal different buying approaches and consumer
behaviours for a specific class of merchandise and services. Social media is the1
most effective factors that influence buying behaviour of customers.

Muhammad ShafiqGul et al., (2004)03

In the analysis, the researchers concentrated on finding the relationship of social
media and buying behaviour of customer. The study involved the students of
academic institutes of karachi. Around two hundred and sixty questionnaires were
answered by the students. The study finds that there is no strong relationship
between Customer Buying behaviour and social media

Garima Gupta (2013)09

In her paper analysed the influence of social media on product buying. The results
proved of the actual fact that social media have an effect on product buying
intentions. Particularly, there's a powerful impact of 3 factors called information
about product, peer communication and the level of product involvement on
shoppers purchase intentions with respect to social media. The author infers that,
because the product is sold through on-line, it can't be examined; perceived data
shared about the product on social media and information sharing among peer teams
facilitates consumer’s analysis on the product and makes decisions accordingly.

Balakrishnan et al., (2014)11

This study finds the influence of social media towards brand image and buying
opinion of younger Generation. 200 questionnaires were distributed to
undergraduate students of universities in Malaysia. The response rate was 75
percent. 3 hypotheses and 2 propositions were tested using multivariate analysis and
mean. The result showed that the internet communications, on-line communities,

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

electronic word of mouth, and on-line publicity are successful in promoting the
brand image and buying intention of consumers through social media platforms.
These findings notify the managers to reach the younger generation customers social
media is the bestselling tool. This analysis provides information to international
sellers in applying social media activities to market their product.
NimaBarhemmati et al., (2015)18
In their study found that Social Network Marketing is becoming the most successful
model in advertising. This study aims at how Social Network Marketing influences
the shopper buying behaviour among consumers who use social networking sites.
The study also analyses the relationships between customer engagement, social
media selling activities and shopper purchase behaviour. A survey was conducted
among fifty students of Malaysian National University. The results showed positive
relationships between consumer engagement of social media and their buying

International publications:

The researcher has done literature review on various International Publications,

Articles, and Journals which are described below:

Williams et al., (2000)20

In his study reveal that social media marketing influences perception, shopper
selection behaviour, buying-decision and attitude from pre-purchase data phase to
post-purchase behaviour.

Belch and Belch et al., (2003, p120-122)21

Described in their study that at some situation during the purchasing process,
shoppers stop looking out and evaluating data before going to the next stage. At this
stage, shoppers decide whether or not they can obtain products or not. The buying
decision depends on the motivation and influence of other shoppers through reviews
and recommendation
Achille (2008)24
This study indicates that due to reviews and recommendations posted in various
social media sites by the online buyers has increased the number of online buyers to
forty percent in the past two years. As an impact of social media, through online
forty one percent of consumers purchased books, thirty six percent consumers
purchased clothes and shoes, twenty four percent consumers purchased video games

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

and DVDs, twenty four percent consumers purchased airline tickets and twenty
three percent consumers purchased equipment.

ErkanAkar et al., (2011)39

In their study revealed the thing that affects consumer’s attitudes towards selling
through social media. For a businessman, Shopper communities act as new
marketplaces for businessmen. The analysis aims to spot the factors that have an
effect on the consumer’s attitude towards selling a product on a social media

Greenleigh, (2012)46
In his study, investigates the behaviour of young agers in connection with social
media on shopping decision. Millennials are the shoppers who are in the age group
between teen to mid-30s. In step with the researcher, Millennials have the
characteristics like, always connected to social media, hyper-social, looking into
other people activity, shopping and enjoying, strangers as their friends. This study
detailed that fifty-one percent of Millennials trust strangers for shopping the
product, over relatives or friends. 56

The study shows that eighty-four percent of Millennials takes the opinion from
social media communities before shopping for products.

Al-Dhuhli et al., (2013)83

In their research paper states that social media have given lots of opportunities to
customers in adapting completely different aspects in life. Face book, Twitter and
Instagram have contended vital roles in increasing consumers' on-line purchases.
Though Asian nation and alternative Arabian countries face shortage in utilizing
these sites with efficiency, we tend to still have substantial proof of its use. This
paper aims to know that customers are principally influenced by on-line buying;
reasons that tempt client to get on-line, styles of product that are principally
purchased using social media and kinds of social media that are principally
employed by customers in Oman. To realize these objectives, we tend to conducted
2 primary analysis ways, form and interview to analyse the impact of Social Media
sites on users‟ dynamical behaviour who aim to get on-line. The findings show that
Instagram has created vital change in consumers' purchasing decisions towards
selecting product. This study has several implications on each theory and observe
Ethel Lee (2013)82

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

The study aims at clarifying why, when and how the social media affected the
consumer buying behaviour. The study was conducted during May 2013 in Turku.
Quantitative analysis technique is tailored for the aim of this analysis. Primary data
was collected through questionnaire. This analysis offers clarification on how
consumers are involved in the process of gathering required information through
social media before procuring a product. The findings provide that consumer
actively take part in the search of information for a product on social media when
compared to mass media, the search is more subjective and selective and subjective

John Fotis (2010)80

In his study analysed the influence of social media on buying Behaviour specialize
in tourism services. The most important analysis question was - what's the
importance of social media on buying behaviour with reference to travel before and
after the trip. The author had employed qualitative and quantitative ways with focus
teams and 3 structured questionnaires to a similar sample at totally different periods
– before the trip, at the vacation destination and after the trip. Results showed that
Social Media platforms are used at all the stages of the vacation planning. Social
media is used in taking decision for selecting, for changing of vacation plans before
the ultimate choices were taken. Results additionally showed that friends and
relatives proved to be the best level of trust among the data sources, followed from
different travellers in numerous websites

Leslie Martinka (2012)81

In her study examines how Social Media Communities Impact shopper behaviour
and helps to form cultural norms and ideologies. This analysis was conducted with
Facebook and Twitter communities, which influence consumers‟ on-line purchasing
behaviour. Using 3-point Likert-scale, a survey was conducted to answer numerous
questions about the use of social media. The results showed that the communities
inside social media dominate what the customers purchase on-line. The study
reveals that Face book have influenced consumer’s much on-line buying behaviour
and Twitter communities had nearly no influence.

WaqarNadeem et al., (2015)75

This study was conducted on how consumers buy goods online via peer
recommendations and Face book. This study also tested whether the website service
quality have an influence on shopper trust, attitudes, and loyalty intentions. A
survey was conducted with Italian teenage customers who uses Face book to buy
clothes. various hypothesis was framed and these hypotheses were tested by

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

structural equation modeling. The result of the study indicates that online service
quality and use of Facebook for on-line buying have a great impact on consumer

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City



A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


Research methodology is a term that means the science of how research is done
scientifically. It is a way to systematically and logically solve a problem, help us
understand the process the process not just the product of research, and analyses
methods in addition to the information obtained by them. The chapter covers the
objectives of the study and the methodology adopted to achieve those objectives.

Need for research

Consumer spends lot of time on social media and in day to day growing technology
all are getting aware of social media purchasing behaviour. We are making survey
on social media influence in mind of people and there uses for social media.

Problem Statement
• How consumer prefer purchasing of product in growing online digitalization
of markets?
• Does people make use of social media for their purchase?
• Does people are satisfied with social media online shopping services?
• Do people believe on online produces and maintain brand image for product
and services?

Research Objective

• To aware people about social media purchasing power in today digital world.
• To find out the consumers perception towards online shopping
• To find out what factors motivates people to purchase online.
• To find out which factors negative perceptions about online purchases.
• To analyse the level of importance given to online products and services that
influences them in the purchase decision.
• To find it impact on people and use of social media preferences.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Research Design
A Research design is purely and simply the framework of plan for a study that
guides the collection and analysis of data. The study is intended to find the impact of
social media on consumer buying behaviour. The study design is descriptive in
nature. There are three major types of research design: Descriptive, Exploratory, and
cause and effect research design. Also defines the study type, research question,
hypotheses, variables, and data collection methods. Some examples of research
designs include descriptive, correlation, and experimental. Another distinction can
be made between quantitative and qualitative methods.

• Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive study is a fact-finding investigation with adequate interpretation. It is

the simplest type of research and is more specific. Mainly designed to gather
descriptive information and provides information for formulating more sophisticated

• Exploratory Research Design

An exploratory design is conducted about a research problem when there are few
or no earlier studies to refer to or rely upon to predict an outcome. The focus is
on gaining insights and familiarity for later investigation or undertaken when
research problems are in a preliminary stage of investigation.

• Causal Research Design

Causality studies may be thought of as understanding a phenomenon in terms of

conditional statements in the form, “If X, and then Y.” This type of research is
used to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing norms and
assumptions. Causal effect occurs when variation in one phenomenon, an

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

independent variable, leads to or results, on average, in variation in another

phenomenon, the dependent variable.

This study uses Descriptive Research Design as its fact-finding investigation

which deals with answer of questions like what, why, when, and where, etc… It
provides descriptive information relevant to study.

Sampling Plan

Population: All the people who live in Surat city are part of population of the

Sampling Technique: This study uses stratified random sampling method to

draw sample out of population.

Sample Size: Sample size was 180 selected for this study.

Data collection Tool

This study used Structured Questionnaire as the tool of data collection.

Tools for Data Analysis

This study uses Simple Percentage, Chi – Square, ANOVA, and Correlation
Analysis with the help of SPSS as software package for the analysis of data.

Benefits of the Study

This research will help to achieve insights on the impact of social media
consumers buying behavior. It will assist the marketers to get a better idea as to
what attributes are important and matters the most to the consumers.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Limitations of the Study

• Although the project is done taking utmost care, certain limitation may be
bound to be there.

• Accuracy in the data is the main limitation for the research.

• Biased response by respondent.
• This Project has been carried in short time so due to that there are limitations
of time and respondent.
• Due to the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic, responses were
collected through Google forms and not personally administered. Hence, the
researcher had negligible opportunity to explain questions in the
questionnaire to the respondents and hence was filled completely according
to the understanding of the respondents themselves.
• There is possibly for getting wrong response from respondents.
• Respondents are willing to express their feeling while filling the questionnaires
and are likely to be biased.
• Most respondents were not maintaining proper knowledge of various services
provided by their company, so they were unable to provide exact information.


Following are the hypothesis for my research:

H1: social media is considered to be effective in terms of buying intention in the

field of online product and services.

H2: Websites which are attractive, positively create an impact on consumer’s

buying intention on online purchases.

H3: The social media positively influence consumers to purchase via different

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

H4: social media online products transfer meanings which positively affects
consumers buying intention.

Research tools and technique

Population and target population

The total population of Surat city is 7.1 million people, where my target
population was 180 randomly selected citizens from which 80 %
respondents are in 20-30 age group.

Instrument Selection

Primary data: Primary data will be gathered through the distribution of

questionnaire to the respondents and their answers will be recorded, which
will be the primary data.

Secondary Data: Secondary data would be collected through information

given in reports, newspaper, magazines, articles and textbooks and
different websites.

Software Used: SPSS, Excel and spreadsheets would be used.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City



A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


1. What type of age groups are responding to my Questionnaires?

20-30 151
30-40 13
40-50 12
50 4
Total 180

We have received 180 responses from friend and relatives out of which 151
responses where under 20-30 age group. 12 responses from 30-40 age group and 4
responses from above 59 age group.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

2. Category of Occupation.

Occupation COUNTA of Occupation % OF AWARENESS

Businessman 43 23.89%
Government Employee 3 1.67%
Private Employee 41 22.78%
Professional 20 11.11%
Student 73 40.56%


Our survey was done between all occupation category people and their preferences
to buy online and behaviour on their preferences. Generally, we can observe that
majority of the people whose preferences are been conveyed through this project are
Students and Businessman’s and Private employees telling us about their expenses
for purchases online

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

3. Hey!! In these recent days we generally do know about social media! Do we?

Hey!! In these recent days we

generally do know about % OF
Maybe 10 5.59%
Yes 167 93.30%
No 3 1.20%


In recent growing digitalization we have studied how people are aware about social
media purchasing. Out of all responses no one found to be not aware about social
media. All are interactive with social media. Out 100 %, 93.30% know social media

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

4. How often do you use social media?

How often do you use COUNTA of How often do COUNTA of How often do
Social Media? you use social media? you use social media?
Don’t Use 2 1.11%
Rarely 7 3.89%
Regularly 144 80.00%
Sometimes 27 15.00%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

This chart Conveys about how social media has become part and parcel of our regular
routine due to which everyone would be very updated with different information and
different products and rates of those products leading to change in consumer buying
preferences. Like we can see 80% people do use social media regularly and also 27%
are using it on a day-to-day basis.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

5. So, what are the social media platforms you know about and use frequently?
So what are the social COUNTA of So what are COUNTA of So what are
media platforms you the social media platforms the social media platforms
know about and use you know about and use you know about and use
frequently? frequently? frequently?
Different E-Shipmates
like Flipkart, Amazon
etc 42 23.33%
WhatsApp 2 1.11%
YouTube 1 0.56%
Facebook 28 15.56%
Instagram 39 21.67%
Snapchat 44 24.44%
WhatsApp 22 12.22%
YouTube 2 1.11%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

This Chart And table tell us about the popularity of Social Media Sites which are
been mostly used by the people which leads to helping us know about the sites on
which Promotions of the Products should be Mostly Visible and through which
Consumer Preferences are changing. Just as we can see Snapchat (24.44%),
Different Online Shopping Sites (23.33%), Instagram (21.67%) are the most popular
Sites Viewed and known by the people leading to Promotion of Products more on
those Sites.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

6. What You feel about the social media affecting our Purchase Behaviour of
different products in our day-to-day life?
COUNTA of What You COUNTA of What You
What You feel about the feel about the social feel about the social
social media affecting media affecting our media affecting our
our Purchase Behaviour Purchase Behaviour of Purchase Behaviour of
of different products in different products in different products in
our day-to-day life our day-to-day life our day-to-day life
A bit of our purchasing
behaviour 68 37.78%
A bit of our purchasing
behaviour, not at all, we
still go to Departmental
stores 5 2.78%
Affects a lot 89 49.44%
Affects a lot, A bit of our
purchasing behaviour 4 2.22%
Not at all, we still go to
Departmental stores 14 7.78%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

The Chart shows us the responses of 180 people out off which majority of them
thinks that social media really do affect Consumer Purchasing Preferences as we can
see in the Table and the chart that 89 people think that social media affects a lot in
buying behaviour and 68 more think that it somehow affects the behaviour.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

7. If you use social media, do you feel that it helps us knowing about new Products
and Services through social media Publicity?

If you use social media, COUNTA of If you use COUNTA of If you use
do you feel that it helps us social media, do you feel social media, Do you feel
knowing about new that it helps us knowing that it helps us knowing
Products and Services about new Products and about new Products and
through social media Services through social Services through social
Publicity? media Publicity? media Publicity?
Agree 83 46.11%
Disagree 2 1.11%
Neutral 20 11.11%
Strongly agree 74 41.11%
Strongly disagree 1 0.56%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

This analysis provides us information about the new products been Updated on
social media through which People Come to know about the new products. As we
can see that new products get Publicized through Online Sites so it is a cheap way to
advertise the products comparatively then before when we use to advertise it on TV.
87.22% people agrees with the fact that social media helps in knowing new product
to the people.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

8. Have you changed your initial purchase preference after searching

relevant information via social media sites?
Have you changed your COUNTA of Have you COUNTA of Have you
initial purchase changed your initial changed your initial
preference after purchase preference after purchase preference after
searching relevant searching relevant searching relevant
information via social information via social information via social
media sites? media sites? media sites?
Always 33 18.33%
Never 4 2.22%
Often 53 29.44%
Rarely 13 7.22%
Sometimes 77 42.78%
Grand Total 180 100.00%


Preference of people change to search relevant information on social media for

purchasing. Over 42% people prefer sometime to search relevant information on
media and over 18.33% people always use social media for information. Trend is
growing as people are becoming more digitalized.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

9. The feedbacks (reviews/ comments/ posts and so on) on social media

affect your purchase?

The feedbacks (reviews/ COUNTA of the feedbacks COUNTA of the feedbacks

comments/ posts and so (reviews/ comments/ posts (reviews/ comments/ posts
on) on social media and so on) on social media and so on) on social media
affect your purchase? affect your purchase? affect your purchase?
Agree 77 42.78%
Disagree 11 6.11%
Netual 38 21.11%
Strongly agree 54 30.00%
Grand Total 180 100.00%


We have asked people do purchasing reviews made by other customer on social

media effect you buying decision majority of people i.e. 45% get effected on other
consumer reviews.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

10. How has social media helped in Change of Consumer Behaviour.

COUNTA of How has COUNTA of How has

How has social media social media helped in social media helped in
helped in Change of Change of Consumer Change of Consumer
Consumer Behaviour Behaviour Behaviour
Give us lot of Options
among the same
Product Lines 1 0.56%
Provides product
Cheaper than the
market retailers 1 0.56%
All of the Above 98 54.44%
Allowing to shop
without moving to
different places 34 18.89%
Give us lot of Options
among the same
Product Lines 36 20.00%
Provides product
Cheaper than the
market retailers 10 5.56%

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

We have asked the respondent different reason to agree social media helped in
change behaviour. Majority of people agreed all reason which we have asked them.
Over 55% agreed on such reasons and rest of respondent agreed on particular

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

11. Advertisements on Social Medias are eye-catching for Consumers?

Advertisements on Social Advertisements on Social Advertisements on Social
Medias are eye-catching Medias are eye-catching for Medias are eye-catching for
for Consumers? Consumers? Consumers?
Agree 126 70.00%
Disagree 8 4.44%
Strongly agree 45 25.00%
Strongly disagree 1 0.56%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

Advertising on social media is eye catching over 95 % agreed on this question
and out of 95% , 45% strongly agreed that advertising on media also make them
attracted towards products.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

12. Do you agree Advertisement /reviews/blog posts etc have a higher credibility
than advertisement /editorials/other marketing mean on mass media now a days?

Do you agree COUNTA of Do you agree COUNTA of Do you agree

Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement
/reviews/blog posts etc /reviews/blog posts etc /reviews/blog posts etc
have a higher credibility have a higher credibility have a higher credibility
than advertisement than advertisement than advertisement
/editorials/other marketing /editorials/other marketing /editorials/other marketing
mean on mass media now mean on mass media now a mean on mass media now a
a days? days? days?
Agree 119 66.11%
Disagree 22 12.22%
Strongly agree 37 20.56%
Strongly disagree 2 1.11%
Grand Total 180 100.00%


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Advertisement /reviews/blog posts etc have a higher credibility than advertisement

/editorials/other marketing mean on mass media now a days over 87% peoples agree
and get idea from reviews of their consumer for purchasing decision

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

13. Sometimes do you agree Window Shopping-Attractive Offers or sales leads to

Over purchasing of products?
Sometimes do you COUNTA of Sometimes COUNTA of Sometimes
agree Window do you agree Window do you agree Window
Shopping-Attractive Shopping-Attractive Shopping-Attractive
Offers or sales leads to Offers or sales leads to Offers or sales leads to
Over purchasing of Over purchasing of Over purchasing of
products? products? products?
No, it has rarely
happened that i have
purchased due to
discounts and offers if
the product was not
needed 60 33.33%
no, it never happens as
i purchase only those
goods which is needed
(offers are not the
criteria) 27 15.00%
Yes, many times i have
purchased many
products needed/ not
needed due to
discounts and sales
offers 93 51.67%

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Window shopping is where consumer serve on market department where they are
not in need but visit normally to look for different goods and serving. Here intention
of person is not to buy good but some products do attract the consumers and they
buy it. Over 90% people have experienced unwanted shopping they have made in
malls and shop just on visit.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

14. Do you Join the Groups on social media which provides updates about Different
Products and Offers?

Do you Join the Groups COUNTA of Do you Join COUNTA of Do you Join
on social media which the Groups on social media the Groups on social media
provides updates about which provides updates which provides updates
Different Products and about Different Products about Different Products
Offers? and Offers? and Offers?
No 103 57.22%
Yes 77 42.78%


Many people are joining different social media groups on WhatsApp, Facebook etc
where daily different product is sent by suppliers to consumers. Over 58 % people
show interest in such products and join such groups to buy products.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

15. Have You ever Given any reviews to the product Online to affect the Consumer
behaviour regarding the purchase of the product?

Have You ever Given any COUNTA of Have You COUNTA of Have You
reviews to the product ever Given any reviews to ever Given any reviews to
Online to affect the the product Online to affect the product Online to affect
Consumer behaviour the Consumer behaviour the Consumer behaviour
regarding the purchase of regarding the purchase of regarding the purchase of
the product? the product? the product?
Never 36 20.00%
Sometimes 102 56.67%
Yes, always 42 23.33%
Grand Total 180 100.00%

We ask people that have they give review on products which they purchase online
so that future consumer can get idea on it only 23.33 % people always give reviews

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

and 56 % told that sometimes they give response this show people are less interested
to give reviews on products.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

16. Do you think social media has affected the retail markets all over the Country?

Do you think social COUNTA of Do you think COUNTA of Do you think

media has affected the social media has affected the social media has affected the
retail markets all over retail markets all over the retail markets all over the
the Country? Country? Country?
No 6 6
Yes 173 173
Yes, No 1 1

We asked people weather retail market have affected due to social media purchasing
behaviour over 96.1% peoples agree that social media have changes the demand for
retailer’s market.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Hypothesis testing by using Chi-Square Test of Independence

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Age * Hey!! In these 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
recent days we
generally do know
about social media!
Do we?
Age * How often do 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
you use social media?
Age * So what are the 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
social media platforms
you know about and
use frequently?
Age * What You feel 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
about the social media
affecting our Purchase
Behaviour of different
products in our day to
day life
Age * If you use 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
social media, do you
feel that it helps us
knowing about new
Products and Services
through social media
Age * Have you 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
changed your initial
purchase preference
after searching
relevant information
via social media sites?
Age * The feedbacks 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
(reviews/ comments/
posts and so on) on
social media affect
your purchase?

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Age * How has social 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%

media helped in
Change of Consumer
Age * Advertisements 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
on Social Medias are
eye-catching for
Age * Do you agree 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
/reviews/blog posts etc
have a higher
credibility than
marketing mean on
mass media now a
Age * Sometimes do 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
you agree Window
Offers or sales leads to
Over purchasing of
Age * Do you Join the 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
Groups on social
media which provides
updates about
Different Products and
Age * Have You ever 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
Given any reviews to
the product Online to
affect the Consumer
behaviour regarding
the purchase of the
Age * Do you think 180 100.0% 0 0.0% 180 100.0%
social media has
affected the retail
markets all over the

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Age * Hey!! In these recent days we generally do know about social media ! Do
we ?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 5.017a 6 .542
Likelihood Ratio 5.619 6 .467
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 8 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .07.

Age * How often do you use social media?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 9.651a 9 .379
Likelihood Ratio 7.080 9 .629
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .04.

Age * So what are the social media platforms you know about and use

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 14.276a 18 .711
Likelihood Ratio 11.291 18 .882
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 23 cells (82.1%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .02.

Age * What You feel about the social media affecting our Purchase Behavior of
different products in our day to day life

Chi-Square Tests

Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 6.461a 9 .693
Likelihood Ratio 5.601 9 .779
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .07.

Age * If you use social media, Do you feel that it helps us knowing about new
Products and Services through social media Publicity?

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 17.841a 9 .037
Likelihood Ratio 11.950 9 .216
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .09.

Age * Have you changed your initial purchase preference after searching
relevant information via social media sites?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 17.369a 12 .136
Likelihood Ratio 11.986 12 .447
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 16 cells (80.0%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .04.

Age * The feedbacks (reviews/ comments/ posts and so on) on social media
affect your purchase?

Chi-Square Tests

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 12.080a 12 .439
Likelihood Ratio 10.142 12 .604
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 14 cells (70.0%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .02.

Age * How has social media helped in Change of Consumer Behavior

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 6.740a 12 .874
Likelihood Ratio 6.433 12 .893
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 16 cells (80.0%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .02.

Age * Advertisements on Social Medias are eye-catching for Consumers?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 5.163a 6 .523
Likelihood Ratio 4.640 6 .591
N of Valid Cases 180

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

a. 8 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5.

The minimum expected count is .09.

Age * Do you agree Advertisement /reviews/blog posts etc have a higher

credibility than advertisement /editorials/other marketing mean on mass media
now a days?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 15.711a 9 .073
Likelihood Ratio 9.099 9 .428
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 12 cells (75.0%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .02.

Age * Sometimes do you agree Window shopping-Attractive Offers or sales

leads to Over purchasing of products?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 13.969a 9 .123
Likelihood Ratio 11.511 9 .242
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .09.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Age * Do you Join the Groups on Social Media which provides updates about
Different Products and Offers?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 2.938a 6 .817
Likelihood Ratio 2.899 6 .821
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 7 cells (58.3%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .24.

Age * Have You ever Given any reviews to the product Online to affect the
Consumer behavior regarding the purchase of the product?

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 13.438a 9 .144
Likelihood Ratio 10.355 9 .323
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .11.

Age * Do you think social media has affected the retail markets all over the

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi- 2.509a 6 .867
Likelihood Ratio 2.882 6 .823
N of Valid Cases 180
a. 8 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5.
The minimum expected count is .02.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

(Chapter VI)

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

• From the 180-respondent majority of respondent gave similar answer.

• Majority of respondent i.e., 140 respondents out of 180 are connected to
social media and social networking sites.
• After the findings it seems like majority of people i.e 75% are majority to
affected to social media for purchasing decision.
• Many respondents use social media and it has affected the purchase decisions.
• Many respondents use social media to get new ideas and to learn something
new even to check reviews of product.
• Majorities are affected with online shopping in recent pandemic of covid.
• Majority have selected neutral option to say about produces and services.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

(Chapter VII)

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


The motive of the research was triggered by personal interests and how social
media impact the customer decision. The amount of information available
increase is each new days as a result I would overwhelming explore and
attend friend aspects of information via social web. The accessibility and
transfer feel Liberty that social media offers has lead change in how customer
position themselves in today's market. In which it is a value table and
necessary for company to enquire with new market Mindset. The central
graven of the research was to explain social media impact on customer
decision making process. additionally, the research for have school help me to
gain new insights for this perception and identify potential pitfalls and
opportunity via social media for instance to develop appropriate way to tab
into a decision-making process at the right time or to have a better
understanding of why does social media marketing camp using may not be
executing as they would have anticipated.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Reference: -

1. Belch, M.A. Belch, G.E. and Belch, (2003) Advertising and promotion: an
integrated marketing communications perspective”, sixth edition Berkshire,
England: McGraw Hill.

2. Stagno, M. Z and Constantinides, E. (2011). Potential of the Social Media as

Instruments of Higher Education Marketing: A Segmentation Study”, Journal
of Marketing for Higher Education, 21 (1): pp.7-24.

3. Gupta Garima, (2013), “Assessing the Influence of Social Media on

Consumer‟s Purchase Intentions”, Asia-Pacific Marketing Review, Asia
Pacific Institute of Management, pp.31-39, Volume .2 , Issue No. 1.

4. Yi, W. J. and Balakrishnan, B. K., Dahnil, M. I., (2014). The Impact of Social
Media Marketing Medium toward Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty
Among Generation Y. Procedia social and Behavioural Sciences, 148,

5. Prof. Dr Donika K Prof. and Assoc. prof. Dr Elenica Pjero (2015), social
media and Consumer Behavior – How Does it Works in Albania Reality?
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, e-ISSN number 2281-4612
ISSN 2281-3993, Volume 4 No 3 S1 December 2015, pp. 141-146

6. Cothrell, J., and Williams, L., (2000). four smart ways to run online
communities”, Sloan Management Review, 4 (1), pp.81-91

7. Belch, M.A. Belch, G.E. and Belch, (2003) Advertising and promotion: an
integrated marketing communications perspective”, sixth edition Berkshire,
England: McGraw Hill.

8. Achille s. j. (2008). world statistics on the Number of Internet Shoppers

[Online]. USA: SanteAchille Available:
statistics-on-the-number-ofinternet shoppers.
9. Brengman, M and Karimov, F.,. (2011). "The Role of Online Social Media
Applications in Initial Trust Formation Towards Unknown E-Retailers." Multi
Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, PP: 73.

10.Greenleigh, Ian. (2012), “Talking to strangers. How social influences

millennials shopping decisions”, Retrieved from 2012/01/24/infographic millennials

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

11.Ismael, S and Al-Dhuhli, I., (2013). The Impact of social media on Consumer
Buying Behaviour, Thesis submitted to College of Economics and Political
Science, Sultan Qaboos University Special topics in Information Systems.

12.Hennig-Thurau, T Vor dem Esche, J., (2013). German Social Media

Consumer Report 2012-2013. Social Media Think: Lab

Web Sites


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

A study on impact of social media on

consumer purchase decision in
Surat City
I, Prachi Asawa, Student of S.R. Luthra Institute of Management, doing a survey as
part of
my summer Internship project on "A study on impact of social media on
consumer purchase decision in Surat City". I request you to please spare a few
minutes of your busy schedule to respond to this questionnaire. I assure you that
response given by you will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for
academic purposes only. Thank you .

* Required

Untitled Title

1. Name *

2. Age *

Check all that apply.

Above 50

3. Occupation *

Check all that apply.

Government Employee

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City


3.Hey!! In these recent days we generally do know about social media !

Do we ?

Check all that apply.


4. How often do you use Social Media ?

Check all that apply.

Dont Use

5. So what are the social media platforms you know about ? *

Check all that apply.


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

t Youtube
Different E-Shopmarts like Flipkart, Amazon
etc Other:

6. What You feel about the social media affecting our

Purchase Behavior of different products in our day to day

Check all that apply.

Affects a lot
A bit of our purchasing behavior
Not at all, we still go to Departmental stores

7. If you use Social Media, Do you feel that it helps us knowing

about new Products and Services through social media
Publicity? *

Check all that apply.

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

8. Have you changed your initial purchase preference after

searching relevant information via social media sites? *

Check all that apply.

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

es Rarely

9. The feedbacks (reviews/ comments/ posts and so on) on

social media affect your purchase? *

Check all that apply.

Strongly agree

10. How has social media helped in Change of Consumer Behavior

Check all that apply.

Allowing to shop without moving to different

places Give us lot of Options among the same
Product Lines Provides product Cheaper than
the market retailers All of the Above

11. Advertisements on Social Medias are eye-catching for

Consumers? *

Check all that apply.


A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

Strongly disagree

12. Do you agree Advertisement /reviews/blog posts etc have a

higher credibility than advertisement /editorials/other
marketing mean on mass media now a days? *

Check all that apply.

Strongly disagree

13. Sometimes do you agree Window Shopping-Attractive Offers

or sales leads to Over purchasing of products? *

Check all that apply.

Yes, many times i have purchased many products needed/ not needed due
to discounts and sales offers
No, it has rarely happened that i have purchased due to discounts and
offers if the product was not needed
no, it never happens as i purchase only those goods which is needed
(offers are not the criteria)

14. Do you Join the Groups on social media which provides updates
about Different Products and Offers? *

A study on impact of social media on consumer purchase decision in Surat City

15. Have You ever Given any reviews to the product Online to affect
the Consumer behaviour regarding the purchase of the
product? *

Check all that apply.

es Never

16. Do you think social media has affected the retail markets all over
the Country? *

Check all that apply.



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