McLaren - Case Study - 10.24.19

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Constr ction & Propert In estment Po erho se
Gains Greater Net ork Visibilit & Control ith
Clo d-Deli ered Portno CLEAR

London-based McLaren Gro p had been facing endpoint and
net ork sec rit challenges. In partic lar, the compan fo nd
a tomated de ice a thentication, compliance checks and isibilit
consistentl diffic lt. As s ch, McLaren ent in search of a simple-to- INDUSTRY:
Constr ction, Propert In estment &
deplo and operate NAC sol tion that co ld be deli ered in the clo d. Real Estate De elopment
Ha ing e amined a ariet of different NAC technologies on the
market, the compan selected Portno CLEAR. Portno CLEAR

The decision as dri en b CLEAR s abilit to adapt to McLaren s 1,000
sec rit req irements, as ell as the sol tion s ease-of-deplo ment.
As a SaaS prod ct, CLEAR req ired minimal manpo er, no training
and ero TCO (Total Cost to O nership) from McLaren. Also f eling R D Enterprise-grade
McLaren s decision s CLEAR s scalabilit , management ifi sec rit in min tes ith pre-set
infrastr ct re req iring no prior training.
centrali ation, and limited maintenance.
S A Indi id al
ser-credentials or a to connect ia
Toda , McLaren has established a 360-degree ie of the de ices certificate.
connected to its net ork, and has added ne la ers of sec rit since
-T M Clo d-
implementing CLEAR. deli ered RADIUS ser er and no on-
premises hard are/soft are
maintenance / pgrades. CLEAR
O M L G al a s r ns the latest ersion.
McLaren is a pri atel -o ned constr ction, propert in estment and
F A C De ice
de elopment compan ith operations in the UK, United Arab post re assessment dri e polic ith
Emirates and Monaco. The compan s core markets incl de D namic VLAN or ACL assignments.
Blocks or di erts nkno n de ices,
commercial offices, mi ed- se b ildings, residential, retail, and more. incl ding BYOD.

D V &A
Daniel Blackman, McLaren s Head of IT Infrastr ct re & Ser ice,
All de ices on the net ork are seen
together ith his team, completed a compan sec rit post re and easil search to locate sers and
anal sis that incl ded the top 20 CIS controls. Their anal sis de ices.

concl ded that the req ired isibilit of de ices and net ork N V L -I CLEAR orks
components connected to their net orks. ith an ireless, ired, clo d or VPN
infrastr ct re.

CASE STUDY McLaren Gro p 1 sales@portno .com .portno .com


Additionall , Blackman and his team needed the abilit to control hich de ices co ld gain access to the
net ork in accordance ith compan policies, sec rit reg lations and best practices. McLaren t rned to
Portno CLEAR to s ccessf ll sec re their net orks and a tomate sec rit processes.

McLaren faced a common challenge associated ith large and geo-distrib ted organi ations: limited net ork
and de ice isibilit , leading to a ariet of sec rit and compliance iss es, incl ding de ice disco er , ser
a thentication and more.

O r IT team as in charge of responding to net ork access req ests, b t it took s too m ch time to handle
each req est and people str ggled ith the comple it of integrating ith o r e isting infrastr ct re. We
co ldn t control the de ices that ere connecting to o r ireless net orks, incl ding IoT de ices. F rthermore,
e co ldn t be s re that the connected de ices ere compliant ith compan policies before the ere
permitted access to ke reso rces, said Blackman. We also had to deal ith problems related to soft are
and sec rit pdates. We ere often forced to handle this man all for all de ices, hich as e tremel time-
cons ming. Blackman contin ed.

Resol ing iss es became tiresome and req ired more

A McLaren Gro p e needed o find a clo d-
deli ered NAC sol ion i h no reso rce
and more skilled personnel, recalled Blackman. We
o erhead and no added comple i became a are that e had no rog e de ice detection
par ic larl in erms of in rod cing ne or eas access for IoT de ices on o r sites. We ha e
hard are or infras r c re changes. We
CC TV s, a dio conferencing de ices, sec rit
e amined a a n mber of prod c s, and
decided o go i h CLEAR beca se of i s biometric readers, ideo conferencing eq ipment and
ease-of-deplo men . We ere se p i hin more and e reall anted to be able to see hat
half an ho r, hich e ceeded e pec a ions. as connected to the net ork on a single pane of
We are er sa isfied i h ho eas i is o
se his cen rall managed sol ion. We no glass."
ha e comple e de ice isibili and disco er
capabili ies, hich e pre io sl didn ha e
access o. Wi h Por no , i s been eas o
scale o o her loca ions q ickl .
The sec rit team at McLaren needed a sol tion that
Da B ac a , H ad IT & S c o ld be simple to deplo and operate, hile pro iding
@ McLa G
f ll de ice isibilit and net ork access enforcement

After considering se eral net ork access control sol tions across the marketplace, the gro p decided to
implement Portno CLEAR. We decided to go ith CLEAR beca se it as onl p re clo d sol tion, allo ing
for simplified implementation, scalabilit and licensing. Pl s, there as no need to in est in ne
infrastr ct re, Blackman e plained. We ere literall set p and read to go ithin half an ho r, and it s
orked as intended from that moment on.

There ere a ariet of important b siness considerations dri ing McLaren s decision-making process, most
of hich spoke to Portno 's rob st sec rit capabilities and platform fle ibilit :

CASE STUDY McLaren Gro p 2 sales@portno .com .portno .com


1. C D McLaren is grad all becoming a Clo d First compan and looking

to implement more SaaS sol tions here er possible. What McLaren especiall likes:
CLEAR is al a s r nning the most p-to-date ersion on all endpoints, complete ith the
latest feat res and f nctionalit …meaning its IT team can foc s on net ork sec rit and
not orr abo t time-cons ming soft are pgrades.

2. V A McLaren as able to keep their e isting m lti- endor infrastr ct re,

hile recei ing all the sec rit benefits from Portno itho t ha ing to in est in ne
net ork eq ipment or str ggle ith complicated config rations. CLEAR incl des b ilt-in
integrations ith A re AD, Microsoft Int ne, Palo Alto Net orks and more. This ens res
that access management, threat response and the pre ention of lateral mo ement is not
interr pted. Additionall , CLEAR integrates ith nati e and e isting architect re, itho t
the need for port mirroring or span port.

3. S S No that the sol tion has been f ll implemented, McLaren s

sec rit team has s ccessf ll handled all challenges associated ith de ice isibilit ,
net ork access control and compliance enforcement. This incl des the abilit to see all
endpoints on the net ork, and ens re that the are properl sec red according to
compan policies, pri ac standards and reg lator compliance.

4. A As risk-monitoring and enforcement actions are a tomated, McLaren s IT

team can de ote their time to more important tasks that o ld other ise ha e to be done
man all , thereb increasing efficienc and prod cti it .


S S -U


CLEAR controls access to the net ork based on the 802.1X protocol. It can block rog e de ices, q arantine
non-compliant endpoints or limit access to specified reso rces sing access control lists (ACLs) or VLAN
changes. CLEAR displa s a capti e portal to e plain the ne t steps that the ser sho ld follo . It also assists
ith the remediation of de ices and brings them back into a health sec rit state.

CASE STUDY McLaren Gro p 3 sales@portno .com .portno .com


McLaren no has CLEAR s operational console, and is pro iding role-based access for administrators. This
incl des the net ork admin, sec rit admin, IT admin and s pport team. McLaren s de ices are a thenticated
q ickl , and the IT staff can no handle e ceptions - s ch as granting temporar access - ith the simple click
of a mo se. A tomated response actions are in place to remediate de ices that do not meet McLaren s
sec rit standards.

Da -to-da maintenance is no m ch more simple. McLaren s enforcement actions are a tomated as part of a
location-based r le, eliminating the need to rite a ariet of comple r les. No , an one sing CLEAR ill be
able to nderstand h a specific action as taken. Lastl , there is no need for hard are appliances,
hard are malf nction handling or f t re EOL replacements.

Portno pro ides simple-to-deplo , operate and maintain net ork access control, sec re ifi and isibilit
sol tions. Portno soft are can be deplo ed on-premises, as a clo d-deli ered ser ice, or in h brid mode. It is
agentless and endor-agnostic, allo ing organi ations to ma imi e their e isting net ork and c bersec rit
in estments. H ndreds of enterprises aro nd the orld rel on Portno for net ork isibilit , c bersec rit
polic enforcement and reg lator compliance. The compan has been recogni ed for its inno ations b Info
Sec rit Prod cts G ide, C ber Sec rit E cellence A ards, IoT Inno ator A ards, Comp ting Sec rit
A ards, Best of Interop ITX and C ber Defense Maga ine. Portno has offices in the U.S., E rope and Asia. C U
Americas: +1 855.476.7866
E rope: +44 1273.256325 /portno t
sales@portno .com o t .portno .com

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