Graham Essay Why Do People Emigrate

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600-800 words puta madre

Did you ever think about leaving your country to live in another place? If the answer is yes, you
need to know that you are definitely not the only one considering it. The percentage of migrants
is still increasing, now it has become almost 4% of the whole population. People are migrating
inside their continents eg. In the European Union or to whole another part of the world. Some
migrants are forced to do it and some of them do it by their own will. But what are exactly the
reasons standing behind migrations?

Being forced to migrate is one of the worst situations for the resident of the particular country.
Beginning with a deportation by having done illegal activities and ending with hard political
situation. The first case obviously depends on one’s actions – we by ourselves decide to do illegal
things which can lead to deportation. But the case is different when it comes to unexpected war
or bad system of the country. In this kind of situation it is crucial to run away in order to live a
normal, safe life with many possibilities. The best example are attempts to escape from North
Korea, which are definitely not easy these days. Unquestionably one’s life after this experience
opens many opportunities, but I personally think that you somehow attach to the country you
were born in and it creates kind of trauma. Obviously migrations because of bad political
situations mostly are not actually forced, it is one’s decision to leave, but it is caused by the need
to save ourselves and our families. Above all, the thing is that the political situation in the
country does not depend fully on us and in most cases we are not responsible for results of
governments’ decisions. This creates sadness, thinking that the country these emigrants where
born in could be better and actually possible to live in if not for such horrible occurrings as wars.

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