Exercise001 Eng

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Sam : Good morning, Loo. ____(1)____ are you today?

Loo : I am fine. Thank you.

Sam : ____(2)____ is that you are carrying?
Loo : It is my dog.
Sam : ____(3)____ are you taking it?
Loo : I am taking it to see the veterinarian?
Sam : ____(4)____ ? What’s wrong?
Loo : He won’t eat. He is tired all the time. He has to stay at

the vet’s for some time.

Sam : Oh, ____(5)____ many days will that be?
Loo : I think it will take two or three days.
Sam : ____(6)____ normally takes care of your dog?
Loo : I do. Sometimes my sister helps me. Would you like to

come along?
Sam : All right. ____(7)____ bus do we take?
Loo : We shall take bus no. 65.
Sam : ____(8)____ will the bus arrive?
Loo : It will arrive in ten minutes’ time.

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