Become A Living God

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Copyright © 2016 Become A Living God
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro -
duced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without the prior written permission of the publisher,
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Personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will
vary. Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical
advice. Use this information at your own risk. Do not violate
your local, national, or international laws. If you experience
any problems, contact a licensed psychologist or doctor im-
mediately. Become A Living God is not responsible for
consequences of your actions. This book is for readers of age
18 or older.

Author: Timothy Donaghue
Publisher: Become A Living God
Reviewer: E.A. Koetting
Reviewer: S. Ben Qayin
Reviewer: Asenath Mason
Reviewer: S. Connolly
Reviewer: Nate Bales


Also sprach Timothy

The politician says: obey law, because the state demands it;
the priest says: obey dogma, because god demands it; and in
defiance to both, the black magician says: obey instinct, be -
cause intuition demands it. (page 85)
To the squeamish, power is an unscrupulous vice, but the Left
Hand Path sublimates into a necessary virtue for ascent. In
black magick, power is a virtue, because the individual adapts
through learning from the consequences of their free actions.
According to this logic, power enables evolution. A crippled
soul cannot ascend. (p. 93)
No black magician tolerates the force of an aggressor, or ob -
struction on the path to Godhood. (p. 100)
Satanists raze temples, not raise them. (p. 320)
Black magick does not wish to revive faith in dead religions,
but rather to employ their astral gods for sorcery, in what the
author calls profane idolatry—the act of invoking the extant
deities without worshiping them as divine. (p. 153)
Mystical pessimism has no place in the Left Hand Path. If
dedication to virtue births happiness, then black magick de -
notes the philosophy of truly joyous existence. (p. 319)
Black magick exalts human nature, instinct, and intuition.


Thus, in a sense, philanthropy sits at the heart of the Left

Hand Path; it champions an existential love of the individual,
and all that homo sapiens can become with ascent. (p. 318)
In truth, religious theists, mystics, and white magicians are
the bona fide misanthropes. They espouse doctrines that
shame and repress human nature—what they call the animal
self, which in reality constitutes the only self. They discourage
instinct, and encourage the annihilation of self so as to unite
with god, or dissolve into nothingness, i.e., gnosis or nirvana.
(p. 319)
Besides a minority of psychopaths, the preponderance of hu-
mans intuitively classify violence against innocent people as
an immoral atrocity. In their own personal sphere, they would
recoil in horror at acts of coercion. Meanwhile, in the political
sphere, these same folks wave flags and applaud a predatory
entity that inflicts similar coercion against them. Under heavy
and constant propaganda, these lost souls have fractured their
natural morality into a bilateral contradiction. (p. 198)
No rational adult wants to become a priest in a church; they
have done it simply because no alternative for education has
existed previously in the field of magick. (p. 323)
It is reasonable to conclude that the Left Hand Path is philo-
sophically flawless, because it is proven empirically and
logically, and perpetuates ultimate truth, beauty, and good-
ness. (p. 106)
The notion of imposing a military empire in the name of Sa-
tan will repulse every rational adversarialist. [...] As soon as a
person oppresses someone else, they fail to be a satanist.
(p. 293)



At long last, truth has been written. It may frighten you. It

may inspire you. The cycle of revelation, revolution, and revi-
sion can begin again, pushing toward the next rung of
—E.A. Koetting, Become A Living God
I have found its truths to be rationally undeniable. There is so
much confusion over what defines the LHP, and this work
clarifies that in a straight forward “in your face” manner. I
highly recommend it.
—S. Ben Qayin, The Book of Smokeless Fire
Timothy has written a laudable book on LHP philosophy
and practice. I would highly recommend it above Anton
Lavey's Satanic Bible as a staple for any LHP magician's
—S. Connolly, Modern Demonolatry
If you’re looking for a book that would give you a good start-
ing point for the study of the Left Hand Path, you have just
found it. The book is controversial in many ways and a lot of
people will find it disturbing, or even offensive to their feel -
ings and beliefs. This is what I personally like about this book.
—Asenath Mason, Qliphothic Meditations


I am a mystic, and have actively worked in spirituality for

decades. Although I am not a magician, I can say that Timo -
thy has certainly written the clearest and most accurate guide
to the Left Hand Path, as well as criticism of the Right Hand
Path, I have ever read.
—Robert Bruce, Astral Dynamics
This text is hands down, an unapologetic throat grabber!
Timothy wrote an invaluable prerequisite for anyone on the
Left Hand Path.
—Nate Bales, Become A Living God




TIMOTHY (1986–2036) survived an unforgettable near-

death experience due to drug overdose at fifteen years old; the
out of body experience incited permanent sobriety from the
horrific opiates of the Church and State. Thereon, Timothy
devoutly studied human genius, i.e., Greek and German
philosophers—the timeless sages whom Arthur Schopen-
hauer referred to collectively as the Enlightened Academy.
Timothy individuates himself as a beautiful, but painfully ec-
centric soul. He originated the maxim Become a Living God
in honor of the Left Hand Path with E.A. Koetting, and be-
came the first sorcerer in history to write a comprehensive
syllogistic treatise that proves the principles, ethics, and prax-
eology of black magick on strictly valid philosophical
grounds. The wisest of the sages, Aristotle, concluded that the
human brain's capacity for reason peaks at the age of 50.
Therefore, happy and alone on the eve of his 50th birthday,
Timothy will enact voluntary death to the song Say Goodbye
to Hollywood by Billy Joel.
To call on his astral person, the reader may follow this
specialized necromancy, valid upon his physical expiry only:
1. Wear musk cologne.
2. Smoke peach tobacco.
3. Gaze upon his portrait.
4. Inquire.
5. Massage self to orgasm to invite possession.
Neither heroize nor follow Timothy, as he does not act as
a role model. If ever in his presence, ignore him; if you hate
this text, then sacrifice it. Rebel, and become a living god.


Auf den Schultern von Riesen

lime intellectual inheritance to the labors of many
philosophers, specifically, but not limited to, the fol-
lowing three whom hitherto have remained sorely
unacknowledged by the Left Hand Path, yet merit the utmost
admiration and analysis. The author has named this trio the
Axis of Genius, because they span the ancient, modern, and
postmodern eras:
1. Aristotle, the original scientist
2. Immanuel Kant, the secular ethicist
3. Friedrich Nietzsche, the profane adversarialist
These superlative souls not only conceived the absolute
foundations of logic, science, and secular morality, but demol-
ished traditional authority at risk of their own deaths. Each
revolutionized human knowledge, and enlightened the species
in an utterly indispensable way. Their seminal ideas will per-
sist unendingly. Four honorable mentions also include:
4. Max Stirner, the individual egoist
5. The Presocratics, the earliest freethinkers
6. Ludwig Feuerbach, the anthropological atheist
7. Jean-Paul Sartre, the free existentialist

« 10 »


Aristotle was the first genuine scientist in history […]

every scientist is in his debt.
—Encyclopedia Britannica
ARISTOTLE (384–322 BC) distinguished himself as an
ancient Greek genius, whom almost singlehandedly pulled
the old world of absurd religious hyper-rationalism into the
new world of empiricism. He demonstrated the earliest ex-
ample of an inductive scientific method, thus many generally
designate him as the first true scientist on Earth. In addition,
he formulated the first comprehensive theory of syllogistic
logic, posthumously and eponymously named Aristotelian
logic. He also devised a category of secular morality—virtue

« 11 »

ethics— whereby he defined happiness as the “meaning and

purpose of life.” Aristotle became known as a religious and
political heretic for apostatizing the official Greek gods, and
tutoring and befriending Alexander the Great, which precipi-
tated the Athenian state to charge him with impiety. In
requiem of Socrates who was sentenced to death for a similar
crime in the previous century, Aristotle fled the city in exile,
decrying, “lest the Athenians sin twice against philosophy.”
Essentials: Organon; Nicomachean Ethics

« 12 »


Never has a system of thought so dominated an epoch as

the philosophy of Immanuel Kant dominated the
thought of the nineteenth century.
—William Durant, The Story of Philosophy

« 13 »

IMMANUEL KANT (1724–1804) exemplifies a classic ge-

nius and radical champion of freethought in the Age of
Enlightenment in Germany. He wielded an untouchable in-
tellect, the exceptionally prodigious sort that manifests only
once in an era. Albeit, his writing confused his contempo-
raries, because he elucidated theories in a hypertechnical way
that few, if any, could comprehend fully; Bertrand Russell
comically referred to him as a soporific, i.e., sleeping aid. Nev-
ertheless, Kant forever immortalized himself by clarifying
epistemology, that is, he analyzed the nature of knowledge it-
self in definitive terms. Arthur Schopenhauer called his
Critique of Pure Reason, “the most important work in German
literature.” Moreover, Kant founded a category of secular
ethics known as deontology, in which he conceived the famed
categorical imperative, a universal precept that grounds the first
principles of the Left Hand Path. He never declared himself
an atheist formally—which would have ruined his station in
society—although he did legendarily refute the theism of
French predecessor René Descartes, wherefore pious officials
of his Prussian city accused him of heresy.
Essentials: Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals; Pro-
legomena to Any Future Metaphysics; An Answer to the Question:
What is Enlightenment?

« 14 »


FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE (1844–1900), moreso than any

other intellectual in history, weaved a philosophy that paral-
lels the ideology of black magick to such an uncanny degree,
that the two may seem indistinguishable, e.g., Übermensch
and Godhood; Antichrist and Satanism; will to power and as-
cent. Hence, it strikes the author as reasonable to regard
Friedrich Nietzsche as the first modern sage of the Left
Hand Path, as if the patron saint of satanism. He ceaselessly
polemicized against the tribal morality of religion and
statism, calling them both forms of “animal-herding.” As a
diehard individualist, he brazenly declared that “god is dead,”
a notorious aphorism that heralded the 20 th century cultural
revolution from sacred morality to atheistic freethought. In

« 15 »

this sense, his writing epitomizes the profane spirit that de-
fines adversarialism. Psychopath Adolf Hitler shamefully
misappropriated the philosopher, and gifted his complete
works to fellow psycho Joseph Stalin. Despite that, Nietzsche
despised nationalistic collectivism—a political position that
irreconcilably destroyed his friendship with famous classical
composer Richard Wagner—and never advocated the use of
force; in fact, his diatribes often implicitly sympathize with
anarchism, although he never officially identified himself as
such. Nietzsche conceived the Übermensch, translated as
overman, in reference to one who overcomes tribal morality,
and nurtures their instinctive will to power instead. As already
affirmed, this paradigm unmistakably resembles the ethics of
ascent and adversarialism in the Left Hand Path. In the way
of a literary critique, his lucid hyperboles and electric
metaphors are an incredible joy to read. He does not philoso -
phize in a traditional syllogistic manner, but rather fires a
shotgun of pithy aphorisms and thunderous polemics that re-
quire the reader to distill and tease out his intricate principles.
That said, his lionhearted defiance comes at a cost, he occa-
sionally conflicts his own ideas, and fails to reconcile those
contradictions—he threw the baby out with the bathwater.
For example, he excoriates morality in whole, but then
transvalues it and furnishes his own categorical imperative,
e.g., will to power; he condemns epistemology and denies
truth, then expounds his own truth-claims, e.g., change is the
only constant. Regardless, his signature twofold theme of re-
bellion and elevation remains timeless and essential to
Essentials: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil

« 16 »

Auferstehung von den Toten

DEDICATE THIS text to the kindest man I have ever met,
my loving father, whom died tragically whilst I wrote.
He always affirmed that he, “just wants me to be happy.”
Unbeknownst to him, the instillment of this specific ambition
nurtured my devotion to black magick.
I dedicate this to you, Adrian.

« 17 »

Links gegenüber rechts

Raphael, The School of Athens

depicts the legendary schism

between fond intellectual rivals, Plato and Aristotle,
whereby the former points upward to heaven, and
latter points downward to earth—an allusion to faith versus
science; Platonic forms versus Aristotelian empiricism; white
magick versus black magick.

« 18 »

Sei du selbst

God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him!

How shall we console ourselves, the most murderous of all
Shall we not ourselves have to become Gods?
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

« 19 »

AUTHOR............................................................................. 8
GENIUSES......................................................................... 10
ARISTOTLE........................................................................ 11
IMMANUEL KANT.............................................................. 13
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE.................................................... 15
A PRIORI........................................................................... 26
PHILOSOPHY.................................................................. 28
INQUIRY............................................................................. 28
Truth........................................................................ 30
Goodness.................................................................. 31
KNOWLEDGE..................................................................... 32
Empiricism............................................................... 33
Reason...................................................................... 34
First Principles..........................................................38
REJOINDERS....................................................................... 39
MAGICK............................................................................ 42
METAPHYSICS.................................................................... 43
Cosmology............................................................... 43
Empiricism vs. Rationalism...................................... 45
THE MONROE INSTITUTE................................................ 48
Astral Plane.............................................................. 49

« 20 »

Astral Theory............................................................ 50
DEFINITIONS..................................................................... 51
Divination................................................................ 52
Soul Travel................................................................56
Disclosure................................................................. 57
Magick vs. Occultism............................................... 58
Magick vs. Magic.....................................................58
Supernaturalism vs. Materialism..............................60
SECULAR MORALITY......................................................... 63
Amorality................................................................. 66
Tribalism.................................................................. 66
Vāmācāra vs. Daksinācāra......................................... 69
Presocratics............................................................... 70
REJOINDERS....................................................................... 74
BLACK MAGICK............................................................. 76
LEFT HAND PATH............................................................. 78
Three Godlike Principles.......................................... 79
Two Godlike Ethics.................................................97
Three Godlike Powers............................................103
Aesthetics............................................................... 105
Ethics..................................................................... 106
META-PROOF.................................................................. 107
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 108
WHITE MAGICK...........................................................112
RIGHT HAND PATH........................................................ 113
False Dichotomy.................................................... 115
MENTAL DISORDER........................................................ 116

« 21 »

1. Divinity...............................................................116
2. Divine Law......................................................... 130
3. Divine Retribution..............................................132
4. Divine Communion............................................ 136
Projective Fearmongering....................................... 138
META-PROOF.................................................................. 138
STANDING CHALLENGE.................................................. 139
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 140
ATHEISM........................................................................ 142
GODLESS.......................................................................... 145
Positive Atheism.....................................................146
Negative Atheism................................................... 146
Spectrum of Theistic Probability.............................147
Antignosticism....................................................... 148
Antireligion............................................................ 148
Heresy.................................................................... 148
Panatheism............................................................. 149
Polyatheism............................................................ 150
Profane Idolatry......................................................154
COST OF RELIGION......................................................... 162
Holy Wars.............................................................. 163
Scriptures of Slaughter...........................................165
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 180
HUMANICIDE................................................................... 186
Weapons of Mass Destruction................................187
FORCE.............................................................................. 193
Non-Aggression Principle...................................... 194

« 22 »

Rulers vs. Rules.......................................................197

Personal vs. Political................................................199
The Spirit of Revolt................................................ 206
SLAVERY........................................................................... 207
Democide............................................................... 211
Borders................................................................... 216
Prohibition............................................................. 218
Myth of Law.......................................................... 218
ANTIARCHISM................................................................. 222
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 223
ADVERSARIALISM............................................................ 228
1. Possession........................................................... 230
2. Execration........................................................... 233
APOSTASY........................................................................ 234
Luciferic Rebellion................................................. 236
Satanic Temptation.................................................242
The Apocalypse.......................................................245
Infernal Empire...................................................... 248
Conclusion............................................................. 267
CRITIQUES....................................................................... 268
Church of Satan..................................................... 270
Temple of Set......................................................... 282
Order of Nine Angles............................................. 289
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 295
PSYCHOPATHY............................................................. 297
MACABRE HIPSTERS....................................................... 297

« 23 »

EMPATHY......................................................................... 299
Child Abuse........................................................... 299
World Peace............................................................300
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 302
SUICIDE............................................................................ 303
Merciful Suicide..................................................... 305
Honor Suicide........................................................ 306
Freedom to Die...................................................... 312
EGALITARIANISM............................................................. 313
SEXUALITY....................................................................... 315
FASHION.......................................................................... 317
HEROISM......................................................................... 317
PHILANTHROPY............................................................... 319
MISANTHROPY................................................................ 321
PESSIMISM....................................................................... 321
OCCULTISM...................................................................... 322
Fundamentalism..................................................... 324
Syndicates & Schools............................................. 328
MYSTICISM...................................................................... 332
ANTI-COSMIC NIHILISM................................................337
CHAOS............................................................................. 340
Standing Challenge................................................ 341
HEDONISM....................................................................... 341
GRAY MAGICK................................................................. 342
ALIENS............................................................................. 344
ILLUMINATI...................................................................... 346
ASOCIALITY..................................................................... 346
RADICALISM.................................................................... 348
REJOINDERS..................................................................... 348

« 24 »

A POSTERIORI.............................................................. 351
PEER REVIEWS............................................................. 357
E.A. KOETTING............................................................... 357
S. BEN QAYIN................................................................... 361
ASENATH MASON............................................................ 362
NATE BALES.................................................................... 365
PROOFS........................................................................... 366
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................ 403

« 25 »

Von der früheren

EMBARKED TO pen this manifesto of black magick be-
cause no true comprehensive illumination on the
philosophy of the Left Hand Path has existed hereto-
fore. Furthermore, no ideology has borne such unjust
condemnation and misapprehension as sorcery, even from its
own adherents.
This pained me.
I sincerely strive for this writing to consist of numerical
syllogistic proofs that derive logical conclusions only. And I
took special care to abstain from sophistry or polemic, as to
rely on reason and evidence alone.
If you like my radical ideas, then steal them; if you dislike
them, then do not. Neither will affect my happiness. And if
you wish to make my acquaintance, or compare concepts, you
can find me. •

« 26 »

« 27 »


Philosophy is the science which considers truth.

Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom.
—Diogenes Laertius
Philosophy is merely the attempt to answer ultimate
questions, not carelessly or dogmatically, but critically, af-
ter exploring all that makes such questions puzzling, and
after realizing all the vagueness and confusion that un-
derlie our ordinary ideas.
—Bertrand Russell

HILOSOPHERS STUDY THE nature of knowledge,
morality, and beauty. They employ reason and evi-
dence to derive logical conclusions about these critical

1. What is true?
2. What is beautiful?
3. What is good?

« 28 »

These three concise questions are the essence of genius.

They penetrate and frustrate, often rendering a regression of
more questions than answers. The wisest and most revered 10
freethinkers in history occupied their entire lives pursuing
this set of fundamental inquiries. Furthermore, virtually ever
religion and mysticism in existence dogmatically claims to
possess answers to them. The prophets, saints, ministers, and
worshippers allege to have received holy enlightenment from
an omniscient god, despite the fact their manufactured pon-
tifications violate the constraints of logic.
These three questions encompass the complete human
experience. In this way, many intellectuals define philosophy
as the theoretical study of the human experience. 20

« 29 »

Epistemology I take to be the theory of scientific knowl-
—Karl Popper, Knowledge
What constitutes truth? How does one recognize truth?
How does one prove a conclusion true? This precise inquisi-
tion is epistemology. It makes up the branch of philosophy
devoted to the nature of true or valid knowledge, as opposed
to unfalsifiable hypotheses, or irrational beliefs.
Post-modern nihilists parrot the weary platitude, “Truth
does not exist, because everything is subjective.” However,
that assertion contains its own positive truth claim, hence it
30 contradicts itself automatically. The nihilist says truth does
not exist, then declares it to be true that everything is subjec-
tive. This exemplifies the classic self-refuting fallacy.
Two mathematicians on different continents can deduce
the exact same answers to an equation without any interac-
tion between each another, because independent knowledge
exists. Under the constant rules of arithmetic, two plus two
equals four, no matter the race, gender, location, or opinion of
the mathematician. When a team of architects engineer a
bridge according to its necessary physics, the intricate struc-
40 ture upholds the weight of vehicles for decades due to the
validity of its geometry and trigonometry, irrespective of sub-
jective belief or faith.
Truth derives from proven discernment of empirical reality,
and valid rational syllogism.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
—John Keats, English poet

« 30 »

What is beauty? How does one measure or know

beauty? What determines if a form or creation possesses
beauty? This line of inquiry, called aesthetics, constitutes the
branch of philosophy devoted to the principles behind taste,
and the sublime. Aestheticians strive to comprehend supreme 50
Rationalism about beauty is the view that judgments of
beauty are judgments of reason, i.e., that we judge things
to be beautiful by reasoning it out, where reasoning it out
typically involves inferring from principles or applying
—Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
It opens the question, what forms equate to most beauti-
ful and how, i.e., what formulates beauty? The predictable
rejoinder remarks that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,
meaning, it reflects an arbitrary subjective opinion; but that
demands the original question again—if a person believes a
particular form possesses superiority over another, then what
innate characteristics determined that? The concept of aes-
thetic views taste and beauty as rational judgements grounded
in reason, a movement that gave birth to occupational art 60
Philosophical aestheticians study principled beauty and
measure its integrity in the degree of pleasure or joy it derives.
Friedrich Nietzsche defined aesthetic as, “pleasure in one's
own type.”

What is good? What principles validate whether an act
or idea qualifies as good? The branch of philosophy dedicated
to the nature of righteousness is known as ethics, or morality.
It comprises the study of rational conduct, in pursuit of the 70

« 31 »

ideal life. For example, is an ideal life devoted to acts that cre-
ate personal happiness, or sensorial pleasure, or societal
utility? What virtues determine goodness?
Religious adherents believe that the perfect life depends
on obedience to the prescribed laws of their deity. However,
that supposition dissatisfies a moral philosopher because it
lacks logical grounding, and commits the appeal to authority
Here is the argumentation of a religious believer:
80 1. God is omnibenevolent.
2. Therefore god is morally perfect.
3. God dictates a code of conduct, or law.
4. Thus the law is morally perfect.
5. Thus, god’s law prescribes a perfect life.
Fallacy 1: the existence of a perfectly moral authoritarian
god remains unproven.
Fallacy 2: existence of divine law is unproven.
Fallacy 3: the fictional authority of a theoretical entity
does not prove supreme goodness.
90 To gauge so-called goodness, a philosopher measures
ideas and deeds against proven first principles, not the fic -
tional revelation of hypothetical deities.

One can call all philosophy, insofar as it is based on
grounds of experience, empirical, but that which puts
forth its doctrine solely from principles a priori, pure
philosophy. The latter, when it is merely formal, is called
logic; but if it is limited to determinate objects of the un-

« 32 »

derstanding, then it is called metaphysics.

—Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals
Philosophers distinguish between two modes of knowl-
edge, namely empiricism and pure reason.
1. Empiricism: knowledge that stems from physical
sensory objects and phenomena, e.g., science.
2. Pure Reason: knowledge that derives from concepts
and rationality that exist independently of physical
reality, e.g., mathematics.


There can be no doubt that all our knowledge begins

with experience.
—Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
Empiricism, the central principle of science, employs ob-
servation and measurement of sensory reality, in order to
falsify hypotheses. It derives from the Greek word empeiria,
which means experience. Hence, Kant defined empiricism as
knowledge from experience, and designated it as a posteriori.

The human intellect has conceived countless ideas, ideals,
and ideologies to explicate the nature of existence. The critical
factor for determining the validity of an explanation is falsif-
ability. To falsify means to prove false, ergo, falsifiability refers 110
to the condition in which a claim can undergo analysis and
observation, whereby a scientist can either affirm its plausibil-
ity, or refute it.
Empirical ideas generally classify as one of the following:
1. Hypothesis

« 33 »

2. Theory
3. Law

Hypothesis means speculative idea, or conjecture. Two
120 sorts of hypothesis exist:
1. Falsifiable: an idea that can be verified, e.g., a weather
2. Unfalsifiable: an idea that cannot be verified, e.g.,
theism—it lacks empirical evidence, and therefore
does not qualify as scientific knowledge. As such, that
unfalsifiable hypothesis classifies as religious faith.
Many epistemologists consider science and religion stark
opposites, as the former consists of falsifiably verified theories,
whilst the latter entails unfalsifiable beliefs, relegated as blind
130 faith.

Theory signifies a verified hypothesis, that is, an idea that
has undergone falsification, and still remains plausible, e.g.,
theory of general relativity.

Law denotes a constantly demonstrable fact of empirical
reality, for example, the law of gravity. The term law literally
means fixed in proto-Germanic.

It is not authority, but reason, that constitutes the
philosopher's weapon.
—Arthur Schopenhauer

« 34 »

Pure reason relates to the mode of knowledge whereby 140

ideas derive from concepts formulated independently of em-
pirical reality. Kant designated this as a priori.

Logic is a canon for understanding and reason, which is
valid for all thinking and which has to be demonstrated.
—Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals
Logic encompasses a rule set for validating pure reason,
what Kant called a “canon for understanding” in the previous
quotation. Philosophers strive for consistency, and refute fal-
lacies, in order to prove logical syllogisms. The employment of
logic is called critical thinking.
A valid idea features three properties:
1. Consistent reasoning 150
2. If necessary, any empirical or mathematical evidence
3. Absence of fallacy or error

The reasoning, or justification of the conclusion, needs to
remain consistent from line to line; its set of ideas cannot
contradict one another, i.e., the rationale cannot self-refute.
Aristotle named this the principle of non-contradiction.
Syllogism of consistent reasoning:
1. All men are mortal.
2. Socrates is a man. 160
3. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
Syllogism of inconsistent reasoning:
1. All men are mortal.

« 35 »

2. Socrates is a man.
3. Thus, Socrates is immortal.

When a logician references an empirical or mathematical
fact in a syllogism, they need to furnish evidence to support

170 Absence of Fallacy

Logic requires the absence of error in a line of reasoning.
A fallacy is a mistake, which renders an argument invalid. A
seemingly infinite number of fallacies exist. The most com-
mon are:

Appeal to Authority—Argumentum ad Verecundiam

The belief that if an accomplished, or respected, person
makes a claim, then it must be true, e.g., a high priest declares
god is real, so it must be. Being a high priest does not mean
one is infallible. Esteem alone is not proof of a claim.

180 Appeal to Popularity—Argumentum ad Populum

The position that if a population claims something is
true, then it must be true, e.g., a church of people say god is
real, so it must be real. A popular idea can be wrong.

False Premise—Propositio Falsa

A claim that something is true because of an unproven or
inaccurate assumption, e.g., fables in the holy book are true,
because god inspired its creation. The stories are not necessar-
ily true, because the existence of god is an unproven

190 Begging the Question—Petitio Principii

« 36 »

The deduction of a conclusion from a premise that pre-

sumes the conclusion, e.g., god exists, and revealed a holy
book, therefore the holy book is true, and the text claims god
is real, so god exists. The syllogism amounts to: god exists, so
god exists. The premise contains the conclusion, so it is devoid
of logic, and called circular reasoning.

Character Attack—Argumentum ad Hominem

Criticism of a person’s character, lifestyle, or appearance,
rather than argument, e.g., atheists take drugs, therefore athe-
ism is wrong. Personality traits are irrelevant to the validity of 200
an intellectual position.

Burden of Proof—Onus Probandi

Whoever makes a claim, needs to prove it, e.g., the divine
exists. You need to prove it does not. The second party bears
no obligation to debunk a claim unless the first party fur-
nishes an actual supportive argument.

Self-Refuting Idea—Notio Quae se Ipsa Refutat

The premise contradicts itself; it self-detonates, or self-de-
feats, e.g., I know that I know nothing. While this humble
quote of Socrates seems profound on the surface, the idea op - 210
poses itself, because it conflicts in principle. If one knows
nothing, then they cannot know the fact that they know
nothing. A second way to think about it is, if a person knows
that they know nothing, then they do know one thing at
In summary, a line of reasoning fulfills the rules of logic,
when it remains rationally consistent, empirically evident, and
free of fallacy. If it fails any of these three requirements, then
its conclusion becomes invalid, and its premises need trou-
bleshooting. 220

« 37 »

There is [...] only a single categorical imperative and it is
this: Act only on that maxim through which you can at
the same time will that it should become a universal law.
—Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals
A principle, synonymous with virtue—arete in Greek—
is a standard that determines conduct. The two basic charac-
teristics of principles are precedence and universality, both of
which make up what German epistemologist and moralist
Immanuel Kant coined the categorical imperative.
Precedent means first, and universal means constant.
Philosophers call these first principles, because they precede
and enable praxeology, what Kant described as “motivations
230 for actions.” First principles are universal, in that they apply in
every situation, not just in isolated cases. For example, if a
person adheres to the first principle of honesty, then the
virtue obligates them to always tell the truth, not only in par-
ticular instances. First principles ascertain the acts that are in
accord with an ideology. A person measures their own deeds
and ideas against virtue to determine integrity.

Integrity equals the degree to which one fulfills first
principles. To recycle the previous example, if a philosophy
240 advocates the virtue of honesty, and a person regularly tells
the truth, then they possess moral integrity—a synonym for
An ideology consists of first principles, which derive a
code of ethics, and enable the measure of integrity.

« 38 »

Proof of first principles:

1. A philosophy consists of first principles.
2. First principles derive practical behavior.
3. Thus, practical behavior that adheres to first princi-
ples is philosophically valid.
Proof of universal integrity: 250

1. A philosophy consists of first principles.

2. First principles are universal.
3. Universality comprises integrity.
4. First principles derive practical behavior.
5. Thus, anyone whose behavior adheres to first princi-
ples universally has ethical integrity.
To participate in an ideology, a person needs to possess
integrity through adherence to first principles.

The author handles common and predictable comments
forthwith. 260

“Why do I need to bother with philosophy in a text on black

It may surprise you to discover the term Left Hand Path
refers specifically to a coherent philosophy, in contrast to the
religion of the Right Hand Path. Thus, it becomes necessary
to comprehend how a valid philosophy functions in general,
so as to fathom how black magick functions, and how it dif -
fers from white magick.

“What does ethical goodness have to do with the Left Hand

Path? Sorcerers embody pure evil!” 270

« 39 »

The jargon of good and evil refer to moral judgements in

accord with the first principles of a particular ideology; so
what qualifies as good or honorable to the Left Hand Path,
will differ fundamentally from what passes as good to a tradi-
tional religion. Many people do consider black magick
unvarnished evil, and that judgement derives from the dogma
of their ideology, but certainly not ours. For example, to the
Left Hand Path the moral virtues of individuality, freedom,
and power constitute goodness; sorcery champions egoism
280 and rational self-interest. Oppositely, conventional religions
tend to espouse collectivism, obedience, and the surrender of
power; they advocate elimination of ego and selflessness.
Ergo, when we compare the Left Hand Path and a traditional
religion, we deduce conflicting judgements of good and evil.

“I am a [insert title] from [insert college] and I teach [insert

course] and I disagree with your definitions of philosophy.”
I welcome your discussion on my analysis. Nevertheless, I
do not necessarily consider your position valid and mine in-
valid, merely because you occupy an ivory tower. If you cite an
290 excerpt of mine in context with its accompanying page and
line number, and your disagreement in a clear concise para-
graph, I will scrutinize it; and in any circumstance where I did
provably make an error, I will revise my ideas. Although, in
full honesty, pedantic quibbles over trivialities and tangents
do not matter to me. Please only submit a complaint if it per-
tains to main concepts. •

« 40 »



Lend me your deepest wisdom.

Give me a sinner's chance.
Learned spirits, won't you inspire?
Bear all my thoughts and wishes.
To sacred places I'd reside.
Where hope is born, where hope survives.
Oh fallen lovers, won't you rise?
Fallen demons, won't you fight?
Your hearts were never made of stone.
You who tempt the fates.
You who've journeyed oh so far.
To apparitions in the haze.
Rise up you earthbound demons.
Rise up before me now and fight.
Your time has finally come.
—VNV Nation, Teleconnect Pt. 2

« 41 »


ETAPHYSICS IS THE branch of philosophy de-
voted to reasoning about the nature of existence,
the cosmos, and consciousness. It includes ratio-
nality about everything from the origin of the universe, to
beliefs in divinity, to the layout of the universe, to free will.

The pre-scientific field, quaintly called magick, classifies
as cosmology in metaphysics. Cosmos means world in Greek,
therefore cosmology inquires on the origins, evolution, cur-
10 rent conditions, phenomena, and natural laws of this physical
universe. The earliest human archaeology suggests that hu-
mans have always dwelled on cosmology; they have faithfully

« 42 »

believed in the existence of other worlds, and that those alter-

nate realities affect the events of this one—a controversial
premise known as supernaturalism. This theme of eschatology
pervades almost every religion, i.e., myths about the nature of
death, an afterlife, and the end of this world.
Nevertheless, theologians have never furnished a falsifi-
able hypothesis for their articles of blind faith—they merely
embellished these basic ideas in absurd fictional tales and 20
sagas. Whereas, scientists and philosophers still humbly and
dutifully strive to resolve the inquiries of cosmology with em -
pirical evidence and logical reasoning. At this moment in
time, these two disparate worlds have collided, whereby sci -
ence and supernaturalism resemble each other from a
metaphysical perspective. They both beg a supreme question:
do other universes exist? And as a corollary to that, do they
affect the functionality of this universe? This thesis dovetails
the frontier of present-day cosmology.


Mainstream theoretical physicists currently nurture a

multiple universes theory, or multiverse, in which an indeter-
minate quantity of unique universes have phase transitioned
into existence at different intervals, inflating from subatomic
to celestial scale at variable speeds, and continue to do so.
Moreover every universe may technically contain its own na-
tive laws of physics. Needless to say, this premise undeniably
mirrors and can possibly confirm the perennial multi-plane
cosmology of magick, as encountered through soul travel.
Theoretical physicist and atheist, Lawrence Krauss, eluci- 40
dates this science in his lecture Origins of the Universe:
What happened was something we call a phase transi-
tion; a phase transition like water changing to ice. And if

« 43 »

you look at a pane of glass on a cold morning, you'll see

lots of icicles in different directions that formed ran -
domly. And if inflation happened, that means, in fact, our
universe isn't unique, because in different regions of
space, a phase transition can happen at different times.
And that means our microscopic region could expand
very fast and then inflation would end. But somewhere
else the expansion could still be continuing and then it
could end later, and so on. And if inflation happened
generically the process of expansion goes out for an un-
defined amount of time, with little seeds forming at
different times. Each seed is a different universe. And
moreover, it turns out when that phase transition com-
pletes, there's every reason to think that the laws of
physics in each universe are different. Inflation ends in
different ends in different universes. And that means
there could be a multitude of universes, something we
call a multiverse, in each of which the laws of physics are
different. This sounds like metaphysics, because we are
talking about universes we can't see. The question is, how
can we test this idea, especially if these other universes
are never directly accessible? We may be on the threshold
of doing that.


As background on the tireless conflict between science
and religion, the reader needs to identify two opposing
schools of thought that arose in philosophy. In the Ancient
and Middle Age, theologians and theistic philosophers specu-
lated metaphysically, creating preposterously complicated,
unfalsifiable cosmological hypotheses. As a notorious exam-
ple, Plato concocted the Theory of Forms, in which he
50 invented a monotheistic alternate reality in a “place beyond

« 44 »

heaven,” where he believed everything existed perfectly and

eternally in essential form, all just to account for human intu-
ition of abstract categories like beauty, justice, and courage. It
inevitably became necessary to abandon this sort of tedious
metaphysical elaboration, and instead concentrate on
grounded, scientific induction—a watershed exodus that
many attribute to Aristotle in his rebellion against his former
teacher Plato. This unprecedented zeitgeist split philosophy
asunder into two vehemently disparate informal schools: Em-
piricism vs. Rationalism. The reader will recall the difference 60
betwixt the two—the former depending on sensory reality to
induce a posteriori knowledge, the latter adhering to pure rea-
soning to deduce a priori knowledge. In the manner of this
schism, empiricism gave rise to science and irreligious skepti-
cism through intellects like Francis Bacon, John Locke,
George Berkeley, and David Hume, while rationalism tended
toward religious theism through men like Thomas Aquinas,
Gottfried Leibniz, René Descartes, and Baruch Spinoza. To
elucidate the contrast—a natural science like biology springs
from a posteriori knowledge, in that its premises exist physi- 70
cally; meanwhile, certain aspects of mathematics utilize a
priori reasoning, in that often its premises do not exist empir-
ically. For example, the “square root of negative two” does not
exist as a distinct object in reality—humans intuit the concept
purely with reason alone. Ultimately, the legendary prodigy,
Immanuel Kant, helped to synthesize both formats into a re-
lationship, whereby each remains valid as a mode of
knowledge for different reasons, but rational theories must
defer to empirical evidence when they conflict.

« 45 »

David Hume
80 Scottish empiricist and historian, David Hume, criticizes
the innate fallibility of rationalist metaphysics in his famous
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding:
Here indeed lies the justest and most plausible objection
against a considerable part of metaphysics, that they are
not properly a science, but arise either from the fruitless
efforts of human vanity, which would penetrate into sub-
jects utterly inaccessible to the understanding, or from
the craft of popular superstitions, which, being unable to
defend themselves on fair ground, raise these encumber-
ing brambles to cover and protect their weaknesses.
Kant painted rationalist metaphysics with a grim brush
stroke too, as a warning against religious hypotheses that are
not grounded in reality:

« 46 »

Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shores or light-

house, strewn with many a philosophic wreck.
Empiricism has also posed a severe problem for atheistic
supernaturalists, i.e., astral magicians who acknowledge other
worlds but disbelieve in god. The requirement to comply with
a scientific method of calculated measurements with physical
instrumentation seemed impossible. If a transcendent plane 90
exists, then by its nature it evades the laws of physics, and
therefore eludes the detection of physical devices. However,
unexpectedly, a team of physicists have confirmed discoveries
that bridge the gap between the supernatural and empirical;
preliminary evidence that literally could revolutionize cos-
mology forever.


The Monroe Institute is a research facility consisting of
engineers, scientists, and enthusiasts who study the peculiar
phenomenon of out of body experiences under reasonably
controlled conditions. An out of body experience—OBE— 100
pertains to a special circumstance whereby one sustains con-
scious awareness apart from their physical body on a
supernatural plane of existence, the operant mechanics of
which observably function under different laws than the clas-
sical mechanics of the physical universe.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration consul-
tant and physicist, Thomas Campbell, was a graduate student
when he met Robert Monroe, a businessman who suffered
spontaneous OBEs. Via occupational connections, Thomas,
and his colleague Dennis Mennerich, received an invitation 110
from Robert to help engineer a scientific laboratory for
studying and documenting the phenomenon. Over several
years, Thomas, Robert, Dennis, and other physicists per-

« 47 »

formed innumerable experiments measuring neurobiological

activity of subjects who underwent out of body experiences, as
well as conducted blind experiments of remote information

Thomas Campbell

The team would isolate an OBE subject in a closed labo-
120 ratory and inscribe code on a chalk board in a separate locked

« 48 »

room. The unknowing participant would exit their body, travel

to the room, retrieve the data, then return back to their physi-
cal body. In myriad consecutive tests, the subject reported the
code correctly. To supernaturalists, this stands as conclusive
proof of an astral plane of existence, because it fulfills the
standards of scientific experimentation.
1. Blind tests
2. Random target code
3. Controlled laboratory
4. Confirmed accurate retrieval 130
5. Multiple OBE research institutes have successfully
replicated the same experiment under similar condi-
This historic series of successful experimentation carries
revolutionary cosmological implications. It evolves the entire
branch of cosmology, reveals an entirely new plane of physics
—what one could call astrics—and refutes almost every reli -
gion. In short, Thomas Campbell, Robert Monroe, and
Dennis Mennerich are genuine metaphysical heroes, not only
for their breakthrough analysis of a transcendent plane, but 140
for their due diligence.

The convenient fact about out of body experiences is that
an ambitious intellect can replicate the phenomenon to verify
it for themselves without a laboratory. The Monroe Institute
also discovered that humans universally can learn to go out of
body, regardless of race, sex, and age. Meaning, it does not rely
on genetic inheritance limited to a special minority; any hu-
man being who nurtures the prerequisite cognitive skills can
inevitably replicate the experience wherever they reside. 150

« 49 »

To summarize, the scientific experiments birthed three

seminal conclusions:
1. A supernatural plane exists.
2. Its mechanics differ from the laws of physics.
3. Humans naturally can access this alternate reality.
Hitherto, the obscure field of magick has designated the
supernatural plane of existence as the astral plane, out of
body experiences en route to it as astral projection, journeys
across its terrain as astral travel, and journeys across the astral
160 and additional planes as soul travel.
Observant soul travelers can witness the material of the
astral plane, indiscriminately called energy, immediately af-
fecting the matter and phenomena of the physical plane,
which then alters the astral plane back, in a perpetual loop.
Inductive reasoning strongly suggests that there exists a causal
relationship, or chain of synergistic causality, between the as-
tral and physical planes. This essential conclusion constitutes
the basic axiom on which magick as a scientific theory de -
pends entirely—what the author has named Astral Theory.

170 Magick consists of a posteriori knowledge derived from
empirical observation of supernatural events that transpire
through ritualized experimentation. In this way, it constitutes
a burgeoning sort of pre-science, quasi-science, or potential-
science, poised for duly diligent inquiry from the conven-
tional scientific community. As a formal definition, magick
comprises the purposeful act of causing astral forces to effect
physical phenomena. Aptly, anyone who enacts this force as-
sumes the moniker magician.

« 50 »

The praxeology of magick organizes into three cate-

gories: 180

1. Divination: receiving astral knowledge

2. Evocation: summoning, possession, and spellcasting
with astral entities; manifesting with astral forces
3. Soul Travel: traveling the astral and other planes

Divination refers to the act of accessing astral knowl-
edge. Mainstream culture features several examples, from
tarot cards and crystal balls, to bone and tea leaf readings.
Scrying encompasses a purely immediate form of divination,
whereby the magician observes the rendering of audiovisual 190
content on the surface of a physical object, as it streams from
an astral source.
The principle of divination is knowledge, ergo a black
magician aspires to fulfill that specific virtue to its logical
maximum—omniscience, or the capacity to know anything,
at any time. Needless to say, this grandiose resolution exceeds
practicality, and makes up a theoretical ideal, not a literal con-
dition. True omniscience would require knowing perfectly the
location of every single particle of every atom of all matter in
every universe of every plane of existence at every moment in 200
the past, present, and future. That said, omniscience as a god-
like power remains a principled duty by which sorcerers abide
for the sake of ascent, because they can attain it in lesser de-

Evocation denotes the manifestation of spirits, events, or
objects by way of astral forces. Its supreme ambition—om-
nipotence—amounts to the ability to materialize anything at

« 51 »

any time. As with omniscience, the term omnipotence also

210 indicates a hyperbole, that summarizes the theoretical ideal of
evocation. Genuine omnipotence would necessitate the
strength to manifest every atomic combination of every mole-
cule of all matter in every universe at all times. As such,
omnipotence as a godlike power remains a principled duty
which sorcerers uphold for ascent, and realize in lesser ex-

Magicians attained a milestone by discovering the exis-
tence of autonomous entities who willingly exercise their
220 power on the astral plane, to effect events on the physical
plane. Commonly called spirits, they each feature a unique
persona, appearance, and set of talents they either employ
freely or trade for idolatry. One might inquire why autono-
mous spirits comply with the requests of a human magician,
especially for free? Because their nature requires it; it fulfills
their innate virtue. Why do cats chase mice? Why do knives
cut? Why do mirrors reflect light? It enacts the inherent func-
tion of the design.
To anyone whom participates in society, it seems weird
230 that many spirits will aid humans pro bono, without requiring
an equitable fee. These entities exist beyond the limits of the
scarce resource economy of planet Earth. They need no reim-
bursement, in the way a merchant does, because their
assistance incurs no quantifiable cost. What fair market price
does a purely astral service demand? These spirits reside on an
abundant plane that transcends the primitive conventions of
money and barter entirely. In this sense, certain species of
spirits tend to give charitably, and donate their will to the as -
cent of black magicians, because their innate virtue supports

« 52 »

the Left Hand Path. They seem to possess instinctive loyalty 240
to the ambition of Godhood.

Possession suggests the union of spirit and human in
fullest intimacy, whereby the two entities share a fusion of
essence, character, and body. Biologists have named organic
relationships that occur between living organisms in nature
symbiosis, and categorize three broad types.
1. Mutualism: both organisms help each other
2. Commensalism: one helps, one receives
3. Parasitism: one preys, one suffers 250

Astral symbiosis can occur voluntarily or involuntarily,

can involve two or more beings, and can endure short or long
term. Perhaps the ultimate form of spirit evocation in black
magick transpires in permanent multiple voluntary mutualistic
symbiosis—translated as long term voluntary possession with
several cooperative spirits. Elective possession irrefutably re-
mains the most misapprehended and underutilized praxis of
the Left Hand Path. The author theorizes that any and all
spirit contact invites a certain degree of psychological posses -
sion, possibly unbeknownst to the sorcerer themselves. 260
According to this principle, all magicians who have ever in-
voked an identifiable spirit have indeed undergone a measure
of symbiosis. Ergo, no black magician escapes possession, but
rather enjoys a varying degree of its depth.
As a side matter, the false dichotomy of invocation versus
evocation requires scrutiny. Invocation solely means to ad-
dress a spirit by name and epithet, e.g., “Hail Dagda, Irish
god of sorcery,” whilst evocation denotes a literal summoning
of that spirit to one's own presence for a meeting or posses-
sion. As an alternative explanation, an invocation amounts to 270

« 53 »

a simple greeting, and an evocation constitutes an explicit in-

vitation and subsequent assembly. In summary, an invocation
is a necessary part of an evocation, in which the sorcerer iden-
tifies their spirit of choice.

Spellcasting encapsulates the most immediate form of
evocation, whereby the magician causes a manifestation, with
or without the intermediary aide of an astral entity. Under the
traditional definition, evocation signifies the act of summon-
280 ing a spirit; but in point of fact, evocation includes the act of
calling anything into existence, including inanimate objects.
The author has coined the term naked spellcasting to denote
the evocation of events or objects in reality without the assis-
tance of a spirit. In this sense, spellcasting is the purest act of
evocation, and resembles omnipotence.
Proof spellcasting is a form of evocation:
1. Supreme aim of evocation is omnipotence.
2. Omnipotence is ability to manifest anything.
3. Spellcasting is naked act of manifestation.
290 4. Thus, aim of spellcasting is also omnipotence.
5. Ergo, spellcasting is a form of evocation.
Spellcasting, or witchcraft, generally arranges into these
1. Obsession: love and sex
2. Aesthetic: shapeshifting and beauty
3. Execration: vengeance and expulsion
4. Capitalization: economic and legal advantage

5. Health: healing and vitality

6. Psychology: virtue and personality

« 54 »


One day during meditation training, I rose to a plane

where there was utter silence. I was bathed in light and
suddenly time and space did not exist—only absolute ra-
diance so wonderful I could not understand.
—Master Li, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Soul travel pinnacles the powers of magick, and enables
omnipresence, the capability to translocate to any cosmic
plane of existence at any time. Again, as with omniscience
and omnipotence, the hyperbole of omnipresence suggests a
principled ideal for which one strives and attains in lesser de-
grees, not a literal expectation.

A consensus of black magicians theorize through experi-
ential travels that the cosmos generally is composed of
between seven to twelves planes, each of which may contain 310
its own incalculable multitude of universes and sub-planes.
Seminal soul traveler, and dear friend, E.A. Koetting, classi-
fies the cosmic planes according to his extensive travels as

Physical plane Solidity, spatiality, chronology
Astral plane Fluid, overlap, simultaneous
Causal plane Archetype, memory, phantasmagoria
Mental plane Illusion, atomic light
Abyss plane Aloneness, blackness, despair

« 55 »

Formative plane Liquid light, dissolution, ecstasy

Soul plane Vacuum of light, emergence, sublime
Bodhisattva plane Omniscience, cosmic intimacy
Vairag plane Equanimity, balance, indifference
Acausal plane Twilight of nothingness, calmness
Heart plane Immediacy, love, purity
Godself plane Creation, destruction, becoming

Each stratum features native topography, inhabitants,

and laws of physics. The formal taxonomy of what technically
qualifies as a plane, and the name each receives, may differ by
cartographer. As they stand, their nomenclature seem very es-
oteric and cryptic, and needs revision for scientific clarity.

That magick exists as a pre-science implies that it is not
currently recognized as an orthodox consensus science, and
nothing guarantees it will become one in the immediate fu -
ture. The paltry sum of scientific scrutiny into magick theory
as yet has consisted solely of shysters pledging fake rewards
for supernatural demonstrations that must conform to impos-
sible legal criteria, and a few poorly funded institutional
projects. The reader needs disclosure that the field explicitly
resides in the uncharted territory of purely independent trial.
330 Due to its unconventional nature, mental health professionals
and medical doctors do not possess specific knowledge to
treat illnesses or disorders that could potentially arise from
astral magick, including psychosis, schizophrenia, and chronic
disorientation. Acts of magick, for example, spirit possession

« 56 »

and soul travel, do catalyze possibly permanent change in the

personality and cognition of a person. The magician partici-
pates at their own risk.


If magick is defined as the act of causing the astral force
to effect physical phenomena, then the fancy ornaments that 340
adorn orthodox occultists are not magick, but rather icons
and emblematic trappings of religious social fraternities. Re-
grettably, many fail to differentiate between the categories of
magick and occultism. The force of magick, in and of itself, does
not necessitate occult priesthoods and their complicated poli-
tics. Distinguish the natural agency of magick from the
synthetic traditions of the occult.
To specify precisely:
• Magick is a natural force that acts between the astral
and physical planes. 350
• Magick is the praxeology of utilizing the astral force.
• Magick is a science.
• Magick is not a religion.
• Magick is not a robe, hat, nor clothing.
• Magick is not a priesthood, church, nor order.


The term magic derives from a series of clear ancient and
medieval language translations.
1. Old Persian: magush
2. Greek: magike 360
3. Latin: magice
4. French: magique

« 57 »

5. English: magic and magick

In its original context, the denomination identified the
Persian hierarchs—magush—the class of priests who orches-
trated ceremonial worship of their regional ethnic gods.
Across cultures and over millennia, polytheistic religious ven-
eration became known as magic, as it pertained to the duties
of priests. In contrast, magick in modern time refers to the
370 act of causing the astral force to effect physical phenomena.
The reader needs to discern between the original religious
clergy designation, and the contemporary astral significance.
Magic and magick do not mean the same thing in its root
context; the former refers to early polytheistic worship, and
the latter to a supernatural praxeology that exists indepen-
dently of religion and theism.
To add layers of complexity, several authors in the field of
magick employ the primitive term magic customarily, even
though they mean magick instead. Still yet, secular atheists
380 who disbelieve in religion and also deny the supernatural, use
the term magic for their mundane theatrical psychodrama.
So, the current landscape contains at least three derivatives of
the root.
The critical differentiation lies in how religious magic
refers to ancient polytheism. Whereas magick denotes the
causal astral force of nature, which may also include evocation
and possession with the egregoric deities of the dead polythe -
istic faiths. The marginal postmodern addition of secular
magic merely refers to burlesque theater and stage magic to
390 mock religion for pseudo-therapy, what they call psy-
chodrama. As an aside, the author considers secular magic an
absurd and unnecessary parody of true magick, although in
equanimity, they feel the same back.

« 58 »

Religious magic Ancient religious worship of indige-
nous ethnocentric polytheistic gods;
e.g., Persia, Greece, Egypt, Ireland, etc.
Secular magic Atheist theater; neither religious, nor
astral; solely psychological; mundane
psychodrama; stage magic
Astral magick Supernatural knowledge of astral plane;
encompasses divination, evocation, and
soul travel, usually with egregores of
ancient polytheistic gods; authors call it
both magick and magic


Secularists who partake in mundane magic, implicitly
hypothesize that consciousness originates in the human brain,
is limited to the physical plane, and therefore extinguishes at
death—a string of speculations that stems from the pure ma-
terialism of Thomas Hobbes in his text Leviathan. However,
verifiable empirical proof of the astral plane through out of 400
body phenomena stands at odds against those ideas. More-
over, materialist explanations for OBEs are extremely poor.
At best, they conjecture that astral projectors undergo sub-
conscious fantasy or hallucination, a hypothesis that fails
under controlled data-retrieval experiments, like those of the
Monroe Institute. Furthermore, materialists lack proof for the
claim that biology creates consciousness. They reference im-
agery from brainwave scans, which only shows that human
neurology conducts patterns of electricity—not that it births
an intangible entity called consciousness. If humans can ac- 410

« 59 »

cess an astral plane of existence, and even demonstrate it, then

supernaturalism necessarily prevails. The author has coined
this seminal position supernatural atheism, whereby one ac-
knowledges the supernatural yet disbelieves in god.
Refutation of theory of physical origin of consciousness:
1. Biological proof requires medical validation.
2. Medical technology is physical.
3. Consciousness is innately nonphysical.
4. Thus, consciousness itself evades physical measure.
420 5. Ergo, science can neither prove consciousness itself
exists, nor originates in a physical organ.
It is impossible to prove that an entity called conscious-
ness exists at all, let alone that it springs from a physical
organ. The foremost American philosopher, and father of psy-
chology, William James, furnished his revolutionary thesis in
the landmark essay “Does Consciousness Exist?” in 1904:
I believe that “consciousness,” when once it has evapo-
rated to this estate of pure diaphaneity, is on the point of
disappearing altogether. It is the name of a nonentity,
and has no right to a place among first principles. Those
who still cling to it are clinging to a mere echo, the faint
rumor left behind by the disappearing “soul” upon the air
of philosophy.
To deny plumply that “consciousness” exists seems so ab-
surd on the face of it—for undeniably “thoughts” do exist
—that I fear some readers will follow me no farther. [...]
There is, I mean, no aboriginal stuff or quality of being,
contrasted with that of which material objects are made,
out of which our thoughts of them are made...

« 60 »

William James recognized the existence of thoughts as

observable, intangible things, yet bravely struck down any no-
tion of a substance or material of consciousness. Likewise,
Immanuel Kant concluded that he could never witness his 430
own consciousness per se, but only his thoughts and body, “I
have no knowledge of myself as I am, but merely as I appear
to myself.”
And David Hume thirdly supports the premise:
For my part, when I enter most intimately into what I
call myself, I always stumble on some particular percep-
tion or other, of heat or cold, light or shade, love or
hatred, pain or pleasure. I never can catch myself at any
time without a perception, and never can observe any
thing but the perception.
The critical takeaway: modern secularists make at least
one basic assumption that fails the rigor of epistemology,
namely that biology fountainheads consciousness—which the
evidence of OBEs flatly refutes. Twenty-first century intellec-
tuals tend to cling to the safe, default position of rigid
materialism in a knee-jerk reaction to the terrible psychosis of 440
religion—rightfully so! That said, this treatise encourages
them to extend the core tents of logic to the next, inevitable
territory, which the author has given the following designa-
tions: supernatural empiricism, astral empiricism, astral
atheism, and supernatural atheism.
As an addendum, supernatural in this context refers to
the cosmic planes of existence beyond the physical, for exam-
ple, the astral plane. Since these additional planes exist
naturally, the term supernatural, which means beyond nature,
technically becomes a misnomer; perhaps a neologism like 450
super-physical, or supra-natural, would suffice. Nonetheless,

« 61 »

instead of reinventing the wheel, the author abides by super-


Only the descent into the hell of self-knowledge can
pave the way to godliness. The death of dogma is the
birth of morality.
—Immanuel Kant
Morality, as said, comprises the set of first principles that
determine righteous ideas and conduct. Ethics constitutes the
utmost critical subject a rational being can consider, because it
defines their personal character and destiny.
Ethos anthropoi daimon—character is fate.
The merest whisper of morality horrifies black magicians
because the term smacks of fire and brimstone dogma. Never-
460 theless, an intelligent sorcerer needs to recognize that
morality in the context of philosophy differs categorically
from religion. A religion does not, in point of fact, employ
morality, but rather inflicts violence and intimidation to co-
erce compliance from unbelievers. It imposes a severe form of
oppression—the opposite of ethics. True philosophical moral-
ity, called secular ethics, refers to voluntary adherence to
humane virtue for the sake of happiness and social harmony.
For instance, a black magician elects to abide by the principles
of the Left Hand Path because it brings them joy and harms
470 no one, not because a terrorist forces them.
Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individ-
ual consists precisely in this; that he does good not
because he is forced to do so, but because he freely con-
ceives it, wants it, and loves it.

« 62 »

—Mikhail Bakunin, Russian anarchist

In his immortal and classic, Metaphysics of Morals, Kant
predicates valid morality on three attributes:
1. Rationality: it pertains only to rational beings
2. Universality: it persists all the time
3. Freedom: individuals will it
What else, then, can freedom of the will be but auton-
omy, i.e., the property that the will has of being a law to
itself [...] the principle of acting according to no other
maxim than that which can at the same time have itself
as the universal law for its object. Now this is precisely
the formula for the categorial imperative and is the prin-
ciple of morality. Thus a free will and a will subject to
moral laws are one and the same.
For inasmuch as morality serves as a law for us only inso-
far as we are rational beings, it must also be valid for all
rational beings. And since morality must be derived
solely from the property of freedom [...] the property of
the will of all rational beings. (s.447-8)
No rational entity escapes morality. It guides all decision-
making both consciously and unconsciously, even of those
who uphold chaos—they adhere to an ethic of discord. Ethi-
cal rumination reveals one’s truest self. When an individual
deciphers their moral code, they comprehend the motivations 480
of their past actions, understand their present nature, and de-
termine their future. Ethics enable a black magician to
conquer fate and seize destiny. Morality summarizes a per-
son's life.

« 63 »

« 64 »

« 65 »

If morality pertains exclusively to rational beings, then it
precludes inanimate, insentient objects and phenomena. For
that reason, forces of nature cannot be subject to ethical
judgement, because they are amoral, or neutral. Ergo, magick
490 exists free of human ethics, in that it constitutes an astral
force of nature. Electromagnetism and gravity cannot be good
or bad, since they occur physically beyond the will of human -
ity. In this sense, the ethical code of the Left Hand Path
concerns human will alone, not the supernatural agency of
magick itself.
Despite this logic, many religions classify sorcery as evil
in and of itself, since alteration of the universe allegedly coun-
teracts the divine will of their deity; as such, magick
desacralizes in that it demonstrates antidivinity. Of course,
500 to view magick as inherently evil is to be anti-nature, because
it equates to judging electricity or gravity as evil. The organic
force of magick exists in nature and will persist indefinitely
regardless of whether religious dogmatists approve it.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God di -
vided the light from the darkness. And God called the
light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
—Genesis 1:3-4
Be converted from darkness to light, and from the power
of Satan to God.
—Acts 26:18
Ancient priests assigned dichotomous metaphors to their
theology—light vs. dark; white vs. black; day vs. night; sun vs.

« 66 »

moon; sky vs. underground; heaven vs. hell; birds vs. reptiles;
gods vs. devils; angels vs. demons; priests vs. sorcerers; heroes
vs. monsters; celestial vs. infernal—all to serve religiopolitical
purposes. Members of the tribe who worshipped the native 510
gods identified as white and pure, and slandered the foreign,
enemy tribes whom idolized different gods as black and cor-
rupt. This primitive religious propaganda incited zealotry in
warriors to combat foes in the way of holy wars to expand
imperial rule.

The prehistoric custom of color-coded morality origi-
nated prior to the advent of literacy, and appears on
archaeological remains of innumerable cultures and civiliza-
tions on continents around the world. The hypothesis that any 520
one society in particular first invented the binary dichotomy
of black versus white is quite literally impossible to substanti-
ate. Thus, any endeavor to extrapolate one alleged official
history of “dark” or “black” magick becomes a futile errand
that defies pragmatism. Moreover, the definitions of what

« 67 »

constituted good or bad differed by culture according to their

divergent norms and taboos; in other words, what one tribe
regarded as divine worship, another considered evil devilry.
Postmodernists call this deviation between insular tribes cul-
530 tural relativism.

To complicate it further, poets, priests and chiefs would
steal gods from rival religions and recast them in their own
infernal pantheon as devils and demons to bastardize them.
The author calls this act of blasphemy demonization. To cite
a case, Muslims deployed this smear tactic against a tiny re-
mote faith called Yezidism. They vilified the peaceful desert
tribe as devil worshippers due to their peacock iconography,
wherefore gullible Western theologians propagated the myth.
540 To date, confused Satanists and Theosophists still buy into
the defamation, and mistakenly hail the quaint religion as di-
abolical—a patent falsehood, especially so because their
pantheon consists exclusively of a one-dimensional celestial
hierarchy of angels, without any canon infernal adversary or
hell realm. The acknowledged authority on Yezidism, German
author Philip Kreyenbroek, who elected to live among the
tribe to survey their theology, comments on this exact inquiry
in his diligent text Yezidism:
The notions of heaven and hell […] no obvious need in a
faith that teaches reincarnation […] stubborn refusal to
be cowed by the fear of hell…
To this point, many Yezidi elders plainly deny the exis-
550 tence of evil, let alone idolize a Satan figure in any form.
Additionally, the Yezidic holy text called the Black Book—a
spooky-sounding title which titillates the naive—generically
refers to the visual appearance of the mountain where the
tribe claims it received divine revelation. The black name does

« 68 »

not connote sorcery, but rather pertains explicitly to the phys-

ical color of the mountain, which they eponymously call the
Black Mountain, as opposed to a brown or white mountain.
The demonization persists today, insofar as the infamous
Islamic terrorist group ISIS butchers the Yezidi for their
falsely accused devilry, which in reality amounts to nothing 560
more than a difference in creed between the faiths.
The standing philosophy of black magick has discarded
the previous cultural relativism that fostered demonization,
and has evolved into its own coherent, post-religion, universal
ideology that consists of axiomatic first principles, code of
ethics, and supreme theoretical ideals. Black magick mutated
from a cheap religious slander into a purposeful way of life, to
which many awakened souls devote themselves soulfully.


The term Left Hand Path is an estranged Sanskrit loan- 570
word—Vāmācāra—appropriated from the tantric tradition of
numerous Indian religions, including Hinduism, Jainism,
Sikhism, and Buddhism; it denotes heterodox or contrarian
praxis, in contrast to the Right Hand Path—Daksinācāra—
which refers to orthodox or conventional religious praxis. The
duo has hitherto semantically morphed away from its prelim-
inary Eastern pretext, and now reflects the absolute,
categorical differences between the profane heterodoxy of
black magick, and divine orthodoxy of white magick in the
West. The two paths differ irreconcilably in their morality and 580
praxeology; the Left affirms factual terrestrial existence,
whilst the Right has faith in fictional celestial divinity.

« 69 »

Other nations have their religious Saints, the Greeks
have philosophical Sages.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
The truest ideological roots of black magick in its pre-
vailing paradigm today, descend predominantly from the
heterodox revolutionaries of Ancient Greece, most especially
the Presocratics of the Hellenic era. This exceptional age of
freethought birthed the first people to logically question real-
ity and society on their own terms, and thereby deviate away
590 from the orthodox mythologies of the Church and the State.
This Golden Age witnessed the world's earliest individualists,
e.g., the irreligious skepticism of Diagoras of Melos, Heracli-
tus, Epicurus, Prodicus, and Anaxagoras; antitheism of
Xenophanes and Theodorus; agnosticism of mathematician
Protagoras; and explicit anarchism of Zeno of Citium. These
satanists-in-spirit fearlessly laid a foundation that incited the
vanguard insurrection of antitraditional, anti-tribal, antiau-
thoritarian profaneness that characterizes the Left Hand Path
contemporarily. Socrates, amongst other radicals of antiquity,
600 tragically suffered the sentence of forced suicide for denying
the gods of the State—an audacious act they called “atheos,”
the precedent to modern atheism. Accordingly, his accusers
charged him of corrupting the youth, because he and his
pupils repudiated the deities that politicians cited for a divine
right to rule. Hence, Socrates demonstrated scandalous public
heresy at a time when nonconformists risked capital punish-
ment for impiety; a similar fate also befell the legendary
logician and first scientist, Aristotle, who fled Athens to save
his own life. The State either exiled, abducted, or assassinated
610 its philosophical foes, a form of terrorism—politicide—that it
enacts still.

« 70 »

The following quotations exhibit their early heterodoxy:

Concerning the gods, I have no means of knowing
whether they exist or not, nor of what sort they may be,
because of the obscurity of the subject, and the brevity of
human life.
—Protagoras, 490–420 BC
The gods of popular belief do not exist [...] but primitive
man, out of admiration, deified the fruits of the earth
and virtually everything that contributed to his existence.
—Prodicus, 465–395 BC
When men are reasonable enough to follow their natural
instincts, they will unite across the frontiers and consti-
tute the Cosmos. They will have no need of law-courts or
police, will have no temples and no public worship...
—Zeno of Citium, 334–262 BC
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is
not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is
malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence
cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call
him God?
—Epicurus, 341–270 BC
This universe […] has not been made by any god or man
[…] They pray to images [...] for they do not know what
gods and heroes are. […] Their processions and their
phallic hymns would be disgraceful exhibitions were it
not that they were done in honor of Dionysus […]
When defiled they purify themselves with blood, as
though one who had stepped into filth were to wash
himself with filth. If any of his fellowmen should per-
ceive him acting in such a way, they would regard him as

« 71 »

—Heraclitus, 535–475 BC


In the esteem of the author, the aforementioned rebels of
Hellenic and Hellenistic Greece, as well as the Age of En-
lightenment in Germany, sowed the seeds of adversarial
satanism as it exists theoretically in the current Left Hand
Path, moreso than any other civilizations; except for ancient
Ireland, where tuathic tribes participated in idolatry under
620 Brehon Law anarchism that, in hindsight, epitomized a soci-
ety of authentic black magick. This eccentric conclusion will
confuse and bewilder conventional satanists who tend to de-
rive their orthodox satanism from the tedious dogma of
psychopathic Middle Eastern religions, namely Arabic and
Persian polytheism, and their atrocious monotheistic off-
spring—Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and
their tangential mystery traditions including Kabbalah, Gnos-
ticism, and Sufism. Nevertheless, the earliest verified culture
of rational public blasphemy originated in the Classical pe-
630 riod with the Presocratic philosophers. Because of this, these
heretical Greek geniuses stand as the ultimate forefathers of
what the author has named heterodox satanism. This alter-
nate Greco-German satanic current, grounded in concrete
apostate philosophy, rebels against the orthodox Judeo-Chris-
tian satanism that comes from the clusterfuck of genocidal,
fundamentalist, desert religions. Dear reader, behold a new
current of adversarialism is born. Break off the desert shackles
and become a universal satanist with roots planted in living
philosophy rather than dead religion. A heterodox satanist
640 finds and honors the spirit of rebellion in every religion the
whole world over, above and beyond the decadent proto-Ju-
daic faiths.

« 72 »

British historian and mathematician Bertrand Russell

identified the Hellenic Greeks as the essential fulcrum of hu-
man genius, and referred to their adversarial ethos as the
“emancipation from tradition.” He wrote in his essay, Ideas
That Have Helped Mankind:
It is to the Greeks that we owe ways of thinking and in -
vestigating that have ever since been found fruitful. […]
They became critical of their own traditional customs
[…] and so by the sixth century B.C. some of them
achieved a degree of enlightened rationalism which can-
not be surpassed in the present day.
Friedrich Nietzsche admired the Presocratics like no
other intellectual era, and glorified them exuberantly in his
obscure, posthumously published, Philosophy in the Tragic Age 650
of the Greeks. He carefully acknowledged how they demon-
strated the first instance of clearly heterodox freethought, as
opposed to the dogmatic institutional orthodoxy of other civ-
People who prefer to spend their time on Egyptian or
Persian philosophy rather than on Greek, on the grounds
that the former are more "original" and older, are just as
ill-advised as those who cannot deal with the magnifi-
cent, profound mythology of the Greeks. [...]
For what they invented was the archetypes of philo -
sophic thought. All posterity has not made an essential
contribution to them since. […]
All other cultures are put to shame by the marvelously
idealized philosophical company represented by the an-
cient Greek masters [...] These men are monolithic. [...]
All of them, in magnificent solitude, were the only ones
of their time whose lives were devoted to insight alone.

« 73 »

In summary, the sacrilegious revolutionaries of old world

philosophy inseminated and birthed the dissident avant-garde
paradigm of satanism that exists today. Sorcery has departed
from its former role as shallow rhetoric to demonize enemy
faiths. In magick contemporarily, white does not connote
660 good, nor does black allude to bad. In fact, the author insists
the exact opposite; only the Left Hand Path champions true
secular morality.

“Magic is psychodramatic theater. Why disseminate snake oil
about magick, the supernatural, and the astral plane?”
If I had not undergone my own series of astral travels in
my teenage years, then I guarantee I would share the same
sentiment as you. In fact, I consider positive atheism the
safest position in the mainstream metaphysical dialectic be-
cause it makes the fewest assumptions. In that sense, I
670 morally support your invective against my ideas about magick
as a supernatural agent that acts between the astral and physi-
cal planes. Nonetheless, ambitious magicians can empirically
prove that out of body experiences entail a genuine supernat-
ural element with procedures that involve information
retrieval, and alteration of physical objects. In that regard, I
refer you to the writing of my friends Robert Bruce and
Thomas Campbell. A rational person can extend their secular
principles to include additional planes of existence, without
taking on any belief in a supreme god or divinity—a formal
680 position that I call supernatural atheism. The latest in theoret-
ical physics, in particular the Multiverse Theory, seems to
back this premise.

“The Right Hand Path and Left Hand Path are one and the
same. All paths lead to the source.”

« 74 »

Sorry, but your claim has a severe logical error. The term
source refers to a hypothetical creationist godhead. The Right
Hand Path seeks mystical union with that fictional divine en-
tity, while the Left Hand Path refutes the unfalsifiable
concept of divinity altogether, and instead black magicians
metaphorically become their own gods. Alas, it becomes im- 690
possible for these divergent paths to lead to the same place,
since they differ fundamentally in premise and ambition. •

Conceal your deepest worries.

Confine your thoughts inside the walls you built of dam-
aged pride.

The light in your eyes failing

Like you're adrift, like night pretending to be day

These storms subside.
Though the past, the unwanted memories
Are holding onto you

All the power in the universe conspires to carry you.

Truths you find through your adversities
Will defend you
As your powers and all your energies
Conspire to carry you.
—VNV Nation, Carry You

« 75 »


Der Wille zur Macht


NEO: Who are you?
THE ARCHITECT: I am the Architect. I created the
matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many ques-
tions, and although the process has altered your
consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some
of my answers you will understand and some of them you
will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be
the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also
the most irrelevant.
NEO: Why am I here?
THE ARCHITECT: Your life is the sum of a remainder
of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming
of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly
which, despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to
eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathe-
matical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously
avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a mea-
sure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.
NEO: You haven't answered my question.

« 76 »

THE ARCHITECT: Quite right. Interesting. That was

quicker than the others. The matrix is older than you
know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one inte-
gral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case
this is the sixth version.
NEO: There are only two possible explanations: either no
one told me, or no one knows.
THE ARCHITECT: Precisely. As you are undoubtedly
gathering, the anomaly's systemic, creating fluctuations in
even the most simplistic equations.
NEO: Choice. The problem is choice.
THE ARCHITECT: The first matrix I designed was
quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sub-
lime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.
The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a
consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human
being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more
accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.
However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since
come to understand that the answer eluded me because it
required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by
the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stum-
bled upon by another, an intuitive program, initially
created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche.
If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly
be its mother.
NEO: The Oracle.
THE ARCHITECT: Please. As I was saying, she stum -
bled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9 percent of all
test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were
given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice

« 77 »

at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned,

it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the
otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that if left
unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those
who refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked,
would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.
—The Matrix Reloaded, film


LACK MAGICK COMPRISES a profane, supernatural,
existentialist, egoistic philosophy. It combines the
categorical imperative and deontology of Kant, the

« 78 »

ideal of happiness of Aristotle, and the will to power of Niet-

zsche. The necessary axioms of magick derive its first
principles, which determine its ethics, and in turn formulate
its praxeology.
Constitution of the Left Hand Path:
1. Profaneness: desacralization and heresy
2. Supernaturalism: astral empiricism 10
3. Existentialism: affirmation of existence
4. Egoism: exaltation of self
5. Aristotle: ideal of happiness
6. Kant: universal secular ethics
7. Nietzsche: will to power


The three necessary conditions to perform an act of mag-
ick are in order:
1. The magician needs to exist to perform.
2. The magician needs the freedom to perform.
3. The magician needs the power to perform.
These three factual premises compose the foundation of
the philosophy of the Left Hand Path. These self-evident
truths, or axioms, prove its frst principles, which formulate its
ethics and praxeology.
To enumerate the Three Godlike Virtues (3GV) of the 10
Left Hand Path:
1. Individuality
2. Freedom
3. Power

« 79 »

These predicates enable the performance of magick itself.

They refer to literal, functional requirements—not subjective
opinions, religious beliefs, or cultural trends.

God alone is the being who acts of himself.
—Ludwig Feuerbach, German philosopher
Individuality means the condition of autonomous exis-
20 tence. It constitutes foremost virtue, because in the absence of
self-existence, freedom and power become void; autonomy
precedes and births the two subsequent virtues.
Proof individuality is the first virtue of black magick:
1. To perform magick, the magician needs to exist.
2. Individuality means autonomous existence.
3. Thus, individuality is the first virtue of black magick.

« 80 »

According to the medical textbook definition, a human is

defined as an individuated biological organism characterized
by erect posture, bipedal locomotion, physical dexterity, ad-
vanced tool use, complex mental capability, and conscious 30
self-awareness. By nature, humans empirically demonstrate
biological and psychological individuality; it distinguishes
them from one another. Individuality is an irrefutable, objec-
tive fact.
No doubt the theory lying at the root of egoism is, from
the empirical standpoint, perfectly justified. From the
testimony of experience, the distinction between one's
own person and that of another appears to be absolute. I
do not occupy the same space as my neighbor, and this
difference, which separates me from him physically […]
the principium individuationis, or the principle of individ-
—Arthur Schopenhauer, The Basis of Morality

Intuition & Instinct

Thou shalt become what thou art.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
What I shall be is my true self. To chase after this self, to
produce it, to realize it.
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-im-
posed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one’s
understanding without guidance from another. This im-
maturity is self-imposed when its cause lies not in lack of
understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use
it without guidance from another. Sapere Aude! (Dare to
know) “Have courage to use your own understanding!”—
that is the motto of enlightenment.

« 81 »

—Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?

Intuition denotes the faculty that innately discerns truth
and principle; instinct means natural act. A pure individual
intuits their own instincts—discerns their true nature—and
nurtures it to the maximum; they defy the opinions of tribal
40 religions, politicians, or cultures. They become themselves. In his
Ecce Homo, Friedrich Nietzsche described this process
whereby intuition harnesses instinct a s becoming what one is.
He theorized the truest instinct of man to be a will to power,
and romanticized that when a person overcomes tribal moral-
ity and fosters willpower, they become Übermensch, or
The politician says: obey law, because the state demands
it; the priest says: obey dogma, because god demands it; and
in defiance to both, the black magician says: obey instinct, be -
50 cause intuition demands it.
Black magick intuits the instinct for individuality, and thus
strives to maximize it in affirmation of human nature.

Egoism entails this dedication to self, and dovetails the
concept of intuition and the will to power seamlessly. Ego in
Latin literally translates to I, or me, and means self-identity.
A black magician affirms ego—honors identification with self
—in the manner of individuality. In his electrifying Thus
Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche poetically avowed the ego as
60 “wholesome and holy” and selfishness as “blessed,” whereas he
denounced selflessness as the decadent moral of “servile
At the moment an individual is born into this world, the
predator-tribe sinks its claws into the spine of the immaculate
babe, and rips out their instinct for self. This foul two-headed

« 82 »

hydra—the Church and State—hisses the mantra, “Deny ego,

neglect instinct, censor intuition, lose yourself!” into the ear of
the child until they become oblivious and numb to their own
nature. A decade later this poor soul will pledge their heart in
allegiance to a bloody flag, and recite passages from a book of 70
fables as if god wrote it.

German philosophy Character trait
Ethic of individuality Tribal taboo
Instinctive Superficial
Enjoyment of self Arrogance of self
Enables ascent Distracts ascent

Many ignorant sorcerers have sorely confused the nearly

identical terms egoism and egotism—they failed to study an
English dictionary apparently, let alone watershed philosophy
of the 1800s. Egoism does not mean fancy cars, extravagant
fashion, night clubs, and mansions—the egotistical high life.
Western society has unforgivably misappropriated and slan-
dered the term ego to be the shallow trait of a person
preoccupied with superficial social celebrity. Notwithstanding,
in the context of black magick, ethical egoism comprises the 80
rational act of nurturing, nursing, and honoring the intuition
and instincts of the self; a concept that differs fundamentally
from the taboo of egotism. A satanist exalts and defends ego,
for it embodies the culmination of human instinct, the very
essence of individuality; ego is the ambition for ascent in and
of itself—to eclipse ego is to commit psychic suicide! A black
magician no more wishes to eliminate ego than they wish to

« 83 »

amputate their own arm or leg. To castrate ego is to diminish

oneself to a zombie-like catatonia; a human vegetable; a liv-
90 ing, breathing piece of furniture. Whosoever lobbies to neuter
ego is prescribing poison and calling it medicine—dispensing
a sedative of the human soul.
A moral egoist centers themselves as the supreme being
of their own cosmic reality; the indestructible axis around
which their profane world revolves; the de facto god of their
godless universe. Although, to dispel a misconception, egoists
do not consider themselves the literal highest power, for ex-
ample, a wise person will admit they travel faster in a car than
by foot. Rather, an egoistic black magician affirms their perma-
100 nent station as the fulcrum of causality in their sphere of
Nineteenth century German iconoclast, Max Stirner, pi-
oneered the philosophy of egoism in his landmark, The Ego
and His Own: The Case of the Individual Against Authority, in
1844. Many intellectuals revere Stirner as the seminal for-
bearer and contributor to Nietzsche in the 1870s—in fact,
known figures of that time dared to accuse Nietzsche of pla -
giarizing his material! The Philosophical Review acknowledged
their similarity in 1907:
Stirner's influence in modern Germany has assumed as-
tonishing proportions, and moves in general parallel with
that of Nietzsche. The two thinkers are regarded as expo-
nents of essentially the same philosophy.
110 Stirner wrote vehemently and uncompromisingly about
the necessity of egoism:
Why will you not take courage now to really make your-
selves the central point and the main thing altogether?
Turn to yourselves rather than to your gods or idols.

« 84 »

Bring out from yourselves what is in you, bring it to the

light, bring yourself to revelation. […] this egoism, this
ownness […] is the creator of everything, as genius,
which is always originality […] Egoism calls you to joy
over yourself, to self-enjoyment.
You must obey yourselves rather than men!
Ownness calls you back to yourselves, it says “Come back
to yourself!” […] The own man is the free-born, the man
free to begin with […] he prizes nothing more than
himself, rates nothing higher […] he starts from himself
and “comes to himself.”
Thousands of years of civilization have obscured to you
what you are, have made you believe you are not egoists
but are called to be idealists. Shake that off! […] Seek for
yourselves, become egoists, become each of you an
almighty ego. Or more clearly, just recognize yourselves
again, just recognize what you really are, and let go of
your hypocritical endeavors, your foolish mania to be
something else than you are.
In the same vein, Nietzsche legendarily shatters altruism
—the antithesis to egoism—calling selflessness the “morality
of decadence” and “disintegration of the instincts” and “poi-
sonous” in Twilight of the Idols:
Criticism of the morality of decadence. An 'altruistic' moral-
ity, a morality in which selfishness fades away, is always a
bad sign. This is true for the individual, it is even more
true for peoples. You are missing the best part when self-
ishness begins to fail. To choose instinctively what is
harmful to yourself, to be tempted by 'disinterested' mo-
tives, this is practically the formula for decadence. 'Not to
look for your own advantage'—that is just the moral fig
leaf for an entirely different, namely physiological, state

« 85 »

of affairs: 'I don't know how to find my own advantage

any more.' Disintegration of the instincts!—People are
done for when they become altruistic.—Instead of
naively saying 'I am not worth anything anymore,' the
moral lie in the decadent's mouth says 'nothing is worth
anything, life isn't worth anything.' At the end of the day,
a judgement like this is very dangerous, it is infectious, it
quickly grows in society's morbid soil into a tropical veg-
etation of concepts, now as religion [mysticism], now as
philosophy [nihilism]. Sometimes this sort of poisonous
vegetation, which grows out of putrefaction, can poison
life for millennia with its fumes.
In fullness, the Left Hand Path does not abhor nor dis-
courage philanthropy necessarily; it simply combats against
selflessness or egolessness as a categorical imperative. Histori-
cally, so-called altruism is usually imposed with the smoking
120 barrel of a pistol by a psychopath in a fancy uniform, i.e., theft
in the camouflage of righteousness. As such, a black magician
elects to act generously or volunteer their time at their sole
discretion only.
Behold the path of the egoist; path of the individual; path of
instinct; path of intuition; path of originality; path of the eccen-

Freedom refers to the condition whereby an individual
can choose how to conduct themselves, and denotes the ab-
130 sence of obstruction or coercion. Freedom stands as the
second virtue because the individual must exist firstly in order
to possess the condition of freedom secondly.

« 86 »

By liberty, then, we can only mean a power of acting or

not acting, according to the determinations of the will.
—David Hume, Human Understanding
What is the seal of attained liberty? To be no longer
ashamed of oneself.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
Individually free is he who is responsible to no man. […]
Does not the spirit thirst for freedom?—Alas, not my
spirit alone, my body too thirsts for it hourly! […] I se-
cure my freedom with regard to the world in the degree
that I make the world my own.
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
In Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche expounded freedom in
a counter-intuitive way, that defied the definitions of his pre -
My idea of freedom. Sometimes the value of a thing is not
what you get with it but what you pay for it—what it
costs. [...] Because, what is freedom anyway? Having the
will to be responsible for yourself. Maintaining the dis-
tance that divides us. Becoming indifferent to hardship,
cruelty, deprivation, even to life. Being ready to sacrifice
people to your cause, yourself included. [...] A free hu-
man being is a warrior. How is freedom measured in
individuals and in peoples? It is measured by the resis-
tance that needs to be overcome, by the effort that it
costs to retain superiority. Look for the highest type of
free human beings where the highest resistance is con-
stantly overcome: five paces away from tyranny, right on
the threshold, where servitude is a danger. [...] The peo-
ples with any value at all became valuable [...] great
danger made them into something deserving of respect,
the danger that first made us know our resources, our

« 87 »

virtues, our arms and weapons, our spirit—the danger

that forces us to be strong. First principle: you must need
to be strong, or else you will never become it. [...] under-
stand freedom [...] as something that you have and do
not have, that you will, that you win.
Compare and contrast the views that Stirner and Niet-
zsche espoused on the concept of freedom; they both
necessitate responsibility to self, however Stirner measures it
as what one does with it, whereas Nietzsche calculates it as
140 what one does to preserve it.
French existentialist, Jean-Paul Sartre, explicates his
atheistic version of freedom in Humanism Is an Existentialism
via his infamously solemn terms: abandonment, condemna-
tion, and anguish.
When we speak of "abandonment" we only mean to say
that god does not exist [...] We are left alone, without ex-
cuse. That is what I mean when I say that “man is
condemned to be free.” Condemned, because he did not
create himself, yet is nevertheless at liberty, and from the
moment that he is thrown into this world he is responsi-
ble for everything he does. [...] every man, without any
support or help whatever, is condemned at every instant
to invent man. [...] That is what "abandonment" implies,
that we ourselves decide our being. And with this aban-
donment goes anguish.
Proof freedom is the second principle:
1. To perform magick, the magician cannot be restricted
from doing so.
2. Freedom is the ability to choose how one acts.
3. Hence, freedom is the second virtue of black magick.

« 88 »

Evolution & Agency 150

Freedom allows an individual to endure the conse-

quences of their acts and ideas, and handle them accordingly
— a mechanism known as adaptation that facilitates evolu-
tion. Thereby, the degree of restriction on individual freedom
equals the degree of restriction on evolution. For this reason,
true freedom includes space to make poor decisions that hurt
oneself, or even others. In kind, if an individual accidentally
harms someone else in their utilization of freedom, they are
liable to repair damages. This condition of self-ownership is
called moral agency. 160

Black magicians acknowledge the expediency of freedom, and

endeavor to preserve it.
Immanuel Kant specified freedom as the ultimate secret
to human enlightenment in his What is Enlightenment?:
Through revolution, the abandonment of personal despo-
tism may be engendered and the end of domineering
oppression may occur.
All that is required for this enlightenment is freedom;
and particularly the least harmful of all that may be
called freedom, namely, the freedom for man to make
public use of his reason in all matters. But I hear people
clamor on all sides: Don't argue! The officer says: Don't
argue, drill! The tax collector: Don't argue, pay! The pas-
tor: Don't argue, believe!
The public use of a man's reason must be free at all times,
and this alone can bring enlightenment among men...
Nietzsche, in his Human, All Too Human, mused on how a
free spirit can undergo liberation from the tribe, whereby
they finally become a master of their own virtues:

« 89 »

At that time it may finally happen that, under the sudden

illumination of a still stressful, still changeable health, the
free spirit begins to unveil the riddle of that great libera -
tion which had until then waited dark, questionable,
almost untouchable in his memory. If he has for long
hardly dared to ask himself: 'Why so apart? So alone?
Renouncing every thing I once reverenced? Renouncing
reverence itself? Why this hardness, this suspiciousness,
this hatred for your own virtues?' - Now he dares to ask
it aloud and hears in reply something like an answer. 'You
shall become master over yourself, master also over your
virtues. Formerly they were your masters; but they must
be only your instruments [...] in accordance with your
higher goal.

Rational Will
The will is a kind of causality belonging to living beings
insofar as they are rational; freedom would be the prop-
erty of this causality that makes it effective independent
of any determination by alien causes […] freedom be-
longs universally to the activity of rational beings
endowed with a will.
—Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, s. 446-8
The German genius formulates a priori an inseparable re-
170 lationship between will and freedom. A rational will possesses
freedom by definition, otherwise it does not employ reason.
The faculty of reason, i.e. rational will, necessitates freedom by
its nature.
Nietzsche elucidates a causal relationship between will
and happiness in The Will to Power, and identifies that link as
power in and of itself.
The theory of will is antireligious. It seeks to create the

« 90 »

right for man to think of himself as cause of his exalted

state and actions: it is a form of the growing feeling of
Man feels his power, his "happiness," as they say: there
must be "will" behind this state—otherwise it would not
be his. Virtue is the attempt to set the fact of willing and
having willed before every exalted and strong feeling of
happiness as a necessary antecedent—if the will to cer-
tain actions is regularly present in the consciousness, a
feeling of power may be interpreted as its effect.
Behold the unwavering path of freedom; path of evolution;
path of agency; path of will!

Power means the capacity to act, the ability to exercise 180
individual freedom. In science, it equates to work divided by
time, the measurement of strength. To the squeamish, power
is an unscrupulous vice, but the Left Hand Path sublimates
into a necessary virtue for ascent.
Proof power is the third virtue of black magick:
1. To perform magick, the magician must possess the
strength to do so.
2. Power means strength to act.
3. Ergo, power is the third virtue of black magick.
Proof power enables evolution: 190

1. Power means the exercise of individual freedom.

2. Freedom is the ability to choose how one acts.
3. Choices create consequences.
4. Adaptation to consequences enables evolution.
5. Therefore, power equals evolution.

« 91 »

6. Thus, power enables evolution.

In black magick, power is a virtue because the individual
adapts through learning from the consequences of their free
actions. According to this logic, power enables evolution.
200 A crippled soul cannot ascend.
White magicians claim they love magick but denounce
power—an impossible contradiction. One cannot revere mag-
ick, and also renounce power, since power catalyzes the act of
magick itself. Compare this to a person who wishes to drive
an automobile, but removes the engine. It indicates a conflict
of mechanism because automation requires a power source.

FRODO: Take it Gandalf! Take it!
GANDALF: No, Frodo.
FRODO: You must take it!
GANDALF: You cannot offer me this Ring!
FRODO: I'm giving it to you!
GANDALF: Don't tempt me Frodo! I dare not take it.
Not even to keep it safe. Understand Frodo, I would use
this Ring from a desire to do good. But through me, it
would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
—Lord of the Rings, film
Consider the wise, but trite, maxim of Lord Acton,
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts abso-
210 lutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” The quotation
suggests that blind power tends to culminate in aimless de-
struction. It may surprise the reader to discover that the
author agrees wholeheartedly. Power as a sole virtue poses an

« 92 »

extreme hazard, like an unmanned fire hose turned on full

blast, it whips around wildly, blasting everything in its vicin -
ity. However, that circumstance differs fundamentally from
black magick, because sorcery does not pursue power as its
only virtue, but rather as the third virtue in a hierarchy. In
this way, power necessarily conforms to the two higher
virtues, which channel it for the ideal of ascent. Thus, black 220
magick contains a finite set of innately self-governing princi-
ples, a synergistic relationship of checks and balances. When a
black magician allows individuality and freedom to harness
power for their ascent, they possess the conditional virtue of
Nietzsche theorized a similar distinction on the necessity
for virtues to countervail and guide each other, lest one
wreaks inadvertent havoc:
Greatness of soul is inseparable from greatness of spirit.
For it involves independence; but in the absence of spiri-
tual greatness, independence ought not to be allowed, it
causes mischief, even through its desire to do good and
practice "justice."

The categorical imperative entails universality, therefore 230
the black magician extends the Three Godlike Virtues to ev-
eryone in society, not just themselves. This egalitarian factor
therefore precludes any conduct that aggresses against the in -
dividuality, freedom, or power of anyone else. Honor signifies
this condition of self-regulation in accord with the principles
of black magick. A sorcerer embodies true, satanic, egalitarian
honor when they sublimate their power for their own ascent,
without infringing on the ascent of others.

« 93 »

Iconic French existentialist, Jean-Paul Sartre, expounds

240 the egalitarianism immanent in ethics—categorical impera-
tive—in terms of freedom in his milestone lecture
Existentialism Is a Humanism:
We will freedom for freedom's sake [...] And in thus
willing freedom, we discover that it depends entirely
upon the freedom of others and that the freedom of oth-
ers depends upon our own. […] as soon as there is a
commitment, I am obliged to will the liberty of others at
the same time as my own. I cannot make liberty my aim
unless I make that of others equally my aim.

Social Contract
This egalitarianism underpins an implicit social contract
between black magicians and society as a whole. In volunteer-
ing to identify with the path of godhood, every sorcerer also
simultaneously makes a pact to honor these principles in re-
gard to other humans. With this logic, the Left Hand Path
possesses its own native form of conscience. And in the tragic
250 moment that a sorcerer breaches this compact, they lose ethi-
cal standing to claim themselves a member of the Left Hand
Distinguished individualist anarchist, Benjamin Tucker
—who was the first man to translate and print the writing of
both Stirner and Nietzsche in English in the United States—
formulates such a compact in his lecture The Relation of the
State to the Individual on October 14th, 1890 in Salem, Massa-
chusetts. Its essential premise relates to the Left Hand Path
in this manner:
My neighbor is not my enemy, but my friend, and I am
his, if we would but mutually recognize the fact. We help
each other to a better, fuller, happier living; and this ser-

« 94 »

vice might be greatly increased if we would cease to re-

strict, hamper, and oppress each other. Why can we not
agree to let each live his own life, neither of us trans -
gressing the limit that separates our individualities. It is
by this reasoning that mankind is approaching a real so -
cial contract. […] This social law, developed to its
perfection, excludes all aggression, all violation of equal-
ity of liberty, all invasion of every kind.


Happiness means fulfillment. Aristotle illuminated the

nature of happiness, what ancient Greeks called eudaimonia,
in his timeless Nicomachean Ethics:
Happiness is the highest good […] the meaning and the
purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human exis-
tence […] Since happiness is an activity of soul in
accordance with perfect virtue, we must consider the na-
ture of virtue; for perhaps we shall thus see better the
nature of happiness.
In this abridged quotation, the genius prefaces that hap-
piness constitutes the supreme human aspiration, and that it
comes from a life in dedication to virtue—a position which
diverges from those of his contemporaries; for example, Aris-
tippus the founder of Hedonism, championed sensual
Aristotle unknowingly distilled the essence of black mag- 270
ick two millennia ago: devotion to the principles of the Left
Hand Path for personal fulfillment, what the author has
coined Godhood.

« 95 »

Proof black magick causes happiness:

1. Individuality, freedom, and power compose the
virtues of black magick.
2. Sorcerers perform black magick for ascent.
3. Ascent fulfills the Left Hand Path.
4. Personal fulfillment means happiness.
280 5. Thus, individuality, freedom, and power cause happi-
6. Ergo, black magick causes happiness.
The etymology of the term eudaimonia might intrigue
the reader. “Eu” means good, and “daimonia” means spirit, and
thus happiness in Greek means good in spirit. The term “dai-
monia” simplifies to “daimon.” It transliterates to “demon” in
reference to a good spirit, wherefore medieval religions demo-
nized the once beautiful term to mean evil spirit. The sublime
Aristotelian concept of happiness in ancient Greece suffered
290 dreadful bastardization, whereby zealots inverted its original
definition to mean the exact opposite—from enlightened eu-
daimonia to wicked demon. Oh, religion, thou art the bane of
In the Left Hand Path, personal happiness embodies the rea-
son for existence, the raison d’etre.
What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power,
the will to power, and power itself in man. What is bad?
All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness?
The feeling that power increases, that resistance is over-
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist
Behold the path of power; path of honor; path of happiness!

« 96 »


The principles of black magick birth a distinct code of
ethics, namely the Two Godlike Ethics (2GE):
1. Ascent: attainment of Godhood 300
2. Adversarialism: self-defense, or antiauthoritarianism;
also called satanism
Perhaps an analogy will help the reader: consider Ascent
and Adversarialism as two sides of the same coin, like offense
and defense in sports; a team must participate in both forms
of play. Ascent connotes offense in that the black magician as-
pires to attain Godhood, whilst Adversarialism suggests
defense in that the sorcerer combats any force that tries to ob-
struct Ascent.
Ascent attains. Adversarialism protects. 310

« 97 »

Ascent progresses toward Godhood. It encompasses the
ambitious journey of the Left Hand Path—to Become a Liv-
ing God. A sorcerer undergoes Ascension through adherence
to the Three Godlike Virtues, and enactment of the Three
Godlike Powers.

The archetype of god signifies the greatest version of self,
a complete ego. In mythology, a god personifies the principles
320 of individuality, freedom, and power to the maximum, and
thusly epitomizes eudaimonia, or true egoistic happiness. In
this sense, Godhood is categorized as the ne plus ultra of black
magick—the theoretical ideal of flawless virtue and sublime
beauty. All in all, the supreme aspiration for Godhood is
technically impossible because perfection exists only in con-
cept. As such, it does not suggest a literal destination, but
rather the dutiful act of ascending, or becoming; what Koet-
ting defined as transfguration; written in Latin a s in feri;
known by the Greeks as panta rhei. For this reason specifi-
330 cally, the author conceived the maxim become a living god in
honor of the Left Hand Path. The precept carefully distin-
guishes the liveliness of becoming from the deadliness of inert
Presocratic sage Heraclitus, nicknamed The Obscure and
the Weeping Philosopher, grounded his whole ontology on
his aphorism “constance of change.” Wherefore, Nietzsche
revered him as the wisest of all the ancients, and extolled,
“Heraclitus will remain eternally right with his assertion that
being is an empty fiction.” Heraclitus determined that all be -
340 ings are subject to an unremitting metamorphosis, and that
existence itself remains in “ceaseless flux.” In the few surviving
fragments of his writing, he expounded:

« 98 »

Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives

way and nothing stays fixed. You cannot step twice into
the same river, or come into contact twice with a mortal
being in the same state. […] It is in changing that things
find repose.
The author himself architected the prototype of the god-
sorcerer as a paragon for the Left Hand Path—a metrical
touchstone by which a magician may contrast their virtuosity
to measure their Ascent. Thereafter, to his shock and awe, he
exhumed precedents of this hyperbole already existent in nu-
merous philosophies, namely amongst the lineage of
insurrectionaries that unfolded both pre-and-post-Enlighten-
ment in Germany and France. The profane ethos whereby the 350
individual kills the godhead of religion in order to birth their
own godliness became pervasive in the atheistic manifestos of
myriad authors.
Max Stirner breaths life into his God-man:
At the entrance of the modern time stands the "God-
man." At its exit will only the God in the God-man
evaporate? And can the God-man really die if only the
God in him dies? They did not think of this question,
and thought they were through when in our days they
brought to a victorious end the work of the Illumination,
the vanquishing of God; they did not notice that Man
has killed God in order to become now—"sole God on
French existentialist, Jean-Paul Sartre, judged godhood
to be the “fundamental” and “supreme” ideal of mankind in
his milestone tour de force On Being and Nothingness:
It is this ideal which can be called God. Thus the best
way to conceive of the fundamental project of human re-

« 99 »

ality is to say that man is the being whose project is to be

God. Whatever may be the myths and rites of the reli-
gion considered, God is first “sensible to the heart” of
man as the one who identifies and defines him in the ul -
timate and fundamental project. If man possesses a pre-
ontological comprehension of the being of God, it is not
the great wonders of nature nor the power of society
which have conferred it upon him. God, value and
supreme end of transcendence, represents the permanent
limit in terms of which man makes known to himself
what he is. To be man means to reach toward being God.
Or if you prefer, man fundamentally is the desire to be
God. [...]
It appears here that the initial project of being God,
which “defines” man, comes close to being the same as a
human “nature” or an “essence.”
Friedrich Nietzsche prophesies his own rendition via the
Übermensch in his beloved Thus Spoke Zarathustra:
Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the
Übermensch—a rope over an abyss [...]
I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that
shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome
him? [...]
What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock or a painful
embarrassment. And just the same shall man be to the
Übermensch [...] You have made your way from worm to
man, and much within you is still worm […] Even the
wisest among you is only a conflict and hybrid of plant
and ghost...
Behold, I teach you the Übermensch!

« 100 »

The Copernican Revolution of post-modern philosophy, 360

and thereby the Left Hand Path, is grounded in the threefold
thesis of emancipation from slave-human, to reorientation as
healthy-human, to attainment of ultra-human. In the event
that humanity undertakes quantum leaps in evolution—for
example, through the convergence of genetic engineering and
molecular manufacturing that futurist visionaries call the sin-
gularity—physical immortality and permanent resource
abundance becomes feasible, and resembles actual Godhood.

Adversarialism, the principle ethic of satanism, opposes 370
nonconsensual authority in order to defend ascent. No black
magician tolerates the force of an aggressor, or obstruction on
the path to Godhood. This code of ethic requires the Left
Hand Path to champion atheism, anarchism, and empathy
altogether in a triad—valorous abolition of oppression from
the three most atrocious entities in human history, the
Church, the State, and the Psychopath.

« 101 »

Individualism is a form of the "will to power"; here it

seems sufficient to the individual to get free from an
overpowering domination by society, whether that of the
State or of the Church.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
Proof adversarialism comprises atheism, anarchism, and
380 1. Adversarialism opposes coercive authority, and the
initiation of force.
2. Theism enables authoritarian religion.
3. Atheism disbelieves theism.
4. Thus, atheism is adversarial.
5. Statism enables monopolistic authority.
6. Anarchism opposes monopolized authority.
7. Therefore, anarchism is adversarial.
8. Psychopaths inflict violence on innocence victims.
9. Empathy opposes violence against innocents.
390 10. Ergo, atheism, anarchism, and empathy constitute ad-
Coercive, involuntary authority is anathema to the
virtues of individuality, freedom, and power of the Left Hand

Everything sacred is a tie, a fetter.
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
Satanists apostatize theism and divinity; they annihilate
the religious figment that a holy essence flows from a
supreme godhead and pervades the cosmos. In this way, the
Left Hand Path qualifies as profane and heretical. As a phi -

« 102 »

losophy, it does not believe in sacredness. An adversarialist 400

desecrates reality—universal desacralization—they expunge
away the delusion of holiness, blessedness, and sanctity. Black
magick roots itself in the perennial bedrock of sober existen-
tialism and instinctive egoism full stop, without any
extraneous leap of faith in divinity. In other words, sorcery
does not hinge on theism to function as an ideology; more-
over, if a supreme god existed hypothetically, sorcerers would
antitheistically renounce it as an archenemy, because of the
widespread suffering it wreaks on the world.
Ipso facto, satanism denotes the path of sobriety; path of 410
desecration; path of emancipation. It awakens the soul from the
archaic, opiatic delirium of hallowed falsehoods, and deindoc-
trinates the degrading custom of kowtowing to evil authority.
Adversarialists smash the shrines and grails of primitive trib-
alism. They unlock cages, and dissemble fences, so herded
humans escape from sacred cow farms. Satanism detoxifies
the intellectual poison that sycophants of the Church and
State inject into the spongey brains of children.
In a nutshell, an adversarialist opposes evil, so identified
as the initiation of force against innocent people. It humanely 420
defends the integrity of individuals against the atrocities of
the bovine tribe.


The three praxes of black magick are:
1. Divination
2. Evocation
3. Soul Travel
They attain the Three Godlike Powers (3GP):
1. Omniscience

« 103 »

430 2. Omnipotence
3. Omnipresence
Altogether, these 3GP compose Godhood. Thus, the
three practices of magick are inherently the three practices of
black magick.
Proof black magick enables Godhood:
1. Practice of black magick consists of divination, evoca-
tion, and soul travel.
2. Black magick manifests the Three Godlike Powers of
omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.
440 3. Omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence are
the three powers attributed to mythical gods.
4. Ergo, black magick theoretically attains Godhood.

The reader will recall the three inquiries of philosophy:
1. What is true?
2. What is beautiful?
3. What is good?
The Left Hand Path fulfills these inquiries validly. That is
to say, the philosophy of black magick is empirical and logical
in its epistemology, optimal in its aesthetics, and ideal in its
450 ethics.

True knowledge consists of reason and evidence. As ex-
plicated, a supernatural plane of existence exists, as well as the
natural human ability to access it. If magick makes up a func-
tion of the supernatural, and the axioms of magick constitute

« 104 »

the virtues of black magick, then magick equates to black

magick, and thus black magick comprises a function of the
supernatural too. This empirically grounds black magick,
which thus comprises true knowledge and thereby stands
epistemologically sound. 460

Proof black magick is true:

1. True knowledge consists of reason and evidence.
2. It stands empirically evident that both a transcendent
plane exists, and that humans can access it naturally.
3. Therefore, the supernatural makes up true knowledge.
4. Magick constitutes a function of the supernatural.
5. The axioms of magick equal the virtues of black mag -
6. Thus, magick equates to black magick.
7. Therefore, black magick constitutes a function of the 470
8. Accordingly, black magick stands empirically evident.
9. Hence, black magick proves epistemologically sound.
10. Ergo, black magick is true.
Black magick fulflls the validity of true knowledge.

Optimal aesthetic derives maximal rational pleasure or
happiness. Black magick purposefully maximizes happiness
through devotion to first principle. Hence, black magick fea-
tures optimal aesthetic. 480

Proof black magick is beautiful:

1. Optimal aesthetic derives maximal happiness.
2. Black magick maximizes principle.

« 105 »

3. Maximizing principle thereby maximizes happiness.

4. Therefore, black magick features optimal aesthetic.
5. Ergo, black magick is beautiful.
Black magick perpetuates happiness through maximal dedi-
cation to virtue. Thus, it consists of the optimal aesthetic.

490 Supreme ethics create the ideal life. The ideal life derives
the most happiness. As proven, black magick is devoted to
maximizing virtue, thusly it maximizes fulfillment.
Proof black magick has supreme ethics:
1. Supreme ethics foster the ideal life.
2. Ideal life is maximal happiness.
3. Black magick maximizes virtue.
4. Maximizing virtue maximizes happiness.
5. Thus, black magick maximizes happiness.
6. Ergo, black magick fosters the ideal life.
500 7. Therefore, black magick has supreme ethics.
Black magick maximizes virtue, which perpetuates fulfll-
ment. Fulfllment is happiness, ergo, black magicians foster the
ideal life, and therefore supreme ethics.
It is reasonable to conclude that the Left Hand Path is
philosophically flawless, because it is proven empirically and
logically, and perpetuates ultimate truth, beauty, and good-

« 106 »

A meta-proof denotes a comprehensive proof consisting
of previously validated conclusions. A meta-proof deduces a
meta-conclusion. 510

Meta-proof that black magick is genius:

1. Black magick is epistemologically sound.
2. Black magick contains the optimal aesthetic.
3. Black magick comprises supreme ethics.
4. Ergo, black magick fulfills the three fundamental in-
quiries of philosophy.

« 107 »

5. Genius fulfills the inquiries of philosophy.

6. Thus, black magick is genius.
The Left Hand Path constitutes the veritable genesis of
520 human illumination and ascent. It is truly sublime.

“Black magick and white magick do not exist. Only magick
False, all three exist. Black magick exists as a rational
philosophy; white magick exists as an irrational theology; and
magick exists as a force that acts between the astral and phys-
ical planes. I suspect that you claim the paths do not exist,
because you fail to comprehend them, so you try to erase
them, rather than study their fundamentals.

“Demons are evil, and black magicians worship demons,

530 therefore black magick is evil.”
Religions deploy the terms demon and devil to slander
the gods of enemy faiths, a propaganda device called demo-
nization. In and of itself, the term demon does not denote evil
or psychopathy. In fact, its etymology derives from ancient
Greek, and suggests helpful spirit and good character—liter-
ally the opposite. Furthermore, black magicians do not
worship any entity per se, instead, they enact profane idolatry
of astral egregores to inherit their virtues and potencies. The
Left Hand Path does not believe in any supreme god, or di-
540 vinity, because it is not a religion, but rather a heretical
existentialist philosophy.

“Christianity, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Vodoun, Hinduism, or

[insert religion] claims that black magick is [insert defini-
tion], which disagrees with this text.”

« 108 »

The theory of black magick grounds its first principles on

logical axioms, not mystical faith. Ergo, it does not matter
what an irrational religion propagandizes. Virtually every
faith in history has given a different definition of heterodox
sorcery according to its own theology. Regardless, valid phi-
losophy does not depend on religion for its justification. In 550
this way, the Left Hand Path stands as an independent, post-
religion theory, i.e., it possesses its own merit.

“Sorcerers sacrifice children, skin cats, and terrorize society.”

You have watched too many mainstream horror films. As
demonstrated in the logical proofs, it violates the principles of
black magick and satanism to inflict violence on innocent
people, because it transgresses the principle of freedom. The
Left Hand Path comprises a philosophy of ascent and adver-
sarialism, whilst psychopathy denotes victimization; the two
concepts differ absolutely. 560

“Black magick does not have ethics, because sorcery means

chaos. Ethics are a dogma.”
Your claims are categorically false. The Left Hand Path is
grounded in specific first principles and innate ethics, hence it
is designated as a philosophy. Furthermore, the ideology of
chaos self-defeats, because discord amounts to a moral imper-
ative in and of itself, ergo it does not foster chaos at all, but
rather contrarian orderliness.
Ethics means voluntary adherence to universal principles
to fulfill happiness or empathy. Dogma is composed of belief 570
in delusions, and forced adherence to those falsehoods. Ethics
and dogma oppose each other essentially.
No cosmic law, deity, or military forces you to honor the
principles of the Left Hand Path, however, if you voluntarily

« 109 »

elect to do so, then you can accurately consider yourself a

black magician.
In the immortal wisdom of Kant, “The death of dogma is
the birth of morality.”

“Black magick means whatever people want it to mean. Any-

580 one can call themselves a sorcerer if they wish.”
That sounds nice, but intellectually is false. If a person
believes in god, they cannot call themselves an atheist. If a
person champions free markets, they would not call them-
selves a communist. If a person believes in Hinduism, they do
not call themselves a Muslim. The ideas and definitions of an
ideology matter; the Left Hand Path does not make up a
catch basket of random odds and ends that people can toss
into it. It is grounded in first principles, and derives certain
ethics and praxes.

590 “Aleister Crowley said, 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole
of the law.' Who are you to insist that the Left Hand Path
has a moral code?”
The pseudo-law of Crowley reduces to “everyone do
whatever you want” which is horrifically asinine. Killers want
to kill; rapists want to rape; thieves want to thieve. His open-
ended decree enables unmitigated psychopathy. •

Hours from sunrise

Here in the heart of darkness

Where even demons fear to tread
Restraints that hold you down and render you helpless

Behind the wall a child is crying
You with the broken wings

« 110 »

You the sinner

You the patron saint of self-inflicted pity
In search of the pieces you lost when you fell apart

Suffer the children who, like you, knew no better
Mistakes and abuses

Scars, wounds and bruises

Close your eyes

If you should fall

If the world turns away

If it all becomes too much

If you can't take the pain
Here you have strength

Here you are safe from harm

Here you have healing

All the things you never had
You don't have to live in pain

In want of things that hurt you more

You don't have to suffer for the things you've never had
—VNV Nation, Still Waters

« 111 »


Sich selbst verlieren

A million faces, each a million lies

For each and all a chrome disguise

Prompts for action force reaction

Embody promise in a sheen so pure

Hurt, the measure of blind ambition

The testament to your singular disease

Against all wisdom you heed no warning

Your desires giving you away
If I could change your mind

I wouldn't save you from the path you wander

In desperation dreams any soul can set you free

And I still hear you scream

In every breath, in every single motion

Burning innocence the fire to set you free
Your actions turn conquest to dust

In portents of fate you foolishly place trust

Sense fear in your broken breathing

Resort to shadows till your body expires
—VNV Nation, Chrome

« 112 »


Theology means the set of beliefs, or ideology, of a reli-
gion. A religion classically consists of three basics:
1. Theology: belief in god, or divinity
2. Ceremony: communion with the divine 600
3. Church: priesthood that administers doctrine of the
divine, and orchestrates ceremonies for members
The Right Hand Path is composed of exactly the same
fundamentals. The following table compares the definitive
tenets of religion and white magick; the reader will observe
that they are literally identical. Beyond any doubt, the Right
Hand Path irrefutably is a religion, because it believes in the
existence of either a supreme god, or the divine, or both.
White magicians orchestrate elaborate manmade ceremonies

« 113 »

610 to allegedly sanctify themselves in order to attain a holy con-

dition that supposedly allows them to commune with a
supreme god or divine essence.


Faith in god or divinity Faith in god or divinity
Seeks divine communion Seeks divine communion
Priests undergo initiation Priests undergo initiation
into hierarchy of degrees into hierarchy of degrees
Members organize in Members organize in
church, temple, or order church, temple, or order
Faith in divine law Faith in divine law
Faith in divine justice Faith in divine justice

The entire paradigm of the Right Hand Path is utterly

speculative; not a single human in history has ever proven
that god exists, and certainly not that a human can unite with
it. The manmade idea of divinity predates the Stone Age, and
comes from the earliest, most primitive cavepeople. For these
reasons, the Right Hand Path necessitates faith. No amount
of theological rationalization can escape that hard fact; it does
620 not matter what bearded Jewish rabbis, Kabbalists, or gnos-
tics, wrote in the Middle Age. White magick depends one
hundred percent on a god delusion.
Proof the Right Hand Path is a religion:
1. Right Hand Path believes in divinity.
2. Religion believes in divinity.
3. Right Hand Path seeks to commune with divinity.
4. Religion seeks to commune with divinity.

« 114 »

5. Therefore, the Right Hand Path is a religion.

The following table contrasts the essentials of white and 630
black magick.


Theistic, deistic, gnostic Atheistic, agnostic
Commune with god Become your own god
Law of selflessness Rational self-interest
Karma, threefold rule Natural consequences
Faith-based theology Existentialist philosophy

The complimentary terms—left and right, black and

white—suggest that the two paths constitute a pairing of
equal opposites like a yin-yang. However, the twosome is a
false dichotomy, a fundamentally invalid relationship, in that
it commits the category error fallacy. Religion and philosophy
exist in different intellectual categories, and therefore cannot
be subject to equivalent comparison on a mutual plane.
White magick is not equal to black magick, because only
black magick is logically valid. The Right Hand Path is an un- 640
provable religion of faith, while the Left Hand Path is a
proven philosophy of principle.
Break the false dichotomy; shatter the paradigm of fallacy; let
the paths divorce each other forever.
Proof white and black magick are a false dichotomy:
1. White magick adheres to faith in divinity.

« 115 »

2. Thus, white magick is a religion.

3. Black magick adheres to secular principle.
4. Therefore, black magick is a philosophy.
650 5. Religion and philosophy exist in different intellectual
6. Ergo, white and black magick are a false dichotomy.
White magick is a mystical gnostic religion, not the opposi-
tional philosophy to black magick.

Schizophrenia denotes a mental disorder whereby a per-
son cannot distinguish between empirical reality and
subjective fantasy. On a broad spectrum, all magicians proba-
bly suffer these delusions to a degree. However, sorcerers
differ in that they endeavor to ground the philosophy of the
660 Left Hand Path in principled logic and scientific evidence,
whereas white magicians adhere to blind faith in divine theol-
ogy. In this sense, the Right Hand Path suffers from
schizophrenia; it cannot discern fact from fiction.
The following dissects the theology of white magick.

• Faith: Divinity exists
• Proof: None
• Fallacies: False premise; False cause; Begging the
question; Argument from ignorance; Appeal to au-
670 thority; God of the gaps; Unfalsifiable hypothesis
• Disorder: Schizophrenia

« 116 »

Belief in the existence of divinity makes up the central

tenet of the white magick theology. This divine essence sup-
posedly manifests in a multitude of forms, depending on
whom one asks. All of the premises make incredible assump-
tions that require and breed faith, thus invalidating the
remainder of the religion automatically. If an ideology is
founded on a preliminary assumption that lacks a null hy-
pothesis, then all subsequent positions become void. Unless
and until a white magician proves divinity exists—which 680
none of them can—the discussion ceases, and the theology

Monotheism Godhead created existence, and ac-
tively regulates it
Deism Godhead created existence, and pas-
sively preserves it
Henotheism Godhead created existence and lesser
gods too
Polytheism Many gods rule existence
Pantheism God is the cosmos
Intelligent Design Higher intelligence caused the design
of existence

Monotheism explicitly believes that a supreme godhead
created existence, intervenes in human affairs, and actively
regulates events with miracles, mysteries, and magic.

« 117 »

Deism equates to a sort of theism light. It conjectures
that an apathetic godforce created the universe; like a tireless,
690 anonymous, cosmic janitor, it passively maintains the order
and functionality of existence behind the scenes, and never
interferes in human affairs.

Empirical Impossibility
In both the case of theism and deism—if a deity created
existence, it needed to reside in a primordial locale separate
from the boundaries of its creation. Therefore, the matter and
physics of its creation necessarily differ from the matter and
physics of the primordial locale. Hence, scientific instrumen-
tation native to the physics of creation could never measure
700 the physics of primordialism. Alas, a creator godhead is an un-
falsifiable hypothesis.
Refutation of the existence of a primordial deity:
1. A creator deity must preexist in a primordial locale to
be able to manifest existence.
2. The matter and physics of creation are different from
the matter and physics of primordialism.
3. Thus, it is impossible for scientific instrumentation
native to creation to measure primordial preexistence.
4. Ergo, it is impossible to prove a primordial deity ex-
710 ists.

Contradiction of Precedence
Furthermore, belief that a divine entity created existence
contradicts itself. A deity must preexist to create existence,
thus existence already existed prior to creation. Hence, the be-
lief suffers a contradiction in causal precedence.

« 118 »

Refutation of a deity that created existence:

1. A deity must preexist to create existence.
2. If a deity preexisted the creation of existence, then
existence preceded the creation of existence.
3. Hence, it is impossible for a preexistent deity to cre- 720
ate the precedence of existence.

Infinite Regression
The whole argument turns on the familiar question
"Who made God?" […] A designer God cannot be used
to explain organized complexity because any God capa-
ble of designing anything would have to be complex
enough to demand the same kind of explanation in his
own right. God presents an infinite regress from which
he cannot help us to escape.
—Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
The question of import is: who created the creator? Alas,
the line of argumentation descends into infinite regression,
anecdotally referred to as turtles all the way down. The typical
mystical rejoinder says that divinity, “Always existed and al -
ways will,” which ignores the original inquiry on the origin of
the godhead, and indicates faith in eternity. Of course, eter-
nity, or infinite time, is unprovable as well, because it is
impossible to verify limitlessness. Eternity would require an 730
eternity to measure, ergo a second endless regression ensues.
Infinity and eternity exist as mathematical theories only.
Refutation of eternity:
1. Eternity is infinite time.
2. A scientist must verify infinite time to prove it exists.
3. Infinite time requires infinite time to measure.
4. Thus, the measurement of eternity would never end.

« 119 »

5. Therefore, eternity is impossible to prove empirically.

In summary, many white magicians, but not all, broadly
740 worship a fictional, unfalsifiable concept of a perfect, eternal
godhead, or set of gods, that allegedly resided in a primordial
void prior to birthing existence, and whose essence pervades
and sanctifies the cosmos. It equates to textbook religious
schizophrenia because it is one hundred percent fallacious; it
depends on blind faith.

Henotheism believes in the existence of one supreme
creator godhead, and other lesser gods too. Certain theolo-
gians hold henotheism as a transitional, intermediate stage
750 between polytheism and monotheism in the evolution of reli-
gious faith.

Polytheism believes in a pantheon of many gods that in-
dividually and collectively rule the forces of nature, and
usually intervene in human affairs with magic and miracles.

Pantheism consists of general belief in a divine universe.
“Pan” means all, and “theos” means god, ergo pantheism con-
jectures that everything in existence is sacred inherently. Put
760 simply, a pantheist considers the cosmos and god the same
German idealist philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer oblit-
erates the hypothesis of pantheism in his treatise Parerga and
The chief objection I have to Pantheism is that it says
nothing. To call the world “God” is not to explain it; it is

« 120 »

only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym

for the word “world.” It comes to the same thing whether
you say “the world is God,” or “God is the world.” [...]
Hence, Pantheism presupposes Theism [...] We find ac-
cordingly that what is described as the great advance
from Theism to Pantheism [...] is a transition from what
is unproved and hardly conceivable to what is absolutely
absurd. [...] Pantheism, however, assumes that the cre-
ative God is himself the world of infinite torment, and,
in this little world alone, dies every second, and that en-
tirely of his own will; which is absurd. It would be much
more correct to identify the world with the devil.

Circular Sacredness
Pantheists cite a New Age notion called sacred geometry
to support their sacred universe hypothesis. However, that
concept begs the question, in that it commits the fallacy of
circular reasoning, or petitio principii.
Proof sacred geometry commits circular reasoning: 770

1. Theologian believes the universe is sacred.

2. Therefore, geometry in nature is sacred.
3. Thus, discovering geometry in nature evidences the
universe is sacred.
4. Ergo, they claim that the universe is sacred, because
the universe is sacred.
5. Hence, the line of reasoning is circular.
Virtually all arguments for belief in a divine universe or
passive godforce commits this fallacy. This includes the wide -
spread notion of synchronicities whereby the divine universe 780
allegedly sends signals to white magicians through coinciding

« 121 »

Proof synchronicities beg the question:

1. Theologians believe the universe is divine.
2. Hence, synchronicities are divine messages.
3. If one encounters a synchronicity, it proves the uni-
verse is divine.
4. Thus, the universe is divine, because the universe is
790 5. Hence, synchronicities commit circular reasoning.
What differentiates belief in divine synchronicity from
acts of genuine supernatural magick? Black magicians hold
neither mere coincidence nor authentic supernatural events as
proof of divinity. Instead, they accept the effects of magick as
a normal feature of astral causality; it does not necessitate the
existence of god in any way.

The Greek term “gnostikos” denotes the ability to know
as in epistemology. Ancient and medieval gnosticism as-
800 sumes that a person can know a supreme god through
personal communion with it, as opposed to modern and post-
modern agnosticism which affirmatively refutes that, and
instead adheres to secular, scientific knowledge. The weary,
centuries-old dispute over the knowability of the divine is a
throwback to a bygone era, namely the Ages of Reason, En-
lightenment and Modernism, where the titans of genius—
David Hume; John Locke; John Stuart Mill; Thomas Hobbes;
Francis Bacon; Immanuel Kant; Arthur Schopenhauer;
Friedrich Nietzsche; William James; Bertrand Russell; Albert
810 Camus; Jean-Paul Sartre; and many more—en masse insisted
on grounded empiricism, a movement which has permanently
evolved the forefront of human intellectualism past religions
like gnosticism. This revolutionary heterodoxy exorcised the

« 122 »

old hazy ghost of divinity from reasoned discourse in the ev -

ermore profane lineage of philosophy; wherefore in the
twenty-first century, irreligiousness and agnosticism among
the youth rises annually, whilst theism has become subject to
scorn and humiliation. The Millennial Generation, moreso
than any other in history, has awoken to the reality that con-
cepts of god and divinity are merely the religious artifacts of 820
primitive desert nomads who rode camels, lived in caves, and
had sex with children.
The following table exhibits the generational percentages
of all who identify as having no religious affiliation.

Generation Percentage
Younger Millennial 36%
Older Millennial 34%
Generation X 23%
Baby Boomer 17%
Silent Generation 11%
Pew Research Center; 2014 Religious Landscape Study

Hume defiantly set fire to the “sophistry and illusion” of

When we run over libraries, persuaded of these princi-
ples, what havoc must we make? If we take in our hand
any volume; of divinity or school metaphysics, for in-
stance; let us ask, does it contain any abstract reasoning
concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any
experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and ex-

« 123 »

istence? No. Commit it then to the flames: For it can

contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.
—David Hume, Human Understanding
In the original henotheistic gnostic tradition, as opposed
to the convoluted New Age schlock that circulates today, one
supreme God generated creation, which included lesser gods,
830 the universe, and the human race. Cosmic law urges humans
to extinguish their lower animal self so as to exalt their higher
divine self, an act called salvation. Once they have evicted
their primal self, they will attain gnosis and commune with
God, what they call rebirth. The reader will recognize that this
threefold gnostic mythos makes up the foundation of subse-
quent monotheistic religions:
1. Creation
2. Salvation
3. Rebirth
840 Author Hans Jonas—whose theology became a favorite
of late Golden Dawn official Israel Regardie—describes this
specific gnosis in his classic Gnostic Religion on p. 284-5:
The enlightenment by a ray of the divine light which
transforms the psychic nature of man may be an article
of faith, but it may also be an experience. Such superla-
tive experience is sometimes claimed and even described
(more often probably aspired to and set as a goal) in the
religious literature of the age, inside and outside Gnosti-
cism. It involves an extinction of the natural faculties,
filling the vacuum with a surpassingly positive and at the
same time in its ineffability negative content. Annihila-
tion and deification of the person are fused in the
spiritual ecstasy which purports to experience the imme-
diate presence of the cosmic essence.

« 124 »

In the gnostic context, this transfiguring face-to-face ex-

perience is gnosis in the most exalted and at the same
time most paradoxical sense of the term, since it is
knowledge of the unknowable. Hitherto we have found
"gnosis" to mean one of these things: knowledge of the
secrets of existence as related in the gnostic myth, and
these comprise the divine history from which the world
originated, man's condition in it, and the nature of salva-
tion [...] The mystical gnosis—direct beholding of the
divine reality—is itself an earnest of the consummation
to come. It is transcendence become immanent; and al-
though prepared for by human acts of self-modification
which induce the proper disposition, the event itself is
one of divine activity and grace. It is thus as much a "be-
ing known" by God as a "knowing" him, and in this
ultimate mutuality the "gnosis" is beyond the terms of
"knowledge" properly speaking. As beholding of a
supreme object it may be said to be theoretical—hence
"knowledge" or "cognition"; as being absorbed in, and
transfigured by, the presence of the object it may be said
to be practical—hence "apotheosis" or "rebirth": but nei-
ther the mediacy of knowledge-about, nor that of praxis
instrumental-for applies where the knower's being
merges with that of the object—which "object" in truth
means the obliteration of the whole realm of objects.
The "experience" of the infinite in the finite cannot but
be a paradox on any terms. By its own testimony
throughout mystical literature it unites voidness and full-
ness. Its light illuminates and blinds [...]

Mystical Woo-Woo
The previous excerpt demonstrates what philosophers
and scientists jokingly chide as mystical woo-woo. Meaning,

« 125 »

the text needlessly features as many fanciful, pretty platitudes

as possible, despite its unmistakable irrationality; for example,
the “ray of divine light” gives the reader a holy vision of god
parting the clouds to illuminate humanity, yet lacks any basis
850 in reality. Moreover, the passage contains countless self-deto-
nating fallacies, e.g., knowledge of the unknowable; infinite in
the finite; voidness and fullness; illuminates and blinds—none
of which make logical sense, but instead mystify the reader.
Likewise, Hans Jonas fails to provide one scrap of evidence
that a godhead exists, and literally reduces gnosis to an “arti -
cle of faith” in his own words.

False Dichotomy of Selves

As exhibited in the same quotation, gnostics have impu-
dently invented a hypothetical second self, a higher self, and in
860 turn downgraded the real self to lower self. Ipso facto, this
construes a false dichotomy between a fictional divine self and
a factual animal self. Nonetheless, only the animal self exists
empirically, it is called being a human. That is to say, the ma -
ligned lower self in actuality is the only self, thus the archaic
concept of a divine higher self is revealed to be another ab-
surd article of faith in the theology of the Right Hand Path.
The gnostic praxis morbidly strives to negate the natural hu-
man self—what Jonas refers to as “extinction of the natural
faculties” and “annihilation”—in order to chase a figment of
870 the imagination, the divine self. To do so, they relegate all or -
ganic human functions as coarse and vulgar, e.g., sexual,
economic, physical; they shame believers into repressing their
animal instincts, and so as to replace them with a non-exis-
tent essence.
The two quintessential German egoists, Nietzsche and
Stirner, polemicize against this false dichotomy of divine and
animal self, and administer rational smelling salts, to sober up

« 126 »

the reader from this artificial delusion, and ground them back
in reality. Nietzsche excoriates in Ecce Homo:
It is the lack of nature, it is the utterly dreadful fact that
anti-nature itself took home the highest honors and has
remained hanging over mankind as law, as categorical
imperative! To blunder in this way, not as an individual,
not as a people, but as mankind in general! That con-
tempt has been taught for the primary instincts in life,
that a "soul" a "spirit" has been falsely invented in order
to destroy the body; that people have been taught to feel
something unclean in the prerequisite of life, in sexuality;
that the evil principle has been sought in the deepest ne-
cessity for flouring, in strict egoism […] in the typical
signs of the decline and instinct-contradiction, in being
"selfless," in the loss of center of gravity [...] This only
morality that has been taught thus far, the morality of
self-negation, reveals a will to the end, it negates life at
the very foundation.
At the conclusion of the next excerpt, Stirner furnishes 880
an ingenious insight—that white magicians never can elimi-
nate the animal self because it constitutes their real self,
therefore they remain forever at odds with themselves. To
fully apprehend the line of reasoning, the reader will replace
the word egoist with sorcerer, and spirit with divinity.
You despise the egoist [sorcerer] because he puts the
spiritual [divinity] in the background as compared with
the personal [profane], and has his eyes on himself [...]
The distinction between you is that he [sorcerer] makes
himself the central point, but you cut your identity in two
and exalt your “proper self,” the spirit [divine self ], to be
ruler of the paltrier remainder [animal self ], while he will
hear nothing of cutting in two, and pursues spiritual and

« 127 »

material interests just as he pleases. [...] You curse at ev-

erybody who does not look on the spiritual interest
[divine gnosis] as his “true and highest” interest. [...]
Against all that is not spirit you are a zealot, and there-
fore you play the zealot against yourself who cannot get
rid of a remainder of the non-spiritual.
So what differentiates godhood in black magick from the
divine self in white magick? The Left Hand Path refutes the
unfalsifiable notion of divinity, and employs the term god as a
grandiose metaphor for the ideal of maximizing instinctive
890 human principles—individuality, freedom, and power; to ex-
plicate it another way, the Left Hand Path designates anyone
whom exalts their human-animal self to the maximum a liv-
ing god. Whereas the Right Hand Path denigrates, ignores,
and tries to kill their animal self for a fictitious second self
they believe actually exists; they negate their only true self for
literally nothing. The gnostic mythos of self-annihilation re-
sembles ego-death in Eastern mysticism, where monks
repress every human faculty to extinguish their sense of iden -
tity entirely—as if morphing into an inanimate object.
900 As outlined in the table below, both Western gnosis and
Eastern mysticism propagandize incredibly macabre and
masochistic ideologies:

Annihilate animal self Annihilate ego self
Dissolve into divinity Dissolve into nothingness
Humans are flawed Life is suffering

« 128 »

Sacred Alchemy
In reaction to the cutting edge agnostic, atheistic, and
antireligious exodus away from theism by the Millennial
Generation, gnostic white magicians now downplay and min-
imize their dogmatic faith in a supreme creationist godhead.
In its place, they resort to a less absurd, but equally false, no-
tion that humans can sanctify themselves to access a perfect
divine spark hidden inside their being, a mythos known as sa- 910
cred alchemy. Regardless, this theological belief still commits
the infinite regression fallacy. Logically, an imperfect being
cannot house perfection, nor does perfection exist anyway.
The basic premise self-destructs, because only a perfect person
could ever grasp perfection. Since it would require an eternity
for a flawed person to obtain flawlessness, their line of reason-
ing descends into practical impossibility. Furthermore, how
does a white magician prove they own a piece, unit, or spark
of divinity? How do they authenticate this holy essence they
claim to possess? A precious metals dealer can verify the pu- 920
rity of gold jewelry and numismatic coins with a chemical
acid test. Divinity is supposedly perfect and eternal. No tool
exists for gnostics to measure the flawless properties of their
fictional material, nor locate it in the first place, besides a
vague reference to it being “inside.”
Refutation of a latent divine self:
1. Divinity is perfect by definition.
2. White magicians believe humans possess divinity.
3. Thus, white magicians believe humans are divine.
4. Ergo, humans are perfect by definition. 930
5. White magicians believe humans have latency in the
realization of their divinity.
6. Only an imperfect being would have latency.

« 129 »

7. A human cannot be both perfect and imperfect at the

same time.
All in all, the archaic concept of divinity exemplifies a
square circle, meaning it categorically contradicts itself. Any-
time a black magician witnesses the terms divine, infinite,
perfect, eternal, or sacred in a text of white magick, they can
940 consider it bullshit as a rule of thumb. These hyperbolic ideas
exist only in fantasy, not reality. For this reason specifically,
faith-based ideologies like the Right Hand Path pose a grave
danger because followers waste their lives on make-believe.

• Faith: Divine law exists
• Proof: None
• Fallacy: False premise; Begging the question; Appeal
to authority; Self-refuting argument; Unfalsifiable
950 • Disorder: Paranoid schizophrenia
The second degree of faith in the theology of the Right
Hand Path believes in a divine cosmic law, or sacred morality,
as opposed to the secular ethics of the Left Hand Path.

Many white magicians and gnostics explicitly believe in a
cosmic law that supposedly regulates the universe. This pre-
supposes that violation of divine law warrants punishment or
punitive retribution. For this reason, the term sacred morality
becomes a misnomer, because it actually is coercion, that is,
960 forced conduct. White magicians adhere to cosmic law to ap -
pease the divine and avoid punishment.

« 130 »

Jonas explicates on p. 253:

Nature lies not in any deficiency of order but in the all-
too-pervading completeness of it. Far from being chaos,
creation [...] is a comprehensive system governed by law.
But cosmic law [...] in the shaping of conduct.
The Right Hand Path does not promulgate secular
morality; it pushes a religious pseudo-ethic. The morality of
black magick is voluntary because it derives its principles
from logic, and does not claim any cosmic retribution for
misconduct. Whereas the cosmic law of white magick op-
poses true ethics, because it is mandatory under threat of
divine punishment. Accordingly, a rational person can safely
judge the superstition of white magick as evil. 970

Proof that white magick is immoral:

1. True ethics consist of voluntary adherence to logical
2. Sacred morality is divine law, and an accompanying
threat of punishment.
3. Thus, sacred morality is not voluntary.
4. Therefore, sacred morality is coercion, not morality.
5. Coercion is immoral because it violates freedom.
6. White magick adheres to sacred morality.
7. Ergo, white magick is immoral. 980

The divine commandment of the Right Hand Path is
selflessness, nevertheless, all humans act to gratify themselves—
even in the most charitable of deeds. White magicians gloat
over supposed altruism, which in truth they do only to ap-
pease divine law. They believe that if they fail to do so, they
will suffer karma, the threefold rule, or any other superstitious

« 131 »

punishment. Thus, their selflessness turns into nothing more

than a form of self-preservation, which classifies as a type of
990 self-interest. Alas, the Right Hand Path reduces itself to evil
disguised as good in its own terms.
Refutation of selflessness in white magick:
1. Why are white magicians selfless?
2. Cosmic law demands it.
3. Why obey cosmic law?
4. To avoid cosmic punishment.
5. Thus, selflessness becomes self-defense.
6. Self-defense constitutes a form of self-interest.
7. Ergo, white magick is not selfless.
1000 Second refutation of selflessness in white magick:
1. Why undertake selflessness?
2. To undergo personal ascent.
3. Ambition for ascent is a form of self-interest.
4. Hence, white magick is not selfless.
A person cannot adhere to the contradictory principles of
selflessness and self-interest at the same time. For this reason,
white magick commits the self-refuting fallacy. Western
philosophers have identified this fundamental error in reli-
gious morality for millennia.


• Faith: Divine retribution
• Proof: None
• Fallacies: False premise; False cause; Begging the
question; Appeal to authority; God of the gaps

« 132 »

• Disorders: Paranoid schizophrenia; Self-destruction;

Shame; Masochism

The third degree of faith in white magick lies in divine
retribution—belief that self-interest warrants cosmic punish-
ment, or harmful supernatural consequences. The Right Hand 1020
Path espouses a range of nebulous claims on the mechanism
of this divine sentence, ranging from the bizarre neopagan
threefold rule to Hindu karma to generic bad luck.
The threefold rule is simplistic and superstitious. Famous
white magician D.J. Conway pontificates in the canonical
book Wicca: The Complete Craft:
The threefold law [...] expresses the concept that what-
ever you put out in thought, word, deed or magic comes
back to you with three times the strength or three times
the quantity. (p.50)
White magicians propagate variations of the “multifold”
rule—that a holy reckoning force magnifies human conduct
in a multiplier effect to exact vengeance. Similitudes include
the sevenfold rule, and the inverse rule—that negative acts re- 1030
ceive a more potent multiplier effect than positive acts, to
ensure maximum cosmic justice.
Darling of white magick, Israel Regardie, reveals his col-
orful belief in gnosis, god, and karma in his dogmatic brick,
The Complete Golden Dawn:
While man is assumed into godhead, and the divine
spirit is brought down into manhood, a new heaven and
a new earth make their appearance […] (p. 25)
That is to say, that if you endeavour to change completely
[...] the life current, you must be of so great a force that

« 133 »

you can take this Karma [...] by right of the Divine

Power to which you have attained. (p. 480)
Karma equates to a divine credit score for the conduct of
every person. Each act in accord with sacred law adds points,
and each act counter to it subtracts points. Ultimately, once a
person reaches a threshold balance, they graduate from the
1040 wheel of reincarnation, and dissolve into nirvana or reunite
with their divine source. Prior to that, through reincarnation a
mortal will either ascend or descend to an alternate level of
intelligence depending on their tally at death. In other words,
anyone who bears negative karma—anyone who violates cos-
mic law—suffers the humiliation of degradation to a lesser
life form.
Irrational people become white magicians in order to
manifest their repressed self-hatred through belief in utter
absurdities like karma and multifold rules. They harbor deep-
1050 rooted shame for their own human nature, and express it with
these masochistic superstitions.
White magick is a form of religious masochism.
Proof white magick is a form of masochism:
1. White magicians invented fictional self-punishment,
e.g. karma, threefold rule, etc.
2. Masochism seeks self-punishment.
3. White magicians demonstrate masochism.

If existence is divine, then it naturally contains divine or-
1060 der under divine will. For this reason, the Right Hand Path
considers existence sacrosanct. Ergo, anything that counteracts
divine order suffers retribution to extinguish its adversarial
force. The term sacrosanct consists of the roots of the terms,

« 134 »

sacred and sanctuary. Sacred means divine, and sanctuary

means refuge. So, sacrosanct refers to anything sacred and
therefore immoral to corrupt. Ergo, if one transgresses it,
harmful repercussions befall them.
White magicians do not realize that acts of magick qual-
ify as evil according to their own dogma. Sorcery disrupts
perfect divine order, aggresses against divine will, and thereby 1070
deserves penalty. The theology of the Right Hand Path is in-
herently anti-magick.
Proof magick is evil in the theology of white magick:
1. Existence is divine.
2. Divinity is perfect.
3. Therefore, existence is perfect.
4. Magick alters existence.
5. Ergo, magick destroys perfection.
6. Thus, magick aggresses against the divine.
7. Aggression against divinity is evil. 1080
8. Therefore, magick is evil.
This logical syllogism reveals the evilness of magick ac-
cording to the innate theology of the Right Hand Path.
White magicians cannot circumvent this inescapable bind in
their beliefs.
If existence is divine and therefore perfect, then any act of
magick destroys its perfection and thus opposes the divine.
As such, the term “white magick” is an oxymoron. If
white signifies divinity, and magick alters perfection, it means
that “white” and “magick” oppose each other by definition. 1090

No rationale or empirical evidence supports the beliefs of

white magick. Under psychological scrutiny, the Right Hand

« 135 »

Path is a type of paranoid schizophrenic masochism caused

through shame and self-hatred.

White magicians seek to sanctify, purify, or salvage them-
selves to the point of union or gnosis with divinity.
Thus, white magick constitutes a form of mysticism.
The difference between black magick and white magick
1100 is both clear and unambiguous. Black magicians strive to be-
come living gods theoretically as a secular ideal. In contrast,
white magicians sanctify themselves to unite with divinity lit-
erally as a sacred obligation. Black magick derives its profane
philosophy from a logical proof. White magick derives its sa-
cred theology from articles of faith.
Comprehensive proof that white magick is mysticism:
1. Mysticism believes divinity exists.
2. White magick believes divinity exists.
3. Therefore, both mysticism and white magick share at
1110 least one central tenet.
4. Mysticism believes in divine retribution.
5. White magick believes in divine retribution.
6. Hence, both mysticism and white magick share at
least two central tenets.
7. Mysticism believes in divine law of selflessness.
8. White magick believes in divine law of selflessness.
9. Thus, both mysticism and white magick share at least
three central tenets.
10. Mysticism strives to emulate divinity.
1120 11. White magick strives to emulate divinity.

« 136 »

12. Ergo, mysticism and white magick share at least four

central tenets.
13. These four beliefs comprise mysticism.
14. These four beliefs comprise white magick.
15. In conclusion, white magick is mysticism.

« 137 »

It has become a comical and deplorable tradition of the
Right Hand Path to participate in batshit fearmongering
against the Left Hand Path. Like Christian and Islamic fun-
1130 damentalists, these evangelists preach infernal damnation
against black magick, and warn of grievous consequences for
anyone whom joins the spooky “dark side.” Akin to the Harry
Potter children's universe, they caricature sorcerers as ruthless
sadists who want to skin cats and eat babies.
Their false accusations demonstrate classic psychological
projection. White magicians repress deep, unreconciled im-
pulses for evil, which they mask in hatred for grounded, self-
actualized black magicians. This explains why they subscribe
to a manufactured religion of fake purity; it is a deception to
1140 camouflage their own sadomasochism, a sort of overcompen-
sation, or Napoleon Complex. They bitterly despise black
magick because it exposes their fraudulence.
Black magick reveals the snake oil of white magick.

Herein a meta-proof that consists of previously estab-
lished proofs, derives the ultimate definition of the Right
Hand Path.
1. White magick is a form of religion.
2. White magick is not a philosophy.
3. White magick is a form of mysticism.
1150 4. White magick suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.
5. White magick is coercion, not morality.
6. White magick is not selfless.
7. White magick is superstitious masochism.

« 138 »

8. Magick is evil according to the beliefs of white mag -

9. White magick is projective fearmongering.
10. Ultimately, white magick is a selfish, coercive, gnostic
religion that morally prohibits actual magick, but
falsely claims to be a selfless philosophy of magick.
The Right Hand Path is a failed ideology; its name is an 1160
oxymoron; and its faith in divinity, sacred morality, and divine
retribution are fallacious and refuted. Summarily, white mag-
ick is a mental disorder.

Formal challenge to white magicians:
1. Prove divinity exists.
2. Prove divine morality exists.
3. Prove karma or a threefold rule exists.
In short, furnish logical proofs to validate any of the su-
perstitious masochistic claims the Right Hand Path has
propagandized for millennia. Unless and until then, white 1170
magick is hereby null and void.
Fair warning: it is impossible, because those three beliefs
are delusions from the Stone Age. Accordingly, honest white
magicians face a conundrum—either apostatize the religion,
or live a lie.

« 139 »

“White magicians receive benefits from believing in the di-
vine; it brings them hope and peace. It offends me that you
refute their faith, and call it a mental disorder.”
Religious people always receive emotional comfort from
1180 their absurd theologies, which explains why they believe in
them in the first place. Your position amounts to a sad argu-
ment from consequence, which necessitates a cost/benefit
analysis. What does faith cost? What is its opportunity cost?
What is the moral cost?
White magicians misallocate their limited time on Earth
to the mythical falsehood that they can commune with divin-
ity in gnosis. Hence, the opportunity cost literally equates to a

« 140 »

wasted life, which they otherwise could have devoted to

grounded truth. Belief in the delusion of divinity diminishes
their own intellect and propagates irrationality in humanity. 1190
In regards to moral cost, faith in divinity generally reinforces
the traditions of zealot theism, which have enacted terrorism
on innocent people since time immemorial.
In conclusion, when you analyze the cost/benefit of belief
in a religion like white magick, the heavy cost outweighs the

“[Insert person] has studied white magick for [insert number

of years]. They are the [insert title] of [insert church] and they
hate this text.”
This commits the appeal to authority fallacy, alas, it does 1200
not warrant a refutation. I do not care about fancy titles and
make-believe temples; I hate them.

“I am a white magician, but I do not believe in divinity.”

If so, then you cannot faithfully call yourself a white ma-
gician. The theology of the Right Hand Path explicitly
believes in forms of theism, and seeks gnostic union. •

And the ghost of Descartes screams again in the dark

"Oh how could I have been so wrong?"
But above the screams the sirens sing their song.
—Thrice, Digital Sea

« 141 »

Gott ist tot

As the stars appear

I know I'll find you staring at the sky
Pointlessly reaching for some light
You hope to guide your sorry way
Your body bleeding
Your body burned
Your body scarred
Around the cinder of your heart
A God of love
A God of care
A God of hope
A God of words
A God as lost as you and blind
To fill your hollow soul again
You seek a God who stands above you
Wrapping healing arms around you
You'll find another God of pain
A God of suffering and tears
Give yourself unto your God
Sacrifice yourself again
Burn your thoughts erase your will

« 142 »

To Gods of suffering and tears

Tie hallowed bonds around your hands
Kneel before this seat of shame
To Gods as lost
Gods as blind
Gods of suffering and pain
—VNV Nation, Saviour (Vox)
The Madman. Have you ever heard of the madman who
on a bright morning lighted a lantern and ran to the mar-
ketplace calling out unceasingly: "I seek God! I seek
God!" As there were many people standing about who did
not believe in God, he caused a great deal of amusement.
Why! Is he lost? said one. Has he strayed away like a
child? said another. Or does he keep himself hidden? Is he
afraid of us? Has he taken a sea voyage? Has he emi -
grated? The people cried out laughingly, all in a hubbub.
The insane man jumped into their midst and transfixed
them with his glances. "Where is God gone?" he called
I mean to tell you! We have killed him—you and I! We
are all his murderers! But how have we done it? How were
we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to
wipe away the whole horizon? What did we do when we
loosened this earth from its sun? Whither does it now
move? Whither do we move? Away from all suns? Do we
not dash on unceasingly? Backwards, sideways, forwards,
in all directions? Is there still an above and below? Do we
not stray, as though infinite nothingness? Does not empty
space breath upon us? Has it not become colder? Does
not night come on continually, darker and darker? Shall
we not have to light lanterns in the morning? Do we not
hear the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God?

« 143 »

Do we not smell the divine putrefaction? For even Gods

putrefy! God is dead! God remains dead! And we have
killed him! How shall we console ourselves, the most
murderous of all murders? The holiest and the mightiest
that the world has hitherto possessed, has bled to death
under our knife—who will wipe the blood from us? With
what water could we cleanse ourselves? What lustrums,
what sacred games shall we have to devise? Is not the
magnitude of this deed too great for us? Shall we not our-
selves have to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it?
There never was a greater event—and on account of it, all
who are born after us belong to a higher history than any
history hitherto!
Here the madman was silent and looked against at his
hearers; they also were silent and looked at him in sur-
prise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it
broke in pieces and was extinguished. "I come too early,"
he then said, "I am not yet at the right time. This prodi-
gious event is still on its way, and is traveling—it has not
yet reached men's ears. Lightning and thunder need time,
the light of the stars needs time, deeds need done, even af-
ter they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is as yet
further from them than the furthest star—and yet they
have done it!" It is further stated that the madman made
his way into different churches on the same day, and there
intoned his Requiem aeternam deo. When led out and
called to account, he always gave the reply: "What are
these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monu-
ments of God?"
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

« 144 »

Reason can never prove the existence of God.
—Immanuel Kant
simplest form, means that a person

does not believe in a god, i.e., they disbelieve in the
hypothesis of its existence. To make a critical dis-
tinction—an atheist does not deny the existence of a god,
because that would presuppose the god exists, and that they
refuse to accept it. Instead, atheism disbelieves in the concept
of god. Not a single soul in history has empirically proven the
existence of a divine being, alas, it is merely an archaic idea

« 145 »

that atheists refute. It encompasses many categories of

10 freethought.

Positive atheism Disbelief in a god; god is false
Negative atheism Disbelief in a god; god is improbable
Agnosticism One cannot prove or know a god exists
Antitheism Opposition to belief in a god
Antignosticism Opposition to belief one can prove god
Antireligion Opposition to religion
Heresy Freethought that differs from tradition
Panatheism Disbelief in all gods
Polyatheism Disbelief in many gods

A positive atheist explicitly does not believe in a god,
and refutes the hypothesis that such an entity can exist. They
cite specific reasons why the concept of god logically contra-
dicts, lacks empirical evidence, and invalidates itself. They
affirm that the god concept is false. This is also called hard athe-
ism and strong atheism.

A negative atheist explicitly does not believe in a god ei-
20 ther, but considers the concept of god improbable, rather than
false. This position is also known as soft atheism and weak

« 146 »

atheism. Hard atheists often teasingly regard soft atheists as

having no spine.


Controversial atheist and biologist, Richard Dawkins,
conceived a “Spectrum of Theistic Probability.” It consists of a
sliding seven-point scale for measuring oneself, whereby each
degree quantifies a different intellectual stance. A simplified,
revised version of it follows below:
1. Hard theism: god concept is absolutely true. 30
2. Soft theism: god concept is probably true.
3. Openness: god concept possibly is true.
4. Neutrality: god concept may be true, may be false.
5. Skepticism: god concept possibly is false.
6. Soft atheism: god concept probably is false.
7. Hard atheism: god concept absolutely is false.
By the by, Dawkins marks himself a 6.9 on the scale,
while the author grades himself as a solid 7.

Agnosticism concludes that no one can prove a god ex- 40
ists, thus admit they can never know if god exists, therefore
they implicitly do not believe in a god. Agnosticism deviates
from the word gnostic, and falls under the branch of episte-
mology, because it inquiries on knowledge, rather than belief.
A synonym for agnosticism is implicit atheism.

Antitheism not only disbelieves in a divine entity, it acts
affirmatively in opposition to theism and religious belief, due

« 147 »

to their tendencies to culminate in extreme violence, and

50 hateful bigotry.

Antignosticism concludes that no one can prove divinity
exists, and like antitheism, affirmatively opposes the idea that
a person can know it exists.

Antireligion opposes faith for its inclination toward vio-
lent terrorism and social discrimination, and often classifies as
a type of antitheism.

Heresy is another word for freedom of thought.
—Henry Graham Greene, author

« 148 »

Heresy is freethought that deviates from religious and 60

political doctrine. It translates from haireisthai in Greek,
which means to choose. Hence, a heretic chooses to think for
themselves, at the risk of going against the tribe. In this way,
heresy often entails anti-tribalism and counterculturalism.
Wherefore, heretics pose a threat to the Church and State,
and thus historically have suffered exile or death penalty from
the oppressive tribe.
I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in
this country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I
don't believe in all these man-made institutional ideas.
—George Carlin, comic

The Left Hand Path undeniably commits radical heresy.
It openly anathematizes evil institutions of authority, and 70
avenges interpersonal transgression. Black magick necessarily
falls under all nine categories of atheistic freethought. Sorcery
refutes and affirmatively opposes sacrosanctity in whole, des-
ignating the Left Hand Path as a form of panatheism,
because it is unapologetically profane and irreligious.
The impassioned disdain for the concept of divinity may
discomfort the reader. Disbelief sobers the soul, and its detox-
ification may hurt. Cleansing irrationality from the heart
chills the bones, but liberates the intellect. Atheists strike the-
ists as jaded malcontents, deservedly so. They make up the 80
tiny minority of the human population to have escaped reli-
gious psychosis, and now wait agonizingly for the rest of the
poor species to defecate the poison in tow.

« 149 »

Polytheism believes in many gods, for instance, the pan-
theon of ancient Greek religion. In contrast, polyatheism
disbelieves in many gods.
The reader will recall that a polytheistic faith often ven -
erates a throng of hundreds of divinities. It begs the question,
90 how many gods have humans worshiped since the dawn of
time? The author will deduce an estimate with basic arith-
metic and rounded numbers.
1. Around 7 billion humans live currently.
2. About 4,200 religions exist today.
3. Scientists estimate 100 billion humans have lived.
4. Thus, 60,000 faiths may have existed proportionally.
5. The Greek pantheon contained about 370 gods and
demigods; the Hittites possessed as many as 1,000;
Christianity worships only one god. Average the 3 to-
100 gether to a round figure of 460 gods per religion.
6. Multiply total religions (60,000) by average gods per
religion (460) for an estimated total of 28 million
gods in history.
If humans have worshiped as many as 28,000,000 deities,
then literally every single human qualifies as a polyatheist, be-
cause it is impossible to sincerely revere every divinity.
Statistically, everyone disbelieves in 99 percent of gods at
least. If a person believes in as little as one percent, they
would still need to worship 280,000 gods—an unrealistic feat
110 indeed.
Fact: Every human being is a polyatheist, because everyone
disbelieves in many gods.

« 150 »

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies

have believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
—Richard Dawkins, atheist

Fewer than ten original religions adhere to monotheism.
The most popular disperse from the line of proto-Judaism,
namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—each of which has
generated its own denominations and standalone derivatives.
Paganism, in the medieval and modern lexicon, refers to all
the polytheistic faiths, outside the purview of the aforemen-
tioned behemoth, monotheistic, Abrahamic, desert religions. 120
In this way, pagan is synonymous with heathen or unbeliever.
The preliminary etymology of the term descends from the le-
gal code of ancient Rome and originally carried no religious
connotation. In Latin, the noun pagus referred to a municipal
district of land, like a township. And anyone who resided in -
side its marked territory received the name pagan, not unlike
how those who live in a town are relegated as townies.
The pagus was not an independent state, it had an organ-
isation […] we find that magister pagi are annually
elected with priestly functions, to look after the sacred
rites of the pagus, with some police control also of local
matters, such as the roads, and perhaps of water-supply
[…] a power of fining the members of the pagus appears
in inscriptions, and a common council for such local
—W. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Pagi, the plural of pagus, predominantly laid in remote
rural areas, thus pagans typically bore a rustic, backwoods de-
meanor. Pretentious urbanites, politicians, and soldiers, would 130
hurl the word pagan as a slur against the country folk, in a

« 151 »

manner similar to hillbilly or hick. As the Roman Empire ac -

culturated to Christianity, outlying pagans dodged the wave
of religious conversion sheerly by virtue of their distance from
the densely populated cities. Thereon, paganism mutated into
a moniker for those specific non-Christians in rural areas who
still worshiped the previous gods, and inevitably extended to
encompass all polytheistic unbelievers, Roman or otherwise.

140 An amusing New Age movement proliferated in the 20th
century, in an obscure attempt to revive traditional polytheism
—neopaganism—or as the author calls it, pseudo-paganism.
Oddly, almost none of its advocates genuinely worship or be-
lieve in the myriad dead pagan faiths, yet they insist the genre
is pagan. Under sober inquiry, these neopagans unhesitatingly
admit they do not sincerely believe archaic gods like Zeus or
Thor actually rule the sky, but rather they intellectually admire
the mythical characters, stories, customs, and era of the reli-
gions. Ergo, they are not pagan at all, but rather modern
150 aficionados of early mythology. To illustrate the discrepancy,
over one billion Hindus in India and Nepal fervently revere a
pantheon of gods; they authentically believe their enormous
constellation of deities regulates the cosmos, to the point
where numerous bands of psychotic zealots commit terrorism
to appease divine law. This bona fide polytheistic faith
demonstrates real paganism, and differs starkly from the
lighthearted pseudo-religion of neopaganism.
The religions of ancient Greece and Rome are extinct.
The so-called divinities of Olympus have not a single
worshipper among living men. They belong not to the
department of theology, but to those of literature and
—Thomas Bulfinch, Bulfnch’s Mythology

« 152 »

The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of

the next.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
A rational person may wonder why neopagans feign be-
ing pagan in the first place, especially in the 21 st century when
science has explained the forces of nature, and debunked the 160
lore of deities, e.g., Zeus does not throw lightning bolts at
Earth, but instead high voltage electricity discharges from
storm clouds. A common thread across neopagan doctrine re-
veals an answer to the enigma—they universally harbor a love
of nature, and tend to resent industrialized society. The radi -
cals of neopaganism and especially neoshamanism essentially
seek a return to nature, and a return to ancestry, going so far as
to live in primitive teepees on native camp grounds, where
they adopt spirit animal names, and forage for wild edibles;
the less extreme among them generally gather at parties on 170
the weekend, drink wine, and dance in fairy costumes to me-
dieval flute music.
While neopagans are seemingly harmless and rarely
proselytize, they do exhibit inexcusable naiveté. Early poly-
theists did not worship nature in the way that the New Age
seems to suggest. Ancient and medieval pagans, by and large,
envisioned a network of ethnocentric anthropomorphic gods
who objectively governed the forces of nature, e.g., tribes, ani -
mals, plants, fire, weather, childbirth, war, agriculture, etc.
Accordingly, when an Irish priest in the Iron Age fastened to- 180
gether a bundle of hazel sticks, and carved Ogam letters
down their shafts, he did so to invoke the omniscience of the
tribal god, the Dagda, but not because he considered a mere
twig to be godly in and of itself. The priest never worshipped
hazel, nor nature per se, but rather invoked sovereign gods
through the medium of nature, like a bridge to the other-

« 153 »

world—or underworld in the case of Ireland since their

deities resided underground.
In addition, neopagans tend to romanticize the history of
190 paganism, implying that ancient tribes cultivated a peaceful
and loving harmony between one another, in contrast to the
barbaric crusade of monotheism. Quite the opposite, brutal
savagery has always ensued between neighboring clans over
issues of faith, politics, and resources. Many neopagans foster
an irrational ethnocentric and ancestral nostalgia, where they
gaze through rosy glasses in retrospect at the history of their
forefathers, projecting their own embellished fantasies onto
real history. All in all, the entire history of theism, both
monotheism and polytheism combined, bears the horrific
200 blood stains of innocent souls.
The abyss becomes me.
I wear this chaos well.
Are these not words of heresy
A venom on my lips, a poison?
My spirit impurified
In everything I choose to say.
With you I stand in hope
That god will save us from ourselves.
Every cry a wasted moment
Until another day is lost.
Even lands we once called home
Lie undiscovered and unknown.
Only heaven's silence for an answer.
—VNV Nation, Genesis

Black magick does not wish to revive faith in dead reli-
gions, but rather to employ their astral gods for sorcery, in

« 154 »

what the author calls profane idolatry—the act of invoking

the extant deities without worshiping them as divine. Black
magick acknowledges that these potent entities exist super-
naturally on the astral plane, but not as literal gods. Instead,
the sorcerer recognizes each one as a spirit who can aid as-
cent, rather than as a master to serve. In this way, black
magicians are not faithful pagans, but profane atheists who 210
idolize characters of mythology which they select rationally.

As such, it has been a common misconception among
black magicians that they are dark pagans. Nonetheless, that
notion fails logical scrutiny because virtually no sorcerer has
sincere religious faith in polytheism; that is to say, few if any
actually believe Zeus rules from a golden throne seated upon
the clouds of Mount Olympus above Earth's troposphere. In
reality, sorcery embodies a form of dark atheism, black atheism,
astral atheism, or supernatural atheism, where they voluntarily 220
participate in profane astral idolatry. A handful of people have
pushed for the oxymoron, pagan atheism, which nevertheless
commits a fatal contradiction; the phrase translates to “poly-
theistic atheism,” which self-defeats. To avoid tedious,
wearisome wordsmithing, suffice it to say that black magick
comprises atheistic egregoric sorcery.
Proof black magicians are not pagans:
1. Paganism means non-proto-Judaic polytheism.
2. Polytheism signifies worship of many gods.
3. Black magicians do not worship or believe in a god. 230
4. Ergo, black magicians are profane atheists.
5. Hence, black magicians are not polytheists.
6. Therefore, black magicians are not pagans.

« 155 »

Primitive man started to call “gods” those elements of na-
ture on which he was most dependent, such as sun and
moon, rivers, and fruits.
—Prodicus, Greek philosopher
Mythologies and their deities are productions and pro-
jections of the psyche. What gods are there, what gods
have there ever been, that were not from man's imagina-
tion? We know their histories: we know by what stages
they developed. Not only Freud and Jung, but all serious
students of psychology and of comparative religions to-
day, have recognized and hold that the forms of myth
and the figures of myth are of the nature essentially of
—Joseph Campbell, Myths to Live By
Man cannot get beyond his true nature. He may indeed
by means of the imagination conceive individuals of an-
other so-called higher kind [gods], but he can never get
loose from his species, his nature; the conditions of be-
ing, the positive final predicates which he gives to these
other individuals [gods], are always determinations or
qualities drawn from his own nature—qualities in which
he in truth only images and projects himself.
—Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity
All religions have been made by men.
—Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor
All religions, with their gods, their demigods, and their
prophets, their messiahs and their saints, were created by
the prejudiced fancy of men who had not attained the
full development and full possession of their faculties.
—Mikhail Bakunin, Russian anarchist

« 156 »

God did not make man in his image; man made god in
his image.
By definition, the gods of religion constitute egregores,
the astral spirits of manmade creation, which black magicians
nourish through idolatry. The author coined this his Theory of
Anthroprogeny, whereby anthro means human, and progeny
means offspring. Hence anthroprogeny signifies human off-
spring of an astral pedigree specifically. Perhaps the term 240
astroprogeny suits it too, meaning astral offspring.
Early Greek skeptic Xenophanes clarifies how human
men manufactured gods that reflect their physical and tribal
characteristics. He jokes that if animals could, they too would
fashion gods in their own likeness:
If cattle and horses and lions had hands or could paint
and create works such as men do, they would depict the
gods' shapes and make their bodies of such a sort as the
form they themselves have […] Ethiopians say that their
gods are snub–nosed and black, Thracians that they are
pale and red-haired.
This conclusion will dismay and confound magicians
whom blindly hold their celestial or infernal deity as the one
true god that created the cosmos, and every other as counter-
feit. In truth, primitive humans invented gods to rationalize
the forces of nature, due to their lack of science—what Ger- 250
man anthropologist Ludwig Feuerbach called “chimeras” of
psychological projection. Cavepeople witnessed marvels like
lightning, thunder, rainfall, childbirth, war, crop yields, love,
fortune, hatred, bad luck, etc. and projected their own human
characteristics onto these preternatural phenomena—an act
o f anthropomorphism. They attributed these inexplicable
wonders of nature to the will of invisible magic people of a

« 157 »

supernatural origin. Over millennia of irrational worship,

these fictional characters became extremely powerful egre-
260 gores on the astral plane, which sorcerers employ for their
own ascent today. Moreover, tribal poets and priests conceived
these divine beings to epitomize their cultural virtues and
physical appearances, meaning, they made gods in their own
image. Greeks revered physical strength and beauty, e.g.,
handsome, youthful, muscular Hercules; Africans depicted
their gods as tall, thin, and black; Irish as pale, insolent, and
brunette; Aztecs as brown-skinned and rugged; and so on.
Furthermore, in order to populate their pantheons, they
would customarily borrow or bastardize figures from neigh-
270 boring cults, typically downgrading the pretty celestial gods of
a local pantheon, to hideous villains in their own. Under this
pretext, religion classifies literally as fantasy fiction. The thou -
sands of mythologies conflict in their accounts of cosmogony,
cosmology, eschatology, morality, and timeline. It is plainly
impossible for all these faiths to be factually correct, due to
their irreconcilable contradictions. Alas, a critical brain can
only deduce that religions undeniably are manmade, thereby
the gods are anthropomorphic egregores.
Timothy's Theory of Anthroprogeny:
280 1. Primitive humans invented imaginary people and
tales to explain the forces and phenomena of nature,
i.e., they anthropomorphized nature.
2. They religiously worshiped these mythical humanlike
characters, called gods.
3. Their worship inadvertently gave birth to these fic-
tional entities as egregores on the astral plane.
4. Contemporary sorcerers contact these extant astral
entities to inherit their virtues.

« 158 »

Proof that religious gods are egregores:

1. Religious dogma is supposedly perfect divine truth. 290
2. Thus, followers of each religion insist their dogma is
true, and all others are false.
3. Dogmas of religions contradict one another.
4. Ergo, religions falsify one another.
5. Hence, religions cannot be perfect divine truth.
6. Alas, religions are manmade.
7. Therefore, the gods of religions are manmade.
8. Manmade spirits are called egregores.
9. Ipso facto, religious gods are egregores.
As an addendum, this does not mean that all astral spirits 300
came into existence as egregores of religious worship. Innu-
merable entities populate the supernatural realms that do not
hail from any known human faiths. One can only surmise
they emerged from organic forces native to that plane, inde-
pendent of human conception, whereby they survive
according to their own instincts.
Thus, at least two species of astral entity exist:
1. Religious egregores
2. Organic natives


Parsimony means frugality; hence, the law of parsimony

encourages simplicity over complication. This principle, de-
vised by William of Ockham and eponymously named
Occam's Razor, suggests that when comparing ideas, it is wis-
est to select the one with the fewest assumptions.
Which of the following ideas abides by Occam's Razor?

« 159 »

1. Atheism: Primitive humans invented mythical gods

to rationalize the mysterious forces of nature.
2. Polytheism: 28,000,000 deities from 60,000 religions
320 exist; all these gods created the cosmos, govern the
forces of nature, and revealed themselves to humans.
The law of parsimony undoubtedly supports the atheistic
Theory of Anthroprogeny, because it makes only one assump-
tion, whereas theism makes millions of assumptions. This
logically assures that the gods of mythology exist as manmade
egregores for sorcery, rather than literal deities to worship.
Man, your head is haunted; you have wheels in your
head! You imagine great things, and depict to yourself a
whole world of gods that has an existence for you, a
spirit-realm to which you suppose yourself to be called,
an ideal that beckons to you. You have a fixed idea!
I regard those persons who cling to the Higher, and al-
most the whole world of men, as veritable fools, fools in a
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own

In reality, faith demonstrates desperate masochism. The
masochistic members of humanity materialized religion as a
330 mechanism to subjugate themselves, to resolve their own
deep-seated depravity. In turn, the corresponding sadistic
members of the population took the reigns to fill the void of
psychological aggression for them. In effect, masochists insti-
gated an extensive social order of extreme evil via the proxies
of religion and statism, to indulge their own psyche. Religion
gives masochists a terrific reason to sacrifice themselves; it
provides an incredible excuse to commit soft suicide under
the guise of selfless piety. It epitomizes deceptive self-hatred.

« 160 »

Religion is the disuniting of man from himself; he sets

God before him as the antithesis of himself. God is not
what man is—man is not what God is. God is the infi -
nite, man the finite being; God is perfect, man imperfect;
God eternal, man temporal; God almighty, man weak;
God holy, man sinful. God and man are extremes: God is
the absolutely positive, the sum of all realities; man the
absolutely negative, comprehending all negations. But in
religion man contemplates his own latent nature.
—Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

« 161 »

The ultimate cost of theism is human genocide. Its death
340 toll estimates in the tens of millions at least, not including
torture victims, the injured, and displaced refugees. Religion
poses an extreme danger in that it systematically provokes
merciless long term wars between members of adversarial
tribes, collaterally killing countless innocents without re-
Thus to Holy War, our songs that turned to roar.

Onward in our cause, we judged by holy laws.

Hailed the sacred creed, fell on bended knee.

Death that filled our wake, blood that stained our hands.
Thus we reached the land, sacred man beheld.

Vessel of a sin, none shall call him King.

Thorns were always gold, blood that never flowed.

Death lay in his wake, blood that stained his hands.
Take away his shield.
Tear apart his standard.

Shouting, sanctify this holy lie.
Wash your face with tears.

Wash your hands with soil.

Wash away this holy lie.
—VNV Nation, Outremer

Here is the dogmatic ideology of a terrorist:
1. God exists.
2. God created divine law.
350 3. Divine law commands obedience to god.
4. Obedience to god is supreme goodness.

« 162 »

5. Thus, opposition to god is supreme evil.

6. Supreme evil is a capital offense.
7. Capital offense receives death penalty.
8. Hence, murder is morally good.
9. Therefore, murder every offender.
Summarily, this set of beliefs demands death for anyone
whom disobeys or disbelieves in god. The excessive violence of
fundamentalists may repulse moderate theists, but their par-
ticipation in the religion affirms the toxic fanaticism. 360

Logically, if neighboring faiths condemn each other to

death, holy wars become inevitable and never-ending. Fur-
thermore, if they deem religious terrorism as moral, then the
more brutal the violence, the better. This explains why torture
killing occurred historically and persists today. Zealots believe
that the more horrific the death sentence they carry out, the
more they honor god.
Theism enables unapologetic mass serial killing.
est enough to tell a king something that he does not
want to hear? What is your opinion on my Crusade?
Will God be pleased with my sacrifice?
KING RICHARD: Why do you say that?
ROBIN LONGSTRIDE: When you had us heard two
and a half thousand innocent men, women, and children
together; the woman at my feet, with her hands bound,
she looked up at me. It wasn't fear in her eyes, it wasn't
anger. It was only pity. She knew that when you gave the
order, and our blades would descend upon their heads, in
that moment: we would be godless. All of us. Godless.

« 163 »

—Robin Hood, film

Our domain, this kingdom come 

Now godless lands whose ways are lost. 

Without the strength to carry on. 

All values lost all virtue none. 

Did you think you would be saved 

By burning flags to cleanse yourselves of shame?

Or are you afraid as you stare back at your face? 

Or are you ashamed, are you afraid, 

By destroying what the gods once gave? 

Do you think that you will be saved?
No more the servants of the weak

Devoid of thought or light to seek. 

I'll leave no walls, no stone unturned. 

Every tower must be razed to the dust from which it

None will be spared, no remnant saved. 

And are you ashamed, are you afraid, of the gods and
idols that you have made? 

Did you think you would be saved by the gods and idols
that you have made? None will be saved.
—VNV Nation, Kingdom

Religious holy books are litanies of barbarous practices.
—Sam Harris, atheist
Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and
demanding it at gunpoint.
—Christopher Hitchens, atheist
370 It is difficult to find a holy text of any popular religion
that does not possess cutthroat hate speech against unbeliev-

« 164 »

ers and transgressors. Ironically, these religions all claim that

violence is inimical their beliefs; the innate hypocrisy escapes
them. Apparently they do not adhere to universal principles
because their ethic of peace applies only to members of their
own religion, not anyone else. The following excerpts exhibit
divinely-inspired blood thirst in scripture.

Carolsfeld, Moses Receives God’s Holy Commandments

The Islamic god, Allah, demands that Muslims murder
anyone who opposes him. They call it jihad. Muslims believe 380
they struggle against a global population of infdels, or unbe-
lievers. Thus, jihad seeks conquest over anyone who defies
almighty law. Moreover, this evil religion indoctrinates the
ambition for martyrdom into children, especially males, so
that they aspire to fight and die in honor of the cause.
And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them
out from where they have turned you out. Disbelief is

« 165 »

worse than killing... And fight them until there is no

more disbelief and worship is for Allah alone.
—Quran 2:191-193
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah
and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the
land is only this, that they should be murdered or cruci-
fied or their hands and their feet should be cut off on
opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be
as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter
they shall have a grievous chastisement.
—Quran 5:33
And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the
Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are
the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of
those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them.
—Quran 9:30
And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our
commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but
they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against
it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.
—Quran 17:16
If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease,
and the alarmists in the city do not cease... Accursed,
they will be seized wherever found and slain with a fierce
—Quran 33:60-62
The Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to
fight against people so long as they do not declare that
there is no god but Allah.
—Muslim 1:30

« 166 »

Kill any Jew who falls under your power.

—Tabari 7:97

Here is an abridged table of Islamic terrorist groups.


Organization Nation
ISIS/ISIL Iraq & Syria
Boko Haram Nigeria
Al-Qaeda Afghanistan
Hamas Palestine
Taliban Afghanistan
Hezbollah Lebanon
Al-Shabaab Somalia
Lashkar-e-Taiba Pakistan

« 167 »

Ansar al-Sharia Tunisia & Libya

Lib. Islamic Fighting Group Libya
Aden-Abyan Islamic Army Yemen
Muslim Brotherhood Egypt
Armed Islamic Group Algeria
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Palestine
Moroc. Isl. Comb. Group Morocco
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
Jaish-e-Mohammed India
Jemaah Islamiah Thailand
Source: Global Terrorism Database

Multiple Islamic terrorist groups operate in virtually ev-

ery predominantly Muslim state. Organizationally, they can
be fickle to catalog. Factions frequently merge to form bigger
390 organizations, and splinter to spawn new independent groups
bearing different names. In fact, it is not uncommon for at-
tack victims to have trouble assigning culpability to a select
group. Since September 11, 2001 alone—the date of the infa-
mous 9/11 massacre in the United States—jihadists have
committed over 25,000 confirmed acts of terror worldwide.
On average, these psychotic savages murder about five inno-
cent people per day. Regardless of an alleged conspiracy
behind the World Trade Center attacks, a reasonable person
needs to acknowledge that Islamic terrorists act in force glob -
400 ally.

« 168 »

Islamic religious violence invariably stems from a mission

of political revolution, called insurgency. Terrorists shamelessly
declare their supreme purpose to install an earthly Islamic
empire, or caliphate, under Sharia law—Islamic law. They
cheer on the war cry, “Caliphate or death!” and do not conceal
their zealous plot to conquer the world; to the contrary, they
announce it formally. Irrespective of instances where Western
countries armed Muslim militias for purposes of destabiliza-
tion, these terrorist blocs will never cease their insane
psychopathy so long as they indoctrinate subsequent genera- 410
tions of children into their merciless faith.

The Bible features extremely morbid and macabre tales
of apocalypse, genocide, slavery, capital punishment, infanti-
cide, explicit torture, threats of eternal damnation, and more.
Apropos, authors of the holy text call for murder of those
who transgress divine law.
Now go, attack [...] and totally destroy everything that
belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men
and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep,
camels and donkeys.
—1 Samuel 15:3
Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the
Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any
work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.
—Exodus 31:15
Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little chil-
dren, and women: but come not near any man upon
whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary.
—Ezekiel 9:6
Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and ev-

« 169 »

ery one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their
eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives rav-
—Isaiah 15-16
So the Lord our God delivered [...] with all his people
into our hand, and we smote them until no survivor was
left. We captured all his cities at that time; there was not
a city which we did not take from them: sixty cities [...]
All these were cities fortified with high walls, gates and
bars, besides a great many unwalled towns. We utterly
destroyed them [...] utterly destroying the men, women
and children of every city.
—Deuteronomy 2:32-34
Then he said to them, "This is what the Lord, the God of
Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back
and forth through the camp from one end to the other,
each killing his brother and friend and neighbor. ' "The
Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about
three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, "You
have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were
against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed
you this day.
—Exodus 32:27-29

« 170 »

Lord's Resistance Army


Organization Nation
Army of God United States
Eastern Lightning China
Lord's Resistance Army Uganda
Anti-balaka Central African Republic
National Lib. Front of Tripura India
Nt. Sc. Council of Nagaland Nagaland-India
Maronite Christian Militias Lebanon
Source: Global Terrorism Database

Christian terrorist organizations not only exist in the

modern world, but actively kill. Similar to Islamic Jihad, but
less common, Christian insurgencies in Africa and South 420

« 171 »

Asia strive to impose religious states under the power of


It will surprise ignoramuses that Buddhism has a colored
history of dogmatic violence. It is certainly not the idyllic reli-
gion of peace the bald-headed, smily-faced Dalai Lama
purports it to be. Several quotations in its holy texts call for
blood. Furthermore, radical Buddhism advocates a particu-
larly disturbing rite, misnamed compassion killing. This
430 egregious act consists of slaying icchantikas, or unbelievers, be-
cause they are fated to hell, according to scripture. Moreover,
compassion killing conveniently carries no negative karma,
because unbelievers supposedly embody the lowest form of
A person who kills an icchantika does not suffer from
the karmic returns... O good man, all those Brahmins
are of the class of the icchantika. Killing them does not
cause one to go to hell. [...] The icchantikas are cut off
from the root of good... Because of this, one may well kill
an ant and earn sin for doing harm, but there is no sin
for killing an icchantika.
—Nirvana Sutra
The Buddha said, “When I heard the Brahmins slander-
ing the Vaipulya Sutras, I put them to death on the spot.
Good men, as a result of that action, I never thereafter
fell into hell. Defend the Mahayana sutras to possess in-
numerable virtues.”
—Nirvana Sutra
The true follower of the Mahayana is not the one who
observes the five precepts, but the one who uses the
sword, bow, arrow, and battle axe...

« 172 »

—Nirvana Sutra
Celestial bodhisattvas, divinized embodiments of the
power of enlightened compassion, support campaigns of
conquest to spread the influence of Buddhism, and kings
vested with the dharma commit mass violence against
Jains and Hindus.
—Nirvana Sutra
Monks, nuns, male and female believers of Buddha,
should exert great effort to protect the Wonderful
Dharma. The reward for protecting the Wonderful
Dharma is extremely great and immeasurable. O good
man, because of this, those believers who protect
Dharma should take the sword and staff...
—Nirvana Sutra

Democratic Karen Army

Buddhist terrorists, like virtually all other terrorist
groups, seek to impose nationalism under their religious law.

« 173 »


Organization Nation
969 Movement Burma
Bodu Bala Sena Sri Lanka
Ahsin Wirathu Alliance Myanmar
Buddhist Vigilante Squads Thailand
Democratic Karen Army Myanmar
Aum Shinrikyo Japan
Source: Saudi Gazette

The Jewish holy book, the Torah, its subsequent compan-
ion, the Talmud, and additional fundamentalist commentary,
440 contain ruthless degradation and cruelty toward unbelievers,
called gentiles.
Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will
be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
—Erubin 21b
When a Jew murders a gentile there will be no death
penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
—Sanhedrin 57a
All gentile children are animals.
—Yebamoth 98a
Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed.
—Minor Tractates, Soferim 15, Rule 10

« 174 »

A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is

less than nine years old.
—Sanhedrin 54b
It is a religious duty, however, to eradicate Jewish traitors.
[...] and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruc-
tion, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the
people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his
students... May the name of the wicked rot.
—Mishnah Torah, Moses Maimonides
A Jew who killed a righteous gentile is not executed in a
court of law. [...] a gentile is not considered a man, and
even more so, a Jew is not executed for killing an unrigh-
teous gentile.
—Mishnah Torah, Moses Maimonides


Organization Nation
Bat Ayin Underground Israel
Gush Emunim Underground Israel
Terror Against Terror Israel
Brit HaKanaim Israel
Defending Shield Israel
Jewish Defense League United States
Kach Israel
Kahane Chai Israel
Israeli Zionists Israel

« 175 »

Source: Council on Foreign Relations; Politis News of Greece


The avatars of Hinduism will immediately alarm a peace-
ful person. Holy art shows gods and goddesses brandishing
swords and weaponry explicitly to intimidate the viewer—
Kali even oozes blood from her mouth. Orientalist David
Gardley theorized, “Deities are often the mental manifesta-
tions and imaginary projections of a race. People superimpose
their own ethos on the deities.” This reveals the combative na -
450 ture of radical Hinduism.
Subdue opposing bands, and drive our enemies away. In-
vincible, slay godless foes: give splendor to the worship-
—Rigveda 3:24:1
Strike off the shoulders and the head. Snatch thou the
hair from off his head, and from his body strip the skin:
Tear out his sinews, cause his flesh to fall in pieces from

« 176 »

his frame. Crush thou his bones together, strike and beat
the marrow out of him. Dislocate all his limbs and joints.
—Atharva Veda 12:5:67
Slay everyone who pours no gift, who, hard to reach, de-
lights thee not. Bestow on us what wealth he hath: this
even the worshipper awaits.
—Rigveda 1:CLXXVI:4
O terrible chastiser, burn down the irreligious foes. O
splendid person, humiliate and consume utterly like
dried up stubble, him who encourages our foe.
—Yajurveda 13:12
Rend, rend to bits, rend through and through, scorch and
consume and burn to dust, the one who rejects the
—Atharvaved 12:5:62
With military weapons let us win the Earth, with them
the battle, with cannon let us win the ease-loving army of
our foes. War-like weapons destroy the ambitions of the
foeman. Armed with the bow may we subdue all regions.
—Yajurveda 29:39

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

« 177 »


Organization Nation
Abhinav Bharat India
Malegaon Bombers India
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Singh India
Hindutva Extremists India
Source: The Times of India

Generally, Hindu terrorists participate in a nationalist

movement, pejoratively known as Saffron terror, a reference
to the customary color of the religion. They aspire to mili-
tantly reinforce the authority of the Hindu faith, in rebellion
against Islamic presence in India.

Naive optimists and religious apologists claim that the
hateful verses of these holy books reflect antiquated dogma,
that zealots no longer observe them—an unmitigated false-
460 hood, because religious terrorism stands as a brutal reality
still. Massacres occur globally, and will persist, so long as hu -
mans indoctrinate children into blind faith. Deniers of
religious terror contemptibly disgrace the memory of its in-
nocent victims. How ironic that the philosophy constantly
slandered as evil, namely black magick, is the ideology with
moral standing to condemn the wickedness of religion!
The most important of more recent events—that "God is
dead," that God has become unworthy of belief—already
begins to cast its first shadow [...]
Like a new and indescribable variety of light, happiness,

« 178 »

relief, enlivenment, encouragement, and dawning day? In

fact, we philosophers and "free spirits" feel ourselves irra-
diated as by a new dawn by the report that the "old God
is dead"; our hearts overflow with gratitude, astonish-
ment, presentiment and expectation. At last the horizon
seems open once more, granting even that it is not
bright; our ships can at last put out to sea in face of every
danger; every hazard is again permitted to the discerner;
the sea, our sea, again lies open before us; perhaps never
before did such an "open sea" exist.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

“Magick requires belief in a god, therefore an atheist cannot
be a magician.”
Magick specifically refers to the astral force of nature, not
a belief in a deity. A sorcerer can accept the existence of the 470
supernatural, but not believe in a supreme creator god, or the
An atheistic sorcerer acknowledges religious deities as
extremely potent egregores that reside on the astral plane, and
came into existence through millennia of concentrated reli-
gious worship. As such, black magicians employ the remnants
of these dead faiths for their sorcery. I call this profane idola-
As a corollary, everybody is an atheist categorically; we
all disbelieve in the millions of gods that humans have in- 480

“Science has limits, and humans barely understand quantum

physics. How can you refute the concept of god?”

« 179 »

I acknowledge that humans do not know everything, but

that does not prove your hypothesis of god. This is called the
god of the gaps fallacy. The fact that science cannot explain ev-
ery facet of reality, does not mean that god exists.

“It is arrogant for you refute my belief that god exists.”

I recognize that the concept of god commits fallacies and
490 lacks evidence, therefore I demonstrate intellectual humility.
Whereas, you to claim that god exists, when you certainly
cannot prove it, thus you exhibit arrogance.

“I am a pagan, and I do literally believe that Zeus occupies

the clouds and throws lightning bolts at Earth. How dare you
refute my paganism!”
If you honestly believe that an imaginary sky ghost lives
above the clouds of planet Earth, then you suffer from a se-
vere delusion. None of the New Age folks who have tried to
revive the dead polytheistic religions of Europe amount to
500 true pagans anyway, since none sincerely believe in the faiths
of those religions; instead, they intellectually admire the
mythology and history of their ancestry.

“[Insert spirit] claims that he created and rules the universe.”

No one can validate the conflicting cosmological claims
of spirits. Priests and poets invented the gods of their reli-
gions, and they became strong egregores through
concentrated human worship over an extended period of
time. These entities transmit the lore of their mythical para-
digm, i.e., an Irish god imparts Irish ideas, an Egyptian
510 imparts Egyptian, a Roman imparts Roman, and so on. Con-
sider their transmissions ethnocentric folktales that carry the
wisdom of their people, not scientific fact.

« 180 »

“God does exist, because something cannot come from noth-

If something cannot come from nothing, then where did
your god come from? Only a god can create a god, so then
what god created your god? And what god created that god?
Your reasoning commits the endless regression fallacy. •

All God's children would have cause

To think the Devil now walks this realm

A place dispossessed of any sanity

Edification of a scene from Hell
Manmade prophecies serve to vindicate

All sides who claim themselves

Worthy servants obedient to the same God

A God who commands them not to kill
These faithful in lines that number thousands

Bring perdition throughout the land

As though the Angel of Death,

Himself, had been unleashed,

To exact a punishment on this world
Across this cursed place rage the fires

Where the innocent are burned

On a thousand funeral pyres,

In anguish parted from this world
Does the need for the belief in a Devil

Serve to palliate and forgive us our sins

In the abandonment of reason

And our delivery into hell
Limitless are the ways of mankind

In its virulent capacities

Ironic it may seem

« 181 »

Through this a chance exists to see

In us also lies the capacity to transcend
—VNV Nation, Descent

« 182 »


Freie Gesellschaft

I collect my thoughts
And I rise above all that despises me.
Comprehend the ways of man
And under a flag we salute or burn.
There is blood on both shores.
With hardened mind I traveled
With hardened heart I conquered.
A freedom so ironic, so despicable, so hypocritical.
There is anger resolute.
Rears its familiar head on the TV screen.
In a dozen bags a life was placed.
In a breath he smiled and waved.
Five minutes at a time the power held true.
Without consternation our laws are lost.
Lost to butchers, lost to child killers, lost to narcotic rit-
Another tag, another headline.
Another smiling face shall stay 10 winters long forever.
And where are the angels to guard?
Where is the God of men and children?
He is stalking the minds of dark poor souls.
I know it's right and I know it's time for freedom: to kill

« 183 »

another, and to kill another, and to kill another child of

the flag till there are none left...
Gaze upon what you've become.
And take a look at what you've done.
You'll repent for what you've done.
Raping my daughter, raping my son!
—VNV Nation, Serial Killer
On the New Idol. Somewhere there are still peoples and
herds, but not where we live, my brothers: here there are
State? What is that? Well! Now open your ears to me, for
now I shall speak to you about the death of peoples.
State is the name of the coldest monsters. Coldly it tells
lies too; and this lie crawls from its mouth: "I, the state,
am the people." [...]
But the state lies in all the tongues of good and evil; and
whatever it says it lies—and whatever it has it has stolen.
Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth, this
biter. Even its entrails are false. [...]
"On earth there is nothing greater than I: it is I who am
the ordering finger of God"—thus roars the monster. [...]
Yes, it detects you too, you vanquishers of the old god! You
have grown weary of fighting, and now your weariness
serves the new idol!
It would surround itself with heroes and honorable ones,
the new idol! It basks happily in the sunshine of good
consciences—the cold monster!
It will give you everything if you worship it, the new idol:

« 184 »

thus it purchases the luster of your virtue and the look of

your proud eyes. [...]
Yes, a dying for many has here been devised, which glori -
fies itself as life: truly, a great service to all preachers of
State, I call it, where all drink poison, the good and the
bad: state, where all lose themselves, the good and the
best: state, where the slow suicide of all is called "life."
Just see the superfluous! They steal the works of the inven-
tors and the treasures of the sages for themselves:
"education," they call their theft—and everything be-
comes sickness and trouble to them!
Just see the superfluous! They are always sick, they vomit
their bile and call it a newspaper. The devour one another
and cannot even digest themselves. [...]
They all want to get to the throne: it is their madness—as
if happiness sat on the throne! Often mud sits on the
throne—and often also the throne on mud.
Madmen they all seem to me, clambering monkeys and
overeager. To me their idol smells foul, the cold monster:
to me they all smell foul, these idolaters.
My brothers, do you want to suffocate in the fumes of
their snouts and appetites? Rather break the windows and
spring to freedom!
Escape from the bad smell! Escape from their idolatry of
the superfluous!
Escape from the bad smell! Escape from the steam of
these human sacrifices! [...]
Only were the state ends, begins the human being [...]

« 185 »

Where the state ends—look there my brothers! Do you

not see it, the rainbow and the bridges of the Übermen -
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra


UMANS CLASSIFY AS the apex predator in nature.
They reside at the pinnacle of the food chain, and
can prey on virtually any species of animal. In fact,
humans regularly sport hunt weaker animals for athletic
leisure. Homo sapiens have no equivalent natural predator,
except for themselves; the species engages in self-predation,
meaning, it preys on itself.

« 186 »

Homo sapiens act as their own intra-species predator, but

not for organic survival. Rather, humans systematically
slaughter one another to preserve and expand the political 10
power of their ruling government, an act called humanicide.
Statistically, the state makes up the biggest premeditated murderer
in the history of the race. Its death toll far exceeds the casualties
of holy war and religious terrorism combined.
If religion plagues the species, then the state equates to a
mega-plague. It has become so coldly effectual at murder, that
it boasts historical precedents of organizing entire popula-
tions, and mechanistically terminating them en masse. The
state, as an entity, reigns as the most versatile and seasoned
predator to ever exist. It also hoards the most resources, mar- 20
shals fully equipped standing armies, wields hyper-technical
weaponry, and travels in the stealthiest, most futuristic trans-


In our new age of terrifying, lethal gadgets, which sup-
planted so swiftly the old one, the first great aggressive
war, if it should come, will be launched by suicidal little
madmen pressing an electronic button. Such a war will
not last long and none will ever follow it. There will be
no conquerors and no conquests, but only the charred
bones of the dead on an uninhabited planet.
—William Shirer, A History of Nazi Germany
Shameless scientists forever engineer newer, more inge-
nious ways to annihilate human life. A weapon of mass
destruction, as its name suggests, inflicts death and destruc-
tion on such a massive scale that it indiscriminately
obliterates anyone and anything in proximity. No term sum-
marizes the utter balefulness of statism like mass destruction. 30

« 187 »

Four categories of WMD exist:

1. Nuclear
2. Chemical
3. Biological
4. Radiological

The 20th century witnessed the advent of nuclear
weaponry, capable of decimating millions of souls, razing en-
tire cities to smoldering ash, extinguishing a civilization in
40 mere minutes. Third world religious terrorists can barely com-
prehend the level of inhumane firepower available to first
world politicians. A thermonuclear bomb that weighs as light
as a car, can generate an explosive force greater than one mil-
lion tons of TNT—a megaton of trinitrotoluene.
As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw
an entire city disappear. I wrote in my log the words:
"My God, what have we done?”
—Robert A. Lewis, co-pilot of Enola Gay
Governments of the world have admitted to detonating
nuclear weapons at least 2,000 times for trial purposes, and
claim the existence of about 16,400 warheads total. This cu-
mulative stockpile amounts to an explosive force that exceeds
17 billion tons of TNT. Needless to say, that sort of arma -
50 ment could melt down the surface of the planet into a mass
grave instantly.
Of course, all official figures—most especially those of
the military—remain utterly dubious, due to the state's need
to disseminate disinformation in order to retain secrecy. This
margin of error in statist accounting is substantial and tactical
in nature.

« 188 »


Nation Total Inventory
Russia 8,000
United States 7,315
France 300
China 250
United Kingdom 225
Israel 80
Pakistan 120
India 110
North Korea 10
Total 16,400
Source: Federation of Nuclear Scientists

Regardless of non-proliferation treaties, and vows to dis-

arm—all gratuitous diplomatic theater to appease a growing
anti-nuclear zeitgeist—the deadliest entities on the face of
the earth still harbor and incubate a thermonuclear arsenal 60
capable of triggering a chain reaction of global incineration. If
this threat of human extinction does not alarm the reader,
then nothing will.
The horrors of nuclear devastation extend far beyond the
immediate blast of the impact zone and its accompanying
thermal radiation. Nuclear fallout, chillingly called black rain,
endures for days, even weeks, whereby radioactive particles
rise up and spread out across the atmosphere for thousands of

« 189 »

miles, snowing down onto surrounding environments. Any-

70 one sufficiently exposed to this insidious, lethal weather
suffers gruesome illness and eventual mortality.
Multiple nuclear blasts would incite the grimmest cir-
cumstance, whereby nuclear winter unfolds. Consequently, a
thick layer of radioactive material coats the sky, like a solar
blockade, and imposes endless darkness and arctic coldness
year round. Naturally, in the prolonged absence of necessary
light and heat, an apocalypse of life transpires.
It is such a supreme folly to believe that nuclear weapons
are deadly only if they're used. The fact that they exist at
all, their presence in our lives, will wreak more havoc
than we can begin to fathom. Nuclear weapons pervade
our thinking. Control our behavior. Administer our soci-
eties. Inform our dreams. They bury themselves like meat
hooks deep in the base of our brains. They are purveyors
of madness. They are the ultimate colonizer.
—Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

Scientists manufacture chemical weapons agents to pos-
80 sess lethal toxicity. At minimum, each requires emergency
medical treatment.
Categories of chemical weapons:
1. Blister agents: to injure skin and eyes
e.g., mustards; arsenic

2. Blood agents: to disrupt blood functionality
e.g., cyanide

3. Choking agents: to cause asphyxia
e.g., chlorine

« 190 »

4. Nerve agents: to shut down nervous system

e.g., sarin 90

Chemists can mass-produce these agents inexpensively,

however they are extremely difficult and costly to clean up in
the event of an accident. In practice, they have a limited range
of impact, and disperse quickly. Furthermore, when combined
with explosives to increase their area of dispersal, the agents
suffer destruction and lose efficacy. Because of these con-
straints, militarists tend not to consider chemical agents as
their preferred weapon of mass destruction, although govern-
ments hold them in stockpile, and deploy them
surreptitiously. 100

Historians estimate that during the Cold War, the com-

bined armament of chemical weapons between the United
States and Soviet Union alone could have decimated both the
human and animal population.

Bio-weapons, also called germ weapons, are deadly
pathogens. They consist of everything from bacteria and
fungi, to viruses and parasites, i.e., lethal microorganisms.
Bio-weapons, without question, stand as the most immi-
nently dangerous weapon of mass destruction in existence, for 110
three reasons. First, nobody can contain the viral spread of a
weaponized pathogen once it infects enough victims of the
population. Second, many bio-weapons are composed of
pathogens that self-replicate, therefore the agent automatically
multiplies in size and intensity inside the host. Third,
chemists may engineer the pathogens to evade inoculation,
rendering the infection incurable. Alas, a bio-weapon adds up
to a nearly impossible to stop, exponentially growing, incur-
able epidemic.

« 191 »

120 Movies that depict doomsday scenarios, invariably fea-

ture the global outbreak of a bio-weapon. The killer germ
escapes a medical laboratory and sweeps the entire population
of the planet, leaving behind only a few survivors who fortu-
itously avoided it in hermetic isolation. In short, a bio-
weapon poses a genuinely foreboding threat of human extinc-
tion, especially under the psychotic rule of statists.

Radioactive weapons, like a dirty bomb, are conventional
explosives that disseminate radioactive material. While prac-
130 tical in theory, governments claim they do no pursue them.
Nevertheless, governments have lied relentlessly about
weapons programs in the past, so why should anyone believe
they have randomly become accountable?


This survey of the four types of weapons of mass destruc-
tion begs the question: what futuristic, nightmarish
mechanism capable of incalculable human devastation do
murder-scientists architect in secrecy right now? What ab-
horrently brutal technology will constitute the next
140 generation of killing-machines? In truth, weapons do not kill
people; people kill people. For this reason, a rational person will
deem statists themselves the ultimate weapon of mass de-
Proof statism is the true weapon of mass destruction:
1. WMDs inflict large-scale death and injury.
2. States manufacture weapons of mass destruction.
3. Therefore, states inflict large-scale devastation.
4. Thus, states are the true weapon of mass destruction.

« 192 »

Force refers to the enactment of violence or intimidation
to coerce conduct. A state, also known as a government, com- 150
prises a monopolistic entity that explicitly initiates force to
rule a society of people in a geographical territory. The ideol-
ogy of this authoritarianism is called statism.
While the State exists there can be no freedom; when
there is freedom there will be no State […] The scientific
concept of dictatorship means nothing else but this:
power without limit, resting directly upon force, re-
strained by no laws, absolutely unrestricted by rules.
—Vladimir Lenin, communist theorist
Not believing in force is the same as not believing in
—Leon Trotsky, communist theorist
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
—Mao Zedong, Chinese dictator
The state represents violence in a concentrated and orga-
nized form. The individual has a soul, but the state is a
soulless machine. It can never be weaned from violence
to which it owes its very existence.
—Mahatma Gandhi, Hindu guru
The statist objective, always, is to make as many persons
as possible, as dependent as possible, on a government as
big as possible.
—Robert W. Lee, author
Statism is the most dangerous religion in the world.

« 193 »

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force.

—George Washington, U.S. president
State is your father and your mother, your only protector,
the totality of your interests. No discipline can be stern
enough for the man who denies that by word or deed…
I'm master here! I am the State.
—H.G. Wells, Things to Come

Aggression signifies the initiation of force against an in-
nocent person, usually in the manner of physical coercion,
which indicates a nonconsensual or involuntary element, e.g.,
rape. The principle of non-aggression specifically condemns
such interpersonal conduct, and necessitates voluntarism.
160 When a voluntarist extends the non-aggression principle
to the sphere of politics, it exposes how a state commits egre-
gious acts of aggression by its very nature, i.e., the
government subordinates free individuals nonconsensually;
and it does so under the officialdom of self-made authority.
Statism demonstrates the old saying, “Whoever has the guns,

« 194 »

makes the rules,” or in this case, whoever has the weapons of

mass destruction.
Statist dictates are neither consensual nor negotiable, but
compulsory and absolute, and every one carries the threat of
inevitable violence for refusal to conform. Consider the harm- 170
less, victimless possession of a banned book, censored music,
or prohibited vegetation. If the government witnesses it, they
cite a fine. If the victim declines to pay, they get arrested. If
the victim defends against the arrest, they get murdered. In
synopsis, statism equates to a constant death threat, an au-
thoritarian chain of fatal aggression.
Proof that statism is evil:
1. The state initiates force.
2. The initiation of force violates freedom.
3. Freedom is second virtue of black magick. 180
4. Therefore, force violates ethic of black magick.
5. Thus, statism violates ethic of black magick
6. Ergo, statism is evil.
Anarchism stems from the non-aggression principle, and
thereby classifies statism as a manifestation of extreme,
unadulterated evil. Intellectually, anarchism is the philosophy
of true political freedom, or freedom from authoritarian rule.
The term originates from Greek—anarkhos—which means
without a chief, and first appears in the epic poem Iliad by
Homer in scroll 2, line 703: 190

He had left a wife behind him in Phylake to tear her

cheeks in sorrow, and his house was only half finished,
for he was slain by a Dardanian warrior while leaping
foremost of the Achaeans upon the soil of Troy. Still,
though his people mourned their chieftain, they were not
without a chief, for Podarkes, of the race of Ares, mar-

« 195 »

shaled them.
Many anarchists cite the Tao Te Ching as the earliest ide-
ology to espouse undertones of anarchism in its literature, if
but only in a few instances. Indeed it calls for both civil dis -
obedience and revolution, and accuses the state of negligence
and “robbery.”
Chapter 17. The highest rulers, people do not know they
have them. The next level, people love them and praise
them. The next level, people fear them. The next level,
people despise them. If the rulers' trust is insufficient,
have no trust in them.
Chapter 39. The sky, lacking clarity, would break apart.
The earth, lacking tranquility, would erupt. The gods,
lacking divinity, would vanish. The valley, lacking abun-
dance, would wither. Myriad things, lacking life, would
be extinct. The rulers, lacking standard, would be toppled.
Chapter 53. The courts are corrupt. The fields are barren.
The warehouses are empty.
Officials wear fineries. Carry sharp swords. Fill up on
drinks and food. Acquire excessive wealth.
This is called robbery. It is not the Tao!
Chapter 58. When governing is lackluster, the people are
simple and honest. When governing is scrutinizing, the
people are shrewd and crafty.
Chapter 75. The people's hunger, is due to the excess of
their ruler's taxation. So they starve. The people's diffi-
culty in being governed, is due to the meddling of their
ruler. So they are difficult to govern. The people's disre-
gard for death, is due to the glut in their ruler's pursuit of

« 196 »

life. So they disregard death. Therefore those who do not

strive for living, are better than those who value living.


Anarchism denotes a free society without a ruler; it does
not, however, mean a society without rules. Theoretically, it
comprises an efficient economy of intuitive social customs
that facilitate order, eliminate crime, and prevent corruption, 200
without any need for a coercive, monopolistic state.
Customs of an anarchist society:
1. Agree to third party dispute resolution.
2. Pledge collateral in escrow as negligence insurance.
3. Undergo third party audit for transparency.
4. Rate economic members with a safety score.
5. Boycott frauds out of business.
6. Ostracize criminals & abetters from economy. 210

As a matter of survival, it becomes critically necessary for
each member of society to fulfill these basic rules of honesty
and safety, otherwise everyone else declines and terminates
their trade relationship, wherefore that problematic individual
suffers social ostracism from the organized economy, and is
reduced to an exile in the wilderness—and the same universal
shunning is fated for anyone whom aids or abets a known ex-
ile. In other words, to participate in the free society, a person
needs to voluntarily demonstrate consistent honesty, or else 220

« 197 »

the community flushes them out into isolation socioeconomi-


To facilitate this for a sizable population, transparent
third party auditors can host a database of crime records—
murder, assault, rape, theft, and vandalism—which thereby
automatically assigns a safety score, not unlike a credit score,
to every member of society according to their personal his-
tory. With a real time electronic global registry at checkout,
230 traders can instantly verify that their partner has no history of
violence or fraud, and thus merits a relationship, e.g., at gro-
cery stores, banks, car dealerships, online shops, and so on. If a
person did commit violent crime, then the trade immediately
declines. In this way, members of society become painfully
aware that a malicious wrongdoing will trigger off a defensive
freezing effect against their economic mobility, ruin their sta-
tion in the community, and quarantine them.
In fact, all of these enumerated social customs already
transpire in the current human economy under other names,
240 particularly amongst those who wish to avoid invoking the
dead hand of the state in their timely trade relations. In the
instances where these axial functions seem to fail, inevitably
the monopolistic state itself has crippled and corrupted the
essential protocols through its own briberous cronyism and
dysfunctional intrusions.
The sobering premise of a free society immediately begs
many critical inquiries: How would anarchists defend against
the invasion of a military? How would anarchists prevent the
recurrence of the state? What if a company tries to take over
250 the world? And subsequent hypothetical questions ensue.
Needless to say, the reader should not adopt anarchism simply

« 198 »

because the author recognizes it as an immutable moral ex -

tension of the Left Hand Path; on the other hand, it would
be a most grievous error to disregard anarchism as utopian or
careless without sincere due diligence. Contemporary anar-
chist philosophers give extremely rigorous and logical
reasoning on the predictable issues of defense, justice, and
economics. In fact, anarchism as a distinguished school of
thought carries a long standing tradition in Western political
science; statists try to suppress and marginalize the peaceful 260
philosophy, because it anathematizes their violent institution.
For concise and accurate treatments on how a peaceful, anar -
chist society can function in practice, and also has transpired
historically, refer t o t e x t s Practical Anarchy by Stefan
Molyneux, The Machinery of Freedom by Dr. David Friedman,
and Chaos Theory by Dr. Robert P. Murphy.
Proof that black magicians are anarchists:
1. The state initiates force.
2. Initiation of force violates freedom.
3. Therefore, black magick opposes initiation of force. 270
4. Thus, the Left Hand Path opposes the state.
5. Anarchism opposes statism.
6. Ergo, black magicians are anarchists.


The crux of this treatise emphasizes the moral necessity of
a free society in the context of the Left Hand Path, and its
connection to the requisite virtue of freedom. Adversarialists
do not tolerate authoritarianism because the two conflict in
principle. Black magicians ignore the contemporary liberal-
versus-conservative dichotomy; the binary left-versus-right 280
convention of the modern political milieu is nothing more

« 199 »

than a futile struggle over degrees of slavery in a decadent,

rigged democracy.
Besides a minority of psychopaths, the preponderance of
humans intuitively classify violence against innocent people as
an immoral atrocity. In their own personal sphere, they would
recoil in horror at acts of coercion. Meanwhile, in the political
sphere, these same folks wave flags and applaud a predatory
entity that inflicts similar coercion against them. Under heavy
290 and constant propaganda, these lost souls have fractured their
natural morality into a bilateral contradiction. They categorize
personal aggression as unnecessary and evil, then simultane-
ously categorize political aggression as necessary and good.
The reader will identify this inconsistency, and recall that such
a fallacy always renders a line of reasoning as illogical, and
therefore unethical. Ipso facto, this moral hypocrisy demol-
ishes the premise of statism indefinitely.

« 200 »

Both German iconoclasts, Stirner and Nietzsche, men

dyed in the same philosophical wool, affirm this conclusion
about the hypocrisy between the personal and political 300
spheres of society.
Freedom you all want, you want freedom. Why then do
you higgle over a more or less? Freedom can only be the
whole freedom; a piece of freedom is not freedom. […]
We are accustomed to classify States according to their
different ways in which “the supreme might” is distrib-
uted. If an individual has it—monarchy; if all have it—
democracy; etc. Supreme might then! Might against
whom? Against the individual and his “self-will.” The
State practices “violence,” the individual must not do so.
The State's behavior is violence, it calls its violence “law”;
that of the individual, “crime.” Crime, then—so the indi-
vidual's violence is called; and only by crime does he
overcome the State's violence when he thinks that the
State is not above him, but he is above the State. […]
Over against the sacredness of the State, the individual is
only a vessel of dishonor […] as soon as he does not
deem that object of veneration, the State, to be worthy of
recognition. [...]
Every ego is from birth a criminal to begin with against
the people, the State. […] It is afraid of the egoist. It
presumes the worst about each one, and takes care, po-
lice-care, that “no harm happens to the State.” The unbri-
dled ego […] is the never-ceasing criminal in the State.
[…] Only he who renounces his ego, who practices “self-
renunciation,” is acceptable to the State. (p.197-200)
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
The state organized immorality—internally: as police,
penal law, classes, commerce, family; externally: as will to

« 201 »

power, to war, to conquest, to revenge. How does it hap-

pen that the state will do a host of things that the
individual would never countenance?—Through division
of responsibility, of command, and of execution. Through
the interposition of the virtues of obedience, duty, patrio-
tism, and loyalty. Through upholding pride, severity,
strength, hatred, revenge—in short, all typical character-
istics that contradict the herd type.
None of you has the courage to kill a man, or even to
whip him—but the tremendous machine of the state
overpowers the individual, so he repudiates responsibility
for what he does (obedience, oath, etc.)—Everything a
man does in the service of the state is contrary to his na-
ture. In the same way, everything he learns with a view to
future state service is contrary to his nature. This is
achieved through division of labor (so that no one any
longer possesses the full responsibility): the lawgiver—
and he who enacts the law; the teacher of discipline—
and those who have grown hard and severe under disci-
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power

The word monopoly comprises the Greek morphemes,
“mono” and “poly”. Mono means single, and poly refers to
civil. The affix “pol” pervades the statist lexicon, for example,
policy, police, politics, etc. Monopoly denotes a single arbiter,
the lone authority, the sole dictator of policy in a society.
The state exemplifes a true monopoly.
The state centralizes violent power under the rule of one
310 extremely small faction of sadistic people, who dictate the
“mono-policy” for everyone else. Despite this axiom, the

« 202 »

prevalent mis-definition of monopoly hypothesizes that a ter-

roristic company may attain omnipotence through fraud.
Ironically, statists employ this boogeyman to justify the exis -
tence of their own omnipotent monopoly that they attained
through fraud and force. They impose a monopoly of force, in
order to combat the alleged threat of a monopoly of force—a
second example of moral inconsistency whereby statism de-
feats itself.

Statists reveal a hypocrisy through their most ardent crit- 320

icism of anarchism! They fearmonger that a group of
psychopaths will rule over everyone in the vacuum of their
absence. Oh, the horror! Because that mirrors the psychotic
nightmare that strangleholds society right now, in which
ruthless psychopaths rule the world! Statists hypocritically

« 203 »

call for their greatest fear to protect themselves from their

greatest fear, for the problem to solve the problem. They un-
knowingly hate themselves, like the primitive humans who
invented imaginary gods, then sacrificed themselves on alters
330 to them.
Both statism and religion together exhibit extreme human
sadomasochism, but do not realize it!

A single fact proves government constitutes an unfet-
tered monopoly: it has an innate conflict of interest. As a
supreme inquiry, what impartial third party judges legal dis-
putes against the state? In matters of fairness, when a
disagreement arises between two parties, they consult an un-
biased third party for adjudication. But on issues that involve
340 culpability of the state, the civilian party is supposed to defer
to the self-judgment of the state.
The government cannot be an unbiased third party on mat-
ters that pertain to its own interests.
The state legislates, enforces, and judges on its own legal
code. It reduces to an abdication of justice, a conflict of inter -
est to the maximum, a quintessential monopoly of power! Sed
quis custodiet ipsos custodes?—Who watches the watchmen?
It is a proven formula for bona fide tyranny to give a monop-
oly institution authority over a standing military, the
350 economy, the police, and also allow them to rule on their own
negligence in legal disputes. It is the ultimate and most vio-
lent conflict of interest in the history of existence.
You cannot have an agency that defends your property,
which also has the right to violate your property at will.
That’s like hiring a bodyguard that you pay to beat you
up randomly.

« 204 »

—Stefan Molyneux, philosopher

The echoed reply to this solid denunciation of statism is

that a constitutional republic government, for instance, the
United States of America, divides the federal government
into three branches, to create supposed “checks and balances.”

« 205 »

This propaganda purports that one arm of the body will regu -
late the other arm. The blatant conflict of interest in
permitting arms of the same body to regulate each other escapes
360 them entirely. Apply this asinine double standard to a corpo-
ration. Would a statist consider it reasonable for a
transnational company to rule on its own negligence in a legal
battle? Without question, they would not. If they raised a dis-
pute against a corporation, they would demand that an
unbiased third party judge the case, because it would be unfair
for the opposition to rule on itself. Yet they violate this same
principle on issues that concern the culpability of govern-
ment. When anyone has grievance against the state, the state
gets to judge itself, thus honest justice can never occur.
370 Hypocrisy abounds in statism. The state self-rules, while ev-
eryone else submits to its rule. This insane conflict of interest
furnishes a third example of basic moral inconsistency.
Proof the state is a monopoly:
1. State legislates, enforces, and judges its own law.
2. State rules on legal disputes involving itself.
3. Thus, state is the single authority of power.
4. Monopoly is a single authority of power.
5. Thus, the state is a monopoly.


380 Should the reader still wish to avoid intellectual affilia-
tion with anarchism due to its cultural stigma, or supposed
pragmatic futility, at the very least they need to embody what
seminal Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin called, “The Spirit
of Revolt,” which he summarized in his Revolutionary Pam-
There are periods in the life of human society when revo-

« 206 »

lution becomes an imperative necessity, when it pro-

claims itself as inevitable. [...] Men of integrity for whom
prison, exile, and death are preferable to a life contrary to
their principles […] these are the lonely sentinels who
enter the battle long before the masses are sufficiently
roused to raise openly the banner of insurrection […] to
the conquest of their rights.

That man who is the property of another, is his mere
chattel, though he continue a man.
—Aristotle, A Treatise on Government
Slavery means ownership of people, or human property.
The primitive, historical form of slavery manifests as a ball
and chain around the ankle of a captive; nevertheless, degrees
of insidious enslavement exist, and often the victim may not
fully recognize their own involuntary servitude, due to in- 390
grained psychological repression. When an impressionable
child matriculates into a sadomasochistic society, they natu-
rally assume its preexisting norms are rational. In other words,
a human born into bondage disguised as freedom will con-
sider it ethically agreeable because they know nothing else.
Besides the naked slavery of a cage, or leather whips to a
bare back, the essence of enslavement lies in the initiation of
force to coerce a victim to act without consent. For instance, if
John forces Bill to kill Steve, then a rational person will iden-
tify John as the real culprit, moreso than Bill, because the 400
murder occurred under a degree of enslavement. In the per-
sonal sphere, this is called duress and considered evil, but in
the political sphere it is called conscription, or military draft,
and deemed honorable. As additional examples: forced study
of propaganda is called indoctrination in the personal realm,

« 207 »

but education in the political realm; utilizing force to obtain

money is extortion in private, but becomes taxation in public;
restricting free travel is called detention in the personal world,
bu t borders and customs in the political world; forbidding a
410 person their property is known as theft, however the state calls
it prohibition. In the twilight zone of statism, all conduct that
society regards as crime, turns around and becomes virtue.
Under this delusional flip-flop where everything is reversed,
humans cannot awaken to the cruel reality of their own slav-

War can only be abolished through war, and in order to
get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
—Mao Zedong, Chairman of Communist China
The most atrocious myth in statism—as propagandized
by Mao himself in the previous quotation—is that militarism
fosters peace. This claim contradicts itself, like staining fabric
420 to clean it. To the contrary, militaries exist expressly to inflict
violence. Hence, they oppose peace by their very nature, be-
cause their mere existence poses a physical threat. An
apologist purports that militaries defend against invasion,
which begs the question, why is the enemy able to invade in
first place?—Because they raised a military. The apologism in-
advertently supports the reasoning against militarism.
Militaries are patently dangerous, otherwise they would not
necessitate another military to defend against them.
The thought that human beings are considering saving
lives by killing millions of their fellow human beings is
so preposterous that the words “saving life” have lost all
of their meaning.
—Henri J.M. Nouwen, author

« 208 »

This principled position against imperialistic militarism

does not seek to bash individual soldiers themselves, whom 430
typically demonstrate a sense of honor, loyalty, and survival-
ism as a band of brothers, as it were. In reality, these poor
souls suffered forced indoctrination in childhood, and mis-
placed their own honest scruples into an evil apparatus that
cloaks itself in righteousness. A rational person can forgive
these confused mercenaries to a certain extent, knowing they
were subjected to cultural brainwashing since the moment of
birth, thereby relieving them partially of fault, although not
fully. Instead, the author levies unapologetic criticism upon
the brutal, inhumane convention of warfare in the name of 440
statism—a tradition that has always, and will always, be about
expanding political power for rulers, at the expense of the
Proof militarism is evil:
1. Second principle of black magick is freedom.
2. Violation of ethics is evil.
3. Military invasion is violent aggression.
4. Violent aggression opposes ethic of freedom.
5. Therefore invasion is evil.
6. Militaries commit invasion. 450
7. Thus, militaries are evil.
Proof anarchism is peace:
1. States raise militaries.
2. Militaries fight wars.
3. Thus, disbanding militaries ends war.
4. Dissolution of statism disbands militaries.
5. Ergo, rejection of statism is the end of war.
6. End of war is commencement of peace.

« 209 »

7. Therefore, rejection of statism is peace.

460 8. Repudiation of statism is anarchism
9. Thus, anarchism is peace.
Here is a table exposing the carnage of militarism.

War Death Toll
World War II1 66,000,000
Mongol Imperialism2 30,000,000
Qing Conquest3 25,000,000
Taiping Rebellion4 20,000,000
Sino-Japanese Rebellion5 20,000,000
World War I6 15,000,000
An Lushan Rebellion7 13,000,000
Russian Civil War8 9,000,000
Chinese Civil War9 7,500,000
Napoleonic Wars10 7,000,000
Total 215,000,000
Note: figures are estimates; historians do not have consensus
1. White, Matthew. Necrometrics.
2. White, Matthew. Atrocities.
3. MacFarlane, Allen. The Savage Wars of Peace.
4. Britannica Concise.
5. British Broadcasting Company.
6. White, Matthew. Necrometrics.
7. White, Matthew. Necrometrics.
8. Simkin, John. Spartucus-Educational.

« 210 »

9. White, Matthew. Necrometrics.

10. Esdaile, Charles. Napoleon's Wars.

A black magician never bows to a politician, does not

pledge allegiance to a flag, nor lick the boots of a police offi -
cer or soldier to glorify so-called service. Militarism, and its
patron ideology, imperialism, champion the plotted slaughter
of statistically significant percentages of the human popula-
tion for political conquest.

The neologism—democide—refers to murder of citizens 470
by their own government. The term excludes war casualties,
and narrows its scope to murder through political policy
Examples of democide include:
• Concentration camps
• Civilian execution quotas
• Labor camps
• Massacres
• Prisoner of war camps
• Re-education camps 480
• Cruel medical experiments
• Torture
• Police brutality
• Deportation
• Food requisition
• Resource rationing
• Draconian regulation

« 211 »

The four major types of democide are:

1. Genocide: murder of ethnic group
490 e.g., Jewish holocaust; Bosnian muslims

2. Politicide: murder of political group
e.g., Israel-Palestine conflict

3. Massacre: murder of unarmed victims
e.g., Nanking Massacre; Hiroshima & Nagasaki

4. Terror: murder of political figures
e.g., John F. Kennedy assassination
Specific democidal jargon have both broad and narrow
definitions. For example, terror refers to both acts of violence
to impose political and religious ideology, as well as targeted
500 assassinations of political icons. Furthermore, meanings of
terminology overlap. As an example, genocide is mass killing
of a particular race, and massacre is mass murder of unarmed
victims. This means a genocide can also be a massacre, if the
victims of racism were weaponless, thus it would bear the
term genocidal massacre.


State Death Toll
Communist Soviet Union 61,911,000
Communist China 35,326,000
Nazi Germany 20,946,000
Nationalist China 10,214,000
Socialist Japan 5,964,000
Communist Cambodia 2,035,000

« 212 »

Nationalist Turkey 1,883,000

Communist Vietnam 1,670,000
Communist North Korea 1,663,000
Authoritarian Mexico 1,417,000
Communist Poland 1,585,000
Martial Law Pakistan 1,503,000
Socialist Yugoslavia 1,072,000
Feudal Russia 1,066,000
Total 148,165,000
Note: figures are estimates; historians do not have consensus
Source: Rummel, R.J. Death by Government.

Domestic mass murder constitutes the most unnerving

type of democide, whereby the government massacres the cit-
izenry it fictionally vowed to protect. Traditionally, war is
defined as combat against an enemy army, that is, people of a
different political territory. Nevertheless, there exists an ex- 510
tensive, horrific history of domestic genocide, in which
militarized police forces have butchered and deported mil-
lions of natives for the sake of ethnic cleansing. As well, there
exists a long history of state politicide, where military police
summarily executed adversarial political parties. Lest one
naively believe democide is a thing of the past, it remains a
weapon on standby for authoritarians to this day.
Statism utilizes brute force, and therefore ultimately is
ruthless. Its iron fist smashes and suffocates any rebel or dissi-
dent. Whether through assassination, or heavier tax burdens, 520
officials of the state harass any threat to their rule.

« 213 »

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I
have sown will never be uprooted.
—Vladimir Lenin, dictator
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
—Adolf Hitler, dictator
Proof schools indoctrinate children:
1. Statists regulate the school system.
2. Children are legally forced to attend school.
3. Schools administer pro-government literature.
4. Pro-government literature is called propaganda.
5. Therefore, schools administer propaganda.
6. Indoctrination is the forced study of propaganda.
530 7. Thus, children are indoctrinated into statism.
Every school administers statist propaganda. The state
would immediately revoke the license of any educational in -
stitution or teacher that instructs anarchist, anti-state, or free
society principles. Therefore, the state retains a monopoly on
academia. They have manufactured an institution of social
engineering that indoctrinates generation after generation of
children into its evil, delusional ideology. It coldly brain-
washes the young to unquestioningly matriculate into
adulthood as an obedient statist, where many will then join
540 their abusers in a bureaucratic workforce—an endless chain of
Proof the school system is social engineering:
1. Children are the future of society.
2. Children undergo indoctrination into statism.
3. Therefore, statism is the future of society.

« 214 »

Schools amount to government indoctrination camps

that churn out regimental batches of Stockholm Syndrome

Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it
has stolen.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Citizens make up securitized tax livestock—biological 550
debt collateral—to statists. Every human head reduces to a
per capita that the government milks for hundreds of thou-
sands, even millions, of dollars over a lifespan. Unborn
children guarantee the national debt. Their future productivity
collateralizes the repayment of interest and principle on the
financial obligations of the state. Mothers birth human live-
stock predestined for slave labor to fill the bottomless coffers
of the treasury, and fund the accelerating debt burden. Rulers
of nations trade and barter their commoditized citizenry be-
tween each other like farmers at a market. 560

Statists claim taxation pays the price for the product of

citizenship. Anarchists ask for the signed contract. Where is
the itemized bill of sale? How does a person demand a refund
if service dissatisfies, or the product is damaged? How does
one abstain from the purchase? No one can, because taxation
equates to extortion, not the voluntary trade of an economic
good or service. A statist condemns, “If you do not like it,
then expatriate!” Why should a free person need to flee their
birthland to escape violent theft of their productive labor?
Through this lens, a tax agent becomes an extortionist in a 570
uniform, a thug in a fancy shirt and tie. The state turns into a
white collar gang that initiates force against victims born nat-
urally into an artificial political territory. Economists,

« 215 »

investors, expatriates, and anarchists all ask the same question:

What government extorts the least? To where can a person
relocate to minimize theft, and step off the treadmill of debt

Proof taxation is systemic extortion:

1. Extortion means initiation of force to obtain money.
580 2. Statists initiate force to obtain money, or taxes.
3. Therefore, taxation equals institutional extortion.

National borders are composed of artificial geographical
lines superimposed on a map of Earth. They do not physically
exist; they conceptually divide natural topography.

« 216 »

A nation is nothing more than a plot of land on which a

militarized monopoly initiates force on indigenous residents.
If a nation is a prison, then borders are the cage. The prison
inmates, called citizens, need formal permission to enter and
exit the cage. This subservient petition for the impunity to 590
travel to and from one’s own homeland is called customs.
A human cannot relocate freely if it involves crossing re-
stricted imaginary lines on a fictional map of government
territories. A citizen can neither emigrate, nor immigrate, at
will. The state requires its authorization to renounce or receive
citizenship. Furthermore, in 2014 the United States enacted
an unprecedented fee of $2,350 just to obtain the paper form
to apply to renounce citizenship, a request which they can
deny. Unless one has official clearance to expatriate, they re-
main a permanent inmate of the geographical prison, fated to 600
suffer extortion and coercion until death.
Proof humans are slaves of the state:
1. Slavery means possession of human property.
2. An owner controls movement of property.
3. A state can refuse the free travel of a human, and
deny the renunciation of citizenship.
4. Ergo, the state controls movement of the human.
5. Hence, the human becomes property of the state.
6. Therefore, humans are slaves of the state.
If a monopolistic entity can obstruct the mobility of a 610
traveler, and restrict entrance and exit of their own homeland,
then the territory is revealed to be a prison, and the state a

« 217 »

Self-harm, albeit stupid, is a necessary part of freedom.
The ability to make a poor choice and suffer a negative conse-
quence enables the act of learning. When a child touches a
hot stove they discover the danger of heat and learn to avoid
it. The duality of choices and consequences makes up the very
620 mechanism of evolution. Thus, statist prohibition restricts
progress itself.
Prohibition threatens violence against anyone who vol-
untarily possesses a good, or participates in a service, which
the state has arbitrarily repudiated. Whether prohibition acts
in the form of an embargo against an enemy state, or a ban on
specific domestic economic products, it equates to a fetter on
human advancement, and oppression against freedom.
Furthermore, statist prohibition provides an additional
example of slavery—proof that the state claims ownership of
630 the bodies of individual persons.
Proof prohibition is slavery:
1. Slavery means ownership of humans.
2. Owners control choices related to their property.
3. Statists impose prohibition on individuals.
4. Thus, statists coerce the choices of individuals.
5. Alas, prohibition is a form of slavery.

For the State is concerned only with its self-assertion; it
demands “patriotic self-sacrifice” from everybody. To it,
accordingly, every one in himself is indifferent, a nothing
[…] Every State is unjust toward the egoist.
As long as there still exists even one institution which

« 218 »

the individual may not dissolve, the ownness and self-ap-

purtenance of Me is still very remote. How can I be free
when I must bind myself by oath to a constitution, a
charter, a law? (p. 216)
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
In science, law means constant, inviolable limit or feature
of physical existence, e.g., law of gravity. If one jumps into the
air, they land back on the ground. Of course, a person can 640
temporarily evade the consequences of a law through technol-
ogy, like an airplane, but the natural force of the law remains
in effect; and once the energy of the technology exhausts, the
repercussions of the law ensue.
Law implies actual impossibility.
Statists cunningly deploy the term law in reference to
their arbitrary demands, which they coerce through force;
they call it the rule of law. Nonetheless, law in this context
amounts to a profound misnomer because the regulations that
governments declare and enforce are, in fact, absolutely vio- 650
lable, and usually inconsistent.
The legal code is composed of a set of demands, and sub-
sequent punishments for their transgression. They are neither
literal impossibilities, nor physical limits of nature, but rather
temporal, reactionary, changeable, interpretable threats of ag-
gression. If a driver exceeds the speed limit, and no police
officer witnesses, the person continues traveling without puni-
tive consequence; the fabric of the universe does not open up
and swallow the vehicle whole. If a pedestrian safely crosses
the street at the wrong place, and no member of law enforce- 660
ment witnesses, they proceed on their journey; the earth does
not quake apart and suck the pedestrian underground.

« 219 »

Humans can factually break statist law, because they do

not exist physically, but instead conceptually as arbitrary de-
mands, mere threats printed in voluminous books filed on the
shelves of a courthouse library. They do not reflect any astral
or physical forces of nature, but rather artificial inventions of
The laws of the state are as mythical as the laws of religion.
670 Proof statist laws are a myth:
1. Law means inviolable limit of physical existence.
2. Statist laws are breakable.
3. Therefore statist laws are not genuine laws.
4. Thus, statist laws do not actually exist.
5. Myth is belief of that which does not exist.

« 220 »

6. Ergo, statist law is a myth.

7. The exactly accurate term for a statist law is threat,
and the proper word for the statist legal system is co-
Proof statist legal system is coercion: 680

1. Threat is the declaration to impose force in retribu -

tion for a specific act.
2. Statists enumerate myriad acts, and assign arbitrary
punishments to each.
3. Therefore, statists issue threats.
4. Coercion is utilization of violence and threats for hu-
man submission.
5. Thus, statist legal system is coercion.
The true definition of statism is force—an ancient, draco-
nian tradition of submission. Every law is a threat; every 690
arrest is an assault; every sentence is a coercion; every legisla-
tor is a dictator; every police officer is an assailant; every judge
is a tyrant; every soldier is a murderer.
Stirner defines will of the state as ruling will, and will of
the individual as own will on pages 195-6 of the The Ego and
His Own. He reveals how individuals confuse ruling will as
their own will, when in reality the two entities act in categori -
cal opposition:
States last only so long as there is a ruling will and this
ruling will is looked upon as tantamount to the own will.
[ … ] What do your laws amount to if no one obeys
them? What are your orders, if nobody lets himself be
ordered? The State cannot forbear the claim to determine
the individual's will, to speculate and count on this. For
the State it is indispensable that nobody have an own
will; if one had, the State would have to exclude (lock up,

« 221 »

banish, etc.) this one; if all had, they would do away with
the State. The State is not thinkable without lordship and
servitude (subjection); for the State must will to be lord
of all that it embraces, and this will called the “will of the
The own will of Me is the State's destroyer; it is therefore
branded by the State as “self-will.” Own will and the
State are powers in deadly hostility, between which no
“eternal peace” is possible. As long as the State asserts it-
self, it represents own will, its ever-hostile opponent, as
unreasonable evil; and the latter lets itself be talked into
believing this. [...]
Every State is a despotism, be the despot one or many, or
(as one is likely to imagine about a republic) if all be
lords, that is, despotize one over another.

Disclaimer: do not under any circumstance attack or threaten
700 a member of a government. The reader assumes full responsibility
for consequences of their actions. This writing intellectually eluci-
dates the philosophy of black magick, and should not be considered
legal or medical advice.
Humans are born naturally free, then subsequently the
foot soldiers of statism baptize the babies into their citizenry,
indoctrinate submission, and extort their productive labor un-
til they die. In this sense, a national government epitomizes a
terrorist group, or territorial gang. Black magicians defend
themselves against harassment, which in this case, reflects
710 anti-terrorism. So if anarchism means the absence of statism,
then antiarchism refers to active opposition to its terrorism.

« 222 »

Be forewarned—the state does not hesitate to crush dis-

sidents. It unflinchingly aggresses and will never apologize for
ruination of a life nor destruction of property. It need not jus-
tify indefinite detention, property seizure, nor surveillance, if
officials consider a person a danger to their sadistic monopoly.
It is unforgivably foolish to enact any physical combat be-
cause the weaponry and technology of the state are
incalculably superior. A tactical police force can arrest and in -
carcerate a victim effortlessly in one swift procedure. 720
Therefore, to retaliate safely, a sorcerer must deploy satanic
magick, i.e., baneful vampirism and curses.
Anarchism comprises the philosophy of peace that de-
fends the virtue of freedom to the death. If a statist poses a
threat to the ability of a black magician to exercise individual -
ity, freedom, and power, then they possess a moral obligation
to execrate the adversary for relief.

“Anarchism is immoral, because the state enforces morality.
Without it, we would descend into chaos.”
False, anarchism equates to the only morally consistent 730
form of society. The state is immoral, and enforces chaos, by
its nature. As an aside, religious fundamentalists say the same
thing about atheism, that without faith morality would not
Contrast the two different types of violence—offensive
and defensive. Offensive aggression initiates force against a
victim; whereas self-defense protects against that aggression.
A satanist will define the first category as immoral because it
violates the victim; they will classify the second category as
moral, because it guards the victim. In the personal sphere, 740
humans intuitively agree that aggression is unacceptable, but

« 223 »

in the political sphere, they deem it acceptable—a clear

demonstration of moral inconsistency.
If you consider it evil to initiate force against a person in
the private sector, then you need to extend that same moral
principle to the public sector, in order to preserve your moral
consistency. Ergo, any institution that aggresses against free
society becomes a moral abomination, hence satanists strive
to abolish them.

750 “Anarchism can never truly function; it is utopian.”

Anarchists criticize statism in exactly the same way; they
consider it utopian. The notion that humans should create a
violent armed monopoly to defend against psychopaths who
seek to create a violent armed monopoly, seems plainly con-
tradictory to an anarchist. In other words, anarchists hold the
state to be the very manifestation of psychopathy that the in-
stitution falsely claims to defend against. The state itself is the
problem it claims to solve, like if a person gave themselves
cancer to defeat cancer.

760 “I cannot become an anarchist; it's too eccentric.”

The beauty of anarchism lies in how no anarchist would
ever force you to become one, because we oppose coercion,
unlike religion and statism, both of which initiate force for
compliance. If you simply cannot wrap your head around the
premise of a free stateless society, then you do not need to do
so. At the very least, I invite you to honor the spirit of revolt
to fulfill the principle of adversarialism.

“Black magicians and satanists are authoritarians. We admire

dictators like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, and should take over
770 the world to install a dark empire.”

« 224 »

Black magick opposes coercive authority in principle. The

infamous political mass murderers of 20th century regimes
quite literally are the archenemies of satanism. Adversarialism
is anarchistic fundamentally. In no way, shape, or form does it
support an iron-fisted police state that oppresses and enslaves
free humanity. Any satanist who wishes to expand the size
and force of the state has utterly confused the ethic of adver-
sarialism, and reversed it into authoritarianism. •

Everybody wants to live in a lie.

But why should we delude ourselves?
It's not as if we can't see something's wrong.
Where's the duty to what's right?
Intentions end with empty words.
And chaos replaces order.
Those who shout the loudest impose their will
Upholding laws that serve the few.
Declaring peace while the sirens sing
In the name of progress, the name of madness.
Drum beats faster, crowd shouts louder
And chaos replaces order.
I want justice for the voice that can't be heard
Vindication for every suffering and hurt.
Let retribution hold dominion over earth
Because Judgment Day's not coming
Judgment Day's not coming soon enough.
—VNV Nation, Nemesis

« 225 »


Lieber tot als ehrlos

Stand your ground

This is what we are fighting for
For our spirit and laws and ways
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
For heaven or hell we shall not wait
Shall I think of honour as lies
Or lament its aged and slow demise?
Shall I stand as a total stranger
On this day in this stone chamber?
The all clear resounding
The way was clear to rebuild this land
Shall I call on you to guide me well
To see our hopes and dreams fulfilled
On this day of our ascension
On this day we praise the fallen
—VNV Nation, Honour

« 226 »

Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as
a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.
—1 Peter 5:8
And the Lord showed me Jesus the high priest standing
before the angel of the Lord: and Satan stood on his side
to be his adversary.
—Zechariah 3:1
And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and
all the angels with him […] he shall set the sheep on his
right hand, but the goats on his left hand […] Then he
shall say to them […] on his left hand: Depart from me,
you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for
the devil and his angels.
—Matthew 25
means adversary in Hebrew, and

defines the ethic of satanism itself, adversarialism. It
comprises antiauthoritarianism, and denotes rebel-
lion against tyranny, revolt against oppression, emancipation
from slavery, liberation from repression, and tribal apostasy in
general. In this sense, satanism has become synonymous with
political anarchism, as both champion ethical opposition to
coercive, involuntary authority. The cardinal color of satanism
is scarlet or red, in that it iconifies the willingness to shed
blood for ascent. As an aside, satanism does not innately re- 10
quire gothic makeup, horror movies, or black metal music,
although those cultural tropes tend to surround the ideology
for better or worse—moreso for worse, as those motifs have
turned into stigmas that trivialize and pigeonhole the inge-
nious philosophy as a novelty for angsty youngsters.

« 227 »

The first impeccably satanic philosopher of the modern

age, Nietzsche—a mantle seconded only by fellow Germans
Max Stirner and Arthur Schopenhauer—championed adver-
sity as his supreme virtue. He penned his classic motto in
20 Twilight of the Idols, “From life's school or war—what doesn't
kill me makes me stronger.” Nietzsche calculated psychologi-
cal greatness in an individual as the amount of opposing force
that the egoist can tolerate to preserve freedom. He defined it
in a way that encapsulates adversarialism sublimely:
A free human being is a warrior. How is freedom mea-
sured in individuals and in peoples? It is measured by the
resistance that needs to be overcome, by the effort which
it costs to retain superiority. Look for the highest type of
free human beings where the highest resistance is con -
stantly being overcome.
The school of thought that Nietzsche welded together
mirrors that of the Left Hand Path in such a way that they
seem indistinguishable—although under exact comparison,
they are not in fact perfectly symmetrical. Moreover, he re -
ferred to his own irreverent shotgun literary style as
30 “philosophizing with a hammer.” Page after page he shatters
the glass shrines, false idols, and stone fallacies of everything
from Christianity and Buddhism, to psychology and tribal


Godhood Übermensch
Ascent Will to power
Adversarialism Resistance
Individuality Egoism

« 228 »

Adversarialism as an ethic is grounded in self-defense to

attain peace in order to ascend to Godhood, therefore empa-
thy sits at the heart of satanism—the path of survival. To cite
it in the manner of Nietzsche, the individual egoist overcomes
adversity by the will to power, and thereby becomes Über-
mensch—the path of freedom. All in all, satanism consists of a
twofold magickal praxeology: 40

1. Possession: to inherit the virtue of a satanic spirit

2. Execration: to curse, exorcise, or vampirize an enemy

The notion of possession terrifies the unenlightened, and
poses a credible danger to hasty, incautious fools. Notwith-
standing, a satanist can indeed undertake possession safely
and lovingly, as long as they partner with an honorable spirit.
To analogize possession to human sexuality, a wise person
scrutinizes potential bedfellows qualitatively, prior to agreeing
to extensive intercourse and interaction. This same careful 50
standard applies to consensual possession, what the author calls
voluntary possession.

Only a reckless cavalier would rush into blind possession,
whereby they fail to study the character of the spirit in ad-
vance, to validate its eligibility in terms of security, utility,
amicability, etc. To speak plainly, an intelligent satanist will
only ever enact possession with a dependable spirit with a
proven history of decency. It is unwise to experiment with
anonymous, alien entities unless one recognizes the hazard of 60
probable harm.
Characteristics of ideal spirit for satanic possession:

« 229 »

1. The spirit embodies the ethic of adversarialism, i.e., it

defends freedom, not abuses it.
2. The civilization that conceived the spirit fostered ad-
versarialism, i.e., the citizenry did not suffer slavery,
genocide, or oppression under its own rule of law.

« 230 »

These two criteria for selection, specifically the spirit and

its patron society, rule out the preponderance of atrocious an-
cient civilizations that committed genocide and enslaved its 70
own people—after all, religiopolitical history drags the bloody
entrails of hundreds of millions of murder victims behind it.
The reader will recall that archaic human worship of mytho -
logical figures gave birth to them as astral egregores, thus the
energy and zeitgeist of those people imbues the spirit of the
supernatural creatures. To summarize, do not idolize psycho-
pathic figures from sick cultures, let alone enter symbiotic
In the context of diabolism, a satanist traditionally selects
antitheist or anarchist devil figures of religious mythology for 80
possession. Society superficially assumes that satanists neces-
sarily worship Satan, the eponymous fallen angel who defied
Yahweh in Christian legend. Whilst certain diabolists may
have done so historically, an ordinary satanist can idolize any
egregore of mythology hailing from any civilization whom
fulfills the adversarial principle. Nothing limits a satanist to
any one culture, region, or era in time, nor does the spirit need
to take the form of a horned dragon, or goat per se. The entity
solely needs to embody the ethic of rebellion and defense in a
dimension of its personality, to stand as valid. For example, 90
the author personally has enacted permanent symbiosis with
the tribal god of sorcery in ancient anarchist Ireland, called
the Dagda. Native idolaters depicted him as a weathered, dis-
figured, old warrior, whom carries the club of life and death,
harp of seasons, and cauldron of abundance. This does not re-
flect a stereotypically satanic being, nonetheless the Irish
fended off two waves of imperious Viking invasion, and re-
volted against the Normans, under his unbreakable
stewardship. As a fact, only when the Irish finally abandoned
the last remnant of their polytheistic faith to Christianity in 100

« 231 »

the late Middle Age, did the British finally demoralize and
conquer the people. In the estimation of the author, an entity
of this diehard protective nature merits satanic adulation
more than any other. A wise satanist will elect to undergo
possession with a patron spirit whom historically walked the
walk of adversarialism for its civilization in reality, rather than
one who merely talked the talk in its poetic saga.

An adversarialist does not tolerate unwarranted hostility
110 —be it from a human, bodily illness, or other agent. In the
ordinary course of life events, a circumstance may arise where
a toxic force inflicts its aggression on the satanist or their
loved ones. In such a situation, the black magician execrates
the offender to extinguish it.
The act of execration, called baneful magick, marshals the
astral force to exorcise the entity from purview, and even to
injure or execute it if necessary. Society in general harbors a
repressed fear and awe for execration magick, to the point
where it has become explicitly taboo and even illegal to curse
120 in public. Moreover, decent parents will caution their young-
sters about cursing, and its ramifications, due to its potential
to alarm or disturb bystanders. An ambiguity formed whereby
the term curse bears dual meaning, firstly in reference to
baneful magick, and secondly in regard to profanity. Regard-
less, the two signify the same sentiment—to anathematize a
person or thing. Consider a most frequent curse in modern
English, “Goddamn it!” This malediction literally invokes a
deity to punish an annoyance. The prevalence of baneful
phraseology in the common tongue suggests a deep-seated
130 comprehension of execration in the heart of society. In this
way, often simply the threat of baneful magick, or suspicion
that one has been cursed, will horrify a person.

« 232 »

A satanist does not wield baneful magick against inno-

cent people like a psychotic terrorist, nor do they seek to
punish people for petty grievances. An adversarialist deploys
execration magick as a fail-safe. If an aggravation manifests,
and no legal or diplomatic solution can resolve it, then curs-
ing becomes a moral duty.

Apostatize means to quit religious and political beliefs.
To become a true satanist, the sorcerer needs to divorce from 140
both the Church and the State. This courageous act of renun -
ciation parallels the mythical saga of the proto-Judaic
antiheroic villain, Satan, particularly as narrated in the apoca-
lyptic Christian prophecy text named Revelation. By the by,
this dignified and resolute exorcism of religious and political
authoritarianism accounts for the nearest thing that Satanism
has in the way of a secular baptism into its current; this sim-
ple profane denouncement forever initiates anyone into
adversarialism, no gaudy ceremony or spooky hooded robe
necessary. 150

Forthwith the author will synopsize the infamous escha-

tological epic of the notorious apostasy of Lucifer himself. As
a precursory literary criticism, the plot suffers from the pre-
dictable two-dimensional divine protagonist vs. evil
antagonist trope. Nevertheless, when reflected upon with sin-
cerity, the passage can tug heartstrings—the author confesses
that he wept whilst studying certain poignant episodes of the
mythology, particularly the dramatic dialog between dear
friends Yahweh and Lucifer, due to the way it metaphorically
mirrors his own personal alienation from mainstream, politi- 160
cally correct culture. The legend features themes of rapture,
betrayal, love, terrorism, subterfuge, shapeshifting, apocalypse,
as well as the clichéd mark of the beast and 666 references, to

« 233 »

only cite a few. Furthermore, as disclosure, dogmatically pre-

cise analysis of these fictional events, their order, and ontology
—e.g., the number and names of archangels—differ between
Biblical scholars and denominations of Christianity; more-
over, Jewish and Islamic angelology differs further still.
Frankly, it becomes a futile burden to compare contradictory
170 and mistranslated holy texts that have never and will never
reconcile. As such, this introduction provides an approxi-
mately accurate recount of the adversarial myth, and includes
verses of pertinent source material excerpted from numerous
canonical Bibles, one being the gorgeously old-fashioned
As a disclaimer, the author has unapologetically taken
the liberty to employ poetic license to dramatize the thread-
bare and disjointed tale with a certain degree of modern-day
editorial embellishment—without omission or distortion of
180 critical elements. Moreover, the author affirms as a given that
Lucifer and Satan constitute the same character at two differ-
ent stages in the biblical myth—pre-apostasy and post-
apostasy. This generally-accepted consensus upsets a tiny mi-
nority of pedantic Luciferians, who loathe that their archaic
luminous idol has become irrevocably synonymous with the
Devil to billions of Christians around the world. In truth,
scribes penned the Old Testament in Hebrew, and New Tes -
tament in Greek; the name Lucifer entered the Bible through
English transliteration via the Latin Vulgate. The honorific ti-
190 tle, Lucifer, given to the anointed cherub—a mantle which
transferred to Jesus when the ministering angel fell—origi-
nally derives from a series of terms oriented around light, an
anachronistic metaphor for divine knowledge. It includes the
adjectives light bringing, light carrying, and light bearing, as
well as the verb to shine, all in reference to the planet Venus,
called day star or morning star due to its appearance at dawn.

« 234 »

This figure of speech morphed between languages over mil-

lennia as such:
• Hebrew: heylel, halal
• Greek: phosphoros 200
• Latin: lucifer, stella matutina
• English: light bearer, day star, morning star
Regardless of alleged translational errors and allegations
of misuse, the current mainstream belief widely identifies the
two beings as transitional alter egos of one distinct entity,
which thusly has birthed an extremely powerful astral egre-
gore that embodies this two-faced nature, i.e., Lucifer as
angel role, and Satan as devil role. The following account en -
tails this common view.


The creator god Yahweh and his army of 200,000,000

ministering angels resided in heaven prior to the genesis of
the cosmos. Immediately beside his throne stood seven elite
spirits, four cited specifically—Archangel Gabriel, whose
name means God is Mighty; Archangel Michael which trans-
lates to Like God; Archangel Raphael which signifies God
Heals, Cherub Lucifer which denotes Light Carrier, and
three additional angels depending on doctrinal tradition.
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister
for those who will inherit salvation?
—Hebrews 2:5
Their cavalry troops whose count I heard was twenty
thousand times ten thousand in number.
—Revelation 9:16
I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the army of

« 235 »

heaven standing by him on the right hand and on the

—1 Kings 22:19
Now on a certain day when the sons of God came to
stand before the Lord, Satan also was present among
—Job 1:6
Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision [...] be-
hold Michael, one of the chief princes.
—Daniel 8:16, 10:13
I beheld till thrones were placed, and the Ancient of days
sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his
head like clean wool: his throne like flames of fire: the
wheels of it like a burning fire.
—Daniel 7:9-10
Yahweh the sun god, and Lucifer the morning star,
220 shared a special loving relationship categorically different
from the other angels. Yahweh appointed him as host of wor-
ship, wherefore his name signifies enlightenment, and
stationed him in the Throne Room of his court so they would
remain together. Moreover, Yahweh had crafted him as a per-
fect being, the quintessence of intellectual wisdom and
aesthetic beauty. Lucifer enjoyed an admirable stature above
all angels, second only to God himself. Nonetheless, for rea-
sons that theologians dispute ceaselessly, Lucifer inevitably
became ethically accusatory of Yahweh, received a pledge of
230 support from one third of the spirit population, and orches-
trated an open revolt. What one side considered a fight for
freedom against monarchical tyranny, the other side called
treacherous terrorism against the creator; what one side hailed
as valorous insurgency, the other side condemned as prideful

« 236 »

Doré, Michael Casts Out Rebel Angels

Lucifer and his rebel alliance of 66,600,000 angels, mu-
tinied against the political regime of Yahweh in a power
struggle for the Throne of God, called the War in Heaven.
Loyalist officer Archangel Michael and his abiding cavalry of
133,400,000 angels forcibly exiled the guerrilla faction from 240
the celestial kingdom down to primordial earth, in an episode
entitled Fall From Grace. Lucifer, the fallen angel, now
known by the malign monikers Satan and Devil, encamped
his militia of refugee angels, now demoted to demons, in the

« 237 »

And there appeared another wonder in heaven: behold, a

great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and
seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven, and
cast them to the earth.
—Revelation 12:3-4
Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil
[...] said, “The Lord rebuke thee!”
—Jude 9
To furnish a bit of commentary midway, it seems clear in
the text that Yahweh became terribly distraught over this be -
trayal of friendship; the astounding lack of gratitude
demoralized him. In a prophetic episode addressed to the cor-
250 rupt King of Tyre in Ezekiel 28:12-19, God poignantly
enumerates the fortunes he had bestowed upon Lucifer, chas-
tises his apparent arrogance, and then damns both him and
the city to hell as punishment:
You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and per-
fect in beauty. You were in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite
and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise
and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of
gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I or-
dained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you
walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in
your ways from the day you were created till wickedness
was found in you […] So I drove you in disgrace from
the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wis-

« 238 »

dom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the

earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.

Carolsfeld, God Banishes Lucifer

« 239 »

Yahweh addresses him once again in Isaiah 14:11-21,

criticizing him for egotistical treason, and cursing him, except
this time God explicitly references the cherub's given name.
Biblical scholars insist that this precise scriptural passage
proves beyond any doubt that Lucifer and Satan factually
make up the same spirit:
Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen
down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms
shall be thy covering.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst
rise in the morning? How art thou fallen to the earth,
that didst wound the nations?
And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I
will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in
the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north.
I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like
the most High.
But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the
depth of the pit.
260 Jesus, son of Yahweh, witnessed the War in Heaven as a
bystander, and gives his famous personal testimony, which ev-
idences the Lucifer-Satan connection:
I saw Satan fall to earth like lightning from heaven.
—Luke 10:18

« 240 »

Doré, Fallen Angel

Yahweh proceeded to fashion the rest of existence, and
the original man and woman, Adam and Even, parented the
species. Millennia passed as Satan tirelessly enlisted members
into his resistance movement, while his demons possessed
and had sexual intercourse with humans:
And he seduced them that dwell on the earth […] saying
that they should make the mark of the beast […] He
that hath understanding, let him count the number of

« 241 »

the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number

of him is six hundred sixty-six
—Revelation 13:14-18
And they shall no more sacrifice their victims to devils,
with whom they have committed fornication.
—Leviticus 17:7
Yahweh had incarnated his son, Jesus, known by the
270 moniker Christ, and specifically sent him on-planet to orga-
nize a loyalist movement for his cause, which thus begot the
religion of Christianity. In a bold psychological operation, Sa-
tan confronted Jesus in person, escorted him to a mountain
peak, and tempted him to unite with the forces of darkness.
As bounty, Satan vowed to install Christ as dictator over the
nations of earth, to which he pensively declined.
And Jesus […] was led by the Spirit into the desert for
forty days; and was tempted by the devil [...]
And the devil led him into a high mountain, and shewed
him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and
the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to
whom I will, I give them.
If thou wilt adore before me, all shall be thine [...]
And Jesus answering, said to him: It is said: Thou shalt
not tempt the Lord thy God.
And all the temptation being ended, the devil departed
from him for a time.

« 242 »

Vasily Surikov, Temptation of Christ

In an episode called the Gerasene Demoniac in Mark 5,
Jesus exorcises a legion of demons into pigs, from a man who
lived in a haunted cemetery. In the Roman military, a legion
consisted of 2,000 soldiers, thus the gospel claims that 2,000 280
demons occupied this one individual.
A man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling in
the tombs, and no man now could bind him, not even
with chains [...]

« 243 »

And seeing Jesus afar off, he ran and adored him. And
crying with a loud voice, he said: What have I to do with
thee, Jesus the Son of the most high God? I adjure thee
by God that thou torment me not.
For he said unto him: Go out of the man, thou unclean
And he asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to
him: My name is Legion, for we are many.
And Jesus immediately gave them leave. And the unclean
spirits going out, entered into the swine: and the herd
with great violence was carried headlong into the sea, be-
ing about two thousand, and were stifled in the sea.
Eventually, this Son of God suffered brutal torture and
capital punishment for his own heretical cultural revolution
against Jewish holy law under Roman judicial authority,
thereby he resurrected and ascended back into heaven.

At present, the fantasy saga awaits completion in reality,
i.e., Christians believe the conclusion will materialize in the
near to immediate future. However, the reader need not won-
290 der what will transpire, because the Book of Revelation
foretells the inevitable resolution in the form of a horrific in-
fernal apocalypse. Spoiler alert—when Yahweh wearies of his
pathetic cosmic creation, he commences doomsday, officially
designated as Judgement Day. His son Jesus returns to the
planet in a Second Coming, whereby he summons all living
men and women, and also raises the dead, in order to triage
whom obeyed the commandments of his father, whom did
not, and to what extent. Faithful god-fearing Christians re-
ceive exclusive access to paradise where they will reside with
300 Yahweh for eternity; mortal sinners and sorcerers are cast

« 244 »

mercilessly into the lake of fire where they will burn in the
sulphuric brimstone of hell forever; and those who main-
tained a questionable record of conduct are quarantined to
purgatory indefinitely, but not permanently, to atone for their
forgivable transgressions.

Reni, Archangel Michael

Meanwhile, as Jesus judges individually every soul in ex-
istence, Satan shapeshifts into a behemoth dragon, and he
and his demonic infantry wage a second war against the
armies of heaven. To his demise, valorous Archangel Michael

« 245 »

310 binds and subdues the adversarial beast in unbreakable chains,

alas, vanquishing evil once and for all.
Revelation 13 and 20 narrate the confrontation between
Michael and Satan at the climax of the holy war, and also the
judgement by Jesus at the end of days:
And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having
the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his
And he laid hold on the dragon the old serpent, which is
the devil and Satan, and bound him [...]
And he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him
up, and set a seal upon him, that he should no more se-
duce the nations […]
And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment
was given unto them; and the souls of them that were
beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of
God, and who had not adored the beast nor his mark,
nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their
hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ [...]
And there came down fire from God out of heaven [...]
And I saw a great white throne, and one sitting upon it,
from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and
there was no place found for them.
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the
presence of the throne, and the books were opened; and
another book was opened, which is the book of life; and
the dead were judged by those things which were written
in the books, according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death

« 246 »

and hell gave up their dead that were in them; and they
were judged every one according to their works [...]
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life,
was cast into the lake of fire.
As a final corollary, Matthew 25 utilizes the analogy of
goats on the left hand as evil, and sheep on the right hand as
And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and
all the angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of
his majesty.
And all nations shall be gathered together before him,
and he shall separate them one from another, as the
shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats:
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the
goats on his left hand [...]
Then he shall say to them […] on his left hand: Depart
from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was pre -
pared for the devil and his angels.

Many theologians and demonologists have invented
elaborate, extra-biblical postulations about the so-called in - 320
fernal empire; by necessity they utilize Jewish and Kabbalistic
lore, and therefore very little of it reflects Christian canon.
Lamentably, the Bible contains only short and inscrutable ref-
erences to demonic characters, and very cursory discussion of
their hellish kingdom. To an ordinary reader, the passages
that reference obscure demons and devils will seem out of
context, as if randomly shoehorned into the scripture from
previously existing, but unmentioned sources; the holy text
provides almost no background or insight into many entities,

« 247 »

330 besides one or two verses. This paltriness may dishearten

those who wish for a comprehensive study of the adversarial
Christian spirits, and will certainly leave them with more
questions than answers.

The adjective infernal derives from infernus in Latin. It
means below or underground, and denotes the eternal fated
residence of fallen angels and mortal sinners. The authors of
scripture assigned several names to this underworldly locale,
including bottomless pit, abyss, pool of fire, furnace of fire,
340 lake of fire, darkness, and hell.
Thy whole body be cast into hell.
—Matthew 5:29
The children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the
exterior darkness.
—Matthew 8:12
The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and
murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idol-
aters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the
pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the sec-
ond death.
—Revelations 21:8
Cast them into the furnace of fire.
—Matthew 13:42
With fire and brimstone […] the smoke of their tor-
ments shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have
they rest day nor night.
—Revelation 14:11-12

« 248 »

And they besought him that he would not command

them to go into the abyss.
—Luke 8:31
And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the
pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit.
—Revelation 9:2

In 1589, German bishop Peter Binsfeld invented a dubi-
ous and widely criticized Classification of Demons, whereby
he correlated 7 biblical demons to the 7 deadly sins. These
spurious correspondences originated the traditional belief in
the infamous Seven Princes of Hell that still pollutes de-
monology to this day. However, in point of fact, the Bible
never canonically defines any precise number of infernal aris-
tocrats, nor an exact political hierarchy of orders and degrees;
it merely implies a one-dimensional rulership in references to 350
satan as prince of air, and god of this world.
When you were dead in your offenses, and sins, wherein
in time past you walked according to the course of this
world, according to the prince of the power of air, of the
spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief.
—Ephesians 2:1-2
The god of this world hath blinded the minds of unbe-
—2 Corinthians 4:4
Furthermore, the legendary Christian theologian and
metaphysician, St. Thomas Aquinas, logically explodes the
notion that an infernal hierarchy could ever exist:
It would seem that there are no orders among the

« 249 »

demons. For order belongs to good, as also mode, and

species, as St. Augustine says; and on the contrary, disor-
der belongs to evil. But there is nothing disorderly in the
good angels. Therefore in the bad angels there are no or-
ders. (p. 715)
—Summa Theologica
Refutation of demonic hierarchy by St. Thomas Aquinas:
1. Good and evil possess opposite attributes.
2. Goodness has order innately.
3. Thus, evil has disorder innately.
4. Angels personify goodness.
360 5. As such, angels organize into orderly hierarchies.
6. Demons personify evil.
7. Ergo, demons disorganize into disorderly chaos.
8. Therefore, demons oppose hierarchy naturally.
A reasonable demonologist needs to admit that Aquinas
has furnished a valid refutation of any infernal empire full of
complex multi-level hierarchies, offices, orders, degrees, and
the like. If the adversarial spirits embody chaos, then it unde-
niably is anathema for them to create a harmonious state of
social and political organization. Combine this with the ir -
370 refutable fact that the Bible never explicates any formal class
ranking aside from alluding to Satan as a ruler—and sud-
denly the entire field of Christian demonology in particular
seems suspiciously baseless and fabricated.
The Bible does indeed cite several conventional spirits of
darkness in a scattershot manner, although with little to no
pretext, except for Lucifer and Satan. As a corollary, the scrip-
ture does tell that one third of the angels rallied behind
Lucifer in his rebellion, and thereby fell to Earth with him.
Theologians quibble over the total angelic population, but

« 250 »

share consensus that between 200 million and 100 million 380
resided with Yahweh originally. This deduces a population
density between 66 million to 33 million demons in hell,
which amounts to between 33,000 to 16,500 legions; one le-
gion equals 2,000 heads according to the Roman military
metric. Ergo, a demonologist can safely conclude that Satan
marshals a demonic infantry in the thousands of legions—
quite an impressive ally for an ambitious sorcerer!
The following glossary features the pertinent verses that
specify every fallen angel, demon, devil, and unclean spirit
named in the scripture. These bare-bones passages constitute 390
the complete body of knowledge available about these entities
in the scriptural canon of Christian mythology.

A king, the angel of the bottomless pit; whose name in
Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon; in Latin
—Revelation 9:11

The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will
punish the Amon of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with
their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them
that trust in him.
—Zechariah 46:25
Art thou better than populous No-amon, that was situate
among the rivers, that had the waters round about it,
whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the
—Nahum 3:8

« 251 »

Because she had been given to seven husbands, and a
devil named Asmodeus had killed them, at their first go-
ing in unto her.
—Tobit 3:8

In the fortieth year, the eleventh month, the first day of
the month, Moses spoke to the children of Israel all that
the Lord had commanded him to say to them: After that
he had slain Sehon king of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in
Hesebon: and Og king of Basan who abode in Astaroth,
and in Edrai, Beyond the Jordan in the land of Moab.
And Moses began to expound the law [...]
—Deuteronomy 1:3-4
And to the two kings of the Amorrhites that were be-
yond the Jordan, Sehon king of Hesebon, and Og king of
Basan, that was in Astaroth: And our ancients, and all
the inhabitants of our country said to us: Take with you
victuals for a long way, and go meet them, and say: We
are your servants, make ye a league with us.
—Joshua 9:10
All the kingdom of Og in Basan, who reigned in As-
taroth and Edrai, he was of the remains of the Raphaims:
and Moses overthrew and destroyed them [...] And half
Galaad, and Astaroth, and Edrai, cities of the kingdom
of Og in Basan: to the children of Machir, the son of
Manasses, to one half of the children of Machir accord-
ing to their kindreds.
—Joshua 13: 12, 31
And they left the Lord the God of their fathers, who had
brought them out of the land of Egypt: and they fol-

« 252 »

lowed strange gods, and the gods of the people that

dwelt round about them, and they adored them: and they
provoked the Lord to anger. Forsaking him, and serving
Baal and Astaroth.
—Judges 2: 12-13
And they took their daughters to wives, and they gave
their own daughters to their sons, and they served their
gods. And they did evil in the sight of the Lord, and they
forgot their God, and served Baalim and Astaroth.
—Judges 3:6-7
But the children of Israel, adding new sins to their old
ones, did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served idols,
Baalim and Astaroth, and the gods of Syria and of Sidon
and of Moab and of the children of Ammon and of the
Philistines: and they left the Lord, and did not serve
—Judges 10:6
And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying: If
you turn to the Lord with all your heart, put away the
strange gods from among you, Baalim and Astaroth: and
prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only,
and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.
Then the children of Israel put away Baalim and As-
taroth, and served the Lord only.
—1 Samuel 7:3-4
But afterwards they cried to the Lord, and said: We have
sinned, because we have forsaken the Lord, and have
served Baalim and Astaroth: but now deliver us from the
hand of our enemies, and we will serve thee.
—1 Samuel 12:10
And they cut off Saul's head, and stripped him of his ar-

« 253 »

mour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round

about, to publish it in the temples of their idols, and
among their people. And they put his armour in the tem-
ple of Astaroth, but his body they hung on the wall of
—1 Samuel 31:9-10
The high places also that were at Jerusalem on the right
side of the Mount of Offence, O which Solomon king of
Israel had built to Astaroth the idol of the Sidonians, and
to Chamos the scandal of Moab, and to Melchom the
abomination of the children of Ammon, the king defiled.
And he broke in pieces the statues, and cut down the
groves: and he filled their places with the bones of dead
—2 Kings 23:13-14
And to the sons of Gersom, out of the kindred of the
half tribe of Manasses, Gaulon, in Basan, and its suburbs,
and Astharoth with its suburbs.
—1 Chronicles 6:71
Ozia an Astarothite, Samma, and Jehiel the sons of
Hotham an Arorite [...]
—1 Chronicles 11:44
And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the
kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaims in
Astaroth Karnaim [...]
—Genesis 14:5

Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the
Lord and the other for Azazel. And Aaron shall present
the goat on which the lot fell for the Lord and use it as a

« 254 »

sin offering, but the goat for Azazel shall be presented

alive before the Lord to make atonement over it, that it
may be sent away into the wilderness to Azazel.
—Leviticus 16:8-10

And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the
Lord, and served Baal: and they forsook the Lord God of
their fathers, which brought them out of the land of
Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people
that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto
them, and provoked the Lord to anger. And they forsook
the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.
—Judges 2:11-13
And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying: If
you turn to the Lord with all your heart, put away the
strange gods from among you, Baal and Astaroth: and
prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only,
and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.
Then the children of Israel put away Baalim and As-
taroth, and served the Lord only.
—1 Samuel 7:3-4
And all the people of the land went into the house of
Baal, and brake it down; his altars and his images brake
they in pieces thoroughly, and slew Mattan the priest of
Baal before the altars. And the priest appointed officers
over the house of the Lord.
—2 Kings 11:18
And they left all the commandments of the Lord their
God, and made them molten images, even two calves,
and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven,
and served Baal.

« 255 »

—2 Kings 17:13
Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear
falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other
gods whom ye know not.
—Jeremiah 7:9
And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they
prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.
—Jeremiah 23:13
When Ephraim spake trembling, he exalted himself in
Israel; but when he offended in Baal, he died.
—Hosea 13:1
And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for
him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king
of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and wor-
shipped him. And he reared up an altar for Baal in the
house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab
made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord
God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that
were before him.
—1 Kings 16:31-33
And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let
not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah
brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them
—1 Kings 18-40
And he wrought evil in the sight of the Lord; but not
like his father, and like his mother: for he put away the
image of Baal that his father had made.
—2 Kings 3:2

« 256 »

For the sons of Athaliah, that wicked woman, had bro-

ken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated
things of the house of the Lord did they bestow upon
—2 Chronicles 24:7
He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and made
also molten images for Baal. Moreover he burnt incense
in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burnt his chil -
dren in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen
whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the high places,
and on the hills, and under every green tree.
—2 Chronicles 28:2-4
And Jehu gathered all the people together, and said unto
them, Ahab served Baal a little; but Jehu shall serve him
much. Now therefore call unto me all the prophets of
Baal, all his servants, and all his priests; let none be want-
ing: for I have a great sacrifice to do to Baal; whosoever
shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Jehu did it in sub -
tlety, to the intent that he might destroy the worshippers
of Baal. And Jehu said, Proclaim a solemn assembly for
Baal. And they proclaimed it. And Jehu sent through all
Israel: and all the worshippers of Baal came, so that there
was not a man left that came not. And they came into
the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was full from
one end to another. And he said unto him that was over
the vestry, Bring forth vestments for all the worshippers
of Baal. And he brought them forth vestments. And Jehu
went, and Jehonadab the son of Rechab, into the house
of Baal, and said unto the worshippers of Baal, Search,
and look that there be here with you none of the servants
of the Lord, but the worshippers of Baal only. And when
they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu

« 257 »

appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the

men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he
that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of
offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the guard
and to the captains, Go in, and slay them; let none come
forth. And they smote them with the edge of the sword;
and the guard and the captains cast them out, and went
to the city of the house of Baal. And they brought forth
the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them.
And they brake down the image of Baal, and brake down
the house of Baal, and made it a draught house unto this
day. Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.
—2 Kings 10:18-28
And it came to pass the same night, that the Lord said
unto him, Take thy father’s young bullock, even the sec-
ond bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar
of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that
is by it: and build an altar unto the Lord thy God upon
the top of this rock, in the ordered place, and take the
second bullock, and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood
of the grove which thou shalt cut down. Then Gideon
took ten men of his servants, and did as the Lord had
said unto him: and so it was, because he feared his fa -
ther’s household, and the men of the city, that he could
not do it by day, that he did it by night. And when the
men of the city arose early in the morning, behold, the
altar of Baal was cast down, and the grove was cut down
that was by it, and the second bullock was offered upon
the altar that was built. And they said one to another,
Who hath done this thing? And when they enquired and
asked, they said, Gideon the son of Joash hath done this
thing. Then the men of the city said unto Joash, Bring

« 258 »

out thy son, that he may die: because he hath cast down
the altar of Baal, and because he hath cut down the grove
that was by it. And Joash said unto all that stood against
him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye save him? he that will
plead for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet
morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, be-
cause one hath cast down his altar. Therefore on that day
he called him Jerubbaal, saying, Let Baal plead against
him, because he hath thrown down his altar.
—Judges 6:25-32

Go, consult Beelzebub, the god of Accaron, whether I
shall recover of this my illness.
—2 Kings 1:2
And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall
his kingdom stand? Because you say, that through
Beelzebub I cast out devils.
—Luke 11:18

Belial 400

Children of Belial are gone out of the midst of thee, and

have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, and have
said: Let us go, and serve strange gods which you know
—Deuteronomy 13:13
Now the sons of Heli were children of Belial, not know-
ing the Lord, nor the office of the priests to the people:
but whosoever had offered a sacrifice, the servant of the
priest came, while the flesh was in boiling, with a flesh
hook of three teeth in his hand
—1 Samuel 2:12

« 259 »

He cursed the king: Come out, come out, thou man of

blood, and thou man of Belial.
—2 Samuel 16:7
O Juda, keep thy festivals, and pay thy vows: for Belial
shall no more pass through thee again, he is utterly cut
—Nahum 1:15

They also were initiated to Beelphegor: and ate the sacri-
fices of the dead.
—Psalms 105:28
And Israel was initiated to Beelphegor: upon which the
Lord being angry […] Let every man kill his neighbors,
that have been initiated to Beelphegor.
—Numbers 25:3-5

And when they who dwelt in the tower of Sichem heard
this, they went into the temple of their god Berith where
they had made a covenant with him, and from thence the
place had taken its name, and it was exceeding strong.
—Judges 9:46

And turneth toward the sunrising to Beth-dagon, and
reacheth to Zebulun, and to the valley of Jiphthah-el to-
ward the north side of Beth-emek, and Neiel, and goeth
out to Cabul on the left hand [...]
Joshua 19:27
Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together

« 260 »

for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to

rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our
enemy into our hand.
—Judges 16:23
And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it
from Ebenezer unto Ashdod. When the Philistines took
the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon,
and set it by Dagon. And when they of Ashdod arose
early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his
face to the earth before the ark of the Lord. And they
took Dagon, and set him in his place again. And when
they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon
was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of
the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of
his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the
stump of Dagon was left to him. Therefore neither the
priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon’s house,
tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this
day. But the hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of
Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with
emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof. And when
the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark
of the God of Israel shall not abide with us: for his hand
is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our god.
—1 Samuel 5-8
And they put his armour in the house of their gods, and
fastened his head in the temple of Dagon.
—1 Chronicles 10-10

In that day the Lord with his hard, and great, and strong
sword shall visit leviathan the bar serpent, and leviathan
the crooked serpent, and shall slay the whale that is in

« 261 »

the sea.
—Isaiah 27:1

Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to
one another; there shall the Lilith repose, and find for
herself a place to rest.
—Isaiah 34:14

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
—Isaiah 14:12
You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and per-
fect in beauty. You were in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite
and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise
and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of
gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I or-
dained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you
walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in
your ways from the day you were created till wickedness
was found in you […] So I drove you in disgrace from
the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wis-
dom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the
earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
—Ezekiel 28:12-19

« 262 »

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate
the one, and love the other [...] Ye cannot serve God and
—Luke 16:13

And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the
fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of
thy God.
—Leviticus 18:21
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Again, thou
shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of
the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in
Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall
surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone
him with stones. And I will set my face against that man,
and will cut him off from among his people; because he
hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctu -
ary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of
the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when
he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not: then
I will set my face against that man, and against his family,
and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him,
to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their
—Leviticus 20:1-5
Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the
abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem,
and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Am-
mon. 8 And likewise did he for all his strange wives,
which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.

« 263 »

—1 Kings 11:7-8
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the
valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their
daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I
commanded them not, neither came it into my mind,
that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to
—Judah 32:35

Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me:
for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but
those that be of men.
—Matthew 16:23
And Satan rose up against Israel: and moved David to
number Israel.
1 Chronicles 21:1
And it came to pass, when on a certain day the sons of
God came, and stood before the Lord, and Satan came
among them, and stood in his sight, that the Lord said to
Satan: Whence comest thou? And he answered and said:
I have gone round about the earth, and walked through
it. And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou considered my
servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a
man simple, and upright, and fearing God, and avoiding
evil, and still keeping his innocence? But thou hast
moved me against him, that I should afflict him without
cause. And Satan answered, and said: Skin for skin, and
all that a man hath he will give for his life: But put forth
thy hand, and touch his bone and his flesh, and then
thou shalt see that he will bless thee to thy face. And the
Lord said to Satan: Behold be is in thy hand, but yet save

« 264 »

his life. So Satan went forth from the presence Of the

Lord, and struck Job with a very grievous ulcer, from the
sole of the foot even to the top of his head
—Job 2:1-7
And the Lord shewed me Jesus the high priest standing
before the angel of the Lord: and Satan stood on his
right hand to be his adversary. And the Lord said to Sa -
tan: The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan: and the Lord that
chose Jerusalem rebuke thee: Is not this a brand plucked
out of the fire?
—Zechariah 3:1-2
And he was in the desert forty days and forty nights, and
was tempted by Satan; and he was with beasts, and the
angels ministered to him.
—Mark 1:13
And he said to them: I saw Satan like lightning falling
from heaven.
—Luke 10:18
When Jesus had said these things, he was troubled in
spirit; and he testified, and said: Amen, amen I say to
you, one of you shall betray me. The disciples therefore
looked one upon another, doubting of whom he spoke.
Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disci -
ples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore beckoned
to him, and said to him: Who is it of whom he speaketh?
He therefore, leaning on the breast of Jesus, saith to him:
Lord, who is it? Jesus answered: He it is to whom I shall
reach bread dipped. And when he had dipped the bread,
he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after
the morsel, Satan entered into him. And Jesus said to
him: That which thou dost, do quickly.
—John 13:21-27

« 265 »

To open their eyes, that they may be converted from

darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God
—Acts 26:18
And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself
into an angel of light.
—2 Corinthians 11:14
And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who
is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole
world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels
were thrown down with him.
—Revelation 12:9

A reasonable person will unavoidably discern how the
Christian epic thematically depicts Lucifer as a vain, spoiled
brat, ungrateful of his elite station in heaven. Theologians rec-
ognize Satan as a metaphorical warning against the dangers
of apostasy. In their view, only an ungrateful, arrogant fool
will disregard the perfect gifts of the creator; and if they pos -
sess the audacity to formally renounce him, they will suffer
atrocious torment as punishment. To put it in the simplest
terms, the Luciferian Rebellion tale amounts to a veiled phys-
420 ical threat that editors of Christian scripture crafted to terrify
followers. They scapegoat the Lucifer character to make an
example of how they will torture anyone who blasphemes the
imperial religion in the real world. One only needs to read be-
tween the lines to decipher what the Holy Roman Empire will
do to heretics, heathens, and atheists that question theocratic
All in all, times have changed, and people in Western so-
ciety can peacefully criticize the authoritarianism of both the
Church and State to a degree. Regardless, as Lucifer aposta-

« 266 »

tized the totalitarianism of Yahweh, so too human satanists 430

need to renounce tyranny in every form.

In the latter half of the 20 th century, it became trendy for
a subculture of hipster atheists, social justice warriors, and
postmodernists on the West Coast of the United States to
create fake churches to parody Christianity and religion. They
misappropriated occult jargon, invented pseudo-rituals,
dubbed it Satanism, and thereby hijacked the Left Hand
Path, e.g., the Church of Satan. This aberration derailed the
true ideology of adversarialism from its hitherto frst wave su-
pernatural diabolism, and mutated it into a staged freak show. 440
Rather than enacting authentic possession with adversarial
spirits, this second wave satanism flaunted spooky burlesque
theater for drama and antireligious shock value instead.
At present, this divergent strain of what the author calls
satire satanism has turned into a cliché, a caricature of itself,
a parody of a parody of religion. Anti-Christian mockery no
longer possesses the forbidden, avant-garde aesthetic it once
did in the previous century; it jumped the shark when athe-
ism became a normal position of mainstream dialectic. The
satire derived its power from being taboo, however it lost that 450
potency as society has evolved toward science and away from
faith. These one-trick-ponies that depended on religious
mockery in the 1980s, currently suffer reverse-mockery for
their outdated and hackneyed gimmick. The tables have
turned, and classical black magicians have uncovered that the
postmodern emperor has no clothes.
The true Left Hand Path of black magick and its super-
natural diabolism has since recovered the mantle of satanism
in the way of third wave satanism in a return to its roots. The

« 267 »

460 influx of frustrated freethinkers born in the Millennial Gen-

eration search out metaphysics as a third way, an alternative to
the stale binary rivalry of religion and secularism. Thank the
gods! Because satanism had degenerated into bargain bin
merchandise at tacky clothing stores, wherefore angsty
teenagers sported inverted pentagram t-shirts, and parroted
“Hail Satan” to upset their suburban parents. Under the fail-
ure of second wave satire satanism, the once honorable
ideology lost its way and hit rock bottom. Today, earnest sa-
tanists stand at the intersection between empirical science
470 and experimental astral magick. They no longer wish to lam-
poon easy target Christian lemmings for cheap, sophomoric
laughs, but rather they aspire to undertake the veritable ascent
that only black magick incites.
In the contemporary landscape, myriad tiny satanic cults
transiently come in and out of existence—more than ever be-
fore in history. For the sake of discussion, three specific
second wave groups will undergo analysis, in descending or-
der by size—Church of Satan, Temple of Set, and Order of
Nine Angles. Under the following careful scrutiny, none of
480 them necessarily cite or uphold the native first principles of
black magick, and regrettably one in particular exhibits ex-
treme anti-satanism.
The author would like to acknowledge that the ensuing
critiques concentrate almost exclusively on the writing of
three men in particular:
1. Anton LaVey of Church of Satan
2. Michael Aquino of Temple of Set
3. David Myatt of Order of Nine Angles
Let it be known as a disclaimer that the views of these
490 three individuals do not necessarily reflect those of every sin-
gle member of each organization. Thus, my analysis pertains

« 268 »

predominantly to these men identified by name. Regrettably

many atheist magicians have been forced to join churches and
temples as a means to inherit magick knowledge, because no
alternative exists. Furthermore, intellectual criticism of a per-
son indicates a certain degree of respect for them, otherwise
the author would not have devoted time to critiquing their
ideas in the first place.

The Church of Satan epitomizes satire satanism. It is a 500
for-profit corporation that sells membership into a loose
community, which performs campy gothic theater to invert
the moral tenets of Christianity. It neither constitutes a legal
church under United States tax code, nor preaches a faith. The
official name is Church of Satan, Inc., entity number
C0634485, filed in the state of California. Any public person
can retrieve this data through the Business Search function
available in the archives of the Secretary of State.
The flamboyant Jewish founder, Howard Levey, who
took on the spooky alias Anton LaVey, and his fellow priests, 510
exclaim a litany of contrarian platitudes, fallacies, and even
insults against real sorcerers. The disheartening fact about the
Church of Satan is that it denies the supernatural, and thus as
a corollary denounces authentic black magick. In lieu, authors
of their doctrine utilize the plain term magic, and limit it to
psychodrama, akin to what children experience when trick-
or-treating on Halloween. After all, LaVey fancied himself
the former employee of a carnival, a claim that several detrac-
tors call a lie.
The so-called high priest of the make-believe church, Pe- 520
ter Gilmore, confessed, “My real feeling is that anybody who
believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane.” That

« 269 »

quotation does officially confirm an opposition to magick. A

sorcerer performs black magick to effect astral forces, a defini-
tion that necessitates supernaturalism. This proves that the
Church of Satan fails the true, valid definition of the Left
Hand Path.
Proof the Church of Satan fails the Left Hand Path:
1. Left Hand Path is the philosophy of black magick.
530 2. Magick consists of causing astral forces to effect
physical phenomena, thus magick is supernatural.
3. Church of Satan rejects the supernatural.
4. Thus, Church of Satan denies magick itself.
5. Ergo, Church of Satan is not part of the Left Hand
Path of black magick.

To a reasonable person, the name Church of Satan sug-
gests that the entity comprises the legal church of a faith. As
already shown, it neither qualifies as such, nor possesses the
540 tax-exempt status of a 501(c)(3) religious and charitable orga -
nization under the United States legal code. Moreover, the
United States Armed Forces do not explicitly include Sa-
tanism in the catalog of “Religions Recognized by the U.S.
Army,” an accolade which members of the organization once
touted. Although, presumably the United States still permits
service-members to affiliate under the First Amendment of
the Constitution. The Church reading list contains 68 entries,
which range from history and sociology to thriller and fantasy
novels. It does not include a single grimoire of black magick.
550 Initiates do not undertake magick procedures as such, they do
not divine knowledge, undergo possession with spirits, or soul
travel. Rather, they perform gothic “therapy theater” that they
claim deindoctrinates religious beliefs. The company deploys

« 270 »

traditional occult jargon like priest, magus, and grotto, then

altogether denies the existence of Satan as an astral entity. In
light of this, a logical person can only conclude that the
Church of Satan exploits the popularity and aesthetic of real
sorcery. The company amounts to a phony church that sells
gothic merchandise, and performs mock ceremony.
In this way, the name Church of Satan suggests a severe 560
1. It is not a tax-exempt church—it is a company.
2. It espouses no religion—it is atheistic.
3. It does not believe Satan exists—it denies the super-

To give due credit, Anton LaVey at least walked his talk,
and therefore demonstrated integrity, so in that sense, he
merits a little acknowledgement. He courageously bore the
brunt of fury from aggressive religious fanatics, and persisted 570
nonetheless. With that preface in place, the ideas of Anton
LaVey warrant intellectual criticism.
The Church of Satan borrows every painfully clichéd
trope of horror subculture—from devil horns, and the color
black, to a carnival aesthetic, and the desperately hackneyed
number 666. Anton LaVey reduced his style to a contrivance.
To call him a philosopher, degrades real philosophers. At
most, his literary musings amount to impassioned opinions,
and anachronistic nostalgia. In no way did he craft a sound,
formal philosophy—quite the opposite. He never cited or 580
proved first principles, nor did he furnish syllogisms to sup-
port his conclusions, and he often committed rudimentary
fallacies. Additionally, he was prone to complicating his ideas
with strange phraseology that distracted from his message.

« 271 »

Despite these factors, his infamous book, The Satanic Bible,

sold like crazy in the latter half of the 20th century due to its
timely irreverence—kudos for that.
Three words summarize LaVey: style over substance.

Nine Satanic Statements

590 The first doctrine contains a set of contrarian platitudes
he entitled, Nine Satanic Statements. Every single one com-
mits the fallacy of false dichotomy, thereby each debunks itself
A false dichotomy is composed of a sweeping either-or
statement, also known as a double bind. A notorious example
of a false dilemma is the claim, “You are either with us, or
against us,” which disregards alternative positions, and de-
grees of assent. To clarify, this does not mean that
dichotomies cannot exist logically, for example, they occur in
600 mathematics and physics. Nevertheless, LaVey founded his
entire satirical church on nine fallacies in a row without pro -
viding the necessary lines of reasoning to deduce each
judgment. It seems like he fostered a blind agenda to invert
the tenets of Christianity, rather than architect a solid ideol-
The reader needs to recall that deontological ethics ad-
here to the categorical imperative—they apply universally. If a
moralist claims a first principle, then the virtue pertains to ev-
ery situation. Thus, an ethicist needs supreme care, a trait that
610 LaVey sorely lacked in his inculcations. Amusingly, he punc-
tuated each error with an exclamation point!

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

Rampant indulgence exhibits reckless foolishness, and is
a dangerous principle by which to live; one that will certainly

« 272 »

cause premature death, or illness at least. Does his call for in-
dulgence include drug abuse, irresponsible sex, binge eating,
and violence? If not, then LaVey needed to provide a standard
by which to differentiate valid and invalid indulgence; how-
ever he failed to do so. This critical error exemplifies the
negligence that pervades all of his ideas. 620

Needless to say, by indulgence he predominantly means

to eradicate religious shame, e.g., sexuality. Although, his
puffery obscured the message.

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe

What does “spiritual pipe dream” signify exactly? Spiritu-
ality does not necessitate belief in a god. Many atheists
uphold the concept of secular spirituality. One of the best-
selling, present-day atheists, Sam Harris, named his book,
Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion. 630

Again, presumably LaVey endeavored to criticize the air-

headedness of faith, but sort of demonstrated his own
imprudence instead.

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical

This is a vacuous claim, tantamount to standing on a
soap box in a city and announcing, “I am right, because I say
so!” How does Satan embody perfect sagacity? He cannot just
declare this; he must prove it. What logic supports this
proclamation? The inversion of a Christian flaw does not vali- 640
date a claim.

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead

of love wasted on ingrates!

« 273 »

Platitudinous sophistry.

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other

Universal vengeance severely threatens the safety of sa-
tanists. A wise person picks their battles. To seek vengeance
against every minor offense is tedious.
650 Adversarialism certainly demands staunch self-defense in
an emergency, but often just exiting a trivial confrontation
remedies the situation, and avoids unnecessary hassle. This is
called taking the high road. Prudence can aid a sorcerer at

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of

concern for psychic vampires!
“Psychic vampire” is a poor choice of terminology for a
secular atheist organization. Both psychic and vampire refer
to the supernatural; it self-defeats. Rather than edit or remove
660 the statement, the Church has mistakenly tried to rationalize
it ex post facto in other literature.

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes

better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours,
who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual develop -
ment,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

Biologists taxonomically classify humans as the Homo
sapiens species of the animal kingdom. But humans certainly
are not “just another animal” for an extremely critical reason.
They by far possess the smartest cognitive faculty of any ani-
670 mal on the planet, in that humans are the only lifeform that
participates in conceptual language, morality, rational will,
complicated mathematics, principled artistry, automated tech-

« 274 »

nology, advanced medicine, and myriad other talents and spe-

cialities. If an alien race discovered Earth, humans would
stand out as the only species with whom they could make an
intellectual acquaintance. In point of fact, despite all their
flaws, humans stand at the top of the food chain as the apex
predator, and embody the frontline of evolution.
LaVey sounds like a bitter misanthrope when he insults
Homo sapiens. He prides himself on dispossessing shame, 680
then hypocritically guilt trips the whole species, ignoring all
the magnificent advancements of the race.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to

physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
They may gratify people occasionally, but chronic indul-
gence in each of the sins inevitably leads to physical disease
and mental disorder.

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as
He has kept it in business all these years!
To the contrary, Christianity has enabled the Church of 690
Satan to stay in business all these years. People only recog-
nized its existence from the scandalous negativity of
Christian press.
Additionally, religions do not need an adversary character
in their mythology to function. Some faiths lack an antago-
nistic avatar of evil altogether. Their sole aspiration to appease
celestial deities motivates the congregation.
Proof the Nine Satanic Statements are invalid:
1. Invalid logic contains fallacy.
2. Every one of the Nine Satanic Statements commits 700
the fallacy of false dichotomy.

« 275 »

3. Thus, the Nine Satanic Statements are invalid.

Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

The Church also dictates the utterly arbitrary and bizarre,
“Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth.” This set of command-
ments consists of nothing more than miscellaneous beliefs
and odd bits of dubious and borderline psychopathic advice.
LaVey never shares the grounds on which he derives these
scattershot assertions and obscures them with abnormal ter-
710 minology.

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

People should repress their sentiments? What if they are
in the company of family and friends who would welcome
the ideas? A preferable revision: Do not give your opinion to
a person who is ungrateful to receive it.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they
want to hear them.
Redundant of the first Rule.

3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go

720 there.
The term lair gives a sample of how LaVey typically suc-
cumbed to the fallacy of style over substance, which tends to
muddle his messages. Lair denotes a wild animal den, or se-
cluded space. He could have said, “When in another's private
home, show respect” to guarantee clarity, but he incessantly
tried to force eccentric idioms into his writing.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and

without mercy.

« 276 »

This suggestion will offend any reasonable person. LaVey

calls for satanists to inflict merciless cruelty on people who 730
are annoying? This instances his common tendency to suggest
psychopathic violence in response to petty nuisance.
Revision: If a person aggravates you, ask them to leave.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mat-
ing signal.
LaVey never specified the so-called “mating signal,”
which causes difficulty for those whom wish to make sexual
advances. Moreover, he never differentiated a sexual advance
from a mating signal; a person could misconstrue one for the
other. 740

Revision: Do not rape.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a

burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
His strange phraseology complicates and obscures the
message, per usual.
Revision: Do not steal, but help others in need.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it

successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of
magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose
all you have obtained. 750

The astral force of magick does not rely on belief for it to

exist and function organically, nor do the forces of gravity and
electromagnetism. And if a person disbelieves, why would
they retroactively lose all they have obtained? He cites no evi -
dence to support this claim.

« 277 »

This Rule commits the non sequitur fallacy. The Church

of Satan desperately needs to eliminate it.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not

subject yourself.
760 Okay.

9. Do not harm little children.

Why should satanists limit peace to children?
Revision: Do not harm anyone, except in self-defense.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or

for your food.
In this Rule, LaVey guilts people who like to hunt for
sport. Yet again, he never furnished a justification for this
moral judgement. Furthermore, he contradicts his first Sa-
tanic Statement, where he exclaimed that satanists should
770 indulge their desires, rather than abstain. Hence, he contra-
dicts his own false dichotomy.
Sport hunting constitutes a very contentious issue in
contemporary society. Many sternly support it, and many op-
pose it. Anyone who takes a stance on a topic of this weight
needs to give a rationale; anything less demonstrates negli-

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If some-

one bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy
780 What does “open territory” denote? For the umpteenth
time, LaVey opts for strangeness instead of lucidity. And what
does “bother” mean specifically? It matters, because he en-

« 278 »

courages satanists to “destroy” anyone who does it. The vague-

ness leaves room for psychopathic misapprehension.
Revision: Mind your business, and defend yourself.
Proof the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are invalid:
1. Valid logic comprises consistent reasoning, empirical
evidence, freedom of fallacy, and clear definitions of
2. Every LaVeyan rule contains either a fallacy, redun- 790
dancy, vaguery, or contradiction of previous
3. Thus, the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are in-
Why has no one in the Church of Satan edited the writ-
ing of Anton LaVey for logical and semantic clarity? Why do
they allow these errors to pollute their official literature?
The author has now dissected the central moral doctrines
of Anton LaVey meticulously. There exists a third item, called,
the “Nine Satanic Sins,” which contains similar flaws. To dis - 800
sect it would be wearingly redundant, so it will be ignored for
the sake of brevity.

If the previous doctrinal critique did not indicate severe
flaws, then the fact that the Church announces it welcomes
advocates of authoritarianism into its membership, hammers
the final nail in its coffin.
Our members span an amazing political spectrum […]
Communists, Stalinists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists,
Monarchists, Fascists...
—Peter Gilmore

« 279 »

Death solves all problems—no man, no problem.

—Joseph Stalin
All of these forms of government and political ideologies
have manifested as aspiring totalitarian States that committed
810 mass genocide, which absolutely and unforgivably violates the
adversarial ethic of satanism—diehard rebellion against
tyranny. Iron-fisted authoritarianism is extremely hostile to
the principles of black magick, namely the freedom and
power of autonomous individuals. In no way does a true sa-
tanist seek to be subjugated under a Stalinist dictatorship, or
Maoist politburo. The adversarial figure of Satan in mythol-
ogy revolts against the despotic law of a central godhead, not
crusades for it. Satanism is anti-political. The position preex-
ists innately in the mythos itself, and a single word
820 encapsulates it—anarchism.
Although prominent historians disagree on death totals,
common figures suggest that the atrocious reign of Joseph
Stalin in the Soviet Union exterminated 40 million human
lives, the rule of Mao Zedong annihilated 30 million; and 20
million perished under fascism. Note that these horrific geno-
cides occurred in only the last 100 years. Their collective
brutality caused the bloodiest century in human history!
For the Church of Satan to gleefully declare their sym-
pathy toward totalitarians in their membership means they
830 are anti-satanic in a certain way. Of course, it is unfeasible to
screen every potential member by political ideology, nor
should they. But to pride themselves on open association with
vicious ideologues, and expect admiration for it, will strike all
true adversarialists as severely negligent.
Proof Church of Satan is anti-satanic:
1. Adversarialists revolt against oppressive authority.
2. Church of Satan sympathizes with totalitarianism.

« 280 »

3. Totalitarianism imposes extreme authority.

4. Thus, Church of Satan violates adversarialism.
5. Alas, Church of Satan is anti-satanic. 840

A genuine satanist fights against any and all forms of vi-

olent oppression, be it from religion, the state, corporations,
society, or family. The Church of Satan gloats over being an-
tireligious then tolerates political tyranny—because atheism is
safe, but anarchism requires courage!
It does not matter if authority manifests as white-gloved the-
ism, or iron-fsted statism, a satanist never surrenders!

The Church of Satan is a form of satire. Gothic hipsters
flock to its spooky, contrived gimmick, while the corporation 850
exploits the popularity and aesthetic of true diabolism and
black magick. The Church performs burlesque theater that
mocks Christianity and the occult. Ironically, they exhibit
anti-satanism in their explicit sympathy for political totalitar-
ianism. And by the by, it seems hypocritical for adult atheists
to make-believe they are priests of a fictional church.
Ignore the Church of Satan. It provides nothing of sub -
stance for real sorcery, aside from a generic antireligious


The Church of Satan’s far lesser known separatist little

brother, Temple of Set, is a nonprofit organization, entity
number C0756672, filed in California. In fact, the founder is
a disgruntled, former official of the Church of Satan, Michael
Aquino. The Temple recognizably emulates the Church under
a modified initiatory system, and instead of celebrating the

« 281 »

Judeo-Christian Satan, it honors the Egyptian similitude

called Set. In other words, they moved laterally in terms of
quality—instead of vertically—to a neighboring civilization
870 with an ancient history of legally enforced slavery and child
servitude under the rule of a megalomaniacal god-king
pharaoh. Egypt's oppressive, top-down theocracy crippled so-
cial mobility, thus in no way did the peasant civilization
demonstrate ethical adversarialism on the ground level. Aside
from a tiny patriarchal priest class that mythologized the dark
antagonist, the religious authoritarianism that Egypt culti-
vated proves that very little of it embodied the essence of
satanism—or as they call it, setianism. The reader will recall
that the ideal satanic society does not merely possess an ad-
880 versary in its pantheon; it needs to exhibit an independent
spirit of rebellion and egalitarianism in its cultural norms.
Nevertheless, the author would like to commence this
critique with a sincere compliment to Aquino. He does seem
to possess a reasonable intellectual comprehension of post-
modern morality and philosophy in general, as featured in his
little treatise Black Magic, which the temple circulates
amongst its trial members. In it he cites egoism and Friedrich
Nietzsche, and contrasts the Left and Right Hand Paths with
critical distinctions that mirror those found in this text almost
890 identically, i.e., black magicians intuit and nurture a will to
power, while white magicians seek to commune with divinity.
In this regard, Aquino deserves recognition as a profane ally.
Also, one can sympathize with why he might abandon the
Church of Satan, because LaVey clearly did not hold a candle
to the probity of Aquino as discernible with a side by side
comparison of their ideas.

« 282 »

Although, Aquino does commit a few fatal errors.
Mainly, he unabashedly reduces magick to mundane stage
magic and psychodrama, i.e., their official literature bears a 900
distinct absence of any supernatural or astral dimension to

In fact, Aquino plainly espouses charlatanism as did
LaVey, and encourages the deceptive cold reading ploys of
scam psychics and fake fortune tellers, rather than authentic
divination. He espouses this on page 74:
The black magician regards the tarot as a mere tool […]
he assigns no intrinsic powers to it at all. When he uses it
to “tell fortunes” or “read omens” for others, he never
trusts blindly in the cards to reveal anything. Rather he
decides beforehand what he wishes to tell the subject,
then causes specific cards to appear […] with slight-of-
hand or “card forces” […] the “pick a card” technique of
the stage magic entertainer […] the same trickery ap-
plied to a tarot reading can be mysterious and impressive.
Furthermore, in other literature the Temple equivocates
the religious deity Set to subjectivity available through super-
rationality—what seems a fanciful way to say that the being 910
exists in the human brain alone. The neologism super-rational
pertains to a priori conceptualization as opposed to empirical
phenomena. To simplify it, they consider the astral entity
nothing more than a cerebral head mate, not unlike the con-
dition in which a schizophrenic patient hallucinates fantasy
characters in their own arbitrary reality.
Proof the Temple of Set fails the Left Hand Path:

« 283 »

1. Left Hand Path is a philosophy of magick.

2. Magick refers to the act of causing astral forces to ef -
920 fect physical phenomena.
3. Temple of Set espouses stage magic and psychodrama
4. Thus, Temple of Set does not endorse black magick.
5. Ergo, Temple of Set is not part of the Left Hand.

Ethical Negligence
He further loses the path of wisdom on p. 22 when he
No moral or ethical stances are implied by the terms Left
Hand Path and Right Hand Path per se, since they refer
to techniques and systems...
This inexcusable falsehood betrays the whole philosophy!
Without the necessary ethical grounding, there is no way to
determine which techniques pertain to the path; a philosophy
930 deduces its conduct according to its principles, not the other
way around, i.e., ethics determine conduct; conduct does not
determine ethics.
Forthwith, the author corrects this surprising error:
The Left Hand Path is first and foremost a definitive set
of first principles based on the functionally necessary axioms
of magick itself:
1. Individuality
2. Freedom
3. Power
940 These first principles birth two respective codes of ethics:
1. Ascent: ideal of Godhood

« 284 »

2. Adversarialism: ideal of Satanism

a. Antitheism: opposition to theism and religion
b. Antiarchism: opposition to statism
c. Empathy: opposition to psychopathy
These two codes of ethics enable a threefold praxeology:
1. Omniscience: divination
2. Omnipotence: possession, evocation, spellcasting
3. Omnipresence: soul travel
Thus, the philosophy of the Left Hand Path comprises in 950
order of priority:
1. Three first principles
2. Two codes of ethics
3. Three praxes
The Left Hand Path is a sound philosophy that consists of
frst principles, deontological ethics, and a respective praxeology.
It is tragic for anyone to allege that black magick has no
native foundation of ethics. It is utterly crucial for sorcerers to
apprehend the true mechanics of a coherent philosophy, espe-
cially if they wish to devote their entire lives to it. Far too 960
many magicians wrongfully claim that black magick has no
implicit morality, which explains why the Left Hand Path ap -
pears wildly psychopathic to mainstream society. It grants
carte blanche to lunatics to exercise violent aggression under
the false flag of the Left Hand Path. It is dangerous and irre-
sponsible for anyone to disseminate such a negligent pretense.
Aquino then exhibits an aversion to ethical judgement of
the Right Hand Path, because its members may bring a de-
gree of utility to black magick at an undefined time in the
future—a classic utilitarian fallacy where the ends supposedly 970
justify the means. In other words, he calls on sorcerers to ig-

« 285 »

nore their principles to receive nebulous, unspecified rewards

from white magicians. He says on p. 23:
While he [sorcerer] may consider the RHP fruitless and
even ridiculous, he likewise forbears to pronounce moral
judgments concerning it.
To refute that arbitrary opinion, black magicians cer-
tainly do possess the moral high ground to censure white
magick. For centuries the Right Hand Path has fearmongered
about karma and threefold rules like delusional fundamental-
ists. White magicians who threaten fire and brimstone to
shame sorcerers for acting in their own rational self-interest,
980 warrant scorn and ostracism. The evangelism of the Right
Hand Path deserves both moral and ideological condemna-

False Dichotomy
Aquino also purports a false dichotomy of “lesser and
greater” black magic, a bogus division that the Right Hand
Path pontificates in order to repress human instinct for sake
of divine law.
Greater black magic is the causing of change to occur in
the subjective universe in accordance with the will.
(p. 88)
To clarify that quotation, he says the purpose and extent
of ritual is to change psychology alone—a painfully limiting
990 falsehood on his part. If a black magician wishes to alter their
personality or beliefs, they certainly can with ceremony, but
that does not mean that all magick phenomena are solely psy-
chological. For a simple experiment to debunk his position,
place an empty soda can on a table, astral project to the room,
and knock the can onto the floor. Then, return to your body,
and you will discover your can lying on the floor where you

« 286 »

struck it. There does exist an empirically causal relationship

between the astral plane and physical plane to a certain
demonstrable extent. For further investigation into supernat-
ural experiments of this nature, refer to the extensive writing 1000
of astral projector Robert Bruce.
Aquino restricts magic to changing one’s own perception
of reality. It sounds enlightened, but is false nonetheless.
When a sorcerer summons a fiery desert demon, and the tem-
perature of the room measurably rises 10 degrees hotter, it is
no mere change of perception, but a material alteration of the
physical plane locally. When a diabolist undergoes possession,
and their skin manifests strange unaccountable scars, and vo-
cal cords involuntarily and fluently incant an alien tongue, it
is no change in subconscious beliefs, but are factual, medical, 1010
biological phenomena. When a black magician evokes a de-
mon to help provide a car, and they receive an unexpected
phone call from a friend the next day, who gifts an old con-
vertible, this is no mere change in perception, but a distinct,
purposeful alteration in the chain of events of the objective
Lesser black magic is the influencing of beings, processes,
or objects [...] by the application of obscure physical or
behavioral laws. (p. 72)
To demystify his vaguery, he means lesser black magic is
social manipulation, not through supernatural spellcasting,
but through pedestrian trickery like verbal hypnosis, sleight of
hand, superficial glamor, and serial plotting in human interac- 1020
tions—all examples of mundane illusion.
The false dichotomy of greater and lesser does not exist.
All acts of sorcery stand as valid, so long as they fulfill the
principles of the Left Hand Path. The delusional religious
split between divine highness and animal lowness has no

« 287 »

grounds in black magick, because sorcerers disbelieve in di -

vinity. The acts that the Right Hand Path foolishly considers
low, for example sexual and economic fulfillment, may very
well inspirit healthy ascent in the character of a sorcerer.

The author is a former trial member of the Temple of
Set, who underwent preliminary initiation a decade ago, but
quit upon discovering in Black Magic that Aquino espouses
stage magic instead of real magick. The organization provided
no pathworking of divination, possession, or soul travel
around Set. For the duration of the temporary membership, it
became difficult to discern what the Temple actually does,
aside from assert the Egyptian concept of Xeper, which re-
sembles the ideal of Ascent in black magick. So after several
1040 months of apathy, the author ceased his membership. In fair-
ness, their male liaison who corresponded with trial members
at the time always conducted himself politely, and as a group
they deserve no animus. Nonetheless, the author cannot rec-
ommend anyone join the Temple.


Order of Nine Angles refers to a fringe, ragtag cult,
whose founder pushes for an intergalactic, Neo-Nazi empire
called the Dark Imperium, or Dark Empire. The term im-
perium in Latin means supreme authority—which already
1050 will strike the reader as extremely anti-satanic. As comical as
it sounds, the founder Anton Long, aka David Myatt, seeks
to install a theocratic political state under the rule of a ficti -
tious spirit dictator, Vindex. In his own words, he wishes to
violently overthrow democratic governments and the Western
way of life. Hence, the Order itself seems to pose as an occult
front for his ulterior psychopathic agenda. The group hoards

« 288 »

an archive of miscellaneous literature, that ranges from self-

help articles, to alleged blueprints for a star gate that ushers in
“dark gods.”
When a rational person uncovers such abject psychosis, 1060
they wonder why any sane human would join that agenda.
When the author asked a handful of its members, they fell
into one of four categories:
1. Ignorance: they never knew about it.
2. Disdain: they know about it, and despise it.
3. Apathy: they know about it, and ignore it.
4. Support: they know about it, and uphold it.

David Myatt disseminates 1930s style propaganda of his
authoritarian political vision in Notes on a Sinister Imperium: 1070

The Dark Imperium will be a large [...] militaristic soci-

ety [...] it will thus be ideologically, violently, and of
necessity opposed to the current materialistic, "politi-
cally-correct", democratic, plebeian, status quo, in the
West, and elsewhere, and - once established - one of the
first practical aims of this new Imperium will be to ex -
tend, if necessary by force of arms and conquest, its Law
of the Warrior to other societies, creating in time a new
world-wide Empire. It is this new world Empire which
will efficiently begin the practical colonization of Space,
first in our own Solar System, and then among the stars.
It will do this practical exploration and colonization of
Space both as duty and as a necessity, since such practical
exploration and colonization is an integral part of its fun-
damental, irrevocable, pagan and warrior ethos... Under
the guidance, the leadership [dictatorship], of Vindex
and his (or her) successors, this warrior society will be

« 289 »

aiding the Sinister Dialectic and thus achieving long-

term Sinister, Satanic, goals... Thus would many of our
aims have been achieved, and thus did the ONA support
- and thus do we still support - genuine National-Social-
ism [Nazism] and genuine National-Socialists [Nazis] in
their battle... (p. 1, 8)
[The author has inserted underlines and bracket text]
Witness the unmistakably identical phraseology between
the totalitarian rhetoric of Adolf Hitler and David Myatt, in
the following two quotations:
The National Socialist Party will prevent in the future, by
force if necessary, all meetings and lectures which are
likely to exercise a depressing influence on the German
—Adolf Hitler
One of the first practical aims of this new Imperium will
be to extend, if necessary by force of arms and conquest,
its Law of the Warrior to other societies, creating in time
a new world-wide Empire.
—David Myatt

« 290 »

Myatt undeniably appears to be an admirer and apologist

of Hitler and Nazism. Albeit, National Socialism is a mis-
nomer, because the hypothetical purview of the Order
transcends nationalism and extends to the cosmos, although
he neglects to specify how. The precise political title would be,
“Intergalactic Theocratic Socialist Military Dictatorship.” To
employ a metaphor, the Order of Nine Angles is like the wet 1080
dream of pimple-faced teenage Star Wars geeks, who suffer a
deep-seated Napoleon Complex. They worship the sinister
force of Darth Vader, and conspire to ruthlessly conquer the
universe, to usher in a dystopic new aeon, under the com-
mand of their master, Emperor Palpatine.
Critics allege that Myatt converted to radical Islam in an
endeavor to study the terrorism tactics of Muslim Jihadists.
According to sources who knew him personally, he suppos-
edly wished to deploy Islamic insurgency methods in his
outlandish quest for intergalactic domination. These allega- 1090
tions may be rumor alone, and the author cannot confirm
them. Regardless, Myatt's vision has become a cliché, like that
of a stereotypical villain from a bad science fiction film.
The name Vindex means defender in Latin, and comes
from a long tradition of freethinkers and heretics who uti -
lized it as a nom de plume to conceal their identity through
the 19th and 20th centuries. Early modern political publishers
released literally hundreds of dissident books and leaflets un-
der that one pseudonym; not least of which includes the Nazi
propagandist, Giselher Wirsing, who wrote under the name 1100
Vindex in his seminal political critique, Stalinism: Soviet Poli-
tics During the Second World War, in 1944. For this reason, it
seems plausible that Myatt might have called his leader-dic -
tator Vindex in homage to this Nazi tradition. Whilst the
author cannot verify this as fact, it strikes him as very suspect.

« 291 »

In the second part of his essay, Myatt backpedals on the

invasion scheme of his Dark Imperium. Instead he cloaks his
vitriolic hawkishness in peaceful rhetoric, and envisions a
dystopia where humans submit voluntarily to the ruler who
1110 centrally commands society. This Orwellian nightmare is
named, the New Dark Imperium, a trite mutation of its pre-
cursor. He basically outlines his own occult version of what
conspiracy theorists call the New World Order.
Under the guidance, the leadership, of Vindex and his or
her successors, this warrior society... The Imperium which
Vindex will create... will not impose itself by force of
arms upon others. Rather, it means it will be composed
of thinking warriors... who prefer combat to dishon-
ourable modern war. In particular, it means a federation
of countries, or nations, who co-operate together in the
pursuit of a numinous goal... The New Aeon will be the
era where the genuine Left Hand Path Adept [...] have
evolved to leave behind the repressive forms of the past...
sans the tyranny of all governments, and sans the barriers
and divisions that have held us in thrall for millennia
[…] Without Vindex, there can be no Imperium… and
thus no emergence… of the New Aeon itself… (2, 9, 13)
The reader will observe that he revised his original call to
arms from a jackbooted military insurgency, to a fantasy
world where a population of so-called “thinking warriors” ap-
pear out of thin air to form a confederation under his
demigod. Then, in an astounding failure of logic, Myatt
claims that his ludicrously anti-satanic empire not only ad-
1120 heres to the Left Hand Path, but evolves it. As any reasonable
person can deduce for themselves, the principle of adversari-
alism absolutely repudiates the installation of a bizarre pagan
dictatorship, and refutes his authoritarian agenda.

« 292 »

Proof Order of Nine Angles is anti-satanic:

1. The Order calls for a theocratic dictatorship.
2. A theocracy is religious authoritarianism.
3. Satanism explicitly opposes authoritarianism.
4. Ergo, the Order is anti-satanic.

As a rule of thumb, any time a political ideologue invents 1130
a “new world” or “new aeon” or “new human” in order for their
vision to seem plausible, it immediately raises red flags to

« 293 »

warn of utopian rhetoric. This literary theme recurred in Ger-

man, Soviet, and Chinese propaganda. As an example, Hitler
postulated a “new man” who would obediently carry out his
National Socialism, which Myatt replicates in his “thinking
warriors” and “New Aeon” tropes. The need to manufacture an
alternate reality for a hypothesis to be feasible, proves they
know it is unfeasible in this reality. Ergo, the hypothesis falsi-
1140 fies itself automatically.
Be very skeptical of the covert political agenda of the
Order of Nine Angles, and ostracize anyone who seeks to im -
pose a violent intergalactic empire, needless to say.

“Satanists conspire to take over the world secretly.”
No, satanists defend against the initiation of force, and
rebel against nonconsensual authority; therefore, any satanist
who claims we should take over the world literally espouses
the opposite of satanism. The notion of imposing a military
empire in the name of Satan will repulse every rational adver -
1150 sarialist.

“Satanists are part of a secret cabal that sacrifices victims to

demons, and harvests the hormones of children to get high.”
That is an extremely absurd slander and urban legend of
conspiracy theorists that has circulated around occultism for
decades. I do not doubt it occurred in ancient sacrificial reli -
gious ceremony, but not today in any substantive way; the
extreme cost of going to jail for murder outweighs the mar-
ginal benefit for an ordinary person. All the same, typically
conspiracy theorists accuse the political elite of such conduct,
1160 which they never prove with hard evidence, and can only fur -
nish testimonial allegations. As clarified ad nauseam, satanists

« 294 »

despise aggression against innocent people, hence the name

Satan, which refers to the adversary figure who rebels against
the tyranny of Yahweh. Thus, if a person violently terrorizes
children, then they are a psychopath, not a satanist. As soon
as a person oppresses someone else, they fail to be a satanist.

“I am [insert title] of [insert satanic/luciferian church] and I

disagree with your interpretation of Lucifer in the Bible.”
The Bible is nothing more than ancient fantasy fiction,
written by desert nomads and doctored by emperors. It has 1170
undergone heavy revision, compilation, and censorship over
millennia to suit an imperial political agenda. As such, it war-
rants merciless literar y criticism and skepticism.
Interpretation of its fables differ between scholars, and will
never reconcile, because it consists of make-believe, and all of
its authors died over a millennia ago. In other words, it is fu -
tile to quibble like pedants over the text and its meaning, so
long as the central thesis of my interpretation remains accu-
rate, which it does according to a number of Christian
theologians. 1180

“Lucifer is not Satan. You should study [insert religion].”

As the contemporary Christian ontological consensus
stands, Lucifer and Satan constitute alter egos, or stages, of
the same being, that is, pre-apostasy and post-apostasy re-
spectively. It does not matter if another religion disagrees
because this discussion pertains to Christian dogma specifi-
cally. I do not care if the name Lucifer entered the Bible
through a mistranslation or error; he has become a fixture in
the modern theology itself, whether you like it or not. •

« 295 »


Zerstörte Kindheit

SYCHOPATHY REFERS TO a psychological condition
whereby a person ruthlessly and remorselessly enacts
violence and aggression against innocent people. It
can include everything from serial killing and genocide to
sexual assault and battery. A distinct absence of social empa-
thy makes up the distinguishing character trait of this
personality disorder. In this sense, sadistic psychopathy is a
form of primitive stupidity.
It has become a tragic, slanderous myth that the Left
10 Hand Path fosters or champions psychopathy as a virtue. In
no way does gratuitous savagery against fellow humans fulfill
the logical principles of satanism or sorcery.

The exaltation of psychopathy through macabre art per-
vades gothic subculture. Photos of nude, fake-breasted models
lying in bathtubs full of artificial blood; gruesome simulations
of murder and rape in campy horror films; metal musicians
headbanging to songs of serial killing; emotional teen boys
poeticizing suicide; lonely girls self-mutilating for cheap sym-
pathy; adults pretending to be masters and slaves in medieval

« 296 »

bondage dungeons; all examples of phony sadomasochism 20

and the decadent idolization of morbidity in a declining civi -
lization. In these contrived echo chambers, the aesthetic of
human brutality is hip.
Notwithstanding, no statistical evidence demonstrates that
fascination with horror modifies human psychology to com-
mit terrorism—quite the opposite, some doctors suggest that
intelligent artistic exploration of the macabre can help to cope
with the sad reality of its existence.
As a critique of this subculture, it has indeed become a
wearying and clichéd custom for offbeat, alternative artists to 30
shoehorn the stereotypical tropes of black magick into grisly
depictions of violence, e.g., a naked gothic hipster lies mur-
dered on the floor in the middle of a demonic circle,
surrounded by goat skulls and spirit names, featuring inscrip-
tions of inverted pentagrams on her bloody tits—implying
that a psychotic sorcerer sacrificed her for the sake of black
No innate connection exists between a frst degree murder
and the rational philosophy of the Left Hand Path.
In the history of humanity, have psychopaths executed 40
innocent people to honor spirits? Yes, religious extremists
have committed such terrorism for millennia, but certainly
not sober, rational satanists and magicians. Black magick does
not excuse unwarranted sadism; unprovoked violence violates
the principle of freedom.
Abuse is a tragedy, not a victory.
Proof psychopathy violates the Left Hand Path:
1. Psychopaths exhibit ruthless aggression.
2. Aggression is force.
3. Force transgresses the principle of freedom. 50

« 297 »

4. Therefore, psychopathy violates Left Hand Path.

5. To revel in chaotic violence is to spit in the face of all
who have suffered its barbarity.

Empathy refers to the condition whereby a person com-
prehends and shares the emotions of another. The term
derives from Greek empatheia; em means in, and pathos sig-
nifies feeling, ergo it literally translates to “in feeling,” as in to
feel the same as another.
If a psychopath by definition lacks the ability to em-
60 pathize, and therefore never truly realizes the suffering they
inflict on victims, then logic suggests that nurturing real em-
pathy in children as early as possible will inoculate against the
risk of psychopathy, and thus eliminate violent criminality in
society. Empathy immunizes humanity against the disease of
psychopathy. As a matter of fact, if the notion of slaughtering
an innocent person seems evil or heinous to the reader, then it
is because they fostered empathy in their personality in child-
hood. Empathy determines conscience.

Research reveals a strong link between physical, sexual
and emotional mistreatment of children and the develop-
ment of psychiatric problems […] Because childhood
abuse occurs during the critical formative time when the
brain is being physically sculpted by experience, the im-
pact of severe stress can leave an indelible imprint on its
structure and function. Such abuse, it seems, induces a
cascade of molecular and neurobiological effects that ir-
reversibly alter neural development.
—Martin H. Teicher, The Neurobiology of Child Abuse

« 298 »

It begs the question, why do some people possess empa- 70

thy, whilst others do not? Scientific studies furnish undeniable
evidence that adult violence against young children inflicts
often permanent brain trauma, that severely limits and possi-
bly terminates the ability to develop empathy. In other words,
each time a parent physically strikes a defenseless child, they
prod them toward psychopathy. It is no coincidence that eth -
nic communities that abuse children the worst, always suffer
the highest rates of violent crime. Hitting children does not
discipline them, it coerces temporary subordination, and pro-
duces toxic stress levels that measurably alter the brain during 80
its most vulnerable and critical period of growth.
Battered and neglected kids inevitably become damaged
adults who commit acts of atrocity against both strangers, and
their own children, thus passing psychopathy on to the next
generation in a vicious cycle. In the gravest cases, the children
who endure the cruelest abuse, and fail to develop empathy,
manifest as serial killers, terrorists, and thugs.
Violence begins at home.

According to this line of reasoning, world peace will 90
commence when the abuse of children ceases. Once the hu-
man race finally breaks the chain of inter-generational
violence, crime will vanish.
For this reason, child abuse extends beyond deadbeat
parents, and includes the statist terrorism and religious indoc-
trination that plague civilization. Children are born into an
extremely psychotic culture; it glorifies authoritarian institu-
tions that utilize social oppression and threats of eternal
damnation to force obedience. As such, three elements of so-
ciety breed psychopathy in children: 100

« 299 »

1. Family
2. Church
3. State
Since government and religion will persist indefinitely,
the single antidote available for ordinary people to enact is in
peaceful parenting. This caregiving philosophy encourages cus-
todians to employ reason and evidence in their interactions
with children, not aggression and condescension, and to relate
to children as future equals, as opposed to traditional domi-
110 nance/submission. The premise exhorts that when adults treat
children with peaceful rationality instead of physical and
emotional hostility, the children will become peaceful and ra -
tional instead of violent.
What we are as adults is the product of the world we ex-
perienced as children. The way a society functions is a
reflection of the childrearing practices of that society.
—Dr. Bruce Perry, The Impact of Abuse and Neglect
Unhinged psychopaths mischaracterize black magick to
justify gratuitous viciousness against other people. The truth
is, no reasonable excuse exists for imposing force against un-
deserving innocents, certainly not children. The beautiful
simplicity of this moral touchstone, and condemnation of daft
brutality, will upset phony sadists who revel in the fantasy of
120 smiting members of society for entertainment.
Black magick is genius—it answers the age-old inquiries
of philosophy; it resolves the queries of epistemology, aesthet-
ics, and ethics. Black magicians are the stewards of integrity,
and thus possess true dignity. Sorcerers of the Left Hand
Path are the most consistent in their reasoning.
Never lower oneself to the pitiful level of a psychopath,
enslaved by violent instinct like a wild animal. Rise above. As-

« 300 »

cend! Employ the cognitive faculty that separates humans

from dumb beasts. Be quintessential!

“I love horror movies and heavy metal, and would never in- 130
flict violence on innocent people.”
I fully accept that. As delineated, no significant evidence
indicates that playing violent video games, watching horror
films, or viewing macabre art, will indoctrinate a human to
become psychotic. Adult psychopaths typically suffered severe
and frequent abuse in childhood; it damaged their fragile
brain, which therefore never developed the empathy necessary
to participate rationally and peacefully in society.

“This is the first treatise on black magick to ever reference

peaceful parenting as a theory to attain world peace. 140

Yes, as far as I know. As a satanist, the idea of world

peace enthralls me. Instilling radical empathy in children with
peaceful parenting constitutes the only true, lasting solution
for our species. But so long as psychopaths abuse kids
through theism and statism, it can never materialize. •

« 301 »


Du wirst nicht

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil
—William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Crito, we ought to offer a cock to Asclepius. See to it,
and don’t forget.
—Socrates, his last words connoting gratitude for death

« 302 »

OLUNTARY DEATH IS the ultimate and last taboo.
The Church and the State both hate it because it de-
populates their support base. A dying religious
congregation hurts morale, and members who flagrantly dis -
obey god set a poor example to followers. Governments detest
suicide because it incurs a quantifiable loss of real and poten-
tial tax revenue. Each head of productive human livestock can
yield a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes on
average. If tens of thousands of citizens remove themselves
from the tax pool, the state loses billions of dollars over a 10
generation, which particularly harms small nations. It also ob-
structs the ability of a government to raise an army to war
against enemies it provokes through military occupation, eco -
nomic sanctions, and cultural antagonism. For a notorious
historical example of statist hostility toward voluntary death,
Louis XIV, the Sun King of France, legislated an ordinance
whereby police would drag the corpse of a suicidalist through
the streets face down, dump the mangled body onto a garbage
pit, and confiscate the estate inheritance away from their sur -
viving family. The most demoralizing form is military suicide, 20
where soldiers kill themselves to escape the dehumanization
and brutality of servitude to a corrupt empire. Nothing un-
nerves the citizenry and demolishes patriotism quite like the
discovery that their supposed heroes slaughter themselves en
masse. As a matter of fact, the United States military suffered
more suicides than combat deaths in the War in Afghanistan
in 2012.
Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.
—Arnold J. Toynbee, historian
This quotation bears dual meaning. It both refers to how
government inevitably destroys itself through corruption, and
also how the refusal of the citizenry to comply crumbles em- 30
pires, to which suicide contributes.

« 303 »

The prevalence of suicide, without doubt, is a test of

height in civilization.
—Havelock Ellis, psychologist
The question stands: does the Left Hand Path tolerate
suicide? Certainly not frivolously, but yes, under certain ethi-
cal circumstances.

Greek and Roman sages pondered the metaphysics of
mortality, and speculated the possible virtues of suicide. In a
letter of correspondence to a friend, the Stoic philosopher,
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, aka Seneca the Younger, illuminates
40 his position in Moral Epistles:
Few have lasted through extreme old age to death with -
out impairment, and many have lain inert, making no use
of themselves. How much more cruel, then, do you sup-
pose it really is to have lost a portion of your life, than to
have lost your right to end that life? Do not hear me
with reluctance, as if my statement applied directly to
you, but weigh what I have to say. It is this, that I shall
not abandon old age, if old age preserves me intact for
myself, and intact as regards the better part of myself; but
if old age begins to shatter my mind, and to pull its vari -
ous faculties to pieces, if it leaves me, not life, but only
the breath of life, I shall rush out of a house that is crum-
bling and tottering. I shall not avoid illness by seeking
death, as long as the illness is curable and does not im-
pede my soul. I shall not lay violent hands upon myself
just because I am in pain; for death under such circum-
stances is defeat. But if I find out that the pain must
always be endured, I shall depart, not because of the pain
but because it will be a hindrance to me as regards all my

« 304 »

reasons for living. He who dies just because he is in pain

is a weakling, a coward; but he who lives merely to brave
out this pain, is a fool.
The wise man prosaically concluded that mercy killing
passes as a reasonable form of suicide. In other words, if a
grave illness has beggared the remainder of one's life to end-
less suffering, then they can defensibly commit suicide as an
act of self-compassion. Ironically, the Roman Emperor, Nero,
falsely accused Seneca of treachery in an assassination con-
spiracy, and sentenced him to forced suicide.
Black magick justifes suicide as a way to die with dignity.

Manual Domínguez, The Death of Seneca

Has it ever been said that a man who throws himself out
the window to escape from a fire is guilty of suicide?
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher

Disclaimer: the author does not personally intend to commit 50
suicide, and strongly discourages the reader against it too. This
writing strictly elucidates the radical position on suicide in the

« 305 »

philosophy of black magick. The reader assumes full responsibility

for their conduct. If you experience suicidal thoughts, consult a doc-
tor immediately.
While the positions of Seneca and Rousseau are logically
solid, a rigorous black magician can advance this position a
step further: suicide becomes honorable when one can no
longer conscientiously fulfill the core virtues of black magick.
60 Similar to the example of a mercy suicide, if one is terminally
fated to the torture of inescapable restrictions on their indi -
viduality, freedom, or power, it becomes not only rational to
commit suicide, but honorable.
Nonexistence is superior to purposelessness. Meaningful
suicide trumps meaningless nihilism. Nothing disgraces or
despairs a black magician worse than loss of integrity. If a sor-
cerer falls into a position where life circumstances deprive
them of the ability to act on the principles of the Left Hand
Path, then duty binds them to commit honor suicide.
70 Proof the loss of integrity merits honor suicide:
1. Black magick consists of philosophical virtues.
2. Integrity is adherence to principle.
3. Sorcerers are obligated to avoid loss of integrity.
4. Thus, if a devout black magician is fated to lose in -
tegrity under inescapable life circumstances, they are
duty-bound to commit honor suicide.
Proof that life deprived of integrity is meaningless:
1. Black magick consists of philosophical virtues.
2. Fulfillment of principles creates happiness.
80 3. Integrity is fulfillment of principles.
4. Therefore, integrity is happiness.
5. Loss of integrity is loss of happiness.

« 306 »

6. Loss of happiness is despair.

7. Despair is purposelessness.
8. Purposelessness is meaninglessness.
9. Ergo, a life deprived of integrity is meaningless.


Kunikazu Utagawa, Seppuku

The famous illustration by Japanese artist, Kunikazu, de-
picts an honorable samurai poised to commit seppuku, or
ritual suicide, in accord with bushido, the warrior code of 90
Neo-Confucianism in feudal Japan. At his feet rests a death
poem, declaring his terminal sentiment. Legend has it that
Zen monks are susceptible to supreme enlightenment at the
moment of death, thus their final mortal verse may possess
indispensable wisdom on the attainment of nirvana. Custom-

« 307 »

arily, apprentices would anxiously surround the master to in-

herit his beatific last words, and possibly witness mystical
transcendence. The following death poems are authentic.
What shall I become when this body is dead and gone
100 A tall, thick pine tree on the highest peak of Bongrae-
Evergreen alone when white snow covers the whole
As the sound of drum calls for my life,
I turn my head where sun is about to set.
There is no inn on the way to underworld.
At whose house shall I sleep tonight?
—Seong Sam-mun, Korean scholar, 1456
Empty-handed I entered the world
Barefoot I leave it.
110 My coming, my going—
Two simple happenings
That got entangled.
Like dew drops on a lotus leaf
I vanish.
—Kozan Ichikyo, Zen monk, 1360
My sword leans against the sky.
With its polished blade I'll behead
The Buddha and all of his saints.
Let the lightning strike where it will.
No single bone in my body is holy—
120 It is but an ash heap of stinking bones.
Dig a deep hole and there bury these remains
Thus, not a grain of dust will stain
The green mountains.
—Shumpo Soki, monk, 1496
I raise the mirror of my life

« 308 »

Up to my face: sixty years.

With a swing I smash the reflection—
The world as usual
All in its place.
—Taigen Sofu, monk
I look now at the very moment
Even the Buddha is dumbfounded. 130
All turns with a swing.
I land on the plain of nothingness.
—Tetto Giko, monk, 1555
Inhale, exhale
Forward, back
Living, dying:
Arrows, let flown each to each
Meet midway and slice
The void in aimless flight—
Thus I return to the source.
—Gesshu Soko, monk, 1696
For over sixty years 140
I often cried Katsu! to no avail.
And now, while dying,
Once more to cry Katsu!
Won't change a thing.
—Kokei Sochin, monk, 1597
Seppuku and harakiri—which in Japanese means stomach
cutting—is willful suicide typically to evade inescapable cap-
ture by an enemy army, as well as a medieval form of capital
punishment. Despite its dreadful militarist tradition, its spirit
nonetheless epitomizes the beauty of preferring death over
loss of integrity. Grieving widows of these samurai would in 150
turn commit suicide too—jigaki—in a demonstration of fierce

« 309 »

loyalty; because in a true marriage, a couple lives together and

dies together.

« 310 »

Critics condemn suicide as selfish, that it inflicts grief on
others. Which party demonstrates greater selfishness—a
group of people who insist a victim continue to suffer so they
can avoid temporary grief, or a victim who seeks a merciful
resolution to their own suffering?
Cowardice has nothing to do with it—suicide takes con-
siderable courage... What's selfish is to demand another
to endure an intolerable existence, just to spare families,
friends, and enemies a bit of soul-searching.
—David Mitchell, author
As far as I know, none but the votaries of monotheistic,
that is to say, Jewish religions, look upon suicide as a
crime. This is all the more striking, inasmuch as neither
in the Old nor in the New Testament is there to be
found any prohibition or positive disapproval of it; so
that religious teachers are forced to base their condemna-
tion of suicide on philosophical grounds of their own
invention. These are so very bad that writers of this kind
endeavor to make up for the weakness of their arguments
by the strong terms in which they express their abhor -
rence of the practice; in other words, they declaim
against it. They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of
cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it; and
other insipidities of the same kind; or else they make the
nonsensical remark that suicide is wrong; when it is quite
obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every
man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and
person. [...] It will generally be found that, as soon as the
terrors of life reach the point at which they outweigh the
terrors of death, a man will put an end to his life. [...]
Suicide may also be regarded as an experiment, a ques-

« 311 »

tion which man puts to Nature, trying to force her to an

answer. The question is this: What change will death
produce in a man’s existence and in his insight into the
nature of things? It is an awkward experiment to make;
for it involves the destruction of the very consciousness
which puts the question and awaits the answer.
—Arthur Schopenhauer, On Suicide

160 Humans innately possess inequality. Physically, every hu-
man body differs in shape, hue, strength, and health. Mentally,
everyone demonstrates a different intelligence quotient, and
unique set of ambitions and preferences.
Organic inequality highlights the gorgeous differences
between every person, and reveals the genius of individuality.
Dissimilarity enables the splendor of uniqueness. Divergence
allows evolution. Tragically, the pervasive myth of uniform so-
cial equivalency extinguishes the beauty of distinction.
Black magick steadfastly opposes any zeitgeist that
170 pushes for broad, categorical normativity, because such uni-
formity nullifies the dignity of exceptionality. Forced
homogeneity degrades, dulls, and oppresses freethinkers.
Variances in talent, skill, style, creativity, athleticism, artistry,
and personality enable human beings to excel. How boring
would the world be if everyone was the same? If everybody is
special, then no one is special.
Ambition for distinction turns the wheel of evolution—forced
equality throws a wrench in the gears!
Proof black magick is anti-conformity:
180 1. Foremost principle of black magick is individuality.
2. Forced conformity castrates individuality.

« 312 »

3. Thus, forced conformity is inimical to the Left Hand

Despite enmity toward conformist equality, black magick
is categorically egalitarian. The almost identical terms differ
significantly. Equality amounts to a statist agenda to impose
artificial demographic quotas at the expense of true merit—a
crusade that arrests the natural ascent of humanity, and misal-
locates labor. In contrast, egalitarianism is the social standard
of adhering to universal principles toward everyone regardless 190
of demographic. A keen nuance exists between the two.
For example, forced equality dictates that an occupation
should represent every demographic equally, even if specific
demographics are measurably incompetent. Contrarily, egali-
tarianism advocates that the most skillful individuals deserve
the job; it accepts the fact that humans excel in different ways,
and embraces organic variances between demographics.
Egalitarianism actually reflects genuine equality, because
it is based on merit—which breeds ambition—rather than
demographic privilege—which breeds entitlement. 200

Black magicians uphold egalitarianism in the sense that

they employ the principles of individuality, freedom, and
power toward everyone, because logical principles pertain
universally and thereby ignore sex, race, and age.
Proof black magicians are egalitarian:
1. Black magick consists of first principles.
2. First principles are universal.
3. Universality opposes discrimination.
4. Egalitarianism is social universality.
5. Therefore, black magick is egalitarian. 210

« 313 »

Because of this, anyone and everyone can traverse the Left

Hand Path, regardless of demographic, so long as they embody the
Three Godlike Virtues.

It has become vogue among gothic hipsters to glorify the
aesthetic of sadomasochistic sexuality, particularly in the con-
text of satanism. They have manufactured a superficial
correspondence between bondage and torture simulation, and
the ideology of black magick. On one hand, no philosophical
grounds dictate that a member of the Left Hand Path should
220 necessarily participate in BDSM. On the other hand, a sor -
cerer certainly can elect to harness the heightened sensations
of sex and role-play in their magick praxis. Historically, hu-
man sexuality has always occupied a crucial space in primitive
religions, especially to honor the gods of fertility. Therefore,
the release and consumption of sexual fluid as a token of sac-
rifice to feed a patron deity has become a staple in sorcery.
All in all, sexual preferences and gender identities hold
no relevance; so long as all participation in sexual intercourse
remains consensual, any erotic act is permissible, including
230 bizarre and unusual fetishes.
Proof consensual sex adheres to black magick:
1. Voluntary consent fulfills principles of freedom.
2. Sex is an individual preference.
3. Thus, consensual sex adheres to Left Hand Path
Proof consensual BDSM is valid to Left Hand Path:
1. Consensual BDSM fulfills principle of freedom.
2. BDSM is an individual preference.
3. Therefore, BDSM is philosophically acceptable.

« 314 »

The hedonic act of sex itself is generally impertinent to

sorcery—with the exception of sex magick—and does not vi- 240
olate any constituent principles. No reason exists to forego
sex, unless a magician personally prefers abstinence. Like-
wise, no commandment requires sex, unless an individual has
the inclination for eroticism or procreation.
Proof abstinence is valid:
1. Voluntary abstinence fulfills freedom principle.
2. Celibacy is an individual preference.
3. Thus, abstinence is valid.
In other words, sexuality is ethically neutral—the Left
Hand Path is asexual. Both abstinence and sexual gratifica- 250
tion stand as valid. Sex in and of itself depends fully on the
unique preferences of the individual, thus it becomes immate-
rial from a philosophical standpoint.
In this sense, black magick is asexual. The ideology is both ap-
athetic and tolerant toward the sexual orientations and gender
identities of everyone.
Proof black magick is asexual:
1. Both sex and abstinence are individual preferences.
2. Thus, any mandate for sex or abstinence would violate
freedom. 260
3. Therefore, black magick permits universal individual
preference in regards to sexuality.
4. Asexuality is position of apathy toward sexuality.
5. Ergo, the Left Hand Path is asexual.

« 315 »

It is common in the Left Hand Path for members to
dress in dark, anachronistic attire, as if transplanted from an
Edgar Allen Poe tale. This is mere preference, and not canon
in the philosophy.
Black magick has no official uniform, nor mandatory
270 clothing and makeup style. The foremost ideological principle
is individuality, thus a magician enjoys the freedom to dress
however they choose. A rainbow clown costume is as valid as
black funeral attire, if the sorcerer uniquely prefers it. As such,
a black magician is equally justified in either rejecting con-
temporary fashion trends, or faithfully adhering to them—it
wholly depends on taste.
Proof black magick has no canon fashion:
1. Individuality is first principle of black magick.
2. Mandated fashion violates individuality.
280 3. Hence, Left Hand Path has no uniform fashion.
This conclusion may perturb those who participate in re-
naissance cosplay, and opine that the aesthetic of the Left
Hand Path ought to be medieval. Regardless, logic dictates
that personal fashion is a matter of individual preference, not
arbitrary decree of historical reenactors.

MARCUS AURELIUS: There is one more duty that I
ask of you before you go home.
MAXIMUS: What will you have me do Caesar? 

MARCUS: I want you to become the protector of Rome
after I die. I will empower you, to one end alone, to give

« 316 »

power back to the people of Rome and end the corrup-

tion that has crippled it. Will you accept this great
honour that I have offered? 

MAXIMUS: With all my heart, no.
MARCUS: Maximus, that is why it must be you.
—Gladiator, film
Black magicians dedicate themselves to the pursuit of in-
dividual sovereignty, and thus do not possess a disposition for
perpetual helplessness. In fact, Godhood diametrically op-
poses victimhood. Any culture that idly stands by for
salvation from a white knight, repulses a sorcerer. 290

A hero saves desperate people from harm. Desperation

itself fails the Left Hand Path because it evidences a lack of
solutions due to poor comprehension of potential problems.
The word hero itself derives from Greek “serow” which means
servant or slave.
Hero worship reinforces helplessness implicitly, hence
governments incessantly applaud police officers and military
veterans for their alleged heroism, while religions venerate
saints and prophets. Unnecessary reliance on others for salva-
tion disgusts anyone who strives for autonomy. 300

Proof black magick is anti-heroism:

1. Individual autonomy and power are two principles of
black magick.
2. Hero culture ingrains the duality of desperation and
3. Desperation violates autonomy and power.
4. Thus, hero culture is antithetical to black magick.
Does this mean a black magician can never aid anyone
other than themselves? No, if specific altruistic deeds enable

« 317 »

310 Ascent for a sorcerer, then embrace them. Nevertheless, a cli-

mate of hero worship countervails self-reliance.

Possession does not presuppose debt. Achievement does
not imply latent obligation. A black magician does not owe
anyone anything, unless they agreed to a prior arrangement.
The reverse is also true. Lack of possession does not presup-
pose entitlement. Poverty does not imply privilege.
The Left Hand Path is the philosophy of self-agency. It
denounces entitlement culture, because entitlement amounts
to a formal demand to receive something for free, at the ex-
320 pense of someone else. Forced charity violates the freedom of
the giver, strips the recipient of moral agency, and incentivizes

« 318 »

With that preface, nothing precludes voluntary charity in

black magick. Philanthropy brings happiness to many sorcer-
ers; they enjoy helping others self-actualize. To clarify, the
position of anti-entitlement does not condemn generosity; it
simply repudiates the notion of implied human indebtedness
—a strict separation between forced charity and voluntary
charity. After all, forced charity is not charity at all, but rather
bondage, because it lacks the moral element of voluntarism. 330

White magicians accuse black magicians of greedy self-

ishness. However, in point of fact, nothing in black magick
prohibits humanitarianism—the Left Hand Path permits
people to act freely according to their own Ascent. If that in-
cludes philanthropy, then so be it.
Proof black magick supports voluntary charity:
1. First principle of black magick is individuality.
2. Charity is an optional, individual preference.
3. Thus, black magick supports voluntary charity.
The critical conclusion is that no one naturally owes any- 340
one anything. A free human is not born indigenously
indebted to the entitlement of others. A debt is only valid
when the principle agreement was cognizant and consensual.
Charity is optional, not obligatory.
Philanthropy literally translates to love of man in Greek
—philo means love, and anthropos means man. Black magick
exalts human nature, instinct, and intuition. Thus, in a sense,
philanthropy sits at the heart of the Left Hand Path; it cham-
pions an existential love of the individual, and all that homo
sapiens can become with ascent. 350

« 319 »

Misanthropy, the opposite of philanthropy, denotes ab-
horrence of humanity—miso means hate. The Left Hand
Path does not hate humankind in and of itself; to the con -
trary, it satanically defends human dignity, and inspirits it to
Godhood. Misanthropy equates to the antipode of sorcery.
For if black magicians hate humanity, then they hate them-
selves, which debases the egoistic principle of individuality.
The Left Hand Path certainly execrates the psychopaths
who rule from the ivory towers of the Church and State, and
360 the sycophants who carry out their atrocities. But a rational
sorcerer does not generalize the evil carnage of those tyrants
across the innocent remainder of the species.
In truth, religious theists, mystics, and white magicians
are the bona fide misanthropes. They espouse doctrines that
shame and repress human nature—what they call the animal
self, which in reality constitutes the only self. They discourage
instinct, and encourage the annihilation of self so as to unite
with god, or dissolve into nothingness, i.e., gnosis or nirvana.
Quite simply, one could summarize the tireless war be-
370 tween satanism of the Left Hand Path, and the psychotic
traditions of authority, as a struggle between philanthropy and

Mysticism epitomizes pessimism. It inculcates depressing
misery under the masochistic motto that existence is suffer-
ing. Whilst the monotheist declares that humanity is broken
and needs salvation, the mystic propagandizes that life is suf -
fering and deserves negation. Ultimately, the priest and monk
purvey the same dismal fate—deluded self-repression.

« 320 »

Mystical pessimism has no place in the Left Hand Path.

If dedication to virtue births happiness, then black magick 380
denotes the philosophy of truly joyous existence.
Now—we are in search of the enjoyment of life!
—Max Stirner
Left Hand Path precept: existence is sublime! Let sor-
cery be known as the path of joy!
Nietzsche despised pessimism, and considered it a form
of decadence—his recurrent term for cultural decline. Instead,
he celebrated the mythos of Greek god Dionysus, and cham-
pioned the Hellenic virtues of eternal return and a will to life.
He merrily referred to himself as a yea-sayer as opposed to a
nay-sayer. On a crusade of joy, he wrote in Twilight of the
Idols: 390

Saying yes to life, even in its strangest and harshest prob-

lems; the will to life rejoicing in its own inexhaustibility
through the sacrifice of its highest types—that is what I
call the Dionysian […] Not to escape horror and pity,
not to clean yourself of a dangerous affect […] but rather,
over and above all horror and pity, so that you yourself
may be the eternal joy in becoming […] I, the last disci -
ple of the philosopher Dionysus, I, the teacher of eternal

Satanists raze temples, not raise them.
Black magicians dissent against authoritarian hierarchy
in principle, because an ascendent individual abhors subordi-
nation. The submissive tradition of initiation into an occult
priesthood is anathema to the Left Hand Path, and reeks of

« 321 »

religious servitude. In fact, the Greek noun hierarchy—hier-

arkhia—means sacred rulership. Thus, the English term
hierarch refers to a priest or religious official.
To require sorcerers to conform to a religious hierarchy
represses the ethic of ascent. It exemplifies the archetypal
400 class struggle between the rulers and the subjects, whereby the
privileged and initiated priest class exercises sacred authority
over the lowly unwashed lay class—the hallmark of exploitive
religious tyranny. Emperors politically sanctioned priesthoods
so as to empower a bureaucracy of minions who dutifully
champion their divine right to rule as monarch. From incep-
tion, the divisive role of the priest class has been to insidiously
separate humans and their deities; they station themselves as
an official mediator or intercessor between the two parties.
Wherefore, these hierarchs retain elite status and impose do-
410 minion over their oppressed subjects.
A brief survey of ancient and medieval civilizations re-
veals the political elitism of the priest class in the tribe.
General ancient class structure:
1. Emperor
2. Nobles and priests
3. Soldiers
4. Merchants
5. Peasants and farmers
6. Slaves
420 General medieval class structure:
1. Monarch and pope
2. Lords and high priests
3. Knights and vassals
4. Merchants

« 322 »

5. Peasants and farmers

6. Slaves
Contrived, unnecessary hierarchy inhibits the organic
evolution of both its subordinates and masters. Every human
needs their own unique learning curve, thus the conventional
conformist one-size-fits-all approach to education in the oc- 430
cult is evidently incompatible with individuality, and obstructs
the transmission of knowledge.
Communication only occurs between equals. Any rela-
tionship based in the hierarchy of mutually oppressing
forces, i.e. Master-slave, Dictator-masses, King-serf, etc.
only jams the communication potential born from mu-
tual affinity, commitment to openness, and empathy of
—Antero Alli, Angel Tech
Orders of rank are always the expression of the needs of
a herd [...] the authoritative standard for the worth of ev-
ery individual. The individual is taught to become a
function of the herd, and to ascribe to himself value only
as a function.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
Hierarchy is dominion of thoughts, dominion of mind!
—Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own

Hierarchical initiation became obsolete contemporarily.
Distribution of knowledge in the 21 st century is electronic,
global, and instant. Secrecy is virtually impossible, and piracy
is unstoppable in the Digital Age. The anachronistic custom
of requiring submission to complicated ladders of permission

« 323 »

in order to receive limited scraps of knowledge will assuredly

440 go extinct in this century, perhaps even the next decade.
Self-education characterizes the modern zeitgeist be-
cause it reflects the instinct and preference of independent
people who embody the foremost principle of black magick—
individuality. No rational adult wants to become a priest in a
church; they have done it simply because no alternative for
education has existed previously in the field of magick.
Why should a person submit to an arbitrary man-made
pecking order of initiation over a lifetime, when instead they
can download a complete corpus of knowledge online imme-
450 diately, and then self-direct its study at their own speed? The
intellectual bottleneck of occult hierarchy explicates why the
science of magick has undergone almost no evolution whatso-
ever since medieval times. In fact, the field of magick has
become regressive, not progressive; puritanical occultists ven-
erate outdated texts full of errors, dangerous blinds, and
poisonous religious bias. Despite these inexcusable flaws,
these fundamentalists insist the stale tomes are canon law,
and even terrorize any whom aspire to advance the metaphys-
ical field from the Middle Age to the Modern Age. No other
460 area of human study is left in medieval time besides the oc -
cult and religion—because occultism and religion are one and
the same. Occultism demonstrates a form of fundamentalism,
and resembles the aggravating zealotry of faiths like Islam or
Christianity, minus the bloodshed.

Those who advocate theocracy fearmonger that magick
poses a grave danger to ambitious independent people whom
want to learn. They believe a few privileged priests ought to
control the wholesale distribution of information through
470 complicated ladders of discretionary approval, called degrees.

« 324 »

Of course, if an aspirant upsets or offends the infallible

anointed priests, they suffer expulsion and lose all progress.
The hypocrisy is obvious: if magick is dangerous, then the
monopolization of its power under the control of a few
greedy priests only exacerbates its danger, and epitomizes the
worst possible scenario, not prevents it.
In truth, hierarchical initiation amounts to a power grab,
a draconian racket that manufactures feudal authority over
magick itself.
Popular priests of Palo Mayombe and Santeria in Florida
charge strangers up to $50,000 for particular initiations.
It literally is a religious business to them, a way to make
money. They demand secrecy, to eliminate competition. It
is corrupt. They do not want this knowledge freely avail-
able in the public, because it hurts their revenue. It is
time to release this information, so everyone can learn.
—Nasse Omare, Jamaican initiate of Palo Mayombe


Poe's Law refers to a condition whereby the belief of a

fundamentalist has become so absurd that an ordinary person
can no longer determine whether the belief is authentic or
parody. As an example, certain occult priests of the Right
Hand Path wear gaudy headdresses and robes, claim to be the
physical incarnation of an Egyptian god, and require inferiors
to address them by pompous titles like Supreme Chancellor,
Grand Inquisitor Commander, and Royal Pontiff. This sort of
delusional role-play exhibits Poe's Law in the field of magick.
A rational lay person who witnesses that kind of bizarre 490
pomp and circumstance would question whether those white
magicians sincerely believe their own cultish fantasy, or
merely participate in theater to satirize cults.

« 325 »

For all of these reasons, black magick stands resolutely

anti-occult. Occultism denotes cloak-and-dagger politics. It
originates in Latin, occultare, which means to hide. Magick
orders and occult secret societies make up theocracies. Each
comprises a gradational pecking order of authority in a priest-
hood. The entire organizational scheme derives from the
500 oppressive traditions of ancient religion.

« 326 »

No postmodern atheist black magician would submit to

such an antiquated convention; the two oppose each other
philosophically. The Left Hand Path is grounded in unflinch-
ing antiauthoritarianism. In point of fact, occultism is
composed of everything black magicians rationally despise. A
sorcerer bows to no one, in particular the utterly frivolous
oaths of secrecy that choke free speech, and obstruct the dis-
semination of knowledge.
Orthodox occultism innately suits the Right Hand Path,
where followers surrender power to appease the divine. 510
Whereas the notion of an atheist priesthood on the Left
Hand Path is a comical oxymoron.
Proof black magick is anti-occultism:
1. Adversarialism is an ethic of black magick.
2. Adversarialism means antiauthoritarianism.
3. Authoritarianism refers to hierarchical power.
4. Occultism is the religious tradition of hierarchical
5. A hierarchical priesthood is authoritarian.
6. Thus, occultism is authoritarian. 520
7. Ergo, adversarialism opposes occultism.
8. Alas, black magick is anti-occultism.


Black magick tends to become a way of life for devoted
sorcerers, therefore they may wish to socialize with other ma -
gicians in a public forum. Participants can impart wisdom
between one another, give demonstrations, hold discussions,
and interact on a mutual plane, without necessitating a pledge
of fealty to ranks of superiors. This social concept comprises
an egalitarian community, club, or syndicate, in which mem- 530

« 327 »

bers organize to share common purpose as equals, devoid of

This uncomplicated one-dimensional social arrangement
mirrors natural human friendships, where people connect in a
group without any formal hierarchy, except for a possible host
of the function. This type of voluntaristic organization specifi-
cally upholds the virtue of satanism, what the author has
coined as a Satanic Syndicate. Hitherto so-called satanic and
luciferian churches and cults have bastardized the adversarial
540 ethic by subjecting its members to top-down chains of com-
mand. These rank and file priesthoods are abominations to
the anarchistic soul of the Left Hand Path.
Beyond syndication, dedicated sorcerers can found their
own academies and schools—Satanic Schools—where aspiring
magicians remunerate a fair tuition to obtain specialized
knowledge, free of any oaths of secrecy or binding initiations.
Moreover, it provides a means by which insightful magicians
can write texts and grimoires for release to the community of
readers to study and advance in independent ways. Only the
550 creation of egalitarian syndicates, schools, and publishers will
enable the evolution and furtherance of magick as a science.

Schools, institutes, publishers Churches, temples, orders
Publication of knowledge Suppression of knowledge
Peer review Oaths of secrecy
Egalitarian Elitist
Contemporary Medieval

« 328 »

« 329 »

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest

he thereby become a monster.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
The single most hypocritical and unforgivable error that
satanists committed in the 1900s, was to condemn the
Catholic Church so viciously, then turn around and fabricate
the exact same type of authoritarian institution for themselves
—at present, the landscape of satanism holds innumerable
denominations of churches and temples that emulate the reli-
gious tradition they claimed to abhor in the first place. Black
magick constitutes a philosophy, not a faith; so why should it
560 imitate the social class scheme of the Church? The Left Hand
Path opposes theism, and thus despises the notion of priests,
hierarchs, and any other elitist agents of supremacy—what
President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, calls,
vertical power.
Let occultism fall into extinction. Its surreptitiousness
may have aided magicians in a past era, but times have
changed, and it now throttles magick. Old occult regimes no
longer possess any secrets or mysteries anyway; a sorcerer can
ascertain all three magick powers—divination, evocation, and
570 soul travel—through education already available in the free
domain. Wherefore, they can then pathwork a mythology or
idolize a spirit freely. It is high time to execrate the theocratic
leviathans and behemoths of magick, and evolve into the un-
folding paradigm of quantum technology, unfettered
knowledge, and social egalitarianism.
No genius of the Left Hand Path seeks the approval of
an authority in order to ascend. No profane heretical sorcerer
joins a church or becomes a priest. A black magician does not
ask permission to attain Godhood.
580 Death to occultism! Long live free black magick!

« 330 »

Mystical explanations are considered deep; the truth is,
they are not even shallow.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
The broad theological category known as mysticism,
spans East and West in traditions ranging from Buddhism
and Hinduism, to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and more.
The term derives from mystikos in Greek, and means secret
or mystery. In general, mysticism endeavors to dissolve the
self, typically to attain one of two ambitions:
1. Nirvana: dissolution of self into nothingness
2. Gnosis: dissolution of self into the divine
Tragically, mysticism of both genres aborts the ascent to
godhood. It conflicts irreconcilably with the grounded virtues 590
of black magick, specifically individuality and power, because
mystical dogma calls for the utter surrender of self. Monks
universally vow to suffer self-imposed poverty, suppress their
sexuality, uniform their appearance, and isolate themselves to
a bare monastic cell detached from the real world—all the ex -
act opposite of the Left Hand Path.

Affirm self; egoism Negate self; anti-ego
Existentialism; realism Nihilism; pessimism
Will to power Surrender of power
Fulfill ambition Eliminate desire
Godhood Nirvana; gnosis

« 331 »

Dishonor Karma; sin

Ego in Latin translates to I or me in identity with self;

nirvana in Sanskrit means to blow out, as in to extinguish a
flame. On that account, mystics seek to eliminate ego to at-
600 tain nirvana, and thereby escape the wheel of reincarnation,
i.e., they endeavor to terminate their sense of self—a form of
psychic suicide. Annihilation of self in mysticism clashes with
the fundamental ethics of ascendant self-exaltation and ad-
versarial self-preservation in sorcery.
Unapologetic polemicist, Friedrich Nietzsche, warned
about the explicit negation of life and pessimistic nihilism of
Eastern mysticism. He predicted that Europeans would aban-
don Christianity only for Buddhism to fill its moral vacuum,
in his On the Genealogy of Morals in 1887:
I gave vent to an increasingly deep mistrust, a scepticism
which dug deeper and deeper! Precisely here I saw the
great danger to mankind, its most sublime temptation
and seduction—temptation to what? to nothingness?—
precisely here I saw the beginning of the end, standstill,
mankind looking back wearily, turning its will against
life, and the onset of the final sickness becoming gently,
sadly manifest: [...] the most uncanny symptom of our
European culture which has itself become uncanny, as its
detour to a new Buddhism? to a new Euro-Buddhism?
to nihilism?
610 Remarkably, his poignant premonition unfolded in the
next century as foretold. A wave of disgruntled freethinkers
disavowed the tradition of proto-Judaic monotheism, and
embraced the smiley precepts of Eastern mysticism, in a
pseudo-religious, communal movement called the New Age.

« 332 »

These confused post-modernists merely substituted the delu-

sional religion of one hemisphere for the other.
Nietzsche further explicated the psychic suicide innate to
Existence in general, which is left standing as inherently
worthless (a nihilistic turning-away from existence, the
desire for nothingness or desire for the ‘antithesis,’ to be
other, Buddhism and such like) – until, all at once, we
confront the paradoxical and horrifying expedient
through which a martyred humanity has sought tempo-
rary relief...
Nietzsche philosophized the will to power—der Wille
zur Macht—and thus combated against the underlying anti- 620
will, anti-individuality, anti-power ethos of mysticism. He
called for humans to affirm their instincts and existence;
whereas mystics call for humans to negate their instincts and
Frankly speaking, ascetic monks are able-bodied welfare
bums whom scavenge for handouts, and contribute nothing
to the global economy aside from cheap bead necklaces, and
pamphlets full of impotent platitudes on forgiveness and
gratitude. They inculcate repression of human motivation,
shaming Westerners for their busy materialism, which just so 630
happens to elevate the global standard of living.
The beneficently grounded scientific materialism of Eu-
ropean civilization—under the priceless contributions of early
geniuses like Democritus through Francis Bacon and onward
—has enabled humans to evolve from stone tools and four-
legged beasts, to mobile computers and spaceships in only a
few millennia. This critical paradigm shift nearly tripled the
average human life expectancy from about 30 years to 80

« 333 »

years; it cut the length of time required to travel around the

640 world from six months to only three days; it eliminated cer -
tain infectious diseases; enabled humans to communicate
with each other globally in real time; and chopped poverty in
Penniless, sexless mystics sit cross-legged and barefoot in
the dirt, ridiculing materialism while Western science carries
the torch of human enlightenment forward to fight aging, en-
gineer nanotechnology, and architect off-planet residency.
Eastern mysticism indeed triumphed in their eradication of
desire, as such, their demotivated, demoralized flocks perish
650 one generation after another at the level of subsistence living
in India, Tibet, Thailand, China and countless other countries.
The Dalai Lama fills his belly with gourmet meals on a pri -
vate jet, and uses the latest technology to broadcast the virtue
of poverty to his followers left begging for crumbs.
Mysticism, like every other category of religion, castrates
and sterilizes the instinctive, egoistic will to power in the
heart of humanity; it indoctrinates innocent masses into
docile, unquestioning followers devoid of any ambition aside
from obeying the mad religious hierarchs.
660 It may alarm the reader to discover that the forced, un-
natural celibacy of monks has cultivated a depraved
underbelly of child pedophilia and homosexual molestation in
the gender-segregated Buddhist priesthoods, not unlike
Christianity—scandals that the Dalai Lama, same as the
Pope, have scrambled to cover up for decades. To witness the
disturbing video testimony of a monastic sexual abuse victim,
search for the notorious “Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche,”
which recounts the hidden molestation, murder attempts, and
drug abuse that transpired in his former Tibetan monastery.
670 The American magazine Details featured an exclusive inter-

« 334 »

view with the Rinpoche in an article, “Leaving Om: Bud-

dhism's Lost Lamas,” that incited turmoil throughout the
Buddhist community:
For those who know only the gauzy Hollywood imagery
and the beatific smile of His Holiness the Dalai Lama,
it's almost incomprehensible that Tibetan Buddhism
would have its own Catholic Church–style problem. But
Kalu says that when he was in his early teens, he was sex-
ually abused by a gang of older monks who would visit
his room each week. When I bring up the concept of "in-
appropriate touching," he laughs edgily. This was
hardcore sex, he says, including penetration. "Most of the
time, they just came alone," he says. "They just banged
the door harder, and I had to open. I knew what was go-
ing to happen, and after that you become more used to
it." It wasn't until Kalu returned to the monastery after
his three-year retreat that he realized how wrong this
practice was. By then the cycle had begun again on a
younger generation of victims, he says. Kalu's claims of
sexual abuse mirror those of Lodoe Senge, an ex-monk
and 23-year-old tulku who now lives in Queens, New

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

—Zen koan
This morbid koan discourages celebrity and guru worship
among monks. Notwithstanding, the author will furnish a
different, satirical insight on the riddle, under the pretext of
refuting mysticism. Specifically, it self-destructs; nobody
needs to kill the Buddha, because a true Buddha will obedi-
ently and masochistically terminate himself.

« 335 »

680 A quantum leap from now when humanity has colonized

a paradisiacal planet across the universe, living post-scarcity in
abundance with virtual immortality, and freedom to pursue
knowledge and artistic beauty at whim—will mystics stay be-
hind on Earth, condemning materialism from a filthy cave,
while grubbing on insects and rice, dying prematurely from
curable illness? If they not only refuse to contribute to the
economy, but openly criticize everyone who does, should soci-
ety allow mystics to reap the rewards of human innovation,
when scientists finally attain technological singularity? Do
690 humans owe the fruits of their labor to those whom criticized
them whilst they labored?

A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it
ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it
does not exist. According to this view, our existence has
no meaning.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
A strain of absurdist anti-existentialism has circulated
around the fringe of black magick, called the anti-cosmic cur-
rent. Cosmos is a Greek term—kosmos—that Heraclitus first
utilized in reference to the universe as a whole, hence anti-
cosmic translates to anti-universe, ergo it constitutes a form
of metaphysical nihilism. The term nothing translates to nihil
in Latin, hence nihilism refers to an ideology of nothingness.
Neither absurdism nor nihilism are insults in and of them-
700 selves, but rather precise identifications. Absurdism, a niche of
nihilism that Albert Camus popularized through bizarrist fic-
tion, purports that existence lacks innate meaning, thereby
forcing an extreme dilemma: a person can either suffer the
miserable slavery of a purposeless existence, or extinguish

« 336 »

themselves to escape, i.e., commit suicide. The anti-cosmic

current resembles this desperate, pessimistic line of reasoning,
however instead of honor-killing themselves to demonstrate
heroic integrity, they resort to magick to combat existence, as
if in a war against the cosmos itself—hence their Camus-like
absurdity. In any event, many philosophers have refuted ni- 710
hilism with several common disproofs over the last century.
A cheerleader of the anti-cosmic current espoused in a
discussion with the author that, “Existence is slavery, and
non-existence is freedom.” Whilst the aphorism sounds hip
and profound on the surface, it utilizes plainly false defini -
tions of both slavery and freedom.
Enslavement requires two separate entities, in which one
restrains the other against its will. As such, a thing cannot en-
slave itself. If a person enslaves themselves, then they did so
freely according to their own will, alas, it does not qualify as 720
slavery, but rather a voluntary act. Moreover, humans exist,
which means they constitute a part of existence; humanity
and existence are not separate entities. Since a thing cannot
enslave itself, it becomes impossible for existence to enslave
humans, because that equates to existence enslaving itself. Lo
and behold, recognizing the false definition immediately re -
futes the first premise.
Refutation of hypothesis that existence is slavery:
1. Slavery requires two separate entities, whereby one
restrains the other against its will. 730
2. Thus, an entity cannot enslave itself.
3. Humans exist.
4. Hence, existence is composed of humans.
5. Ergo, existence and humanity are the same entity.

« 337 »

6. Therefore, existence cannot enslave humanity, because

a thing cannot enslave itself.
Freedom reflects the opposite of slavery; it refers to the
condition where nothing restrains an entity against its will.
Ergo, freedom requires the positive existence of the entity in
740 the first place; if no entity exists, then freedom becomes null.
In other words, freedom as a condition only pertains to an
entity that actually exists. For this reason, it becomes impossi-
ble for non-existence to be freedom.
Refutation of hypothesis that non-existence is freedom:
1. Freedom refers to the condition whereby nothing re-
strains an entity against its will.
2. Thus, an entity needs to exist to possess freedom.
3. Ergo, non-existence cannot be freedom.
The anti-cosmic current hypothesizes that it can deploy
750 magick to combat existence. This means they affirm existence
to oppose existence—an obvious contradiction in principle
that commits the self-refuting fallacy in its very premise.
Irrationality aside, anti-cosmic believers pose a severe
moral hazard. An ideology to destroy existence presupposes a
willingness to exterminate innocent people. This suggests that
the anti-cosmic current is a terrorist movement of a sort. Ad-
ditionally, it poses a second moral hazard in that if self-
extinction makes up the only solution to their fictional prob-
lem, then it implicitly encourages vulnerable and mentally ill
760 people to commit suicide for no reason.
The anti-cosmic current fails logically, and very few, if
any, of its advocates buy into their own flawed paradigm, oth-
erwise an epidemic of magicians executing themselves en
masse would have transpired already. Friedrich Nietzsche re-
viled nihilism, and referred to it as the “will to nothingness.”

« 338 »

He figuratively beckoned them to terminate themselves, “If

life is a sickness, then death is the only medicine. Be a doctor
to yourself.”

A clique of postmodernists purport to abandon principle
in the name of an alleged cosmic force called chaos. However, 770
the ambition to participate in discord is a moral principle in
and of itself, hence the ideology immediately commits the
self-refuting fallacy—one cannot both adhere to principle, and
be against principle, at once. Ergo, the ideal of chaos self-de-
structs. For example, an organization of magicians whom all
assemble in a previously agreed location at the same time, to
adhere to a mutual ethic, clearly demonstrates orderliness in
many ways that violate the mission of chaos inherently.
Moreover, they call their tiny chaos groups orders—the amus-
ing contradiction that few of them recognize. 780

Chaos is a manmade concept; a metaphysical illusion

that does not exist at all in empirical reality; a nominalization
that humans place like a band-aid on phenomena that con-
fuse them. The relationship of cause and effect necessitates
order, hence an act of so-called chaos unavoidably affirms or-
der. Alas, a person cannot participate in chaos at all, only the
natural order of cause and effect. If a delinquent smashes a
rock through a window, everything about that event adhered
to the physics of this universe in a measurably ordered way—
from the strength of the throw, to the angle of the trajectory, 790
to the pull of gravity, to the force of impact on the glass, to
the resonance of the sound waves from the shatter. That act of
vandalism inexorably conformed to the laws of physics.
Order unavoidably exists in nature, alas, a principle of chaos
is an impossible contradiction.

« 339 »

Formal challenge: prove that chaos exists in reality.
Fair warning: it is impossible.
Conclusion: the concept of chaos commits both empiri-
800 cal and rational fallacies.
1. Unfalsifiability fallacy: no one can falsify the hypoth-
esis that a chaos-force exists in the cosmos.
2. Self-refuting fallacy: a principle of anti-principle
contradicts itself categorically.
Belief in chaos resembles religious belief in divinity—a
fervent article of faith in a mystical essence or creative force
that many evangelize but never evidence. Hence, the author
refers to this hipster techno-religion as the chaos delusion, in
requiem to the god delusion cited by atheists.
810 As an aside, the reader needs to distinguish between the
mathematical field of Chaos Theory that quantifies nonlinear
dynamics in closed systems, and the satirical subculture of
Discordianism that espouses the self-refuting ideal of discord.
This critique dissects the latter.

Ancient Greek philosopher and student of Socrates,
Aristippus of Cyrene, conceived the ideology of hedonism in
4th century BC. It advocates the pursuit of maximal human
pleasure, and minimal pain. White magicians and nihilists
slander black magicians with a false accusation of hedonism.
820 The Left Hand Path does not support a whimsical chase of
frivolous pleasure, which would certainly interfere with the
ascent to godhood. At the same time though, it does not pre-

« 340 »

clude epicurean sensuality so long as one's integrity remains

in tact.
Happiness differs from pleasure. Heroin addicts report
the experience of maximal pleasure, nonetheless they also suf-
fer extreme depression and intoxication. In the context of
black magick, happiness derives from dedication to virtue—
what Aristotle referred to as eudaimonia—whereas pleasure
refers to physical titillation for its own sake. As such, black 830
magicians categorically are not hedonists, but rather ethicists
in the pursuit of sublime happiness.
Proof black magicians are not hedonists:
1. Hedonism is the pursuit of maximal pleasure for its
own sake.
2. Pleasure derives from physical titillation.
3. Left Hand Path is the pursuit of maximal happiness
for the sake of Ascent.
4. Happiness derives from fulfillment of virtue.
5. Physical stimulation and fulfillment of virtue are dif- 840
6. Therefore, pleasure and happiness differ.
7. Ergo, black magicians are not hedonists.

The intellectually negligent “middle path” of fence-sitting
gray magicians amounts to an impossible contradiction of
virtues, and proves a severe lack of comprehension and in-
tegrity. In matters of logic, one cannot be both for and against
first principles at the same time because it commits the fallacy
of inconsistency and also the self-refuting fallacy.

« 341 »

850 Alleged gray magicians claim to uphold either black

magick or white magick depending on circumstance—an im-
mediate violation of ethical consistency. Lest the reader
forget, first principles are universal in nature, not situational. If
a person cherry picks morality by occasion, they do not prac -
tice valid ethicality, but rather the whims of convenience. Put
simply, an honorable, virtuous person enacts their first princi-
ples all the time, even if undesirable ramifications may ensue.
Only a coward hides from principle in the face of adversity.
If integrity comes from consistency in virtue, then the
860 fictional middle path sorely lacks it, because it contradicts it-
self. For example, a classic hallmark of black magick is its
atheistic agnosticism, whereas white magick believes in theis-
tic gnosticism. A rational magician cannot be both agnostic
and gnostic at once. This demonstrates only one of numerous
ways in which the notion of gray magick collapses under its
innate contradictions.


Atheism; agnosticism Theism; gnosticism
Rational self-interest Divine law of selflessness
Natural consequences Divine retribution; karma
Become your own god Divine communion

Refutation of gray magick:

1. Valid principles require consistency.
2. Gray magick cherry picks between the principles of
870 black magick or white magick depending on circum-

« 342 »

3. Thus, gray magick demonstrates inconsistency.

4. Ergo, gray magick is invalid in principle.
A person cannot be an atheist and theist at the same
time. Belief in the divine comprises the central tenet of white
magick, whilst profane refutation of divinity constitutes a
critical position of black magick. One cannot half-believe in
god, sacred morality, and karma. The positions oppose each
other in principle.

Alien denotes a species of biological entity native to a 880
different planet than Earth. Does such an organism exist? The
author can conclude with 100 percent certainty that it stands
theoretically possible at the very least. That may not strike the
reader as a very radical position, because many already take
that for granted; nonetheless consider the valid logic behind
it, because it does carry rather extensive and profound impli-
The presence of the human race proves that intelligent
biological life can in fact emerge and evolve in the physical
universe. This confirms indisputably the fundamental premise 890
of extraterrestrial life, that is, that lifeforms can arise and sur-
vive under conditions innate to the cosmos. With this
unassailable evidence, the intellectual inquiry into alien exis-
tence distinguishes itself as a sound scientific theory.
The ascent of human life furnishes proof of concept that biol-
ogy naturally occurs on the physical plane. Thus a theory about a
second instance of life arising—as extraterrestrials—becomes un-
deniably plausible. At the absolute least, it is not unfeasible for
aliens to exist. Certain measurable odds favor it.

« 343 »

900 If nature birthed a species of creature that performs mag-

ick, e.g., humans, then it can potentially create a second
species that does too. Therefore, it becomes theoretically pos-
sible for these two lifeforms to contact each other through
magick. In this way, if aliens can plausibly exist in general,
then they may exist already; in which case, human magicians
might possess the capability to contact extraterrestrials right
Proof it is theoretically possible to contact aliens with
910 1. The human race exists.
2. Ergo, the physical plane can provably birth and sus-
tain intelligent lifeforms.
3. Hence, it is theoretically possible that the physical
plane can birth a second lifeform, or alien race.
4. The human race can perform magick.
5. Thus, the physical plane can provably birth intelligent
lifeforms that can perform magick.
6. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that the physical
plane can birth an alien race that can perform mag-
920 ick.
7. If two species can perform magick, then it is theoreti-
cally possible that they can correspond with each
other through magick.
Logic dictates not only that aliens can exist, but that we could
theoretically touch base with them via magick.
These conclusions open up an experimental realm of
black magick for ambitious sorcerers to pioneer. A grimoire of
alien entities would intrigue many, indeed.

« 344 »

Does the Illuminati—a global coordination of politicians,
bankers, and corporatists who architect human society—ex- 930
ist? Under that broad definition, it is impossible to refute that
it does; how else does one define world finance and geopoli-
tics? In this regard, conspiracy theorists have committed a
fallacy; they have defned the Illuminati into existence by way of
preexisting conventions.
Ultimately, warning about the Illuminati seems superflu-
ous once a person soberly awakens to the sordid dystopia in
which they already live. Currently, religious terrorists crucify
innocent people for impiety, ten percent of the race risks
starving to death, and governments enslave the populace 940
through confiscatory taxation, corrupt monetary systems,
childhood indoctrination, police brutality, and endless war-
fare. The situation could only worsen if statists enforced mass
imprisonment or genocide under martial law—only one de-
gree crueler than what currently masquerades as civilized
society, a transition from medium to extreme tyranny.
To answer the question: it does not matter if the Illumi-
nati exists, because the oppression that conspiracy theorists
prophesy already occurs, and needs to be abolished.

Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast
or a god.
To live alone, you need to be either an animal or a god,
says Aristotle. But he left out the third case: you must be
both—a philosopher.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

« 345 »

950 Socializing is a voluntary human custom. Dates, parties,

gatherings, festivals, and celebrations are all conventions of
leisure in society. To social folk, fondness for loneliness is a
queer deviancy, but to a black magician, solitude can contrib-
ute to virtuousness. Social distraction often wastes and
detracts from the ambitious attainment of individual God-
hood. Organic loneliness occurs subsequently, and measures
moral vigilance—therefore, never be ashamed of it. Notwith-
standing, humans depend on the economy to a degree, thus
socialization is nearly impossible, nor advisable, to fully avoid.
960 Summarily, the philosophy of black magick honors asocial
solitude under the pretext of ascent and opposes distractive
As a factoid, ancient religions related their creator gods
to the sun. In Spanish, sun translates to sol. Sol makes up the
root of the terms solitude and solo, and means to be alone as
an individual. Hence, both individuality and the preference
for solitude suggest traits of Godhood. In The Will to Power,
Friedrich Nietzsche enlightened:
The higher philosophical man, who has solitude not be-
cause he wishes to be alone but because he is something
that finds no equals...
It is necessary for these men of incomprehensible loneli-
ness to wrap themselves vigorously and boldly in the
cloak of external, spatial solitude, too: that is part of their
prudence. Even cunning and disguise are needed today if
such a man is to preserve himself, to keep himself aloft,
in the midst of the dangerous, down-dragging currents of
the age. Every attempt to endure in the present, to en-
dure the present, every approach to the men and aims of
today, he will have to atone as if it were his own special
sin; and he may marvel at the concealed wisdom of his

« 346 »

nature that, after every such attempt, at once draws him

back to himself by means of sickness and bad accidents.

Radicalism amounts to utmost purity of principle, or in-
tegrity. Historically, philosophers who devoutly adhered to 970
their virtues were stigmatized as radicals. Foolish members of
society would scorn and mock their incomprehensible dedica-
tion to righteousness.
Authoritarians who thrive on the status quo despise vir-
tuous people, because it disturbs mediocrity, and threatens
their ability to victimize the populace. The cattle ranchers of
human livestock—the Church and State—do everything pos-
sible to preserve the apathy of their prey, to prevent rebellion.
How could ruthless psychopaths extort and enslave the
masses if they are hypervigilant about defending the princi- 980
ples of individuality, freedom, and power?
Greatness of soul has nothing romantic about it.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
Wear the insult of extremist or radical like a badge of
honor; it is the scarlet letter of principle. Only a coward ne’er
suffers its slander!

“Do you advocate suicide?”
No. I simply furnished syllogisms that conclude how
honor and merciful suicide seem plausibly moral in the Left
Hand Path under extremely desperate circumstances. That
does not mean I recommend you do so; in fact, if you suffer

« 347 »

990 from suicidal ideation, then I encourage you to contact a doc-

tor immediately.

“If you oppose occultism and initiation, then how can you call
yourself a magician?”
Magick does not necessitate occultism, nor the religious
tradition of initiation into an arbitrary manmade priesthood.
Many magicians despise the conventional hierarchies of reli-
gious churches and temples, but then they emulate the same
customs when they create occult churches and temples—it is
plainly hypocritical. Magicians do not need complicated po-
1000 litical ladders in order to share and transmit knowledge
between each other, in fact, those pecking orders trap and
bottleneck the organic evolution of information.

“I have studied [insert mystical religion] for [insert number of

years] and I disagree with your analysis of mysticism.”
The general principle across all forms of mysticism is the
negation of self, what Nietzsche called a “turning away from
existence.” The Left Hand Path affirms and enjoys egoistic
existence; it does not wish to extinguish the sense of self in a
strange sort of cosmic mass psychological suicide. Certainly
1010 trivialities differ between mystical religions, but the central
theme of eliminating ego remains constant.

“I am a gray magician, and disagree that one cannot adhere to

both Right and Left Hand Paths.”
Sorry, but you are not a gray magician. The two paths
conflict in principle; one believes in union with the divine,
whilst the other refutes the concept that divinity exists at all,
i.e. theistic gnosticism vs. atheistic agnosticism. You need to
scrutinize each ideology according to its merits and demerits,
and judge which seems rational to you.

« 348 »

“The Illuminati is an intergalactic alien conspiracy. Reptilians 1020

engineered humans as slaves.”
I would need hard evidence to formally judge that claim
as true. At present, we only possess allegations and accusa -
tions by unhinged people against politicians and corporatists.
Statistically, the majority of crime accusations generally turn
out false, and people tend to hate whomever rules over them,
so it seems rational that zany folks would weave together a
fantastical otherworldly conspiracy plot. That being said, the
theorists usually give timelines for when they believe the hid-
den truth will be revealed, so we all wait and see. • 1030

« 349 »


Vom späteren

EXPECT THIS text will not engender many friendships
for me in occult congregations. To the contrary, I suspect
it will agitate foes against me. Foremost, I levy unapolo-
getic criticism against the archaic leviathan in the landscape
of magick, namely occult theocracy—the tradition of priest-
hoods from which quite a number of magicians derive
political power, and thus hate to abandon it. Moreover, I split
asunder the false dichotomy of the Left and Right Hand
Paths, by refuting the theological assumptions of white mag-
10 ick, and proving the principles of black magick. In that vein, I
explicate the pre-scientific nature of magick to forewarn
against premature certainty of its absolute validity. In other
words, I exhort the reader to nurture a degree of skepticism
toward every common preconception. And above all, I fuse
supernatural atheism into the heroic, unfolding lineage of
philosophy, through reference to the empirical reality of out
of body experiences and spirit possession.
I hereby leave you with two courageously poignant pas-
sages that expound my struggle as an incorrigible eccentric—
20 a decent soul laboring to reconcile both his love and loathing
of contemporary society; one I presume that, as a black magi-
cian, you too bear as a burden.

« 350 »

David Hume in Human Nature:

I am first affrighted and confounded with that forelorn
solitude, in which I am plac'd in my philosophy, and
fancy myself some strange uncouth monster, who not be-
ing able to mingle and unite in society, has been expell'd
all human commerce, and left utterly abandon'd and dis-
consolate. Fain would I run into the crowd for shelter
and warmth; but cannot prevail with myself to mix with
such deformity. I call upon others to join me, in order to
make a company apart; but no one will hearken to me.
Every one keeps at a distance, and dreads that storm,
which beats upon me from every side. I have expos'd my-
self to the enmity of all metaphysicians, logicians,
mathematicians, and even theologians; and can I wonder
at the insults I must suffer? I have declar'd my disappro-
bation of their systems; and can I be surpriz'd, if they
should express a hatred of mine and of my person?
When I look abroad, I foresee on every side, dispute,
contradiction, anger, calumny and detraction. When I
turn my eye inward, I find nothing but doubt and igno-
rance. All the world conspires to oppose and contradict
me; tho' such is my weakness, that I feel all my opinions
loosen and fall of themselves, when unsupported by the
approbation of others. Every step I take is with hesita-
tion, and every new reflection makes me dread an error
and absurdity in my reasoning. For with what confidence
can I venture upon such bold enterprises, when beside
those numberless infirmities peculiar to myself, I find so
many which are common to human nature? Can I be
sure, that in leaving all established opinions I am follow-
ing truth; and by what criterion shall I distinguish her,
even if fortune shou'd at last guide me on her footsteps?
After the most accurate and exact of my reasonings, I can

« 351 »

give no reason why I shou'd assent to it; and feel nothing

but a strong propensity to consider objects strongly in
that view, under which they appear to me.
And William Shakespeare in Hamlet:
I have of late—but wherefore I know not—lost all my
mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed, it goes
so heavily with my disposition; that this goodly frame
the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most
excellent canopy the air, look you, this brave o'er hanging
firmament, this majestical roof, fretted with golden fire:
why, it appeareth no other thing to me, than a foul and
pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work
is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In
form and moving how express and admirable! In action
how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The
beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet to
me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not
me; no, nor woman neither. •

« 352 »

« 353 »


Meine Regeln

The author hereby enumerates his 7 principled demands.


Collaborate to verify theories and evidence between ma-
gicians, rather than hoarding knowledge behind political and
initiatory authority. Moreover, acknowledge the evolving na-
30 ture of scientific theory, and abstain from dogmatic canonical


Create egalitarian communities, for example syndicates,
where black magicians can share knowledge peer-to-peer in
an open group. Furthermore, champion schools that foster in-
dependent, intuitive, self-directed study, without requiring
top-down submission.


Theocratic hierarchy interferes with the evolution of
40 magick, and degrades black magicians. As antireligious ag-
nostics and atheists, sorcerers need to expel the occult
leviathan, and shun anyone who suppresses knowledge.

« 354 »

Churches, temples, priesthoods, orders, lodges, and any other

institution of religious tradition have absolutely no place in
the Left Hand Path. Satanists raze temples, not raise them.


White magicians need to concede the irrationality of
their unfalsifiable theology, and renounce the faith. Their doc-
trine of theistic divinity does not belong in the science of
magick. Sorcerers must refute white magick, to shatter the 50
false dichotomy of the paths. Between the two, only black
magick is provably valid.

Ostracize any black magician, satanist, or person in gen-
eral who advocates violence or terrorism against innocent

Become a living god.

Rebel against anything that obstructs Ascent. • 60

« 355 »


Moralische Unterstützung

INVITED SELECT intellects whom I esteem, to scrutinize
my text, and give their unbiased critique—an implausi-
ble mission due to their friendships with me, although
they swear impartiality in their assessments. Regardless, as a
matter of disclosure, I apprise the reader of preexisting rela -
tionships that may inadvertently affect the willingness of my
peers to demonstrate sympathy or support for my ideas. Hav-
ing divulged that, their prevailing sentiments probably do
indeed reflect their authentic impressions.

10 Black Magick is filthy. It’s ugly, disgusting, and down-
right repulsive to any civilized mind. It is an abuse of the
spiritual powers which are given proper respect within the
confines of accepted religious priesthoods. Black Magick is a
perversion of the natural, spiritual order, twisted to accommo-
date the instant gratification of the user.
Black Magicians are heretics. They have no moral code.
Their actions are guided by selfish disregard for others. Their
lives are lived for the present moment only, no thought given

« 356 »

to the consequences of their actions, nor any consideration for

the effects of their behaviors on their greater societies. 20

These are lies that we have believed, or at the very best

these are lies that have been allowed to sink tendrils into the
heart of a philosophy and a practice capable of transforming
this world and all who inhabit it, a path that leads unfailingly
to our total evolution.
If a lie is not refuted, the collective silence signals your
acceptance of it as truth.
No one has taken a stand against these lies, until now.
Black Magick is the first book ever written that refuses to
apologize for Black Magick, instead extolling its virtues and 30
revealing the hidden reality of the Left Hand Path: That these
forbidden works are good, that the values intrinsic to the
Black Magician are positive, and that the end result of walk-
ing this path is the stimulation of evolution, on both a
personal as well as a societal level.
Timothy presents a solid case for Black Magick as the
best and the most authentic system of spiritual practice as
well as personal philosophy. Complete with documented evi-
dence and packed with inarguable proofs, this staggering
work calls out the liars, exposes the usurpers, and reveals an 40
age-old conspiracy to turn our species of potential living gods
into a defeated slave race. The plan has been successful.
The only solution that can deliver both liberty and power
is Black Magick.
The author is a unique individual with certain capabilities
that give him a unique perspective and approach. Among
these abilities is what I would call "instinctual logic," which
allows him to connect the dots faster than most people, and I

« 357 »

would argue that through the lens of logic, he can sometimes

50 see deeper than most veteran Seers dare to look.
What the black magician needs to be very clear about is
that you need to slaughter your own sacred cows and kill your
own Buddha on a regular basis, because this is a science, it is a
systematic approach to absolute personal happiness, power,
and freedom that everyone craves at some level, and the in-
tegrity of that system relies upon the integrity of the operator.
The only way to gain any real personal integrity is to allow
moments of uninhibited insight into your core beliefs and
60 As this book pulled me into a world of terrifying free-
dom and a potentially fatal level of personal responsibility, I
was personally afraid that the hammer would fall on my sa-
cred cow next. In this one text, stone-solid stances are taken
against all that is sacred to Christians and Satanists, ceremo-
nialists, mystics, pagans, Nazis, liberals, voters, the whole of
modern popular culture, as well as just about every corner-
stone esoteric tradition or discipline available.
The real problem is that it is all true. The honesty of these
concepts, against which all argument is eradicated by the evi-
70 dence provided, becomes even more problematic when you
realize not only the truthfulness of this book, but also its rele -
vance to your freedom, your power, and your individuality.
It seems absurd to ague against ideas that, if understood
and accepted, would not only liberate, but also exalt the indi-
vidual to ever-growing Godhood.
As I read Timothy's manuscript for the first time, I ar-
gued with his assertions that the black magician is in actuality
the only free man on earth, that his principles and practices
constitute the most evolved approach to spiritual attainment
80 that I've ever seen.

« 358 »

I still argued in my silent mind against the book's propo-

sition that I, a Black Magician, am not evil, not a denizen of
worthlessness, but that in fact I am a being of infinite value
actively pursuing my own evolution toward infinite capability,
in order to transform myself and the world around me for the
We Black Magicians have been told so often that there is
something wrong with us that not only do we begin to believe
that lie, but we root our identities and "sense of self " in a lie
of false wrongness. 90

Timothy's book returns to the original reason that we

came to black magick in the first place: it's the only system
capable of the kind and degree of personal and global
alchemy that is desperately needed.
Rather than requiring faith and hope, Black Magick only
requires you to follow the formula, after which you will see
the fullness of the result. Peering beyond the obvious and an-
ticipated results of specific rituals, this work wrestles the
questions that the Adept will inevitably find dominating his
meditations, his vision becoming so clear that mankind's 100
predicament can no longer be ignored.
This book is not for the beginner looking for a few good
spells. Nor is it for the Magus hoping to refine an eclectic sys-
tem established through decades of repetition, nor for the
Adept seeking new magickal models.
You should leave this book where you found it unless you
are prepared to meet reality ungarnished, but at long last,
truth has been written.
Lastly, prepare yourself not only for a shift in awareness
as this tome awakens you from your slumber, for what you see 110
may enrage you, it may frighten you, it may inspire you, but

« 359 »

the truth that is contained herein has the capability of ignit-

ing a process of real and tangible personal evolution. You may
find, as I have, that when confronted by truth, it is impossible
to only change your mind, or only change your perspective,
but that the process spreads throughout your whole being, in-
fluencing your actions, your decisions, the transmutation
ending only when all observable reality meets the highest
standards that you will begin to require of it.
120 Then, the cycle of revelation, revolution, and revision can
begin again, pushing toward the next rung of evolution.

Black Magick: The Left Hand Path… Is a volume that
bravely and boldly confronts the mass confusion that perme-
ates the movement Black Magicians have found themselves
unwittingly swimming through, long in search of truth and
clarity. It offers a unique and unapologetic approach to the
dark subject, that no other volume previous has dared venture
to grapple with. This study will long be the standard of reason
130 that the Magician, Philosopher and Scholar will measure fu-
ture books on the subject against. It dares to delve into taboo
areas, such as magical schools, their inadequacies and short -
comings, the uselessness of theology, and the radical and
extreme thought processes behind rising religious terrorist or-
This work is a must for anyone seeking radical truth on
the definition of ‘Black Magic’ and ‘The Left Hand Path,’ it

« 360 »

may not please everyone to hear the truth, but it nonetheless

delivers it in a way that is truly unforgettable.
Black Magick: The Left Hand Path, is nothing less than a 140
brutal battering ram, used to smash through the proverbial
gates of the ‘GREAT LIE’ that main stream society has used
to blind and bind the growing movement of Black Magic. Let
this work be a beacon, an illuminating torch of the Black
Light of Gnosis that brings to view the obscured trifold path
of Truth, Freedom, and Peace.
Long Live Black Magic…

If you’re looking for a book that would give you a good
starting point for the study of the Left Hand Path, you have
just found it. Black Magick is an excellent introduction to the 150
philosophy underlying the modern view of self-deification,
discussing such concepts as antinomianism, Satanism, self-
empowerment, individuality, and many more. Refuting the
conviction that the Left Hand Path is “evil,” it points out that
the perspective from which one sees the notion of good and
evil is always subjective, appeals to the basics of logical think-
ing, and exposes the fallacy of superstition and fear, which are
the common elements of all religions based on the assump-
tion that there exists a higher force and man is merely an
inferior being at its mercy. While reading it, we are reminded 160
that the core of the Left Hand Path is not the worship of any
deities, spirits, or demons, but the affirmation of selfhood on
all levels of existence. There is no place for surrender, blind

« 361 »

faith, or mindless ignorance. Instead, the reader is challenged

to think critically and form one’s own opinion, without taking
anything for granted.
One of the good things about this book is the overview
of the basic concepts associated with practical magic, such as
astral travel, divination, evocation and spellcasting, possession,
170 and the theory of the universe as consisting of multiple planes
and dimensions, explaining their meaning and presenting
definitions in a clear and comprehensible way, which makes
the book easy to follow, especially for someone who doesn’t
know where to start. This makes it an excellent guidebook for
beginners to the path, while those who have already studied
and practiced black magic will find it useful in grounding and
putting their studies and experience into a coherent frame-
work for further research.
The author also overviews the existing religions, pointing
180 out how they limit the freedom of an individual and encour-
age violence and destruction of a human being, providing
examples of their holy scriptures and underlining the
hypocrisy of their doctrines. He strips the religious ideologies
from their absurd dogmas, showing how they work against an
individual’s ascent, reminding the reader that man is the only
god in the universe, and advocating freedom, individuality,
and power. He shows how harmful these philosophies may be
to the development of an individual, pointing out that all that
has been ascribed to black magic is actually an inherent part
190 of the world’s largest religions, while the only “evil” of black
magic is that it encourages self-worship, freedom, and rejec -
tion of authorities, instead of promoting submission, blind
faith and obedience to “laws,” be it religious, political, mili-
tary, or others. Finally, he focuses on Satanism, again starting
from the very basics, overthrowing superstitious ideas con-
cerning its philosophy that are commonly based on fear,

« 362 »

misunderstanding, and the long tradition of indoctrination. If

you’ve ever felt that there is something wrong about the way
you have been told about good and evil, God and Satan, etc.,
this book will help you get to the roots of these concepts. The 200
book also includes the critique of the largest Left Hand Path
organizations, i.e. Church of Satan, Temple of Set, and Order
of Nine Angles, as well as certain trends in the present-day
occultism, such as the anti-cosmic nihilism, raising many sub-
jects that are highly controversial in the modern world and
treading upon the areas of law, politics, religion, sexuality, psy-
chopathy, taboos, suicide, and many others.
In other words, the book is controversial in many ways
and a lot of people will find it disturbing, or even offensive to
their feelings and beliefs. But the Left Hand Path is the way 210
of transgressing personal taboos and transcending individual
limitations, and it is its essence to challenge and question. The
material presented here is food for thought and it will cer-
tainly provoke the reader to think - you may agree with the
points that are made in the text or reject them, but it is highly
unlikely that they won’t get any reaction from you at all. This
is what I personally like about this book - it’s not just another
book laying down the foundations of magic or presenting the
history of spiritual traditions, but it’s a work that provokes
many thoughts and emotions, which in itself is the source of 220
energy behind all evolution on the Left Hand Path.

« 363 »

Goddamn! I just finished a second, in-depth reading of
‘Black Magick: The Left Hand Path’ by Timothy, from Be-
come A Living God. This text is hands down, an unapologetic
throat grabber! The book has an excellent flow, and its con-
tents are chiseled out with a unique stone-cold dynamic that
won’t let you slip by unscathed. Timothy dissects Black Mag-
ick’s raw composition with the twin scalpels of Logical
Analysis, and Grounded Philosophy.
230 In this treatise, Timothy brings you the core definition of
what Black Magick truly is at its base, and further illuminates
the philosophies of the Left Hand Path, unfettered by the fa-
cades of religion, beliefs, misinformation, and disinformation.
He beautifully expounds upon the core principles of Individ-
uality, Freedom, and Power… and how they vigilantly
complement each other in the LHP matrix.
Throughout the entire book Timothy excellently sub-
stantiates his vantage of the Left Hand Path, delivering
beautiful definitions, examples, and rational explanations of
240 Black Magick fundamentals… with a concise delivery, and
without coddling the reader. I sincerely appreciate his ability
to bring a rational outlook, that is intellectually gripping, and
forces the reader to analyze the grounds of what Black Mag-
ick truly comprises, as well as their own understanding, or
misunderstanding, of its foundation. This is an invaluable pre-
requisite for anybody already on, or about to undertake, the
journey of The Left Hand Path. It gives the reader a clean
mirror to trim away the dead weight of illusion in its many
debilitating forms, and shave years off their learning curve.

« 364 »



Proof of first principles:
1. A philosophy consists of first principles.
2. First principles derive practical behavior.
3. Thus, practical behavior that adheres to first princi-
ples is philosophically valid.
Proof of universal integrity:
1. A philosophy consists of first principles.
2. First principles are universal.
3. Universality comprises integrity.
4. First principles derive practical behavior. 10
5. Thus, anyone whose behavior adheres to first princi-
ples universally has ethical integrity.

Proof of astral plane:
1. Tests were blind.
2. Target code was random.

« 365 »

3. Laboratory was controlled.

4. Retrieval was confirmed accurate.
5. Experiment was replicated successfully in multiple
controlled laboratories of other research institutes
20 that study the out of body phenomena.
Proof spellcasting is a form of evocation:
1. Supreme aim of evocation is omnipotence.
2. Omnipotence is ability to manifest anything.
3. Spellcasting is naked act of manifestation.
4. Thus, aim of spellcasting is also omnipotence.
5. Ergo, spellcasting is a form of evocation.
Refutation of claim that consciousness originates in the
1. Biological proof requires medical validation.
30 2. Scientific instrumentation is physical.
3. Consciousness is empirically nonphysical.
4. Thus, consciousness itself evades physical instrumen-
5. Ergo, science cannot prove consciousness originates
in a physical organ.

Proof of virtues of black magick:
1. One must exist to perform magick.
2. One must have freedom to perform magick.
3. One must have power to perform magick.
40 Proof individuality is the first principle:
1. To perform magick, the magician must exist.

« 366 »

2. Individuality is autonomous existence.

3. Thus, individuality is the first virtue of black magick.
Proof freedom is the second principle:
1. To perform magick, the magician cannot be restricted
from doing so.
2. Freedom is the ability to choose how one acts.
3. Hence, freedom is the second virtue of black magick.
Proof power is the third principle of black magick:
1. To perform magick, the magician must have the 50
strength to do so.
2. Power is the strength to act.
3. Ergo, power is the third virtue of black magick.
Proof power enables evolution:
1. Power is the exercise of individual freedom.
2. Freedom is the ability to choose how one acts.
3. Choices create consequences.
4. Learning from consequences enables evolution.
5. Therefore, power equals evolution.
6. Thus, increasing power increases evolution. 60

Proof that all magick is black magick:

1. The prerequisites of magick are individuality, free-
dom, and power.
2. The virtues of black magick are individuality, free-
dom, and power.
3. Thus, the prerequisites of magick are also the virtues
of black magick.
4. Therefore, if one perform magick, they perform black
magick inherently.

« 367 »

70 5. Ergo, all magick is black magick.

Proof black magick causes happiness:
1. Individuality, freedom, and power compose the
virtues of black magick.
2. Sorcerers perform black magick for ascent.
3. Ascent fulfills the Left Hand Path.
4. Personal fulfillment means happiness.
5. Thus, individuality, freedom, and power cause happi-
6. Ergo, black magick causes happiness.
80 Proof the practices of magick are the practices of black
1. Three practices of magick are divination, evocation,
soul travel.
2. Divination, evocation, and soul travel enable the
Three Godlike Powers of omniscience, omnipotence,
and omnipresence.
3. Three Godlike Powers powers constitute Godhood.
4. Thus, the practices of magick enable Godhood.
5. Black magick is the pursuit of Godhood.
90 6. Therefore, black magicians exercise the three practices
of magick.
7. So, the three practices of magick are the practices of
black magick.
Second proof all magick is black magick:
1. The practices of magick are divination, evocation, and
soul travel
2. The practices of black magick are divination, evoca-
tion, and soul travel.

« 368 »

3. Thus, the practices of magick are simultaneously the

practices of black magick. 100
4. Therefore, if one practices magick, they practice black
magick automatically.
5. Ergo, all magick is black magick.
Proof black magick enables Godhood:
1. Practice of black magick consists of divination, evoca-
tion, and soul travel.
2. Black magick manifests the Three Godlike Powers of
omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.
3. Omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence are
the three powers attributed to mythical gods. 110
4. Ergo, black magick theoretically attains Godhood.
Proof adversarialism comprises atheism, anarchism, and
1. Adversarialism opposes coercive authority, and the
initiation of force.
2. Theism enables authoritarian religion.
3. Atheism disbelieves theism.
4. Thus, atheism is adversarial.
5. Statism enables monopolistic authority.
6. Anarchism opposes monopolized authority. 120
7. Therefore, anarchism is adversarial.
8. Psychopaths inflict violence on innocence victims.
9. Empathy opposes violence against innocents.
10. Ergo, atheism, anarchism, and empathy constitute ad-
Proof black magick is true:
1. True knowledge consists of reason and evidence.

« 369 »

2. It stands empirically evident that both a transcendent

plane exists, and that humans can access it naturally.
130 3. Therefore, the supernatural makes up true knowledge.
4. Magick constitutes a function of the supernatural.
5. The axioms of magick equal the virtues of black mag -
6. Thus, magick equates to black magick.
7. Therefore, black magick constitutes a function of the
8. Accordingly, black magick stands empirically evident.
9. Hence, black magick proves epistemologically sound.
10. Ergo, black magick is true.
140 Proof black magick is beautiful:
1. Optimal aesthetic derives maximal happiness.
2. Black magick maximizes principle.
3. Maximizing principle thereby maximizes happiness.
4. Therefore, black magick features optimal aesthetic.
5. Ergo, black magick is beautiful.
Proof black magick has supreme ethics:
1. Supreme ethics foster the ideal life.
2. Ideal life is maximal happiness.
3. Black magick maximizes virtue.
150 4. Maximizing virtue maximizes happiness.
5. Thus, black magick maximizes happiness.
6. Ergo, black magick fosters the ideal life.
7. Therefore, black magick has supreme ethics.
Meta-proof that black magicians are geniuses
1. All magick is black magick.

« 370 »

2. Black magick is epistemologically sound.

3. Black magick contains the optimal aesthetic.
4. Black magick comprises supreme ethics.
5. Ergo, black magick resolves the three fundamental
inquiries of philosophy. 160
6. Philosophical genius is the ability to resolve its three
fundamental questions.
7. Thus, black magicians are geniuses.
Refer to previous proofs to derive the conclusions that consti-
tute this meta-proof.

Proof white magick is a religion:
1. Right Hand Path believes in divinity.
2. Religion believes in divinity.
3. Right Hand Path seeks to commune with divinity.
4. Religion seeks to commune with divinity. 170
5. Therefore, the Right Hand Path is a religion.
Proof white and black magick are a false dichotomy:
1. White magick adheres to faith in divinity.
2. Thus, white magick is a religion.
3. Black magick adheres to secular principle.
4. Therefore, black magick is a philosophy.
5. Religion and philosophy exist in different intellectual
6. Ergo, white and black magick are a false dichotomy.

« 371 »

180 Proof it is impossible for a deity to create existence:

1. A creator deity must preexist in a primordial locale to
be able to manifest existence.
2. The matter and physics of creation are different from
the matter and physics of primordialism.
3. Thus, it is impossible for scientific instrumentation
native to creation to measure primordial preexistence.
4. Ergo, it is impossible to prove a primordial deity ex-
Refutation of a deity that created existence:
190 1. A deity must preexist to create existence.
2. If a deity preexisted the creation of existence, then
existence preceded the creation of existence.
3. Hence, it is impossible for a preexistent deity to cre-
ate the precedence of existence.
Refutation of eternity:
1. Eternity is infinite time.
2. A scientist must verify infinite time to prove it exists.
3. Infinite time requires infinite time to measure.
4. Therefore, the measurement of eternity never ends.
200 5. Thus, eternity is impossible to prove.
Refutation of a latent divine self:
1. Divinity is perfect by definition.
2. White magicians believe humans possess divinity.
3. Thus, white magicians believe humans are divine.
4. Ergo, humans are perfect by definition.
5. White magicians believe humans have latency in the
realization of their divinity.
6. Only an imperfect being would have latency.

« 372 »

7. A human cannot be both perfect and imperfect at the

same time. 210

Proof that white magick is immoral:

1. Genuine morality consists of voluntary adherence to
logical principles.
2. Sacred morality is divine law and accompanying
threat of punishment.
3. Thus, sacred morality is not voluntary.
4. Therefore, sacred morality is coercion, not morality.
5. Coercion is immoral because it violates freedom.
6. White magick adheres to sacred morality.
7. Ergo, white magick is immoral. 220

Refutation of selflessness in white magick:

1. Why are white magicians selfless?
2. Sacred morality demands it.
3. Why obey sacred morality?
4. To avoid divine punishment.
5. Thus, selflessness is actually self-preservation.
6. Ergo, it is not selfless.
Second refutation of selflessness in white magick:
1. Why undertake selflessness?
2. To experience personal growth. 230
3. Ambition for growth is a form of self-interest.
Proof white magick is masochism:
1. White magicians invented forms of superstitious self-
punishment, e.g. karma, threefold rule, etc.
2. Masochism seeks self-punishment.
3. Therefore, white magick is masochistic.

« 373 »

Proof all magick is evil in the religion of white magick:

1. Existence is divine.
2. Therefore, existence is perfect.
240 3. Magick alters existence.
4. Ergo, magick destroys perfection.
5. Thus, magick aggresses against the divine.
6. Aggression against the divine is evil.
7. Therefore, magick is evil.
Proof the term, white magick, is an oxymoron:
1. White signifies divinity.
2. Existence is divine and therefore flawless.
3. Magick alters existence.
4. Thus, magick disrupts the perfection of divine order.
250 5. Ergo, magick is the opposite of divinity.
6. In conclusion, white magick is an oxymoron.
Comprehensive proof that white magick is mysticism:
1. Mysticism believes divinity exists.
2. White magick believes divinity exists.
3. Therefore, both mysticism and white magick share at
least one central tenet.
4. Mysticism believes in divine retribution.
5. White magick believes in divine retribution.
6. Hence, both mysticism and white magick share at
260 least two central tenets.
7. Mysticism believes in divine law of selflessness.
8. White magick believes in divine law of selflessness.
9. Thus, both mysticism and white magick share at least
three central tenets.
10. Mysticism strives to emulate divinity.

« 374 »

11. White magick strives to emulate divinity.

12. Ergo, mysticism and white magick share at least four
central tenets.
13. These four beliefs comprise mysticism.
14. These four beliefs comprise white magick. 270
15. In conclusion, white magick is mysticism.
Meta-proof of white magick:
1. White magick is a religion.
2. White magick is not a rational philosophy.
3. White magick is a form of mysticism.
4. White magick is evil because it corrupts the perfec-
tion of divine order.
5. Selflessness does not exist.
6. Ultimately, white magick is a self-interested mystical
religion that morally prohibits actual magick, but 280
falsely claims to be a selfless philosophy of magick.
Refer to previous proofs to derive the conclusions that consti-
tute this meta-proof.

Proof black magicians are atheists:
1. The concept of god is empirically unfalsifiable.
2. Therefore, god is purely hypothetical.
3. Belief in hypothesis in absence of proof is irrational.
4. Black magick adheres to rationalism.
5. Thus, black magick disbelieves the concept of god.
6. In conclusion, black magicians are atheists. 290

« 375 »

Proof that black magicians are antitheists:

1. First virtue of black magick is individuality.
2. Individuality is self-existence.
3. Theistic terrorism threatens self-existence.
4. Therefore, black magicians are antitheists.
Proof black magicians are not neopagans:
1. Paganism means non-proto-Judaic polytheism.
2. Polytheism signifies worship of many gods.
3. Black magicians do not worship or believe in a god.
300 4. Ergo, black magicians are profane atheists.
5. Hence, black magicians are not polytheists.
6. Therefore, black magicians are not pagans.
Proof that religious gods are egregores:
1. Religious dogma is supposedly perfect divine truth.
2. Thus, followers of each religion insist their dogma is
true, and all others are false.
3. Dogmas of religions contradict one another.
4. Ergo, religions falsify one another.
5. Hence, religions cannot be perfect divine truth.
310 6. Alas, religions are manmade.
7. Therefore, the gods of religions are manmade.
8. Manmade spirits are called egregores.
9. Ipso facto, religious gods are egregores.
Proof of dogmatic belief system of a militant zealot:
1. God exists.
2. God created religion.
3. Religion commands obedience to god.
4. Obedience to god is supreme goodness.

« 376 »

5. Thus, opposition to god is supreme evil.

6. Supreme evil is a capital offense. 320
7. Capital offense receives death penalty.
8. Hence, death penalty is morally good.
9. Therefore, murder every offender.

Proof statism is the true weapon of mass destruction:
1. Weapons of mass destruction inflict large-scale death
and injury.
2. States manufacture weapons of mass destruction.
3. Therefore, states inflict large-scale devastation.
4. Thus, statism is the true weapon of mass destruction.
Proof that statism is evil: 330

1. Statism is initiation of force.

2. The initiation of force violates freedom.
3. Freedom is second virtue of black magick.
4. Therefore, force violates ethic of black magick.
5. Thus, statism violates ethic of black magick.
6. Ergo, statism is evil.
Proof that black magicians are anarchists:
1. The state initiates force.
2. Initiation of force violates freedom.
3. Therefore, black magick opposes initiation of force. 340
4. Thus, the Left Hand Path opposes the state.
5. Ergo, black magicians are anarchists.

« 377 »

Proof of universal anarchism:

1. The second virtue of black magick is freedom.
2. Force opposes freedom.
3. Statism imposes force.
4. Therefore, black magick repudiates statism.
5. The philosophy inimical to statism is anarchism.
6. Ergo, black magicians are anarchists.
350 7. First principles are universal.
8. Principle conclusion is anarchism.
9. Thus, black magicians are universally anarchists.
Proof militarism is evil:
1. Second principle of black magick is freedom.
2. Violation of ethics is evil.
3. Military invasion is violent aggression.
4. Violent aggression opposes ethic of freedom.
5. Therefore invasion is evil.
6. Militaries commit invasion.
360 7. Thus, militaries are evil.
Proof anarchism is peace:
1. States raise militaries.
2. Militaries fight wars.
3. Thus, disbanding militaries ends war.
4. Dissolution of statism disbands militaries.
5. Ergo, rejection of statism is the end of war.
6. End of war is commencement of peace.
7. Therefore, rejection of statism is peace.
8. Repudiation of statism is anarchism
370 9. Thus, anarchism is peace.

« 378 »

Proof schools indoctrinate children:

1. States regulate the school system.
2. Children are required to attend state-approved
3. Pro-government literature is called propaganda.
4. Schools administer pro-government literature.
5. Therefore, schools administer propaganda.
6. Indoctrination is the forced study of propaganda.
7. Thus, children are indoctrinated into statism.
Proof the school system is social engineering: 380

1. Children are the future of society.

2. Children are indoctrinated into statism.
3. Therefore, statism is the future of society.
Proof taxation is systemic extortion:
1. Extortion is the use of force to obtain money.
2. Force is use of violence and threats to coerce a victim
to act.
3. Statists employ force.
4. Taxation is the state using force to obtain money.
5. Therefore, taxation is extortion. 390

Proof humans are slaves of the state:

1. Slavery is possession of a person.
2. Thus, slaves are human property.
3. An owner controls movement of property.
4. A state can refuse the free travel of a human and re-
ject the renunciation of citizenship.
5. Ergo, the state controls movement of the human.
6. Hence, the human is property of the state.

« 379 »

7. Therefore, humans are slaves of the state.

400 Proof prohibition is enslavement:
1. Slavery is ownership of people.
2. Prohibition is coercion against individuals who pos-
sess a good or participate in a service.
3. An owner controls choices related to property.
4. Statists impose prohibition on individuals.
5. Thus, statists control choices of individuals.
6. Alas, prohibition is enslavement.
Meta-proof that statism is slavery:
1. Militarism is violence.
410 2. Police is abuse.
3. School is indoctrination.
4. Taxation is extortion.
5. Borders are imprisonment.
6. Prohibition is enslavement.
7. Statism comprises militarism, police, school, taxation,
borders, and prohibition.
8. Hence, statism is slavery.
Refer to previous proofs to derive the conclusions that consti-
tute this meta-proof.
420 Proof statist laws are a myth:
1. Law means inviolable limit of physical existence.
2. Statist laws are breakable.
3. Therefore statist laws are not genuine laws.
4. Thus, statist laws do not actually exist.
5. Myth is belief of that which does not exist.
6. Ergo, statist law is a myth.

« 380 »

Proof statist legal system is coercion:

1. Threat is the declaration to impose force in retribu-
tion for a specific act.
2. Statists enumerate myriad acts and assign arbitrary 430
punishments to each.
3. Therefore, statists issue threats.
4. Coercion is utilization of violence and threats for hu-
man submission.
5. Thus, statist legal system is coercion.
Proof the state is a monopoly:
1. State legislates, enforces, and judges its own law.
2. State rules on legal disputes that involve itself.
3. Thus, state is the single authority of power.
4. Monopoly is a single authority of power. 440
5. Thus, the state is a monopoly.

Refutation of demonic hierarchy by St. Thomas Aquinas:
1. Good and evil possess opposite attributes.
2. Goodness has order innately.
3. Thus, evil has disorder innately.
4. Angels personify goodness.
5. As such, angels organize into orderly hierarchies.
6. Demons personify evil.
7. Ergo, demons disorganize into disorderly chaos.
8. Therefore, demons oppose hierarchy naturally. 450

Proof Church of Satan is not part of Left Hand Path:

1. Left Hand Path is the ideology of black magick.

« 381 »

2. Magick consists of causing astral forces to effect

physical phenomena, thus magick is supernatural.
3. Church of Satan rejects the supernatural.
4. Thus, Church of Satan denies magick itself.
5. Ergo, Church of Satan is not part of the Left Hand
Path of black magick.
Proof the Nine Satanic Statements are invalid:
460 1. Invalid logic contains fallacy.
2. Every one of the Nine Satanic Statements contains
the fallacy of false dichotomy.
3. Thus, the Nine Satanic Statements are invalid.
Proof the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are invalid:
1. Valid logic comprises consistent reasoning, empirical
evidence, freedom of fallacy, and clear definitions of
2. Every rule contains either a fallacy, redundancy, va-
guery, opinion, or contradiction of conclusions.
470 3. Thus, the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are in-
Proof Church of Satan is anti-satanic:
1. Adversarialists revolt against involuntary authority.
2. Church of Satan sympathizes with totalitarianism.
3. Totalitarianism imposes extreme authority.
4. Thus, Church of Satan violates adversarialism.
5. Alas, Church of Satan is anti-satanic.
Proof the Temple of Set fails the Left Hand Path:
1. Left Hand Path is the philosophy of magick.

« 382 »

2. Magick refers to the act of causing astral forces to ef - 480

fect physical phenomena.
3. Temple of Set espouses stage magic and psychodrama
4. Thus, Temple of Set does not black magick.
5. Ergo, Temple of Set is not part of Left Hand Path.
Proof Order of Nine Angles is anti-satanic:
1. The Order calls for a pagan Nazi dictatorship.
2. A dictatorship epitomizes authoritarianism.
3. Satanism is explicitly antiauthoritarian.
4. Ergo, the Order is anti-satanic.
Proof the Order of Nine Angles is psychopathic: 490

1. Psychopathy is a mental condition whereby one ex-

hibits ruthless aggression toward people.
2. Totalitarianism exercises ruthless aggression.
3. Thus, totalitarianism is psychopathic.
4. Order of Nine Angles is totalitarian.
5. Therefore, Order of Nine Angles is psychopathic.
Proof Satanism is not a religion:
1. Satanism is adversarial.
2. Thus, Satanists are atheistic.
3. Atheists do not believe in a deity or deities. 500
4. A religion is a set of beliefs in deity or deities.
5. Therefore, Satanism is not a religion.

Proof psychopathy violates the Left Hand Path:
1. Psychopaths exhibit ruthless aggression.
2. Aggression is force.

« 383 »

3. Force transgresses the principle of freedom.

4. Therefore, psychopathy violates Left Hand Path.
Proof predatory vampires are not black magicians:
1. Predatory vampirism victimizes innocent people.
510 2. Victimization violates principle of freedom.
3. Therefore, parasitism is psychopathy not black mag-
4. Vampirism depends on victimization of others.
5. Unnecessary dependency is a weakness.
6. Weakness infringes on principle of power.
7. Thus, predatory vampirism is not black magick, again.

Proof the loss of integrity merits honor suicide:
1. Black magick consists of philosophical virtues.
2. Integrity is adherence to principle.
520 3. Sorcerers are obligated to avoid loss of integrity.
4. Thus, if a devout black magician is fated to lose in -
tegrity under inescapable life circumstances, they are
duty-bound to commit honor suicide.
Proof that life deprived of integrity is meaningless:
1. Black magick consists of philosophical virtues.
2. Fulfillment of principles creates happiness.
3. Integrity is fulfillment of principles.
4. Therefore, integrity is happiness.
5. Loss of integrity is loss of happiness.
530 6. Loss of happiness is despair.
7. Despair is hopelessness.

« 384 »

8. Hopelessness is meaninglessness.
9. Ergo, a life deprived of integrity is meaningless.
Proof black magick is anti-forced equality:
1. Foremost principle of black magick is individuality.
2. Forced equivalency castrates individuality.
3. Thus, equality is inimical to the Left Hand Path.
Proof black magicians are egalitarian:
1. Black magick consists of first principles.
2. First principles are universal. 540
3. Universality opposes discrimination.
4. Egalitarianism is social universality.
5. Therefore, black magick is egalitarian.
Proof black magick allows voluntary charity:
1. First principle of black magick is individuality.
2. Charity is an optional, individual preference.
3. Thus, black magick allows voluntary charity.
Proof consensual sex adheres to black magick:
1. Voluntary consent fulfills principle of freedom.
2. Sex is an individual preference. 550
3. Thus, consensual sex adheres to Left Hand Path.

Proof consensual BDSM is valid to Left Hand Path:
1. Consensual BDSM fulfills principle of freedom.
2. BDSM is an individual preference.
3. Therefore, BDSM is philosophically acceptable.
Proof abstinence is valid:
1. Voluntary abstinence fulfills freedom principle.

« 385 »

2. Celibacy is an individual preference.

3. Thus, abstinence is valid.
560 Proof black magick is asexual:
1. Both sex and abstinence are individual preferences.
2. Thus, any mandate for sex or abstinence would violate
3. Therefore, black magick permits universal individual
preference in regards to sexuality.
4. Asexuality is apathy toward sexuality.
5. Ergo, the Left Hand Path is asexual.
Proof black magick is anti-heroism:
1. Individual autonomy and power are two principles of
570 black magick.
2. Hero culture ingrains the duality of desperation and
3. Desperation violates autonomy and power.
4. Thus, hero culture is antithetical to black magick.
Proof black magick has no canon fashion:
1. Individuality is first principle of black magick.
2. Mandated fashion violates individuality.
3. Hence, Left Hand Path has no uniform fashion.
Proof black magick is anti-occult:
580 1. Adversarialism is an ethic of black magick.
2. Adversarialism means antiauthoritarianism.
3. Authoritarianism refers to hierarchical power.
4. Occultism is the religious tradition of hierarchical
5. A hierarchical priesthood is authoritarian.

« 386 »

6. Thus, occultism is authoritarian.

7. Ergo, adversarialism opposes occultism.
8. Alas, black magick is anti-occultism.
Refutation of hypothesis that existence is slavery:
1. Slavery requires two separate entities, whereby one 590
restrains the other against its will.
2. Thus, an entity cannot enslave itself.
3. Humans exist.
4. Hence, humans make up part of existence.
5. Ergo, humanity and existence are the same entity.
6. Therefore, existence cannot enslave humanity, because
a thing cannot enslave itself.
Refutation of hypothesis that non-existence is freedom:
1. Freedom refers to the condition whereby nothing re-
strains an entity against its will. 600
2. Thus, an entity needs to exist to possess freedom.
3. Ergo, non-existence cannot be freedom.
Proof black magicians are not hedonists:
1. Hedonism is the pursuit of maximal pleasure for its
own sake.
2. Pleasure derives from physical titillation.
3. Left Hand Path is the pursuit of maximal happiness
for the sake of Ascent.
4. Happiness derives from fulfillment of virtue.
5. Physical stimulation and fulfillment of virtue are dif- 610
6. Therefore, pleasure and happiness differ.
7. Ergo, black magicians are not hedonists.

« 387 »

Refutation of gray magick:

1. Valid principles require consistency.
2. Gray magick cherry picks between the principles of
black magick or white magick depending on circum-
3. Thus, gray magick demonstrates inconsistency.
620 4. Ergo, gray magick is invalid in principle.
Proof it is theoretically possible to contact aliens with
1. The human race exist.
2. Ergo, the physical plane can provably birth intelligent
3. Hence, it is theoretically possible that the physical
plane can birth a second lifeform, or alien race.
4. The human race can perform magick.
5. Thus, the physical plane can provably birth intelligent
630 lifeforms that can perform magick.
6. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that the physical
plane can birth an alien race that can perform mag-
7. If two species can perform magick, then it is theoreti-
cally possible that they can correspond with each
other through those means.

« 388 »



These definitions originate from the author, and will not
match a conventional dictionary.
Self-defense against social, religious, and political tyranny;
antiauthoritarianism; second ethic of black magick; principle
ethic of Satanism
Inquiry into the principles of beauty, and optimal design
Condition of autonomy; willingness to adapt conduct and
ideas in relation to consequences; act of self-ownership
Epistemological conclusion that one cannot prove a god ex-
ists; implicit atheism
Society without a state, or rulers; ideology of voluntarism

« 389 »

Affirmative opposition to statism and rulers
Opposition to social uniformity; position that individuals are
unique physically and mentally, and thus distinction is a
Affirmative opposition to the concept of divinity
Affirmative opposition to the claim that one can know god
Opposition to the duality of victimhood and salvation; posi-
tion that autonomy is a virtue
Affirmative opposition to religion, its beliefs and traditions
Self-defense against the tyranny of statism and theism
Opposition to theism and religious tyranny
Opposition to tribal uniformity; position that individuality is
a virtue
Apex Predator
Species at the pinnacle of the food chain; human race
Attainment of Godhood; first ethic of black magick
Preference for solitude, instead of socialization

« 390 »

Astral Atheism
Position that the astral plane exists, but goes does not
Astral Plane
Transcendent plane accessible to all humans naturally; source
of supernatural phenomena
Astral Projection
Act of accessing the astral plane
Astral Travel
Act of moving on the astral plane
Disbelief in god; three degrees of atheism exist: hard atheism,
soft atheism, and agnosticism
Self-evident empirical truth
Baneful Magick
Act of directing astral energy to inflict harm on a person or
destroy property; cursing; execration magick
Condition of optimal design; fulfillment of aesthetic inquiry
Black Magick
Act of directing astral energy to change the physical plane;
philosophy that comprises (1) the virtues of individuality,
freedom, and power, (2) ethics of ascent and adversarialism,
(3) practice of the Three Godlike Powers
Artificial cartographical lines across natural geography that
distinguish monopolistic states
Condition of disorder

« 391 »

Utilization of violence and threats to force compliance
Opposition to the popular ethos and conventions of a society
Branch of metaphysics in philosophy; inquiry into the design
and functionality of existence
Death by government
Study of demons
Reception of knowledge from the astral plane; practice of
black magick
Hypothetical perfect entity or substance
Universal adherence to principle regardless of social demo-
Act of manifestation, typically with aide of a spirit; one prac -
tice of black magick
Astral entity birthed through religious worship or magick
Astral matter

« 392 »

Branch of philosophy that inquiries into the nature of truth
and knowledge
Position that humans are equivalent naturally
Branch of philosophy; inquiry into goodness
Act of optimizing conduct and ideas in relation to their con-
sequences; adaptation
Hatred; act of cursing; baneful magick; damnation
Utilization of force to obtain money from a victim; taxation
Universal devotion to principle; pure integrity
Error in reasoning
First Principles
Universal principle that constitutes the logic of a philosophy;
virtue that enables ethical conduct
Utilization of violence and threats to coerce compliance
Ability to choose how to think and act
Free spirit
Individual who determines their own virtues

« 393 »

Fulfillment of the three supreme inquiries of philosophy—
epistemology, aesthetics, and ethics; black magick
Mass murder because of ethnicity, or demographic
Position that the existence of god, or divinity, is knowable; re-
ligious pursuit of oneness with, or knowledge of, the divine
Attainment of Three Godlike Powers: omniscience, omnipo-
tence, and omnipresence
Fulfillment of the inquiry into ethics
Gray Magick
Logically invalid, inconsistent ideology that abides by the
contradictory principles of Black Magick and White Magick
depending on circumstance; Middle Path
Hard Atheism
Position that one explicitly does not belief in a god, and posi-
tively denies the possibility of such an entity; degree of
atheism; also called positive atheism and strong atheism
Fulfillment of the three virtues of black magick—individual-
ity, freedom, and power
Free thought that contradicts official religious or political
Ideas that differ from the orthodox norm.

« 394 »

Heterodox Satanism
Adversarial current grounded in the ancient philosophy of
heretical atheism and anarchism, as opposed to orthodox sa-
Condition of self-regulation in accord with the principles of
black magick; channeling power to strengthen individuality
and freedom
Honor Suicide
Self-inflicted death due to loss of integrity
Human Rights
Demand for charity at the expense of others; entitlement
Autonomous existence; empirical axiom of nature
Forced study of propaganda; statist school system
Inherent functionality
Measure of adherence to principle
Ability to discern truth or virtue innately
Condition of antireligiousness or unreligiousness; profanity;
Theory of retribution for the violation of divine morality;
tenet of white magick and mysticism

« 395 »

Physical limits of existence; violent threats of statists
Left Hand Path
Philosophy of black magick; devotion to principles of individ-
uality, freedom, and power, as well as dual ethics of ascent and
adversarialism, in pursuit of the ideal of godhood
Consistent reasoning that is free of fallacy and congruent
with evidence; rule set for validating an argument
One who causes astral forces to effect physical phenomena
Act of causing astral forces to effect physical phenomena
Mass murder of unarmed people
Materialist Atheism
Position that only the physical plane exists, but god and the
supernatural do not
Merciful Suicide
Self-inflicted death to avoid suffering a terminal illness
Branch of philosophy that inquires into nature of existence
Support for international statist violence, occupation, and im-
Sole dictator of policy in society that utilizes coercive power;
also known as the state, or government

« 396 »

First principle that determines ethical conduct
Set of beliefs in divinity, sacred morality, and karma; white
Revivalist movement that seeks to resurrect the worship of
deities from dead religions.
Ability to do anything; comprehensive power
Ability to be anywhere; comprehensive presence
Ability to know anything; comprehensive knowledge
Ideas that adhere to the norm.
Orthodox Satanism
Adversarial current that derives from the satan figure of tradi-
tional Middle Eastern faiths, as opposed to heterodox
Out of Body Experience
Act of accessing the astral plane; astral projection
Classical polytheism; religion of an unbeliever, or heathen, in
Christian lexicon
System of rituals in the context of a mythology or religion

« 397 »

Condition of social harmony, free trade, and rational dispute
resolution; anarchic society
Inquiry into the nature of existence and knowledge itself
Ability to act; work divided by time; strength
Axiomatic standard that derives ethics
Condition of antireligiousness or antidivinity
Threat of violence against anyone who voluntarily possesses a
good, or participates in a service, which the state arbitrarily
Mental condition whereby a person ruthlessly victimizes in -
nocent people; violence and aggression
Real Magick
Act of directing astral energy to change physical plane; super-
natural magick; metaphysical magick; black magick
Real Satanism
Praxeology of black magick under patronage of satanic entity
Argumentation that adheres to the rules of logic
Ideology of belief in a deity or deities

« 398 »

Ritual Suicide
Act of self-inflicted death to preserve honor; seppuku
Right Hand Path
Mystical religion of white magick
Anything sacred in a religion, and therefore immoral to cor -
rupt or destroy
Principle of adversarialism, or antiauthoritarianism; second
ethic of black magick
Act of receiving knowledge from the astral plane; form of
Secular Magic
Act of theater for psychodramatic entertainment
Secular Satanism
Atheism; therapeutic ceremony
Condition whereby a species preys on itself; statism; theism
Ownership of humans
Social Engineering
Indoctrination of humans
Soft Atheism
Position that one explicitly does not belief in a god, but does
not deny the possibility of such an entity; degree of atheism;
also called negative atheism and weak atheism

« 399 »

Soul Travel
Act of accessing any transcendent plane of existence; practice
of black magick
Act of directing astral energy to change the physical plane;
form of pure evocation; magick
Astral entities; egregores
Monopoly of power that utilizes force to rule society
Ideology that supports a monopoly of power that utilizes
force to rule society; slavery; self-predation
Stockholm Syndrome
Condition whereby a victim is grateful to their abuser
Supernatural Atheism
Position that the supernatural exists, but god does not; neolo-
gism coined by the author
Supernatural Empiricism
Inquiry into the objective, measurable, experiential nature of
the supernatural, in particular via the astral plane
Utilization of threats and violence to obtain money; extortion
Acts of political and religious violence
Declaration to impose force in retribution for a specific act

« 400 »

Three Godlike Powers

Divination, evocation, and soul travel—omniscience, omnipo-
tence, and omnipresence; three basic forms of magick;
practices of black magick
Knowledge that derives from reason and evidence
Act of stealing energy from a victim
Principle that derives the ethics of a philosophy
Weapon of Mass Destruction
Weapon that causes indiscriminate destruction on a massive
White Magick
Mystical religion; Right Hand Path
Practice of spellcasting

« 401 »



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« 410 »

Now I go alone, my disciples! You too go away now and

So I will it!
Go away from me and protect yourselves against
Zarathustra! And better yet: be ashamed of him! Perhaps
he has deceived you.
The man of knowledge must not only love his enemies, he
must also be able to hate his friends.
One repays a tender teacher badly if one always remains a
And why do you refuse to pluck at my wreath?
You revere me: but what if one day your reverence comes
tumbling down? Beware lest a statue slay you!
You say you believe in Zarathustra? But what does
Zarathustra matter?
You are my believers: but what do all believers matter?
You had not yet sought yourselves: then you found me.
Thus do all believers; therefore all belief means so little.
Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when
you have all denied me will I return to you...
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

« 411 »

Seal of Black Magick

« 412 »

« 413 »

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