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3/17/2020 All’italiana - Should other countries copy Italy’s nationwide lockdown?

| International | The Economist


International Mar 12th 2020 edition


Should other countries copy Italy’s nationwide

The government’s response to covid-19 is unprecedented in modern-day Europe

Mar 12th 2020


G iovambattista presti, a psychologist at the Kore University of Enna in

Sicily, is an adviser to the Policlinico, Milan’s oldest hospital, which is at
the centre of Italy’s covid-19 epidemic. Of great concern now, says Mr Presti, is
sta burnout. He is particularly worried about post-traumatic stress disorder
among some medics. If hospitals reach the point at which they no longer have
the capacity to treat every patient, some of them “will be forced to decide who 1/10
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should go into intensive care and who should be left to die”.

Similar accounts are emerging elsewhere. Daniele Macchini is a doctor at the

Humanitas Gavazzeni hospital in nearby Bergamo. It has been overwhelmed by

covid-19 patients. “Cases are multiplying. We are getting 15-20 admissions a

day,” he wrote on Facebook. “The results of the swabs come in one after another:
positive, positive, positive. All of a sudden, accident and emergency is
collapsing.” Nurses, he added, have been reduced to tears “because we cannot
save everyone”.

These reports are coming out of Lombardy, a wealthy region whose health
service is judged to be among the best in a country that last year came second in
Europe in a health-care e ciency ranking by Bloomberg. On March 10th
Antonio Pesenti, the intensive-care co-ordinator for Lombardy’s crisis unit, told
journalists that the region’s health system was “one step from collapse”.

Italy’s epidemic, which is still concentrated in Lombardy, spread rapidly. On

February 25th the country’s health authorities had detected 322 cases of covid-
19. Two weeks later that number had passed 10,000. Deaths have risen even
more steeply as the virus, which is disproportionally lethal to the elderly, has
attacked Europe’s oldest population. By March 11th, more than 800 of those
infected had died.

The crisis in Italy is sending shivers down spines in Europe and America. In
many countries the number of cases being detected is rising on a trajectory that
will soon bring them to the point at which Italy currently nds itself (see chart).
Governments elsewhere are watching to see whether Italy’s e orts slow its
epidemic, spreading infections out over time and giving its hospitals some
breathing room. 2/10
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On March 8th the Italian government imposed nationwide curbs on large

gatherings. Big weddings and funerals were banned; museums, cinemas and
theatres were closed. Nationwide travel restrictions followed a day later. Italians
are not allowed to leave—or travel within—the cities and towns where they live,
except for work or emergencies. Restaurants, bars and all shops except
foodstores and pharmacies were told to close entirely from March 12th. Europe
has not seen controls on this scale since the second world war.

Other European countries have, for the moment, opted for less restrictive
measures. Like Italy, several countries including France, Spain and Greece have
closed schools and universities. Some have banned big public gatherings. In
America variations on these themes are being imposed at county or state level. A
growing number of universities, including Harvard and Princeton, are switching
to remote teaching or simply sending their students home. But if these
limitations fail to slow rapidly and substantially the rate at which infections are
increasing, Italy may become a role model.

Italy’s national lockdown was prompted by its apparent success using

comparable measures on a regional level. The government tested similar
restrictions in two “red zones” around a handful of small towns in the northern
part of the country where, in late February, it found its rst big clusters of covid-
19 cases. On March 8th Silvio Brusaferro, the president of Italy’s national public
health institute, said the number of new infections in both areas was falling. 3/10
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But that is no guarantee the national quarantine will lead to similar results. The
e cacy of the shutdown depends on two things: the extent to which people
comply with the rules; and the length of time the rules can be left in place, given
their vast social and economic costs. For those watching Italy, the crucial
question is whether they need to go to similar lengths, or whether a more
modest set of restrictions will slow the epidemic.

Italy is following the example set by China, which got a raging covid-19
epidemic in Hubei province under control and prevented outbreaks elsewhere
by imposing stringent mass quarantines. Millions have been mostly stuck
inside for weeks. In some cities, such as Wuhan, where the outbreak began,
people have been prevented from leaving their homes for more than a month.
The lockdown has been strictly enforced by neighbourhood committees and
building managers, though restrictions are now being loosened as China’s new
cases have dwindled. In Italy, by contrast, the implementation of the travel
restrictions depends on the public’s co-operation. Authorities and doctors are
imploring people to stay at home. But at checkpoints drivers need only show a
self-certi ed form stating their reasons for travelling.

So far Italians seem to be adhering to the new rules There have been exceptions4/10
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So far Italians seem to be adhering to the new rules. There have been exceptions.
A hospital porter who tested positive for the virus and should have been in self-
quarantine was found shopping in a supermarket at Sciacca in Sicily. He risks

being charged with spreading an epidemic, which carries a maximum penalty of

12 years in jail. People were still gathering in bars and clubs—in at least one case,
to watch a football match—before the strictest measures came into e ect. But in
Caserta near Naples, where a handful of infractions were reported on the rst
full day of police checks, a senior o cer said: “Members of the public are
starting to be aware that it’s in the interests of their health to keep their
movements to a minimum.”

The extent to which people continue to comply with demands that they keep
their distance from friends, colleagues and the general public depends in large
part on how long they are required to do so. Social-distancing measures work
best when they are put in place early, before an epidemic takes o , says Elias
Mossialos from the London School of Economics. In China cities that imposed
restrictions on mass gatherings and transport before identifying their rst
covid-19 case had fewer infections in the rst week after that milestone than
places that acted later.

In Britain, however, the government is worried about introducing such

restrictions too soon. The country, which is at an earlier stage of its covid-19
outbreak than many others, has not yet banned mass gatherings, nor has it
closed schools or instructed people to work from home. The scientists advising
the government are concerned that if such measures come now, compliance
fatigue may set in just as the epidemic is taking o . But tougher restrictions are
almost certainly on the way. Sometime in the next two weeks everyone with
symptoms of a cold will be asked to stay at home for seven days because at that
point many such cases will be assumed to be covid-19 infections.

The experience of South Korea, which has seen one of the largest outbreaks of
covid-19, suggests that scientists in Britain may be right to worry. Outside the
city of Daegu, where most of the country’s covid-19 cases have been identi ed,
the government has not introduced any mandatory restrictions—hoping instead
that people will voluntarily follow advice to stay at home and to take
precautions during gatherings that they cannot avoid. In Gyeonggi province,
which surrounds Seoul, mourners at funerals have been told to co-operate with
temperature checks before writing their names in visitors’ books. They have also
been ordered to minimise contact and conversation with others in attendance 5/10
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been ordered to minimise contact and conversation with others in attendance
(including relatives of the deceased). Across the country guests attending
weddings must wear masks—as must the happy couples, prompting many to
postpone their nuptials.

Restaurants and bars in Seoul were noticeably quieter for a few days during the
peak of the government’s o cial social-distancing campaign, which began in
the capital on March 2nd. But that has changed in recent days. Seoul’s popular
nightspots are once again seeing long queues forming. Trains are lling up and
people are getting laxer about wearing masks. The shift is probably the result of
o cials saying that, based on a steep fall in new cases in recent days, they hope
that the country has passed the peak of its epidemic.

But on March 11th a new cluster of infections was discovered in a call centre in
an o ce building in Seoul that sits next to one of the city’s busiest subway
interchanges. The outbreak may prompt people to stay at home once again. And
the government may start enforcing its rules more strictly if the voluntary
approach proves inadequate. On March 11th Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul,
said that he may consider forcing call centres to shut down if they do not follow
recommendations to keep their employees at a distance from each other.

As countries employ varying intensities of measures to battle their covid-19

epidemics, it should become clearer which work best—and whether the most
drastic are the most e ective. Gabriel Leung, an epidemiologist from Hong Kong
University who was part of a World Health Organisation team that examined 6/10
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University who was part of a World Health Organisation team that examined
China’s e orts to contain its epidemic, says nobody knows yet what

combination of controls works best against covid-19. “Do you need to do

everything that the Chinese have done to control it?” he says, or is it enough to
copy only certain elements. “That”, says Mr Leung, “is really the big question.” 7

Dig deeper:

For more coverage of covid-19 see our coronavirus hub

The science of the virus
Fatality rates for covid-19 could vary enormously
How to deal with a new sort of nancial shock

This article appeared in the International section of the print edition under the headline "All’italiana"

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