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Steinbrenner Family West Tampa Boys & Girls Club

May 12, 2011


1. Welcome Members & Guests…………….……………...…..Lynn Dumais, Chairman

a. Jim Gumpert, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
b. Duane Hinshaw, SE Regional VP of BGCA

2. Planned Giving Presentation……………………………………………..Jim Gumpert

3. Consent Items
a. January 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)
b. April, 2011 Financial Report (Attachment 2)

4. Strategy Teams...........................................................................................Lynn Dumais

5. Development Report…………….……………………….…………...Lisa Richardson

6. Benchmarking............………………………..………….……………….Lynn Dumais
Duane Hinshaw

7. President’s Report….……………………...………………….....…Brad Baumgardner

8. Announcements

9. Adjourn




JANUARY 13, 2011

Members Present:
Keith Bricklemyer, Anne Carney, Jim Dean, Lynn Dumais, Joe Garcia, Stanley Gray, Phil
Malcolm, Karen Mincey, Don Smith, Jennifer Swindal, Andrea White, Terrence Williams.

Others Present:
David Armstrong, Brad Baumgardner, Brenda Browning, Bobbi Davis, Ricky Gallon,
Chris Harrell, Shelton Jones, Chris Letsos, Shervin Rassa, Lisa Richardson, Tina Walker.

Board Chair, Lynn Dumais called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. and introduced
Bobbi Davis with the Children’s Board and new board member, Jim Dean with Busch

Consent Items:
Minutes of the November 11, 2010 meeting and the December 2010 Financial Report
were provided to the members for their review prior to the meeting. Motion to approve
the minutes and financial report by Stanley Gray, second by Joe Garcia, motion carried.

Guest Speaker:
Bobbi Davis with the Children’s Board gave an update on the Children’s Board and
County Parks and Recreation’s cut backs. The County, Children’s Board and Head Start
held a round table and have recommended that Hillsborough County no long be a
provider in after school programs so the County Parks and Recreations will get out of the
business of child care.

Bobbi mentioned that the Florida Tax Watch helped the Boys & Girls Clubs to clearly
show the impact BGC has. She also stated the importance of our data and that they really
value that information.

Development Report:
Lisa Richardson reported on the final numbers for 2010. Development brought in a little
over $1.6M. We were 35% over our goal and Steak Dinner was ahead of budget by 14%.
The Yankees Luncheon is ahead by 8%. We have a new lead sponsor for the Yankee’s
Luncheon, PricewaterhouseCoopers has committed to 3 years with the right of first
refusal. In 2010 we acquired 300 brand new donors, re-engaged 119 lapsed donors. The
Number of donors in 2010 was 805, up from 695 in 2009. Events are maxed out,
government funding is going down, and we need growth in new/renewed private donors.
Conn Foundation awarded a $30K match challenge which ends May 31st. Lisa thanked
the board for their hard work with us having a great year.
Board of Directors
January 13, 2011
Page Two

President’s Report:
Brad Baumgardner reported on Riverview and we could possibly break ground in February.
Riverview has a $200K match on the table. We’ve received $25K towards that match. We
will be building in phases, 1st phase will be like Smith Salesian. We need to have 3 years of
operating in the bank. Brad stated that Glenn Permuy will help us to increase our Foundation
Board and Heritage Club members. The Brandon Clay Shoot is on Saturday and Brad will
be reviewing the lease for the Ybor Club this week.

Board Chair Lynn spoke about our Strategy Planning and closed the meeting at 12:55 pm to
break into the strategic groups.

Brenda Browning, Recorder

_____________________________ ____________
Shelley Kolseth, Secretary Date
5/6/2011 01:52:46 PM Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc. Page 1

Condensed Balance Sheet

Operating Land & Bldg Restricted Endowment Totals Totals

4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2010


Current Assets

Cash & Cash Equivalents $1,081,867.47 $15,476.53 $484,294.52 $8,830.44 $1,590,468.96 $1,120,374.19

Grants Receivable $337,408.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $337,408.59 $438,718.31

Current Pledges Receivable $0.00 $0.00 $93,885.82 $0.00 $93,885.82 $99,423.98

Investments - Short Term $0.00 $561,524.43 $1,260,000.00 $0.00 $1,821,524.43 $1,765,031.00

Due From Other Funds $8,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,000.00 $0.00

Prepaid Expenses $386,311.62 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $386,311.62 $340,010.53

Total Current Assets $1,813,587.68 $577,000.96 $1,838,180.34 $8,830.44 $4,237,599.42 $3,763,558.01

Non Current Assets

Investments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $680,742.34 $680,742.34 $597,769.63

Land, Property and Equipment $0.00 $7,015,345.53 $0.00 $0.00 $7,015,345.53 $7,115,306.56

Long Term Pledges Receivable $0.00 $0.00 $58,402.78 $0.00 $58,402.78 $116,252.69

Other Assets $0.00 $0.00 $75,069.35 $0.00 $75,069.35 $66,422.22

Total Non Current Assets $0.00 $7,015,345.53 $133,472.13 $680,742.34 $7,829,560.00 $7,895,751.10

Total Assets $1,813,587.68 $7,592,346.49 $1,971,652.47 $689,572.78 $12,067,159.42 $11,659,309.11

Liabilities and Net Assets


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $25,008.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,008.61 $25,360.51

Payroll Withholdings Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($217.35)

Payroll Benefits Payable ($2,574.37) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,574.37) ($3,892.63)

Accrued Salaries Expense $110,211.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $110,211.64 $90,855.90

Accrued Pension Exp $54,082.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54,082.55 $39,318.39

Deferred Revenue $18,515.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,515.00 $29,863.00

Total Current Liabilities $205,243.43 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $205,243.43 $181,287.82

Total Liabilities $205,243.43 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $205,243.43 $181,287.82

Net Assets

Net Assets - UR - Operations $1,722,687.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,722,687.60 $1,455,371.49

Net Assets - UR - Fixed Assets $0.00 $7,482,153.61 $0.00 $0.00 $7,482,153.61 $7,690,950.21

Net Assets - TR - Other $0.00 $0.00 $1,955,336.15 $0.00 $1,955,336.15 $1,697,309.06

Net Assets - PR - Endowment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $701,738.63 $701,738.63 $634,390.53

Net Asset Transfers

Transfers (To)/From UR - Operations ($114,343.35) $110,192.88 $16,316.32 ($12,165.85) $0.00 $15,737.18

Transfers (To)/From UR - Fixed Assets $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $161,751.36

Transfers (To)/From TR - Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($171,401.11)

Transfers (To)/From PR - Endowment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($6,087.43)

Total Net Asset Transfers ($114,343.35) $110,192.88 $16,316.32 ($12,165.85) $0.00 $0.00

Total Net Assets $1,608,344.25 $7,592,346.49 $1,971,652.47 $689,572.78 $11,861,915.99 $11,478,021.29

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $1,813,587.68 $7,592,346.49 $1,971,652.47 $689,572.78 $12,067,159.42 $11,659,309.11
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.
Statement of Revenues & Expenses
With Comparison to Budget & Last Year

Year To Date Last Year

Actual Budget
1/1/2011 1/1/2011 Total 2010 1/1/2010
To To Variance Var Annual To Variance Var
4/30/2011 4/30/2011 Fav/(Unfav) % Budget 4/30/2010 Fav/(Unfav) %


Public Support

Contributions $865,119 $873,357 ($8,238) (1)% $2,912,000 $834,261 $30,858 4%

Fees & Grants $567,510 $576,109 ($8,599) (1)% $1,694,033 $682,814 ($115,304) (17)%

Total Public Support $1,432,629 $1,449,466 ($16,837) (1)% $4,606,033 $1,517,074 ($84,446) (6)%


Program Service Revenues $81,818 $140,900 ($59,082) (42)% $451,350 $114,338 ($32,520) (28)%

Investment Revenues $4,883 $5,750 ($867) (15)% $15,300 $6,152 ($1,270) (21)%

Other Revenues $2,825 $8,020 ($5,195) (65)% $23,200 $13,811 ($10,986) (80)%

Total Revenues $89,526 $154,670 ($65,144) (42)% $489,850 $134,302 ($44,776) (33)%

Special Events

Special Event Revenues $394,584 $365,500 $29,084 8% $612,750 $346,018 $48,566 14%

Special Event Expenses ($54,316) ($40,514) ($13,802) (34)% ($59,770) ($45,866) ($8,450) (18)%

Net Special Events $340,268 $324,986 $15,282 5% $552,980 $300,152 $40,116 13%

Total Public Support and Revenue $1,862,422 $1,929,122 ($66,699) (3)% $5,648,863 $1,951,528 ($89,106) (5)%


Personnel Costs

Professional Staff Salaries $728,566 $752,697 $24,131 3% $2,638,146 $704,557 ($24,010) (3)%

Benefits $98,666 $102,208 $3,542 3% $299,674 $98,719 $53 0%

Payroll Taxes & Expense $73,240 $73,937 $697 1% $249,579 $71,143 ($2,096) (3)%

Total Personnel Costs $900,473 $928,842 $28,369 3% $3,187,399 $874,419 ($26,054) (3)%

Operating Costs

Professional Fees $18,474 $15,650 ($2,824) (18)% $15,850 $9,000 ($9,474) (105)%

Non-Professional Contract Services $16,257 $15,968 ($289) (2)% $89,904 $19,236 $2,979 15%

Supplies $90,506 $91,037 $530 1% $305,174 $87,044 ($3,462) (4)%

Information Technolgy $33,589 $31,305 ($2,284) (7)% $93,600 $31,577 ($2,012) (6)%

Occupancy Expense $435,291 $447,356 $12,065 3% $1,368,090 $422,474 ($12,817) (3)%

Equipment Expense $2,260 $6,150 $3,890 63% $22,740 $7,576 $5,316 70%

Postage, Printing & Publications $5,871 $6,123 $251 4% $24,888 $10,775 $4,904 46%

Transportation Expense $51,754 $57,909 $6,155 11% $186,922 $65,791 $14,038 21%

Program Services $74,327 $74,375 $47 0% $349,910 $56,008 ($18,319) (33)%

Total Operating Costs $728,329 $745,871 $17,542 2% $2,457,078 $709,482 ($18,847) (3)%

Total Expenses $1,628,802 $1,674,713 $45,911 3% $5,644,477 $1,583,901 ($44,900) (3)%

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $233,621 $254,409 ($20,788) (8)% $4,386 $367,627 ($134,006) (36)%

More detailed financial reports are available upon request to Bill Ross.

5/6/2011 02:14:00 PM Page 1

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