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By nN American a Headway LN SU SUS SSeS Re UGS S| SECOND EDITION Liz and John Soars Gps What is on the Student Practice Multi-ROM? The Student Practice Multi ROM has three parts: 1. Interactive grammar, vocabulary, writing, and video activities 2. Audio material from the video section 3. One free oor deng) shtesting 0 practice test, Read below to find out how ta access your test How do | access my online practice test? 6010 0x/ovceng)isitesting «0 and choose a practice test. You will need: © 10 be connected tothe Internet to take the test. * to have an email address to resister) To access your practice test forthe frst time: 1. Put the Mult-ROM into the CO drive of your computer 2. A screen will appear giving you two options. Click the first fone to access your tests What do | do when | get to the website? When you see this screen, follow steps 1-3. If the screen does not appear, follow step 4 1 choose a language from the srop-down ist and click Go. The practice test wil bein English All ther web pages will appear in the language you select here. 2 Gick on the Register ‘now button and fil inthe details. Give an ‘email address and make upa password to use ‘every time you ogi, 3 Glick on Register. Then click on Save registration details. click on ‘My tess log in. You will have one year to use the practice test 4 Ifthe above page does not appear, go to www oxfordenglishtesting com/unlock. You will be asked clck Register now if you are a new user. Fill inthe registration form and enter the unlock code printed on your Multi-ROM. Each ode is unique and looks lke this: 9219¢6-947149-cf7c79-a5143b To access your test in the future, go 10 testing (om and log in using your e-mail and password. American Headway THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED ENGLISH COURSE Se Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Scope and Sequence UNIT Neier hy 1 Hello everybody! Verb ove ge? airs Pm from Toronto. p. 2 Hosa student p. 3 Possessive adjectives ‘my your, is erp 2, po eres ‘Countries ‘Mexico, Japan pe A Using a bilingual dictionary p.6 Everyday objects ‘key, a newspaper p. 6 Plusal nouns bags apples p. 6 Sea Hello and good-bye “Telephone nuibersp. 7 How are you? ‘See you later! p.7 Verb tobe ‘Questions and negatives Whar’ he firstname? p. 8 2 Meeting people pages Family ‘mather, uncle p. 10 ‘Opposite adjectives Can Thaw... ? Siesov' nd p. 9 young 12 How much 2p. 15 Negatives and shor unswers Food and drink stent pe9 ihambunge and fries, Possesie’s tem cafe p14 ‘Dati’ daughter . 10 3 The world of work Pen: Sinole2 Yea Win t help 6 bs make, deliver p20 sa quater afer five easels She work 16 hours a day. p27 Jobs Isha afer soo, Questions and negatives "pio fies planes p22 po Dees he speak Spanish? Fe doesn't speak Spanish or French. p. 18 4 Take it easy! Present Simple 2 wel powers Trorothe gm {forgo out afer work Wy do you ike your bt p25 SESE 5 Where do you live? rene iH 5 1ero's a television. p. 32 page 2 pine How many’ books are there p. 32 Prepositions of place in font of the sofa p. 33 some and any There are some cups, ‘There aren't any gases, p. 34 this, that, these, those “isis he ithe What's i these cabinets? p. 38 Ceca Verbs rel, g0 ou, play p. 25 Leisure activities dancing king p. 26 Rooms living room, kitchen p. ‘Things in the house ‘armchair lamp, cabinets, washing ‘machine p. 32 ‘Whar'sin your bag? bus nike, cell phone, keys p. 35 Places movie theater. cafe p. 39 Social expressions vim sory Excuse me? p. 31 Directions 1 Is there a post office near beret Yes i's over there p. 39 6 Can you speak ba crt "t a. English? Wecan'rvrite p40 page 40 wasivere Where were you yesterday? p. 42 could Teould sw when I wus five. p. 42 ‘was born ‘She was born in England p. 43 ii Scope and Sequence (Countries and languages France, Frenchy. 40, Verbs ‘anslat, check laugh p. 4L Words that souind the same Lopes, know p. 46 ‘Om the phone Directory Assistance pee Gan 1 speak to Jo, please? Fil gether p. 47 anes Pei Ain Coin Svetlana and Tiago p. 5 Introducing yourself p. “The alphabet song p.6 Introducing yourself p. 5 Ane-mail fromthe US.p.12 Talking about you p. 9 ‘An e-mail from the W. ‘Write about your dass p. 12 Your family p. 1b Whereis So-young? p. 12, Seamus MeSporrantheman Asking about a friend or relative Seamus’s day p. 21 Natural writing ‘with twelve jobs! p. 20, pls) Using pronouns p. 94 ‘My favorite season p. 28 Leisure activities p. 26 My favorite season ~ Informal letiers ‘What's your favorite season? Where are they? p. 28 Tova pen pal p. 95 p.2s A quéstionnaize - Do you have ‘healthy lifestyle? p30 ‘What's in your picture? p.33 What’ in Yoshi’ briefcase? p. 35, “The White House p.36 Talking about where you live p. 38 Homes around the world p. 38 Describing whereyou lve inking wont ra bru because p96 Young and talented p. 44 A questionnaire — What can Lucia can't cook p. 41 Formal letters you dot p. 41 “Applying fora job p. 97 What ean computers do? p. Al Role play = interview p. 4 Scope and Sequence ii Ta 7 Then and now page 48 LANGUAGE FOCUS Past Simple 1 Regular verbs ‘She talked to interesting people. p. 48 Invegilar verbs “His fate got a job in New York p. 50 Time expressions Test night esterday morning p57 PTET Verbs ears, tall, study p. 49 verbs se, leave, become p. 50 ‘Words that go together drive aca, ra station p. Sk BEL ‘Whats the date? the first of Apri p. 35 8 A date to remember page 56 Past Simple 2 negatien agp ‘espe’ driv cars 100 yrs ey se ee erpeceis: tr seven 0 doc, on Satuntay, in 2062 Bo Relationships fallin love, get engaged p. 60 ‘Spelling and sient leters answer, ought. 59 Phonetic symbols wark) isan p. $8 Special occasions Thanksgiving Happy Birthday! p61 SES eae ee 9 Food you like! page 62 10 Looking good! pare 70 ‘Count and noncount nouns “apples, apple juice p. 62 like... Td tke? ‘Do you like ten? Weld you like some ‘warp. 63 ‘and some sea, some cake. 4 ‘There isn’t much milk There aren't many eggs p. 4 Present Continuous Tn wearing Blue jeans, Who is smiling? p. 70 Whoseis it? Whose dog 8 this? p. 72 Possessive pronouns ine, yours, hers p. 72 Food and drink ‘chocolate, pizza, cheese, apple juice p. 62 chopsticks, noodles, fh p. 67 Clothes hat coat shirt p. 70 Describing people blonde ir, blue eyes p. 70 Describing feslings ‘bored, worried p. 76 Polit offers and requests Could you pass the sale, lense? Could I have a las of water, lense? ‘Can you give me the recipe? ans Tse the mena? p68 In a clothing store What color are you looking for Can J try it ont p.77 11 Life’s an adventure! — going ‘The weather Making suggestions amen Tin going tbe a soccer player. p. 78 sunny, cloudy Whar should we do? ‘Comparatives and superlatives What's the weather ket p. 84 Ter'sgo swimming! p. 85 ‘The country ischaaper than te ey p.80 Bati Ilan isthe mos expensive resort, pl 12 Have you ever? resent Perfect Past participles At the airport page 86 ceverand never ‘ter, mais, cooked p. 87 check in your luggage ‘Have you ever been to Barcelona? City and country words go to gate 1p. 93 SUITE) Audio Scripts p. 101 iv Scope and Sequence ices She's never baer t9 Pars 9. 8 yetand just We haven't been there yet ‘They just went on a boat ride, p. 88 resent Perfect and Past Simple ‘Maria’ ber to Seoul ‘She went there tee yrs ago. p. 87 31 Grammar Reference p.113 woods, muscu p. 92 Pairwork Activities Student A ».123 Student B p.125 Pons Aan iors ‘Two famous firsts - Amelia ‘The year Iwas bora p. 50 1989 the year Iwasbom p.50 Describing vacation p. 98 COs arhart and Yuri Gagarin p.52 * When did it happent p. SL ‘Where ae the people? p. 54 ‘Three inventions p. 58 Getting information —Famous Three inventions p. 58 Writing about a friend inventions p. 56 How did you twa meet p60 Linking words because, when, Did you know that? p. 38 sui p99 How did you two meet? p. 60, Food around the world p.65 Food you like p62 Role play shopping p. 6 Meal in your county p. 66 ‘My favorite national food p. 68 Filling out forms, Booking a hotel p. 100 “Flying Without Wings” (song Describing person/seene p. 71 Who’sat the wedding? p. 72 Describing people Tyrie) p. 74 Getting information Who's at A song—“Flying Without Wings” Linking words although, bur the wedding? p. 72 pa p.01 My favorite things p. 75 Born free p. 82 Dangerous sports p. 82 Future plans p. 78 Writing a posteard p. 102 Interviews p, 82 World weather p. 84 We've never learned to drive! Cites you have been to p.87 What has Ryan done? p. 88 Writing an e-mail ‘Things you have done p. 88 A honeymoon in Venice p. 88 Saying thank you p. 103, Word List ». 127 Irregular Verbs and Verb Patterns p.133 Phonetic Symbols p. 134 Scope and Sequence v 69 Grammar: am/is/are + Imy/your/bis/her 9 Vocabulary: Countries «Everyday objects * Numbers aU a Tere “ote STARTER 1 Say your names. mat) (1m Tomas. ) 2. Stand up in alphabetical order and say your names. INTRODUCTIONS am/is/are,my/your 1 Read and listen. A Hello. My name's Miguel. What's your name? B Emma, ‘A Where are you from, Emma? B I'm from Toronto, Canada. Listen and repeat. Cnc what's = what is Fm=1am 2. Unit + Hello everybody! = ni, 2. Write the conversation, A Hello. My Lisa. What's name? B Mike, A you from, Mike? B ____from Boston. Where you from? A Boston, too! GBD Listen and check. 3 Stand up! Talk to the students in the class. (Helio! My name's | What's your name? et (Where are you from, Maria? yu tm from —_. ee) 4 Where are the people from? Write the countries from the box. theUS. Canada Mexico 1. This is Miguel. He's from 2. This is Emma, She's from 3. Thisis Lisa and Mike They're from GIBB Listen and repeat. GRAMMAR SPOT she's = she is they're = they are Unit 1 + Hello everybody! 3 Countries, his/her 5 GBB Listen and repeat, | theus. | England France China Spain Russia Australia Korea Iraly| Mexico o> a Konnichi-wal This is Jason, This is Akiko and Miho, deShe'strom Korea, Bates = thay a neo ‘Complete the chart with am, i, and are, This is Ka, This is Pietro and Francesco. 1 ss from Canada, ‘se she/her and he/his, Ge What her name? ce aing) (What's his mame? ? Tason = as Where's she trom? (Wares be trom? ss omen Australia. 4 Unit + Hello everybody! 7 Ask and answer questions about the people. PRACTICE Rea 5 GBD Listen and read about Svetlana. g and writing Talking about you 1 Ask and answer questions with a partner about the students in your class. ate August 0421 (What's his name? My name's Svetlana Mariskova and I'm a teacher. ee) I'm 30. I'm married and | have two children. | live in apartment in Moscow. | want to learn English fo 2 Introduce your partner to the class. ase en Se ae The ls So-young. She's from Seoul, Korea. Listening and pronunciation Listen and put a check (7) next entence you hear. 2 She's from Vietnam, He's from Vietnam. What's her name? What's his name? They're from Japan, They're in Japan Where's she from? Where's he from? 6 Complete the text about Tiago, ‘He's a teacher in Chile. e . Check it | etic My name's Tiago Costa and I'm a student. | 18. 4 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, I'm not married. | have one “and two roles: a |___in a house in Fortaleza, Brazil.|___ to 1. My name —_is Emma. lear English because it's an intemational 2. Where you from? 3. 1_______ from Mexico. 4. “What Daniela.” 5. Lisa and Mike _______ from Boston. 6, This my teacher, name's Richard. 7. Where —_____ he from? 8. This is my sister. _____ name's Miho. GOB Listen and check. 7 Write about you. Then read it to the class, Unit 1» Hello everybody! 5 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Everyday objects 1 Listen to the alphabet song. Say the alphabet as a class. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2 Look at this extract from an English/Spanish dictionary. the pronunciation the word in Spanish the word in English the part of speech (n. = noun) 3. Match the words and pictures. @e Woe | Woe! ‘astamp| an apple | amagezine | a dictionary bag | anorange | a newspaper akey | acamera awatch| atcket a posteard a cell hone GID Listen and repeat 4 4 Ask and answer questions with a partner. 5 Look at the words. When is it a? When is it ar? (Wars bag aticket_—_a cell phone It's an apple. anapple an orange an English dictionary > (How do you spel that? 6 Look at the plural words. = pel APP P two stamps two apples two dictionaries Say the plurals of the other Words in Exercise 3. D>P> Grammar Reference 14 and 15 p. 13 6 Unit | + Hello everybody! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Hello and good-bye ) 3 1 Say the numbers 1-20 around the class. 2 GAUDD Read and listen to the telephone numbers. Read them aloud. 726-6390 seven two six six three nine zero 919-677-1303 nine one nine six seven seven one three zero three 1-800-445-9714 one eight hundred four four five nine seven one four 3 GAD Listen and write the numbers you hear. Practice them, 4 Ask and answer the question with other students. Write a list. My cal phone is (212) 726-6389. What's your phone number? 1. P'mfine, thank you. And you? 2, 1) Thanks, Miguel. See you 3. C0 Not bad, thanks. And you? O I'm OK, thanks. Tater! CO Just fine, thanks. How are the CI Hello, Lisa. I's Mike. 1s 7:00 OK with you, Emma? children? OO Mike! How are you? OO Great! Have a nice day! CO Hii, Anna! It’s me, Charles. 1D Hello. Lisa Jefferson. G Yes. 7:00 is fine. How are you? O They're fine, ‘ : Oi Hello? A A A B B B A A B A GIB Listen again and check. GID In English we stress important words. Listen and repeat. Copy the stress. HO are you? 1m Ok, thanks. Have a ice day! Not bad, thanks. And you? See you later! Just fine, thanks. 6 Practice the conversations with other students. Then practice again using your name and number. Unit 1+ Hello everybody! 7 9 Grammar: am/is/are-questions ‘and negatives « Possessives 9 Vocabulary Faily + Opposites ‘A Everyday English: Ina cafe i STARTER 1 Count from 1-20 around the class. Thirty _}—{_One hundred.) 2 Count in 10s from 10-100 around the class. 3. How old are youl? Ask and answer in groups. How old are you? Questions and negatives Read the information about Lisa Tefferson. Lastname Jefferson Firstname [lisa | Country The United States _ Job [Journalist Address 89 Franklin Steet Boston, Massachusetts Phone number | (617) 326-1204 Tage 6 Married No. Complete the questions, 1. What's__her last name? Jefferson 2 ___her first name? Lisa 2S she from? a job? journal 5. What's Sie oe Saf rt, ss phone number? 7. How old __1 Twe 8. Isshe \ GOI Listen and check. Practice the questions and answers. 8 Unit « Meeting people 3. Lisa has a brother. Write questions about him. GAB Listen and complete the information. What's his first name? 7} Married Negatives and short answers 4 Read and listen, Then listen and repeat Ask and answer ¥ ‘No questions about Lisa. 1, a student? a teacher? a journalist? 2. eighteen? twenty-one? twenty-six? Peter? Daniel? Rudi? Kk and answer questions about Lisa’s brother. L 2. a journalist? a student? an actor? 3. sixteen’ thirty? twenty-eight? eons Complete the answers to the Yes/No questions Is Lisa American? Isher last name Smith? ‘Are you a journalist? 2 Look at the negatives She isn't married. But: 'm not a teacher Yes, she No, it No, I'm PRACTICE Who is he? 1 Student A Look at this information. Student B- Look at the information on page 1 Ask and answer questions to complete the information, Latname —_[Binchey Firstname —] | [ountry ——Tretnd | Ireland ‘82 Hill Road Dublin 2 Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Patrick. 1. Smith? Jefferson? Binchey? 2. from the United States? from Canada? from Ireland? 3. an actor? a teacher? an accountant? Talking about you 3 Ask your teacher some questions. Caterers? a) 4 Ask two students questions to complete the form. Student 1 Student 2 | Name [ ee Country/town Job ‘Address | You aren't English. X lamin a teacher, BP Grammar Reference 2. p. 114 | Phone number ‘Tell the class about one of the students. Unit 2 + Meeting people 9 PATRICK’S FAMILY Possessive ’s 1 Write the words in the correct place. brother father daughter wife aunt _ grandmother _glfriend Lp [boven husband son uncle — | grandfather ry girlfriend mother sister 2 Read about Patrick Binchey and listen. Write the people's names in the correct place. This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his children. His wife's name is Bonnie. She's a teacher. His daughéer's name is Laura. She's twenty- one and she's a nurse. His son's name is Brian, He's nineteen and he's a student. Laura's husband's name is Mike. He's a nurse, 200. GRAMMAR SPOT She's a teacher: She's = She is. His wife's name: His wife's name = her name '5= possession 2 Find other examples in the texf of 's = possession and ’s = is. D> Grammar Reference 2.2 p.1M4 see 3 Ask and answer questions about Patrick's family. (Who's Bonnie? 1 Yo {Sha's Patrick's ite.) N 10 Unit 2 + Meeting people PRACTICE You and your family 1. Ask your teacher questions about the people in his/her family. hats your mother's name ? (— Wa your sister's name 2. Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner: Hilda Inds Ract Gabriela z {Who's Santiago? She's my aunt. She's my mother's sister. 3. Make true sentences with the verb to be, T'mnot___ at home. We in class tt Monday today. My teacher's name John, My mother and father ____ at work. I married, My grandmother seventy-five years old. 8, Daniel and Carlos my brothers. 9, We in the cafe, We in the classroom, Check it 4 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1G rma doctor. O rm doctor. 2. Thave twenty-nine years old 1 1am twenty-nine years old, 3. F] Ino married. 0 Pm not married. 4,2] My sister's name is Michelle. 1 My sisters name is Michell. 5.1 She married. C1 She's married, 6. rman uncle, O rmaunce. 7. thave two brother. CO) thave two brothers, 1 Peter's the son of my sister. Peter's my sister’s son. n VOCABULARY READING AND LISTENING ' Opposites An e-mail from the US. 1 Match the adjectives with their opposites 1 So-young isa student at an English language school in bi awiul New York City, Read and listen to old old her e-mail to Jae-sun, her brother new ‘small. in Korea. nice difficult easy cheap 2 Match photographs 1-4 with hot cold a part of the e-mail. expensive slow fast young 3 Correct the false (X) sentences. 1. So-young is from Korea. 7 2 Write about the pictures, using the adjectives. i Gever inant: Gan eerie 1, H's mall 3. She's in Boston, t's bia 4. The students in her class are all from Brazil. 5. It’sa very big class. 6, Becky and James are both students. 2. ive! 7. The subway is very expensive. its 8. So-young’s happy in New York 4 Write the questions about So-young’s e-mail 1. Where's So-youna from ? Korea. 3. He's ——— a India, Brazil, Italy, China, She's Mexico, and Russia, 2 Karen 2 They are brother and sis 6. New York __? No, it isn't. GADD Listen to three conversations Where is So-young? Who is she witht Writing 6 Write an e-mail about your cla Unit 2 + Meeting people subject: Dear Jae-sun, How are you? I'm fine. Here's an e-mail in English. It's good practice for you and mel Thave classes at La Guardia Community College. I'm ina class with seven students. They're all from different countries: India, Brazil, Italy, China, Mexico, and Russia. Our teacher's name's Karen. She's very nice and a very good teacher. live with an American family in a large apartment in Brooklyn. Bob and Julie have a daughter and a son. Their daughter, Becky, is 19. She’s a student at Columbia University. Their son, Jam software designer for a computer company. He’s 25. They're all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! New York is big and very exciting, but very expensive! The subway isn’t hard to use and it’s cheap. It’s very hot now, but Central Park is beautiful in the summer. I'm very happy here. E-mail me soon So-young EVERYDAY ENGLISH Ina cafe 11, GIBB Read and listen to the prices. Read them aloud [$100 one dotar/a dolar $1075 ten dollars and seventy-five cents/ten seventy-five $500 five dolars $750 seven dollars and fifty cents/sevensifty 506 fifty cents 2. (IBD) Write the prices you hear. Practice saying them. 2. Read the menu, Match the food and pictures. eee Menu Grilled chicken salad $6.50 Tuna salad sandwich $6.25 Hot dog and fries $5.25 Hamburger and fries $5.95 Pizza $4.75 Chocolate cake oe Apple pie 3.25 | Ice cream $3.00 Coffee $1.50 Tea $125 Mineral water $1.00 Orange juice 3, IBD Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer questions with a partner. MtetGasuauh dmac-—————- Ee ethenburper ani ties? Cerra ieely Ave carte pa (How much ic a hamburger and fries and an orange juice? a 14 Unit2 + Meeting people 4 GIB) Listen and complete the conversations in the cafes. 1. A Good morning. 2. A Hi. Can I help you? B Good___. Can Thaveaa + please? B Yes. Can [havea ‘A Sure. Anything else? A Anything to drin B No, thanks. B Yeah. A___, please. Ke please A OK, Here you are. B Thanks. Bocce fs that? A Thank you. A __, please. B OK. Thanks. (GOIED Words often link. Listen and practice the rhythm. Cany help you? A cup of coffee, please Anything else? Here you gre How much is that? 5, Practice the conversations with your partner, Make more conversations. Unit 2 _____ sandwich, please? Language Wadaadarieee Meeting people 15 ieee ee ne he, €9 Grammar: Present Simple 1 - he/she/it« Questions and negatives, (© Vocabulary jobs Everyday English: What time A age STARTER What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the class. Cen ate materia. | Wr THREE JOBS = Present Simple he/she/it 41S 1 (RIED Listen ana reed about 1nee Istvan is a music professor. He comes from Budapest in and Pamela. Hungary, but now he lives in the United States. He works four What's his job? What's her job? days a week at the University of Texas, Austin. He speaks three languages: Hungarian, English, and German. He's married to an American and has a daughter. He likes playing tennis in his free time. Co 1. Undertine all the verbs in the texts, ‘is comes 2 What is the ast letter of these verbs? Pronunciation 3 Is-s pronounced /s/ or /7/? GIBB tisten and write the vers 2 Read the texts aloud, 16 Unit3 + The world of work PRACTICE 3 Complete the sentences about Istvén and Pamela, Talking about people 1, Istvan’s a music professor. Pamela's doctor. 1 tenerieeenaa neon smnanes 2. He comes from Hungary, She Canada 3. He lives in a big city, but she a town. 4, He__ four days week. She 16 hours aday 5. He__ three languages. She to sick people on her radio. 6. He loves his job and she THe daughter. She 8. He playing tennis in his free time. She never free time. GOIBD Listen and check. Read the sentences aloud. Pe Tour guide Peru Lima Ina tourist office ‘Spanish, English, and alittle German No His roommate ‘Walking his dog, playing 3. Write about a friend or a relative. Talk to a partner about him/her. My friend Anna isa student. She lives in ... Unit3 + The world of work 17 WHAT DOES HE DO? Questions and negatives V GQAIBD Read and listen. Complete the answers. Practice the questions and answers, 1. Where does istvan come from? Budapest, 2. What does he do? He's music professor. 3. Does he speak German? » he does 4. Does he speak Spanish? he doesn't. He doesn't speak Spanish or French. Hungary. Cree 1. What does he/she do? = What's his/her job? 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of come. Affirmative He from Hungary. Negative He from Poland, Question Where___he____from? Pronunciation Listen. Notice the pronunciation of 3 does and doesn't. ‘al Does he speak German? idsa Pdvznt Yes, he does./No, he doesn't, Practice saying the question and short answers. D>D> Grammar Reference 3.1 p. 114 2 Complete the questions and answers 1. Where Pamela __ from? Canad 2 What____she ? She's a doctor _— she tive in Canada? No, she 4 she Yes, sh GIBD Listen, check, and practice. 3 Write similar questions about Alejandro the tour guide, Ask and answer with a partner. her job? Where does Alejandro come trom? 18 Unit3 ~ The world of work PRACTICE ‘Asking about peop! 1 Read the informatio Ik to a partner, 1odel and businesswoman. Inman's a me ‘She comes trom Somalia. She lves le on about Iman or Giorgio. Job “Model and businesswoman eae [Town Place of work Somal Inher office in New York | English, Somali Italian, Arabic, and French Married to the singer David Bowie, two daughters Likes cooking vegetarian food Listening and pronunciai 3. Write questions about Iman or Giorgio 6 GIBB Listen to the sentences about + What/do? What does Iman do? Iman and Giorgio. Correct the wrong + Where/come from? ‘+ How many children ...? sentences. + Where/lve? : be eig? eeecinem «+ Where/work? «What. in her/his free time? SS +... speak French? Does she/he ... + like cooking? Yes, that's right. 4 Ask and answer questions with your partner (man lives and works in Somalia. 5, Now ask your partner the same questions about a friend or relative. " No, she doesn't. She lives ) and works in New York. a 7 GAIBD Put a check (7) next to the Country sentences you hear Town tendon 1D He likes his job. Place of work | In his restaurant in London She likes her job, 2. Ol She loves walking C1 She loves working, 3.0 He's married. 1 He isn’t married 4. Ll Does she have three children? CU. Does he have three children? What does he do? Where does he go? heck it 8 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence, She comes from Somalia 1 She come from Somalia 2. D What he do in his free time? Oi What does he do in his free time? 3. © Where lives she? Where does she live? 4, He isn’t married. 1 He doesn’t married. 1 Does she has two sons? 1 Does she have two sons? 6. He doesn't play soccer OO He no plays soccer. . She doesn’t love Peter. 1 She doesn’t loves Peter. 8. C0 What's he’s address? Ol What's his address? BP WRITING Natural writing p. 94 Wega Unit3 + The world of work 19 AND LISTENING Seamus McSporran ~ the man with twelve jobs! Seamus McSporran /‘fermas mok'sporan’ comes from Scotland, Look at the photographs of some of the things he does every day 2 Match a sentence with a phot |. He helps in the shop. 2, He makes breakfast for the hotel guests 3. He pumps gas. 4, THe gets the mail from the boat. 5. He drives the children to school. 66. He delivers the mail 7, He has a mug of tea 8. He works as an undertaker Pla eer ae £ i way) So McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has twelve jobs. He is a mail carrier, a police officer,“a fire fighter, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance driver, an accountant, a gas station attendant, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a store and a small hotel. s amus lives and works on the island of Gigha /gija/ in the west of Scotland, Only 120 people live on the island in the winter, but in the summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday Seamus gets up at 6:00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8:00 he drives the island’s children to school, At 9:00 hhe gets the mail from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also works at the island’s only gas station. Then he helps Margaret in the shop, He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never take vacations and we don’t like watching television, In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I pay the bills. At 10:00 we have a mug of teaand then we go to bed. Perhaps our lifeisn’'t very eXéiting, but we like it.” 3. Read about Seamus. Answer the questions 1. Where does Seamus live? 2. How old is he? 3. How many jobs does he have? 4. What's his wife's name? 5. What does she do? 6. How many people live on the island of Gigha? How many tourists visit Gigha in the summer? 8. What does Seamus do in the morning? 9. What do he and Margaret do in the 4 Look at the photos. Ask and answer questions with a partner about times in Seamus's day (What does he do at sx o'clock? ) a tat. $8, GIBB 1 sten to four conversations from Seamus's day After each one answer these questions. 1. Isit morning, afternoon, or evening? Who ate the people? Where are they? What is Seamus’ job? 6 Complete the conversations. 1. A Good Cant two ice cream cones, please? B Chocolate or vanilla? A One chocolate, one vanilla please B That's Anything__? A A No, thank you. Only__letters for you this : Mrs. Craig, B Thank you very much, Mr. MeSporran, And ’s Mrs. MeSporran this__ ‘A Oh, she's very well, thank you. She's in the shop. 3. A A mugof before bed, Dearie? B Oh, yes please A you are, B Thank you, Dearie. I'm very this 4, A Hello, Mr. MeSporran! B Good , boys and girls. Hurry up, we're late A Can I sit here, Mr. MeSporran? C No, no, 1 to sit there, B Be quict__of you, and SIT DOWN! Practice the conversations with your partner. Unit3 + The world of work 21 1 Use your dictionary and match a picture with a job in A B = i hs An architect \\ fs planes Match a job in A with a line in. GIBB Listen and check 3. Memorize the jobs. Ask and answer q Asales assistant | helps people in court 22 Unit3 + The world of work EVERYDAY ENGLISH What time is it? 1 Look at the clocks. Write the times. 2 Look at the times. It's about five o'clock Its ive lod " -_ What time is it now? What time does the class end? Its fivethiny ie Conversation 1 GIB in English the voice goes and dovid Copy the stress and intonation. | It's quarter after five Wsaquartertosix, 4, Its five after five. Conversation 2 — Excuse me. Do you kitow what Ws twenty after five. 6. Its twenty-five to sx. Wes tento six 8. Listen and check. Practice saying 3 With a partner, draw clocks on a piece of paper the times, ‘Make more conversations. Unit} + The world of work 23 9 Grammar: Present Simple 2- Wyou/ne/they 9 Vocabulary: Leisure activities Everyday English: Social expressions STARTER 1 What year is it? What month is it? What day is it today? 2 Say the days of the week. Which days are the weekend? BY WEEKDAYS AND WEEKENL Present Simple //you/we/they 1 IBD Listen and read about Lisa Parsons. What are her two jobs? What does she do on weekends?. 2 Complete the text with the verbs. goes has(x2) is(x2) lives practices sings stays works loves doesnt relax Lisa’s busy days Lisa Parsons __ thirty-two years old and __ in Manhattan, From Monday to Friday she ata bookstore in New York, Sometimes she at work until 10:30 at night, on weekends. On weekends she a singer. On Saturday ¢ afternoons she _ with her band, and on Saturday and g Sunday nights she to nightclubs and She ___ no free time, but she _ her life! u 3 AND Close your books and listen to Lisa. Give examples of her busy lite ‘I love my life!” says Lisa “I love singing and I love books, so I'm very happy. My weekends are very exciting, but my weekdays too. Pm lucky, I near the bookstore and 1 work until 10:00 a.m. Every morning | at 8:00, breakfast, and the news on TV. Then I to work. I'm very busy all day. 1 people find the books they _. I a sandwich from the deli and I often At lunchtime to the gym. | usually work at 5:30 p.m, but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings I very late, until 10:30. I never after work. I'm too tired. I sometimes going to the litle restaurant near my apartment Saturday mornings. I and my apartment. I dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings because I'm too excited. | like singing, but T'm always nervous before the show.” 4 Read and complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up new words in your dictionary. a a oe tn gee go help like live love don't eat walk want watch work make dont start @p: ten again and check, Read the text aloud. Questions and negatives 5 GED Read and listen. Complete Lisa's answers, Practice the questions and answers with a partner. Where do you work? New York Do you like your job? Yes, Do you relax on weekends? No, | Why don't you relax on weekends? Ising in nightclubs. Role play 6 Work with your partner. One of you is Lisa Parsons. Ask and answer questions about your life. + Where ... you live/work? + Why... you enjoy your work? + What time .. get up on weekdays? When . start work? When . finish work? + drive to work? ‘+ What .. you do at lunchtime? + Why don't ... cook after work? + What you do on Saturday meming:?/Saturday afternoons? + What. you do on Saturday and Sunday evenings? + Why don’. dinner before the show? + Who sng with? + le your busy life? COs ‘Complete the chart for the Present Simple. [Affirmative [/ Negative don’t work Complete the questions and answers, Where __ you work? Where she work? you workin New York? Yes,1__ __1_he work in New York? No, he Find the words in the text: always usually often sometimes never D> Grammar Reference 41 and 4.2 p. 15 Unit 4 + Take it easy! 25 % PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Make questions. Then match the questions and answers, Questions ‘Answers 1. what time do youTike your ob? My mother and sisters 2. Where do you get to school? | b. To Hawaii or Florida. | 3 what | do yougo on vacation? | c. After dinner. 4. when \do you goto bed? | d atways relax 5 who | you gout on Fda evenings? be, AtTI0O. & Why | doyoulive with? f. Because i’ interesting 1. How | do youdo on Sundays By bs. [8.00 | doyoudo your homework? _| h. Yes. do sometimes Listen and check. 2. Ask and answer the questions with a partner, Give true answers. armen goes to bed at 1-00. Igo to bed at 10:00 on weekdays but at I:30 on weekends. ive with my parents and my grandmother. Carmen lives with her parents, too. 3 Tell the class about you and your partner. Listening and pronunciation 4 GAD Puta check (V) next to the sentence you hear. Ci What does he do on Sunday Cl what does she do on Sundays 2. O Do you stay at home on Tuesday evenings? C0 Do you stay at home on Thursday evenings? 3. He lives here. CO He leaves here. 4.0] Where do you go on Saturday evenings? CO What do you do on Saturday evenings? 5.0 Tread a lot. C1 Teata lot. 6.0 Why do you like your job? 1 Why don’t you like your job? Affirmatives and negatives 5. Make the sentences opposite. 1. She's Chinese. he isnt Chinese I don’t like cooking, ike cooking. She doesn’t speak Spanish. They want to learn English. We're tired and want to go to bed. Roberto likes watching soccer on TV, but he doesn’t like playing it. Twork at home because I have a computer. Amelia isn’t happy because she doesn’t have a new car. Unit 4 + Take it easy! VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Leisure activities 1 Match the words and photos. 1. [7] playing soccer 2. _] dancing 3. J skiing 4. (_] watching TV 5. (_] going to the gym 6. _] taking photographs 7. L) cooking 8. [] playing computer games 9. L) sailing 10. C] listening to music 11. L] swimming 12. D reading 13. _) eating in restaurants 14. [] going to the movies 15. _] jogging 16, [_] sunbathing 2. Discuss in groups what you think your teacher likes doing. Choose five activities, think he/she likes cooking. Not think he/she likes eating in restaurants. _) Ask your teacher questions to find out who is correct. (_Beve ke coking? (p9you tke atnginrestaurante?_) Tell the other students what you like doing and what you don’t like doing from the list. Ask questions about the activities. (_Tidon’t ike watching TV, but I like reading very much. > 2 {_ Oh, rally? What do you read x (_Why don’ you ike watching TV? 4 4 Tell the other students things you like doing that are not on the list. Unit 4 + Take it easy! 27 READING AND LISTENING My favorite season 11. What season is it now? What are the seasons? 2. What month is it now? Say the months of the year. 3. When are the different seasons in your country? 2. Look at the photos. Which season is it? What colors do you sec? 3 GADD Read and listen to three people from different countries. 4 Answer the questions. 1, Which season do they like best? 2, What sports do Daniela and Alex play? 3. Where does Sumalee live? 4. Does Daniela like sunbathing? 5. Why does Alex like spring? 6. Which special occasions do Daniela and Sumalee like? 7. Why do Daniela’s cousins never visit in July? 8. Which months are winter months in the three countries? 5. There are six mistakes about Daniela, Sumalee, and Alex. Correct them, Daniela goes to the beach a lot because she likes sunbathing In the summer she goes surfing and waterskiing, Her cousins from the U.S, usually visit on New Year's Day Samalee comes from the south of Thailand, Her favorite season is surnmer. She loves dancing, Alex, comes from Canada. Canadians don't ike their cold winters. Alex likes winter best. He goes skiing and snowboarding 6 GAMED Listen to the conversations. Is it Daniela, Sumalee, or Alext Where are they? How do you know? Discuss with a partner What do you think? + What is your favorite season? Why? * What do you do in the different seasons? DP WRITING Informal letters p. 95 28 Unit 4 + Take it easy! Danish from Brazil like summer best. We go to the beach a lot, and we often have picnics and barbecues there. | don’t like sunbathing, Pe but | love water sports. | go surfing and waterskiing, ; Summer here is from December to February. It's very hot, ’ sometimes 40°C. New Year's Day, Ano Novo we call it, is Tes, States usually visit for Carnival. They never come in July o 2 ma August because it’s cold and it sometimes rains. . fe special for us, we always go to the beach and have a big party. Then in February or March it's Carnival, that's best = of all, a five-day party and no work. My cousins from the Pe = seasons, we have three—hot, rainy, and cool. | like the cool season from November to February. It's our “winter.” It's quite hot in the daytime and it's cold at night. In February we have a lot of tropical flowers—red, orange, and pink. So every year we have a beautiful Flower Festival. We sing id dance— love it! Samalee from Thailand | live in Chiang Mai in the north. We don't have four from Cans Here's a joke about my country: “You know if someone is from Canada because they think -40°C is just a Iitle.cold.” We Canadians love our cold winters. The finter months are December to February, but it’s often Cold in spring and fall, too. Our summer is short but watm,June to late August or September. But spring is my favorite season, It's the best time to go skiing and snowboarding. Sometimes | can ski until the énd of May and even June—isn't that cool? Unit4 + Take SPEAKING Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 1 Read and complete the questionnaire about you. Write V or X, then look at the answer key. Are you healthy? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? have breakfast every morning eat a lot of vegetables drink a lot of water ‘walk to schoolwork play a sport stay up late drink a lot of soda like fast food watch a lot of TV play computer games +o rea™monpp OOOOo0oo0oOoOoo0g OboOoooo0o0o0o00 OooOo0o0ooo0o000 obo0000o0000 ABCDE v=T1point | 7-10 points Very good! =O point 4-6 points OK FGHIS x=1pomnt Epes» tenet 7 = Opoint 2 Ask your teacher the questions, then ask two students. Complete the questionnaire about them. (Do you ike fast oa? S 3 Compare with the class, Who is healthy in the class? Writing 4 Use the information in the questionnaire, Write about you and a partner. | don't have breakfast every morning, but Sofia does. We don't eat alot of vegetables... 30 Unita + Take it easy! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 1 Complete the conversations with the expressions. Listen and check, LA ‘The traffic is bad today B Come and sit down. We're on page 2 B Yes? A Do you have a dictionary? B I don't. It’s at home. A Oh, OK. 3. A It's very hot in here, ? B ?1'm kind of cold. AOK = 4A z B Oh, good morning Miguel. Can 1 help you? A Yes, please. Can I have a ticket for the ski trip? B Yes, of course. It's $80. Do you ‘want to pay $20 deposit now? A Sorry ? B It means you can pay the $20 now and $60 later A An! 1 Yes, please. (GEIB Listen and practice the expressions in conversations 1-4, Pay attention to stress and intonation. 2. Practice the conversations with a partner. That's OK 1m sorry 'm late tm sorry, Excuse me. Thanks anyway. Really? Can | open the window? It doesn't matter. Now | understand! What does “deposit” mean? Excuse me. Unit 4 + Take it easy! 31 9 Grammar: There is/are + Prepositions «Some/any + This/that/these/those 9 Vocabulary: Furniture Everyday English Directions 1 STARTER 1 Write the words in the correct column. veg Seek ee a an armchair arefrigertor atelevision a table ashelf aplant a DVD player a dishwasher asink alamp astove a closet atelephone acabinet asofa 2 What's in your living room? Tell a partner. WHAT'S IN THE LIVING ROOM? There is/are, prepositions 1 Suzie has a new apartment. Describe her living room on page 33, There's a televsio There are two photos 2 GBD Read and listen. Complete the answers, Practice the questions and answers. Is there a television? Yes, there Istherea computer? No, there ‘Are there any books? Yes there. How many booksare there? There ___a lot. Are there any pictures? No, there Eons Complete the chart. 3. Ask and answer questions about these things in Affirmative | There Suzie's living room. eee acat —adog aDVDpplayer a replace a computer amirtor_aclock acoffee table a rug any pictures. | plants pictures shelves curtains aeelepheae newspapers photos cushions DVDs Silas a a Gases ) Gar DP Grammar Reference 5.1 and 5.2 p. 116 32. Unit 5 + Where do you live?

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