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_ ARBA Registrars ‘Study Guide A Companion Guide to Learning the ARBA | Standard of Perfection for Rabbits 7th Edition Author: Allen Mesick Fi The American Rabbit Breeders Association - Registrar's Study Guide 3 Dear Reader, Annual the Arvericon Rabbit Breeders Associaton has a nmber cf members who porsuealicene to become at reps tears Amember may seks rabbi registarLenae ony afer hea she has ately oredr and helen. nabs nebo ship for mare than tres consecutive years Wih these requirements mel wall asthe endorsing signatures ol ent coront [> ARBA members. 2 member may become an AREA reps splcant Tis stud guide ia complatio af cutis material rm the ARBA Standard Perfection, the sole guide uyig abit by > the ARBA fs net ntended fortis stuty guide foreplace the tao the ARBA Standard o Perfecon rato, In sad guide [tsa companion et retedo organize te informatio the Standard of Precton no a ore suc arma. Tagh tne emghass the se ofthis stay aude fo egitrarappcants elo ma rove value o Jug apolnts Your contest oper, r spl those wing to beaden thar hnowiedge oh evalushno eb yi Ga The Registrars Study Gudea: > 4 India reed Reviews contig such infrmaton a bred ody typ, show classes, recognized vires, wight ‘urements, quantate paint alecatons, breed specie dequlfcaton. and bree questions 4 Review Charts comparing and contrasting bred and ther standards sch 28 boty tp, baten ptt caqualeations ‘ening sguatitestions, er length dequltesons lr pes nd weg 4 Review Tests lonng breed reiews Ths st, ach cong lilly or more questions pertininattest een frets asa incuoed sa esta tne hgora beads and ABA General Ospualfeations 4 Comprehensive revew st of egstrer eqvirements nd guidelines, [4 rower keys which provide he correc answers tothe est mete ‘ti strongly recommenced tht you red th compete AREAS andard of Peection before using this td uide When an | _swering teat uestons we recomend referencing the ARBA Standard o Perfection sway tober aman yoursel with Le uatng te text esa resource el rs ats el owe down concept andinfarton that may be cl trata. The sar Study Gules supplement learing and uderstendig the Stndet af Perecton. Thevgh we srengy ecm | Mend sing the study que as means to btter repre youre forthe Reptars Exam we ferme gucanacs of isco [L__mulatieintuenceon your testing scares. The best acnce we can ols: Rea he standards repetedy consul ith 3nd uoes, tke roles, and ei your sty ude ten od tuck! Alen Mesck | Registrar Study Gide Author Ths sty ude he ropry ef he AREA Nagra he Reps Study Gude my be is The Amariean Ranh 8 Index Rabbit Breed Study Pages “American 4 American Fuzzy Lop 2 American Sable 3 English Angora... a French Angora ni Giant Angera 3 Satin Angora 9 Belgian Here 12 BeVErEM oon a) Blane de Hotot 14 Britannia Petite 15 Catforian 16 Champagne DArgent 17 Checkered Giant : 18 American Chinchilla sl Giant Chinchilla 20 Standard Chinchilla 2 Cinnamon 26 Creme Dirgent 2 Duteh 28 wart Hotot 30 English Spot 31 Flemish Giant Fa Florida White 35 Rabbit Breed Review Charts & Tables American, Giant, and Standard Chinchila Breed Comparison 2 ‘All Breed Review, Body Type & Fur Tables... 74 é-Class and d-ClassTable of Weights 5 Broken Pattern Percentage Disqualiictions. 76 Ear Length Requirements 1% Dewlap Disqualitications 1% Meat Class Summary 1% WHTW-ARBA. not Harlequin Havana Himalayan Holland Lop Jersey Wooly Lilae Lionhead. English Lop. French Lop Mini Lop Mini Rex Mini Satin Netherland Dwarf New Zealand Palomino Potish 2 Rex Rhinelander : Satin - SIVEF sone Silver Fox Silver Marten Tan Thrianta Review Tests ‘Angora Breed Review Quiz Test Test2 Test3 ARBA Disqualifcations Registration Requirements Test Breed Answar Keys Quizzes & Tests Answer Keys 6 37 38 39 “0 At A 8 50 31 53 56 57 5a 59 ‘1 63 6s 66 61 “9 " 23 3 0 ” ® 82 85 American vy. SEML-ARCH v b-Class Y Ears: carved erect Y Fur: Commercial Normal Classes/Varetie: Bue, White Polnsin Order of Numerical Importance by category 1 General ype 2 fe 3 Cole Candtion Points in Order ef Numerics Importance by 1 Boey 2 Rar 3. Color Condition 5. Feteg: Head lqual oes 1 bee & te Breed Spriic Deguaifeatians 1" FEET ANG LESS: large bone short eps 2 COLOR. BLUE: White prehes sandy patches; rust patches fur with foreign colors neven colar on boy, es, on iber-ray int 3. COLDR: WHTE- Foreign color ‘The dimeric an cosines the varias of ed American whexced ther wight its 5 joniore or intermediates The aris be leloaetsyoacd 2 3. “Laaycarcape’ a. Jor he cars 5. The eye colar blue tnercans it True! Fats 1 Americans tae minimum er length, Tre/Falseh 2. Anite Ameians hove lus eyes. Tuelatsel 3. Furand caorhave equal pont alciment iroe/Flsel 4. Black's a recogned ealar [TrueFate] 5. American bd ype s mandolin ITus/Falel Standard ofPeriection 62-69 Weights: Senior Buck: #1011 Ibs Seni Doe: 10012 (bs Intormesite Bucks: No'over 1 Ibe Intermediate Does: No overt Ibe unio Bucks: 8 fo Ibe “unis and Iniermedites MAY be show ina high age clase Deshown ina higher ge cass = ‘The American Rabbit Oreeders Associaton Standard of Perfection 84-69 American Fuzzy Lop ¥ coMPAcT ¥ &Class Ears: Lopped Fur: Wool roups/Varieties: Broken and Solid lasses ONLY 1 GOUT Chestnut Chines ns, Opal, Squire 2. BROKEN (T-color urecogrizel |. OINTED WHITE: Black. lve, Chocolate, Lite 4 SELF: Back, lue, BEW, Chocolat, Lise, REW SHADED. Sable Pant Slrmese Sole, Sirnase Sincke Peat, Tortaae Shel Sue Tortoise ‘WIDE BANG: Fawn Orange ‘General Type Woot Faint in Order of Nuria Importance by Category: z 4 Coler/Markings: Canton equal) Weighs: Senior Bucks: Not oer 4 ibs Folnts in Order of Numerical importance by Sub-category Senior Does Not oer dibs ie nae Junior Baek: 11212908 be 1 Density Junior Does 12603 03138 2m “imirs exceeding weight (mts MAY NOT ena esha in senor clases 3.Lensth a ee 1 Feetegs;Colararings: Condition equal ‘reed SpacicDiqualfctions (Excluding Varieties) 1 FEETILEGS: Wooton ron feet fom les st lg jt 2. WOOL: TEXTURE: Excesswety sets excessively sey 5. WOOL: LENGTH: es than inches | BROKEN: Less han 0% clar on body: absence of any head markt), beers 1. Amean Fury Lapse shownin__and_lasse only. 2 The___and have 30 pons alte ech, aA ig desiable, but is notated a specie schedule of pins unk the Helland Lop, Pointed whites maybe 5 Brokens need at ea! 10% ele on the Trueatse: ang ar narrow bad ype is an American Fury Lp DisquaificatonrueFasel 2 Woal texture is aloted mor pints than dene he Jerse Wodkes True/ate] 3) Taree shell and ble rtoise are the onl recognizes tert rites. Tue/Flse {American funy Lopschoule Healy have ears wnichnang Vito ine low the jo ru Fate) 5. “Aniore may havea woot [Tue/False Notes: Bh et o American Sable COMMERCIAL 4-Class Erect Fur: Rollback BESS Points in Order of Numerical importance by Cat- eae 1" General ype 2. Color he © Condon Points in Order of Numeral importance by Sib- ‘category: Body 1. Hindquarter 2.Musscton ( SShoutderenest Caterisnating For Hesalears Eyes FretlLege { ereed specie oisquaticaions 1 VSEye5 Lacking aby glow xarcises: 1. Sepiabrowncsiorshous appesr on the of theta. 2. Anexcessive dewap shouldbe 3. Tho fris tobe rattnchybock ‘Standard of Perfection 70-71 Weighs: Senior Sucks: 742? los Senior Obes lbs Sani Buck ta Boe Junior Does 9b “anor eceeing weigh imis MAY be shown senior closes andthe upperside 4 Ughtunder colors tbe 5. Thaheadandes should match the colorat True/Fatse: IF AmerconSabes mast Rave brown ayes wiry glow. Tue/Falsel 2 Goarser quar hai te protruse above alae Undercst iru ase 3. Theorderafimportncein the bodys subcsegories i: chulderl chet, midsection, and hinéguarterue/False) Manda yes 9 daatieatontrueFaee ‘Shadow bats on the log ate 3 aul, noe isdolfcaton, euelelsl Lo] The American Rabbit Branders Ascariaton ‘Standard of Perfection 72-74 English Angora v cOMPACT v G-Class Ears: Erect and carried ina close 'V Y ‘Fur: Wool ‘roups/areties: 6 Groups Shownin White and Colored Classes ONLY wait 1. POINTED WHITE: Back, Ble, Choclae Lilac 2. SELPLBEN. REM Cotereds 1 AGOUTI:Chincita, Chocolate Chincil, Lae Chines, Squirrel, Chestnt,Cheoate Ago, Cop- per Lyx Opat 2. SELF'Black, Blue, chocolate Lise 13 SHADED: Peart, bl, Sea, Smoke Peart, Blue Tor, {Choeclate Tort, ile Tort. Tort 44, TICKED: Boe Stee, Chaolte Ss 5. WIDEBAND: Cream, Fawn. Ret NOTE: Recognized Angora Colors are listed an pags 6-79 of our AREA Standard of Priection Weights: Seno Bucks $7 os Senior Does $107.08 tbs Sunir Bucks: 2120.08 be Suni Doe: 21210 vs “luni exceeding weigh lint MAY be shown Sei ase Polnsin Oder of Numerical Importance by Category: 1 Week 2. General Type 3. Calor, Condition equal Pots in Grder of Numerical Importance by Sub-category: 1 Wo: 1 Oeneity Zienure S.tenath Body Ear Feet/Leges Hess; Color Condition equal Tal ‘Breed Specific isqualicatons: [Excluding Varieties) HEAD: Complete absence of bangs onside temmings EARS: Complete abrence of ear ngesor ares FEET/LEGS: Normal fron rt eet: norma on i feat WOOL: TEXTURE: Excessively conse (WOOL: LENGTH: Lees thn 2iehes rman g Exercises: 1. English Angora are tobe shown in ae classes in breed andin breed wea 2, The arsare abe carried ina close shape. [> 3. Wooton he feet should each the ofthe toes. t 4 Though juniars maybe ster than seniors inteture, should be evident. [/ 8. Webbing. mats bare spots ae examples of general Truefatees 1 Sabie point isnot recogeized varity. rue Faia) 2 English Angora are aeserbed a 9 round ball of ull, (rueFalsel 3. Brokens area recognises variety TrueFalse {Rabbis wih woo over inches shaulé began advantage ovr other rebis T-ueFalsel 5. Ideal textural described a lly. ruePaae! [rs ee Standard of Perfection 75-76 French Angora v COMMERCIAL, v &Class Y Ears: Erect Fur: Woot reups/arieties:7 Groups: Shown in White ané Colored ‘lasses ONLY vi Te BOINTED WANTE: Gack lus, Chocolate, Line 2 SELF. BEW,REW Flore: "'AGOUTI: Chichi, Chocolate Chine, ie Cin- chil, Squire, Chestnut, Chacala Agut, Copp tyne Opt 2 BROKEN SELF Black, Blue, Chocolat, Lae {© SHADED: Parl. Sable, Sea, Smoke Peat Blue Tort, Chocolate Tort, ise Tor Tort, Weights 5, TICKED: Blu Stee, Chacolate Stee, Lae Sea, Stel Senor Buck: 7.080 1008 tos 5 WDE BAND: Crear, Faw, Red Senior Dees: 7.0810 10.08 Iss Note: Recognsed Angora Clas rated on pages 76-1! Sune Buk: 2.12107 0858 Jour ARGA Standard of Perfection. Suni Don: 3.120 708198 “antreecesing weit nts MAY be shown in Pont in Order of NumereatIpertance by Category ee 1 Weak 2 General ine 2. Cole; Conon (equal Points in Order of Numerical Importance by Sub-estgerys Density Tenure 3 Length 2. Be9y 4 Cor: Condition FeetLeps equal ra 5 Hea & Bes 2 Tat Breed Speci Dieuatifieations-Excluding Varieties) "BODY: Round body; short upd body 2. FEETILEGS: ny wool onthe fon lee rom the 65 0 the snk jt, 5. TEXTURE: Entel sll etre excesenely sly texture: cotton eturein senios. 1 WOOL: LENGTH: Less than inches erercisess 1. French Angora ae haves _tenath body. Heaw trimmings onthe ears are 2 3. The under woo shouldbe heavily 4, The wool deni shouldbe a over he bod 5 Excessive wel onthe hid fet below the ack joint is saab o 32495044 True/alse: 11 French Angorasare the ty Angor breed ta recognize the broken group. irve/Flee 2) French Angraswith bare spol shuld te cequalife, Tros/Falae 3 French Angorasare tobe compect.True/Flse| 4 Bench Angorasreogrize Per, but nat the color Seble Pint, rueFals] '5]Waal must be aninium of 3s inches in angth (True alsl Noes: Standard of Perfection 77-78 Giant Angora v COMMERCIAL % Clase Y Ears: Erect and ina close Fur: Wool ‘roup/Varety: nite ONLY Ponts in Order of Numerical Importance by Category: 1 Wast 2. Genera ype 4 Calor Point n order of Numer Importance by Sub- Chichila, Squire, Chestnut, Chocaate gut. Copper. Lys, Opa 2 SELF lac, Blue, Chocolate, Lise (0. 3. SHATED: Peart Sable, Seat Smoke Peat, Blue Trt Checaate Tot Lie Tart To Weight: 4, TICKED: Bie Sos, Chocolate Stel Lise Ste, Sto Senior Bucks 6.0810 9.06185 5._ WIDEBAND: Crvsm, Fen, Re Senior Does 4.0810 9.08 ls Sune Bucks 3.0640 6.08 be Junie Does 3.0610 608 ne “uns exceeding weight mts MAY be . “Sou in senior cases ints in der of Numerical Importance by Category: 1 Wee 2. Genaral Type NOTE: Recognied gaa Celor ar Usted on pages 7-7? olyeurARBA Standart Prfcton Cater ondtion | Polat in arderot Numerial Importance by Sub-category Le Wes 1 Density | 2 Tenure La Shean 4 Gorath 2. Body Lo 3 Cor 1. Meads Fet/Legs/Tel Condon lgual 5. eae Breed Specie Diguaification: 1, BODY: Rourd bey: short coupled basy 2. HEAD: Heamiy rimmed head 5. EARS: Heavy rimming an ears | FEETILEOS' ny woot onthe fon fs, rom he ces tothe anklet 5° WOOL: LENGTH: Less han inches 5. WOOL: SHEEN: Compete aca hoon ro The Amariran tabhit Rreedorebssnvistion Exar Unlike Englen Angoras ean trimmings onthe Satin agora head and ears are Complete tack tthe wool a asquaiicaton, ‘Sata Angora tenure is describe ona Broken Sin Angorss___ be agave ‘Sheen i caused bythe ight onthe ie hae. ‘TrelFass ‘Wool elo the ale jen. a with French Angers, sa disqualicalon.(TrufFalse] (yet th ianess of texture, San Angares may nat fel as dense (rueFalse] Hairy woo desirable TrueiFase) Shuon nest only Be prmseion ermal ur portions [nea eos & feet of he Sain Argos. Tuell nin Angora woe ffinern tstr than the wool of Engh, French, sed Siam Angora. Tre/False) z ve AREA at . Angora Breed Review Quiz Which Angora breed has the mest points on weak? Engh Argos French Angora ant Angers Satin angers iat ithe ny Angora br English Angi Frenen Angers ‘Sant Angers Satin Angora to recogiza broken? Engh, Fresh, ane Satin Angora accept whet elors forthe plnted white varity? Black Blue Chocoite Use lL the ab08 Wien Angora breed require won the tront eet? English angers Franch Angors Giant Angee BainAane ¢ Wie Angors breed has the ines textured wool? English Aegina French Angors Git Angora Satin Angers Wich Angora reeds require" shape ea cariage? English angers French Angore BohAone ‘Shean srequeed by whieh Angora breed? Engh Anger French Angore Giant Angers, Satin Angors Wat isthe minimum woe tength or alt Angore reese? inehee ‘Answer Key on page 93 Aw hai and wn ll ara raquid by which Angers bree? Gant Angora Engish Angore Satin Angora ch Agar 10, The only Angora breed to not haw a dequalcaton for body type ithe A. Sali Angre 8. Gant Angers French Angora 1. English Angora 1, French Angoras usualiyhave mor intense corde to Tirgerboayeze Extreme fineness in texture More gars hair Transprency of hair shat 2 Stained coats ae tobe Disquatiieg Frultes Praises Cleanee bythe ude 18. When bands are tacking nthe agouti group, the anima ietobe: Dseuatied Fouled Praised ald ne attention 1, Broken French Angora ae okays ong a8 There ere than 10% coor Ther istes than 80% calor Ther is color between 100%. Boh cando 5. Which Angora breed is 6-Caes nb? Franch Angore English angore Sata Rngors Glan angors BothAond D Standard of Perfection 85-86 Belgian Hare v FULLARCH Y b-Clase v ors: Erect v Fur: Flyback Pont in Order of Numerical Importance by Category: 1 General Type 2 Color 3. Fur Ticking: Conion Pola Order t Numerical Importance by Subcategory: ‘Bey Color Feet Lege; For Tckng; Condo equal Heed ars equal Eyes Tail r 2 5 ‘ ie Disquaticatons: 1. EVES: Ay eolor ater than brow. 2. TICKING: Complete lack of tiki Weights: eames Senior Sucks: & to 9.8 bs Senlor Does: 6109.08 bs “Janor Bucks Min, weight:3 tbs ‘long, narrow body is ine Belgian Hae Junior Does Min weight 3tbs “unio exeeding weight its MAY be shown insenior ise exercises: need described ae oe type lates The fais wo be eatbachyoack 1 2 21. Hei boned legs re 5. Red color thats and deep iscesable. True/atee: 1th underoors tobe sate bie. ruelFatsel 2. Cream toad descr the belly and area under th jw TrelFaesl 5) Black ear lacing and ght ee ercles shou bo exten runFelel 1 Wavy eking ent doer. TrufFaes) 5. Speen shaped ears arena led. ru/Falae Notes WHYLARBA net Bo ‘Standard of Perfection 87-88 . Beveren r v SEM-ARCH &Class ¥ Ears: Erect and carried in a'V ¥ Fur: Rollback ‘arietes: Black, Blue, and BEW Points in Order of Numerical Importance by Category 1 General Type 2 Color, Fr [° 3. condition [ ints in Order of Numerical Imertance by Somrcategon 1 Body 2. Color Fur py Eeay teas [) © condition Feetese Weights Breed specifi Disqualification: Senior Coes: 12 3. "EaRE Length tees thon £3 iches in engthonSr anit, __‘lntrmedate Bucs: Not aver 9.08 be 2. FUR: Under I inch ove 2 nes in ont Intermediate Des: Not over 10.08 bs 3. COLOR: BLACK: Ee calor ther nen dak brown Junio Bucks ta 8b >. COLOR: BLUE: Eye caer ther thn bve-gray Samir Does é 109 oe {) 5. COLOR: BEM: Eye clo other tan blue ‘re-Junior Bucks: Not oer 8.09 (b= tl Pre-Junior Does: Not ver 5.8 Ibe 5 Exercises “unirs and inermetiaes MAY be shownin a [2 1. The Beveran body na 2 shape cee ee cae 2. The raeintop line shoud begin tthe back ofthe | a. Tere shoute be tbetwean the nos and eyes whan wewing the head profi ‘4. Aswall as beng pent the gute hairs should be also indiamet | 5 Treble Govern is unique thatthe ble color ieto be shade True/Fase: 1. Beverens only recognie beans hie. TrveFotsl ‘Tha white Beveren must hove lve eyes, rveFalel (3° everans have rllsck fr tess! Tin length rue/Falsl i To be ny lures and cared eons togotner Trve/Fiagel mm Th Amevirae Bahk Areeders dscorainn Blanc de Hotot i v COMMERCIAL ¥ 6-Cless ¥ Ears: Eriect and carried ina V" v Fur: Rollback Fonts in Order of Numerical Importance by Category: 1 General ype 2 FurfMarkings 4 CeloriCantion Folnts In Order ef Numerical Impertance by Sub-catogo- ™ 1 Bey 2. Fur Markings lequall Color Head; Eas; Fet/Legs; Condition equall Freed Disqualifeations: 1 BODY: Long an narrow body pe: mandolin ype 2 FEET LEGS, Ary coord toonas 11 FUR: Guard hair nol vile 4 COLOR: sy spats colar inturnormaly without pigmentation. Ary Senior Does ta 11 bs tj color ater than dark brown Intermedioe Bucks: Not ove ths MARKINGS: Eye bandathat are incomplete or morethan’/Ibinch termediate Does: Net over 10 lbs wide-Any colo eye bends other than black; abeance a eye Bete) ‘tr Bucks tod ibe Sanir Doss. 4109 Ibe rari: e-junior Buc: Not ovr 8s e-jnir Det: Not over ibs 1 Thecaloris tobe over the entire boy, except for he Pyrlnior Dawe Note Site ce bands. ‘weight its MAY be shown higher ope 2, The eye band ctor is tobe deep __withthe yates and eyelashes assifieations aso, oor 3. Theearsaretobecarradina_. 4. A___sned__tspermisibion does 5. Theturis tobe very danse, and rather_intstre Truefatses “he ye bands are daly 1/1610 V8 thick. True/Falsel 21 Blane ge Hoot win mandalin ype are squalid (rueFasel 4. Noapecticeye cles lsted forthe Slane de Hote. [TrueFaies] 4 Thefuris tobe rollback [True/alse 5 Tesemplate evaluation ofthe ee bands, one is eeammended to gently low into the eye TruslFalsat Notes WOW ABBA net . Britannia Petite Seosardeeriecton 1-34 < ruLLareH [oo couse Eaves Erect and touching al the wayup Far Fyback Varietes: Black, Black Oter, BEM, Bren, Chestnut Ago, EW, Sables, | Points Order of Numeral Importance by Category: 1 General ype poz Fur 2 Color 2 Condan Ip ee ors enna pees erasers aes ae [ 3. Color; Head: Ears; Feet/Legs lequall eae > Bree osquatifcatons: = {) !"Sopr‘ Sense te 2 EAD: hey curvature othe too the stil making he head ap- Stor Bucks Not over 208 1bs ror rundinall rections Saior Does: ot over 208 ss 3. EARS: LENGTH over? omches Snior Beka, 84020868 (1 uns Fur tats oli Jor Does at e208 se COLOR: SABLE ARTEN: Any eign colar or colar poche of “Jlrs exceeding wih mits MAY NOT be haireher than ot ear due tna shown in serio clases, BROKEN: Absence of any heed marking, colar ls than Ts er moreno xeric 1. The ecegnzed an 5! the Britannia Pete include; 2, Theiet head should appear __ shape, but at pnene, | 3 Exsorer2tinches are Ears ever Tirehes are 'etaone Petes with pretruing or undercut ips; longo nah body wide oF at shoulders ae tobe 5. Britannia Pettes shoud be poses nan, tence. ;Brlannia Petts possess sem-areh type. ruelFalsel ‘The ears should ot be well covered th fur [Tue/Flse) L tvmyratee : : |, 5 Mie sentence : Except fr the REW, all oles vanes a the Beitr Ptt cl for brown eyes IrufFalse) ‘broken ble olter with kO%ecalor's igi for regain, rus/Fleel. The Amevian Rabbit Breeders Association ‘Standard of Perfection 95-96 Californian COMMERCIAL 6-Class Ears: Erect Fur: Commercial Normal Pointin Order of Numerical Impertanceby Category: 1 Gener Te 2 he 2) Condition 2. Coloreckings Pints re of Numerical Importance by Sub-category 1 Body 1: Rindguarters 2 Miaecion 4 Shoulders Condon CalriMerkegs feo Eyer: Tlloqeal Weights Senior Bucks: @t0101bs Senior ses 88101008 (be intermediate Bucks: Not ore 9s Intermediate Does: Not ver 9.08 as Jonir Bees: 508 6818s “unr Dees: 5.0812 808 is Prejnior Buck: Not over 506 bs Prejnior Does Net over 508i “njrs and Itermdlates MAY Se shown a & higher spe cts Breed Specife Dsquatineations: 1 FEET/LEGS: White toenails: unmatcha toenails 2, COLOR: Colorfsmut fund on te usable potion af he pel 43. COLOR: MARKINGS. Cele feand above the elbow ant on Font legs 4- COLOR: MARKINGS. Color found more than Znches above hock joint on ed egs 5. COLOR: MARKINGS: Complete absence of olor on nose, eas, feet ort, 4 COLOR: MARKINGS: Write spots in markings 71. COLOR: MARKINGS: Tan pattern Exercises: 4. The Californian shouls have toenail Medumbone is ae well as short les. ‘he boys token don note snd shoulders, ith he recdving most pits Iranian missing colorants nose, shoul Be 2 2. Callin rite “ TrueFase 11 'Aalieran ith stn the idle fs backs squalid. True) Z. Smutonthe dewlap i> ssquaiiation [Trae/Fatcel 1 There are nobody sagoaiieaens speci othe Callorian.True/atel 1 inating Gsiorsin wth del bay ype isnot oe elected ova, pory typed Callorsin in rime condition nar [Trueatse 5, The marking color shouldbe cose oback but anyother coer sto be faulted [TrueFals) Neves: War asst o Champagne D’Argent Standard ef Patecton 97-98 v COMMERCIAL, Y Class, Y Ears: Erect ¥ Fur: Commercial Normal Pointsin Order ot Numerical Importance by Category: 1 General ype 2 Calor 2 Fur a Condon 2Masectin 3 Shoulder, 2 calor Weigns 3. Fur Senior Bucks:9 191 tbs Condition Serie Does: #08 12\bs 5. fena/eare Intermediate Bucks: Nat re 10 bs 8 FeelLege Intermediate Does: Nat ver 1008tbs “Junior Bucks 408 129th ‘Breed Specie Dquattiations: “mio Oses 08 to toe 1 COLOR: Wh patch white spt) Prejunior Sucks: Not oer 6 bs 2 COLOR: ream color: allow cast, Prejuior Ooes: Not averse “Jurors and Ivermedaes MAY be shawn higher age does 1 Inpre-unors the fur shoulé any be consisered ina tie andthe rabbit shold be jc ged mason 2. The Chamsagne Dirgenthas__ ype, 3, The bay arf the Champagne Dirge i 4 The. nd __ rato be dorker than body coor True/Fate: |. The Champagne as a butler frmed rom the nose and muzele being darker. TrufFlsel 2. Long tae! has are tobe seallred evenly throughout the ca. Tre Pale) 3 Thehead end ears are tobe darker than the ao rue Falel The tris lack (TrueFatsel Champagnes mus possess arown ye, (ruiFase) Notes Checkered Giant ‘Standard of Perfection 99-101 v FULL-ARCH ¥ S-Class ¥ Ears: Erect and close together Fur: Flyback Varitoe: lack and Blue Pinsin Order of Numerical Importance by Category 1 General pe 2. Marking 3, Cole, Fur, Constion equal Pont in Order of Numerical importance by Sub

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