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H E Mr.

Zoheir Garranah, Egyptian Minister of

Tourism asserted in his word to the 2008 annu-

A dopting with Marriott Interna- al congress of the American travel agents which was
tional “Spirit to Serve” Initiatives held in Cairo that the United States of America and
, Renaissance Golden View Beach Re- Egypt have very strong economic and political rela-
sort, Sharm El Sheikh team has per- tions which is evident in the increase on the number of
formed with great enthusiasm several American tourists came to Egypt in 2007 at 20 % more
clean up campaigns at ‘Ras Mohamed that 2006.
National Park. While pointing out that the congresses held annually
are considered a tool that reflexes previous achieve-
ments as well as showing future challenges, he asserted
that Egypt as a tourist destination is one of the impor-
tant destinations in the world and has numerous attrac-
tive elements but it has to defy the existing challenges
such as preserving its tourist position under the tough

B albaa Group will at- competition and the recent world economic crisis.
tend the WTM in The Minister also explained that despite the recent
London to promote its circumstances that affects the world economy, there is
unique properties in still a glimpse of hope represented in the strength of the
Sharm and Marsa Alam. US dollar which is making Egypt the favorable choice
Its Chairman, Mr. Ahmed for investment.
Balbaa will be there with He stressed that the American tourist shall always
his team. find Egypt a worthwhile center for his investment since
his gains and profits are assured. Mr. Garannah men-
tioned the great change Egypt has witnessed lately, spe-
cially in tourism infrastructure.

million annual passengers.

It will be equipped with the lat-
est state-of-the-art technology
for smooth immigration with 5
biometric immigration gates
Le Méridien Cairo Airport is
scheduled to open in 2010. Lo-

A lexandria has witnessed a big cated at Terminal 3, it will be the

jump in the last few years as only hotel with direct access to
one of the important tourist attrac- Cairo International Airport ter-
tions in Egypt, read more in- minals.
side. The hotel will boast 350 guest
rooms, a 24-hour restaurant,
specialty restaurant, coffee bar,
lobby bar, lounge, fitness centre,

C airo International Airport - Ter-

minal 3 is expected to be fully
operational by the beginning of 2009.
the two terminals by a bridge. and swimming pool.
The access roads will be redesigned The business centre, ballroom,
and parking lots will be relocated. and six meeting rooms will cov-
The new terminal will be located ad- With the opening of Terminal 3, the er an area of approximately 750
jacent to Terminal 2 and connecting airport’s capacity will double to 22 square meters of meeting space.
2 FIRST PAGE Travel World Magazine Travel World Magazine NEWS 3

From editor’s desk...
Sharm El Sheikh, October, 2008 –
dopting with Marriott International “Spirit to Serve” Ini-
tiatives , Renaissance Golden View Beach Resort, Sharm El
Sheikh team has performed with great enthusiasm several clean
Honoring the Top Producing Travel Agents in Egypt, JAZ Hotels & up campaigns at ‘Ras Mohamed National Park ‘ in addition to
Resorts hosted its Annual Awards party at the Imperial Boat their exerted efforts in turning several spots to green by planting
trees and grass at ‘Fanar and Monument’ areas. Yet there is a
way long for the Renaissance Sharm El Sheikh ‘Spirit to serve
agenda to be done.
“Our commitment to serve the community and the environment
is coming on the top of our priority list at Renaissance Sharm
El Sheikh .By giving associates the opportunity to give back to
their local areas, we carry on our company’s long history and
deep commitment to commu-
nity involvement. We want to
help make Sharm El Sheikh ,
and every community where
Marriott operates, a better
place to live and work.” Said

by Gerald Moutt, the General
E Mr. Zoheir Garannah, Egyptian Minister of
Tourism asserted in his word to the 2008 annu-
Photo Shows: Gerald Moutt
al congress of the American travel agents which was
, the General Manager
held in Cairo that the United States of America and
And Renaissance team
Egypt have very strong economic and political rela-
during one of their clean up
tions which is evident in the increase on the number
campaign to ‘Ras Mohamed -
of American tourists came to Egypt in 2007 at 20 %

National Park’ clean up cam-
more that 2006. osted by Mr. Hamed El Chiaty, Chairman company and its brands, elaborating, “your valued paign .
While pointing out that the congresses held an- and CEO of Travco Group International, the contribution is an important factor in our growth,
nually are considered a tool that reflexes previous
holding company of JAZ Hotels and Resorts, the allowing us to stand out as the largest hotel chain
achievements as well as showing future challenges,

Terminal 3 and a fully operational

he asserted that Egypt as a tourist destination is one event witnessed a gathering of a bevy of tourism in Egypt,” he says.
of the important destinations in the world and has gurus who enjoyed the hospitality of the JAZ Ho- Since the beginning, the group’s diverse portfo-
numerous attractive elements but it has to defy the tels & Resorts in a remarkable setting and a brisk lio of hotels and resorts has continued to appeal Egypt Actively Looks at
existing challenges such as preserving its tourist po-
sition under the tough competition and the recent
Ms. Tania El Chiaty, e-commerce manager of
to all travelers whatever their requirements or
budgets are. Each of its resorts offer high quality by the beginning of 2009 Climate Change Solutions

world economic crisis. JAZ Hotels and Resorts, handed out the awards to service, modern–day amenities and a full range of
The Minister also explained that despite the recent the top producers where Travco came in the first recreational options that in addition to the afford- gypt is set to host a conference on climate
circumstances that affects the world economy, there place followed by South Sinai, Natural Blu Tours, able all-inclusive holidays offered at most of the change and solutions for the tourism indus-
is still a glimpse of hope represented in the strength Bright Sky, Midland, Abanoub, MTS, Welcome, resorts. try.
of the US dollar which is making Egypt the favorable
Regency, and Expedia – all of which received JAZ boasts a portfolio of 34 hotels and resorts A UNWTO and Ministry of Tourism initiative,
choice for investment. He stressed that the American
tourist shall always find Egypt a worthwhile center awards for generating the most tourist arrivals to in the most exotic destinations in Egypt, Jordan in cooperation with the Egyptian Tourism Fed-
for his investment since his gains and profits are as- the group of hotels in the year 2007. and the UAE, with further property expansions eration, the Solutions for Climate Change con-
sured. Mr. Garannah mentioned the great change In his speech André Mühlemann, general direc- in Muscat, Oman. Further plans include 17 new ference, is scheduled to take place on the 23 and
Egypt has witnessed lately, specially in tourism in- tor & owner’s representative properties for a total capacity exceeding 13,700 24 November 2008, in Sharm El Sheikh.
frastructure, explaining that Egypt in 1982 had ho- Hotels & Resorts division, thanked the award owned and managed guest rooms. A panel of environmental experts, still to be
tel capacity of only 18 thousand rooms while by the winning agents for their support and trust in the announced, will be discussing various measures
end of this year it shall reach 211 thousand rooms in to save the environment and explore ways to
addition to 156 thousand rooms under construction,
find practical solutions for the problem of cli-
this, by all means, proves that Egypt enjoys the high-
est growth rate in the region.
World Tourism Day at the Semiramis InterContinental mate change, its effect on the tourism sector
and vice versa.
The Minister further said that his Ministry gives a
emiramis InterContinental hosted Top of the list are; problems of vehicle emis-
lot of care to the training of tourism sector staff and
recently a photo exhibition orga-
the advancement of their professionalism in order to sion and economical driving, how to best pre-
nized by Ayam Masria in celebration
render the tourists the best service there is; and in
of World Tourism Day.
serve the underwater world, and what hotels
this domain he referred to the cooperation with the can do to become more ‘green’.
The exhibition showed nostalgic
American side in the field of tourist training special- Heading preparations, Hisham Zaazou, First
photos of different touristic places in
ly with the American Hotels Institution in order to
Egypt. Assistant to the Minister of Tourism says “Tour-
greaten the tourist prospects and potentialities and to
increase Egypt’s share of the world tourism market.
September 27 is celebrated by the ists are now considering climate conditions and
World Tourism Organization as eco-friendly environments as a determining
He finally assured the unity of all efforts to put Egypt

World Tourism Day since 1980. factor in their choice of destination. Egypt’s
atop of all tourist destination while pointing out that
The purpose of this day is to display airo International Airport - Terminal 3 is ex- Le Méridien Cairo Airport is scheduled to open
the Egyptian Tourist Authority is spending millions participation in this conference not only shows
awareness that tourism is vital to the pected to be fully operational by the beginning in 2010. Located at Terminal 3, it will be the only
of dollars on marketing and promotion campaigns in
international community and to show
that we are aware of this fact, it also reiterates
addition to programs aiming at spreading the aware- of 2009. The new terminal will be located adjacent hotel with direct access to Cairo International
how it affects the social, cultural, that we are deeply concerned with environmen-
ness of tourism among the Egyptian people, and up- to Terminal 2 and connecting the two terminals by Airport terminals.
political and economic values world- tal issues and are very keen on finding solutions
grading the Ministry’s website to be displayed in 11 a bridge. The access roads will be redesigned and The hotel will boast 350 guest rooms, a 24-hour
wide. to this problem.”
languages, and furthermore, strengthening the rela- parking lots will be relocated. restaurant, specialty restaurant, coffee bar, lobby
September 27 is important since on A Technical Committee and a Logistics Com-
tions with the international travel agents and airlines
that day in 1970, the Statutes of the With the opening of Terminal 3, the airport’s ca- bar, lounge, fitness centre, and swimming pool.
which are considered the most important partners in mittee have been planning necessary conference
World Tourism Organization were pacity will double to 22 million annual passengers. The business centre, ballroom, and six meeting
achieving the success of tourism industry. rooms will cover an area of approximately 750
arrangements for the last few weeks and key-
adopted. The adoption of the stat- It will be equipped with the latest state-of-the-art
square meters of meeting space. note speakers will be announced in October.
technology for smooth immigration with 5 bio-
Aouelwafa Badour utes is considered to be a milestone in
global tourism. metric immigration gates planned.
November 2008 WTM - London November 2008 WTM - London
4 HOT NEWS Travel World Magazine

Balbaa Group to attend WTM to promote

its unique Resorts all over Egypt
Garden Resort with the Capacity of 278 combined and Mr. Attia said that he will continue to promote Sharm
320 chalets & Suites in the Calimera Habiba Marsa and the Marsa Alam destination, and added that all
Alam in addition to Abou Dabbab Diving Lodge in Balbaa properties has maintained a good images in the
Marsa Alam with 62 rooms with its special famous san- international markets after the strong market plan he
dy beach in the Area and this is in addition to 50 hotel set and executed during the last few month and through
apartments in the Palm project in Dubai . out the international tourism fairs.
Eng. Ahmed Balbaa, Chairman of Balbaa Group who “Our professional marketing team will not leave any
will head the Group’s said theB&G Hotels & Resorts chance to promote the unique resorts of Balbaa Group;
in Sharm & Marsa Alam : Our Resorts are a Mixture we did it before and we will do it again in WTM and in
of Elegance, Locations and luxury Rooms in order to all International big Tourism Events & Fairs to let the
meet the needs of our valued guests to spend a memo- whole world know about our Group and the variety of
rable vacation and plan to come back again after ex- facilities and services we provide our valued guests.”,
periencing our services and facilities we offer to them Said Mr. Attia.
with our special attention and care in order to meet all It is worth Highlighting that the Balbaa Group for
their needs. Hotels & Resorts has a number of new projects un-
Ahmed Balbaa, Chairman Saad Attia, Regional DSM
He also added that the newly opened El Hayat Sharm, der construction and due to open within the upcom-

B albaa Group will attend the WTM in London to

promote the unique services and facilities of its Ho-
tels & Resorts in Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam.
had added quite a number of hotel rooms and over-
nights to Sharm capacity and helped, with its luxuri-
ous services and facilities, to encourage a lot of tourists
ing few years such as Kahramana Marsa Matrouh to
open summer 2009, 300 rooms Hotel in Ras El Khema
UAE to open 2010, Laguna Vista Real Estate project
Balbaa Group, which are considered one of the lead- from all over the world to visit Sharm El Sheikh. in Sharm (302 units between Villas and Apartments)
ing investors in tourism in Egypt, consists of 6 joint Mr. Saad Attia, the Regional Director of Sales & Mar- to open 2010 and B&G Hotel Management company
stock companies working in tourist investment and de- keting in Balbaa Group, who will attend the WTM too, in Dubai.
velopment projects. It owns and manages 8 Hotels and will meet with the international tour operators and dis- The Group’s total investment is LE 1.2 Billion with
Resorts in Sharm El Sheikh in South Sinai and the Red cuss with them the new plans for the coming seasons 2500 employees under the umbrella of B&G Group.
Sea: Kahramana Sharm Resort in Neama Bay with and focus on ideals and projects to support them dur- Eng. Ahmed Balbaa is known to be the Honorary Pres-
119 rooms, The Laguna Vista Beach Resort and Lagu- ing this coming winter after the Recession which has ident of Masa Alam city, for being the Pioneer of tour-
na Garden Beach Resort with a capacity of 525 Rooms hit the World Economy and exchange positive ideals to ism development in Marsa Alam and the first investor
combined and 288 Rooms in newly opened El Hayat implement to assure the continuation of their clients to build a hotel in this unique area.
Sharm in Nabq Area in addition to Kahramana Marsa who prefer Balbaa Group Resorts during their visit to
Alam Beach Resort and the Kahramana Marsa Alam the Red Sea and South Sinai.

A quick interview with the GM of Sheraton Montazah

the high demand expected on traveling to the
city, do you think the present amount of hotels
is sufficient to meet expected demand?
You’re right, we have at present only 7 star
hotels, in addition to many 3 & 4 star hotels.
There is also a big project in process in the
north coast that will turn the area into a great
tourist zone. But still the short of hotels in the
city is a pain.
From your point of view: What do you think
can improve tourism to Alexandria? More ho-
tels , Tourist projects that include interna-
tional restaurants, cafés and entertainment projects on the corniche.
More specialized shopping arcades that include Ptolemaic & phaornic
products. Organize Egyptian nights that include folkloric shows, Mez-
mar & Tannoura. Improve Nuzha airport to be in line with adequate
international airports. Improve quality of service of the local taxi; new
uptodate taxi cars, educated drivers and taxies provided with speed me-
ters. Construct tunnels opposite hotels at the sea shore so as to provide
safe crossing to tourists. Increase people’s awareness about tourism and
its important role in developing their lives and general country income.
What do you do as a hotel to attract the guest? We tailor special pack-
ages in slow periods. We also organize plenty of events and parties that

T here is no doubt that Alexandria has lately witnessed a big jump in the last few years stand-
ing as one of the important tourist attractions in Egypt. It has started to draw the attention
of tour operators and travel agents as well as individual travelers to be included in their travel
match all tastes. Examples are Lebanese night, Greek Night, Alexandri-
an Night, Black & White Night, Jungle Party, Sea Food Festival, Pasta
Promotion ...etc.
plans and programs. Whilst I was recently in Alexandria and specifically staying at Sheraton In addition, we organize special parties in Xmas, New Year, Valentine,
Montazah, I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Atef Wilson, General Manager of the Ho- Easter and summer parties with singers during summer. We also have
tel. I threw for him some of my concerns and questions about trends of tourism in the Mediter- weekly dancing competitions.
ranean city, upcoming foreseen projects, Hotel’s activities and latest news : What is your latest news? We’ve fully renovated our rooms & suites
Is there a demand on Alexandria from the Arabs? Do you think can increase in the coming years? with brightly colored oak furniture, decorations, and wooden floors. We
Yes, there is a demand especially in summer season as we have plenty of sandy beaches, moderate lately introduced a new fitness facility including gym. Room, sauna and
climate, shopping facilities and archeological sites. It can be improved by making more promo- massage. We also renovated our grand Tabia Ballroom and Caesar Bar.
tion for Alexandria in the Arab countries (Media Campaign with special offers). Still Arabs – by In the coming few years there is a plan to enlarge the Lobby and con-
in large - prefer Cairo as their first destination. We need more efforts to change the Arabs’ trav- struct an extension to the hotel that will add more rooms and banquet-
eling attitudes and patterns. It has been observed the little No. of 5 star hotels in Alexandria. With ing facilities.
November 2008 WTM - London
6 RESORTS Travel World Magazine

Flash Group and its news! Baron Resort Sharm El-

Sheikh; One of the most
popular hotels worldwide

O ffering Comfort in accommodation, Abun-

dance in facilities, Excellence in hospitality;

Gulet Hotelo – a leading Austrian tourism company
gain this year Flash Group has recon- since several years, welcoming clients from all – has awarded Baron Resort Sharm El-Sheikh its
Gulet Hotelo Award 2008 for 2 consecutive years.
firmed its position among the top players over Europe.”
Baron Resort Sharm El-Sheikh has been selected
in the Egyptian Tourism industry. Mrs. Hoff is sharing further interesting news with
as one of the 100 most popular hotels worldwide.
At the same time last year Mrs. Bitta Hoff, the us by talking about some new niche market prod- Choice is based on the personal impression of thou-
company’s Vice President announced the launch uct, that will be presented to the market soon. sands of the company’s happiest and most satisfied
of a new category of Nile cruise boats, by intro- “Having secured the groups position on all the customers. Baron Resort Sharm el Sheikh’s success
ducing the first suite boat with just 20 units and a main destinations within Egypt, we thought to crowns the tremendous effort exerted to meet the
very boutique style character to the existing fleet push “the envelope” even further, the newest ac- guests’ expectations and beyond.
of 5 star superior boats. quisition is a beautiful wooden sailing cruiser Baron Resort Sharm El-Sheikh, with its unique
Having done so successfully a second boat of even with 12 cabins, following the Turkish concept of a style, provides its guests - couples or families - with
more up marked appearance will be launched by “Gullet holiday”. the most memorable holiday. The 5 star deluxe re-
sort features 360 rooms, suites and royal suites, with
the end of the year. This precious boat will start sailing with our cli-
a selection of soothing facilities tailored for the guest
30 spacious and elegant suites and a la carte res- ents along the coast of the Red Sea as of January
desires. In addition, Baron Resort Sharm El-Sheikh
taurant, an aperitif lounge, billiard and cigar cor- 2009, giving the aficionados of the sea the chance is surrounded by heavenly landscape, waterfalls and
ner, piano bar and a very well appointed sundeck to get to know the most beautiful spots along our the serene desert to complete the resort’s spark.
will secure the highest standards. coast while enjoying the unspoiled underwater Baron Resort Sharm El-sheikh: A Haven for Plea-
During a 7 nights Nile cruise from Luxor to Den- world and the hospitality of our experienced staff sure and Business.
dera and Aswan the staff on board of the M/S Ex- on board, taking care of them during this quite
cellence will make sure that the clients on board unique sailing experience.
will experience an unforgettable holiday experi- Being able to create new experiences for guests
ence. visiting Egypt has always been our aim and by CHI Hotels to Operate
Also from the 5 star superior range, the well moving into the desert we believe we are closing
know Magic brand will be enlarged by welcoming a circle. Twin Property in Sharm
an additional “Magic Nile cruise” by next Sum- Now you can come to Egypt and we will be able
alta based CHI Hotels & Resorts (formerly
mer. to serve you an unique combination of amazing ex- Corinthia Hotels International) announced
A total of 5 Nile cruise boats make part of this periences: Nile cruising on board of a 5 star deluxe the signing of a long term management agreement
very well positioned brand on the Nile, offering suite boat, beach holidays in all main destinations, with Cyrene Tourism Investment Corporation of
programs of 7,4 and 3 nights. sailing on the Red Sea and finally experiencing Egypt for the operation of two new upscale proper-
As most of their clients are visiting Egypt on a the Egyptian desert by visiting our desert camps ties in the highly popular Egyptian resort of Sharm
package program combining culture and beach, of highest standard and positioned quite unique el Sheikh. Both hotels will form part of a major re-
the logical development has been to cover as well in Kharga/Dush, Dakhla and Farafra Stay in one sort destination to be known as the Corinthia Beach
the destination of Hurghada, being already well of our luxurious camps and enjoy a unique desert Resort.
The Corinthia Hotel will be a five-Star interna-
presented in Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq and in Mar- experience.
tional deluxe property located directly on a stun-
sa Alam. Desert in Style has been founded in cooperation
ning beach front in Montazah, Sharm El Sheikh.
Mrs. Hoff explains: “We are happy to announce with International partners to create a new ap- The property is set to become operational in the last
the opening of the newest Flash International proach to the vast deserts of Egypt. You can have quarter of 2009 and will offer 220 deluxe suites and
property – the “Stella Makadi”, a beautiful 5* a look under be fully supported with independent restaurants, a
beach resort with all the facilities our clients are In order to secure that all these new investments club house and fully serviced beach operation and
looking for while spending a week of holidays at and developments will be a success new sources of outdoor pool.
the Red Sea. The first phase will be opened the business have to be secured all the time. The Tiran Island Hotel will be a 600 bedroom four-
middle of November 2008, and 600 units of dif- After having opened a representation office in star international hotel offering a broad selection of
ferent concepts will await our clients from Ger- China sending a regular amount of clients from luxury hotel rooms, residential suites and self-cater-
ing suites ideal for family occupation. Scheduled to
many and other parts of the world. The second the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong to Egypt,
open in the first quarter of 2009, this quality four-
phase with additional 600 units will be following we just opened a similar office in New Delhi, India
star operation will offer a wide range of restaurants,
in 2009. in order to enter as well this developing market”. entertainment, bars, Spa, outside pools and exten-
FLASH International, is as well increasing their Hoping the up turn of business to Egypt will con- sive conference and meeting facilities to suit confer-
room inventory in the destination of Marsa Alam, tinue after a great 2007 and 2008 Flash Group is ence tourism.
where they are operating the 5 star resort “Tulip” looking forward to an interesting future.
November 2008 WTM - London
Travel World Magazine NEWS 9

For the 5th Year Running Baron Hotels TRAVCO RECEIVES

Egypt receive International Recognition AMADEUS AWARD
as Best Hotels by the British Market A t an event that took place at the Fairmont Tow-
ers Heliopolis, Amadeus System hosted their an-
nual event on the 2nd of July, 2008, and Travco Travel
received an award for the second year in a row by
Amadeus System, for being one of the top producers
in Egypt, through the sizeable amount of business
generated by its 7 retail offices and 9 retail branches
in Egypt, apart from the business generated by te 12
international offices in the Middle East, Europe, and
the Far East.
Ms. Nabila Abdallah, aviation manager Travco, re-
ceived the award, and the from the Travco side, at-
tendees included Travco’s EgyptAir Reservation
Manager, Mr. Mostafa Amin, Manager of the aviation
branches, Mr. Abdel Moti Zanaty, and Mrs. Mona El
Wahsh. The awards were distributed by Mr. Ahmed
Youssef, regional manager Amadeus, Ms. Jacqueline
David, marketing manager Middle East, and Mr.
Moody Magued, sales and marketing manager.

Chaine Des Rotisseurs

at InterContinental CityStars
he Marque of Excellence Awards 2007 has been ury. To reach this goal, the owning company contracted
awarded to the Baron Resort Sharm El Sheikh an International office for consultancy and design to
for consecutive 5 year and Baron Palm Resort handle the interior as well as the exterior designs. As
for the 2nd year running by Thomas Cook, as per their for the heavenly landscapes, a well known American
clients voting for Baron Hotels for the years 2007/2008; company which executed different International proj-
as best 5 star hotels in Sharm El Sheikh. This exception- ects for hotels has been also contracted.
al success was achieved through following the highest Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh features 700 rooms and
international hospitality and service quality standards; suites, an impressive array of not less than 10 restau-
gaining the trust and loyalty of the European market rants, bars, tennis courts and a Roman theatre. Baron
in general and the British market in particular. Palace Sahl Hasheesh offers its guests 600 meters of
The clients of Thomas cook (One of the biggest travel private sandy beaches, where guests can enjoy all sorts
& tourism companies in England and the world) have of water sports, diving, snorkeling and swimming.

chosen Baron Properties in Sharm El-Sheikh as the The Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh features one of the
he Chaine Des Rotisseurs selected InterContinen-
best touristic destination in 2007 for delivering the best best conference facilities in the region; the main ball-
tal CityStars Cairo for the third time to organize
standards of service and hospitality. room accommodates 1000 guests, in addition to smaller
and host their annual gala dinner. The event was held
Baron Resort Sharm El Sheikh, 5 star Deluxe features rooms equipped with the latest technology.
at Al Saraya ballroom where the hotel themed the
360 rooms and suites with a beautiful private sandy The Baron Palace Sahl el Hasheesh is the first step in
evening in an autumn mood.
beach, as well as covered and open air swimming pools; a series of new projects in the area, to be announced
All the walls of the ballroom were covered by large
while Palms Resort Sharm El Sheikh with it Andalusian throughout the next three years.
screens displaying natural scenery of autumn. The 6
architecture features 240 rooms and suites. The unique Seen in the picture, Mr. Sherif Shahein Vice Chairman
course carefully chosen menu prepared by the hotels
feature of the Palm resort is the tropical gardens with Baron Hotels & Resorts Egypt, Mr. Ahmed Khaled,
talented chefs was the talk of the whole evening. Din-
more than 200 palm trees surrounding the swimming general manager Baron Resort Sharm El Sheikh and
ner was attended by Cairo’s key society figures that
pools; in addition to the conference room accommodat- Mr. Ghassan Dalal, general manager Baron Palms Re-
all complemented the set up and food quality.
ing 600 guests. sort Sharm El Sheikh, receives the Marque of Excel-
The main objective of the Chaîne is to unite, from all
The planned opening of Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh, lence Award 2007 from the representative of Thomas
over the world, Gastronomes and Professionals with
a five star hotel in 2009 marks a new era of ultimate lux- Cook Company.
distinctive refined taste, who appreciate quality “Cui-
sine” and the culture of the table.
The International gastronomic society founded in
Renaissance Alexandria Hotel and it’s newly opened Markets Paris in 1950, is devoted to promoting fine dining

A fter the complete refurbishment of The Renaissance Alexandria Hotel and it’s re- and preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the
opening in May 2005 being undergoing two full years of extensive renovation, the table.
hotel then started slightly to capture the international leisure markets which is gener- Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt win
ally tied to the classical tours coming from Cairo, Luxor and Aswan as an extensions
Four Gold Medals, One Bronze & One
phase to experience the Mediterranean Sea and the Historical ancient locations of the
Alexandria Pearl, said Hisham El Demery the General Manager of the hotel. Diploma at Culinary Olympics 2008

In the old days of Renaissance, the hotel was focusing mainly on corporate business
and this was the main feeder source of business coming into the hotel. By 2007 the or the first time Egypt’s Culinary Ambassadors
achieve super great results for Egypt and for all
management has realized the significance and potentiality of the international travel
Egyptians Chefs.
segment to support the occupancy levels throughout the year.
Demi Chef de Partie Mohamed El Saadawy wins a
The shown figures of the property demonstrate that there is an increase from 2006
Gold Medal, Category A : Culinary Arts; Chef Artists
- 2008 covering the British, German, Scandinavian and Russian markets in addition to
Samy Fayez Haroun, Ramy Ahmed Mohamed and
traditional Greek and the Italian markets.
Mina Sobhy Gaballah acheive three Gold Medals in
Alexandria has not only become a destination for tourism but a center of attraction for Category D1: Culinary Artistry - Cold Kitchen Show-
its moderate climate and cultural heritage. piece and Category D2: Culinary Artistry - Pâtisserie
On top of this, Alexandria still continues to improve and get advanced, therefore the Showpiece; Sous Chef Hany Hamed succeeds in get-
opening of the new ‘Borg Al Arab’ airport in late 2009 will make a great impact and ting a Bronze Medal and Chef Hamdi Ramadan wins
magnetism to all the Alexandria Visitors by drawing most of the international air car- Diploma in Category B: Culinary Arts.
November 2008 WTM - London
10 RESORTS Travel World Magazine

John Wood General Manager of A gathering Lunch At

Mövenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna Safir Hotel Cairo
M övenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna has the pleasure
to announce the appointment of John G C Wood as
its new General Manager.
Wood is a 4th Generation Hotelier and was actually
born in the Queen’s Hotel in Aberystwyth. He gradu-
ated with honours from the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne
and brings with him a wealth of experience in the hospi-
tality business having worked for the most respectable
companies like Holiday Inn and Le Meridien in various
countries such as Cyprus, the Caribbean, India , Russia
Croatia, and Mauritius.
He joined Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts in 2007 to re-
position the Mauritius Resort and this was crowned with
the “Indian Ocean’s Leading Family Resort” Award at
the 2008 World Travel Awards.
He comes to El Gouna full of excitement to continue the
good work that has already been done in making the Re-
sort the “Premier Choice” for the ever increasing num-

John G C Wood, General Manager ber of visitors to this ‘Little Venice on the Red Sea’.
n a bid to strengthen the bonds between Safir Hotels Egypt family,
Mr. Hussein Shoukry Sarhan ,General Manager Safir Hotel Cairo
New Promotions in Mövenpick Nile Cruises Egypt arranged a gathering lunch for Mr. Ahmed El Salaw, General Manager

M övenpick Nile Cruises Egypt announced recently the Safir Suites Hotel Zamalek and all Safir Suites Hotel Zamalek Depart-
promotion of Ahmed Younis as the Deputy Director ment Heads under the auspices of Mr. Ihab El Kerdani, Regional Direc-
of Sales for the Mövenpick Nile Cruisers Egypt which in- tor of Operations Safir Hotels & Resorts Egypt & North Africa in the
cludes the Mövenpick M/S Royal Lotus, M/S Royal Lily, presence of all Safir Hotel Cairo Department Heads. All attendees ex-
M/S Prince Abbas and The Nile Cruisers Radamis I & pressed their grateful for the exquisite friendly atmosphere & the warm
II. Ahmed has joined the Mövenpick Nile Cruises team welcome.
since July 2003, as an Assistant Sales Manager, where he The photo shows, Mr. Ihab El Kerdani, Regional Director of Opera-
proved an excellent performance and commitment and tions Safir Hotels & Resorts Egypt & North Africa, Mr. Hussein Shoukry,
eventually promoted to his current position. General Manger Safir Hotel Cairo, Mr. Ahmed El Salawi, General Man-
W. Morsy A. Younis ger Safir Hotel Zamalek, Mr. Hamdi Abdel Rahman, Owner Represen-

W aleed Morsy was appointed as the Financial Controller of the newly opened Mövenpick tative, Mrs. Rawia Abdel Kader, Regional Director of Human Resources
Resort El Sokhna, he joined the Mövenpick team in 1998, where he held his first position Safir Hotels & Resorts Egypt & Mrs. Imtenan Sadek, Regional Director
in Mövenpick Resort-Cairo Pyramids and after he took different tasks in various Mövenpick of Public Relations Safir Hotels & Resorts Egypt between Safir Hotels
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Cairo & Zamalek Department Heads
12 Travel World Magazine NEWS 13

TIA HEIGHTS MAKADI BAY is now officially

the new name of X-Le Meridien Makadi Bay Air News
BMI being taken over by Lufthansa

L ufthansa is buying 50 % of BMI. The deal set to

be completed by 16 January will give Lufthansa
control of more flights from London Heathrow and
considerably bolsters its position. Lufthansa will then
own 80 % of BMI, while 20 % is owned by Scandina-
vian Airlines.

Austrian Business Class

A ustrian Airlines Business Class offers 24 spacious

comfort seats with more legroom and integrat-
ed massage function. The premium service includes
a special and excquisite catering service combining
Oriental and Austrian cuisine

British Airways drops surcharges

F or flights more than nine hours: The surcharge

will drop by £13 per flight - from £109 per flight
to £96 per flight. For flights less than nine hours: The
surcharge will drop by £10 per flight - from £78 per
flight to £68 per flight.

World Traveller Club:For flights less than 9 hours:
s of October 1st 2008, TIA Heights is the new managing company that will take over the one million m2 resort
The surcharge drop by £10 per flight - from £78 per
in Makadi Bay, formally known as Le Meridien.
flight to £68 per flight. For flights less than 9 hours:
TIA HEIGHTS Makadi Bay holds 1049 rooms all recently renovated & altered to a more modern style. Along
The surcharge will drop by £5 flight - from £88 per
with the expansion of outlets, TIA Heights Makadi Bay now holds 15 F&B outlets.
flight to £83 per flight.
TIA Hotels & Resorts aim to offer the very best in the hospitality industry. With its future plans to expand in
Egypt, Tia Hotels and Resorts puts customer satisfaction as its sole target.

British Petroleum at
Renaissance Sharm
T he Renaissance Golden View Beach resort was the chosen venue
by AIR BP to hold their annual TSA conference. The event was a
great success and guests coming from all over the world were amazed
by the outstanding service, unique location and friendly staff.
“It is not just an event, it is an experience we are offering to each
and every guest to have an enjoyable memorable events; so they can
have successful meetings, relax at a home out of home, enjoy mouse
watering food with an Egyptian flavor and offer them to opportunity
to Discover the Red Sea. Our staff is always delighted to serve our
customers” Said Sameh Nadim, Director of Marketing.
Photo shows: British petroleum participants at Renaissance main

A setting of Purity and Wellbeing: Mövenpick Resort & Spa Mauritius

J ean Stéphane Grasset is the name of the new General Manager of Mövenpick Resort & Spa Mauritius. Coming from
Santiburi Golf Resort & Spa in Koh Samui, Thailand, the French national Jean Stéphane Grasset joins Mövenpick Hotels
& Resorts for the first time in the function of General Manager of the hotel group’s flagship in Mauritius. He has a great
deal of experience in the upscale hotel business and, in addition to Thailand, has worked in Singapore, Cyprus, France and
Mauritius in the past.
Located on the south west coast of Mauritius, in the heart of the preserved nature of Bel Ombre, the Mövenpick Resort &
Spa Mauritius is an authentic paradise perfectly integrated into large sugar cane fields as well as lush vegetation and offers a
unique atmosphere of a traditional sugar cane plantation from the early 17th century. This upscale resort combines first-class
service, excellent cuisine, exceptional spa facilities and a wide range of sports. With 160 spacious rooms, 20 suites and one
villa, all facing the Indian Ocean, the resort provides the ideal setting for a relaxing and luxury stay at any time of the year.
The friendliness of Mauritian combined with Swiss hospitality simply grants impeccable service.
Upon arrival, after only 45 minutes transfer from International Airport, guests are welcomed with a lemongrass ice tea
freshly picked from the hotel’s gardens. A unique design on the island, inspiring elegance and serenity from the entrance,
guiding constantly the eyes towards the surrounding nature and the 500 meter beach and lagoon. The exceptional location
of the resort, between lush tropical vegetation and speechless crystal blue water lagoon makes it the ideal starting point for
day excursions on Mauritius.
The spacious and luxuriously designed rooms (from 55 sqm), suites and the villa offer the ultimate in comfort and are
spread through casuarinas, coconut trees, frangipanes, hibiscus and bougainvilleas in 22 acres of tropical gardens. They are
all appointed into a classical style with a wood or palm thatch roofs, with terrace or balcony overlooking the Indian Ocean.
For the ultimate chill-out experience five Indian beds and 20 hammocks have recently been added to the lavish tropical gar-
den. Space and tranquillity are the key words to define this unique resort.

November 2008 WTM - London

Travel World Magazine RESORTS 15

Hilton Hurghada Plaza

One team, always trusted
and always ahead
hmed Sabry, the General Manager of the
Hilton Hurghada Plaza talked to us about
the upgrade of his resort, that took place
since mid 2007 which affected directly the over all
quality of service and hence, the type of guests ac-
commodated at the resort.

What is your core philosophy ?

My core philosophy is the investment in people, those
who provide the quality of service our guests expect
from a five star resort as our team member create what
our brands stand for.
As I always say, “ One team, always trusted and always
ahead “, we need to build our team member around this
as playing alone will take us no where but playing as one team, will definitely build
trust between our brand and our guests, which will automatically take us ahead of all
other International hotel chains.
We are one of the great company in hospitality then we must provide great service,
reaching this great level of service is through building great team members and pass-
ing the responsibility to them that they are our Ambassadors, whatever department
they are working for.

What did you do to be one of the top 5 star properties in Hurghada ?

The property went through a soft renovation all over, including the rooms, public
areas and all the food and beverage outlets, all this with concentrating on training
for team members to upgrade the services delivered to guests and to exceed their ex-
pectation were the major success factors for the Hilton Plaza to compete with other 5
star resorts in Hurghada as well as making sure our guests walk out of the property
with no problems or negative comments.
Simply, I just explained to my team members that working as one team, will build
trust, increase our guest loyalty and hence we will go ahead and be one of the top
properties not only in Hurghada but in all the Red Sea area.

What unique challenges does Hurghada market present for you ?

It is our unique challenge to build positive perceptions for our services among all the
Red Sea hotels & resorts.
Recruitment is one of the major challenge we are facing due to the fact that non In-
ternational hotel chains are offering very high salaries with no calculated risk that
this will aggressively harm the salary scale for each position.

How do you overcome this challenge ?

I am sure you know that Hilton is one of the great hotel chains in training and devel-
opment, it is known as the people hotel chain.
We care a lot about our team member, the training and development is one of our
main targets as general managers in Hilton, this should start from implementing
proper hiring procedure, introducing our company properly to new comers, explain-
ing carefully their privileges and entitlements being a Hilton employee and finally
discussing their career succession plan over an identified period of time, this process
is taking place from the most junior team members to the most senior ones.

Do you see a downfall in business due to the current economical crises ?

Of course the business will be affected but to the minimal, this will never be felt be-
fore the first quarter in 2009 but, I wish that all hotels and resorts in Egypt stand still
and do not decrease their rates, there is demand and the tour operators will try to use
all gimmicks to take special rates.
The demand on Egypt is increasing tremendously during the last couple of years
and we are still one of the medium priced destinations to spend one week or two week
holiday, tourist will still travel, despite of the economical crises, they may be less than
before but the difference will be minor, we just need not to panic and jeopardize our
rates, we reached a good step in increasing our prices and we should not look back
but we should look ahead.

On a personal note, what do you enjoy the most in working with Hilton ?
As I said earlier, Hilton is a great company and working for them just added a lot to
my experience, I am working in the hospitality industry since 20 years after adding
the last 3 years at Hilton, I can only say that the company is dedicated and focused
whether in developing their team members or upgrading their level of service and the
quality of their products, it is an exciting period for me and I am enjoying being one
of their General Manager for one of their elite 5 star resorts all over Egypt.
November 2008 WTM - London
16 INTERNATIONAL Travel World Magazine Travel World Magazine INTERNATIONAL 17

November 2008 WTM - London May 2008 ATM - Dubai

18 LAST PAGE Travel World Magazine

Mövenpick Royal Palm Hotel and Habitat for

From the publisher ...
Humanity are proud to announce the launch
of their first house build in Dar es Salaam

T he number of tourists visiting Egypt

climbed from 9.8 to 12.5 million
during the 2007/8 fiscal year.
Russia with 1.5 million in 2007 has
overtaken Britain and accounts for more
tourists to Egypt than any other coun-
try. Egypt is targeting to lure around 14
Million tourists by 2011 end.
To achieve this target, the country
needs to build 240,000 hotel rooms by
2011 that requires an annual investment
of over US$ 1 Billion. This represents a
huge opportunity for infrastructure de-
velopers, particularly hotel groups.

he Baron Palace, also known as
Hindu Villa, one of Heliopolis’ fa-

mous landmarks is undergoing renova-
övenpick Hotels & Resorts Africa Hotel Dar es Salaam, and 12 media rep- simple housing solutions for local com-
tion. A team of the Archaeological Sur-
division and Habitat for Humanity resentatives, a big smile was put on the munities in need. Both represent a great
vey of India (ASI) is going to assist in
Africa & the Middle East Division, an- faces of Juma and his family. corporate citizenship by serving to es-
conserving and maintaining the nearly
nounced on August 22, 2008 the launch After commencing house-build, Mr. tablish, and build homes. This in return
100-year-old palace. The Baron Place is
of their first house build in Chamazi, Hans-Peter Duerr, the General Manager will raise awareness about the vital need
named after the Belgian Baron-General
Mbagala, which is located 20 Km away of the Mövenpick Royal Palm Hotel Dar for a positively economical and healthy
Edouard Louis Joseph Empain, who is
from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. es Salaam, welcomed the attendees and shelter for the families across the African
also the founder of Cairo’s posh suburb
With this house-build, Mövenpick Ho- thanked them for their contribution. In region.
tels & Resorts draws a landmark in the addition, he presented a new cheque for Through the generosity of Mövenpick

progress of their partnership with Habi- Greg Foster, the Regional Director for Royal Palm Hotel guests, and Habitat for
gypt has revealed plans to build an
tat for Humanity, in building affordable, Habitat for Humanity International in Humanity, Tanzania will be able to lever-
Underwater Museum in Alexandria
decent house solutions for families in ME & Africa for further House builds age their contributions to improve the
with the support of the UNESCO . As the
need in Tanzania. in Tanzania in the near future, including lives of hundreds of families with good
first of its kind it would be partly above
The first house build was done for Juma a donation of 4,000 US$ from Mantrac, housing, drinkable water, and healthy
waters and partly submerged, consisting
Amani, a 14-year old Primary School handed over by Edmund Martin, the living conditions.
of three floors following the 2001 UNES-
Student and his family; the house facili- Managing Director for their Tanzania The humanistic cause will not only af-
CO convention for the preservation of
ties included two bedrooms, a living area, Branch. fect the families of Tanzania in need, but
underwater heritage, that suggest that
bathroom and a shower room. With the Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts and Habi- will greatly affect nations in need, mak-
submerged artifacts should ideally re-
help and contributions of more than 20 tat for Humanity together as leaders, ing the world a better place to have hope
main on the seabed and because water
employees and guests of the Mövenpick hand in hand, will support and provide and simply live.
actually preserves artifacts. Construc-
tions are scheduled to begin later this

he three-thousand-year-old temple
was found along with some parts
of a Ramses II statue and the limestone
panels used for the construction of the
monument. The third Egyptian pharaoh
of the nineteenth dynasty, Ramses II, is
often referred to as Egypt’s greatest and
most powerful ruler. Ain Shams is a sub-
urb in the east of Cairo.

The Egyptian Travel Magazine since 1990
Publisher: Eman Shaaban Chief Editor: Abouelwafa Badour
Head office: Travel World Publications - Patric’s Team P.O. Box 1462 CH-1820 Montreux 1 switzerland Tel. +41 21 963 27 47 Fax: +41 21 963 27 48
Cairo office: 7 Abdalla Taher st. Nasr City, Cairo - Egypt Tel. & Fax: +202 274 35 13 & +202 6715 794
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