Clve Project: By: JC Karingal Section: I-Chieri

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By: Jc karingal
Section: I-chieri

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

My Genesis
It started when my dad was working for my tito Manny,
My dad always looks for part time job to earn money. The
job was a jewelry seller where that time he met my mom
who was a also a jewelry seller. That time they became
business partners, my mom was the one who will buy
cheaper rings and then my dad will sell it for a little profit.
Until they shared a special feeling for each other :)) (kilig
hahahahaha ) each of there sides agreed even they both had
a past wife/husband. When my dad proposed, my mom
would still think about it. But a year later my mom said yes
to dad and they got married. And so on… :))
How I came to be :)
Pslam 136:16

You saw me before Jesus was born everyday of my life was recorded in your book
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed

Infancy Narrative :)
And history of name :)
It started when my mom got the
Signs of pregnancy so my mom was
Pregnant for 3 some-
Times demands any kinds of fruits
(naglihi)When I’m ready to go out
My dad carried my mom to the nearest clinic in Paranaque.
After that I was born and supposedly my birthday is
November 2 1996 but the time I came out was 12 noon :)))
When dad looked at me in the nursery room he decided to
go back to work and tell the good news. After he came
back in the clinic… mom was not there. Mom was carried
in a hospital due to a complication. The doctor said that
mom needed blood, the ordered blood was still in manila
being packed. My dad decided to call his sister and hid
brother to donate blood. When mom recovered. They went
back to the clinic and they named me Jan Carlo Karingal
Also short for JC which stands for Jaime and ANabelle :D
My Family :)
Deuteronomy 11:19 (RSV)
And you shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house,
and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise

About Me and my Family :)

ME :) - > responsible
->smallest among the family
->always fight with my brother
JB :P -> mabait :))
->lagi ko kaaway pero mabait talaga yan :)
->ang galling mag magic :)) hahaha master!
->master ko din mag dota! XD
Jaime Karingal (dad)
->mabait na dad
->astig :)
->galling magturo :)
Kaso nakakaantok

Best dad ever :P

Anabelle Karingal
(no picture e  )


 Best cook/chief
 Mabait
 Lagi ako tinutiungan
 Lagi nya ako binibili ng laruan nung bata pa
ako :)


( MOM )

My slavery that hinders me from being a good
and loving person :)
1 John 1:9  ESV
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.

Most of my problems comes from the computer :)) because

most of my attention always some from there. One time, I was
supposed to review for my quarterly test I was tempted to play
DotA and login in facebook because I got tired of reading. And
also some of my attitudes that I cannot remove because that
what I really are like always ask money from my parents even
thought I don’t know what will I buy and being so spoiled.
Sometimes when I go to sleep I sometimes ask god if he really
plan this :) but “god has a plan for everything”
Galatians 5:14
: The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." That
would INCLUDE your unborn child…. 

- Thou shall not talk behind one’s back
- Thou shall respect each other
- Thou shall treat each other like family
- Thou shall not fight each other
- Thou shall share each others food
- Thou shall not leave a member when not
he/she is not finish eating
- Thou shall help each other when times of
- Thou shall not steal
- Thou shall fight for who is good
- Thou shall not talk bad to each other
Family commandments

- Thou shall not say bad words

- Thou shall not leave the dining area when
one is not finish
- Thou shall do chores daily
- Take care of each other
- Respect one another
- Sleep early when work days
- Limit the use of the computer
- Thou shall ask permission when going
outside the village
- Always tell what happen to your day
- Always keep your promise
Special relation ship :) (kung meron man)

- Stay loyal to each other

- Remember one’s birthday
- Keep in touch with each other so that we
can feel each others accompany
- Don’t forget the special moments with
each other :D
- Give gifts if there is an occasion
- Spend time with her (?)
2 Samuel 22:29
 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.

My light is my dad because I cannot argue with that

because he is always the one who encourages me to pray
every night, always comes with me in mass and sometimes
when mom was still asleep he tutor me about MATH. He is
always there when I’m in times of need. Especially when
I’m lost in a mall when I was little :D that was the proof
that my dad is always there for me.



Classmates, Friends & Neighbors :
Kat de lara mabait :) ewan

Luis pelo mapalakaibigan lakas mangasar(?)

Kiara gentleman(daw) MAYABANG :D

John mamangun talented lakas mangasar(?)

Jaime(dad) malambing makulit

JB(brother) always on time sometimes he

doesn’t flush the toilet :P

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