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Publisher Chamarelli present

BR Modern Art Week

Thursday September 9, 2021 Edition 1

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ANNA CAROLINA The latest news

The euphoric atmosphere, imbued ANNA CAROLINA

with the purpose of making changes,
especially influenced by the avant-
Main Arts event in Brazil garde movements, is that the artists
expressed their ideological positions The main exponents of modern art in the
through their creations, whether in country were:
Talking about the artists of Modern Art means painting, music, sculpture, literature, • Anita Malfatti: expressionist painter,
talking about the greatest event that marked the among other forms of art. The aim was draftsman, teacher and part of the group
history of Brazilian art. This event, known as the to create a way to break with the of five. One of his best known works is
week de Modern Art or week twenty two, occurred parameters that prevailed in the arts in “A boba”.
place at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, general. • Mário de Andrade: poet, prose writer,
between February 13th and 18th, 1922. musician and historian. One of the main
Modern Art is the set of artistic names in Modernism in Brazil.
History of Modern Art expressions that emerged in Europe at • Oswald de Andrade: writer and
the end of the 19th century and lasted dramatist, he also followed the Modernist
In 1922 Brazil celebrated its first centenary until the middle of the 20th century. aesthetic in his works. His poets were
of independence. Since the period that preceded the very close to everyday language, being
Week of 1922, known before Modernism, there was It especially covers architecture, totally contrary to Parnassianism.
a reaction on the part of the artistic class to show a sculpture, literature and painting. • Tarsila do Amaral: painting and
Brazil seen under the real plan, far from the sculpture. Artist along with Oswald, he
idealism preached by the romantic time. The Brazil In Brazil, this artistic trend was
was the head of the Antropofagia
of the marginalized, ranging from the northeastern consolidated with the Week of
movement. His best known work is
hinterland to the Rio suburbs. Modern Art that took place in 1922 at
the Municipal Theater in the city of
• Menotti Del Picchia: journalist,
In this euphoric atmosphere, imbued with São Paulo.
politician and painter. He was a critical
the purpose of making changes, especially
It is considered that modern art had its modernist, one of the strands of
influenced by avant-garde movements, artists
decline with the end of World War II, Modernism.
expressed their ideological positions through their
creations, whether in painting, music, sculpture, giving way to other artistic currents of
literature, among other forms of art. The intention contemporary or postmodern art.
was to create a way to break with the parameters
that prevailed in the arts in general.

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September 9, 2021 TODAY'S NEWS Edition 01

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Its main features are:

• - Rejection of academicism
• Informality
•Freedom of expression
• Relative score
• Approximation of popular and colloquial
• Deformed figures and illogical scenes
• Abandonment of realistic representation of
• Arbitrary use of colors
• Urbanism
• Humor, irreverence

The latest news • Strangeness

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ANNA CAROLINA Main Features of Modern Art

Modern art's main characteristic is the break

with current standards. This aspect is
Consequences of Modern Art in Brazil mainly due to its historical moment. The canvas Operários (1933), by Tarsila do
Amaral is an example of Brazilian modernist
The Week of Modern Art It happened in a period of great work
represented a true renewal of language, in technological achievements (such as the
the search for experimentation, in the invention of photography and cinema), in
creative freedom to break with the past and addition to the Industrial Revolution, World
even bodily, as art then moved from the War I and later World War II.
avant-garde to modernism. The world was
experiencing great scientific, artistic, Thus, art is also transformed and begins to
philosophical and religious transformations, play an increasingly challenging role,
with Europe as the crib for these expressing in some way the uncertainties
transformations. and dilemmas of contemporaneity.

The First World War brought social This artistic expression radically
and economic changes in the world, transformed the field of arts by breaking
destroying an entire European romanticism with formalisms, reaching even the
in all human relations. grammatical structures in the literary field

Europe enters an artistic boil as a

response to all the transformations it
undergoes, and Brazil, an importer of
European culture, is not far behind. The
Week of Modern Art in 1922 was a
milestone that will remain in our history as
the event that took Brazil from a parochial
past to a future to be traversed..

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September 9, 2021 TODAY'S NEWS Edition 01

Leading artists of modern art.

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Featuring black characters and strong The painting “Abaporu” is, without a doubt,
Main works of Brazilian Modern Art features, the play “Samba” is considered by one of the most emblematic pieces of the
many scholars to be Emiliano di Cavalcanti's anthropophagic movement and Brazilian
most important work and the one that best modern art. In addition, it is also one of the
1. “A NEGRA” (1923) BY TARSILA DO represents national identity through black most valuable and known Brazilian works
AMARAL culture. abroad.

“A Negra” was part of Tarsila do Amaral’s

first solo e exhibition. For many critics his
work was considered exotic original, cerebral
and also naive.

3. "BANANAL" (1927), BY LASAR


The painting “Bananal’ by Lasar Segall,

draws attention to a worker standing in the
Middle of a banana plantation, emphasizing
the human elemento in Brazilian agriculture

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