External Sit Rep 2nd May

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External Situation Report | 2nd May 2011


 As of 30 April, 665,321 migrants have fled violence in Libya. This figure includes 258,148 Third Country Nationals
(TCNs). Migrants fleeing Libya entered Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Algeria, Chad and Sudan.

 IOM and its partners have assisted 124,611 Third Country Nationals* to return to their home country as of 30
April. Bookings have been confirmed for 3,864 people up to 5 May.

 On 30 April, 11,967 people crossed the Libyan borders with Tunisia, Egypt, and Chad.

 As of 30 April, the total caseload in need of evacuation at the Libyan borders is estimated at 6,735 persons.

 As of 29 April, 5,079 people have been evacuated by boat from Misrata to Benghazi including 4,585 TCNs and 175
war casualties and medical cases. A further 1,816 tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered. Additional
rotations are being planned, but will depend on the security situation in Misrata.

 While generous contributions have been received for the urgent evacuation of thousands of civilians caught in firings
in Misrata, further help is needed for continuing evacuations of TCNs to their country of origin.

* Including commercial flights booked by IOM.

IOM Cross Border Movements Map as of 30 April 2011

External Situation Report | 2nd May 2011
An estimated 7,206 people crossed the border Daily Figures – 30 April 2011
on 30 April until 23:59. This brings the Arrivals: 7,206
cumulative total arrivals to 313,990 people. IOM assisted returns: 390
Total Figures
As of 30 April, direct transportation assistance Total Arrivals: 313,990
from Tunisia was provided to 94,201 persons by Total assisted returns: 94,201
boat, charters and commercial flights since the
beginning of the crisis, including to nationals from Egypt, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali,
Mauritania, Nepal and the Philippines.

On 30 April, IOM assisted the return of 390 people, including 176 Chadians, 178 Nigeriens, 33 Bangladeshis,
and 3 Nicaraguans. As of 30 April, the caseload of migrants in need of evacuation assistance is 2,399 people.

On 30 April, 3,234 persons crossed the Egyptian
border. This brings the cumulative total of Daily Figures – 30 April 2011
arrivals to 249,664 people. Arrivals: 3,234
IOM assisted returns: 385
As of 30 April, the current caseload is now Total Figures
2,972. Since 26 February, IOM has evacuated Total Arrivals: 249,664
28,984 migrants stranded in Egypt. On 30 April, Total assisted returns: 28,984
IOM assisted the return of 385 people.

On 28 April, 363 Nigeriens received pre-departure medical checks. IOM continues to provide food to cover
for the gap between the planned and the actual case load, approximating 700 meals on average. At the
same time, IOM will provide food items for children and infants as well as sanitary items.

Total cumulative arrivals in Dirkou amount to Daily Figures – 30 April 2011
60,247 people, mostly Nigeriens, with 1,133
Arrivals: 1,133
persons arriving on 30 April.
IOM assisted returns: 54
Total Figures
From the beginning of the Libyan Crisis, IOM has
Total Arrivals: 60,247
helped 1,884 migrants to return to their country
Total assisted returns: 1,884
of origin. On 30 April, IOM assisted the return of
54 TCNs. The caseload in Dirkou is now 224.

On 29 April, a military convoy with 27 trucks and 2,985 people was organized on route to Agadez.

224 people received NFIs, food and water, 80 people received medical assistance, and a further 217 people
received shelter on 30 April.

External Situation Report | 2nd May 2011

On 30 April, 394 Chadians crossed the Chadian border and arrived at Faya.

As of 30 April, a cumulative total of 18,634 Chadians citizens and 238 TCNs fleeing the Libyan crisis have
returned to Chad through the Libya-Chad border towns of Faya and Kalait.

As of 30 April, IOM has repatriated more than 22,777 Chadian returnees by air from Egyptian and Tunisian
borders into Chad.

IOM Evacuations in Misrata

© IOM 2011

For further information, please visit www.migration-crisis.com/libya or contact drd@iom.int

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