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Mendoza, Javelyn I.


Activity 2: Convergence Journalisms

Complete the following activities by browsing the internet.

A. 1. Look for a
blog made by a journalist, print the whole article in a separate paper and
attach it to this activity sheet. Also provide a brief insight (3-5 sentences).

Blog link


The Essence of Resilience and Helping

- A Drip Tea Success Story

Despite experiencing financial turmoil over a failed family restaurant business, Lesther Gomez
still tried his luck and opened a mini beverage stand at their old restaurant's place.

Lesther or Thor (as what his friends always call him) venture into new business using a borrowed
P20,000 capital.

All the hardships seemed nothing for him, and in March 2019, Thor established Drip Tea with
the catchy tagline 'Your Daily Dose of Milk Tea.'

2. Look for a
podcast made by a journalist; provide its link and summarize its content.


The Start of the Renaissance

Around 600 years ago, the way that people looked at the world began to change forever. Art
and architecture, philosophy and literature, politics and science all went through a rebirth – a
Renaissance. In this edition of The Art Story podcast, Dani Fallon and Rob Weinberg find out
more about this most influential of periods when Europe took a leap into a more enlightened,
modern era, and culture and civilisation flourished.

The Art Story Podcasts aim to introduce important eras in art via a friendly, beginner
discussion. They are meant to welcome learners to complicated art history topics that are further
explored on The Art Story website.

3. Look for vlog

made by a journalist; provide its link and summarize its content.



The entire payamansion team had a game called EXTREME LAST TO LEAVE THE POOL
All payamansion teams must be in a small pool and there are rules to be displayed before they
play and those rules are forbidden to move, forbidden to climb, forbidden to hold on the side of
the pool, forbidden to strike those placed on the side of the pool. And they have pictures that
when they go out they will cross their picture. They will win 100,000 pesos. They have already
started at level 1. The show is frogs which will be placed in the swimming pool and after level 1,
there is one who is out next, at level 2 there is an Iguana, there are two who quit because it is not
so until they reach part 2 and the others are already out. In part 2, it was torture and torture as the
night reached them and there were many more in the pool. And when they were done, they
moved to the smallest pool where they were not allowed to lift their bodies until their necks were
submerged. They made the rules even harder, then they put the crocodile in the pool, they were
very scared and the last. put ice pool first sack until they put ten sacks of ice the others numb
their bodies now there are five people left and what viy did is just give 20k each .. and then the
last will end to leave the pool challenge.

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