D H - P C M U N N N P: Esign of IGH Erformance Oncrete Ixture Sing Eural Etworks and Onlinear Rogramming by I-Cheng Yeh

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By I-Cheng Yeh1

ABSTRACT: A method of optimizing high-performance concrete mix proportioning for a given workability and
compressive strength using artificial neural networks and nonlinear programming is described. The basic pro-
cedure of the methodology consists of three steps: (1) Build accurate models for workability and strength using
artificial neural networks and experimental data; (2) incorporate these models in software allowing an evaluation
of the specified properties for a given mix; and (3) incorporate the software in a nonlinear programming package
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allowing a search of the optimum proportion mix design. For performing optimum concrete mix design based
on the proposed methodology, a software package has been developed. One can conduct mix simulations cov-
ering all the important properties of the concrete at the same time. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed
methodology, experimental results from several different mix proportions based on various design requirements
are presented.

INTRODUCTION bani (1983) developed a computer program for the ACI con-
crete mix proportioning method. This was based on the com-
High-performance concrete (HPC) is rather new terminol- puter program SAS. Here, the relationships given in various
ogy in the concrete construction industry, taking the place of tables are formulated into equations. Simple and multiple non-
the well-known ‘‘high-strength concrete’’ in recent years. In linear regression equations are used to derive the relationships
addition to the four basic ingredients of the conventional con- among the variables involved. This program helps accelerate
crete, i.e., portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, and concrete mix proportioning and, hence, save time. However,
water, the making of HPC needs to incorporate the supple- the effects of material prices are still neglected.
mentary cementitious materials such as fly ash and blast fur- Traditionally concrete is designed in a way following pre-
nace slag, and chemical admixtures such as superplasticizer vious experiences. The available examples are, however, often
(Chang et al. 1996). of a limited value, because many combinations of the com-
Although there are various definitions of HPC in many ponents, proportions, and mixing techniques have never been
countries, the essence of HPC emphasizes such characteristics investigated or published (Kasperkiewicz et al. 1995). Nowa-
as high strength, high workability with good consistency, di- days, concrete can be made with about four to 10 different
mensional stability, and durability. It is generally accepted that components. The number of properties to be adjusted has also
a concrete having a high workability with good consistency at increased, so that empirical methods are no longer sufficient
the fresh state and a high strength at the hardened state can in concrete mix design.
exhibit properties of high dimensional stability and high du- In complex engineering systems, empirical relationships are
rability (Chang et al. 1996).
often employed to estimate engineering properties. Generally,
In recent years, the use of supplementary cementitious ma-
a complex domain is characterized by a number of interacting
terials, mainly fly ash and blast furnace slag, has become in-
factors in which the relationship between these factors is not
creasingly common in normal-strength concrete, partly for rea-
precisely known. A conventional method for building empiri-
sons of economy and partly because of technical benefits
cal relationships is the statistical approach such as multivari-
imparted by these materials. In the case of HPC, the reasons
able linear regression, but it is difficult to apply the statistical
for their use are even stronger (Aitcin and Neville 1993). Fly
approach in a complex nonlinear system. An alternative
ash is an economic by-product material from fossil-fuel power
method is the neural network approach (Rumelhart et al.
plants. The use of fly ash in producing HPC can result in
1986). A neural network model is a computer model whose
lowered water demand, reduced concrete temperature, and re-
architecture essentially mimics the learning capability of the
duced cost. However, the early strength gain of the concrete
may be decreased. Granulated blast-furnace slag is one of the human brain. Basically, the processing elements of a neural
major by-products of steel-making plants. Blast furnace slag network, with many simple computational elements arranged
is now recognized as a desirable cementitious ingredient of in layers, are similar to the neurons in the brain. In the past
concrete, and as a valuable cement replacement material that decade, considerable attention has been focused on the prob-
imparts some specific qualities to the composite-cement con- lem of applying neural networks in diverse fields, such as sys-
crete superior to those of concrete made from ordinary port- tem modeling, fault diagnosis, and control. This is because the
land cement alone (Swamy and Bouikni 1990). artificial neural network is a good tool to model nonlinear
Most concrete design methods are fully experimental or systems.
semiexperimental. Often special nomograms are provided. Ex- Most neural network applications are based on the back-
perimental or semiexperimental methods are reliable and ac- propagation paradigm, which uses the gradient-descent method
curate; however, they involve laboratory tests, and the effects to minimize the error function (Rumelhart et al. 1986). A back-
of material prices are neglected. For example, Jerath and Kab- propagation neural network is a layered network consisting of
an input layer, an output layer, and at least one layer of non-
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Chung-Hua Univ., 30 Tung Shiang, linear processing elements known as the hidden layer. The
Hsin Chu, 30067, Taiwan. input layer of the neural network receives signals from the
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 1999. To extend the closing date external environment. The hidden layer receives signals from
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of the input layer and transmits an output signal based on a trans-
Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and fer function to a subsequent layer. Previous literature thor-
possible publication on July 17, 1998. This paper is part of the Journal
of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, January, 1999. oughly explores the basic mathematical concepts of the back-
䉷ASCE, ISSN 0877-3801/99/0001-0036 – 0042/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. propagation algorithm (Rumelhart et al. 1986; Welstead 1994;
Paper No. 18805. Yeh et al. 1992, 1993). Considerable research activities have

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

been reported in the literature on the development of materials S⬘cr56 > f ⬘cr56 (5)
applications using artificial neural networks (Ghaboussi et al.
1991; Kasperkiewicz et al. 1995). Kasperkiewicz et al. dem- S⬘cr90 > f ⬘cr90 (6)
onstrated that the fuzzy-ARTMAP neural network can model 3 14 28 56
where S⬘ , S⬘ , S⬘ , S⬘ and S⬘ = predicted 3-day, 14-
cr cr cr cr
strength properties of HPC mixes and optimize the concrete day, 28-day, 56-day, and 90-day compressive strength;
mixes. However, the fuzzy-ARTMAP is an odd paradigm in and f ⬘cr3, f cr
⬘14, f cr
⬘28, f cr
⬘56, and f cr
⬘90 = required 3-day, 14-day,
neural networks, and only six components (cement, silica, su- 28-day, 56-day, and 90-day compressive strength.
perplasticizer, water, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate) and The required average compressive strength is deter-
the strength requirement were considered. mined by the following formulas:
In this paper, from the viewpoint of strength, workability,
and economy, a methodology of mix proportioning for HPC f ⬘cr = f ⬘c ⫹ 1.34␴ (7)
based on the concept of artificial neural networks and nonlin-
⬘ = f ⬘c ⫹ 2.33␴ ⫺ 3.5 (MPa)
f cr (8)
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ear optimization is presented. The basic procedure of the meth-

odology consists of three steps: where f ⬘c = specific compressive strength; and ␴ = stan-
dard deviation of the available test data of compressive
1. Modeling: Build an accurate model for workability and strength.
strength using artificial neural networks and experimental 2. Required workability constraints
2. Incorporating: Incorporate these models in software al- Slump0 > Slumpr0 (9)
lowing an evaluation of the specified properties for a Flow0 > Flow r
0 (10)
given mix.
3. Optimizing: Incorporate the software in a nonlinear pro- Slump45 > Slump 45 (11)
gramming package allowing a search for the optimum r
Flow45 > Flow 45 (12)
proportion mix design.
where Slump0 and Slump = predicted initial slump and
The main objective of this study is to develop a mix pro- required initial slump; Flow0 and Flowr0 = predicted ini-
portioning methodology of HPC. For performing optimum tial slump flow (Chang et al. 1996) and required initial
concrete mix design based on the proposed methodology, a slump flow; Slump45 and Slumpr45 = predicted slump and
computer program called HPC2N (High Performance Concrete required slump after 45 minimum; and Flow45 and
Design Package Using Neural Network and Nonlinear Pro- Flowr45 = predicted slump flow and required slump flow
gramming), has been developed and will be presented. With after 45 minimum.
this software, one can conduct mix simulations covering all 3. Available range constraints
the important properties of the concrete at the same time. To
demonstrate the utility of the proposed methodology, experi- W min
C < WC < W Cmax (13)
mental results from several different mix proportions based on W min
F < WF < W max
F (14)
various design requirements are presented. The results of this min max
approach indicate that this methodology yields the target val- W S < WS < W S (15)
ues of workability and strength as per requirements. W min max
W < WW < W W (16)
min max
min max
The aim of the methodology is to find the optimum mix W CA < WCA < W CA (18)
proportion. The strength and workability are chosen as input min max
parameters. To apply the proposed procedure, it is necessary W FA < WFA < W FA (19)
to formulate properly the concrete optimization problem, to The available range constraints reflect the regulation
prepare and input the data in an appropriate way, and to run and experience of concrete mix design (Chang et al.
the optimization routine. The analytical method used in this 1996; Hwang et al. 1996). They can reduce the search
paper is that of five constraints, better known as the constraints space and accelerate the optimization process.
of ‘‘required strength,’’ ‘‘required workability,’’ ‘‘available 4. Rational ratio constraints
range,’’ ‘‘rational ratio,’’ and ‘‘absolute volume.’’
R min
1 ⱕ R1 ⱕ R 1max (20)
Minimize Cost = CC ⭈ WC ⫹ CF ⭈ WF ⫹ CS ⭈ WS ⫹ CW ⭈ WW
R min
2 ⱕ R2 ⱕ R max
2 (21)
⫹ CSP ⭈ WSP ⫹ CCA ⭈ WCA ⫹ CFA ⭈ WFA (1)
R min
3 ⱕ R3 ⱕ R 3max (22)
where CC, CF, CS, CW, CSP, CCA, and CFA = unit price of the
cement, fly ash, slag, water, superplasticizer, coarse aggregate, R min
4 ⱕ R4 ⱕ R max
4 (23)
and fine aggregate; and WC, WF, WS, WW, WSP, WCA, and WFA R min
5 ⱕ R5 ⱕ R max
5 (24)
= weight (kg) of the cement, fly ash, slag, water, SP, coarse
aggregate, and fine aggregate in 1 m3 concrete. R min
6 ⱕ R6 ⱕ R max
6 (25)
R min
7 ⱕ R7 ⱕ R 7max (26)
R min
8 ⱕ R8 ⱕ R max
8 (27)
1. Required strength constraints
R min
9 ⱕ R9 ⱕ R max
9 (28)
S⬘cr3 > f ⬘cr3 (2)
S⬘cr14 > f ⬘cr14 (3)
R1 = (WW ⫹ WSP)/WC (29)
S⬘cr28 > f ⬘cr28 (4)
R2 = (WW ⫹ WSP)/(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (30)


J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

R3 = (WW ⫹ WSP)/(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS ⫹ WCA ⫹ WFA) (31) TABLE 1. Statistic Analysis of Strength Data Set

R4 = WSP /(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (32) Component content

or ratio Minimum Maximum
R5 = WF /(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (33) (1) (2) (3)
Cement (kg/m3) 71 600
R6 = WS /(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (34)
Fly ash (kg/m3) 0 175
R7 = (WF ⫹ WS)/(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (35) Blast furnace slag (kg/m3) 0 359
Water (kg/m3) 120 228
R8 = (WCA ⫹ WFA)/(WC ⫹ WF ⫹ WS) (36) Superplasticizer (kg/m3) 0 20.8
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 730 1,322
R9 = WFA /(WCA ⫹ WFA) (37) Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 486 968
Water/cement ratio 0.24 2.73
The rational ratio constraints reflect the experience and Water/cementitious ratio 0.24 0.87
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knowledge of concrete mix design. They can reduce the Superplasticizer/cementitious ratio 0.00 0.040
search space and accelerate the optimization process. Fly ash/cementitious ratio 0.00 0.50
Slag/cementitious ratio 0.00 0.70
5. Absolute volume constraints (Fly ash ⫹ slag)/cementitious ratio 0.00 0.70
The absolute volume equation represents a condition
that the total volume of the components of concrete
should correspond to the volume of one cubic meter of
concrete: Moreover, a mix is almost never described with all of the
important details indicated; thus a strength prediction from the
WC WF WS WW WSP WCA WFA available data is a highly uncertain task (Kasperkiewicz et al.
⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ = 1,000 (38)
GC GF GS GW GSP GCA GFA 1995). Therefore, in this approach, the compressive strength
of concrete is a function of the following eight input features:
where GC, GF, GS, GW, GSP, GCA, and GFA = specific
(1) Cement; (2) fly ash; (3) blast furnace slag; (4) water; (5)
weight of the cement, fly ash, slag, water, superplasti-
superplasticizer; (6) coarse aggregate; (7) fine aggregate; and
cizer, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate.
(8) age of testing.
Artificial neural networks are a family of massively parallel Experimental data from 16 different sources were used to
architecture that can solve difficult problems by cooperating check the reliability of the strength model (Chang 1977; Chang
with highly interconnected but simple computing elements (or et al. 1996; Chung 1995; Giaccio et al. 1992; Gjorv et al.
artificial neurons). Most research is based on back-propagation 1990; Hwang 1991; Langley et al. 1989; Lee 1994; Lessard
neural networks (BPN) (Rumelhart et al. 1986). A thorough et al. 1993; Lin 1994; Mo 1995; Naik and Ramme 1990; Pon
treatment of back-propagation networks is beyond the scope 1998; Sarkar and Aitcin 1987; Sivasundaram et al. 1991;
of this paper. The basic algorithms for back-propagation have Swamy and Bouikni 1990). Test data were assembled for con-
been covered widely (Rumelhart et al. 1986; Welstead 1994; crete containing cement plus fly ash, blast furnace slag, and
Yeh et al. 1992, 1993). To train the network, the weights of superplasticizer. A determination was made to insure that these
connections are modified according to the information it has mixtures were a representative group governing all of the ma-
learned. The network learns by comparing its output for each jor parameters that influence the strength of HPC and present
input pattern with a target output for that pattern, then calcu- the complete information required for such an evaluation.
lating the error and propagating an error function backward In all, about 1,000 concrete mixtures from the aforemen-
through the net. tioned investigations were evaluated. During the evaluation
To run the network after it is trained, the values for the input
some of the mixtures were deleted from the data due to larger
parameters for the project are presented to the network. The
size aggregates (above 20 mm), special curing conditions, etc.
network then calculates the node outputs using the existing
Finally about 700 concrete mixtures made with ordinary port-
weight values and thresholds developed in the training process.
land cement and cured under normal conditions were evalu-
The process for running the network is extremely rapid, since
ated. Different studies used specimens of different sizes and
the system only calculates the network node values once.
shapes. All of these specimen types were converted into 15
To test the accuracy of a trained network, the coefficient of
cm cylinders through accepted guidelines. Table 1 presents the
determination R 2 is adopted. The coefficient is a measure of
general details of the concrete evaluated in this study. The
how well the independent variables considered account for the
database often contains unexpected inaccuracies; for instance,
measured dependent variable. The higher the R 2 value, the
the class of fly ash is sometimes not reported. The greatest
better the prediction relationship.
difficulty seems to be related to the application of superplas-
MODELING STRENGTH USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL ticizers. They are used from different manufacturers, of dif-
NETWORKS ferent chemical compositions, and without details concerning
the solid contents in the suspension (Kasperkiewicz et al.
System Models 1995).
Although each component is described using only a single
term, these terms actually represent a variety of forms. For Training Results
example, a cement can be powdered to various degrees of
fineness and composed of several different chemical compo- A database of 695 records, each containing the eight com-
sitions. Apart from the component types, the properties of con- ponents for the input vector and the compressive strength for
crete are influenced by the mixing proportions and by the mix- the output value, were shuffled using a random sampling, di-
ing preparation technique. Although technical references viding them into a training set (495 records) and a testing set
consist of experimental data describing thousands of different (200 records). The neural network developed in the investi-
mixes, no one has yet made a synthesis of this information. gation has eight units in the input layer and one unit in the

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

output layer. Training means to present the network with the as follows: number of hidden layers = 1; number of hidden
experimental data and have it learning, or modify its weights, units = 7; learning rate = 1.0; momentum factor = 0.5; and
such that it correctly reproduces the compressive strength learning cycles = 1,000. The coefficients of determination R 2
when presented with the mix proportion and age. were listed in Table 3. Although the R 2 values are not very
The values of network parameters considered in this ap- high, considering modeling workability is more difficult than
proach are as follows; number of hidden layers = 1; number modeling strength, these values can still verify that artificial
of hidden units = 8; learning rate = 1.0; momentum factor = neural network is a potential tool for building workability
0.5; and learning cycles = 3,000. The coefficient of determi- model.
nation R 2 was 0.903. The coefficient indicated a significant
enough correlation. HPC2N
Eqs. (1) – (38) were used to determinate optimum mix de-
MODELING WORKABILITY USING ARTIFICIAL sign, i.e., proportion for the required compressive strength and
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NEURAL NETWORKS workability of a concrete mix. This was done by preparing a

System Models computer program using nonlinear programming to solve these
equations. A thorough treatment of nonlinear programming
In this approach, workability of concrete is a function of methodology is beyond the scope of this paper. The basic al-
the following seven input features: (1) Cement; (2) fly ash; (3) gorithms of nonlinear programming have been covered widely
blast furnace slag; (4) water; (5) superplasticizer; (6) coarse (Reklaitis et al. 1983).
aggregate; and (7) fine aggregate. The output of the system is For performing optimum concrete mix design based on the
as follows: (1) Initial slump (cm); (2) initial slump flow (cm); proposed methodology, a computer program called HPC2N
(3) slump after 45 min (cm); and (4) slump flow after 45 min has been developed. This program helps accelerate concrete
(cm). mix proportioning and, hence, save time. Besides, the effect
of unit price of material is considered.
Data Sets HPC2N is a program built on a PC using the C language.
The architecture of HPC2N is divided into four parts: (1) Da-
Because superplasticizer is the essential material to worka- tabase of experimental data; (2) modeling mechanism based
bility while its chemical composition is various, the data for on artificial neural networks; (3) model base of material be-
modeling workability were collected from the same lab by the havior; and (4) optimizing mechanism based on nonlinear pro-
writer. One hundred and twenty various mix proportions were gramming.
performed to collect data. Table 2 presents the general details The inputs of HPC2N are as follows: (1) Unit prices of
of the concretes evaluated in this study. These data were used components; (2) required compressive strength; (3) required
to check the reliability of the workability model. All the rec- workability; (4) component ranges; (5) ratio limits; and (6)
ords were used combined, and simply shuffled using a random specific weight of components.
sampling, dividing them into training set (90 records) and test- The outputs of HPC2N are as follows: (1) Proportion: ce-
ing set (30 records). ment (kg/m3), fly ash (kg/m3), blast-furnace slag (kg/m3), water
(kg/m3), superplasticizer (kg/m3), coarse aggregate (kg/m3),
Training Results and fine aggregate (kg/m3); (2) unit price of concrete; (3) pre-
dicted workability; (4) predicted compressive strength; and (5)
The neural network developed in the investigation has seven calculated ratio.
units in the input layer and four units in the output layer. The A complete step-by-step procedure of the methodology for
values of network parameters considered in this approach are HPC mix proportioning can be summarized as follows:
TABLE 2. Statistic Analysis of Workability Data Set
1. Build an accurate strength model using artificial neural
Component content networks and experimental data.
or ratio Minimum Maximum 2. Build an accurate workability model using artificial neu-
(1) (2) (3) ral networks and experimental data.
Cement (kg/m3) 150 325 3. Optimize the mix using nonlinear programming.
Fly ash (kg/m3) 0 190 4. Perform workability tests with a view to checking that
Blast furnace slag (kg/m3) 0 145 the selected mix has the desired workability.
Water (kg/m3) 125 220 a. If the results are close to the predictions, go to step
Superplasticizer (kg/m3) 3.5 15.5 5.
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 850 1,220
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 675 995
b. If the results are not too far from the predictions, ad-
Water/cement ratio 0.58 1.06 justment of proportion may be required. To achieve
Water/cementitious ratio 0.42 0.62 mix of required workability, superplasticizer is used
Superplasticizer/cementitious ratio 0.010 0.045 in the mix to obtain the required workability. Then go
Fly ash/cementitious ratio 0.0 0.5 to step 5.
Slag/cementitious ratio 0.0 0.5 c. If the results are too far from the predictions, go to
(Fly ash ⫹ slag)/cementitious ratio 0.0 0.6
step 2 to rebuild the workability model using artificial
neural networks and the augmented experimental data.
TABLE 3. Coefficients of determination R 2 of Testing Set of 5. Perform strength tests with a view to checking that the
Workability Data Set selected mix has the desired strength.
a. If the results are close to the predictions, stop the op-
Workability test Coefficients of determination R 2
(1) (2)
timization process.
b. If the results are not too far from the predictions, ad-
Initial slump 0.55 justment of proportion may be required. To achieve
Initial slump flow 0.50 mix of required strength, cementitious materials are
Slump after 45 min 0.45
Slum flow after 45 min 0.37
used in the mix so as to obtain the required strength.
Then perform the strength test.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

c. If the results are too far from the predictions, go to TABLE 7. Available Range Constraints
step 1 to rebuild the strength model using artificial Minimum Maximum
neural networks and the augmented experimental data. Component limit limit
(1) (2) (3)
The optimization process will then become a series of Cement (kg/m3) 150 325
‘‘comings and goings’’ between the computer and the labo- Fly ash (kg/m3) 0 160
ratory. Blast furnace slag (kg/m3) 0 160
Water (kg/m3) 125 220
Superplasticizer (kg/m3) 3.5 15.5
OPTIMIZING HPC MIX PROPORTION USING HPC2N Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 850 1,220
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 675 995
The input data for the HPC2N program consist of the unit
prices of components, the required strength, required worka-
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bility, available range, rational ratio, and specific gravity of TABLE 8. Rational Ratio Constraints
components. These data are listed in Tables 4 – 9. Ratio Minimum limit Maximum limit
Considering the aforementioned methodology, it is possible (1) (2) (3)
to optimize HPC mix proportioning for a given workability R1 0.50 1.50
and compressive strength. To evaluate the methodology for R2 0.30 0.70
optimizing HPC proportion mixes under different required av- R3 0.07 0.10
erage strength, a series of experiments were implemented. Ta- R4 0.01 0.05
ble 10 shows the results. R5 0.00 0.50
To evaluate the effects of required workability, a series of R6 0.00 0.50
R7 0.00 0.60
experiments were implemented based on the data listed in Ta- R8 3.00 7.00
ble 11. Table 12 shows the results. R9 0.30 0.55
The following conclusions can be drawn (results should not
be extrapolated outside the experimental domain or other com-
binations of materials): TABLE 9. Specific Gravity of Components
Component Specific gravity
1. An increasing required strength increased the content of (1) (2)
cement, slag, SP, and coarse aggregate and reduced the Cement 3.15
content of water and fine aggregate, while the content of Fly ash 2.22
fly ash was not much affected. Blast furnace slag 2.85
2. An increasing required workability increased the content Water 1.00
Superplasticizer 1.20
of cement, slag, water, and SP and reduced the content Coarse aggregate 2.645
of fine aggregate, while the content of fly ash was not Fine aggregate 2.66
much affected.


Unit pricea
Component (NT dollar/kg) Since there are some assumptions on the material properties
(1) (2) underlying that neural network computing, it is necessary to
Cement 2.25 make trial mixes with several small batches at the laboratory.
Fly ash 0.60 The materials for the test are local or domestic materials
Blast furnace slag 1.20 instead of imported ones. Recycled materials are also consid-
Water 0.01 ered. Aggregates are basically those obtained at local rivers.
Superplasticizer 25.10 Materials selected based on the foregoing guidelines are as
Coarse aggregate 0.236
Fine aggregate 0.28
1 NT dollar = 0.030 U.S. dollar. 1. The portland cement used was ASTM Type I.
2. The fly ash used was manufactured by a power plant and
TABLE 5. Average Compressive Strength Constraints had a specific surface of 310 m2/kg.
3. The slag used was supplied by a local steel plant and
Strength Constraints had a specific surface of 395 m2/kg.
(1) (2) 4. Water was ordinary tap water.
3-day strength >0.4 f c⬘r28 5. Chemical admixture was a superplasticizer that meets
14-day strength >0.75 f c⬘r28 ASTM C494 type G with main ingredients of NF (Naph-
28-day strength >1.0 f c⬘r28 thalene-formaldehyde) condensate and fatty acid copoly-
56-day strength >1.15 f c⬘r28
90-day strength >1.3 f c⬘r28
6. The coarse aggregate was crushed natural rock with 10
mm maximum size.
TABLE 6. Required Workability Constraints 7. The fine aggregate was washed natural river sand with a
fineness modules of 3.0.
Workability test Constraint (cm)
(1) (2)
To demonstrate the utility and the prediction capacity of the
Initial slump >15 proposed methodology, experimental results from 10 different
Initial slump flow >30 mix proportions listed in Tables 10 and 12 using the same
Slump after 45 min >10
Slump flow after 45 min >20
materials are presented. Experimental results for the slump,
slum flow of the fresh concrete at 0 min and 45 min, are listed

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

TABLE 10. Optimum Design under Different 28-Day Required Average Compressive Strength

Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5

Component (28 MPa)a (35 MPa)a (42 MPa)a (49 MPa)a (56 MPa)a
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Cement (kg/m3) 159.9 170.8 178.9 193.8 200.0
Fly ash (kg/m3) 140.9 151.1 133.9 151.8 140.0
Blast furnace slag (kg/m3) 97.9 104.7 134.3 138.2 155.2
Water (kg/m3) 200.2 189.9 182.7 174.5 160.4
Superplasticizer (kg/m3) 5.1 6.9 8.0 8.9 9.8
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 851.1 859.0 868.0 875.1 990.3
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 865.0 852.7 846.5 821.5 734.2
Water/cement ratio 1.28 1.15 1.07 0.95 0.85
Water/binder ratio 0.51 0.46 0.43 0.38 0.34
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Cost (NT dollars/m3) 1,135 1,217 1,289 1,355 1,407

Note: Required workability is listed in Table 6.
28-day required average compressive strength f ⬘cr28.

TABLE 11. Different Required Workability

Required Workability
Dry Fluid
Workability test Very dry (cm) (cm) Normal (cm) (cm) Very fluid (cm)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Initial slump >5 >10 >15 >20 >25
Initial slump flow >20 >20 >30 >40 >50
Slump after 45 min >0 >5 >10 >15 >20
Slump flow after 45 min >20 >20 >20 >30 >40

TABLE 12. Optimum Design under Different Required Workability

Component Mix 6 (very dry) Mix 7 (dry) Mix 8 (normal) Mix 9 (fluid) Mix 10 (very fluid)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Cement (kg/m3) 159.5 162.4 183.7 186.9 190.2
Fly ash (kg/m3) 157.3 156.6 158.5 155.1 155.7
Blast furnace slag (kg/m3) 81.2 86.6 116.5 124.8 129.5
Water (kg/m3) 154.9 161.0 183.1 183.6 184.6
Superplasticizer (kg/m3) 4.2 6.8 8.1 9.5 10.7
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 1,010.5 980.3 865.7 911.9 934.0
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 823.5 825.2 830.6 773.3 737.9
Water/cement ratio 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.03 1.03
Water/binder ratio 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.41
Cost (NT dollars/m3) 1,127 1,198 1,290 1,335 1,374
Note: 28-day required average compressive strength f c⬘r28 = 42 MPa.

TABLE 13. Experimental Data of Workability for Mix 1 – 5 TABLE 14. Experimental Data of Workability for Mix 6 – 10
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Workability Mix 6 Mix 7 Mix 8 Mix 9 Mix 10
Workability test (28 MPa) (35 MPa) (42 MPa) (49 MPa) (56 MPa) test (very dry) (dry) (normal) (fluid) (very fluid)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Initial slump Initial slump
(cm) 16 13 15 19 17 (cm) 6 10 16 22 24
Initial slump Initial slump
flow (cm) 33 28 32 38 34 flow (cm) 20 22 33 45 59
Slump after 45 Slump after 45
min (cm) 12 9 11 14 11 min (cm) 3 7 11 16 21
Slump flow after Slump flow after
45 min (cm) 24 20 22 30 28 45 min (cm) 20 20 25 33 47

in Tables 13 and 14, and 3-day, 14-day, 28-day, 56-day, and mize the concrete mix design. The method presented should
90-day concrete compressive strengths are shown in Tables 15 be useful to search easily for more economical solutions in
and 16. Obviously the workability and strength of the mix concrete design.
proportions obtained from the aforementioned mix proportion- This study led to the following conclusions:
ing methodology meet the design criteria adopted for this
study. During the process of trial batch mixing, bleeding and
aggregation did not occur. 1. The basic procedure of the methodology consists of three
steps: (1) Build an accurate model for workability and
CONCLUSIONS strength using artificial neural networks and experimental
data; (2) incorporate these models in software allowing
This paper is aimed at demonstrating the possibilities of an evaluation of the specified properties for a given mix;
adapting neural networks and nonlinear optimization to opti- and (3) incorporate the software in a nonlinear program-

J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

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tional Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. APPENDIX II. NOTATION
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J. Comput. Civ. Eng. 1999.13:36-42.

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