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ME: 412 Composite Materials Analysis and Design

Homework 3
Due October 22nd, 2021 (BEFORE START OF CLASS)
(All problems will be graded)
(50 points)

You are strongly encouraged to use MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, EXCEL or any other numerical
tool to do complex matrix calculations.

Problem 3-1

An orthotropic coupon consisting of [00] graphite/epoxy lamina is subjected to 2000 psi along the
x-direction. The lamina has the material constants given as:
E1=20.0 E6 psi, E2= 2.0 E6 psi, ν12=0.30, G12= 0.8 E6 psi, α1= -0.5x10-6 in/in/0F; α2=+15.0x10-6
in/in/0F; tply (thickness of the ply) =0.005 in.
a) The strain components of this coupon (ε1, ε2, and γ12)
b) If the coupon is subjected to ΔT=1000F, what the total strain? (ε1, ε2, and γ12)
c) If the Y-plane edges of the coupon are firmly constrained, what are the strain components for
the same coupon under the same load and ΔT=1000F.

Problem 3-2
A [450] composite coupon of graphite/epoxy with a dimension of 10” by 1” is subjected to test in
multiple loads. Three strain gages were mounted on the coupon to measure the stain. Gage A is
along the loading direction, gage B is oriented at the transverse direction to the loading, and gage
C is in the 450 direction to the loading. The coupon material constants are given as
E1=24.5 E6 psi, E2= 1.30E6 psi, G12= 0.94E6psi ν12 =0.31, and tply =0.0055 in

The gage readings show that εA=19,500 µε, εb =900 µε, εc = -4100 µε. Determine the test loads
(in terms of psi).

Problem 3-3

An off-axis unidirectional composite lamina is loaded biaxially along the x- and y-axes.
Develop a mathematical expression in terms of angle θ for the ratio of the two normal stresses,
where k=σy /σx. it is necessary that the lamina does not produce any shear deformation under
the loading response. Obtain first an exact expression, and then provide an approximate
relation pertaining to a high-stiffness composite, E22=2G12.

Sthanu Mahadev All Copyrights Reserved©

Problem 3-4
Find the maximum value of S>0 if a stress of σx=2S, σy=-3S and τxy=4S is applied to the 600
carbon-epoxy AS4-3501-6 lamina utilizing the principles of:

a) Maximum Stress Failure Theory.

b) Maximum Strain Failure Theory.
c) Tsai-Hill Theory
d)Tsai-Wu Failure Theory.

The modulus and strength properties of the material are as such:

E1= 147 GPa, E2= 10.3 GPa, G12=7 GPa, ν12=0.27, α1= -0.9x10-6 in/in/0F;
α2=+27.0x10-6 in/in/0F;
tply (thickness of the ply) =0.005 in.
F1t=2280 MPa, F2t=57 MPa, F1c=1725 MPa, F2c= 228 MPa, F6 =76 MPa.

Sthanu Mahadev All Copyrights Reserved©

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