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Chapter 13

Managing Communication
Communication is the Manager’s Job
→ Managers gather and distribute information inside and outside of the organization

→ Managers communicate with purpose toward goals and objectives

→ Managers facilitate strategic conversations

→ Communication is part of every management function

The Manager as Communication Champion
What is Communication

Communication is the process by which

information is exchanged and understood by
two or more people, usually with the intent
to motivate or influence behavior.


The Communication Process
• Communication is not simple

• Sender wishes to convey and idea or concept

• Receiver encodes the idea or concept

• The message is sent through a channel

• Feedback is the response by the receiver

A Model of the Communication Process
Communicating Among People
• The sender and receiver are people and communication can breakdown based on:
• Channel selection
• Interference
• Listening skills
• Nonverbal behavior
• Persuasion
• Gender differences
Communication Channels
• The Hierarchy of Channel Richness
• The ability to handle multiple cues
• The ability to facilitate rapid two-way feedback
• The ability to establish personal focus

• Selecting the Appropriate Channel

• Channel selection depends on whether the message routine or nonroutine
The Continuum of Channel Richness
Communicating to Persuade and Influence Others
• The ability to persuade and influence others is a critical manager skill

• Effective persuasion is not telling people what to do

• Listening
• Learning about others’ interests and needs
• Leading people to a shared solution

• Managers must communicate easily and frequently

• Communication apprehension should be resolved through practice

Gender Differences in Communication
• Women have a conversational style

• Men use communication to preserve independence

• Women downplay their skills and accomplishments

• Men communicate to negotiate and maintain status

• Women use submissive gestures when communicating with men

• Men stare and point when communicating

Nonverbal Communication

Messages sent through

human actions and
behaviors rather than
through words.
• Listening is a key tool for managers
• Information flows from the bottom up, not the top down
• Companies are using blogs as a way to stay in touch with employees and customers
• Listening is the skill of receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret
the genuine meaning
Ten Keys of Effective Listening
Organizational Communication
• The formal communication channels based on the chain-of-command
• Downward, upward and horizontal

• Organizations are promoting horizontal communications

• Electronic communication has made all flows of communication easier

Organizational Communication Network
Downward Communication
 Implementation of goals and strategies
 Job instructions and rationale
 Procedures and practices
 Performance feedback
 Indoctrination
Upward Communication
 Problems and exceptions
 Suggestions for improvement
 Performance reports
 Grievances and disputes
 Financial and accounting information
Horizontal Communication
 Intradepartmental problem solving
 Interdepartmental coordination
 Change initiation and improvements
Downward, Upward, and Horizontal
Team Communication Channels
• Centralized network – team members communicate through a single individual
• Effective for simple problems

• Decentralized network – team members freely communicate with one another and arrive at
decisions together
• Effective for complex problems
Effectiveness of Team Communication
Personal Communication Channels
• Developing Personal Networks – personal relationships that cross departments and
organizational boundaries

• The Grapevine – often called “gossip” but can be positive tool

• Written Communication – writing clearly and quickly is important

Building a Personal Communication Network
 Build it before you need it.

 Never eat lunch alone.

 Make it win-win.

 Focus on diversity.
Improving Your Writing Skills
 Respect the reader.

 Know your point and get to it.

 Write clearly rather than impressively.

 Get a second opinion.

Innovation in Organizational Communication
• Dialogue – process of meaning, understanding and sharing

• Crisis Communication – managers must be able to use communication as tool in crisis

• Feedback and Learning – use evaluation and communication to promote improvement

• Climate of Trust and Openness helps encourage communication honestly

Dialogue and Discussion: The Differences

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