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٢٠١٩ ‫م‬  ‫ادى‬‫ ا‬‫م‬‫ ا‬ ‫ ا‬‫ا‬‫ا‬

‫ ا‬ ‫ا‬)‫ن‬‫ ا‬ 2 -Listen and answer the following questions:
1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c:
‫زى‬   ‫ا‬ ‫اد‬‫ ا‬ 1. What has the boy been doing for a month? He has been running everyday
2. Why does he want to become faster? Because he is slow
3. What should he do? He should have lots of sleep and eat healthy food
1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c:
1. Why does Khaled want to ask Mr Hamdi questions? OY: I’ve been running every day for a month, but I’m slow. What should I
a. for his maths homework b. because he was absent do to become faster?
c. because he wants to be a teacher d. for his English homework
2. How long has Mr Hamdi been at the school? 2 Listen and answer the following questions:
a. two years b. three years c. four years d. ten years
1. What would the girl like to learn? She would like to learn how to play chess.
3. When did Mr Hamdi start teaching?
a. two years ago b. ten years ago c. he doesn’t say d. in 1998 2. What has Mona been playing for a year? She has been playing chess.
3. What advice does Mona give? She should watch her when she plays the next game
Khaled : Mr Hamdi, can I ask you questions for my English homework?
How long have you been teaching here?
Mr Hamdi: For four years, Khaled. GIRL1 : Mona, I’d like to learn how to play chess.
Khaled : When did you start teaching? Mr Hamdi: Ten years ago. GIRL 2: I’ve been playing it for a year. You should watch me when I play
the next game
1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d :
1 -What is Reem going to learn how to do? 2 Listen and answer the following questions:
a. take a photo b. use a computer c. speak English d. colour a photo 1. Who did the girl speak to yesterday? She spoke to her brother
2- What does Reem do first? 2. Where is he staying? He is staying on their uncle’s farm
a. take the photo b. turn on the camera 3. What did he say that he had to do? He said that he had to help give the sheep fresh
c. check the computer d. check the camera water and straw.
3- What do they use to see Mona on the camera?
a. a card b. a different camera c. a screen d. a monitor GIRL: Yesterday, I spoke to my brother. He is staying on my uncle’s farm.He
said that he had to help give the sheep fresh water and straw.
Mona: Reem, I’m going to show you how to take a photo. First, turn on the
camera. Then, point the camera at me. Can you see me on the screen?

1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d : 1-Hala and Dina are making a salad. 4 a
1 What is Karim doing?
a. giving a talk b. using a computer c. using a dictionary d. listening to a
Hala : Today, we are going to make a nice salad. The first thing that
you have to(1) do is wash the tomatoes and cucumbers.
2 How many meanings of the word earth does Karim give? Dina : OK, I’ve done that. Do I cut the onions now?
a. one b. two c. three d. four Hala : Yes. (2) next , peel off the skin. After (3) that , cut the onions
3 The word earth can mean something like . carefully.
a. space b. soil c. television d. distance Dina : OK. I’ve done that, too.
Hala : The next (4) step is to cut the tomatoes and cucumbers.
Karim: Today I am going to talk about the meaning of the word (earth). Earth Dina : That’s easy!
means what satellites can see from space, but it also means something like
2-Tarek, Rami and Hassan are talking about chess. PT 4 B 6-Yehya is showing Walid his new mobile phone. . PT 6
Tarek : How long have you and Rami been playing that game of chess, Yehya : I’ll tell you something (1) interesting about this mobile phone.
Hassan? It can do more than the first spaceships that went to the
: playing it (1) for nearly an hour.
We’ve been
Hassan moon.
Walid : Do you (2) mean that the computer inside it is better?
Tarek : I’ve (2) been watching you. How long does it take to learn to play
chess? It can’t fly!
(3) I've been playing it for two years, but I’m not very good at it Yehya : Yes, that’s right. The computer in the phone has more..I can’t
Rami : remember the word for the ability to remember something.
Hassan : It doesn’t take long to learn the rules, but you (4) should play every Walid : Do you mean that the computer has more memory?
week if you want to be good at it.
Yehya : Yes! This is (3) how it works. You press here to make a call.
Walid : I (4) see/understand
3-Taha and Hamza are talking about Hamza’s trip to England. PT 5 A
Taha : Hi, Hamza. Did you have a good holiday in England?
Hamza : Yes, I enjoyed it, 1. but/although it wasn’t my best holiday. 4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues :
Taha : Why was that? 1- Ahmed : My father climbed Egypt’s highest mountain last week!
Hamza : The 2.thing is, the weather was very bad every day. Ramez : That's a great achievement
Taha : I’d love to go to England! Sorry, you were saying 3.about the 2. Zeinab : I got 100 percent in my test last week.
weather. Sara : Congratulations! That’s a great test result.
Hamza : Yes, it was cold and windy! 4. Anyway , it was good to practise
my English
4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues :
4-Samira is asking Rawan some questions about a school project. PT 5 B
1- Aya : How long have you working at this school?
Samira : (1)Excuse me. I’m doing a school project about jobs which
Mrs Fareeda I’ve been working at this school for two years.
people do at home. Can I ask you some questions?
2. Zeinab : How do you use this computer, Ali?
Rawan : Yes, of (2) course
Samira : Could you tell me (3) if/whether you make your bed every Sara : The first thing to do is to turn it on.
day? 4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues :
Rawan : Yes, I do.
1- Nawal : Hello, is it OK if I ask you some questions later today?
Samira : OK, and do you sweep the floor?
Rawan : Well, no, I don’t sweep the floor often. I mean, I sweep the floor Lateefa : That’s fine with me. What would you like to ask?
(4)sometimes , when my mother wants me to help 2. Kamal : How much of the earth is sea?
Omar : About 30 percent of the earth is land, so about 70 percent
of the earth is sea.
5-Yaseen and Eyad are helping new students around the school. PT 6 A
Yaseen : Hello to all our new students. Today, we are (1) going to talk
about the rooms in our school. 4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues :
Eyad : We’ll (2) start by telling you about the classrooms. 1- Amira : Do you mind if I ask you some questions about (your hobbies?
Yaseen : Later, we’ll tell you about what we were taught last year. Heidi : Not all all.
Eyad : (3) finally , we’ll take you round the school. 2. Kamal : How much of land on the earth is desert?
Yaseen : OK, so this room is … I can’t (4) remember the word for it! Omar : About a third of the land is desert.
Eyad : It’s the laboratory.
1n4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : 2-When people first made carpets hundreds of years ago, they were useful
1- Nadine : Too much sun can be bad for you. Are you following me? because they protected feet from cold floors. Over time, carpet-making
Jana : (Yes,) I see./I understand . became an important craft. Turkey was famous for its beautiful carpets in the
1600s, and Cairo was also an important centre for carpets. People travelled
2- Adel : T what do you have to do before you go to school?
from all over the world to buy them. Some people did not want to tread on
Hany : (I have to pack my schoolbag/wear my uniform them, so they put them on their walls. Some carpets were very expensive and
1n4-Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : d choose th you needed a lot of skill to make them. Carpet-makers have been using this
same skill ever since to make wonderful carpets. However, not all carpets
1- Aya : Do you think plants and trees are good for the atmosphere?
today are made by hand.
Huda : yes , because they take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen
2- Samy : When was the great Pyramid of Giza built?
A) Answer the following questions:
Ahmed : The Great pyramid was built 4500 years ago. 1 When did people first make carpets? They first made them hundreds of years ago
e correct 2 Why did people first make carpets? Because they protected feet from cold floors
1- omar : The weather is not hot or cold today Do you understand what I mean? 3 Why did some people visit Turkey and Cairo in the 1600s? To buy carpets
sameh : Yes, I understand what you mean B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
2-hend : How often do you study English? 4-The underlined words “tread on” mean. ……….. .
sama : Three times a week a- buy b. put your foot on c. weave d cook on
5-Carpets today are …………………….……. .
a-not always made by hand b. never put on floors
c. always expensive d. all wonderful
5-Read the following , then answer the questions :
1-There was a man who had a lot of money. He decided to put all his money in
a hole at the bottom of his garden. Every week, the man took out his money to 3-To: Walid From: Uncle Sami Subject: Hot work
look at it. One day, a thief saw the man looking at his money. That night, the Hi Walid,
thief took it all. When the man realised this the next day, he shouted. His Thank you for your email. I have to go to the desert next week for my work.
neighbours quickly came round and he told them about his problem. “Have The area we are going to is 300 kilometres from Cairo. It is now July and the
you been using the money?” a neighbour asked. “No, I only looked at it,” he area is very hot at this time of year. My friend went there last year and he
replied. “Then you should look in the hole again,” said the neighbour. “It will said that it was often too hot to stay out in the day. The thing is, we have to
do you just as much good.” themselves. study beetles and other insects, and you can only find them when it is very
hot. So we have to work at the hottest time. This will be interesting!
Best wishes, Uncle Sami
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why do you think the man put his money in a hole? He wanted to keep it safe.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. Where does Sami have to go next week? He has to go to the desert for work
2- What has the man been doing with the money? He has been taking it out to look at it.
2. What problem do you think that Sami will have on his trip to the desert?
3- Why did the neighbours come round quickly? because he shouted when a thief took
It will be very hot.
his money.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 3. What job do you think Uncle Sami does? He is a scientist
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Where is the money now?
4. The underlined word “beetles” means:
a. in the hole b. in a different garden c. a thief has it d. the neighbours have it
a. the desert b. a type of insect c. a type of flower d. a type of bird
5. Why does the neighbour say “It will do you just as much good”?
5. What is the main subject of the email?
a. Because money is not important if you don’t use it. b. Because he might find it if he looks again.
a. the weather in July b. beetles that are important
c. Because he will feel better if he looks again. d. Because he will never find the thief. c. working in a difficult place d. travelling in Egypt
4-About 71 percent of the earth is ocean. That means that less than a third
of the earth is land for us to live on. However, scientists think that nearly
half of the land has people living or working on it. Many animals have to 6-a. Match column A with column B:
live on the ten percent of the land that is far from any large city. There are A B
now 34 cities around the world that have a population of more than ten 1- Mr Spaulding (d) a . wrote "the Red-Headed League".
million. Many of us live in big cities. However, they use just three percent
2- Mr Wilson (e) b. visited Sherlock Holmes at his home in London.
of the land area. The earth has millions of people living on it, but it is not
3. Sherlock Holmes (c) c. realized that Wilson used to be a labourer.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What does the underlined word ocean mean? 4. Dr Watson (b) d. wanted Wilson to get the job with Red-Headed
a large area of salt water that covers much of the earth League.
2. What is the problem for some animals? e. believed Holmes was a wonderful detective.
They have to live on 10% of the land that is far from any large city
B ) answer the following questions:
3. What percent of the land has people living or working on it ?
1. Who wrote “The Red-Headed League”?
About 50 percent of the land has people living or working on it.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Why was there a lot of crime in England at the end of the nineteenth century?
4. 34 cities around the world……….. .
Because many people were poor
a. have more than ten million people b. are empty
3. Why do you think Mr Wilson wanted to work for the Red-Headed League?
c. have too many people in them d. are full
Because the money he would get could really help Mr Wilson and his small shop
5. What is the main subject of the article?
4. Why do you think Mr Spaulding pushed past all the men who were waiting outside the office?
a. There is not enough land. b. One day, people will need to live in the sea.
I think he wanted mr Wilson to get the job.
c. In the future, there will be no animals. d. There is enough land for us all.
6-a. Match column A with column B:
5-You probably lock the door to your house when you go out. Did you know that A B
ancient Egyptians also used to lock their doors? Keys were used by the ancient 1- Mr Spaulding( d ) a . made a plan with Spaulding against Wilson.
Egyptians in around 4000 BCE. However, their keys were very large, sometimes
more than 50 centimetres long! Later, much smaller keys were invented to lock 2- Wilson ( c) b. was the bank manager.
Roman doors. However, it was much harder to open an ancient Egyptian door 3. Ross ( a ) c. met Duncan Ross and took the job.
than a Roman door! Today, you do not always need a key to lock a door. Many 4. Holmes ( e ) d. thought the money of the job would help
hotels use plastic cards. These are easier to carry than heavy keys. Wilson and his small shop
e. could solve a lot of crimes.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. When did people first lock their doors? They first locked them in around 4000 BCE. B ) answer the following questions:
2. What was the problem with the first keys? They were very big. 1. What kind of stories were popular at the end of the nineteenth century?
3. Were Roman or ancient Egyptian doors easier to open? Roman doors was easier to Stories about crimes and mysteries
open 2. In what ways was Sherlock Holmes like Conan Doyle’s professor at university?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: Both worked out information about people by observing them
4. Ancient Egyptian keys were ………… . 3. What do you think was unusual about the Red-Headed League?
a. about half a metre long b. smaller than Roman keys they provide jobs for men with red hair
c. not as good as Roman keys d. more than a metre long 4. Why do you think Mr Ross gave Mr Wilson the job?
5. Today, you can use a plastic card to …………….. .
I think Because he had red hair
a. pay for hotels b. lock hotel doors c. buy new keys d. see hotels online.
6-a. Match column A with column B: 6-a. Match column A with column B:
1- Wilson (c) a . didn't know why the office was closed.. 1- Mr. Holmes (d) a . knew about the crime from Holmes
2- The Red headed League (d) b. ,wasn't big 2- Mr. Merryweather (c) b. wanted to reach the cellar in the bank to steal
3. Wilson's shop (b) c. had to copy an encyclopaedia. the gold
4. The landlord (a) d. closed after eight weeks. 3. the thieves (b) c. was the manger of the bank.
e. was a policeman. 4. Watson (a) d. noticed that the knees of Mr. Spaulding's
trousers were dirty and had holes
B ) answer the following questions:
1. What did the landlord of the office say about Mr Ross and the Red-Headed League? e. had a plan against Mr Wilson
He said that he did not know them. B ) answer the following questions:
2. How do we know that Sherlock Holmes likes music? 1. Who was Peter Jones?
because he wants to go to a violin concert that evening The most important policeman in London
3. Why do you think that Holmes hit the ground with his walking stick? 2. Where was Mr Merryweather’s bank?
Because he deduced that someone was digging a tunnel Behind Mr Wilson’s shop
4. Which of the places near the shop do you think a thief would be interested in? 3. Why do you think Mr Spaulding told Mr Wilson about the new job with the Red- Headed
The bank League?
I think he wanted to help mr Wilson who wasn't a rich man.
4. What do you think the thieves were doing when Mr Wilson was at the Red-Headed
6-a. Match column A with column B: I think they were digging a tunnel from Mr Wilson's shop to the cellar of the bank
1- Mr. Holmes (e) a . was Mr. Wilson's assistant 6-a. Match column A with column B:
2- Mr. Wilson (c) waiting for Wilson at the office
1- Holmes (e) a . was in the cellar
3. Mr. Ross (b) c. worked with the Red headed League for eight weeks.
2- john clay (d) b. was behind Wilson's shop.
4. Mr. Spauldingwent
(a) to a concert with Holmes.
3. the gold (a) c. was a red –headed worker
e. tried to solve the mystery of the Red headed League
4. the bank (b) d.Tricked Wilson
B ) answer the following questions:
1. What did Mr Wilson have to do at the Red-Headed League? e. proved to be a very clever detective.
He had to copy information from an encyclopaedia to a book B ) answer the following questions:
2. Why do you think that Mr Wilson found his work foolish? 1. How did Holmes know that the job at the Red-Headed League was not real?
Because it was a waste of time to copy from an encyclopaedia into a book. Holmes knew that the job of copying out the encyclopaedia was too foolish to be a real job
3. How do we know that Dr Watson does not understand what Sherlock Holmes is thinking? 2. Why did the thieves plan to take the gold on Saturday?
Because then they would have a day and a half to escape before the bank opened on Monday.
Because he finds it very unusual when Holmes hits the ground with his walking stick
4. Why does Holmes want to speak to Mr Spaulding? 3. How do you think that Holmes knew that Spaulding was digging a tunnel?
So that he can see the knees of his trousers/he suspected him When he saw that the knees of his trousers were dirty and had holes in them
4. Why do you think that Holmes wanted the most important policeman in London to go with
him to the bank?
Because he knew there was going to be a crime and Clay was dangerous.
Student book (questions )
1-Why do you think more people were living in cities in the nineteenth century?
Because London was becoming rich and there were more and better jobs there 7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
2-How was Holmes like Conan’s professor? 1- The doctor the patient all morning.
Both of them worked out information about people by observing them. a been talking b talking c talk d talks
3-What was Mr Holmes clever at? 2- How much sleep........................... children have each night?
Solving crimes and mysteries a does b should c shouldn’t d can’t
4-Find an example in the story that shows us that Holmes was a good detective 3-................. the farmer been working in the fields all day?
By looking at Mr Milson, he worked out that Mr Wilson was a labourer, visited China a Was b Have c Has d How
and did a lot of writing 4- You should never look directly at.............. sun.
5-Why was Mr Wilson surprised when he was listening to Holmes? aa b an c the d –
Because everything that Holmes said was true 5 Manal broke her leg, so they took her to hospital in an......................
6-What was unusual about the Red-Headed League? a ambulance b accident c album d envelope
They provide jobs for men with red hair 6- Teachers usually have a very good............They know all the students’ names!
7-Why did Mr Wilson accept the job a memorise b memory c remember d revision
Because £4 a week was a lot of money. It could help him and his small shop. 7- The house has a pretty red.................... on the floor of the dining room.
8-Why do you think Mr Spaulding wanted Mr Wilson to get a job with the Red-Headed League? a ladder b weave c centre d carpet
Because money could help him and his small shop 8- The children wrote their names on ..........which they put on their school books.
9-Do you think it was unusual that Mr Ross gave Mr Wilson the job? Why / Why not? a stamps b labels c posters d vans
No, because mr Wilson had red hair 7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
10-How long did Mr Wilson work at the Red- Headed League? 1 Ahmed has a test next week. He.............. to revise.
For eight weeks a should start b should c shouldn’t d can
11-What shops were behind Mr Wilson's shop? 2 Mona............. learning English since she was five.
A newspaper shop, a bank and a restaurant a is b have c have been d has been
12-Why do you think Sherlock Holmes asked Mr Wilson about Mr Spaulding? 3 I have a new phone. was not expensive.
Because he suspected Mr Spaulding a A b The c An d It
13-Why do you think Sherlock Holmes wanted to see Mr Spaulding and the shops behind where he 4 What book.................. been reading this week?
worked? a you have b are you c have you d have
To understand the relationship between them 5 Write a................. of the things we need to buy at the shops.
14-What was Mr Wilson's opinion about the job? a list b label c diagram d diary
It seemed foolish to copy an encyclopaedia 6 You should eat nuts and fruits to improve your …………………
15-What do you think Sherlock Holmes thought of John Clay? a remind b remember c member d memory
He thought that was a clever/ dangerous thief 7 A / An ………………………….. often works at ancient sites.
16-Do you think John Clay was a bad man? Why / Why not? a ambulance b archaeologist c farmer d teacher
Yes. Because he wanted to take the gold from the bank 8 Does the word “shoe”.............. with “you”?
17-How do you think the thieves planned to take the gold out of the cellar? a stick b revise c rhyme d belong
They planned to dig a tunnel from Mr Wilson's shop to the bank 7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
18-Why do you think the bank manager worried about having a lot of gold in the cellar? 1 Walid phoned me this morning and he said that he.......... on a farm.
Because thieves might take it a is staying b was staying c stay d to stay
19-Who do you think Sherlock Holmes wanted to see after the concert? 2 The plane leaves early tomorrow morning so Ola...............get up at 4 a.m.!
Peter Jones and Mr Merryweather a have to b have c has to d has
20-What did Mr Wilson do in his job? 3 It is cloudy today, so we..................... take our sunglasses.
he had to copy information from the encyclopaedia into a book. a don’t have to b not have to c don’t have d have not to
21-How did Mr Wilson find the work? 4 If we.............. to England, we will speak English every day.
It was easy and he was content a went b will go c go d going
5 The tourists followed a............... through the mountains. 2 The planes............... after every journey.
a path b step c part d scenery a cleaned b was cleaned c were cleaning d are cleaned
6 After they ate breakfast, the children helped their mother to...................... 3 This school................. in 1961.
a wash in b wash on c wash up d wash off a built b is built c was built d is build
7 What.................. desertification? 4 How are cakes..............?
a sticks b achieves c results d causes a made b make c makes d making
8 Please.................. me to buy some bread from the shops. 5 English is one of the most popular............... in the world.
a revise b remind c remember d decide a words b parts c sentences d languages
7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d 6 At what time is your............... to London?
1- They ......... a lot of old statues if they go to that museum a spaceship b flight c walk d atmosphere
a see b saw c to see d will see 7 When you go out in the sun, you should wear sun.....................
2 If you..................... your hands before you eat, you will get ill. a cream b drop c vapour d shine
a don’t wash b wash c not wash d didn’t wash 8 We gave the boys wash their hands.
3 You.................. be careful when you walk in the desert. a supplies b fat c soap d soup
a have to b has to c have d has
4 The teacher said............. it was a difficult lesson. Workbook(choose)
a to b if c that d which 1. Modern planes are usually less.......... than old ones.
5 We looked out of the train windows to see the beautiful...................... a) noisy b) comfortable c) enjoyable d) noise
a surveys b flight c walk d scenery 2. My younger brother writes what he does every day in his...........
6 The factory makes cars using computers and....................
a) mobile b) calendar c) dairy d) diary
a dyes b caves c machines d bats
7 The camel had a broken leg, so the farmer took it to see a................ 3-Ten .............. are waiting to see the doctor.
a dentist b patient c weaver d vet a) operations b) stations c) ambulances d) patients
8 Please can you........................ the table before we eat? 4- Ali’s grandfather had a successful job and ………many things in his life.
a set b wash up c weave d group a achieved b belonged c stood d told
7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d 5- Hala has …………all her friends’ phone numbers. She knows them all!
1 My bag....................on the plane just before we left Cairo. a invited b reminded c revised d memorised
a put b was put c is put d putting 6- I used to feel very……… before I saw the dentist. I didn’t like it at all!
2 Were the chairs.......... by the school children? a safe b traditional c nervous d patient
a painted b paints c paint d painting 7- Before your exams, it is important to give yourself lots of time for……..
3 The first 1971. a revision b invention c recycling d achievement
a was sent b sent c is sent d sends 8- “1, 2, 3, it’s a bee!” is a children’s………………….…. .
4 Clouds are blown................. the wind. a recipe b memory c result d rhyme
a of b by c to d for 9- Reem’s father used to……. his photos in a big book.
5 I can’t find my pen! It has....................... a stick b stretch c achieve d email
a stolen b evaporated c robbed d disappeared 10- In many houses, people put……………….. on the floors.
6 The girl carried the eggs home in a...................... a albums b carpets c weaving d stamps
a candle b basket c leaf d space 11- Do you like............... games like chess, or new games like computer games?
7 This room is always very hot when the sun..................... a noisy b important c traditional d favourite
a evaporates b joins c shines d happens 12- I need to buy some………………… so I can send these letters to my cousins.
8 At what temperature does water..................? a leaflets b albums c labels d stamps
a shine b drop c freeze d burn 13- The…………………. made the shirt a beautiful red colour.
7-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d a paint b dye c pen d pencil
1 What time was the tennis match...............on television last night? 14- People like to visit the art and craft………….. in the village of Harraniyya.
a show b showing c shown d showed a leaflet b weaver c material d centre
15- This bed is very …………… . I slept very well! 38-my jacket is made of …..……. cotton
a comfortable b careful c certain d interesting a- a b an c the d no article
16- Some of the…………………….. in the desert are 150 metres high. 39-mai said that she could………….tennis.
a caves b dunes c wells d canals a-played b-playing c-play d-plays
17- We spent the train journey along the Nile looking at the… through the window. 40-two language……………….in our class.
a scenery b season c walk d flight a-are spoken b-spoke c-speak d- spoken
18- The farmer’s horse was ill, so he took it to see a…………… 41-who was the television …………
a doctor b clinic c vet d guide a-invented b-inventing c-invent d-invents
19- ……………………. are some of the largest animals on that farm. 42-If your sister…………..hard, she will get low marks.
a Elephants b Goats c Buffaloes d Whales a-studied b-studies c-don't study d-doesn't study
20-if the earth gets hotter, the ice in the arctic and Antarctica will……………… 43-I watched………………exciting film on TV yesterday.
a-fly b-float c-wave d-melt a- a b an c the d no article
21-the temperature on the earth…………..due to carbon dioxide. 44- Scientists have found a new animal that lives in ……………… Brazil.
a-decreases b-reduces c-produces d-increases a- the b an ca d – no article
22-Cutting down trees causes……………….
a-evaporation b-desertification c-condensation d-pollution
23-The air around the earth is called…………………
8— Read and correct the underlined words:
a-global warming b- the atmosphere c- environment d- desertification
1. It been raining all day, so we cannot play outside. ( has been )
24- Carbon dioxide is a…………………. that trees breathe in
2. The doctor told me to take some medical because I was sick( medicine )
a) fuel b) smoke c) gas d) soil
25- If we cut down trees and plants, it will ………………….. desertification 3. You shouldn’t to eat too many sweets. ( eat )
a- stop b- protect c- save d- cause 4. I write what I do every day in a clock. ( diary )
26-. There is water on the inside of the car window this morning. This is....... 5. My uncle’s house is next to a Nile. ( the )
a. condensation b. evaporation c. temperature d. snow 6. The doctor revised the patient’s chest. ( examined )
27-in evaporation water is turned from a…………..into a gas. 7. What you been doing this morning? ( have you been )
a-drop b-vapor c-liquid d-cloud 8. My father is a farmer. He works in a laboratory. ( chemist/scientist )
28-when the sun shines ,some water in river and lakes……………… 9. He told that he wanted to play chess. ( said )
a-recycles b-condenses c-causes d-evaporates 10.You have look right and left when you cross the road. ( have to )
29-the teacher taught us about the water………….. 11.I have an excellent teacher at school, so I don’t need any public lessons( private )
a-bicycle b-cycle c-circle d-round 12. It’s raining very hard, so it is impossible for me to take an umbrella. ( necessary )
30- 1999 was the last year of the twentieth…………………… .
13. Cutting down trees causes condensation. ( desertification )
a century b year c hundred d decade
31- Every year, scientists make important ……………….. in medicine.
14. We not have to go to school tomorrow because it’s a holiday. ( don't have )
a news b discoveries c find d roads 15. She looked out of the window and said that it is raining. ( was raining )
32 The Romans gave the city of London its………… name. This was Londinium. 16. In autumn, roots on trees turn yellow or orange. ( leaves )
a only b newest c original d current 17. All the water has grown from the cup, so there is nothing to drink! ( gone/been
33- Mona would like the……………for the amazing cake that your mother made. drunk
a book b recipe c list d diary 18. My favourite TV programme is show on Channel 1. ( shown )
34- Egyptian children ……………………. go to nursery school. 19. The bus is leaving every day at 2 o’clock. ( leaves )
a has to b don't have to c has d have to 20. You should wear a hat when you ride a motorcycle. ( helmet )
35 -Children ................. wear their uniforms after school. 21. I am going to apply the volleyball team next week. ( join )
a has to b don't have to c doesn't have to d have to 22. The first envelopes made of animal skins. ( were made )
36-All children …………………. do exams at school.
23. What are insects ate by? ( eaten )
a has to b don't have to c doesn't have to d have to
24. When I felt a sea of water on my head, I knew it was going to rain( drop )
37-my jacket is made of …..……. cotton
25. My uncle has a house that is near Nile. ( the Nile)
a- a b an c the d no article
26. Mona’s favourite place is Egyptian Museum. (The egyptian museum) ‫س‬Egyptian schools
27. Cairo is a biggest city in Egypt. (the) Children have to go to school at the age of six in Egypt. They can go to nursery
28. Do you like playing the computer games? (No article) school at the age of four. They have to wear a uniform. The primary stage lasts
29- Windmills are inventing in the ninth century. (were invented) for six years. The preparatory stage lasts for three years. After preparatory
30- Soap is made by the ancient Egyptians. ( was made) school students go to secondary school. Students should study hard to pass
31- My father is a camper. He looks for ancient things under the ground.( an archeologist ) their exams again.
32- When the fire went out, we could see papyrus on the ground. ( ashes) Jobs at home
33- That statue is the interesting one. All the others are copied. ( original ) I always do jobs at home. When I get up in the morning, make my bed.
34- I can’t see in the dark. Please light a ceiling. ( candle ) Before I eat, I set the table. After I eat, I wash up. Then, I dry the dishes. I
35-Eating nuts prove your memory. ( improve) sweep the floor every day, so our home is always clean.
36- I love going camping and sleeping in waves. ( caves ) An Interesting Trip
37- Omar said that he is enjoying his trip to Luxor. ( was enjoying ) Last week, I went on a trip to the pyramids. I went with my friends. We saw the
38- The vet showed us the way around the temple. (guide ) Pyramids and Sphinx. We took a lot of photos there. We travelled around the
39- If you go to Paris, you see the Eiffel Tower. (will see ) desert on horses. The scenery was beautiful. We had a great time there. It was
40- Hala not go to work if she feels ill tomorrow. ( will not go ) a nice day. I hope we go there again
41- Tarek will be cold if he will go out without his jacket. ( goes) An important invention
42-Water is cycled by nature. ( recycled ) The mobile is a great invention. People use it in many different ways.
43-The coffee bins were cooked over afire. ( beans) Some people use it to get the internet. others use it to play games. we all
44-The invitation of windmill was used to make electricity. (invention.) use to communicate with our friend or relatives anywhere. it is very
45-this house was build in 2000. ( built) useful. it made life faster and easier.
46- a lot of rice is growing in India. (grown)
47- this is my new school information. ( uniform) Write an email of six (6) sentences to your aunt on
(" what have you been doing this week
To : My aunt
From : Nabil(a)
Subject : what have I been doing this week
The hobby you like most" Dear , my aunt
My favourite hobby is playing football. I play it with my friends. I play it twice a How are you ? I hope you are well. This week, I have been going on a trip to
week. We play it in the club. I like watching football matches. It is very exciting. the pyramids. I went with my family. We went by bus. We saw many tourists
and statues. We went to the cinema at night. We enjoyed our time there. It was
"what you have to do before you go to school) fun.
I’m Ahmed. I go to preparatory school .before I go to school, I have to get up Best wishes, Yours, nabil (a)
early. I have to wash and get dressed. I have to eat my breakfast. I have to pack -Write an email to your best friend telling him / her what happen if he /
my school bag then, I walk to school. she comes to your house on Friday. Your name is Gamil(a)
the water cycle To : My best Friend "hany"
Water moves around the earth all the time. It is recycled by nature. This is From : Gamil
called the water cycle. When the sun shines, it causes the water in rivers and Subject : What will happen if he comes to my house on Friday.
seas to evaporate. Water is turned from a liquid into a gas. This gas is called Hi hany,
water vapour. How are you? I hope you are well. I'm very happy to write to you. If you
Things that were invented in Egypt come to my house on Friday I will be very happy. We will have a nice time.
The ancient Egyptians were great inventors. They invented/did many things. We will play together. We will play computer games. we will have lunch
They made the glass beads. they made toothpaste from salt and plants. they together with my parents and my sister and my brother. I will be very happy.
invented the calendar. they also invented the water clock. Best wishes, Yours, Gamil

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