Arise & Build 2022 January

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theChalcedon Foundation®| September
ChalcedonFoundation 2018
| January 2022



recurring theme in these men, nor a failure to notice import-
my writing over the ant new works that appeared at the end
last forty years is of 2021, such as The Beast, the Whore,
that we keep reinvent- and the Forgotten Vision by Ron Kronz.
ing the wheel, being But we will take a step backward in time
ignorant of those who to consider an important book by Dr. C.
have already claimed the ground we’re van der Waal, one that confronts some of
battling over for Christ, or who have the more crippling misconceptions that
already cleared the air of life-sapping dominate the minds of Christians today.
doctrinal errors that once again obstruct Cornelis van der Waal (1919-1980)
the gospel’s progress in every area of life. was a scholar that I’ve drawn attention
There are reminders in Scripture that, by to twice before, in respect to his book
rights, should prevent such self-inflicted The World, Our Home.1 It might sur-
amnesia, and we examined one such text prise many to learn that his name has
in a previous issue of Arise and Build: appeared in other studies2 alongside the
Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, names of Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Van Til,
and to the hole of the pit whence ye are Gentry, North, DeJong, etc., whereby
digged. (Isa. 51:1b) we’re served notice that his contributions
While we find excellent material through- would be equally valuable for us to con-
out the works of R. J. Rushdoony that sider. His is a name that should be better
answers to the description above, it is im- known, especially given that his survey
portant to note that God had called other of the entire Bible (available free online)
men to put their shoulder into similar is an impressive work in its own right.3
tasks (if for no other reason than the one Not all of his material has been translated
stated in Nehemiah 4:19b: “The work is out of the Dutch, which has tended to
very great and large, and we are few and restrict its circulation, but The World, Our
far apart along the wall”). Introducing Home is an important exception.
our readership to valuable scholarship When referencing van der Waal’s
from other quarters of Christendom book, I will simply put the page numbers
helps to broaden our collective horizons. in brackets behind the relevant citation to
And while we have a “Swiss Rush- simplify matters.
doony” in Jean-Marc Berthoud, or a Our focal point will be van der
“French Rushdoony” with Pierre Cour- Waal’s dismantling of the scriptural texts
thial, or other men of similarly broad that are used to justify Christian inaction,
learning and growing impact (e.g., Vishal impotence, and irrelevance in respect to
Mangalwadi), we’ll be casting our gaze in culture. His handling of the concepts of
a different direction. This is not to slight the stranger, the alien, the sojourner, the


A&B January 2022.indd 1 12/21/21 8:40 AM
desert motif, appeals to here we have no give them a completely different mean-
lasting city, and the denigration of our ing? There is such a thing as pietistic
cultural responsibilities, deserves a wider demythologization! In shunning culture,
audience. By clearing these supposed ob- many have grasped the opportunity to
use isolated texts to support their posi-
stacles out of the way, by denying slothful
tion … It is useful though to investigate
Christians these alleged prooftexts to jus- the traditional slogans of cultural pessi-
tify the perpetual warming of pews (what mists. They lack solid ground to support
Ron Kronz calls “their static approach to their interpretation. [34-35]
Kingdom business”), he guides us back to And we must agree: it is indeed “useful
our duties to our King. to investigate the traditional slogans
NO LASTING CITY HERE? of cultural pessimists” so that they are
In the spirit of Proverbs 18:17, van understood properly, and are set aside as
der Waal casts a critical eye at the texts faulty rationales for cultural abstention.
deployed by those who defend the cul- We’ll take a look at a few more examples
tural retreat of Christians into a spiritual of van der Waal’s analyses to whet the
ghetto. One of these is Hebrews 13:14, reader’s appetite for more.
and his comments are worth reproducing THE VALE OF TEARS
here. The idea of this life being “a vale of
[Hebrews 13:14 in the ESV] is trans- tears” has been urged as proof that the
lated as follows: “For here we have no Heidelberg Catechism also ultimately
lasting city, but we seek the city that is promotes cultural pessimism, despite the
to come.” This text has been interpreted
cultural achievements of Christians in
very piously to suggest the abandonment
of earthly life … But the text demands
Heidelberg at the time. Several illustra-
that we read it in its proper context … tions of this optimism in the relevance
The whole letter to the Hebrews speaks of God’s Word to culture in that era are
of the fulfillment and the realization put forward by van der Waal, who then
of the shadows and figures of the old identifies (and corrects) the fly in the
covenant, but also exhorts the believers ointment:
to break with Jewish worship and to join But, someone will remark, in spite of all
the Christian church. this the Heidelberg Catechism in Lord’s
A compelling ground is given as well: Day 9 speaks of this “jammerdal” (vale
the old city Jerusalem is not permanent; of tears).4 And that is true. But the Latin
we do not have a lasting city here … the text says here: aerumnosa vita, that is, the
author speaks in clear terms about the life that is full of hardship.
covenant wrath that will come upon the Moreover, “vale of tears” is an expression
covenant people who reject Christ as of Luther. In Psalm 84:6, he translates
High Priest … “valley of balsam trees” into German as
… we must explain Heb. 13:14 in “jammerthal” (“vale of tears”). In Psalm
light of the prediction of Christ about 84:6 it is clear, whatever the correct
the destruction of Jerusalem. We are not translation may be, that there is a prom-
permitted to use this text to describe our ise of water for those who pass through
resignation to the fact that everything is in the thirsty valley … It is therefore
vain. We cannot permit ourselves to base incorrect to say that this earth is a vale
our pessimism about culture on this text of tears and that we are not at home on
… When Bible quotations are used as this earth … The people on the journey
popular expressions we must always be through the thirsty valley make it a
on guard! place of springs; they do not display an
Hebrews is not speaking about what we attitude of passive surrender to God, but
accomplish, but about the antithesis be- are full of cultural activity. They do not
say: we are not at home here. In spite of
tween synagogue and church. How often
difficulties, they do their work. [38-39]
has not a pietistic approach taken texts
out of their covenantal context only to So you might then conclude, “Perhaps


A&B January 2022.indd 2 12/21/21 8:40 AM
van der Waal has neutralized two texts “the world state and world culture of the
(Heb. 13:14 and Ps. 84:6) used to justify future. ‘Come out of her, My people.’”
cultural pessimism, but there are many, [33] Here van der Waal corrects the
many more such texts. He’d have to walk misconception and subsequently draws
through all of them and make equal- an important conclusion:
ly strong refutations of how they are The symbol “Babylon” is therefore not
popularly understood.” This is precisely in itself a word that disqualifies culture
what van der Waal’s The World, Our (from the processing of flax to the puri-
Home purports to do: analyzing each fying of gold). As we have already seen,
class of prooftext used to keep Christians in the New Jerusalem there is an abun-
dance of works of culture. With all due
culturally impotent. And we clearly can’t
respect to Augustine, let us steer clear
provide every example here within a short of the Neoplatonic and Augustinian
article in Arise and Build, but we can il- false dilemmas between an earthly and a
lustrate by example his approach to these heavenly city. Such false dilemmas create
objections to Christians being culturally a wrong approach to culture, and cause
effective. us to waste the opportunities provided
by God. [34]
If you find it shocking that Babylon (yes,
Dr. van der Waal points out that
Babylon) is somehow a redeemable enti-
we’ve inherited many of our faulty
ty, consider the equally astounding text of
ideas from earlier giants of the faith.
Psalm 87:4-5 which speaks of the nations
The impact of Neoplatonism has done
that comprise the glorious Zion of God:
immeasurable harm in this regard. Small
For I will make mention of Rahab
wonder that Dr. R. J. Rushdoony devotes
[Egypt] and Babylon as knowers of Me;
one of his books to exposing its inherent behold Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia:
dangers (The Flight from Humanity), for this man was born there. And of Zion
its effects are utterly pernicious. On van it shall be said that each and every man
der Waal’s part, he sees Augustine as the shall be born in her, and the Most High
man who injected these philosophical shall establish her. (Psalm 87:4-5 from
toxins into the bloodstream of Christian the Hebrew)
theology: Just as the first two great enemies of
Augustine worked with the notion of God’s covenant people, Egypt and
pilgrimage and placed the kingdom Assyria, become covenanted to God and
of God outside of the social realm. build legitimate altars to His glory (Isaiah
Neoplatonism had an impact on Au- 19:18-25), a similar transformation is
gustine’s thinking, creating a contrast promised for later enemies of the Lord’s
between earth and heaven. The stamp of people. Dr. van der Waal shows how
“Babylon” is thus pressed on society and
misuse of Revelation 17 and 18 at this
point has wrought serious damage to the
The ideas of Augustine so seized the Christians who have been influenced by
church of old that there was barely any such interpretations.
opportunity for the development of a
Christian culture. The pilgrims meditat- IMPLICATIONS OF RETREATIST THEOLOGY
ed and theologized, but earthly life was, We invite the reader to walk through
as Seneca said, merely a hospitium. Only the entire argument made by van der
the heavenly city was important. [32] Waal, as we do not have space to provide
After illustrating the shifting meanings of further examples. It is important, how-
“Jerusalem” and “Babylon” throughout ever, that we examine the implications
history under the influence of “dualistic of these various distortions of Scripture
interpretation” [33], van der Waal shows and the impact such misunderstandings
that “Babylon” was first connected with have had upon His people, historically
“the papal church of Rome” and later to speaking. Van der Waal holds that the


A&B January 2022.indd 3 12/21/21 8:40 AM
transition began after the Reformation. on the supernatural, and drove him into
[During the Reformation] there were the desert. [52]
dangers, persecutions, and many tears! At this point, van der Waal quotes from
But people did not feel burdened by all the poet H. Marsman:
those thoughts about their existence as
sojourners, thoughts which promote pas- When things become tense or oppres-
sivity. They had plans and goals to fulfill. sive, the Christian withdraws, with or
They were a generation that produced without pretense, back to the kingdom
works of great renown in many areas of that is not of this world and leaves us,
life … The Reformation … liberated the including the poets, alone, with the
church from the differentiation between chestnuts still in the fire. This is also
clergy and laity. Each baptized Chris- what makes the Christian an unreliable
tian had his office in which he was to player in the affairs of this world, partic-
work to the honor of God. That was his ularly in culture, and especially from the
calling. Though Calvin spoke about our Protestant one can expect nothing when
pilgrimage, he put the emphasis on our push comes to shove. He is constantly
office. This thought went to the hearts of
ready to flee. [52]
the learned and the laborers.
In the centuries after the Reformation, It is as if the counterpart to Ron Kronz’s
a “Further Reformation” (“Nadere book, Fighting to Win: And Other Things
Reformatie”) took place with the arrival I Didn’t Learn in Sunday School is the
of pietism. It was, in other words, not a pietist’s idea to Flee so We can Flee Again
true reformation. Troubles and problems Tomorrow. It is for this reason that
that had not played a role in the Refor-
Cornelis van der Waal surveyed the
mation were introduced. The Bible was
explained in a different manner. One “mishandled texts” [53] that sap our
sees the differences immediately when collective Christian strength and resolve.
the sermons of the time of the Refor- We’ve only scratched the surface of
mation are compared with those of the this issue, but we must recognize that
Further Reformation. The Reformation a problem exists (diagnosis) and apply
emphasized our calling in daily life and
the appropriate measures. We start with
called the church to service. The Further
Reformation busied itself with the works like van der Waal, and then put
“precious soul,” with “heaven,” and with forward good theology that is God-hon-
the “perils of Babylon.” The accent was oring, scripturally solid, and promotes
placed on the soul and not on the office the imperatives laid down for God’s
of the Christian. Thus man stood in the image-bearers in the world that He has
center, instead of his task. The earth was
sent his Holy Spirit to convict of sin and
merely a thoroughfare. [48-49]
of righteousness.
Concerning students in the Third World,
van der Waal adds, “let us hope that they 1. C. van der Waal, The World, Our Home:
are not burdened with a wrong under- Christians Between Creation and Recreation
(Pella, IA: Inheritance Publications, 2013).
standing of the sojourner motif that puts
The book can be purchased at this link:
the brakes on true Christian cultural ac-
tivity.” [52] The impact that pietism has 2. e.g., Mark Robert Kreitzer, Paradigm Shift in
had on the arts deserves special censure South African Dutch Reformed Social Theology
from van der Waal: (1974-1990) (Busan, S. Korea, n.p., May 2013).
How many artists have we lost for the 3.
church, because the church paid no tures-10-volumes-pdf
attention to their profession? … While 4. Here, van der Waal adds an explanatory
Vincent van Gogh lived in Amsterdam, footnote in brackets: [In the English version of
he heard sermons in the white plastered the Heidelberg Catechism, the phrase is actually
church buildings of the Dutch Reformed “life of sorrow,” which is closer to the Latin
church. They did not help him, however, “aerumnosa vita” (wretched life) than the Dutch
because they were moralistic or focused “jammerdal.”]


A&B January 2022.indd 4 12/21/21 8:40 AM
The death of an age is a bloody business. Men, disillusioned with the promises of their
faith, yet unwilling to surrender them, strike out at everything in rage and in frustration.
Like a rudderless ship, the civilization loses its direction and is driven by events instead of
driving through them. Today, in the last days of humanism, as men steadily destroy their
world, it is important for us to understand the meaning of the times and act in terms of
that knowledge.1

hose familiar with City College, in which he tried to explain
my father’s writ- the destructive inflationary course of U.S.
ings or lectures will monetary policy. He was discouraged be-
likely recall his recurring cause he so often found the only interest
theme that we were of his audience was how they could make
approching the end of money off of inflation. Few looked down
the age of humanistic statism. The words the road to which he was trying to point
above were written in 1970. The prior them.
decade was an unprecedented time of Today, it is rare to see anything re-
political, social, religious, and economic motely approaching the level of optimism
change; revolutionary is not too strong of that still prevailed half a century ago. It
a characterization. Given those changes has been supplanted by discouragement,
and the uncertainity they fostered, my cynicism, disillusionment, and uncer-
father’s words seemed ominous. tainty. It is worth noting why my father
Yet there was another perception that believed we were at the end of an age and
then held sway in some people’s minds, what he thought the Christian response
and that was the sense of technological ought to be.
progress and a rising standard of living.
Disneyland had an attraction called “Car- WHAT IS HUMANISM?
ousel of Progress” that originated from its My father frequently referenced
display at the 1964 World’s Fair; people the temptation of Satan to Eve, which
stood in long lines to view it and hear claimed she and Adam could “be as gods,
its theme song called “The Best Time of knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5). He
Your Life.” did so because he thought it represented
What has been called the “cult of the essence of all humanism, to “know”
science” was also very much still alive or determine good and evil for them-
in 1970. The U.S. had recently landed selves apart from God’s Word. Either
two manned missions on the moon, the God’s Word is authoritative or man’s
medical profession was universally re- word is. Humanism is the elevation of
spected, and “new inventions” that would man to supremacy.
“improve life” were routinely reported in When God is denied His position
the news.” as Sovereign, whether self-consciously or
Morever, despite some unsettling practically, all that is left is the authority
monetary inflation (which most dis- of man. A hierarchy that eliminates God
missed as corporate greed) we were still leaves man as supreme. The result is
in the post-WWII inflationary economic humanism in some form. But what man
boom. Chalcedon sponsored an econom- or group of men has priority? Is it man
ics seminar in Southern California each collectively or men individually? Human-
year featuring Hans Sennholz of Grove ism may be expressed either way, either


A&B January 2022.indd 5 12/21/21 8:40 AM
in statism in the name of collective man basis of authority. Rather than autonomy
or anarchism’s defense of the individual’s from God, man sought to serve Him.
autonomy. This service included more than church.
Both anarchism and statism are The “priesthood of all believers” made
expressions of humanism, the only differ- man’s calling the exercise of God’s will
ence being the locale of “man’s” author- in his vocation. The energy this supplied
ity. Historically, statism in one form or was a major factor in the technological
another has prevailed, because a collective changes, productivity, and growth of cap-
group of men are always stronger than ital about to sweep Europe. In America,
any individual. The history of humanism it became “the Puritan work ethic” and
therefore has been largely one of various was a major factor in the advance of the
forms of statism. colonies and then the fledgling United
States.The Reformation rescued Europe
from a self-destructive course.
The ancient world was strongly dom-
The Enlightenment, which began
inated by severe forms of statism. Most
in Europe in the 17th century, revived
often the kings either claimed divinity or
the special favor of the gods in some way. humanism’s emphasis on man. Again,
When a ruler claims to be god, there can there was an attempt to blend an em-
be no liberty from his authority. To chal- phasis on man’s authority and his reason
lenge such a ruler becomes at the same into religion by way of the vague notion
time both treason and blasphemy. When of “Natural Law.” As Pietism’s emphasis
the Roman Republic dissolved into the on man gradually eroded the resistance
Empire after Julius Caeser it quickly of the old Calvinistic Puritanism, the
returned to the older pattern of claiming Enlightenment’s rationalism increasingly
its emperors to be gods. dominated the Western mind. Intellec-
After the Western Roman Empire’s tually, we are still living in its shadow; no
slow self-destruction, Europe saw the movement has supplanted it. One, how-
development of Christendom. Complain ever, destroyed its intellectual foundation.
as we do about the practices of the Charles Darwin single-handedly
Roman Church, Europe had a God- destroyed the intellectual basis for the
centered worldview, even if much harm Natural Law argument by positing that
was done by directing this toward a chaos, not order, was the realm of man’s
church-centeredness. past and present. While statism continues
The Renaissance was an intellectual to prevail in government forms, the belief
movement we often wrongly define as in the cathartic effects of chaos has fed
merely an artistic period. It was also a man’s anarchistic tendencies, as has been
rebellion against the Christian worldview evident in revolutionary groups as well
that self-consciously looked to ancient as the modern intellectual and moral re-
Greek thought. Intellectually it was a pudiation of all that is held in contempt.
return to paganism (necessarily man-cen- The Darwinian belief in the regenerative
tered) and saw the rise, not surprisingly, power of chaos has influenced modern
of absolutist monarchs. The Renaissance man to destroy what he sees as regressive
greatly impacted the church, so much with the absurd assumption that some-
so it seemed humanism was poised to thing better will “naturally” take its place.
overcome it. Corruption abounded in This willingness to destroy what is seen
and out of the church. Venereal disease as impeding man’s evolution is now seen
was rampant in Europe. in humanistic statist policy, not just the
The Protestant Reformation, which anarchistic revolutionary individuals. The
began early in the 16th century, saw a power of humanist governments is being
strong reaction against Renaissance hu- used to destroy the Christian remnants of
manism and a return to Scripture as the our past.


A&B January 2022.indd 6 12/21/21 8:40 AM
TECHNOLOGY HID REALITY istry of Health to protection described
By the time Darwinian thought as “womb to tomb.” After describing a
began doing its damage, a technological television interview of young children, my
revolution was underway. The world father noted their stated wish to be babies,
went from the horse and buggy and noting that was a reflection of modern
sailing ships to trains and air flight within man’s immaturity and irresponsibility:
a century. Material prosperity increased We are thus in the last days of a hu-
so rapidly men began to believe such manistic era. Man’s attempt to return
progress was inevitable, a secularized view to the womb is a fast trip to the tomb.
of Providence, if you will. Such great and The world of humanism is sick; let it
unprecendented advances fostered a belief die. Its spoiled brats are bent on suicidal
destruction. Mature man will work for
that man and society were on the right
Christian Reconstruction.2
track, and if that were true, one might
argue (as many did) that more planning CHANGE IS AHEAD
by man was in order, so that Marxist The insanity of our time will not con-
“scientific socialism” might organize this tinue indefinitely because it cannot. God
advance and avoid the bumps of the is not mocked; “he that sinneth against
free-market road. me wrongeth his own soul: all they that
With governments empowered by hated me love death” (Prov. 8:36).
the post-war fiat currency creation, it is Our response must not be smug
no wonder the “space race” to the moon satisfaction because we “see it coming,”
captivated Americans. In the 1960s U.S. but Christian Reconstruction, a term my
President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed father coined that describes the Christian
his “War on Poverty,” which was not duty in the face of evil. “The word of
far removed from one of the Chinese God is not bound,” (II Tim. 2:9) nor can
Communist Party’s “five-year” plans. The it be any more than God or His promises
mid-twentieth century years were heady can be. Humanism will fail simply be-
ones for statist humanists. They seemed cause man is not a god; he lives in God’s
to believe their own utopian visions. world and on His terms.
THE “LAST DAYS” It is only in Christ that we can find
We seem far removed from the fulfillment and purpose. As long as God
general optimism of fifty years ago. The gives us breath, therefore, we seek to serve
humanist still talks of greater things to His reign and Kingdom.
come, but the bankruptcy of their claim This is a time of unequalled opportunity,
to “be as gods” is becoming ever more the greatest age of the frontier man has
apparent. The dreams of the humanist yet seen. The new frontier is the chal-
lenge of a new civilization, of the most
seems even more remote than Eden. Its
sophisticated and intensive pioneering
faithful are good at demolishing but are
the world has yet seen. It is a time of
powerless to “build back better.” The times, an exciting time to be alive, a time
failures of humanistic statism are now to build and a time to advance. To be
increasingly obvious. most alive is to be alive when and where
In 1943 Prime Minister Winston it counts most, and this is the day. Get
Churchill acknowledged the increasing with it!3
calls for government social programs in 1. Faith & Action: the Collected Articles of R.J.
Great Britain and acknowledged the need Rushdoony from the Chalcedon Report, 1965-
for societal concern for all citizens “from 2004, Vol. 1 (Vallecito, California: Chalcedon/
the cradle to the grave.” This phrase was Ross House Books, 2019), p. 190 (from Chalce-
don Report No. 56, April 2, 1970).
still being quoted by American conserva- 2. ibid., p. 38 (from Chalcedon Report No. 48,
tives in the 1960s to decry the expanding August 1, 1969).
U.S. welfate state. In Britain, the concept 3. ibid., p. 317 (from Chalcedon Report No. 95,
was expanded even further by the Min- July 1973.)


A&B January 2022.indd 7 12/21/21 8:40 AM
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ince 1965, the Chalcedon gained significant ground through
Foundation has served as the helping to restore Christian edu-
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