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Assign a different advertisement to each group member. Watch individually and identify the
choices that create each rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, logos). Then, explain the effect of the
appeal on the intended audience. Remember, the appeals are the RESULT of the choices, not the
choices themselves. You don’t use ethos, you create it.

Finally, share your analysis of each commercial and answer the follow-up questions together.

1. “1959 First EVER Barbie commercial High Quality HQ!” 1959

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Says everything like a fact, companies name, memorable, film quality,
official announcer narrator guy

Logos Prices for a well-made product, only $3/ only $1-5, logical argument

Pathos Beautiful barbie, someday I’ll be like you, looks sweet, etc. makes you
want to buy her because she is so perfect, elegant music, female voice,
idealizes barbie, you are barbie, use of word you-directly to audience

2. “1971 COLOR Malibu Barbie Commercial HQ!” 1971

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Starts by saying the brand name (Mattel is established and successful)

Logos Says and shows examples of how her tan skin will look good in all the
clothes and all seasons, shes going to look better than the other dolls

Pathos Beachy music, beachy sets- want to go to the beach, very ideal place,
relate beach to barbie, barbie brings beach to you
3. “1983 Great Shape Barbie Commercial” 1983

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Cheery voice with the slogan, Mattel, little girls explain and sing along

Logos Children playing with it, repeat what comes with the barbie to wrap things

Pathos Repeating items, show the kids being happy, little girl is playing with it,
cheery and interactive with doll

4. “Barbie Totally Hair commercial 90s" 1992

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Repetition of phrases, to kids the voices would seem older establishing
credibility, shows other kids playing with the dolls and enjoying it

Logos Provides evidence that other kids like it (kids playing and smiling)

Pathos Totally hot, totally cool!!- makes it seems fun and interesting, you’ve got
something special!! Basically just portrays this barbie as super fun and
super cool so you must buy it, very cheery song

5. "Imagine the Possibilities" 2015

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Providing slogan and brand, airport college room, etc. formal setting,
professional film quality

Logos Demonstrating how imagination will establish what society wants, it is

socially acceptable, make it so parents and adults can also enjoy and trust
the commercial

Pathos Inspires young girls by showing that they can be anything they want to be
(literally showing), the music is positive and upbeat, society will agree
6. “Barbie - A Doll Can Help Change The World” 2021

Rhetorical Examples and Explanation


Ethos Brand name (big deal), progressive ideas that many would value, good
brand to buy from, video quality and editing quality

Logos Asking questions, forces the audience to think, says that it can help
develop empathy, establish a line of reasoning to show why it does what
they say

Pathos Happy and inspiring music, makes it seem more inspiring, having fun as
we would hope for when they play with barbies -makes parents happy,
questions and showing things make empathy and hope, big focus on

Follow-up Questions

1. Which rhetorical appeal do you feel was used the most and why?
I think that pathos is used the most because it is a toy. Parents are more likely to buy
something if they think it will make their child happy. So using more pathos in a commercial for
kids will make them more likely to want it. Kids don't value logic or trustworthiness as much as
they do emotions.

2. Take a look at these slides showing the evolution of Barbie over the years. With the
advertisements in mind, what can you say about the evolution of the brand?
They follow the values of society, following popular styles. They serve to mimic the social
climate of the time. They reflect society. As time has moved on and people’s values have
changed, the brand has changed as well.

3. Which advertisement do you feel could have been the most persuasive for the intended
audience? Why?
I think the 2015 one was the most effective because it had a nice balance of appealing to the
kinds and appealing to the adults. If I saw this as a kid, I would want to buy a barbie because
the advertisement makes me feel like I can do a lot of things. As an adult, I would’ve also liked
this ad because it has some nice appeal. It's funny and really shows the benefits of barbie. The
intended audience is a combination of adults (they are the ones buying the things) ad kids
(they are the ones asking for the things)
4. Some believe that advertisements can shape our perceptions of our environment and
of ourselves. How might these Barbie advertisements influence the target audience?
Shows barbie in a really really positive light, a lot more positive than many people might
believe. Barbie has often been criticized for portraying unrealistic body standards. However,
this isn't the focus of the advertisements. The ads focus on the positive things, meaning that
the target audience would be more inclined to buy the product.

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