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| PARACELSUS Of the : Supreme MystTeRtes NATURE on The Spirits of the Planets. | ~*2Occult Philofophy. The Magical, Sympathetical, and Antipathetical Cur s of Wounds and Difeafes. The Myfteries of the twelve SIGNS of the Zopr ACK. ON drt chic Englifhed by R, Turner, . Sineuadig. London, Printed by 7, C. for N, Brook and }. Harifon ; and are to be fold at their fhops atche Angel in Cornhil., and the bly Lamb, neer the Eaft-end of Pauls, 169. LOSS. itby - To the worthily refpected, and his much honocres frend , Doctor Trigge , Dostor ia PHY SICK; Robert Turner witheth health and hay pinets. Honrsted sir Parag ite fuccef{ful experi. ce] * ence and large pra- , Shee which you Bave PS had ithe Operations of Nature, (1 mean in the pra- iical part of Phy fick’) hath in- ‘vited me to prefent this piece of Ar that that moft renowned Phyfitian Paracelfus to your Patronage; which I have endeavoured to bring into a garbe [uitable, as neer as I can,to our Englifh fa- foion ; though perbaps it's not fo finely accoutred, and dreffed A la made, as to [uit with every critical or captions Fancy : But as this Author in bis time was 100 learned and fincere in the method of bes pratfice, to ) [uit with gencral Sophiffry of the wil- fully ignorant Conclave of Phy- jfitians ; Jol doubt not, but you ave met with fome Invetlives amongSt our common Collegians, who ground the greateft reafon 9 bh ‘ Dedicatory. of their Recipes from a Galen's or a Pliny's ‘Probatum: But as this famous Author made Rea- ‘on and Experience his greate/ Giae > fo Tom 4 ie wf and therefore valued not the Ca- lumnies, Oppofitions , and Ob- trettations of bis Adverfaries. Sir, this little Treatife prefents vou with the rare fecrets of eAL- chymy, and the miraculous Cures of Difeafes by Sigils and La- mens, made in thesr proper fea- fons,and attributed to the nature of Celeftial Bodies ; which to « many Ignorants [eems impofsi- ble, ood is by fl vied ie caufe not underflood : I there 43 fore I The Epitftle fore make bold to crave your pro tection , which may Sufficiently arm it againft all Oppofites. And be pleafed to ‘pardon my ee herein, and admit of this my la- hour into your Patronage ; that your Favourable acceptance here- of may bea future encouage- ment to Augnfi20. .\:, Yours to 1655+ Command, R. Turner. RRL RRRRERINAHRS ae eR bbs: SSSGGAS . SESS id PEST CEES To the Reaver. Courtcous Reader, ‘Nebislaft Iron age » iguorance bath fo much pre Luailedyphar many have sad yet do plead far: ‘ted Strive to uphotl it, erying down all Arts, and enden~ “voaring tobood-wink kywwledge 5 [othat nthing br the feces and dregs of Art feems to vemain fo chas they fee bus fhadews, if compared with that rifrne earning of the Ancients, What golden Tends Sererly faced among the Hebrews, xa Ar tians, and are now even almaft all loft Bus becanfe Babels confufion is ae the deen of Sienminch are rat in oviry. tongue underffood y and the difpo(isisn of mmf peor of omr times is tobreed ther ei: ee then taught their e, re real the earthy Unde effodvneur ope To the Reader. And sherefore I profent the ingenions Reader swith apart of the Workes of the renowyed Paracel= fas efile] fecrets of Alchymy,Ocewle Philofophy , and the wonderfull operation of the Celefial bodyes, in caring difesfes by igils and charattersgnade and ap- plyedm fic eletted times and feafons, and under their proper conffelltions as the Author lath dived, Tniftexpest the faci Malignant cenfures of Zoy- Ins and Momus,and frch fools: but the Author hime {Self in bis Prolaguein the enfuingdifconr eyfificient Ly cleares all objettions,and therefore Ifhall (ave that Lxhow’s ovely Tveould have fucl men nor be fo wilful dy ignoraneyesalrogether to forgets that the Heavens declare the glory of Goty and the F-vavamment fhewetls pis bandy-worke. Indeed M-chanicks and Eon icks do abu(e all Arts : One Mountebank rasi in verle againft Afirelogy and impudently calls the profiors thereof cheatcriy (Sed leipfam incueri o porter ) and gives this to be his onely reafon, thar a fools bote is fron fhot ; and that be endeavoured to wil fe that Artshecanf>he was alrocerber ignorant of it bimfelfy and would gladly learm it but be kyew rot how nor which way to begin: another (and too many fach vender the Art vile) Poctizes upon the Art of Aftologie, aud pretends to cureall difeafes and Kaos all things by st, and indeed kyows nothing + Sach are agrest Scandal to the excelency of [uch ‘Scievces 2Sed non loquor ttultis, This tranjlation is vend red rather Grames uicaly then Sementially according tothe Authors own phrale: (bortly expelt (Dien volence) the other parts nereeh and [ome come ments am this ad them, together wth the famous art f Steganograply, Avuhore Trivemiy, to fpeakour one To the Reader. evn Langage 5 and perhaps the Ocenlt Philofaphy of Aarne decd in aplanr metlod ‘tse id have been now inlarged, but prefens Sracus nofer isthe realen,and the excwje the fame as Ovid? Nabi an fbi empora nol mai Iris the General opinion of oft ignorant peopleyta cont al things that are pik Pager ogre. Henfionsy to be diabolicall, and meerly brosght to pale by the works of the Devil and under tha: nocion t conclude all the fecret and Magn tick opcr-sions of saturey and chereby rcb God the creator ef all thingsy of that glory that is die wsto ims on-ly,and at ribste the funse 10 the Devil. the enemy t0 Ged and all the worlds Ifhal therefore here tale occafien to tell fic people (becan[e their Prifts, that ftonld teach there Ioledgeseber cannot or elfewillnet) what the De= ilies “As inthe Microcofomus or litle world Mitry she Seuss the beftpartyand che exerements the wor fi foin the great worldyasthe tniverfal creating [pir ts heb party tche Devulibe srerouon of that Univeral Sportyand rhe abjeft and Capue moreaam. of the world and the poore and nef wretched o all created beingss Aud that worketh a great Articabhy berwveen bins and us ard the blefed boly Angels, subo areour Govervars and Protelloriand conto gieardians and are continualy employed abouts dem cording to their orders and minifteries aproinred shems by the moft High : althengh the D-vil alwayes cndewtan ebtimate and cnmirlithe goed re gelsy and thereby deceiveth nseny whofe vickednefs dnd walce ute with bis ratory “lee wah good Angel being grievedy Leaves thems 42 many Times forthe wick:dnefs eff me Perf To the Reader. good Angele je: fon and fmilyor bones en enecded Sen eee fiat if {s ing the ps cant bi b finaly profper he angry el ap wile uy and woful ev hs, aes» tox accord Hierarchy, who receive rhe fie fron the firjt Hie= rorchy, who abv.ays attend bofere the Throw of the the prayers of the Saints, &c. bis fuperficiony I hope E foall never be of she Nimber of thofe wha for fear of ding fuperpaiecs y have reformed themselves and Irantel Relivo vill chey bave lft the fom of ity ita wiser Athos avd prof nef But ke Libel din ccrajeullera Cr dectelteties ‘the Cithy Isvillieve comcluale my fed dem gui " Turner. vumt, 1655. In Commendation of his Friend’s Tranflation. “HricesweleomeParaceltnssmof? renown'd Hermetick and Philofepher by firey Zs inan Englfe esrb those comet cravn'dy What need we for ou Chypmibtry frar higher? Since then revealtft with thy Prophetick Pan y eAls needa tobe kvown by sB° Sons of Men ‘vod stony rable Eriendyoho thus bait dreft Hirsi our Engltb Pefhion, dof deforve, Wie Laurel tobe crcamed with the rot Of thofe who dayly do Urania force, (fiery Ler wry monshed Cynicks, prstesprescly foams ard Hermes rime Sons w llnor thy lov forgets Fare ever well[o ever wifhes he tho is more yosrs ther be can fiem to bey W.F. | SaRSRES An Encomium upon his Friend the Tranflator’s elaborate pains, Ly Galen hence, Hippocrates be cone § Pivtirepreeiny dice ii ther Ove, Whoecrne Elixir doth preferve the frame Of Man's feail Nature, vivifierthe [ame $ Bybeavenlycontlited Medicines Which valgars count but Drofiy I count Divine, Let Loil’s and Momus 's intoxicated brains Difpraife the Author s works 5 Trarflator’s pains TUlipesehonbtbndsuncd poe ls This trae fublimeSpagyrick rable eArt, Proceed shen, Friend, mate all/peak Englh : why Shonld se be bared our Navive Liber? W. Ryves, Philomedicus. __— | 7 shhh shhh The Contents of this Book. Oo; finiple Fires pig, 152 Mulrplcing of Fire, 3 Variety of Metals. at The Metals ofthe Planets, ibid, The fu 4 ‘The Spir 45 The Body of Mescary, 5 The Sprit of the Moon, ‘6 (Of the Spirit of Venus, 78 The Sprit of Mats, 9 Of the Spirseof Jupiter. 10 Of he Spive of Satu. an Of che grof Spirit of Mercury. 12,13 Of Tinktures how they are made. 1415 ‘The Conjunttion of Male and Female, 15316 To formof the glaf Inftrument:. 16 The properties ef the Fire, 17 ‘Sigur ofthe Conjunttion vite 18,19 To kyow the perfett Tindture, 19,20 To rawleiply the Tinttures, 20 Tomake the Furnace, 21 ‘To place the Fire, 22 + Of the Conjunttton of Male and Female, 23 Of their Copulation, 24 OfthePhitorbica Conant cf rst omans 24 Of the black, Tinfture. 25 Buds appearing in the GIdfs 25426 Of thered Colonr, = rs The Content ‘Tu multiply the Tinktare, ape Of Occnl:Phileepy. 25 OF Confeeraions 33 Of Ceremonies Magical, 3435 Of Conuratons. 36537938339 Of Charatlere, 40 OfPentagon and Hexagon, it Thepomerthrede ne somes ees ma ave pera Sup ifeale eee Vifions and Lakme 7 ot ren tart and faporsamrale . Bee earn ringer te eerbst Of Prgmitiy wh t they ares, $952 aor hesrrneSp rida feet 384 Several Cp mins af fm i 555 - Ten thay are fubjet to dest Pe sc eimitate tbe terreneSpir:t $8.59 bo st 6162 7 Ash nae 8 fie placets 65.66 miercfobsance fac resfiver. 66,67 How the spirits change he reafire 6% How they venove t of OF uch of evil Spirits. ress 74 75576 77 B Ta | =| Cos. 4 TheConos | Contents, Ta fumigate hens asvay, 79:80 The able of Magick, 8t ‘The purity hereof. 82 Prefervasives againft witcheraft. 84 Tonages mudedy Waces, 85 How they affitt mer therewith, 85.36 The masner ef helping perfnsbevitched. 86.87 Experience of Egypsine: herein 88,89 Ofte myftery of the welve Sianr, or Tie Prac ef Chartier asec. 9496 Oftords. Celeftiel Medicines, 1 Common avief of the head, Torso The falling Evit torre%,104 Topreferve cle fight, 105.265 A ainft a ynfsia the Brain, 2078168 Acainit the Pail, x09;110 Asin the Stone ard Sand inthe Reins E41, ure Of hemembers ef generation, retrg ‘To proferve horfer found. h 5510s The fynpatherieal Oyatncite 317,148 The WeaporSalvc, 112 Ageinf the Gear, Tips 2oy1249833 Atami ContreSlaren 225)1 Forvionentterms, 7 Fer the mvrfireey 326,127 (Eevthe Lerofe, 127,738 For the Vertigo, 1295130 Eorehs Crave eat Per snembing of the bear, ¥34533751339134 Oplef Coral te prepare, 34 or The Contents. oO aur fom, 135 myery ofthe rwelve Signs, 136 TheSealef ties pigs TheSealef Tauras. TheSeal of Gemini, The Seal of Cancer, The Seal of Leo. Virgo, and its Seal, ‘The Seal of Libra, Of Scorpio, Sagiveary, The Seal of Capricora, Of Aquary, The Seal of Pitees, Secrets of Nature todeftroy Mice, To preferve Sheep, For Oren and Horfes, TodefirayFhes. DERBI RS BR be To be fold by N.Brook at the Angel in Cornbil, A Romance eslled The Imperiows Brosher, and The Iaftrowe Shepherdefs, Wit and Drollery : with other Jovial Poems. Ge BAAR ARBS The Prologu e. BAving fictk invocated the Name of the Lord Jefus Chrift oir Savi- our,we will encerprize this Work 5 wherein we fhall noc only each how to change any in- feriour Metal into bet- tet, as Iron into Copper, this into Silver, and chat into Gold,¢e. bur lfo to help all infirmities, whofecure co the opinionated and prefumptuous Phyfitians, doth feem impoffible: But that whichis greater, to preferve, and keep mortal men toa long, found, and perfect Age. This ART was by ‘our Lord God the Supream Grea- tor, ingraven as it were ina bookin the body of Metals, from the beginning of the Creation, that we might diligently learn fromehem, — Therefore when any B man The Prologue. man défirethi throughly and perfeély’ to Jearn this Art from its crue foundation ;' it awill be neceffary that he learn thefame from the Matter thereof, towit, from God, who hath createdall things, and onely kaoweth what Nature and Proprie- ty he himfelf hath placed in every Crea- ture Wherefore he isabletoteache- very one certainly and perfeétly 2 and From him we may learn abfolutely » as he hath fpoken, faying , of mege foal learn dlibings + fox there bs ond in Heaven nor in Barth fo fecret, whofe pro- pertieshe perceiveth not, andaoft exae- Ty knoweth and eeth, who hath created allthings, We will therefore take him to be our Matter, Operacor, and Leader into this moft true Arc. We will therefore imi tate him alone,and through him learn and attain to the knowledge of that Nature, which he himfelf with his own finger hath engraven and inferibed in the bodies of thele Metals. Hereby it will come to pals, that the moft highLord God fhall blefs all the Creatures unto tis, and {hall fanctifie allour Wayes ; fo that inthis Work we may be able to bring our Beginning toits defired End, and the Confequence thereof to 4 Tie Prologue. to produce exceeding great Joy.and Love in our Hearts. But if ang one, (hall follow. his own ion, he will not onely gteacly elt, but alfoall others who cleave and adhereehéreuntos and: fhall bring them untolofs. For mankinde is certainly born in ignorance, fo that hecan neither know nor underftand any ching of himfelfs bat onely ehat which he receiv éth from God, and underftandeth from ‘Nature. He which learneth nothing froat thefe, is like the Heathen Matters and Phi. lofophers, who follow the Subtilties and Crafts of thicie own Inventions and Opi- nions, fuch as are CAriftotle , Hippocrates, tAvicerna, Gallen, Bec. who grounded all their ARTS upon cheit own Opinions onely. And if at any timethey learned any thing from Niture, they deftroyed itar gain with their own Phantafies, Dreams, Or Inventions, before they cameto che end thereof fo that by them and their Followers there is nothing perfect at all to befound. Thistherefore hath moved and induced us hereunto, to write a peculiar book of Alchymy, founded aot upon mea, bue B2 ‘upon The Prologue. upon Naturéit felf, and upon thofe Ver= tues and Powers, which GO D with his own Finger hath impreffed in Metals. OF this impretiion:Mercuriae Drifmegiiius was an Imitaror, who is nor undefervedly called the Father of all Wife-men,and of all thofe that followedchis ART with love, and with carneft defite 5 and chat man’ demonftrateth and teacheth, that Godalone is the onely auchor , caufe and Original of all creatures in this ART. Burhe doth not ateribute the power andi virtue of God, tothe creatures ot vifible things, as the {aid heathen , and fuchelike did.” Now (eeing all A RT ought tobe learned from che Trinitysthatis,from God the Father , from God the Son of God, ont Saviour Jefus Chrift, and from-God the holy Ghoft, three diftingt perfons, bue one God: We will therefore divide this ‘our Alchymiftical worke into three parts , or Treatifes:in the firlt whereof, we will lay down what the A R T containeth in it felf, And what is the propriety and na- cure of every Metal: Secondly, by what teansaman may worke and bring the like powersand ftrength of Merals to effect. ‘And thirdly, what Tindures areto be pro- duced from the Sun and Moone, Pa Paracelfus OF the Secrets of Aucuymr ; Difcovered, in the Nature of the PLANETS. CHAP. OF Simple Fires IN the fst place,we fallen deavour and” undertake to declare, whar this Arc ‘comprehendeth, and what isthe fabjedt thereof; and what are ics proprieties, The prime and chief fabjeGtcothis Art belong- ing, is fires which always liveth in one and the fame propriety and 0- B3 pert —$ a Paracelfus of the perations neither can ic receive life from any thing elfe, Whefefore ic hati a condition:and power y as all ies tharlie hidin fecret things, Raveyo! sivifcation,no otherwife then the Su is appointed of Godywhich heateth allthe things of the world,both feerer,apparent & manifeltjas the Spheres of Afars,Saturnf/enns, Jupiter, Mercnryy ‘ahd Lanaswhich can give no other light bue what they bosrow from the Sun , for they are dead of themfelves, Neverthele(swhen they are kindled, as above is Spoken, they worke and operate ace cording tp, Buc the Sunhinfele receiveth his Tight from no other bu from God himfelf who: muleth him by himfelf, fo that he bumeth and thineth in bim, Tc is no otherwife Enchisart, The fire in che firiace is compared to theSun , which heateth che furnace and the vefels,as the Sun inthe great world ; for even 435 nothingcan be broughe-forch in the world without the Sun, fo ikewife in chis Arc nothing an be produced, withoue ‘this Simple fire 5 no operation can be made without itt it is che geatelt fecret of this Are; comprehending all things which are comprehended therein, neither can ic be comprehended in any elles for it a- bideth by ic elf: ic lacketh nothing ; bur other Wart that, do injoy i, and have ‘fe from ic 5 wherefore we have in the fir place uundestooke co, declare its Chap. i | Secrets of Alchymy. 3 Cua, Of the mutiplicity o wl ie the mati of rt fom mc, ower of WéEhave fit written of fimple fire which live eh and fabiteth ofc felf: now we come to feake of amanfold pc orfire, which sche caule of variety and diverfcy of creatures , fo hac there cannot one be found right like ano- herand she fame in every parts asic may be feen in Metals, of which there is none which bach another like it felfs the Sin produceth his golds the CAMfooe produceth another Metal far diffe Fent,to wit, filvers Mars another, that is to fay, Iron Jupiter produceth another Kind of Metal, t0 wit, Tin ; emu another,which is Copperyand Saturn another kind, that istofay,Lead + fothat they areall unlike, and{everal one from ano- ther che fame appeareth to be as well amongit men asall other creatures,the canfe whereof is the multiplicity of fire.” As by fome heat is Produceda mean generacion by the corruption thereof 5 the wathing of the Sea another, Athes another, Sand another, Flame of fire another, and another of Coales, &c. This variety of creauures isnot made of che firtfimple firey. but ofthe regiment of elements, which is varions 5 not'from che Sun, but from the courfe of the feven Planets, Andthis is che reafon that the 4 world

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