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N e u ro p s y c h i a t r i c A s p e c t s o f

Benjamin Tolchin, MD, MSa,b,*, Lawrence J. Hirsch, MD
William Curt LaFrance Jr, MD, MPHc

 Depression and epilepsy  Anxiety and epilepsy  Psychosis and epilepsy
 Cognitive impairment and epilepsy  Autism and epilepsy
 Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures

 Neuropsychiatric comorbidities, including depression, anxiety, psychosis, cognitive
impairment, autism, and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, are common and underdiag-
nosed among people with epilepsy, impacting clinical outcomes.
 Biological, psychological, and social factors contribute to the association of epilepsy with
neuropsychiatric comorbidities, and there is evidence of shared underlying
 The diagnosis and management of neuropsychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy ideally in-
volves coordination among an interdisciplinary team, including neurologists, psychiatrists,
psychologists, social workers, and neurosurgeons.


The close association between epilepsy and neuropsychiatric symptoms has been
repeatedly recognized, from Hippocrates to the present time.1 Up to 30% of people
newly diagnosed with epilepsy and 50% of people with pharmacoresistant epilepsy
experience psychiatric, behavioral, cognitive, or social problems.2 Multifactorial con-
tributors, from biological, psychological, and social factors include ictal and interictal
neuronal discharges, sleep disruption, traumatic brain injury, side effects of antisei-
zure medications (ASMs), increased socioeconomic dependence, and the experience

Department of Neurology, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Yale University School of Medi-
cine, 15 York Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA; b Epilepsy Center of Excellence, VA Con-
necticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT, USA; c Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital,
Potter 3, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Twitter: @btolchin (B.T.)

Psychiatr Clin N Am 43 (2020) 275–290
0193-953X/20/Published by Elsevier Inc.
276 Tolchin et al

ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ASD Autism spectrum disorder
ASM Antiseizure medication
CBT Cognitive–behavioral therapy
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy
EEG Electroencephalogram
FND Functional neurologic disorder
ILAE International League Against Epilepsy
PNES Psychogenic nonepileptic seizure
PWE People with epilepsy
QOLIE Quality of Life in Epilepsy scale
rTMS Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TLE Temporal lobe epilepsy

of intense social stigma. In addition, there is a growing body of epidemiologic evi-

dence suggesting bidirectional relationships between epilepsy and many neuropsy-
chiatric disorders, which often manifest before people with epilepsy (PWE) have
their first seizure. Such a bidirectional relationships may suggest underlying shared
pathophysiologies, which are being explored with neuropsychiatric research models.
In this article, we review the most common and clinically important neuropsychiatric
comorbidities associated with epilepsy, including depression, anxiety, psychosis,
cognitive impairments, autism, and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). We
conclude with brief overviews of the neuropsychiatric side effects of ASMs and of
the therapeutic options for the treatment of neuropsychiatric comorbidities.


Depression and anxiety are among the most common neuropsychiatric comorbid-
ities of epilepsy. Meta-analyses show the prevalence of depressive disorders to
be 22% to 23% among PWE.3–5 Although it has been asserted that anxiety is less
common than depression among PWE, a recent meta-analysis suggests that the
prevalence is 20%, comparable with and frequently overlapping the prevalence of
depression.5,6 The variance in prevalence estimates may be due to the means of
measurement, with studies using structured interviews finding a higher prevalence
than studies based on clinician evaluation. For anxiety, the variance was wider;
studies using clinician evaluation show a pooled prevalence of 8% and studies using
structured interviews show a pooled prevalence of 27%.5 Anxiety disorders may be
under-recognized among PWE.
The bidirectional relationship between epilepsy and depression was first observed
with depression and later with anxiety, which are more common both before and after
the onset of epilepsy. The possibility of a common underlying pathophysiologic mech-
anism that both decreases the seizure threshold and increases risk for depression and
other psychiatric disorders has been proposed.7,8 Potential putative neurophysiologic
mechanisms include hyperactivity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and dis-
turbances of glutamate and gamma aminobutyric acid neurotransmitters.9 A hyperac-
tive hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis has been found in both depression and
epilepsy, and cortical changes have been observed, including decreases in hippo-
campal and frontal lobe volumes in epilepsy and in depression.10–12
There is indirect evidence of a symptomatic gradient relationship between depres-
sion and epilepsy, with greater severities of depression associated with a higher
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy 277

likelihood of subsequent onset of epilepsy and lower likelihood of subsequent freedom

from seizures.13 Risk factors for depression among PWE include epilepsy-related
disability, impaired social support, and perceived stigma associated with epilepsy.14
Unemployment independently predicts anxiety disorder among PWE.6 Medically re-
fractory epilepsy is associated with a higher risk of depression and anxiety, and a
recent meta-analysis found equally increased risks of these psychiatric disorders in
patients with medically responsive and refractory epilepsies.5 Some studies have sug-
gested that rates of depression and anxiety are higher among people with focal epi-
lepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and even left TLE,15 but subsequent studies
have shown equally elevated rates in focal and generalized epilepsy.6,14,16
In addition to a suspected underlying pathobiology, the psychosocial impact of
epileptic seizures seems to contribute significantly to depression and anxiety disor-
ders. Psychosocial elements may include epilepsy isolating patients, preventing
them from working or driving, rendering them dependent on others, and often subject-
ing them to enormous stigma. These contributors may be ameliorated through educa-
tion, social supports, and the care of a closely coordinated team, including
neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, as discussed in Treat-
ments for the neuropsychiatric symptoms of epilepsy.
Depression and anxiety in PWE are associated with fatigue,17 irritability,18 poor
quality of life,19 side effects of ASMs,20 poor medication adherence,21 and poor
seizure control.22 Depression and anxiety are also associated with increased risk of
suicidality.23 The risk of suicide is significantly increased in PWE and is further
increased in the presence of psychiatric comorbidities including both depression
and anxiety.24 Although ASMs seem to be associated with the risk of suicidal ideation
in PWE, as discussed in Neuropsychiatric effects of antiseizure medications, there is
also an increased risk of suicide among PWE, independent of medications. The
increased risk for suicide attempts precedes the actual onset of seizures, again sug-
gesting a common underlying pathophysiology.
Because depression and anxiety are common among PWE, are associated with
worse outcomes and quality of life, and are underdiagnosed, the prompt detection
and treatment of psychopathologies are an integral part of effective evidence-based
care in epilepsy. International practice guidelines and quality measures recommend
screening for psychiatric disorders at epilepsy diagnosis, before and after changes
in ASMs, and at routine intervals (eg, annually).25,26 Screening tools that were devel-
oped or validated specifically for PWE include the Neurologic Disorders Depression
Inventory for Epilepsy, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder seven-item scale, and the
Quality of Life in Epilepsy scales (including the QOLIE-10, QOLIE-31, QOLIE-89,
and QOLIE-48).25,27 Patients who screen positive for significant symptoms should un-
dergo a formal mental health assessment to inform the selection of an appropriate
treatment, as discussed elsewhere in this article.


Psychosis is a thought disorder with impaired reality testing and can manifest with
symptoms that include delusions, hallucinations, thought disorganization, and agita-
tion.28 The single extant meta-analysis identifies the prevalence of psychosis among
PWE at 6.0% overall (vs 0.7% in the general population) and 7.0% in people with
TLE.29 Psychosis in PWE may be due to a primary psychiatric disorder, such as
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or a mood disorder, or the psychosis may
be more directly caused by epilepsy, as observed in ictal psychosis or postictal
278 Tolchin et al

Other disorders in the differential diagnosis of psychosis need to be considered and

excluded, including neurodegenerative dementia syndromes (Alzheimer’s or Lewy
body dementia), alcohol or drug intoxication or withdrawal, thiamine or vitamin B12
deficiency, delirium in the setting of systemic medical illness (eg, infection or meta-
bolic derangement), and infectious or autoimmune encephalitides. Autoimmune limbic
encephalitides, including those caused by autoantibodies to N-methyl-D-aspartate re-
ceptors, AMPA receptors, or LGI1 potassium channel complexes, can initially present
with psychotic symptoms and seizures.30
Schizophrenia is more common among PWE than among the general population
and, as with depressive and anxiety disorders, there is epidemiologic evidence of a
bidirectional relationship between schizophrenia and epilepsy.31 Proposed patho-
physiologic mechanisms linking epilepsy and psychosis include transient dopamine
overactivity in the limbic and mesial temporal structures in combination with constitu-
tively decreased dopamine activity within the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal
Besides a slightly higher risk in TLE, other reported risk factors for epilepsy-
associated psychoses include a family history of psychosis or affective disorders;
an earlier onset of epilepsy, hippocampal sclerosis, or other structural brain lesions;
a history of status epilepticus; and poorly controlled epilepsy.33,34 Epilepsy-
associated psychoses are divided according to their temporal relationship with sei-
zures, into ictal psychosis, postictal psychosis, and interictal psychosis.
Ictal psychosis, a rare condition, consists of psychotic symptoms occurring during a
prolonged nonconvulsive seizure, with sudden onset, brief duration (typically minutes,
rarely hours), and sudden resolution with the end of the seizure. Postictal psychoses
classically emerge after 10 to 20 years of active epilepsy, with individual episodes of
psychosis after a lucid interval of 8 to 72 hours after a seizure or seizure cluster.35 Pos-
tictal psychosis often involves grandiose religious or somatic delusions, visual or audi-
tory hallucinations, and a significant mood component, lasting days to weeks. Patients
may subsequently develop amnesia for the period of psychosis. Recent studies have
found a lower prevalence of postictal psychosis than previously stated, only 2% in the
single meta-analysis.29
Interictal psychosis classically emerges 10 to 15 years after the onset of epilepsy,
lasts for months or years, and is associated with delusions and visual or auditory hal-
lucinations.36 Interictal psychosis can seem to be quite similar to schizophrenia, but
may be clinically distinguished based on an onset later in life, the relative absence
of negative symptoms such as blunted affect and emotional withdrawal, and the rarity
of command auditory hallucinations. In contrast, schizophrenia frequently develops in
early adulthood, involves progressively worsening negative symptoms in addition to
positive symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions, and often prominently fea-
tures command auditory hallucinations. In a meta-analysis, interictal psychosis was
the most common form of epilepsy-associated psychosis, with a prevalence of 5%.29
Finally, forced normalization or alternative psychosis, the converse of the epilepsy-
associated psychoses, can occur when patients with chronic epilepsy suddenly
achieve seizure freedom or a significant decrease in interictal epileptiform dis-
charges.37 The classic description of forced normalization is a paranoid psychosis,
often involving significant changes in affect, that persists until antiseizure treatments
are withdrawn and seizures are allowed to resume. Forced normalization is rare and
there is controversy about whether it is a discrete phenomenon beyond the psychiatric
adverse effects of various ASMs (see Neuropsychiatric effects of antiseizure medica-
tions). Proponents argue that forced normalization can occur with any effective seizure
treatment, including ASMs, neurostimulation, or resective surgery. The mechanism of
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy 279

forced normalization is unknown, but proposed mechanisms include limbic kindling

caused by excessive dopaminergic activity during chronic epilepsy.


Neurocognitive impairments, including intellectual disability, learning disorders, and

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), are common among PWE and may
have a greater impact on quality of life than seizures.38 Among children with epilepsy,
26% meet criteria for intellectual disability, with a full-scale IQ of less than 80.39 Risk
factors include earlier onset of epilepsy, duration of epilepsy, and lesional or meta-
bolic (formerly symptomatic) epilepsies. Among children with nonlesional epilepsies,
generalized epilepsy is associated with worse cognitive function than focal epi-
lepsy.40 In focal epilepsies, the location of the epileptic focus can partially predict
the types of cognitive deficits (eg, verbal memory deficits in focal epilepsies in domi-
nant mesial temporal lobe epilepsies).41 However, deficits are often broader than
might be anticipated on the basis of the seizure focus alone (eg, verbal memory def-
icits in frontal lobe epilepsies). This may be due to network dysfunction in focal ep-
ilepsies. Subtle cognitive impairments are also common among children with
epilepsy who do not meet the criteria for intellectual disability. Even after excluding
children with epilepsy and developmental disabilities, children with newly diagnosed
epilepsy on average have lower performance in arithmetic, worse attention, worse
fine motor dexterity, and reduced psychomotor speed when compared with controls
without epilepsy.42
Although persons with adult-onset epilepsy less commonly meet criteria for intellec-
tual disability, subtle cognitive impairments are common: 54% to 72% of adults with
newly diagnosed and untreated epilepsy show evidence of at least mild attention, ex-
ecutive function, or memory dysfunction on objective testing.43,44 Rates of cognitive
impairment are also increased among older adults with epilepsy, especially in the do-
mains of attention, executive dysfunction, and visual memory. In adults with epilepsy,
earlier age of onset, longer duration of epilepsy, ASM polypharmacy, and comorbid
depression and anxiety are all associated with worse cognitive impairment.45,46
Among cognitive symptoms that impact the epilepsies, executive dysfunction is
present in a number of conditions, often co-occurring with attention deficit disorder
(with or without hyperactivity). ADHD is more common among PWE than in the general
population,47 and children with ADHD are 2.7 times more likely to subsequently
develop epilepsy than children without ADHD.48 Some studies have found that the
inattentive presentation of ADHD is disproportionately common among PWE.47,49
Risk factors for ADHD among PWE include earlier epilepsy onset, more frequent sei-
zures, and medically refractory epilepsy.49 Although frequent seizures and ASM may
contribute to ADHD, the symptoms of ADHD are often observed before or at the time
of the first seizure,49 and 1 study of adolescents with ADHD and epilepsy found that
65% had been seizure free over the prior 12 months and 23% were off all ASMs.50
These findings suggest some contribution from a possible common etiology, above
and beyond the direct effect of seizures and ASM on attention.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) recommends
the timely assessment of cognitive difficulties in children with epilepsy.51 Comprehen-
sive neuropsychological testing is the gold standard for the evaluation of cognitive
function and should be conducted in all children with epileptic encephalopathies,
and other epilepsies with high risk of neurocognitive problems, including epilepsies
caused by inborn errors of metabolism, specific genetic abnormalities, and autoim-
mune epilepsies.41
280 Tolchin et al


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by:

1. Deficits in social behaviors and
2. Restricted interests and repetitive patterns of communication.28
ASD is also disproportionately common among children and adults with epilepsy,
found in 21% of children with epilepsy and 8% of adults with epilepsy.52,53 Intellectual
disability is the most important risk factor for ASD among PWE, and the most impor-
tant risk factor for epilepsy among people with ASD.54,55 Other predictors of ASD
among PWE include early onset of epilepsy, drug-resistant epilepsy, and severe epi-
lepsy syndromes, such as epileptic spasms.55 Specific epilepsy syndromes, including
West syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, further raise the risk for autism.56 A
heterogenous group of genomic copy number variations and single gene mutations
are known to cause both epilepsy and ASD. Gene mutations capable of causing
both epilepsy and ASD are found in at least 4 biological pathways important in
neuronal development and function, including transcriptional regulation (FOXG1,
MECP2, and MEF2C), cellular growth (PTEN, TSC1, and TSC2), synaptic channels
(SCN2A), and synaptic structure (CASK, CDKL5, FMR1, and SHANK3).56
Epileptiform discharges are found during electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring in
a large minority of patients with ASD but without clinical seizures.57 However, no
consistent association has been demonstrated between the presence or frequency
of epileptiform discharges and autistic regression or behavioral problems.58 It remains
controversial whether frequent epileptiform spikes in ASD in the absence of clinical
seizures are an epiphenomenon or may contribute to cognitive impairment, and
whether treatment with ASM may provide any benefit.


Fully one-quarter of patients evaluated for suspected epilepsy in seizure monitoring

units are ultimately diagnosed with PNES.59 These are also known as nonepileptic at-
tacks, dissociative seizures, or functional seizures, and in the past were labeled as
pseudoseizures, a term that is not used today because the term pseudo- (meaning
false or fake) is considered pejorative. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th edition, categorizes the condition as a functional neurologic disorder
(FND) or conversion disorder with seizures.28 Unlike factitious disorder and malin-
gering, people with PNES and other FNDs do not consciously produce their symp-
toms, and some experience symptoms even when not observed by others.
PNES involve transient episodes of involuntary movements or sensory or cognitive
symptoms, with or without altered consciousness. They are associated with underly-
ing psychological stressors or conflicts, rather than with hypersynchronized electrical
cortical discharges as found in epilepsy. A standard scalp-recorded EEG remains
normal during PNES (but can also remain normal during some epileptic seizures
with deeper foci that may elude surface electrodes).
Many people with PNES have experienced current or past psychological stressors,
at a significantly increased rate, compared with healthy controls.60,61 MRI studies
demonstrate structural and functional group differences between the brains of pa-
tients with PNES and those of healthy controls.62,63 These differences include
increased functional connectivity between motor regions, such as the precentral sul-
cus, and regions involved in emotional processing, such as the anterior cingulate cor-
tex. These findings may suggest the presence of underlying neurophysiologic
differences among individuals that may predispose them to develop PNES and other
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy 281

FND after environmental exposures such as psychological stressors or traumatic ex-

periences.64 A recent model, for trauma and neuropathophysiologic markers from
functional neuroimaging studies, seeks to reconcile psychological and neurobiological
concepts of FND and conversion disorder.65
A large majority of people with PNES (94%) have 1 or more psychiatric comorbid-
ities, including most commonly depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder,
or personality disorders.61 Other FND, such as functional movement disorders, and
medically unexplained symptoms, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syn-
drome, are also present disproportionately among those with PNES.66
Regarding comorbid epilepsy and PNES, approximately 20% of patients with PNES
also have epileptic seizures, and approximately 10% of those with epilepsy also have
PNES.67 Older estimates included abnormal slowing on an EEG as a marker of epi-
lepsy, incorrectly overestimating the co-occurrence.
The gold standard for the diagnosis of PNES, defined by the International League
Against Epilepsy (ILAE)’s Nonepileptic Seizure Task Force, requires the capture of
the habitual episode(s) on video EEG, without epileptiform brain activity before, during,
or after the event, and a history and semiology (clinical signs and symptoms) consis-
tent with PNES, as determined by a physician experienced in the diagnosis of sei-
zures, yielding a diagnosis of documented PNES.68 A clinically established PNES
diagnosis is made with clinician video-reviewed ictus separate from nonvideo EEG
captured ictus. An experienced clinician can make a diagnosis of probable PNES,
on the basis of video review of typical events (using a smartphone or other video
recording) without EEG data from the event, combined with a consistent history and
an interictal routine EEG without epileptiform abnormalities. Realizing that there are
situations where video EEG capture of typical events is not possible (because a
seizure monitoring unit is not available or because typical events occur very rarely),
the hope is to provide diagnostic levels of certainty to guide the treatment of known


In addition to the independent association between epilepsy and neuropsychiatric dis-

orders, many ASMs cause psychiatric adverse effects, including depression, anxiety,
irritability, and more rarely suicidality, aggressive behavior, and psychosis. In contrast,
a few ASMs have positive psychotropic effects and provide benefit for mood, anxiety,
or both. In large open-label studies, 15% to 20% of all PWE taking ASMs experience
psychiatric side effects and 7% to 14% find these adverse effects intolerable.69,70 In
general, a prior history of psychiatric diagnoses and medically refractory epilepsy are
the most significant risk factors for psychiatric adverse effects with ASMs.69,70 There is
no consistent association of adverse effects with focal versus generalized onset epi-
lepsies. PWE taking ASMs for the control of epilepsy have higher rates of psychiatric
adverse effects than individuals without epilepsy who take the same medications for
different reasons, suggesting that PWE may be more vulnerable to psychiatric side ef-
fects.71 Levetiracetam, tiagabine, perampanel, zonisamide, vigabatrin, and phenobar-
bital are ASMs for which there is strong evidence of frequent psychiatric adverse
effects (Table 1).69,70 Lamotrigine, valproic acid, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine
are ASMs for which there is strong evidence of antidepressant or mood-stabilizing
benefit in PWE.72–75
In addition to psychiatric effects, many ASMs impair cognition, including negative
effects on attention, processing speed, and memory. Topiramate, zonisamide, and
phenobarbital are the ASMs for which there is strong evidence of cognitive impairment
282 Tolchin et al

Table 1
ASMs with well-established effects on psychiatric symptoms

ASMs with Positive

Psychiatric Effect (Either
Antidepressant or Mood- Mixed, Minimal, or No ASMs with Common
Stabilizing) Psychiatric Adverse Effects Psychiatric Adverse Effects
Lamotrigine, valproic acid, Clobazam, rufinamide, Perampanel, levetiracetam,
carbamazepine, lacosamide, gabapentin, zonisamide, vigabatrin,
oxcarbazepine, and pregabalin, lacosamide, tiagabine, and
eslicarbazepine and topiramate phenobarbital

(Table 2).76–78 Just as with psychotropics, ASM polytherapy is associated with a

higher risk of cognitive side effects. Normal intelligence is also a risk factor for intoler-
able cognitive adverse effects, although this may be because it is more difficult to
detect additional cognitive impairment among persons with intellectual disabilities.
There is a class-wide safety alert issued by the US Food and Drug Administration,
based on a meta-analysis of 199 placebo-controlled ASM trials, showing an increased
rate of suicidal thoughts and behaviors associated with ASM treatment.79 Re-
searchers and clinicians have raised a number of methodologic concerns about this
meta-analysis and the resulting safety alert, and the ILAE cautions that the risk to pa-
tients of stopping or withholding all ASMs for PWE seems to be greater than the poten-
tially increased but extremely low absolute risk of suicidality.80 Instead, the ILAE
recommends instructing all patients to report changes in mood or suicidality to their
treating physician when starting or switching an ASM. The ILAE also recommends
the use of a reliable instrument for screening for suicidality in PWE.


Effective treatment of neuropsychiatric comorbidities among PWE is best accom-

plished through a collaborative team approach, involving neurologists, psychiatrists,
psychologists, nurses, social workers, and neurosurgeons. One important avenue
for treating psychiatric comorbidities in PWE is to reduce seizure burden and—where
feasible—to achieve complete seizure freedom through the combination of ASMs,
neurostimulation (vagus nerve stimulation, responsive nerve stimulation, deep brain
stimulation), or resective surgery. Although psychiatric symptoms can worsen in a mi-
nority of cases after surgery for epilepsy, on average people with medically refractory
epilepsy may experience a significant decrease in psychiatric symptoms after surgery,
when compared with patients undergoing exclusively pharmacologic treatment.81
Optimizing ASMs, by switching to less toxic agents, avoiding polytherapy, and using

Table 2
ASMs with well-established effects on cognitive function

ASMs with Minimal, Mixed, or No Effect on

Cognition ASMs with Negative Effect on Cognition
Perampanel, levetiracetam, lamotrigine, Topiramate, zonisamide, and phenobarbital
carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine,
eslicarbazepine, rufinamide, lacosamide,
valproic acid, tiagabine, gabapentin, and
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy 283

the lowest effective dose, can decrease their contribution to psychiatric and other
adverse effects and improve quality of life. ASMs provide no benefit in seizure reduc-
tion in patients with PNES and, in the absence of comorbid epilepsy or other indication
(eg, migraine prophylaxis, bipolar disorder, or certain pain syndromes), should be
titrated off to minimize adverse effects.82
Psychotherapy should be considered as a first-line intervention for PWE and neuro-
psychiatric disorders, with a Cochrane meta-analysis identifying 24 randomized
controlled trials providing moderate evidence of a clinically meaningful improvement
in quality of life.83 Randomized controlled trials specifically support the efficacy of
cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based acceptance and commitment
therapy, and teletherapy among PWE. Individual studies suggest that CBT and
mindfulness-based therapy can reduce epileptic seizure frequency.84,85 A recently
published National randomized trial of CBT versus selective serotonin reuptake inhib-
itor (SSRI) funded by the Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for patients
with depression in epilepsy revealed that therapy has efficacy similar to the antide-
pressant.86 There is also a growing body of evidence that psychotherapy including
conventional CBT and CBT-informed psychotherapy reduces PNES frequency.87,88
Motivational interviewing can improve psychotherapy adherence and outcomes
among people with PNES.89
There is some evidence for the benefit of antidepressants on depressive symptoms
in epilepsy, with a Cochrane review identifying 3 randomized trials demonstrating the
efficacy of SSRIs, selective serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic anti-
depressants, and dopamine reuptake inhibitors among PWE.90 Although there is
increased risk for seizures with tricyclic antidepressants and norepinephine-
dopamine reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs (citalopram, sertraline, and fluoxetine) and selec-
tive serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine and duloxetine) seem not
to lower the seizure threshold when taken at therapeutic doses.86,91 SSRIs and selec-
tive serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors are therefore recommended as the
first-line psychopharmacologic treatment for depression in PWE.
The recommended treatment for all epilepsy-associated psychoses except ictal
psychosis includes antipsychotic drugs, and ideally an atypical antipsychotic drug
with low potential for triggering seizures, such as risperidone or aripiprazole.37
Some typical antipsychotics can lower the seizure threshold, especially with rapid
titration, higher doses, and in combination with other seizure threshold-lowering
drugs. Chlorpromazine and loxepine convey a higher risk, and haloperidol and molin-
done carry a lower risk for seizures. Among atypical antipsychotics clozapine, and less
so olanzapine and quetiapine, lower seizure thresholds.92
Interactions between psychotropic medications and ASMs need to be monitored
closely, particularly with older ASMs such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, and pheno-
barbital, which induce the hepatic cytochrome P450 system, potentially enhancing the
metabolism and decreasing the efficacy of psychotropic medications. Conversely, the
pharmacokinetic effects of some SSRIs mandate the monitoring of drug levels of hep-
atically metabolized ASMs, as in the case of combined fluoxetine and carbamazepine.
The combination of ASMs and psychotropic medications also carries an increased risk
for central nervous system adverse effects like sedation, ataxia, and confusion.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is effective in treating refractory mood disorders
(including major depressive disorder, bipolar depression, and mania), and perhaps re-
fractory psychosis (including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and organic
psychosis).93 Although ECT does involve triggering generalized tonic clonic seizures
(under general anesthesia and muscle relaxants) and there have been cases of epi-
lepsy developing after ECT, rates of epileptic seizures in the year after ECT are
284 Tolchin et al

probably not increased, and in fact seizure threshold increases during a titrated course
of ECT.94 There is preliminary, mostly anecdotal, evidence that ECT may be effective
in the acute treatment of refractory status epilepticus.95 Contraindications to ECT
include recent stroke or myocardial infarction, increased risk for cerebral hemorrhage,
increased intracranial pressure, and unstable cardiac or pulmonary disease, but not
controlled or active epilepsy.93
Other types of neurostimulation used in treatment-resistant depression include
vagus nerve stimulation and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS).93
Vagus nerve stimulation can be conducted using implanted or hand-held devices, is
effective in reducing epileptic seizure frequency and depressive symptoms, and is
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of medically re-
fractory epilepsy.96 rTMS involves focal magnetic stimulation causing depolarization
of cortical neurons in specific brain regions (most often the prefrontal cortex for the
treatment of depression). Unlike ECT, rTMS is not intended to trigger a seizure, but
can rarely trigger seizures in people with or without epilepsy (approximately 1 in
30,000 treatments).97 There are no known cases in which a person developed seizures
or epilepsy after a course of rTMS.


Multiple biological, psychological, and social factors underlie the association between
epilepsy and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Neuropsychiatric disorders are common
among PWE, often underdiagnosed, and have a significant impact on clinical out-
comes including seizure control and quality of life. Among the armamentarium for
treating patients with seizures, psychotherapies (including a variety of modalities
and manualized treatments) can be added to the conventional approaches.98 The
evaluation and management of comorbidities ideally involves coordination among
an interdisciplinary team, including neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social
workers, nurses, and occasionally neurosurgeons. Regular communication, including
direct verbal communication among team members, is extremely helpful in coordi-
nating care and achieving the dual goals of seizure control and mitigation of neuropsy-
chiatric symptoms.


Dr B. Tolchin has received research funding from a US Veteran Administration (VA)’s

VISN1 Career Development Award, the VA Pain Research, Informatics, Multimorbid-
ities, and Education (PRIME) Center of Innovation, and the C.G. Swebilius Trust. He
has received honoraria from Columbia University Medical Center, the International
League against Epilepsy, and the American Academy of Neurology. Dr L.J. Hirsch
has received research support to Yale University for investigator-initiated studies
from Eisai, Proximagen, Sunovion, and The Daniel Raymond Wong Neurology
Research Fund at Yale; consultation fees for advising from Adamas, Aquestive, Ceri-
bell, Eisai, Marinus, Medtronic, Monteris, Neuropace, and UCB; royalties for authoring
chapters for UpToDate—Neurology, and from Wiley for co-authoring the book Atlas of
EEG in Critical Care, by L.J. Hirsch and Brenner; and honoraria for speaking from Neu-
ropace. Dr W.C. LaFrance has served on the editorial boards of Epilepsia, Epilepsy &
Behavior; Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, and Journal of Neuro-
psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences; receives editor’s royalties from the publication
of Gates and Rowan’s Nonepileptic Seizures, 3rd ed. (Cambridge University Press,
2010) and 4th ed. (2018); author’s royalties for Taking Control of Your Seizures: Work-
book and Therapist Guide (Oxford University Press, 2015); has received research
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy 285

support from the Department of Defense (DoD W81XWH-17-0169), NIH (NINDS

5K23NS45902 [PI]), Providence VAMC, Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotech-
nology, Rhode Island Hospital, the American Epilepsy Society (AES), the Epilepsy
Foundation (EF), Brown University, and the Siravo Foundation; serves on the Epilepsy
Foundation New England Professional Advisory Board; received honoraria for the
American Academy of Neurology Meeting Annual Course; served as a clinic develop-
ment consultant at University of Colorado Denver, Cleveland Clinic, Spectrum Health,
Emory University and Oregon Health Sciences University; and provided medicolegal
expert testimony.


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