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D092 - Task 2

Cynthia Ajamian
A: Video Observation 1: Case #680 (Applying Listening and Speaking Skills
while Presenting a Digital Scrapbook about the Early Settlers)
1. Describe the technology and how it is integrated in the instructional process.

In this second-grade class, the teacher uses a Promethean board and a digital scrapbook
during her instruction to students on applying listening and speaking skills while presenting
their digital scrapbook about the early settlers. The technology integrated in this video during
the instructional process is the Promethean board and digital scrapbooks.

a. Identify the level of technology integration according to the SAMR model, and provide a
rationale for your selection.
According to the SAMR model, the level of technology integration is substitution. Instead of
using posters, markers, pencils, crayons, and markers to create a scrapbook, the students
substitute their Chromebooks to create a digital scrapbook showing life as an early settler.
The students can present their scrapbooks to the class on the Promethean board.

2. Explain how the technology integration affected the teaching and learning process.
The technology integration of using the Promethean board affects the teaching process by
allowing the teacher to model speaking skills while presenting before the students present.
The teacher also does not have to gather as many supplies, allowing for more instruction
and presentation time during the lesson.

The technology integration of using Chromebooks to create a digital scrapbook instead of

using poster boards, markers, and pictures, allow the students to have more time to research
and create their presentation. Using the Promethean board for teacher and student
presentations allows the teacher a more efficient transition between teacher and student
groups presenting.

3. Explain how integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student learning.
Integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student learning by using modification
during the teacher presentation. Instead of using a paper checklist with pencils, the teacher
could have provided a digital checklist on their Chromebooks for them to check during the
book's reading, along with a section to take notes during the student presentations to
compare and contrast information between the book and presentations.

B: Video Observation 2: Case #1515 (Assessing Good Listening and Speaking Skills With

1. Describe the technology and how it is integrated in the instructional process.

In this kindergarten class, the teacher teaches how to assess good listening and speaking
skills by having students give an All About Me presentation while being recorded on an Ipad
by a classmate. The students then view and critique their video using a rubric to grade their
presentation. The technology integrated in this video during the instruction process is the
a. Identify the level of technology according to the SAMR model, and provide a
rationale for your selection.
According to the SAMR model, the level of technology integration is redefinition.
Instead of students presenting one at a time to the class, the presentation is
redefined by allowing students to partner up and use Ipads to record one another.
This allows the presenter to view their presentation, see what others are, and grade
themselves on their presentation skills, allowing them to transform their experience
and participate in an activity that was not possible years ago.

2. Explain how the technology integration affected the teaching and learning process.
The technology integration of using Ipads to record student presentations affects the
teaching process by allowing the teacher to complete all the presentations during a
class period instead of just a few. It also allows the teacher to view the presentations
with the students as needed to offer feedback and help students set effective goals
for next time.

The technology integration of using Ipads to record student presentations allows the
students to view themselves giving their presentations to see what they did well and
could improve on. They can then set goals to adjust their speaking levels and body
movements to give a more effective presentation for the future.

3. Explain how integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student

Integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student learning by using
modification during the teacher presentation. The teacher could have presented two
different videos of herself giving an "All About Me" presentation. The first video could
model good speaking skills (all thumbs up on the checklist), while the second video
could model areas that need improvement (a few thumbs down on the checklist).
This provides the students' examples of how to access what a thumbs up and
thumbs down should be on their checklist, allowing them to critique their videos

C: Video Observation 3: Case #14(Using Technology in Creative Writing)

1. Describe the technology and how it is integrated in the instructional process.

In this fifth-grade class, the teacher teaches how to use technology in creative writing by
having students create a PowerPoint from a creative writing piece and use hyperlinks within
the PowerPoint. The technology integrated in this video during the instruction process is

a. Identify the level of technology according to the SAMR model, and provide a
rationale for your selection.
According to the SAMR model, the level of technology integration is substitution.
Instead of students using paper and drawing tools to create and design their
creative stories, they use PowerPoint with hyperlinks.

2. Explain how the technology integration affected the teaching and learning process.

The technology integration of using PowerPoint with hyperlinks to design creative

writing stories affects the teaching process by allowing the teacher to teach about the
creative writing process and model what the reader would experience by presenting
a completed PowerPoint with hyperlinks and allowing the students to choose the
ending. This allowed students the opportunity to see how using technology could
enhance a reader's experience.

The technology integration of PowerPoint with hyperlinks allows the students to

create a more immersive experience for their readers. They can express their
creativity differently by being able to choose from graphics to illustrate their book.
This allows students that are not the best at drawing to have the same opportunity to
express their creativity and ideas as those who are.

3. Explain how integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student


Integration at a different level of SAMR could improve student learning by using

modification during the teacher presentation. Using an online tool such as Book
Creator to create and design their story would allow the students a step-by-step
tutorial on creating their book. It would improve their confidence and creativity in
their writing by allowing them not to get caught up in how to use PowerPoint, create
hyperlinks, focus on their writing, and make sure their story is conveyed how they
want to the reader. It also allows them more flexibility with their book's look by
providing different templates, graphics, and design options. Using an online tool
such as this allows the student an experience of using technology that is more
current and relevant to today's standards.

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