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Question 1 [To be answered in (5 ) Minutes ] [ ]/3 marks

Which of following sentences are true or false. Answer by filling the table:

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Run length encoding reduces the size of a raster data set on a row by row basis.
2. River, Deserts and Buildings are examples of continuous spatial features (True/False)
3. Topology is a part of attribute data in coverage data model. (True/False)
4. Shape files are used to represent discrete spatial features. (True/False)
5. Floating point raster has value attribute table. (True/False)
6. Raster model is suitable to represent continuous spatial features(True/ False)

Question 2 [ To be answered in (5) Minutes ] [ ] /2marks

1 2 3 4

Choose the correct answers :

1. ---------------------- is a file that accompanies the raster and gives the GIS information about how to
import the raster

a) Temp File
b) Statistics file for each spectral band
c) Color file associates colors with different pixel values
d) none of above

2. Which of the following is an element of rasterization?

a) Line thinning
b) Line extraction
c) Topological reconstruction
d) None of the above

3. __________ is most efficient in determining all of the values of given pixel since they are all side by
a) Band-interleaved-by-pixel(BIP)
b) Band-interleaved-by-line(BIL)
c) Band-sequential-interleave(BSQ)
d) none of the above

4. If you know that the cell size of a raster equals 8 units and the x and y coordinate of the lower-left
corner is (6500, 6900), and the x-y coordinate of the upper-right corner is (7300, 8500), then number
of rows =…………….
a) 200
b) 150
c) 100
d) None of the above

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Question 3 [ To be answered in (5) Minutes ] [ ] /2marks

For the following base diagram, give the content for Band-interleaved-by-Pixel (BIP)and
Band-interleaved-by-line(BIL). Make circle for those cells which are activated.



Question 4 [ To be answered in (5) Minutes ] [ ] /1 marks

Answer the following questions in the light of following digraph:

Number of component(s)/ Ring(s) in Region 101 is/are _______.

Number of polygon(s) in Region 102 are _______.

Arc no 3 will come in ring of region no. _______ in region-arc list.

To which region(s), polygon no.12 will belong to? __________

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Question 5 [To be answered in (10) Minutes ] [ ] /2marks

1- Consider the following (Raster) diagram, Make Quad tree of Raster data structure to
store the raster data, and write the coding of each colored leaf node (White, Green and
Blue)? ( \2)



Coding for White color: __________________________________________

Coding for Green Color: __________________________________________

Coding for Blue Color: ____________________________________________

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