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LIBS 2804 Fall 2021


DUE DATE: Enter Your Answers and Submit Online by 11:59 PM 11/1/21

OBJECTIVE: To help students learn how to find, locate and evaluate books on a research topic.

Using the WSU Stewart Library Online Catalog [go to, click on the icon, then click
on Advanced Search], answer the following questions:

1. Find TWO books [4 points each] using the WSU Stewart Library Online Catalog that are in some
way related to the topic for your Signature Assignment [remember that you may need to leave out
some of your keywords] and enter all of the information listed below for each book.

Title of 1st Book: Law and Social Work

Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): The National Conference of Lawyers and Social Workers
Publication Year: 1974
Name of Publisher: National Association of Social Workers INC.
Subjects [enter exactly as shown in the catalog; do not abbreviate]: Social workers-law

Call Number:KF 3721 Z9 N38


Title of 2nd Book: Child Welfare and The Law

Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): Theodore J. Stein
Publication Year: 1998
Name of Publisher: Child and Family Pr (2007)
Subjects [enter exactly as shown in the catalog; do not abbreviate]: Child Welfare-law

Call Number:KF 3735. S74 1998

LIBS 2804 Fall 2021

2. Using the information listed above, check out ONE of these two books from the WSU library by
finding it on the shelves and taking it to the Circulation Desk on the 1 st Floor. If you cannot go to
the library, please contact me immediately so we can figure out another way for you to access a
copy of the book. Once you have the book in hand (be sure to contact me if you need help),
evaluate the book based on the following criteria:

What are the Qualifications/Authority of each Author and/or Editor and/or Contributor? (give
the surname of each author or editor and a brief summary of that person’s
qualifications/authority [or indicate if this information is not provided]; remember that
qualifications/authority can include academic degrees, professional training, relevant experience,
etc.) [4 points]:

I feel that ‘Law and Social Work’ will be the best to use for my paper as the authority comes
from the statements of lawyers and social workers themselves. As they both have a front line view of the
problems of the foster system, and the limitations put on them.

Is the book Popular or Scholarly? Be sure to explain your answer. [2 points]:

I would say the book is scholarly, as it comes form the workers in the field themselves.
LIBS 2804 Fall 2021

Is the book a Primary Source or a Secondary Source (or a combination)? Be sure to explain your
answer. [2 points]

Secondary source. Once again this is written from the statements by social workers and lawyers.

Is the book Well-Documented? Be sure to tell me what specific evidence you found to support your
answer to this question. [2 points]:

The outside facts used in the book are cited properly such as when they reference the Right’s of
Public Assistance Percipients,” Vol. 1, no. 1 (March 1967), pp72-81”

Is the book Relevant to your Research Question? Be sure to explain why you believe it is or is not
relevant. [2 points]:

Yes the book relates to my research question as it relates directly to social work and policies
placed in them.

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