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Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

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Fostering reverse logistics in India by prominent barrier identification

and strategy implementation to promote circular economy
Pankaj Dutta a, *, Sahil Talaulikar b, Vinay Xavier a, Shubham Kapoor a
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 400076, India
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reverse Logistics (RL) is becoming a critical strategic differentiator among organisations and business
Received 30 June 2020 entities for a sustainable environment, value creation, and promoting a Circular Economy (CE). Hence,
Received in revised form this topic is relevant in the current Indian context. This paper explores the RL practices that drive
21 January 2021
operational efficiency while promoting cleaner production. This study aims to identify the barriers to RL
Accepted 2 February 2021
Available online 12 February 2021
implementation and bring together a practical approach to overcome all the relevant barriers in the RL
sector in the Indian context. The survey of previous literature suggests that researchers have tried to
Handling editorDr Sandra Caeiro prioritise barriers to RL implementation. However, this paper intends to analyse the barriers from a CE
perspective and propose a framework for developing strategies with a structured implementation for
Keywords: managers in India’s RL industry. Effects of these barriers have been analysed, while concurrently
Reverse logistics developing strategies to mitigate them and gauge the impact of strategies on the system of barriers using
Circular economy an evaluation model developed by incorporating quantitative techniques-grey-DEMATEL (Decision-
Barriers and strategies making trial and evaluation laboratory), agglomerative hierarchical clustering, fuzzy measure and fuzzy
integral. The study aims to serve as a guiding framework for decision-makers to identify the barriers in
their organisations and map the barriers to contemporary strategies to tackle them. The insights from the
analysis show difficulty in managing quality of circular goods as the prominent barrier followed by a lack
of responsibility and initiation by top management. Key strategies identified to mitigate the barriers are
classified into priority, long-term, contingency, and non-priority zones. Consumer education, proper
logistics network utilisation and efficient warehousing are key strategies that companies should adopt on
a priority basis.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction advantage (Bressanelli et al., 2019). Despite the benefits posed by

the adoption of RL processes, companies often overlook the reverse
The economic growth in recent years, coupled with the growing flow of goods, especially during the status quo. They do not opti-
middle class has led to a steady rise in consumption behaviours mise the reverse flow instead, concentrating on the forward flow.
worldwide. These factors in addition to the current trend of plan- The adoption of RL processes will eventually help the industrial
ned obsolescence which has seeped into manufacturing have led economy achieve its restorative and generative goals, which will
consumers to prematurely discard products, which leads to a loss of help the industry move towards a circular economy. RL and CE have
utility and value (Ma et al., 2019). However, there is an opportunity a vital link in their activities, but each concept’s implementation
to restore this lost utility and value by incorporating reverse lo- has been done in isolation (Sehnem et al., 2019). The study adopts a
gistics (RL) and circular economy (CE) principles in the reclamation methodology to analyse RL’s adoption through the lens of CE
of these products (Dominguez et al., 2019). There is growing principles, which can be used as a potential measure to identify and
importance being given to RL processes’ strategic application to develop a better reverse supply chain. However, CE concepts are
achieve sustainable development goals and gain a competitive broader in their scope as they consider the forward and reverse
supply chain in a cohesive model. Companies need to adopt the
right strategy to ensure that their forward and reverse supply chain
goes hand in hand and cost-effectively. RL processes’ adoption is
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Dutta). vital for companies to ensure that they promote CE and cleaner
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

production concepts, while important from the environmental Setoputro, 2004). Thus, there is a growing impetus on the organi-
perspective. It is also beneficial to their company and can be sus- sations to focus on their core competencies and operational effi-
tained in the long run (Islam and Huda, 2018). A model that com- ciencies to better handle their RL activities. There is a need for these
panies can adopt is the “6 R” approach, which encompasses organisations to gain feedback from their customers and integrate
reducing, reuse, recycling, recovering, redesign, and remanu- this information with key decision-makers’ perspective to identify
facturing in line with RL and CE principles (Corre ^a and Xavier, the barriers related to the implementation of RL processes. Study-
2013). ing RL activities in the current situation is of utmost importance to
Returned products have a process of their own. Many companies make our supply chain resilient. With the intention, to cover these
may not be aware that by focusing on the returns process, they can lacunae in the research of execution of RL activities in the Indian
better manage their brand and improve their overall net recovery context, the following research questions are posed:
on returned products (Larsen et al., 2018). There is a difference in RQ1: What are the significant barriers to the implementation of
the perception of the beginning of the returns process. It is RL practices in India?
considered a part of product design in mature manufacturing in- RQ2: How can decision-makers and industry experts accurately
dustries, wherein even after the product design stage, many raw represent their opinion on the barriers impeding RL implementa-
materials and other accessories used for production can be recy- tion while also highlighting the significant interrelations between
cled/reused. While in other non-manufacturing sectors, like e- the barriers?
commerce, the return process only starts once the customer returns RQ3: What strategies would be adequate for overcoming the
the product due to damage or end of life (Dutta et al., 2020). These identified barriers and adopting circular economy principles?
diverse interpretations of the returns process make the decision- RQ4: What is the industrial experts’ opinion about the effec-
making process challenging in such environments. tiveness of the strategies in achieving the goals of cleaner
1.1. Motivation of the study The following objectives are framed to answer the above
In developed countries, significant developments have
happened, and the promotion of RL is being done. However, in  To identify the critical barriers to the implementation of RL in
India, there is a considerable lack of RL practices (Das and Dutta, India.
2015; Dutta et al., 2016). The survey of the literature suggests  To quantify the “cause” and “effect” relationships among the
that researchers have previously tried to prioritise the barriers to RL selected barriers.
in the Indian context (Jindal and Sangwan, 2011; Yogi, 2015);  To ascertain the prominence of the selected barriers from the
however, quantitative models which consider the interrelation- experts’ perspective.
ships among the barriers and espouse the implementation of RL by  To identify the strategies that will help mitigate the prominent
suggesting appropriate strategies to reduce the effect of the barriers barriers to the realisation of RL in India.
in an Indian context is inchoate.  To exhibit the managerial inferences for improving the RL
More recent studies on RL in the Indian context (Lamba et al., practices and how feasible and effective the strategies identified
2019) have prioritised the barriers without considering their in- are.
terrelationships. Thus, creating a clearer picture, albeit having  To develop a decision-making model and identify how the latest
overlooked any feedback caused due to interrelationships it does industry 4.0 technologies fit into the RL system.
not present an accurate representation of the system of barriers.
Moreover, these studies focus on the operations management and Thus, to achieve the objectives mentioned above, the study
economic aspects that pose barriers to the implementation of RL. explores the concept of RL in the Indian context. The study iden-
The paper intends to broaden the scope by also considering envi- tifies the challenges faced by the organisations in multiple in-
ronmental and social sustainability dimensions, by considering the dustries in implementing the concept of CE, in turn, attaining the
ethical implications of RL implementation, by looking at these ac- principles of cleaner production. Organisations across other
tivities from a CE perspective to extend and manage the quality and developing countries can adopt the research framework proposed
lifecycle of products (Sarkis et al., 2010). in the study to strategise how to tackle barriers faced.
As per Kiron et al. (2017), companies that focus on material is- By an in-depth literature review, the present study intends, first,
sues will achieve an increased profit from sustainable practices. As to recognise the various barriers of RL implementation. The liter-
the concept of CE differs from the traditional way of linear economy ature review is followed by a discussion with the multiple experts’
in which goods are manufactured, sold, and disposed of leading to (various stakeholders) to finalise a list of 23 barriers. The analysis is
economic and resources losses. Therefore, companies that redesign then done to understand the interrelationships of the barriers from
their supply chain for CE may obtain environmental, social and the experts’ perspectives. These stakeholders are academic re-
economic benefits (Bressanelli et al., 2019). searchers, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) employees, cus-
However, several barriers may inhibit the attainment of these tomers, managers in companies close to customers. To analyse the
benefits, making the transition to CE difficult for many (Govindan interrelationship among barriers, a hybrid method of Grey theory
and Hasanagic, 2018). For example, the literature widely iden- and Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL),
tifies the uncertainties about quality, quantity, and product returns i.e. Grey-DEMATEL, is applied. Fig. 1 presents the systematic pro-
timing that arises in closed-loop supply chains (Das and Dutta, cedure for analysing the barriers cause and effect relations. The
2012), which transfers into ambiguities in activities like, capacity remainder of this paper is arranged in the following ways: Section 2
planning for revamping events such as remanufacturing summarises the literature review related to the RL practices. The
(Kocabasoglu et al., 2007). evaluation structure, along with the underlying quantitative
Additionally, with the recent rise in the internet penetration modelling techniques, is discussed in Section 3, along with the
across India coupled with the democratisation of access to the process implemented for studying the strategies. Section 4 de-
internet have boosted e-commerce sales, which have resulted in scribes the application of the methodology in the context of Indian
the rise of returns in the E-commerce sector and has put the RL industry. The result and discussion of experts’ perspectives are
spotlight on return’s policy and in turn on RL (Mukhopadhyay and presented in Section 4, and implementation planning of the
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Fig. 1. Research framework for inhibitors identification and strategy analysis.

strategies is explained in section 4.3. The discussion and managerial bottom line goals, including environmental, economic, and social
inferences of the study are presented in Section 5. Finally, the factors (Budak, 2020). Despite these developments over the years,
conclusion, limitations and future scope are provided in Section 6. RL implementation continues to face operational and financial is-
sues which adversely affects the efficiency and the execution of RL
2. Literature review processes in the supply chain.
Previous literature suggests that most studies have a granular
India is a developing nation, and there are many challenges that focus on RL implementation barriers, exploring particular sectors in
companies in India face while implementing RL. RL as a sector in specific geographies. In the paper, Prajapati et al. (2019), the au-
India has improved ever since adopting the Goods and Service Tax thors have tried to develop solutions based on a study on the Indian
(GST) and achieving infrastructure status. Companies have adopted electrical manufacturing industry. In Rahman et al. (2020), the
many new changes and innovations like Industry 4.0 and concepts authors have considered an emerging economy like Bangladesh
like cleaner production, set to drive the reverse logistics industry. and have tried to develop strategies for the plastic industry. These
RL implementation is also an essential aspect of achieving triple studies are focussed on specific sectors or some general aspects that

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

are not entirely up to date with the current Indian scenario. This proper coordination must ensure RLs successful implementation
study has tried to overcome that gap by consolidating barriers from (Lamba et al., 2019). However, due to concerns regarding the se-
such previous research papers; it has been presented in section 2.1. curity of the information shared, it poses a hurdle for vertical and
Moreover, the study aims to analyse some of the barriers posed horizontal integration to aid coordination across the supply chain.
using CE principles. Some supply chain initiatives can bolster RL’s Thus, there is a dire need to encourage supplier collaboration,
implementation by looking at RL from a circular economy which can help companies manage supplier performance to ensure
perspective. The first is the importance of product design, and the that the purchased materials are suitable for recycling, refurbishing
role green design can play in boosting RL. Green design is closely or reuse (Zhu and Sarkis, 2007). The collaboration would also help
related to analysing the lifecycle of products, waste management, organise the operations along different tiers of the supply chain to
and the conservation of resources (Lin, 2013; Buyukozkan and Cifci, drive down costs and reduce wastage (Azevedo et al., 2011). Other
2012). A well-designed product in line with the green design barriers to coordination may be due to the general lack of aware-
principles includes considerations such as design to facilitate the ness among the public due to which the sales of refurbished/
reuse and recycling of products and design to boost remanu- returned products are less compared to products made from ‘virgin’
facturing to return the product in a better condition (Eltayeb et al., materials. Thus, companies need to manage interactions between
2011). The design of a product is driven by the green purchasing them and other supply chain members by being more involved in
initiatives which are also crucial for making the implementation of their customers’ environmental performance. Consumer collabo-
RL feasible by factoring in green purchasing for supplier selection ration will help reduce costs and will enhance the responsiveness
strategies (Rao and Holt, 2005). The next section highlights the to consumer worries (Azevedo et al., 2011). This includes sharing
current barriers in the RL industry. technical information with consumers, consumer support and
collaborative ventures (Eltayeb et al., 2011).
2.1. Barriers to reverse logistics This study has tried to gather various barriers which are not only
seen in India but also in other countries. These barriers were then
Across different countries, there are many barriers to promote analysed to see how relevant they are in the current Indian context.
RL, which affects its efficient functioning. In Walker et al. (2008), Some of the barriers seem to correlate to other barriers and influ-
the author has identified a few internal barriers like the cost and ence each other significantly. The cause and effect relationship
lack of legitimacy. Moktadir et al. (2019) has shown that the lack of developed between these barriers help us develop the right stra-
interest and support from the top-level management team tegies for each barrier. In Appendix A, Table 6, shows all the barriers
regarding RL, lack of implementation knowledge and support also that were initially identified and their main groupings. Table 1
plays a crucial role in hampering the implementation of RL by shows the final 23 barrier list that is used for strategy develop-
companies. Companies often prefer to focus on the forward part of ment. The next section will introduce and elaborate on the evalu-
the supply chain and neglect the reverse logistics as they feel it is an ation model to analyse the barriers and study the impact of the
extra burden on the company, and the value addition is less (Lamba strategies formulated.
et al., 2019). Similar findings have been shown in (Moktadir et al.,
2020), the study has identified barriers like insufficient technol- 3. Constructing an evaluation structure
ogy and infrastructure, financial constraints, unsupportive organ-
isational and operational policies, and inadequate knowledge as In this section, the underlying concepts of the evaluation model,
inhibitors to RL implementation. agglomerative hierarchical clustering for barrier reduction, the
There are various economic challenges while setting up an RL grey-DEMATEL method for studying the interrelationships among
network. These include initial investments in transportation and the barriers, and fuzzy measure and integrals used to determine the
collection point setup, which affects the company’s bottom line impact of strategies are discussed.
(Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 2001; Kaviani et al., 2020). Cost con- In literature, there are few studies committed to studying the
straints are crucial aspects of a decision taken by any company, interrelationships between the barriers to RL implementation in
particularly in developing countries (Ali et al., 2018; Moktadir et al., the Indian business ecosystem. With the intention, to cover these
2020). Most companies see RL mainly as cost centres because of lacunae in the research of execution of RL activities in the backdrop
which the unorganised sector in developing countries handles RL of the Indian business ecosystem, the study aims to:
activities. The investments required to set up a reverse logistics
network, including the ancillary costs to set up the required in- 1. Conduct an extensive literature review to identify barriers to the
formation and technology infrastructure to facilitate data man- implementation of RL in the Indian context.
agement. It is vital to monitor key metrics to create and execute an 2. Conduct a pilot study followed by a questionnaire survey to
effective strategy for RL implementation. Beiler et al. (2020) show examine the absolute impact of these barriers on RL imple-
that storage costs, recycling ratio, employment ratio, and similar mentation and further reduce the number of barriers by
metrics help to improve RL functioning. The costs expensed on grouping based on their similarities to a reduced set of barriers.
product returns in RL are often not optimised as those of forward 3. Study the interrelationships between the finalised barriers
logistics as mostly, supply chains are only optimised related to along with the degree of their influence amongst themselves
forward logistics (Bernon et al., 2018). based on the input of experts’.
The barriers external to companies include regulation, insuffi- 4. Formulate strategies to counter the barriers identified based on
cient supplier commitment, and other industry-specific barriers. the insights provided by analysing the intertwined relations.
Sharma et al. (2011) has identified various other barriers like lack of 5. Conduct a third survey to study customers’ and decision-
supply chain management performance, lack of improved man- makers’ perceptions of the formulated strategies’ effectiveness
agement systems, and administrative issues that affect RL. Em- and feasibility.
ployees opine that issues like the lack of suitable government 6. Present a sequenced plan to implement these strategies while
policies, administrative resources, cost-effective recycling tech- highlighting the managerial and policy implications.
nology, and public participation are some of the main barriers for
RL implementation (Zhou et al., 2007). The paper proposes a hybrid model for identifying dominant
Multiple stakeholders are involved along the reverse flow, and barriers that hinder the execution of RL practices, while also
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Table 1
Description of the final list of 23 barriers.

No. Barriers Barrier description References

B1 Lack of responsibility & Top management often does not want to make the change and are Su et al. (2013); Liu and Bai (2014); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke,
initiation by top happy with the current situation. The management finds the 2001; Ravi and Shankar (2005); Li and Olorunniwo (2008)
management refurbishment/recycling process to be not attractive.
B2 Lack of relevant training on Multiple stakeholders are involved in setting up the RL network, i.e. Shah et al. (2019); Liu and Bai (2014); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke,
RL for stakeholders getting the product from the customers to the manufacturers for 2001; Ravi and Shankar, 2005; Van Weelden et al. (2016)
recycling. It is vital that all players are well trained for the proper
management of RL processes.
B3 Managing material quality The entire RL setup is currently highly unorganised; it is a part of ~ ez
Meyer et al. (2017); Ghisellini et al. (2016); Singh and Ordon
of circular products waste management. It reduces the quality of materials when it (2016)
finally reaches the manufacturer making it difficult for some
products to be reprocessed again.
B4 Product design challenges Ensuring the right product quality, design, and optimum price for a Piyathanavong et al. (2019); Ghisellini et al. (2016)
to enable reuse & refurbished product is often difficult to ascertain.
B5 Limitation of technology for Product tracking is vital for RL to ensure product quality and avoid Shah et al. (2019); Su et al. (2013); Shahbazi et al. (2016);
tracking recycled materials losses. Although new technologies have been developing, Artificial Rahimifard et al. (2009); Dadhich et al. (2015); Velis and Vrancken
and products Intelligence (AI) and Industry 4.0 technology are only in the nascent (2015); Ghisellini et al. (2016)
stage of deployment in RL.
B6 Lack of suitable indicators Performance measurement to measure the efficiency of the RL Meyer et al. (2017); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 2001; Su et al.
and metrics to measure setup and product tracking system is lacking. (2013); Li and Olorunniwo (2008); Li and Yu (2011)
B7 Lack of cleanliness and Collection points are often not maintained properly, making it Brklja
c et al. (2017)
difficulty in segregating difficult to segregate the waste, especially in the case of plastic
waste/returns at source waste.
B8 Lack of incentives and Low government incentives tend to demotivate companies from Shah et al. (2019); Su et al. (2013); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke,
government tax taking up the initiative to set up an RL network. 2001; Li and Olorunniwo (2008); Lau and Wang (2009);
exemptions Rahimifard et al. (2009); Sauve  et al. (2016); Geng and Doberstein
B9 Unorganised recycling The current recycling industry mostly consisting of waste pickers (2017); Srivastava (2008)
industry and other players who are highly unorganised, the current RL setup
has tremendous room for improvement.
B10 Ineffective recycling Lack of official policies to implement and encourage the adoption of de Man and Friege (2016)
policies in the country RL activities.
B11 Want for the ‘thrill’ of Customers often prefer to buy a new product and avoid recycled Van Weelden et al. (2016); Zhijun and Nailing (2007); Dadhich
newness by consumers products even if it is of good quality. et al. (2015)
B12 Lack of reliable information Customers are unaware of the advantages of reusing products and Piyathanavong et al. (2019); Su et al. (2013); Liu and Bai (2014);
disseminated to the public often fail to support the RL initiatives adequately. Maitre-Ekern and Dalhammar, 2016
about RL
B13 Cannibalisation of existing The existing product portfolio is affected due to circular products Brklja c et al. (2017); Tukker (2015)
products by new ‘circular’ which have a negative effect on revenue.
B14 Limited market availability There are limited opportunities for consumers to opt for Brkljac et al. (2017); Van Weelden et al. (2016)
of reuse products in general remanufactured products.
B15 Lack of standardisation for Owing to the highly complicated returns process, ensuring uniform Meyer et al. (2017); Van Weelden et al. (2016)
refurbished products product quality is often a challenge for the companies.
B16 Unpredictable demand for Forecasting the demand is an integral part of any company. It is Brkljac et al. (2017); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 2001; Ravi and
return products often difficult to predict the volume when refurbished products are Shankar (2005); Lau and Wang (2009); Srivastava (2008)
involved, making the actual supply either in excess or falls short of
the real demand.
B17 Improper setup of collection Setting up of collection points to facilitate the necessary standards Ghisellini et al. (2016)
points and transportation of customer convenience to return the products is difficult to
achieve in terms of their cost and upkeep.
B18 Higher priority given to Companies tend to focus on their forward logistics setup and sales Bartl (2015)
other issues in the Supply of the regular product portfolio. They tend to neglect the reverse
Chain flow of products as it considered to be less attractive.
B19 Supply chain design Setting up and designing the RL network is difficult, considering Piyathanavong et al. (2019); Bartl (2015)
challenges for reuse & some companies often face an issue with their main forward
remanufacturing logistics network.
B20 Hesitation of Information Information sharing about products is critical to any company; they Brklja c et al. (2017); Li and Olorunniwo (2008); Lau and Wang
sharing and security risk often would not want third-party companies to set up their reverse (2009)
from partners logistics network.
B21 Lack of Economies of scale Low sales of returned products make it difficult to compensate for Shah et al. (2019); Meyer et al. (2017); Lau and Wang (2009)
the overall fixed costs, thus increasing the per-unit production cost
of returned products. The uncertainty in product returns affects
scalability in production, making companies unsure as to the extent
to which the RL model can be scaled.
B22 Lack of a business plan for Companies find it difficult to develop strategies to ensure the Scheinberg et al. (2016); Lewandowski (2016)
returns returned products are sold and ensure proper product portfolio
B23 Very high initial investment The initial cost of setting up collection points, machinery, and other Piyathanavong et al. (2019); Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 2001; Ravi
fixed expenses like connecting it to the current forward logistics and Shankar (2005); Lau and Wang (2009); Rahimifard et al.
setup is significant. These factors dissuade the company from (2009); Srivastava (2008)
incurring this additional cost in the short term.

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

studying the intertwined relations between these barriers to grouping.

highlight the pertinent influences amongst the barriers. Based on
X n 
m X 2
these relationships, strategies are formulated to mitigate these
SSEðiÞ ¼ Xij  Xj (1)
barriers and help foster the implementation of RL in India. Subse-
i j
quently, the model will evaluate these strategies to gauge their
effects on salient barriers while concurrently considering the am- where m is the number of barriers being evaluated, and n is the
biguity of subjective perception of the decision-makers. Based on
total number of instances obtained for every barrier, Xj is the mean
the analysis of the results, the paper aims to propose a sequenced
of all instances for a barrier.
plan of executing these strategies to catalyse the implementation of
RL in line with the core competencies of organisations.
Dða; bÞ ¼ SSEða; bÞ  ðSSEðaÞ þ SSEðbÞÞ (2)
Many quantitative methods in literature do not measure the
effect of the barriers in a comprehensive manner and overlook the A small increase in SSE indicates that all barriers in the cluster
interrelationships between factors. Most models only concentrate are close to the cluster mean and have a high degree of similarity.
on prioritising the barriers to be tackled (Lamba et al., 2019).; The main procedure of AHC can be described in the following steps:
however, the vision this methodology creates is of a clearer albeit
Step 1. Start with a collection C with n singleton clusters; each
hierarchical structure that drives the decision-makers to resort to
cluster contains one barrier.
linear activism that tends to disregard any feedback and may lead
to creating new problems in the process of solving prevailing ones. Take the next steps recursively to have n  1 clusters then n  2
Thus, applying the DEMATEL method highlights and illustrates the clusters and so on, until all barriers are clustered into one group.
interrelationships among the barriers to serve as a more inclusive
Step 2. Find a pair of clusters which are most similar from the
model to also determine the influential relationships. Moreover,
collection, that is, a pair for which DðCa ; Cb Þ is the least.
incorporating grey theory into the DEMATEL method ensures that
the evaluation model is comprehensive and robust even in uncer- Step 3. Merge the clusters Ca and Cb to form a new cluster Caþb.
tain environments (Su et al., 2016).
Step 4. Remove Ca and Cb from the collection, add Caþb to the
By nature, the MCDM environment is a complex and subjective
decision-making process. Hence, there may be instances where the
interrelationships between barriers may lead to the inclusion of By following this algorithm, the barriers are grouped based on
synthetic effectiveness inherent in systems that are intertwined their similarity to minimise the variance between barriers in the
and interaffected; these effects may be magnified by the subjective cluster. The results are illustrated using a dendrogram for ease of
perception of experts towards the strategies proposed, often visualising the process of clustering. After consultations with ex-
assuming the barriers to be equally weighted. Thus, there is a need perts, the barriers are grouped using the dendrogram as our
for non-additive methods, fuzzy measures, and fuzzy integrals to guiding tool to formulate a list of the most critical barriers to RL
aggregate the information from the experts to calculate the relative such that the barriers cover all essential aspects of the problem.
impact of these strategies. This final list of 23 barriers in Table 1 will be analysed using grey-
Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering, grey-DEMATEL, fuzzy DEMATEL to study their interrelationships.
measure, fuzzy integral, and the intention of combining these
methods will be explained as follows. 3.2. Studying interrelationships between barriers using Grey-
3.1. Barrier reduction using clustering analysis
The DEMATEL method, developed by the Battelle Memorial
Since the barriers in existent complex problems are too large, to Institute of Geneva, is used to research and solve convoluted, dis-
determine the dependent or independent relation with others. The organised and intertwined problems, to find solutions for the same
total number of barriers are reduced, as it would be tedious and (Gabus and Fontela, 1972). DEMATEL being based on graph theory is
enervating for respondents to analyse the comparative effect of one of the better-suited methods that facilitate the in-depth un-
several barriers affecting a complex problem such as the imple- derstanding of a problem by illustrating the interrelationships be-
mentation of RL. The initial set of barriers identified from literature tween factors, providing profound insights. The structure of the
are grouped based on their similarity in the impact they have on the relations is presented as a digraph representing the influential re-
implementation of RL practices, which in turn hinders the adoption lationships while also highlighting the degree of the effects be-
of CE principles along the supply chain. The study adopts the tween barriers (Shao et al., 2016). Often in complex systems, it can
clustering method of agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) be difficult for decision-makers to determine specific goals as there
for the purpose of barrier reduction. AHC is a data mining tech- is always the possibility of interdependence between the factors
nique, for clustering analysis to build a hierarchy of clusters, that make the system protean (Tseng, 2009). The barriers analysed
wherein the clustering algorithm takes a “bottom-up” approach of are evaluated as “cause” and “effect” groups coupled with the
hierarchical clustering depending on the measure of similarity, digraph obtained, can be used to simplify complex systems which
each barrier starts as an individual cluster, and the clusters are will help discern critical relations and aid decision-makers identify
grouped as we move up the hierarchy. The clustering is done based and understand crucial factors for further discussion to the
on a linkage criterion. formulation of solutions (Kumar and Anbanandam, 2020; Chen and
For the linkage criteria, Ward’s method is implemented; this Yang, 2019). Moreover, the DEMATEL methodology offers to mea-
indicates which two clusters are to be grouped as we move up the sure the interrelationships between the barriers with greater detail
hierarchy. The sum of squared errors is used as the objective as compared to techniques such as Interpretive structural model-
function (equation (2)), and the grouping is done based on the ling (ISM)/Total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) which
optimal value of this function, it is expressed mathematically in offer only two levels (0e1), while also capturing two-way re-
equation (1). This method produces clusters such that it minimises lationships which are not considered in ISM/TISM.
the total variance within a cluster; it chooses barriers incrementally Human opinions and attitudes are subjective and uncertain in
so that the increase in variance within a cluster is minimum after nature. Moreover, in expert opinion-based research, the responses
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

are collected using a linguistic assessment scale that is comprised of human perception’s subjective nature, there are synthetic effects
equidistant values. Ergo, the perception of the experts has a critical (illustrated in Fig. 2) that are captured due to the interrelationships
influence as the same linguistic term may have different meanings among the barriers. These synthetic effects, in turn, may lead to
to different individuals. Thus, there is a certain degree of subjec- overestimating the effect of the strategy due to “double counting”
tivity and ambiguity in the assessment process; it would not be the direct effect as well as the indirect effect of the strategy through
suitable to evaluate individual opinions using crisp values in such the impact it has on the “cause” barriers which is redundant. In the
an environment (Liang et al., 2016). Taking all these factors into proposed methodology, the paper steers away from the traditional
consideration, the paper integrates the DEMATEL method with the additive model to adopt non-additive techniques such that the
grey methodology to refine the quality of decision-making, in turn, measure of a set and the measure of its complement does not add
enabling the process of actualising strategic goals into effective up to give the measure of the entire space (Tzeng et al., 2007). As
action. Another significant advantage of the grey-DEMATEL meth- there are complex interrelationships that exist between the bar-
odology is that it gives satisfactory outcomes using relatively small riers, the effectiveness of a strategy on a barrier will also have an
amounts of data especially in MCDM environments having a high indirect effect on all the barriers affected by the barrier being
degree of variability (Moktadir et al., 2018; Bai and Sarkis, 2013). evaluated. Therefore, there is a chance of synthetic effectiveness
The steps of the grey-DEMATEL methodology have been elab- being captured due to the direct and indirect effects, which may
orated on in Appendix B (Ju-Long, 1982; Opricovic and Tzeng, inflate the strategy’s effectiveness score. To avoid misrepresenting
2003). the effectiveness of a strategy, fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral
have been used to aggregate the impact of the strategies on the
barriers. The fuzzy measure, coupled with fuzzy integral, can cap-
3.3. Aggregating the strategy effectiveness using fuzzy measure and
ture any synergy that may exist if a strategy mitigates a barrier and
fuzzy integral
its “cause” and “effect” barriers, as well. Fuzzy measure and fuzzy
integrals are capable enough to analyse the process of human
Based on the analysis of the barrier system, strategies are
evaluation and can help understand the decision-makers prefer-
formulated to mitigate the effect of the barriers. To gauge the
ence structure. The definition and properties of the fuzzy measure
impact of these strategies, a third survey is taken where the
have been given in Appendix D (Sugeno, 1974).
respondent is asked to score the strategy’s impact on each barrier
on a scale of 0e4. The responses are averaged over all respondents Y
using triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) which are elaborated upon lþ1¼ ð1 þ lbi Þ (3)
in Appendix C. The “effect” barriers have been excluded from the i¼1
list to study the impact of the strategies, as these barriers have no Let us assume, X represents the set of barriers affecting the
pronounced impact on other barriers and most of their impact is a “effect” barriers or as all the barriers a strategy influences, while bi
result of the aggregation of the impact of the “cause” barriers. are the weights of the barriers computed using the grey-DEMATEL
Consequently, the impact of strategies on the “effect” barriers is methodology that are part of the set X. Equation (3) is used to
calculated by aggregating the effect of the strategies on the “cause” calculate the value of l by substituting the weights of the barriers
barriers using fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral. The reason for that are part of X for a given strategy, to establish the combined
choosing to apply fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral is discussed, effect of the strategy on all barriers in X. The fuzzy integral is often
and these concepts are introduced as follows. used in combination with the fuzzy measure for aggregating in-
Traditionally, researchers use quantitative techniques that are formation. The Choquet integral of fuzzy measure has been used to
additive in nature to aggregate information to evaluate the in- calculate the total effect of the strategy by combining its effect on
terrelationships among the factors. The motivation to apply fuzzy each individual barrier, as well as, capturing the synergy or the
measure and fuzzy integral is based on the assumption that due to redundancy that might exist in terms of the effect on all barriers in
the set X: The concept of fuzzy integral is presented in Appendix E
(Chen and Tzeng, 2001; Chiou and Tzeng, 2002). The effectiveness
of the strategies have been aggregated, which are then normalised
to give their relative contribution. Their measure of relative
importance and feasibility is used to analyse and sequence the
implementation of the strategies formulated.
Thus, the evaluation structure has been discussed and the mo-
tivations to integrate the quantitative techniques justified. The
subsequent section presents the application of the evaluation
structure and the methodology illustrated in Fig. 1.

4. Results and discussion

This section presents the results of the evaluation structure

introduced in Section 3. The section highlights insights and in-
ferences obtained from these results and explains how an organi-
sation can apply it according to its core competencies.

4.1. Grouping barriers using the dendrogram

For the first step of the analysis, 70 responses received for

Questionnaire 1 are analysed which are aimed at finding the ab-
solute impact of an exhaustive list of 49 barriers on the imple-
Fig. 2. Synthetic effects between strategy effectiveness on barriers. mentation of RL shown in Table 6 in Appendix A. Respondents
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

include industry professionals from different industries and





masters’ students with prior industry work experience; familiar

and experienced with reverse logistics.
According to the questionnaire reliability analysis results, the





Cronbach’s a value obtained is 0.915, which is higher than the

threshold value of 0.8, which shows that the questionnaire reli-
ability is significant and reliable. Agglomerative Hierarchical







Clustering is performed on this dataset to obtain the dendrogram
to aid experts in grouping the barriers. The dendrogram is illus-

trated in Fig. 7 in Appendix A. Using the dendrogram as the

guiding tool, the experts’ group the barriers to form the final list of
23 barriers shown in Table 1.



4.2. Analysis of barriers using grey-DEMATEL

After grouping the barriers to obtain a final list of 23 barriers,
Grey-DEMATEL is used to analyse the relationship among the


finalised barriers based on the survey input of experts in Ques-


tionnaire 2. The interrelationships between the final barriers are
studied along with the degree of their influence amongst them-








selves. This sub-section looks at the results of the Grey-DEMATEL

analysis conducted amongst 12 respondents.
The insights provided by the grey-DEMATEL analysis are


showcased in Table 2, wherein each element of the matrix quan-
tifies the effect the barriers have on each other. Table 2 shows the
TRM; the values above the identified threshold are shown in bold


letters. These values will help the decision-makers in choosing the B14
significant interrelationships between barriers. This would mean, 0.098
using the table, decision-makers can identify the top barriers that

influence a barrier. Practically, this would suggest, the organisa-

tion can choose which barriers need to be targeted and which
barriers will create a ‘chain’ of effects on each other. Each column

of the TRM in Table 2 can also be visualised as a digraph to

graphically encapsulate all the barriers that directly or indirectly

influence a barrier. For example, all the barriers that influence B9

(Unorganised recycling industry) have been illustrated in Fig. 3.


The row sum and column sum of the TRM are analysed to study

their interrelationships, by adding the row sum and the column

sum of corresponding barriers, that is when i ¼ j. The sum








ðRi þ Dj Þ signifies the importance of that barrier, ðRi þ Dj Þ essen-

tially signifies the total effect, the receiving as well as the exerting
effect of the barrier on the system. Similarly, the difference

ðRi Dj Þ signifies the overarching contextual relation of that bar-

rier compared to all barriers in the system. If ðRi Dj Þ is positive for
a barrier it is classified as a “cause” barrier, while if ðRi Dj Þ is


negative for a barrier it is classified as an “effect” barrier. Thus, if

ðRi Dj Þ is positive then the barrier has a net cause in propping up

other barriers, while if ðRi Dj Þ is negative the barrier relies on the

state of the causing barriers. These measures are given in Table 3,

along with their contextual relation and weights. To analyse the


influence and the relation of each barrier in tandem, both mea-


sures are encapsulated in the form of a grid, as illustrated in Fig. 4.

In Fig. 4, the ðRi þ Dj Þ values are plotted on the horizontal axis

which represents the total effect while the ðRi Dj Þ values are

plotted on the vertical axis to incorporate the contextual relations


of the barriers.

The diagram of barriers in Fig. 4 shall be analysed as follows.

The graph is to be divided into four regions:
Total relationship matrix.


 Region 1- This region constitutes barriers that have a minimal

effect on other barriers and have low prominence.




 Region 2- This region constitutes barriers that have a trivial


impact on other barriers.

Table 2

 Region 3- This region constitutes barriers having a high degree


of prominence and driving other barriers. Decision-makers

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Fig. 3. An example of a barrier digraph (B9 Unorganised recycling industry).

Table 3  Region 4- This region constitutes barriers with high promi-

Sum of influences given and received for each barrier0. nence, but other barriers drive these barriers. The barriers
Barriers Row sum Column RþD R-D Relation Weight driving the factors in this region needs to be addressed imme-
R sum diately. Region 3 and 4 are essential areas to focus on for the
D decision-makers.
B1 2.593 2.139 4.731 0.454 Cause 0.057832
B2 2.636 1.698 4.333 0.938 Cause 0.058795 The inferences from Fig. 4 are as follows:
B3 2.909 2.068 4.977 0.841 Cause 0.064897
B4 2.300 1.984 4.284 0.316 Cause 0.05131
B5 2.443 1.863 4.307 0.580 Cause 0.054496  Fifteen barriers fall in cause group and eight in the effect group.
B6 2.344 1.660 4.004 0.684 Cause 0.052289 Among the causal group, B2> B3> B6> B5> B13>
B7 1.008 1.939 2.947 0.932 Effect 0.022478 B15 > B20 > B1>B22 > B18 > B4>B14 > B19 > B21 > B17. This
B8 0.989 1.877 2.866 0.888 Effect 0.022058 order implies the lack of relevant training on RL for stakeholders
B9 1.096 2.391 3.487 1.296 Effect 0.024439
B10 0.749 2.141 2.891 1.392 Effect 0.016713
(B2) is the most prominent barrier to the realisation of CE
B11 0.877 1.471 2.348 0.594 Effect 0.019565 practices in India, as it is driving many other barriers. This is due
B12 0.828 1.613 2.441 0.785 Effect 0.018472 to the interaction of external, organisational, and individual
B13 2.100 1.569 3.669 0.530 Cause 0.046838 
factors (Alvarez-Gil et al., 2007). The various stakeholders may
B14 2.130 1.975 4.105 0.155 Cause 0.047518
lack training on how to handle the returned products. This is due
B15 2.360 1.834 4.194 0.526 Cause 0.052645
B16 2.003 2.128 4.131 0.125 Effect 0.044681 to the lack of knowledge about the requisite technology, opti-
B17 2.024 2.015 4.039 0.009 Cause 0.045157 misation practices or even operations. The second most prom-
B18 2.428 2.070 4.499 0.358 Cause 0.05417 inent barrier is the difficulty in managing the material quality of
B19 2.261 2.124 4.385 0.137 Cause 0.050437 circular products (B3). This is because of the unpredictability in
B20 2.053 1.576 3.629 0.477 Cause 0.045802
B21 2.203 2.175 4.377 0.028 Cause 0.049132
the volume of returns, their cleanliness, and difficulty in
B22 2.449 2.087 4.537 0.362 Cause 0.054639 accessing the collections points amongst other reasons.
B23 2.046 2.431 4.476 0.385 Effect 0.045638  The effect group consists of eight inhibitors: B10, B9, B7, B8, B12,
B11, B23, B16 in decreasing order of their absolute value (more
negative to less negative). The ineffective recycling policies in
the country (B10) is the most influenced factor, followed by the
unorganised nature of the RL industry (B9).
should target the barriers present in Region 3 for achieving  The top five barriers with the highest values in the prominence
higher efficiency. column (R þ D) are B3>B1>B22 > B18 > B23. This means that

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Fig. 4. Cause and effect diagram of barriers.

difficulty in managing material quality of circular products is the relative importance using the planning matrix.
most prominent barrier. As per the experts, this could be The achievability of the strategies is indicated by the value of
because of the reduced quality of the material reaching the their relative contribution measured by external stakeholders. The
remanufacturer or recycling company is so low that it could not achievability of strategies is computed by aggregating their effect
serve as raw material for the next cycle. Many experts believe on strategies using fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral, which
that the internal management of the company and their lack of concurrently also considers the weights of the barriers it mitigates.
responsibility (B1) is also a cause for the industry remaining The feasibility of executing these strategies is to be measured by the
unorganised and the company not being able to reach their RL corresponding organisation. The feasibility measure is aggregated
goals. This means that individual manager’s factors and organ- using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs); the method of aggregation
isational factors might influence the decision to execute RL is elaborated in Appendix C.

programs in companies (Alvarez-Gil et al., 2007). As shown in Fig. 5, a planning matrix is used to categorise the
 Very high initial investment (B23) and Unorganised recycling ten strategies into four different zones based on their feasibility and
industry (B9) have the most significant number of barriers relative contribution values. The four zones in the planning matrix
affecting them (12 and 11, respectively). can be used as strategic maps. The mean of measures is commonly
used to divide the matrix into these zones in strategic planning.

 Priority zone: High feasibility and high contribution: These

4.3. Strategy formulation and measuring its effects strategies need significant attention and excellent resource
allocation from management.
Based on the insights gained by analysing barriers in section 4.2,  Long term zone: Low feasibility and high contribution:
a list of strategies was identified as shown in Table 4, to mitigate the Consider the possibility of adding/transferring more resources
barriers for an organisation in their RL circular supply chain. for these strategies in the long term from that allocated to attain
To identify the strategies which could be useful, an extensive contingency zone strategies.
literature review was conducted by consulting with industry pro-  Contingency zone: High feasibility and low contribution: These
fessionals for insights to formulate ten main strategies to counter strategies are attainable with current resources and have a
the barriers based on the relations identified in the results of the relatively minimal impact on the barriers than strategies in the
grey-DEMATEL analysis. The identified strategies were mapped to priority and long term zone.
the barriers that they are effective in mitigating. Each strategy’s  Non-Priority: Low feasibility and low contribution: These
effect is aggregated using Fuzzy measure and Fuzzy Integral to strategies should be considered last for resource allocation.
compare each strategy’s overall effect.
A final survey was conducted to study customers’ and decision- Using the values obtained from the survey, a threshold for the
makers’ perceptions of the formulated strategies’ effectiveness and feasibility and relative contributions can be found out. A scatter plot
feasibility. The survey reinforced and aided the final mapping of the can be drawn using Relative contribution on the Y-axis, and
ten strategies to the 23 barriers by evaluating their feasibility and
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Table 4
Description of the ten strategies identified.

S.No. Proposed Strategies Description

S1 Product design and Superior product design and quality standards can translate to increased customer loyalty by researching and incorporating user
quality preferences. Better designs translate to longer life, higher reusability, and enables a second life cycle for the EOL products. Feeding forward
logistics with insights from the RL processes increases quick response, driving research and development in new directions. To reduce
increased spending on RL, quality controls should be in place at the earliest stages possible, so that there are fewer product recalls or returns.
Product standardisation to ensure the volume of returns can also be considered across multiple product lines. Better data analytics and
advanced technology will help designing products as per the customer needs (Dowlatshahi, 2010).
S2 Role of government The government can introduce policies to promote CE, RL as part of their CSR activities which are mandatory for companies to promote
cleaner production and environment-friendly initiatives. Governments can incentivise the reuse of products by consumers boosting
sustainability. Tax rebate should be extended for remanufactured goods or tax products that cannot be remanufactured will encourage
organisations to adopt CE friendly product designs (Bernon et al., 2018).
S3 Educating top Significant changes are driven by the top-down approach in most industries; adopting this becomes essential to spread awareness among
management top management. To have them on board to understand the competitive advantages of implementing RL, based on responsible business
practices, working on the triple bottom line, building sustainability in business, better network depth, and gaining invaluable trust among
consumers, rather than just commercial considerations driving business strategies. RL and CE is an essential step towards a cleaner and

greener business practice (Alvarez-Gil et al., 2007).
S4 Selective Reverse To make RL economically attractive and garner the highest returns from remanufactured products, the market demand must be monitored.
Logistics The supply is adjusted to synchronise the rate of collection rates, return timings, and reusability rates. Hence, it is crucial to carefully select
the right product portfolio for which RL should be implemented. Introducing RL for all the products might not be economically viable and
would hamper the entire setup. A strategy should be developed involving the Sales & Marketing team to evaluate the possibility of leasing
out products rather than selling them, making the product ‘circular’. Companies must identify such products in their product portfolio
(Dowlatshahi, 2010; Bernon et al., 2018).
S5 Consumer education Customers should be fully aware of the refurbished products’ efficiency, which might be lower than the new products and should be priced
accordingly. The consumer should be educated, introducing awareness programmes, advertisements to educate people about being
sensitive towards the environment to change their attitude towards remanufactured products (Bernon et al., 2018).
S6 Outsourcing Outsourcing can help integrate recycling and remanufacturing tasks to a 3 PL provider and provide a suitable production strategy to
maximise profits for the manufacturer and the supply chain system. Identify sufficient conditions on the cost parameters and the return
fraction that guarantee the existence of an optimal threshold policy for outsourcing. To get this support, put together a financial model
showing asset recovery versus asset write-off (Chiu et al., 2011).
S7 Leagile methods A hybrid mix between lean and agile strategies should be adopted. The core of lean lies in cost optimisation and the agile focus on showing a
swift response to the demand volatility. This method is mostly applicable in transportation (backhauling) to enable better planning of
decoupling points (Banomyong et al., 2008).
S8 Network utilisation Utilise the existing networks to bring down the cost of collection, such as existing municipal curbside collection services, e-commerce
delivery services, food delivery services, and producers and retailers’ sales network. This process also includes incentivising informal
collectors and ensure proper utilisation of collection points. Setting up the location of the test and grade function in the network is very
important for the incoming goods flows. It more than often boils down to a trade-off between transportation and investment costs at this
step. (Tuzkaya et al. (2011)).
S9 Use of technology Develop and deploy software that optimises transportation planning, achieving reduced material handling, and enabling real-time
information sharing to improve warehousing efficiency. These result in better space utilisation of storage facilities and reduced potential
damage to returned goods. Industry 4.0 enabled best in class RL processes with increased visibility at the stores, and SKU levels help
eliminate waste and reduce the cost of operations. SaaS solutions that remove the guesswork from returned products can help make
decisions quickly (Bernon and Cullen, 2007).
S10 Efficient warehousing Virgin warehousing operations and remanufactured warehousing operations will have very different costs associated with them which
needs to be addressed while making this business decision. These differences are crucial to be factored in for an accurate determination of
remanufactured costs, and the eventual prices decided on. A third-party warehousing solution can also be favoured, considering a higher
percentage of error-free deliveries are observed in outsourced warehouse operations. They are more flexible than in-house warehousing
operations. From RFID scanners to smart management systems, Industry 4.0 brings many technologies into the warehouse, making
the warehouse a mini-ecosystem (Dowlatshahi, 2012).

feasibility expressed as a percentage on the X-axis. The relative greater than the threshold value.
contribution and feasibility threshold values are found to be 0.095 The strategy-barrier map in Table 5 could be comprehended in
and 0.645 (64.5%). These are indicated on the scatter plot as hori- two ways:
zontal and vertical lines, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5.
The following observations can be made from Fig. 5:  For a strategy, decision-makers could point out the barriers that
could be mitigated by implementing that strategy. Only those
 The difference in the relative contribution of the combinations barriers are mapped, with values above the threshold value of
(S5, S8), (S5, S4), (S5, S3), (S10, S4), (S10, S3), (S9, S4), (S9, S3), 0.065 (geometric mean). The level of implementation would be
(S6, S4), (S6, S3), (S7, S2) (10 groups) is greater than their dif- based on the planning matrix described earlier. The degree to
ference in the feasibility. The companies should pay more which the barriers get mitigated would depend on the other
attention to the strategies with high relative contributions than influencing barriers, the significance of their interrelationship.
those with higher relative feasibility. This difference would also The decision-maker would try to apply a minimum number of
tell the combinations of strategies that could be used to mitigate strategies to mitigate the maximum number of barriers.
similar barriers.  For a barrier, decision-makers can evaluate which strategies can
 The strategies are also mapped to the barriers that they are most be applied that would mitigate this barrier. There could be
likely to mitigate through the Fuzzy measure and Fuzzy integral multiple strategies that would help mitigate a barrier. The
methods to get the effect of strategies on barriers considered organisation can choose and prioritise strategies that are
independently. Table 5 shows this mapping. feasible for them with higher contribution values (as per the
planning matrix). However, only barriers classified as causal
Threshold value: 0.065 The values highlighted represent values

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

Fig. 5. Four planning zones of planned strategies.

Table 5
Strategy e Barrier map.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

B1 0.069 0.079 0.080 0.063 0.077 0.076 0.066 0.076 0.063 0.062
B2 0.070 0.063 0.067 0.077 0.062 0.055 0.070 0.070 0.064 0.077
B3 0.077 0.080 0.072 0.078 0.062 0.079 0.067 0.073 0.086 0.069
B4 0.059 0.062 0.059 0.059 0.052 0.056 0.065 0.067 0.061 0.056
B5 0.068 0.062 0.065 0.071 0.070 0.057 0.066 0.056 0.058 0.067
B6 0.056 0.058 0.062 0.065 0.072 0.051 0.060 0.070 0.059 0.074
B7 0.015 0.014 0.020 0.015 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.020 0.017 0.017
B8 0.021 0.014 0.019 0.020 0.020 0.018 0.021 0.020 0.017 0.023
B9 0.019 0.021 0.019 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.020 0.019
B10 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.013 0.015 0.014 0.014 0.013
B14 0.059 0.061 0.057 0.051 0.044 0.066 0.061 0.058 0.058 0.066
B15 0.066 0.062 0.055 0.062 0.059 0.071 0.067 0.063 0.061 0.061
B16 0.035 0.032 0.031 0.034 0.037 0.036 0.033 0.037 0.036 0.035
B17 0.056 0.051 0.051 0.057 0.053 0.053 0.050 0.047 0.048 0.049
B18 0.061 0.078 0.071 0.064 0.066 0.078 0.070 0.069 0.069 0.060
B19 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.062 0.061 0.056 0.054 0.064 0.061 0.057
B20 0.031 0.029 0.044 0.030 0.036 0.040 0.044 0.033 0.048 0.032
B21 0.063 0.056 0.052 0.058 0.064 0.063 0.048 0.049 0.056 0.063
B22 0.065 0.069 0.064 0.064 0.074 0.054 0.067 0.058 0.068 0.061
B23 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.037 0.037 0.038 0.038 0.037 0.038 0.037

groups would be included here as others are the effects of these 5. Discussions
This section underscores the implications of the inferences and
We present the implications of the inferences made from these the insights obtained as a result of the analysis of barriers and the
results and how the evaluation structure developed earlier con- strategies developed to mitigate them. The strategies that have
tributes to the literature in the next section. been identified are applicable to the Indian context and can be
implemented based on the company’s goals. Most of the strategies
are general in nature and can be applied to multiple sectors. It is

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

vital for managers to understand the barriers and the corre- crucial interrelationships identified in the results section. These are
sponding strategies that need to be implemented in their industry. the more practical aspects and when combined with the theoretical
In Fig. 6, it is showcased as to how companies can go about using concepts will help managers set up their RL network:
this study and practically implement the recommended strategies The reason Managing material quality of circular products (B3)
in their company. Organisations can use relevant portions of the is the most prominent barrier can be attributed to the rise of
framework shown in Fig. 6 for the decision-making process. intricate product design and the increasing number of manufac-
turers resorting to customisations with an aim to making their
5.1. Managerial implications product unique, to contribute to customers specific requirements
(Kang and Hong, 2010). These pose a challenge to recyclers and
This section shows how managers can implement the strategies remanufacturers, which explains the driving force (B3) has on
that have been identified in this study while also highlighting the Product design challenges to enable reuse and remanufacturing

Fig. 6. Decision-making framework.

P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

(B4). The shortcomings in managing quality have propped up the recoverable items from scrap right at the source, thereby reducing
lack of metrics to measure performance (B6) and lack of stand- the need for sorting later in the channel (Fleischmann, 2003). Other
ardisation of refurbished products (B15), leading to an increased ways to reduce costs is to coordinate with third-party organisations
variety in product quality in the market for refurbished products. and utilise their expertise in this field. These organisations will also
These barriers give rise to Unpredictable demand for returned help in reducing unnecessary costs for the initial setup.
products (B16), as consumers have a high perception of risk and a The planning matrix identified in this paper gives an indicative
lower perception of quality which leads to a lower willingness to idea of how companies should go about implementing each strat-
pay (WTP) which in turn forces the companies to hold back refur- egy. Companies can implement the above strategies to promote a
bished products as the availability of these products is uncertain. CE, a key factor in sustainable production and consumption.
This dynamic is identified by analysing Want for thrill of newness
by consumers (B11) and Limited market availability of reused
products (B14). These factors lead to Lack of Economies of Scale 6. Conclusion and future work
(B21) and Lack of initiatives taken by top management (B1) which
can be explained by limited adoption of Circular business models This study’s objective was to understand and develop a practical
(Kok et al., 2013), short-term goals that dominate corporate approach to overcoming all the relevant RL implementation bar-
governance (Van Eijk, 2015) and the high upfront costs to imple- riers in the Indian context, helping companies efficiently imple-
ment RL (B23). This nexus of barriers can be tackled by imple- ment the reverse supply chain. A framework is developed to
menting strategies like Educating top management (S3), Selective achieve the above objective where the barriers were identified and
reverse logistics (S4) and Consumer education (S5) in tandem, as prioritised based on literature review and internal discussion on
shown in Fig. 5 with all these strategies having a high degree of company revenue, cost, and customer base insights.
importance. This study has several key contributions to the field of RL and
Limitation of technology to track recycled materials and prod- Circular supply chain, which are unique apart from the strategies
ucts (B5) is one of the significant barriers for reverse logistics that have been suggested. The development of strategies based on
implementation, in addition to barriers like Lack of relevant their effectiveness helps managers have a practical outlook on how
training (B2) and Lack of suitable indicators (B6) affect the supply they can go ahead using this study to implement the strategies in
chain design as well as the predictability of the returned products their company. Consumer education, network utilisation and effi-
as shown in our cause-effect mapping. To rectify this, managers can cient warehousing are the top priority strategies that companies
use the latest technology to improve efficiency as highlighted by should pursue. Moreover, developing a framework that managers
the strategy Use of Technology (S9). can use to review their current status and then go ahead, imple-
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Industry 4.0 are the next big op- menting the strategies suggested in this study is a key contribution.
portunities to capitalise on, as various studies have shown that they Outsourcing the tasks of remanufacturing and recycling to an
can significantly improve RL, the only central pain point being integrated third-party logistics provider, aids in selecting a pro-
network design. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of the forms of AI duction strategy that will maximise profits for the manufacturer
that can solve the issue of network design issue by an electronic and the supply chain system, improve the bottom lines for the
retailer handling consumer returns (Xing et al., 2010). The company, and encourage environmentally-friendly practices to
computational experimentation studies the trade-offs between the minimise energy consumption. Similarly, Industry 4.0 enabled RL
inventory carrying and holding costs and the location costs and processes with increased sophistication at the store level will help
customer service (Dutta and Chakraborty, 2010). There are also regulate and track the nodes of the supply chain better, ensuring
implementable SaaS solutions that reduce the stochasticity of delays are minimised, and the circular supply chain becomes more
returned products and help to decide efficiently whether the de- responsive than before. It is established that there is a close relation
cision is to refurbish, reroute, liquidate, or scrap. These solutions between CE implementation and the overall shift towards envi-
can automate returns sorting and make it faster, which also helps ronmental sustainability and how this impacts not only the oper-
keep more goods out of landfills and thereby promoting the Cleaner ational efficiency of the company but also helps in improving its
Production concept. Another concept of Industry 4.0 in RL is Asset overall brand value.
Tracking Efficiencies, which uses GPS and RFID to track products The present research is conducted thoroughly and is validated
coming back from the consumers and utilises IoT sensors to get by industry experts. There are some limitations with our study
information on the returned product. When combined with which leaves some scope for future researchers to explore. The
blockchain, this concept improves security and provides trans- research has been conducted in the context of Indian companies,
parency in the entire reverse supply chain. Retailers can track and hence generalisation of the results may not be possible. Future
returns with the help of product line, manufacturer, store, date of works may study and compare the contexts of different environ-
sale and consumer data. Other benefits of Industry 4.0 include ments for RL implementation to highlight the role they play. The
enhanced responsiveness, forecasting, connected fleets, perfor- analysis of the feasibility of strategies proposed could be done in
mance management system (Luthra et al., 2020), revenue oppor- detail, illustrating the level of technology, labour, and cost as major
tunities and recycling (Shah et al., 2019). resources. Future researchers would bring in new perspectives by
Another aspect is the importance of network utilisation to involving some government departments to gain a more holistic
reduce costs, as mentioned in Network Utilisation (S8). As indicated view of the barriers and strategies on policy. The method for
by our study, Improper setup of collection points and trans- evaluating these measures can be explored by combining other
portation (B17) is one of the key barriers, resulting in higher costs quantitative and qualitative models to capture the practical aspects
for managing the product returns. To solve this, setting up collec- in greater detail. Some of the new strategies that can be imple-
tion points is important (Ripanti et al., 2016). The efficiency in mented need further study, and it must be a coordinated effort by
designing the network of collection points helps in reducing the both the researchers and companies to implement them. Research
overall costs involved. Testing collected products early in the has been going on in network optimisation and Artificial Intelli-
network will reduce the total shipment distance since graded gence (AI), which shows excellent prospects. It is vital for com-
products can be directly sent to the corresponding recovery stage. panies to understand each strategy’s implication and find that
Individual collection can provide opportunities for separating strategy that has maximum impact on their company.
P. Dutta, S. Talaulikar, V. Xavier et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126241

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