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Libs 2804: Signature Assignment

Alyssa Soto


Libs 2804 Fall 2021

Dr. Kotter

How Do the Restrictions on Social Workers Affect the Foster System?

Annotated Bibliography

University of Connecticut. (2011, August 19.) UCON Today. “Challenges in Social Work


Social work alumni come together to discuss improving the social work field. Where

member speak on the problems faced in the field today, these members spoke on questions

relating to the field of social work asked by UCON magazine. Showing that there are many

problems that need to be addressed in the system today.

Kim, M. (2017, April 20.) “The devastating impact of neglect on foster children” BOLD.

Sitting down with Psychologist Phillip Fisher to address the neurological affects the

foster system leaves on the children subjected to the system. Phillip speaks on many children in

the system are victims of neglect which is known to greatly affect a child’s brain.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2017, March.) AHRQ. “Mental Health

Problems in Foster Care Children”


Addressing how to treat the mental affects of the foster system where a guide is given on

how to start the process, along with giving advice on how to prepare for the visits the child will

go through.

National Association of Social Workers. “Social Work History.” NASW- National Association

of Social Workers,

Briefly explaining how social worker came to what it was today, along with stating the

original motives for opening a social work field.

Red Ventures Company “Child and Family Social Worker | Comprehensive Career Guide.”

SoicalWork.Org, (2019, November 6).


Giving examples of what socials workers face every day, and what the high stress job

consists of.

Elizabeth Swedo, MD; Nimi Idaikkadar, MPH; Ruth Leemis, MPH; Taylor Dias, MPH; Lakshmi

Radhakrishnan, MPH; Zachary Stein, MPH; May Chen, PhD; Nickolas Agathis, MD; Kristin

Holland, PhD. (2020. December 11.) Trends in U.S. Emergency Department Visits Related to

Suspected or Confirmed Child Abuse and Neglect Among Children and Adolescents Aged 18

Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, January 2019–September

2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Abuse and neglect statistics that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, causing less

hospital visits.

Voices For Children. “History of Foster Care.” Voices for Children | CASA Program. (2020,

May 25.)


History of the foster system dating back to 1853 when the original motive for the system

was built.
Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2015). “Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on

Brain Development” Child Welfare Information Gateway.


A PDF containing information on the brain development of children who suffer abuse or


Reflective Essay

Outcome 1: Research is an Exploratory Process

When first clarifying my topic and research question I knew that finding information to

back my topic would be few to far between, the subject of social workers relating to the foster

system is a tender one. (Indicator 1.3) From the start I found many articles relating to foster

system reform, and the challenges of being a social worker; as being a social worker is a high

stress job the affects it has on the workers themselves is something challenging itself, but in the

concept of working with abused and neglected children takes a toll on a person. This is where I

had to start getting more specific with my searches, when I searched “problems in the social

work field” was I then given the article highlighting the problems social workers face. However,

when looking for information on the foster system the articles seemed to all be on the same few

topics, this was a very frustrating process where again, I had to start getting specific with the

words I choose. Through this process I found many articles, books, and journals; some were

helpful while others weren’t relevant to my topic at hand.

Outcome 2: Scholarship is a Form of Communication

In my search for information, I came across many different formats of information such

as journals, government PDF’s that held statistics, and books that all held great information.

However, some of them didn’t have information relevant or regarding to my topic, while the

process to filter out which ones I could use and couldn’t was a trial itself. (Indicator 2.1) I

recognize that all information won’t help a paper, even if the topics play into one another. When

looking for information academic or otherwise one must look at what the text is supposed to

covey, and what the text truly states. There were many times throughout this process that once

getting to the end of an article I realized this wouldn’t be beneficial to my argument.

Outcome 3: Critically Evaluate Information

When I first found the CDC article relating to child neglect, there was a moment of relief

as I knew the CDC would be a credible source. This was the main piece of text that made me

think when reading it, the article sent me down a rabbit hole looking for more information. While

other texts made me question the information being portrayed, I had to verify that the

information was correct from different sources. On the other hand, I read stories from children

who lived in the foster system for years, this information was the best (I feel) I could’ve gotten to

include. As reading statistics off a federal site may be credible, the true story stand with the those

who have been through the experiences themselves, information that is presented in an

authoritative way is more approachable when looking for credible sources’, but when you find

text from those who have lived through the experience will always hold more authority.

Outcome 4: Ethical Use of Information

Learning how to properly cite the information I found was beneficial as it helped me as a

writer learn how to make my papers look proper, and as a person in avoiding plagiarism. Before

I had a rough idea of how to cite the sources, I found but had not known how to use APA

formatting to simplify them, this has made my papers look better than before as the citations

aren’t bulky as they used to be. Knowing how to phrase the information you find to avoid

copying the words is an essential skill that everyone needs to obtain, especially those who write

often. Learning how to be clear about what I your own words, and an authors works was a skill I

wish I could’ve learned sooner.

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