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Toward a functional integration of anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis for a

sustainable resource management. Comparison between solid-digestate and
its derived pyrochar as soil amen...

Article  in  Applied Energy · May 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.084


106 1,549

9 authors, including:

Florian Monlau Matteo Francavilla

APESA University of Foggia and CNR (National Research Council)


Cecilia Sambusiti Nikolaos Antoniou

TOTAL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


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Toward a functional integration of anaerobic

digestion and pyrolysis for a sustainable
resource management. Comparison between
solid-digestate and its derived pyrochar as soil

Article · May 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.084



9 authors, including:

Florian Monlau Abderrahim Solhy

23 PUBLICATIONS 547 CITATIONS Moroccan Foundation of Advanced Researc…


Anastasia Zabaniotou Abdellatif Barakat

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki French National Institute for Agricultural R…


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Cecilia Sambusiti
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 27 May 2016
Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662

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Toward a functional integration of anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis

for a sustainable resource management. Comparison between
solid-digestate and its derived pyrochar as soil amendment
F. Monlau a, M. Francavilla a, C. Sambusiti a, N. Antoniou c, A. Solhy b, A. Libutti a, A. Zabaniotou a,c,
A. Barakat d, M. Monteleone a,⇑
Star*AgroEnergy Research Unit, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Foggia, Via Napoli, 25, 71122 Foggia, Italy
Centre for Advanced Material, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Lot 660 – Hay Moulay Rachid, 43150 Ben Guerir, Morocco
Biomass Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Un. Box 455, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
INRA, UMR 1208 Ingénierie des Agropolymères et Technologies Emergentes 2, Place Pierre Viala, F-34060 Montpellier, France

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Coupling anaerobic digestion and

Biogas Energy
pyrolysis is technologically efficient. Syngas
 This technology integration is Animal slurries H2/CO
environmentally sound and boosts and manure
circular economy.
 Digestate and pyrochar are soil Screw separator Dryer

amendments with different but
complementary properties. Digestate
 While pyrochar sequesters carbon,
Feed and
digestate could contribute to soil energy crops,
microbiological processes. crop residues
Separated solid digestate Pyrochar
 Their characteristics are fully
consistent with those of agricultural
Proximate and ultimate analysis, chemical and physical properties.
soil amendments. Macro and micro-nutrients, heavy metals, pH, porosity, water
holding capacity, carbon stability and sequestration.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The integration of different technologies acts as a leverage in boosting ‘‘circular economy” and improving
Received 24 October 2015 resource use efficiency. In this respect, the coupling of anaerobic digestion with pyrolysis was the focus of
Received in revised form 9 February 2016 this work. Solid-digestate obtained from anaerobic digestion was addressed to supply pyrolysis thus
Accepted 14 February 2016
increasing the net energy gains and obtaining ‘‘biochar” (called ‘‘pyrochar” in our case) to be used as soil
amendment alternatively to solid-digestate. The current interest on biochar is linked to its long-term soil
carbon sequestration, thus contributing to global warming mitigation.
A parallel detailed screening of the physical and chemical properties of both solid-digestate and pyro-
Anaerobic digestion
char was performed, inferring their effects on soil quality. Results showed that while P and K are enriched
Pyrolysis in pyrochar, total N showed no significant differences. Heavy metals revealed higher concentrations in
Biochar pyrochar, but always largely below the biochar quality thresholds. Pyrochar exhibited a higher surface
Soil quality area (49–88 m2 g1), a greater water holding capacity (352–366%), and a more recalcitrant carbon struc-
Carbon sequestration ture. Both solid-digestate and pyrochar showed good soil amendments properties but with complemen-
tary effects. Although starting from the same biomass, being the original feedstock processed differently,

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Monteleone).
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662 653

their ability to improve the physical and chemical soil properties has proved to be different. While several
other soil improvers of organic origin can substitute digestate, the important role played by biochar
appears not-replaceable considering its precious ‘‘carbon negative” action.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the entering feedstock of the subsequent PY thermochemical

Our globalized society urgently needs ensuring food supply and Very recently, other researchers have also proposed this pecu-
energy to a growing population without further exploiting our lat- liar approach. The ‘‘Supergen” Bioenergy Hub is currently working
est fossil energy resources or causing environmental burdens and out a project developing a synergy between biological (AD) and
damages [1]. In this respect, biomass could supply a large amount thermal (PY) conversion processes in which the overall net energy
of renewable energy but, on the counterpart, land use changes yield can be significantly improved [12]. Differently from our
(from food/feed to bioenergy crops) might generate food scarcity, approach, PY precedes AD thus allowing access within the biomass
food prize volatility and a higher intensification in agricultural to lignin-bound components that are otherwise unavailable for
management, thus jeopardizing soil fertility and crop yield [2–4]. anaerobic biological conversion. Although considering different
At the same time, a continuing increase in food supply, keeping technical operations, Shen et al. [13] proposed a similar integrated
the pace with population growth at planetary level, is leading to approach by adding biochar into the AD digester. An in situ biogas
higher fossil energy consumptions due to higher cultivation inputs, upgrading system was thus obtained with a significant increase in
thus eroding an already scarce non-renewable resource as well as the methane yield, biomethanation rate constant and maximum
worsening global warming. methane production rate. In addition to the thermochemical con-
The options for reducing fossil fuel dependency and greenhouse version of digestate, the integrated AD + PY also allowed the bio-
gases emissions (GHG), as well as benefitting of the social and eco- conversion of the aqueous phase of pyrolysis liquor, the one
nomic advantages that might result from biomass energy, are great derived from the pyrolysis of solid digestate [14]. Biochar, indeed,
challenges on condition that these biomass resources are used has the ability to catalyze AD by mitigating mild ammonia inhibi-
effectively and sustainably. tion, supporting archaeal growth and the methanization of the bio-
For this purpose, new strategic approaches are required and char labile carbon [15]. Therefore, this option of coupling AD with
new productive concepts are gaining momentum. The transition PY could open up new interesting pathways for the integration of
to a bio-based industry is taking place, among others, by means of: biological and thermochemical processes [16].
The AD + PY functional coupling is of great potential interest not
(1) A progressive integration (‘‘industrial symbiosis”) of differ- only because the resulting energy gain is higher than the AD pro-
ent conversion technologies, establishing functional connec- cess individually considered (positive interaction or synergic
tions and links across different processes according to a effect), but also because relevant side-effects are generated [9,17].
‘‘systemic” view [5,6]. Indeed, during the AD process, approximately 50–70% of the
(2) The development of new value-chains implementing the organic matter is decomposed, while the residual organic matter,
‘‘cascading” biomass utilization scheme, where the output more recalcitrant to degradation, generates the so-called ‘‘diges-
of one process becomes the input of the following one (thus tate” [18]. Digestate is generally characterized by high biological
also targeting the ‘‘zero-waste” goal) with biomass progress- stability, a relative high content of organic molecules [19] and
ing through a series of material flows and energy conver- nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus [20]. After the mechan-
sions [7]. ical solid–liquid separation (by centrifugal screw, rotary or press
(3) Processing biomasses in compliance with the ‘‘closed-loop” separator), solid digestate can be utilized to replace soil organic
principle, i.e. favoring the returning of plant nutrients into amendments and synthetic fertilizers [21]. Indeed, from the con-
the soil, thus making the farming system more ecologically centrated solid fraction an organic amendment is obtained
sustainable and preserving soil quality, its fertility and [22,23], while the remaining liquid fraction, being particularly rich
organic matter (the latter to be also intended as an influen- in ammonia, is analogous to a mineral N fertilizer [20].
tial ‘‘carbon stock”). In recent years, a rapid growth in newly installed anaerobic
digestion plants is observed and huge amounts of digestates are
This multi-functional, cascading and closed-loop arrangement increasingly available. The use of liquid and solid manure for bio-
of new designed bioenergy systems is also offering significant effi- gas production is becoming popular in many EU countries, together
ciency gains, maximizing the value extracted from a given amount with the use (in co-digestion) of crop residues and dedicated
of biomass by fulfilling both material and energy needs from the energy crops (previously used as animal feed) to increase the
same feedstock [8]. energy yield of the process. Concerning these large amounts of
In a previous work from the same team [9], the opportunity of digestate as crop fertilizer and soil amendment, there are relevant
coupling two different energy conversion processes, anaerobic economic and environmental concerns that are constraining their
digestion (AD) and pyrolysis (PY), respectively, was investigated. extensive application, today, on cropland [24,25]. The high spatial
While AD is a biological degradation process producing biogas (that density of the AD-facilities (for instance, a very high number of AD
consists mainly of CH4 and CO2), PY is a thermochemical decompo- plants within a small geographic area is currently observed in the
sition of biomass occurring in the absence of oxygen [10,11], ‘‘Po Valley” in northern Italy) and the consequent limited cropland
producing syngas (a mixture mainly formed by H2 and CO2) and available for spreading, is leading to overcharge nearby fields with
bio-oil. In any case, both are energy conversion processes. digestate. Therefore, excessive nitrogen loads may have negative
By applying this integrated approach, the solid-digestate result- effects on soil tilth properties, plant growth and grain yield, even
ing from a previous AD biological conversion, formerly treated significantly contributing to threaten water quality due to higher
through solid–liquid separation and a drying process, becomes risks of nitrate leaching and groundwater contamination. Improper
654 F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662

land application practices can lead to large ammonia volatilization Table 1

and nitrous oxide emissions, as well as nutrient runoff, thus spark- Main characteristics of the two anaerobic digestion plants.

ing considerable debate about the environmental sustainability of Anaerobic digester parameters AD1 AD2
this practice [23]. Apart nutrient overload and losses, several addi- Digester volume (m ) 3
3720 5840
tional concerns could be addressed to an intensive use and irre- Feeding (t FM/day) 56 120
sponsible management of digestate in agriculture, including HRT (days) 62 53
pathogen exposure and long distance transport costs to allow a pH 7.5–7.8 7.5–7.8
Temperature (°C) 45 45
proper digestate spreading over cropland [26]. Daily solid digestate production (t DM/day) 7.1 6.7
To improve economic and environmental sustainability in the
management of the AD effluent, alternative methods are therefore
required [25–27]. Addressing digestate to PY, and obtaining
‘‘biochar” besides extra-energy, might be considered a viable alter-
native. From PY, indeed, a residual ‘‘charred” organic matter is phase have been physically separated in two consecutive digesters.
derived. When specifically utilized as a soil amendment, this form AD1 was daily supplied with a mixture of 9% groats, 29% olive oil
of ‘‘black carbon” biomass is defined ‘‘biochar” (called ‘‘pyrochar” cake, 57% silage of triticale and 5% chicken manure. The main
in our case). The current interest related to the use of biochar, how- AD1 characteristics were: digester volume of 3720 m3, an organic
ever, is connected to its ability to act as a carbon sink, promoting a loading rate (OLR) of 56 t FM d1, and a hydrolytic retention time
long-term carbon sequestration into the soil, thus contributing to (HRT) of 62 days.
global warming mitigation. For this reason, ‘‘biochar” is also The second considered plant (AD2) was a one-stage plant with a
defined as a ‘‘carbon negative” technology [28]. Biochar is com- conventional configuration (a first digester followed by a post-
posed of a large amount of highly stable carbon and, consequently, digester). AD2 was daily supplied with a mixture of 43% animal
this stability is the major determinant of its long-term C- sewage, 20% cow manure, 25% maize and triticale silages and
sequestration capacity [29]. 12% cereal bran. The main AD2 characteristics were: volume of
In the previous work by Monlau et al. [9], solid-digestate (still 5,840 m3, OLR of 120 t FM d1, and HRT of 53 days.
containing about 30–50% of organic carbon, on dry basis), was fur- After mechanical screw separation performed on farm, a daily
ther treated by means of pyrolysis in order to yield an extra production of 7.1 and 6.7 t DM d1 of solid-digestate was obtained
amount of energy in parallel to biochar. It was clearly demon- for AD1 and AD2, respectively. Prior to any analysis, the two sam-
strated that the integrated strategy of AD + PY led to a net 42% ples were oven dried overnight at 105 °C in our laboratory.
increase in electricity production. While the objective of the previ-
ous work was to assess the energy advantage of coupling AD with 2.2. Pyrolysis procedure
PY, the interest of the present work (as a follow-up of the same
approach) was focused on the possible benefit of transforming A quartz rotary kiln reactor was used to carry out pyrolysis
the solid-digestate into pyrochar and its effects on agricultural soil experiments. The pyrolysis flow sheet has been already reported
quality and health. elsewhere [9,32]. Prior to each experimental trial, the reactor
The purpose is to use ‘‘pyrochar” instead of ‘‘digestate” as soil was purged with N2 for 30 min to ensure an oxygen free environ-
amendment, as a means for potential carbon sequestration and ment. The experiments were carried out at 600 °C, applying a heat-
the recovery of valuable nutrients (N, P). In the perspective of ing rate of approximately 20 °C min1 at atmospheric pressure and
applying the integrated technology combining AD + PY, as sug- inert atmosphere, while the residence time at the maximum tem-
gested by Monlau et al. [9], the present work aimed to investigate perature was 10 min. The initial feedstock weight was set at 10 g of
whether pyrochar can replace solid digestate, obtaining even bet- dry solid anaerobic digestate. The collected pyrolysis products
ter or at least similar effects on soil quality. Alternatively, their were char, liquid and non-condensable gas. Char was weighted
joint or sequential application may be suggested. Although much after collection. The produced pyrolysis gas was analyzed offline
research has been carried out individually on both solid digestate in a gas chromatography (Model 6890N. Agilent Technologies) fit-
and its derived pyrochar, studies on the direct comparison of their ted with two columns: HP-Plot Q and HP-Molsive type [10]. The
properties as soil amendment are few. [30,31]. Up to date, only Ste- obtained yield of the liquid fraction was calculated by subtraction
faniuk and Oleszczuk [27] have studied the physicochemical from the mass balance equation, as follows:
parameters of solid digestate and its derived pyrochar thus data
W liquid ¼ W dry digestate  W gas  W biochar ð1Þ
are clearly missing in literature. More schematically, the aims of
this study were the following:
2.3. Analytical determinations
 Determining and comparing the main physicochemical proper-
ties of solid digestate (DG) and its derived pyrochar (PC). A complete set of chemical analyses was conducted on the two
 Assessing the DG and PC use as soil conditioners, their effects on solid digestates (DG1 and DG2) and the two corresponding pyro-
agricultural soil properties and quality. chars (PC1 and PC2).. All analysis were performed in duplicate.
Proximate analysis determined the relative content in total solid
2. Materials and methods (TS), volatile solid (VS), ash (AS) and fixed carbon (FC). For pyro-
chars, the analyses were performed by using a TGA analyser
2.1. Feedstock materials (LECO-TGA701) and the ASTM D7582 method, while digestate
samples were analyzed according to the APHA methods [33].
Two solid-digestates (DG1 and DG2) were obtained from two The pH determination was carried out by adding de-ionized
different mesophilic full-scale biogas production plants, located water in a mass ratio 1:20. The solution was then hand shaken
in the Apulia region (Southern Italy), whose main characteristics and allowed to stand for 5 min before measuring pH using a Basic
are reported in Table 1. Crison 20Ò pH meter.
The first plant (AD1) was a two-stage plant where the hydroly- Structural-carbohydrates from cellulose and hemicelluloses
sis–acidogenesis phases and the subsequent methanogenesis together with ‘‘klason lignin” were measured using a strong acid
F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662 655

hydrolysis method previously described by Monlau et al. [9]. All ples was evaluated using the BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET)
monosaccharides (i.e. glucose, xylose, arabinose) were analyzed method.
by HPLC (AgilentÒ 1260) coupled to refractometric detection. The
analysis was carried out with a Hi-PLex H column at 50 °C. The elu-
3. Results
ent corresponded to 5 mM H2SO4 under a flow rate of
0.3 mL min1. A refractive index detector was used to quantify
3.1. Pyrolysis product yields
the carbohydrates. The system was calibrated with glucose, xylose
and arabinose standards (SigmaAldrichÒ). Thereafter, cellulose
The relative weights of pyrolysis products (bio-oil, syngas, and
and hemicelluloses contents were estimated as follows:
biochar) are presented in Fig. 1. The biochar reached 34 wt%, both
in DG1 and DG2, respectively. Such results are in accordance with
Cellulose ð%TSÞ ¼ Glucose ð%TSÞ=1:11 ð2Þ other literature data [36,37]. Yao et al. [37] reported a biochar yield
Hemicelluloses ð%TSÞ ¼ ½Xylose ð%TSÞ þ Arabinose ð%TSÞ=1:13 ð3Þ of 45.5 wt% after pyrolysis at 600 °C from digested of sugar beet
tailings. Inyang et al. [36] reported a lower biochar yield of 18 wt
where 1.11 is the conversion factor for glucose-based polymers % after pyrolysis at 600 °C of digested sugarcane bagasse.
(glucose) to monomers and 1.13 is the conversion factor for The relative amount of recovered bio-oil (51% and 56% for
xylose-based polymers (arabinose and xylose) to monomers. DG1 and DG2, respectively) was significantly higher with
A TGA analyser was also used to obtain the ‘‘differential ther- respect to syngas (15% and 10%, respectively). The produced
mogravimetric curve” (dM/dT) were the rates of mass loss are bio-oils were characterized by a high water content correspond-
recorded with respect to increasing temperature values according ing to 45 wt%. Literature findings prove that pyrolysis oil could
to a specific ‘‘temperature-programmed oxidation” (TPO). Experi- be effectively used as fuel in CHP engines, either solely or in
ments were performed in a TGA Instrument ‘‘Q500 apparatus”, blends with liquid fossil fuels or biodiesel, if its water content
with a 10 °C/min ramp between 25 and 1000 °C. Samples of is below 30 wt% [38,39]. In the current study, the high water
approximately 20 mg were progressively heated from room tem- content of bio-oil (>30 wt%) prevents its direct utilization in
perature to 980 °C, under a heating rate of 10 °C min1 and a con- combustion engines and, therefore, upgrading processes (mild
stant air flow (20 mL min1). The resulting thermograms were hydrodeoxygenation or reactive distillation) are required.
corrected for moisture and ash content. According to the concept of farm biorefinery, both syngas and
To evaluate the carbon sequestration potential of both bio-oil produced by PY (the latter only after an upgrading treat-
digestates and pyrochars, the R50 coefficient was calculated. ment) can be converted into heat and electricity through a CHP
According to Harvey et al. [34], the R50 is a useful index for system, thus significantly improving the renewable energy gain
quantifying pyrochar recalcitrance and screening pyrochars with and the sustainability of the coupled system, compared to the
respect to their carbon sequestration potential. The R50 uses the single AD process [9,40].
energy required for thermal oxidation of the pyrochars (normal-
ized to that needed for the oxidation of graphite) as a measure 3.2. Chemical characteristics: proximate and ultimate analysis
of recalcitrance. The R50 recalcitrance index was calculated
according to the following: The proximate and ultimate analysis, together with pH, of both
digetates and pyrochars are reported in Table 2.
R50PC ¼ T 50PC =T 50GRAPH ð4Þ The digestate showed an alkaline pH, with values between 8.6
(DG2) and 9.1 (DG1). Digestate alkalinity is commonly observed
where T50PC and T50GRAPH are the temperature values corre-
and it is mainly due to the degradation of VFAs and the production
sponding to 50% oxidation/volatilization of pyrochars (PC) and gra-
of ammonia during the AD process. The AD management operation
phite, respectively. Values for R50PC are obtained directly from TG
to control pH and improve buffer capacity frequently involves the
thermograms appropriately corrected for water and ash content.
addition of basic compounds or carbonates into the digester [19],
T50GRAPH was assumed to be 886 °C [34]. The R50 was interpreted
that could explain the resulting high pH. Higher pH values were
considering the following recalcitrance/carbon sequestration
found for pyrochars (11.1 for PC1 and 11.4 for PC2) with respect
classes: Class A (R50 P 0.70), Class B (0.50 6 R50 < 0.70), or Class
to solid digestate. Inyang et al. [36] reported pH value of 10.9 for
C (R50 < 0.50).
pyrochar obtained after pyrolysis at 600 °C of anaerobically
Ultimate analysis (C, H, N) was performed using an ‘‘Elementar
Vario Macro Cube” analyser. S content was determined with an ele-
mental analyser CHNS-LECO 680 using the method LECO- ASTM-D
Elemental analysis (micro- and macro-elements) was per- 15,0
formed by digesting 0.15 g of sample in 5 mL of HNO3 in a closed
DG 1
vessel microwave digester (CEM-Mars6) for 20 min at 220 °C. The
metals in the solution were analyzed by inductively coupling 34,2
plasma spectrometry-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES
Agilent 720).

2.4. Physical analytical procedure DG 2 55,8

The water holding capacity (WHC) was determined applying an
adapted protocol from Ang [35]. Accessible surface was deter-
mined by N2 adsorptiondesorption method that was performed Syngas Yield (%) Bio-oil Yield (%) Biochar yield (%)
on a Micromeritics ASAP 2010 volumetric apparatus at 77 K. Prior Fig. 1. Products distribution (pyrochar, bio-oil and syngas) after pyrolysis at 600 °C
to adsorption measurements, samples (0.50.3 g) were outgassed of DG1 and DG2, respectively. Bio-oil yields refer to raw bio-oil, including its
at 373 K under vacuum for 72 h. Specific surface area of the sam- aqueous phase at 45 wt.%.
656 F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662

Table 2
Proximate and ultimate analysis of the two samples of digestate (DG) pyrochar (PC).

Parameters (Units) DG 1 DG 2 PC 1 PC 2
pH 9.05 (±0.08) 8.6 (±0.04) 11.1 (±0.03) 11.4 (±0.01)
VS (%TS) 91.0 (±2.1) 89.5 (±0.1) 69.5 (±1.1) 55.3 (±0.9)
Ash (%TS) 7.7 (±0.8) 9.5 (±0.1) 22.8 (±0.7) 32.1 (±0.4)
FC (%TS) 1.3 (±0.7) 1.0 (±0.5) 7.7 (±0.4) 12.6 (±0.8)
C (g 100 g1 TS) 42.5 (±0.24) 43.0 (±0.07) 62.2 (±1.57) 57.3 (±0.53)
H (g 100 g1 TS) 6.1 (±0.03) 6.2 (±0.03) 2.0 (±0.02) 2.0 (±0.02)
N (g 100 g1 TS) 1.4 (±0.12) 1.3 (±0.03) 1.5 (±0.02) 1.4 (±0.00)
S (g 100 g1 TS) 0.14 (±0.03) 0.14 (±0.05) 0.04 (±0.02) 0.07 (±0.02)
O (g 100 g1 TS)a 42.1 39.5 11.4 7.2
FC/C (%) 3 2.3 12.4 22.1
H/Corg ratio 1.72 1.73 0.39 0.42
O/Corg ratio 0.65 0.68 0.14 0.10
Cellulose (g 100 g1 TS) 17.0 (±0.8) 17.0 (±0.9) 5.5 (±0.2) 6.8 (±0.1)
Hemicellulose (g 100 g1 TS) 10.1 (±1.4) 12.2 (±1.7) 0 0
Lignin-Like (g 100 g1 TS) 31.9 (±1.8) 34.0 (±1.2) 50.3 (±0.9) 40.5 (±0.9)
Determined by difference O = 100–C–H–N–S–Ash.

digested sugarcane bagasse. Pyrolysis led to higher pH because of uted to dehydration and depolymerisation reactions forming sol-
the ashes content of digestate and their increasing concentration uble lignin as well as to the condensation of cellulose forming
in the course of the thermochemical treatment. Indeed, the accu- graphitic structures [47].
mulation of these basic cations increased the pH values of the pyr-
ochar samples; the higher the ash content, the higher the pH.
3.3. Physical characteristics of final products
The VS content (Table 2) showed significant differences
The main physical properties of digestates and pyrochars are
between pyrolyzed and non-pyrolyzed feedstock. The organic con-
presented in Table 3. Interestingly, after pyrolysis, the obtained
tent of both pyrochars ranged from 55.3% to 69.5 wt% of the total
PC samples exhibited a higher accessible surface area than DG
solid content, a quite remarkable value. The ash content almost
samples (1.4 m2 g1). In our study, surface areas of 49 and
tripled considering the conversion of DG into PC. Fixed carbon
88 m2 g1 were found for PC1 and PC2, respectively. Inyang et al.
(FC) ranged from 1 to 1.3 wt% in DG and from 7.7 to 12.6 wt% in
[48] reported values of accessible surface area ranging from 49 to
PC. As expected, the two pyrochars exhibited higher total Carbon
161 m2 g1 on biochar produced from pyrolysis of agricultural
content (Table 2) with 50% increase compared to the correspond-
anaerobic digestate at 600 °C. The pyrochars obtained from our
ing digestates. Finally, a significant increase in the FC/C ratio was
experiments exhibited low values of N2 specific surface area, not
detected after pyrolysis, with values of 2.3–3% for DG to 12.4–
exceeding 150 m2 g1, thus not fulfilling the requested EBC thresh-
22.1% for PC samples.
old. Generally, high surface areas is a desired characteristic for soil
According to the ‘‘Guidelines for a Sustainable Production” of
amendment [47]. Considering this parameters, mild activation
biochar [43], the Carbon content must be higher than 50% (in dry
with steam, at temperatures higher than those of pyrolysis, or
mass) so that the char could be considered as ‘‘biochar”. Biochar
chemical activation could be proposed [49]. The significant
material is assigned to a ‘‘class” accordingly to its percentage
increase of surface area after pyrolysis is the result of thermal
content of organic C (Class 1: Corg P60%; Class 2: Corg P30%
decomposition of the organic material through which volatiles
and <60%; Class 3: Corg P10% and <30%). Considering this
are driven off; the remaining structure being comprised of highly
classification, PC1 belongs to biochar Class 1, while PC2 to biochar
concentrated carbon chains. Such a significantly increase of acces-
Class 2.
sible surface area and porosity was also confirmed by the MEP
Moreover, carbon stability could be indirectly evaluated by the
microscopy analysis presented in Fig. 2.
molar ratio of hydrogen to organic carbon (H/Corg) as well as the
Finally, water holding capacity (WHC) was determined for the
ratio of oxygen to organic carbon (O/Corg). Lower values of these
various samples. WHC is an important agronomic soil property
ratios are correlated with greater carbon stability. H/Corg values
since the higher the WHC the higher is the moisture retention of
fluctuate dependently on the biomass and process used, although
the soil and, therefore, the capacity to hold nutrients and avoid
values exceeding 0.7 are an indication of non-pyrolytic chars or
leaching losses. In our case, an increase of 42% and 57% in the
pyrolysis deficiencies [44]. In this study, H/Corg ratios of PC1 and
WHC for the two pyrochar was estimated compared to solid-
PC2 were 0.39 and 0.42, respectively. In both cases, the require-
digestate. Such an increase in WHC for pyrochars could be
ment of EBC criteria for H/Corg ratio <0.7 was fully complied. In
explained by the increase of both accessible surface area and
addition, the O/Corg ratio is also a relevant index for characterizing
porosity that occurred during the pyrolysis process.
biochar stability and differentiating it from other carbonization
products [44]. An O/Corg ratio less than 0.2 should ensure a mini-
mum half-life of 1,000 years [45]. This property provides indica- Table 3
tions of a long-term stability and persistence of biochar in the Main physical characteristics of solid anaerobic digestate and pyrochar.
soil, contributing to carbon sequestration [46]. In our study, the DG 1 DG 2 PC 1 PC 2
O/Corg ratios for PC1 and PC2 were 0.14 and 0.10, respectively,
CrI (%) 76.4 53.8 – –
showing this material suitable for soil amendment operations with SA (m2 g1 TS) 1.4 1.4 49.0 88.0
an effect of increased C stability [45]. Lastly, the sharp decrease in WHC (%) 327 (±1) 428 (±0.3) 515 (±0.2) 608 (±0.8)
the values of the H/Corg and O/Corg molar ratios observed in the two T50 (°C) 317 298 352 366
pyrochars indicates an increase of aromaticity, which can be attrib- R50 (–) 0.36 0.34 0.40 0.41
F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662 657

Fig. 2. SEM images of DG1 (a), DG2 (b), PC1 (c), and PC2 (d).

Fig. 3. TGA curves of DG1 (a), DG2 (b), PC1 (c), and PC2 (d).
658 F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662

3.4. Thermogravimetric results 3.5. Nutrients and heavy metals in the final products

The chemical composition changes that occurred during the The chemical composition of digestates and pyrochars were
pyrolysis process were also investigated by TGA analysis. The ther- very similar to data reported by other authors for similar feedstock,
mogravimetric and its derivative mass losses curves are showed in in terms of macro and microelements [54,55]. Results from Tables
Fig. 3. For all the samples, the mass loss due to dehydration 2 and 4 showed that both pyrochars have interesting N–P–K fertil-
occurred at temperature lower than until 105 °C° [50]. izer ratios which were 1.5/1.5/5.9% and 1.4/2.2/3.8%, in PC1 and
Considering the two digestates, when the temperature PC2, respectively. The N content was similar in both pyrochars
increased from 200 to 400 °C, a steady mass decrease was (1.5% and 1.4%). P and K were found more concentrated in pyrochar
observed, resulting in a major weight loss that exceeded 65 wt%. than in their original solid-digestate, with an average enrichment
A first peak of weight loss was observed at temperature of 271 coefficient (EC) of 3.5 (Table 4). Similarly, Wang et al. [56] found
and 282 °C for DG1 and DG2, respectively. This peak corresponds that pyrolysis elevated the total P content from 13.7 g kg1 in
to the degradation of materials such as hemicellulose and cellulose raw poultry litter to 27.1 g kg1 in poultry litter-derived pyrochar.
fibers [51]. Additionally, the thermograms of both digestates However, these ratios were calculated based on the total contents
revealed other peaks at higher temperatures (one at 423 °C for of the elements in the pyrochars and do not necessarily reflect the
DG1, other two peaks for DG2 at 427 and 436 °C, respectively). real availability of nutrients to plants. Indeed, Jassal et al. [57]
These peaks can be the consequence of the decomposition of recently reported that very small amount of adsorbed N in biochar
organic polymers (including lignin) already present in the original was released, indicating that the retained N was strongly held in
material or the generation of complex aromatic structures result- complex bonds within the biochar pores. The results reported by
ing from the breakdown of cellulose and hemicewllose [52]. Once Wang et al. [56] for phosphorous are in the same line. They showed
the temperature of 600 °C was reached, both digestates had lost that pyrolysis reduced the water-soluble P from 2.95 g kg1 in
more than 90 wt% of their initial mass. poultry litter to 0.17 g kg1 in their derived biochar. The thermal
For pyrochars samples, the temperature peaks at 270–280 °C, treatment was supposed to transform labile P in raw poultry litter
the ones mostly associated to hemicelluloses, were not observed. into putatively Mg/Ca phosphate minerals in biochar, this latter
Since hemicelluloses are not any more a pyrochar constituent being water-unextractable. Finally, a decrease in S content was
(Table 2), due to complete degradation in the pyrolysis process, observed in PC compared to DG samples, which is in agreement
the corresponding peak was not detected. with a previous work from Stefaniuk and Oleszczuk [27]. Indeed,
Finally, the recalcitrance index (R50) was calculated from T50 during pyrolysis process, there is probably a decomposition of
values using the obtained thermogravimetric curves corrected the sulfur containing compounds to volatile SO2 [27].
for moisture and ash content. R50 values of 0.34 and 0.36 were Excessive levels of contaminants such as heavy metals should
determined for DG2 and DG1, respectively, while R50 values of be carefully detected in case of application on agricultural soils
0.40 and 0.41 were detected for PC1 and PC2, respectively [58]. This is particularly true for waste where inorganic toxicants
(Table 3). Such results confirmed the more recalcitrant structure (e.g. As, Cd, Cu, etc.) can be present [59]. Therefore, some authors
of PC than DG samples and thus their better ability in carbon strongly recommend checking that soil amendments do not affect
sequestration. Considering these R50 values, the obtained pyro- soil health without causing any environmental impact [55,58].
chars should be ranked in the third class (see Section 2.3). A lower Most of the products used in agriculture comply with specific
stability was observed comparing the obtained results with those regulation standards thus ensuring they can be safely used in soil
of biochars from pyrolysis of manure and residues of agricultural application [55,60]. Several biochar quality guidelines have been
crops [34,47,53]. recently proposed, such as the IBI Biochar Standard [61], the

Table 4
Concentrations (mg kg1 TS) and enrichment coefficients (EC) of nutrients and heavy metals sources in the two samples of digestate (DG) and pyrochar (PC). Bold fonts refer to
macro-nutrients relevant in plant nutrition.

Element Units DG 1 DG 2 PC 1 PC 2 EC 1 EC 2
Al mg kg1 TS 327.8 356.2 1,083.2 2,458.9 3.3 6.9
As mg kg1 TS 1.0 1.0 6.2 2.6 6.2 2.6
Ba mg kg1 TS 12.3 17.7 32.3 46.0 2.6 2.6
Ca mg kg1 TS 14,528.1 10,814.4 24,569.8 39,692.0 1.7 3.7
Cd mg kg1 TS nd nd nd nd – –
Co mg kg1 TS nd nd nd nd – –
Cr mg kg1 TS 0.4 0.5 23.2 112.5 58.0 225.0
Cu mg kg1 TS 10.9 10.7 32.9 29.3 3.0 2.7
Fe mg kg1 TS 415.5 629.9 1716.9 3913.1 4.1 6.2
K mg kg1 TS 16,739.1 11,966.3 58,933.4 38,466.4 3.5 3.2
Mg mg kg1 TS 4842.2 3688.6 9082.5 15,643.3 1.9 4.2
Mn mg kg1 TS 68.3 96.5 188.7 286.4 2.8 3.0
Na mg kg1 TS 5232.4 1885.6 6535.9 4062.6 1.2 2.2
Ni mg kg1 TS 0.7 1.2 3.8 5.8 5.4 4.8
P mg kg1 TS 5020.3 5288.6 14,988.3 22,375.5 3.0 4.2
Pb mg kg1 TS nd nd nd nd – –
Se mg kg1 TS nd nd 1.0 4.1 – –
Si mg kg1 TS 27.3 33.5 52.1 100.8 1.9 3.0
Sr mg kg1 TS 35.9 33.2 91.2 94.5 2.5 2.8
Ti mg kg1 TS nd nd nd nd – –
V mg kg1 TS 0.6 1.6 2.4 5.3 4.0 3.3
Zn mg kg1 TS 31.1 34.9 94.0 121.3 3.0 3.5

n.d.: Not Detected because under detection limits.

F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662 659

European Biochar Certificate [43] or the UK Biochar Quality Man- fraction of the applied conditioner; organic matter, indeed, strongly
date [62]. In these standards, environmental risks are accounted favors the aggregation of soil particles and the long-lasting
for by the establishment of threshold values for pollutants such stabilization of these aggregates. Solid-digestate is still rich of a
as heavy metals, dioxins/furans, PAHs, PCBs or BTEX. large organic fraction (both labile and partially stabilized) while
In our studies, the content of heavy metals both for DG and PC pyrochar is mainly characterized by a fixed C component (Fig. 4).
samples was investigated (Table 4). Results showed that both PC The organic matter of digestate, therefore, is directly performing
samples contained heavy metals, with concentrations ranging from such structuring function. Differently, pyrochar only indirectly
not detectable amount for Cd, Co and Pb to amounts as high as improves soil structure through stimulating soil colonization by
286.4 mg kg1 for Mn in PC2. In general, the concentrations of all microorganisms.
heavy metals in the two investigated pyrochars were higher than Concerning soil physical properties, the addition of pyrochar
in raw digestate from which they were obtained, with enrichment decreases the bulk density and increases the water holding capac-
coefficients that ranged between 2.6 for As and 225 for Cr (Table 4). ity of the soil due to its highly porous structure [64]. An increase in
Nonetheless, it is important to notice that none of the pyrochars the water holding capacity (approx. 10–15% depending on the soil
exceeded the total heavy metal threshold values set in the IBI, original hydraulic properties) is generally detected soon after its
EBC and BQM guidelines [63] for the so-called ‘‘basic” biochar qual- application [65–67]. Differently, the positive effect of digestate is
ity grade, suggesting their possible use in agricultural practise the indirect result of a better soil structuring.
(with the only exception for Cr in PC2). Considering the main chemical features of a good quality soil
amendment, biochar and solid-digestate display approximately
the same properties. Pyrochar porosity and covalent interaction
4. Comparative agronomic properties of digestate and pyrochar on a large surface area can significantly contribute to nutrient
retention. Amended soil with pyrochar showed an increased soil
Apart from bioenergy utilization, particular interest is focused cation exchange capacity (in the range 4–17%, according to soil
on pyrochar systems as a long-term solution to improve soil qual- conditions) and the negative charge concentration on its surfaces
ity, given that many European soils are largely degraded, and to increases with age [68]. Charring is also coupled to a reduction of
mitigate climate change. Solid-digestate is considered already a nutrient leaching from soil profile and cumulative NO 3 leaching
good candidate to replace commercial organic soil amendments significantly decreases with pyrochar application under temperate
(such as compost, peat, manure, worm casting, and stabilized bio- climatic conditions (according to [66], by 75% over the control).
solids). It still contains a large fraction of organic Carbon (about Pyrochar application, moreover, could be a management option
30–50%, on dry basis) and, as proposed in this work, it could be fur- to reduce the risk of contaminant dispersion. The risk of Cu, Ni
ther processed by means of pyrolysis to obtain extra-energy but and Zn leaching was lower in soils treated with biochar obtained
also an alternative by-product: the ‘‘pyrochar”, precisely. If the from sewage sludge than directly using the same raw sludge from
solid-digestate is converted into pyrochar, both deemed soil wastewater treatment [69]. As previously reported (Section 3.5),
amendments, the question is whether the latter should be consid- macro- and micro-nutrients solubility and availability to plants is
ered a good alternative to the former in terms of improving soil strongly affected by the retention bonds distinguishing the pyro-
tilth properties, thus conferring higher and better crop char surface area. In general, a higher concentration of nutrients
productions. (as well as heavy metals) is observed on soils treated with pyro-
Soil amendments improve soil structure. Soils tend to become char. The same properties are attributed to the organic colloidal
compacted over time, thus hindering root expansion and the fraction of the solid-digestate. This enrichment does not necessar-
uptake of water and nutrients by the plants. Soil compaction is also ily correspond to an increased availability, this being a positive fac-
at the origin of water surface run-off and the consequent soil tor in the case of soil contaminants, but negative if soil nutrients
erosion. Structuring ability is typically performed by the organic are concerned. The slightly high pH values of both digestate and


Indirect Fossil Direct Fossil
Displacement Displacement

SOM Anaerobic Pyrolysis Combuson
Mineralizaon Digeson


MATTER Labile-C Stable-C Recalcitrant-C
Organic Soil Amendment
Soil Ferlizaon with Minerals

Fig. 4. Conceptual framework and diagram of the material transformations and consequent energy conversions of organic feedstock through the sequence ‘‘Anaerobic
Digestion” and ‘‘Pyrolysis” and the final closing loop with the return of the organic and mineral by-products to the agricultural soil (as soil amendment and/or fertilizer). The
soil is acting as a carbon sink allowing the stock of carbon in organic form. Direct and indirect fossil displacements allow energy savings and a decrease in the CO2 equivalent
660 F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662

biochar (higher in the latter than in the former) points out the conserved and the soil structure and humus balance is improved,
interesting liming effect of the two soil amendments. These thus promoting the closure of the natural nutrient cycles [24]. In
amendments partially neutralize soil acidity due to their mineral contrast, application of inorganic fertilizers to crop fields is an
content; at the same time, their great buffer capacity do not modify additional component to the natural nutrient cycle, resulting in
significantly the pH of the soil circulating water solution, so that an increased production of synthetic fertilizers requiring signifi-
also neutral or somewhat basic soils could benefit from biochar cant fossil energy inputs. Therefore, the use of organic residues
and digestate applications. (DG or PC) as an alternative to chemical fertilizers should not only
Particular care, moreover, should also be assigned to a possible close the nutrient cycle, but also indirectly reduce greenhouse gas
higher concentration of heavy metals or other specific soil contam- emissions to the atmosphere through a decreased need for chem-
inants that accumulate in the residues resulting from AD and PY, ical fertilizers. This specific interpretive aspect of the general
thus jeopardizing the long-term soil agricultural productivity framework can be clearly observed in Fig. 4.
[23,70,71]. Only through a direct assessment, the agronomic use of According to Janzen [72], sequestering C in soils not only
such soil amendments can be optimized and properly managed [70]. removes excess CO2 from the atmosphere, but also improves soils
From an ecosystem perspective, functions carried out by the by augmenting organic matter, an energy and nutrient source for
two soil amendments (digestate and pyrochar, respectively) are biota. However, organic matter is most useful, biologically, when
very different (Fig. 4). While digestate is rich of degradable organic it decays. Again, Janzen [72] stated that the benefits of organic
matter that will be slowly decomposed by soil microbes (the so matter arise not from its accumulation, but from its decay, being
called ‘‘pabulum”), pyrochar has a very poor easily degradable the fuel for soil’s biological machinery. This being so, we face a
organic matter and its chemical form is particularly stable over dilemma: can we both conserve organic matter and profit from
time. Digestate gradually releases plant nutrients under microbial its decay? There is a way out of this paradox, Janzen [72] said,
mineralization and its degradable organic matter is the primary increasing the amount of C entering the soil. We should also ask
source to start up the so called ecological ‘‘debris chain”. Con- whether it is possible to encourage some organic fraction to retain
versely, pyrochar plays a role in carbon capturing and its long- Carbon while others are available to microbial communities and
term sequestration into the soil, thus contributing to climate their biological demand for energy and nutrients.
change mitigation. This evident trade-off [73] between carbon accrual and decay,
An almost perfect complementarity, therefore, may be sug- nutrient availability and carbon sequestration, direct and indirect
gested so that the two soil amending practices (applying digestate fossil displacement (Fig. 4) could be optimize just considering
and pyrochar) should be done in combination (within the same the AD + PY model. This model, indeed, is the one that maximize
treatment or alternately) in order to promote a comprehensive soil the total environmental benefit of the integrated energy system,
fertility. considering the sum of direct and indirect fossil displacements
and the consequent total GHG balance (that should be negative
and minimized).
5. Discussion on the optimization of the overall bioenergy Significant differences between pyrolyzed and non-pyrolyzed
system digestate as soil amendments were highlighted. Both digestate
and pyrochar showed good soil amendments properties but with
A comprehensive conceptual framework that oversees to the complementary effects. Their ability to improve physical and
transformation of the organic feedstock into digestate, first, and chemical soil properties is different, although they have derived
into pyrochar, then, is clearly described in Fig. 4. A closed loop sys- from the same initial feedstock; this is because they have been pro-
tem is achieved since the organic by-products obtained from the cessed differently. While several other soil improvers of organic
energy conversion processes (AD and PY, respectively) are then origin can substitute digestate, the important role played by pyro-
addressed to restore soil fertility. char appears not-replaceable considering its peculiar ‘‘carbon neg-
The shorter is this loop (eg. SOM > Feedstock > SOM; or ative” action.
SOM > Feedstock > Digestate > SOM) the greater is the amount of
organic carbon recycled but, in parallel, the easier and faster is
its mineralization, thus converting this organic C back to CO2. Con- 6. Conclusions
versely, the obtainable bioenergy is of limited amount and the con-
sequent direct fossil displacement is quite low. The AD + PY integrated bioenergy system should be regarded as
When a longer transformation loop is considered (eg. an innovative model, based on a multi-functional, cascading and
SOM > Feedstock > Digestate > Pyrochar > SOM) the organic carbon closed-loop arrangement of the two AD and PY energy conversion
recycled is lower but much higher its stability over time (the min- processes. A multiple-win solution was carefully tuned to optimize
eralization process is very slow or even stopped due to the pyro- the trade-off between bioenergy generation and carbon sequestra-
char recalcitrant carbon structure). At the same time, the tion, to achieve significant efficiency gains, maximizing the value
renewable energy obtained is of considerable amount and the abil- extracted from a given amount of biomass, both in term of energy
ity to directly displace fossil energy is also significant. and environmental services (such as a negative GHG balance to
If the longest transformation loop is applied (eg. SOM > Feed- mitigate global warming).
stock > Digestate > Pyrochar > Ashes > SOM), the energy conversion This integrated, synergic dual-system proved to show manifold
of feedstock is moved to its extreme level, resulting in the com- advantages. It can generate several bioenergy carriers (both biogas
plete thermochemical degradation of biomass (e.g. by combus- or biomethane from AD and bio-oil and syngas from pyrolysis),
tion). In such a case, the recovery of organic carbon is no more thus increasing the net renewable energy gain. Furthermore, due
possible and only the mineral content of feedstock returns to the to its soil amending properties, pyrochar improves soil fertility,
soil. On the other hand, the energy generation capabilities of the enhancing agriculture productivity, avoiding nutrient leaching,
system are maximized and, therefore, its direct fossil displacement preserving water quality, reducing soil erosion, and substituting
potential is the highest. (at least partially) the use of inorganic fertilizers, further contribut-
The application of organic by-products from energy conversion ing to GHG savings. Its ability to sequester carbon into agricultural
processes to arable land ensures that crops receive the majority of soil provides an effective strategy to mitigate global climate
the essential nutrients required for growth, i.e. soil fertility is changes.
F. Monlau et al. / Applied Energy 169 (2016) 652–662 661

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