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Saint Peter’s College of Toril

Toril, Davao City

S.Y. 2019-2020

Senior High School Department

Submitted to:
Mr. Raymund M. Parba
Applied Entrepreneurship Teacher

Batoto, Ej Michael Dujali, Nerelaissa

Cabellanes, Steaven Renz Gastones, Maria Berlie

Gonzaga, Jomar Cris Gocotano, Leigh Christiana F.

Barcenas,Angel Cara C. Hermosisima, Hazel Joy B.

Cagata, Kristine Joy Potal, Mary Angeline

Dapin, Ma. Raquel Zapanta, Niña Angela B.

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station


In making this feasibility study, we have encountered different

struggles and difficulties. Our patience was put into test to accomplish

the study but we made it possible through our hard work as a team.

There were also people that we would like to thank, for being there with

us in accomplishing this task.

First of all, we would like to thank God for the guidance,

protection, strength, courage, presence and knowledge that he has given

to us in order to make this feasibility study a successful one. Second, we

would like to thank our family for giving us support physically,

emotionally, financially, and for motivating us during the times that we

feel like giving up. Third, is our friends who shared laughters with us

and being enormously supportive in making all of these possible.

We would also like to give our deepest gratitude to our

Entrepreneurship teacher, Mr. Raymund M. Parba for being our mentor

throughout this study, for sharing with us your knowledge and for

believing that nothing is impossible when we always believe in ourselves.

Lastly, we would like to thank our colleagues and members for

cooperating in completing this study and for not giving up in this task.


FRESHNESS water refilling station is a business which offers

service to people and is a partnership type of business. The business is

located at Capili Road, Iwha, Dumoy, Davao City. The target customers

of the business are the households, offices, and establishments near the

area where the business is located.

We are in a water refill business to engage in the sale and supply

of a clean and safe mineral, distilled and purified water to households,

offices and establishments. We could offer direct and delivery services to

our customers for them to choose a service which they are comfortable

with. In terms of our operating hours, the business will be open every

day and will start operating at 8 o’clock in the morning and will be

closing at 8 o’clock in the evening.

In terms on the financial aspect of the business, the proponents or

the general partners of the business has shared a capital of Php 400,000

each which has a total of Php 800,000 as a capital. This capital is able to

supply the major needs of the business. The business aims to increase

their sales 10% every year. This proposed business is feasible in the

market because of its high demand and the need for a clean and

drinkable water will continue to exist and could go on and on.




We envision to be the number one choice and most trusted water

refilling business in the city.


As a water refilling company, we commit to:

 Provide the best and fastest water refilling service;

 Produce a clean, safe and fresh water;

 Provide an eco-friendly containers; and

 Satisfy the needs of the consumers.


Freshness aims to sustain profitability of the business and branch

out to other locations in five (5) years and be the top and best

water refilling in the town.


1. Conduct weekly checking of machines and equipment;

2. Increase brand recognition; and

3. Increase 10% sales every year.

Business Description

FRESHNESS is a water refilling company that is named after the

product itself, the water, which when we drink water, it will give

refreshment to us. The company is owned by the general partners, Angel

Cara Barcenas and Raquel Dapin. The company offers a fresh, clean and

safe drinking water with an affordable price that will satisfy the needs of

the customers. We choose this business because most of the people

nowadays needed and wanted a safer water to drink. Other place also

doesn’t have enough water supply or they don’t have access to clean and

drinkable water, so they will be relying on water refilling stations.

Business Legal Structure

FRESHNESS water refill is a business that is established with the

aim of competing favorably with other leading water refill station in the

city. This is why we will ensure that the business is at the right structure

in a place that will support the kind of growth that we have in mind

while setting up the business. In order to achieve that, we will abide the

rules of becoming a legal business and register to all of the documents

required by the government. The permits needed in our business are the


Licenses Description
Barangay  To secure the business location and to be
Clearance able to operate well.
Mayors Permit  Document issue who shall establish,
operate, or conduct any business in the city
and for the payment of taxes.
Sanitary Permit  To observe cleanliness in the workplace and
secure the standard of the Security Code of
the Philippines.
Health Certificate  For a food and beverage that is processed for
public safety.
Occupation  It is to certify the satisfactory completion of a
Permit new building and to operate in the area
Fire Safety and  An assurance that a certain facility,
Inspection/Permi structure, or building has been duly
t inspected and complying with the Fire Code
of the Philippines.
Zoning permit  To ensure that the land used is consistent
with local zoning laws.
DTI permit  To register your business.
BIR permit  It gives the business legal rights to operate
in the Philippines and it also states the types
of taxes you will settle

Name of owner Contribution (%) Total

Angel Cara Barcenas 50% 400,000
Raquel Dapin 50% 400,000
Total Capital Php 800,000

Business Location

To be strategic, we decided to put our business near the household

of Iwha, Dumoy, Davao City because they have a need for the supply of

water. Since our target customers are around the area already, they can

easily see us and we are located along the street so that other people

could also see us. The picture below represent our location. Our location

is in along with Sampaguita Street and Capili Road in Iwha Village. Our

location is not that far from the national highway so they could easily

find us.
The Customer

The target customers of FRESHNESS water refilling station are the

households around Toril and Dumoy area specifically in Iwha village,

Dumoy, Davao City. We also offer our products to the establishments

and offices located at the nearby barangays. We know that our

customers are the reason why we are in the business which is why we

will go extra mile to get them satisfied when they purchase water from

us and also to become our loyal customers.

Product Distribution

The FRESHNESS water refilling station would purchase a vehicle

for the product distribution. The delivery on the specific areas will

have a 2 day interval. Direct distribution is also the best option when

the business is just starting out. Staying close to the customers,

encourages them to engage with the brand and also we can give

information about our products. Through this, we can better

understand what our customers need, want, like, and dislike.


Service process

Our business will be on a direct or delivery service. They could

come on the store directly, pay then refill. However, because of the

distance of the customers and the quantities they want to buy, the

customers can call us at our telephone number and then we can deliver

it in their homes, offices, or establishments. Once it is already delivered

to them, they will pay at the delivery man and give its used bottle back to



The product that we will be offering to our customers is water.

However, the water that we will be selling is not just ordinary water but

has a lot of advantage to people when they drink it. The product of ours

is water that is purified, mineral and distilled. The water will be in a 5

gallon round type container. Our product is not the same with other

water refilling station because we consider in including the water that

will contain vitamins and minerals which is good for children, adults and

elderly people. We will be selling an affordable and best for everyday

drinking water that will help avoiding diseases and is good for the

systems of our body.


The Needs

Since water is considered as our primary need for survival, we can

assure that the given water to the people will be clean (purified) and

affordable to people in all ages regardless of the social standing. Also, as

an environmentally concerned business, we promote eco-friendly

containers so that we can gain profit and at the same time we can help

the environment. Our future customers will be the people in the

community since we want to give the best quality of water to all.

Market Demographics

Target Customers



The graph above shows the Market Demographics of our business.

The household has the highest percent customer with a percentage

rate of 50% and followed by establishments and offices with a 25% rate.

The Competitors

Living Water  Purified

 Mineral
 Alkaline
Aquashka Water Refilling Station  Purified
 Mineral
 Alkaline
Dr. Pi  Alkaline
Aquastar Water Refilling Station  Bottled Water (350ml, 500 ml,
1Liter, 5 gallon)

Comparative SWOT Analysis

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Competitors

Strengths Strengths
 Hardworking Employees  Spent years in the market
 Excellent customer service  Has alkaline water
 Highly efficient, low cost  Distributed water bottles
manufacturing (350ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 5 gallon)
 Location is surrounded by the
target customers.
Weakness Weakness
 One sized containers  Stiff competition of other bottled
 New in the market water local brands.
 Not all types of water is sold
Opportunity Opportunity
 More houses and establishments  More houses and establishments
will be build. will be build.
 Water is an everyday need  Water is an everyday need
Threats Threats
 Lots of local brands of bottled  Lots of local brands of bottled
water water
 Lots of known competitors in the  Lots of known competitors in the
market market
PESTEL Analysis

Political Forces Instability of the Philippine Government

Economic Forces High inflation rate of the basic commodities
Sociocultural Forces All social and cultural class needed water
Technological Forces Availability of social media as advertising

Ecological Forces Enough supply of water.
Legal Forces Changing tax laws.



Advertisement is a strategy of every business to be known by the

customers. The FRESHNESS water refilling station will be advertising

their product to be more competitive to other water refilling stations in

the city. As an advertisement for a new water refilling station in the

industry, we will give fliers, post posters and put stickers on our bottle to

be known by the people. We will also take advantage of the social media.

In this way, we will not be putting a lot of money and resources but we

can gain attention from the social media users that can be our potential


Word of Mouth

As a business that is new in the industry, word of mouth is very

important. It is the cheapest advertising you could do but it is also the

most effective. We will do our best to make our service excellent so that

they could promote our product and service without noticing it.

Promotional Strategy

FRESHNESS water refilling station will apply promotional strategy

to the market. We will offer a free refill of a 5 gallon round bottle if the

amount of purchases will be higher than Php 500. At the end of the year,

we will also give a Php 100


Target plan
The target plan of FRESHNESS water refilling station will be the

one of those water stations that is the most available and affordable

product that will sustain and satisfy the needs of the consumers. We will

capture our business by distributing and selling a clean and safe water

to avoid complaints of every individual and maintain our good



Operational and Organizational Plan

Operational and organizational plan is important to provide

employees with clear picture of their tasks and responsibilities in line

with the VMGO of the company.

1. Manager – oversees store operations. From timely accommodation

of customers to ensuring the purification process adheres to strict

standards. It also ensures proper financial standing of the

business, from procuring of equipment and accessories, settling

taxes and daily sales record.

2. Front Liners – they receive orders from customers, refills the

containers and handles payment and delivery tasks.

3. Technical Personnel – maintains the water purifying machines

and ensures they are in tip-top shape

4. Delivery Man/Driver – transports products to the household,

offices and establishments.

Organizational Chart


Driver/ Front Technical

Delivery man Liners Personnel
Areas of Responsibility

Location Operating hours Days open

Sampaguita St., Iwha 8:oo A.M – 8:00 P.M Monday – Sunday

village, Dumoy, Davao (everyday)



The operating days of FRESHNESS water refilling station will be

360 days since the operation of the business are as follows:

7 days in a week

30 days in a month

30 days X 12 months = 360 days in a year

General Assumptions

1. Sales will increase 10% yearly

2. Purchases and water expense will increase 10% yearly

Note 1. Sales

Year 1

Items Unit/pcs. Price No. of days Total

in a year
1. Mineral (15

Liters) 12 170 360 734,400

w/bottle 20 20 360 144,000

2. Distilled(15Liters)

w/bottle 10 170 360 612,000

refill 18 25 360 162,000

3. Purified(15 Liters)

w/bottle 15 180 360 972,000

refill 25 20 360 180,000

Total Sales Php 2,804,400

Sales Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

3,084,840.00 3,393,324.00 3,732,656.40 4,105,922.04
Note 2. Purchases

Product/Services Units Unit Price No. of days Total

in a year
Gallon/Jug 40 112 360 1,612,800
Total Purchases Php 1,612,800

Note 3. Salaries and Wages

Employees Daily Salaries Monthly Salaries Yearly Total

Manager/Bookkeeper 400 10,400 124,800
Driver/Delivery man 360 9,360 112,320
Front-liners/refillers 360 9,360 112,320
Technical Personnel 360 9,360 112,320
Total Salaries and Wages Php 461,760

Note 4. 13th Month Pay

Employees Daily Salaries Monthly Salaries
Manager 400 10,400
Driver/Delivery man 360 9,360
Front-liners/refillers 360 9,360
Technical Personnel 360 9,360
Total 13th Month Pay Php 38,480

Note 5. Benefits

Item Cost No. of Monthly No. of Total

employees months
SSS 488.80 4 1,955.2 12 23,462.4
Pag-Ibig 130 4 520 12 6,240
PhilHealt 137.50 4 550 12 6,600
Total Benefits expense Php 36,302.4

Note 6. Utilities

Item Cost No. of months Total

Electricity 8,000 12 96,000
Internet connection 1200 12 14,400
Fuel 15,000 12 180,000
Total Utilities expense Php 290,400

Note 7. Rent Expense

Item Cost No. of months Total

Rent 20,000 12 240,000
Total Rent Expense Php 240,000

Note 8. Advertising

Item Cost No. of Months Total

Advertising 500 12 6,000
Total advertising expense Php 6,000

Note 9. Furnitures and Fixtures

Item Quantity Cost Total

Table 3 1,000 3,000
Divider 2 3,000 6,000
Chairs 5 300 1,500
Total Furnitures and Fixtures Php 10,500

Note 10. Machineries and Equipment

Item Quantity Cost Total
Water refilling machine 1 200,000 200,000
Computer 1 30,000 30,000
Printer 1 5,000 5,000
Fire Extinguisher 1 1,600 1,600
Heat Gun blower 1 1,000 1,000
Air-condition unit 1 18,000 18,000
Total Machineries and Equipment Php 255,600
Note 11. Office supplies expense
Items Cost Quantity Total
Paper 150 2 rim 300
Pen 200 1 box 200
Sticker paper 100 1 rim 100
Calculator 1000 1 1000
Ink 500 4 colors 2,000
Total Office Supplies Expense Php 3,600

Note 12. Cleaning Tools

Items Cost Quantity Total

Mop 120 2 240

Brush 50 2 100

Cleaning Towel 20 5 100

Broom 60 3 180

Dustpan 100 2 200

Total Cleaning tools expense Php 820

Note 13. Cleaning Supplies

Items Cost Quantity Total
Sanitizer Soap 30 18 540
Alcohol 25 4 100
Total Cleaning supplies expense Php 640

Note 14. Permits and Registration

Particulars Amount
Barangay Clearance 500
Business Plate 350
Mayors Permit 2,504
Business tax 1,400
Sanitary Permit 2,064
Health Certificate 200
Occupation Permit 200
Fire Safety and Inspection 1,340
Zoning 400
DTI 500
Documentary Stamp 50
BIR 500
Cedula 30
LTO Registration 2,000
Total Permits and Registration Php 12,038

Note 15. Renovation Cost

Item Cost Total
Renovation 10,000 10,000
Total Renovation Cost Php 10,000

Note 16. Other Expenses

Items Cost Quantity Total

Face mask 300 2 box 600
Disposable gloves 350 2 box 700
Total Other Expenses Php 1,300

Note 17. Vehicle

Item Cost Total

Vehicle (multicab) 150,000 150,000
Total Vehicle Cost Php 150,000

Note 18. Water Expense

Items Cost Quantity No. of Months Total
Water 49.5/ cubic meter 60 12 35,640
Total water expense Php 35,640

Note 19. Depreciation

Item Cost Useful Life Total

Tables 3,000 5 600
Dividers 6,000 5 1,200
Chairs 1,500 5 300
Water refilling machine 200,000 10 20,000
Blower 1,000 10 100
Telephone 1,200 5 240
Vehicle 150,00 10 15,000
Fire extinguisher 1,600 5 320
Computer 12,000 5 2,400
Printer 5,000 5 1,000
Air-condition unit 18,000 5 3,600
Total Depreciation Php 44,760
Pre-operating Balance Sheet

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station

Pre-Operating Balance Sheet

Cash 381,042.00

Machineries & Equipment 237,600.00

Furniture and Fixture 10,500.00

Kitchen Tools -

Cleaning Tools 820.00


Vehicle (Optional)

Permits and Registration

Total Assets 800,000.00
Liabilities & Owners Equity  
Owners’ Equity  

1 Angel 400,000.00

2 Raquel 400,000.00
Total Liabilities and Owners
Equity 800,000.00

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year 2020 - 2024

  Notes Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sales 1 2,804,400.00 3,084,840.00 3,393,324.00 3,732,656.40 4,105,922.04
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 1,612,800.00 1,774,080.00 1,951,488.00 2,146,636.80 8
Gross Profit 1,191,600.00 1,310,760.00 1,441,836.00 1,586,019.60 1,744,621.56
Salaries and Wages 3 461,760.00 461,760.00 461,760.00 461,760.00 0
13th Month Pay 4 38,480.00 38,480.00 38,480.00 38,480.00 0
Benefits 5 36,302.40 36,302.40 36,302.40 36,302.40 0
Utilities Expense 6 290,400.00 290,400.00 290,400.00 290,400.00 0
Rent Expense 7 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 0
Advertising 8 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0
Office Supplies 11 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 0
Cleaning Supplies 13 640.00 640.00 640.00 640.00 0
Permits and Licenses 14 35,640.00 39,204.00 43,124.40 47,436.84 2
Renovation Cost 15 12,038.00 12,038.00 12,038.00 12,038.00 0
Other Expenses 16 10,000.00 - - -  
Water 18 44,760.00 44,760.00 44,760.00 44,760.00 0
Depreciation 19 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 0
Total Expenses 1,180,920.40 1,174,484.40 1,178,404.80 1,182,717.24 1,187,460.92
Earning Before Tax 10,679.60 136,275.60 263,431.20 403,302.36 557,160.64
Income Tax (30%) 3,203.88 40,882.68 79,029.36 120,990.71 9

Net Income 7,475.72 95,392.92 184,401.84 282,311.65 390,012.45

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station

Statement of Cash Flow
For the year 2020 - 2024
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Cash Receipt        
7,475 95,392. 184,401.8
Net Income .72 92 4 282,311.65
800,000. 800,000. 800,000.0
Beg. Capital 00 00 0 800,000.00

44,760 44,760. 44,760.0

Depreciation .00 00 0 44,760.00

852,235. 940,152. 1,029,161.8

Total Cash Available 72 92 4 1,127,071.65

Less: Cash
Machineries & 237,600. 237,600. 237,600.0
00 00 0 237,600.00
Furniture and 10,500 10,500. 10,500.0
.00 00 0 10,500.00
820 820. 820.0
Cleaning Tools .00 00 0 820.00

150,000. 150,000. 150,000.0

Vehicle 00 00 0 150,000.00

398,920. 398,920. 398,920.0

Total Disbursement 00 00 0 398,920.00

453,315.72 541,232.92 630,241.84 728,151.65

Cash Balance

FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station

Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year 2020 – 2024

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

7,475.72 95,392.92 184,401.84 282,311.65 390,012.45
Net Income

Angel Capital
400,000.00 428,832.86 501,624.32 618,920.24 785,171.07
Profit / Loss 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

Net Income Share 3,737.86 47,696.46 92,200.92 141,155.83 195,006.22

Drawing - - - - -

Angel, Capital End. 403,737.86 451,434.32 543,635.24 684,791.07 195,006.22


Raquel Capital 400,000.00 403,737.86 451,434.32 543,635.24 684,791.07

Profit / Loss 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

Net Income Share 3,737.86 47,696.46 92,200.92 141,155.83 195,006.22

Drawing - - - - -

403,737.86 451,434.32 543,635.24 684,791.07 879,797.29

Raquel, Capital End.
FRESHNESS Water Refilling Station
Statement of Financial Position
For the year 2020 - 2024
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
453,315.72 541,232.92 630,241.84 728,151.65
Cash on Hand
820.00 820.00 820.00 820.00
Cleaning Tools
Machineries and
237,600.00 237,600.00 237,600.00 237,600.00
10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00
Furniture and Fixture
150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00
Less: Accumulated
44,760.00 44,760.00 44,760.00 44,760.00
807,475.72 895,392.92 984,401.84 1,082,311.65
Total Assets
- - - -
800,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00
Owner's Equity
7,475.72 95,392.92 184,401.84 282,311.65
Net Income
Total Liabilities and
807,475.72 895,392.92 984,401.84 1,082,311.65
Owner's Equity
Gross Profit Margin

Formula: Gross Profit

Net Sales

By using the formula, the gross profit rate of FRESHNESS water

refilling station is computed as follows:

Year 1: 1,191,600 0.4249037227 X 100 = 42.49 %


The amount of margin on sales is 42.49%, therefore, the cost ratio

to sales will be 57.51%.

Year 2: 1,310,760 0.4249037227 X 100 = 42.49 %


The amount of margin on sales is 42.49%, therefore, the cost ratio

to sales will be 57.51%.

Year 3: 1,441,836 0.4249037227 X 100 = 42.49 %


The amount of margin on sales is 42.49%, therefore, the cost ratio

to sales will be 57.51%.

Year 4: 1,586,019.60 0.4249037227 X 100 = 42.49 %


The amount of margin on sales is 42.49%, therefore, the cost ratio

to sales will be 57.51%.

Year 5: 1,744,621.56 0.4249037227 X 100 = 42.49 %


The amount of margin on sales is 42.49%, therefore, the cost ratio

to sales will be 57.51%.

 Operating Profit Margin rate

Formula: Operating Profit Margin

Net Sales

By using the formula, the operating profit margin rate of

FRESHNESS water refilling station is computed as follows:

Year 1: 10,679.60 0.4210955641 X 100 = 42.11 %


The operating profit margin of FRESHNESS water refilling station

is 42.11% for the year after deducting the cost of sales and operating

expenses of the business.

Year 2: 136,275.60 0.0441759054 X 100 = 4.42 %

The operating profit margin of FRESHNESS water refilling station

is 4.42% for the year after deducting the cost of sales and operating

expenses of the business.

Year 3: 263,431.20 0.0776321978 X 100 = 7.76 %

The operating profit margin of FRESHNESS water refilling station

is 7.76% for the year after deducting the cost of sales and operating

expenses of the business.

Year 4: 403,302.36 0.1080470091 X 100 = 10.80 %

The operating profit margin of FRESHNESS water refilling station

is 10.80% for the year after deducting the cost of sales and operating

expenses of the business.

Year 5: 557,160.64 0.1356968385 X 100 = 13.57 %


The operating profit margin of FRESHNESS water refilling station

is 13.57% for the year after deducting the cost of sales and operating

expenses of the business.

Net Profit Margin

Formula: Net Income

Net Sales

By using the formula, the net profit margin of FRESHNESS water

refilling station is computed as follows:

Year 1: 7,475.72 0.002665711 X 100 = 0.27 %

FRESHNESS water refilling station appears to have earned 0.27%

of its total sales of 2,804,400 during its first year.

Year 2: 95,392.92 0.0309231338 X 100 = 3.10 %


FRESHNESS water refilling station appears to have earned 3.10 %

of its total sales of 3,084,840 during its second year.

Year 3: 184,401.84 0.0543425385 X 100 = 5.43%


FRESHNESS water refilling station appears to have earned 5.43 %

of its total sales of 3,393,324 during its third year.

Year 4: 282,311.65 0.0756329058 X 100 = 7.56 %


FRESHNESS water refilling station appears to have earned 7.56 %

of its total sales of 3,732,656.40 during its fourth year.

Year 5: 390,012.45 0.0949877874 X 100 = 9.50 %
FRESHNESS water refilling station appears to have earned 9.50 %

of its total sales of 4,105,922.04 during its fifth year.

 Return on Investment

Formula: Net Income___

Ave. Total Assets

By using the formula, the ROI of FRESHNESS water refilling

station is computed as follows.

Year 1: 7,475.72 0.009258136 X 100 = 0.93%


The 0.93% indicates that for every peso invested in FRESHNESS

water refilling station, the return is 0.9 centavos.

Year 2: 95,392.92
807,475.72 + 895,392.92 /2
95,392.92 0.112037908 X 100 = 11.20 %

The 11.20% indicates that for every peso invested in FRESHNESS

water refilling station, the return is 11 centavos.

Year 3: 184,401.84
851,434.32 + 984,401.84 /2

184,401.84 0.2008913911 X 100 = 20.01%


The 20.01% indicates that for every peso invested in FRESHNESS

water refilling station, the return is 20 centavos.

Year 4: 282,311.65
917,918.08 + 1,082,311.65 /2

282,311.65 0.2822707588 X 100 = 28.23%


The 28.23% indicates that for every peso invested in FRESHNESS

water refilling station, the return is 28 centavos.

Year 5: 390,012.45
1,000,114.865 + 1,190,012.45 /2
390,012.45 0.3561550485 X 100 = 35.62%


The 35.62% indicates that for every peso invested in FRESHNESS

water refilling station, the return is 35 centavos.

Market Position

Nature and form of the business – emem torri

Size of Business- ej bajala

Roles and Responsibilities of owners and members of the Org. Structure.- torri bajla

Sales Procedure- bajala

Product – me
Statement of Comprehensive Income- carl torri

Statement of Financial Position- me

Our products are purchased from wholesale suppliers and re-sold to retail

consumers. Our custom feed is a huge competitor with other retail products. The raw

goods and time to manufacture cost at least 80% less than similar feeds. With more focus

on the overall quality of our feeds, the cost savings to our customers will become more of

a word of mouth advertising from end user to end user. Direct referrals are always the

best source of committed customer and sustained reliable growth.

Major Assumptions – ej amors

Sales Projection (Weekly, Monthly) – emem bajala



VITAMINS Php 200.00 75 Php 15,000.00
FEEDS Php 500.00 50 Php 25,000.00
SHAMPOO Php 15.00 75 Php 1,500.00
TOTAL: Php 750.00 200 Php 41, 500.00


VITAMINS Php 200.00 300 Php 60,000.00
FEEDS Php 500.00 200 Php 100,000.00
SHAMPOO Php 15.00 300 Php4,500
TOTAL: Php 750.00 800 Php 164,500

Monthly Sales Projection


VITAMINS Php 200.00 300 Php 60,000.00

FEEDS Php 500.00 200 Php 100,000.00

SHAMPOO Php 15.00 300 Php 4,500

TOTAL: Php 750.00 800 Php 164,500

Statement of Comprehensive Income- carl torri

Statement of Financial Position- me


List of Tables

List of Graphs

Matrices and Flow Chart


BAGFAT House of Agrivet

Name (optional):_________________________________ Age: ______

Sex: _____



Income (monthly): below Php 1,000 – Php 3,000 Php 10,000 –

Php 15,000

Php 3,001 – Php 5,000 Php 15,000 –

Php 20,000

Php 5,000 – Php 10,000 Php 20,000 and



This survey is used for some educational research. Please answer

all questions sincerely. Kindly answer the questions below by placing a check mark (√) in

the answer box that corresponds to your response.

1. Do you perhaps have animals or pets (chickens,
pigs, dogs, cats, etc.)?
2. Are you interested in raising pets or livestock
3. Do you use agrivet products for your animals?
4. Is there an agrivet store near your house?
5. Does your community need an agrivet store?
6. Do you need an easy to access store for agrivet
7. Do you often go to an agrivet store to buy products
and supplies for animals?
8. Would you want a delivery service in purchasing
agrivet products and supplies?
9. Do you find this business beneficial to the
10. For your next purchase, would you consider buying
from us?

11. How many times weekly do you visit an agrivet store?

once a week two to four times a week five to six times a

week everyday not weekly

12. What product/s do you expect us to offer?(you can check many)

feeds supplements water founts and feeders others(specify):


13. What specific product/s do you commonly purchase in an agrivet store that you
really want to have in our store?

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