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Activity 3: Different Cultural Practices


• Cite the facts(who are involved, where it happened, what is the dilemma, etc.). You can search
the internet for more details of the cases.
• How do you feel about the situation /case?
• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?
• Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we condemn it? Why or why not?

Case 1. The Greeks and the Callatians

Darius, a king of ancient Persia, had found that Callatians, who lived in India, ate the
bodies of their dead fathers. The Greeks, of course, did not do that-the Greeks
practiced cremation and regarded the funeral pyre as the natural and fitting way to
dispose of the dead.

Who are involved in the Greek and the Callatians?

King Darius of Ancient Persia & The Callatians (a tribe of Indians)

Where it happened?
The Callatians (a tribe of Indians)/ Persia, historic region of southwestern Asia
associated with the area that is now modern IRAN.

What is the dilemma ?

The Greeks had the belief that it was wrong to eat the dead, whereas the Callatians
held the opposite belief. As a result, neither eating the dead is objectively right nor
objectively immoral.

What were the differences observed by King Darius between the Greeks and the
Callatians regarding burial rites?
The difference between these two cultures is that Callatians ate the bodies of their
dead fathers. The Greeks practiced cremation and regarded the funeral pyre as the
fitting way to dispose of the dead. King Darius was able to come up with a conclusion
by bringing in the Greeks one day and explain to them without stating how they would
feel to eat the bodies of theirfathers and they said “that no amount of money could
persuade them to do such a thing”. King Darius did the same thing with the Callatians
and got the same response. The conclusion that King Darius was able to draw from
this is that of different cultures have different moral codes.

• How do you feel about the situation /case?

Digusting! Like, I can’t really I imagine how they can eat their late Father. Emzz

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• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?

• Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we

condemn it? Why or why?
YES! Why is it important to be tolerant toward other cultures?Tolerance is an
important concept that helps people to live together peacefully. To be tolerant
means that you accept other people's opinions and preferences, even when they live
in a way that you don't agree with, Tolerant people show strength in that they can
deal with different opinions and perspectives.

Case 2. Eskimos of the early and mid20th century

The Eskimos are the native people of Alaska. The Eskimos lived in small
settlements, separated by great distances. Infanticide was common among them.
Knud Rasmussen, an early explorer, reported that he met one woman who had
borne 20 children but had killed 10 of them at birth. Female babies were
especially likely to be killed, and this was permitted at the parents’ discretion,
with no social stigma attached. Moreover, when elderly family members became
too feeble, they were left out in the snow to die.

Who are involved?

Eskimo native people.

Where it happened?

What is the dilemma?

The dilemma is that the eskimos were doing infanticide especially on female babies.

• How do you feel about the situation /case?

Im crying about this of situation & I feel very bad and kinda mad about the situation that
were given.emzz

• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?

Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we condemn
it? Why or why not?
No, We should condemn this kind of culture because it remove the rights of the infants
to live and especially also for those elderly that were left out in the snow to die. It is also
inhumane for doing that. Killing infants and elderly people is not a good practice that be
passed by generations to generations.
The Eskimos are the native people of Alaska. The Eskimos lived in small
settlements, separated by great distances. Infanticide was common among them.
Knud Rasmussen, an early explorer, reported that he met one woman who had
borne 20 children but had killed 10 of them at birth. Female babies were
especially likely to be killed, and this was permitted at the parents’ discretion,
with no social stigma attached. Moreover, when elderly family members became
too feeble, they were left out in the snow to die.

Who are involved?

Eskimo native people.

Where it happened?

What is the dilemma?

The dilemma is that the eskimos were doing infanticide especially on female babies.

• How do you feel about the situation /case?

Im crying about this of situation & I feel very bad and kinda mad about the situation that
were given. emzz

• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?


Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we condemn

it? Why or why not?
No, We should condemn this kind of culture because it remove the rights of the infants
to live and especially also for those elderly that were left out in the snow to die. It is also
inhumane for doing that. Killing infants and elderly people is not a good practice that be
passed by generations to generations.
CASE 4. Witch Hunting

“In some African and Asian communities, witch hunting is a prevalent practice.
Women suspected of being witches are tortured by the people, tied, covered in
gasoline and burned alive. The motivation of the people of doing the act of witch
hunting is the fear of the suffering that the witches might inflict on them.”
Who are involved?
African & Asian communities

Where it happened?
Mostly in African region

What is the dilemma?

witch hunting is a prevalent practice.

How do you feel about the situation /case?

I Feel bad this kind of prevalent practices

• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?


Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we condemn

it? Why or why not? I think We should condemn them who are doing this kind of
practice why?, because its unrighteousness

Human Sacrifice

“In Uganda and India, some communities practice Sati, a funeral custom whereby
a widow will throw herself (either willingly, or due to social pressure) on the pyre
or lying place of her dead husband and burn to death. According to source,
women do it to show devotion and commitment for their husbands.”

Who are involved?

Uganda and indian communities

Where it happened?
Uganda and India

What is the dilemma?

the phenomenon of the ritual suicide of the sati

How do you feel about the situation /case?

I feel very bad and kinda mad about the situation that was given. Emzz

• Is the given situation/case a moral issue?


Show we allow or tolerate this kind of culture to happen or should we condemn

it? Why or why not?

for me, I think we should not allow this kind of culture. Why? what about the children left
behind? who will they expect to feed them? their parent is the only one they can count on
for everything.

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