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Havenella Angela Amit

BA in Psychology 4

Activity 3: Ethical and Legal Responsibility of a PR Writer

1. What guidance will you offer McConkle? Is your guidance fully responsible to Enodyne, to
the driver and his family, to the driver’s companion and her family, to the people in the area
of the accident and to others? How so? Why so?

As Vice President, it is my responsibility to first inform the board's President. I would

advise McConkle to respond in the following manner. To notify the police of the incident and to
advise any residents leave the area as soon as possible and return only when instructed. If the
drinking situation between Haven and Mr. Benton has become public, Mr. Benton may be able to
prevent negative publicity by highlighting that they were not legally intoxicated. On the other
hand, ascertain that Ms. Haven was not an employee, thus her injuries and drug use are not the
responsibility of the company. Mr. McConckle should also ensure that Mr. Benton's family is
notified as quickly as possible about the accident, as well as information about his present
condition and the hospital where he is being treated. Finally, McConckle shound released an
official tatement highlighting that the incident was an accident that resulted in the regrettable
injury of one of the organization's most valuable employees. Furthermore, McConckle should
reassure the public that the organization is presently cooperating with the authorities and that the
matter is being investigated further. More information would be provided as long as additional
progress arise.

2. Write a one-page summary of the ethical problems involved in this situation and explain how
they might affect you as a writer.

The ethical issue that may develop as a result of this circumstance is the potential for
information to be filtered before being given to the public. Because dealing with the problem will
cost the firm a significant amount of money, they may reduce their costs by a specific proportion.
Its likely impact on me as a writer would most likely be a betrayal of my values and morality.
Writing for a firm that was embroiled in a controversy that put numerous people's lives in
jeopardy may have a negative impact on me. It is my responsibility to defend the firm, even if this
means going against my values. However, I believe that ethical principles should be used as a
guide to help them make a fair decision that benefits the entire public, not just the corporation.

3. Write a one-page summary of the potential legal problems in this situation and explain how
they might affect you as a writer.

The disposal of hazardous chemicals might pose a legal concern in this case. They may run
afoul of the law if their behavior is prohibited or unlawful. Furthermore, if confirmed, they may
face serious repercussions in their nations' toxic waste management management institutions,
including fines or lawsuits for the release of dangerous chemical substances that harm all living
beings. Aside from the controversy, there is a legal precedent for driving while inebriated or
under the influence of drugs. If that happens, there's a chance that the cost of resolving this
lawsuit will skyrocket.
It is my responsibility as a writer to safeguard the company's name from public criticism.
However, by filtering the facts from the media, I risk being sued for filtering the truth or
publishing incorrect information. These acts are more detrimental to the company's credibility,
which is why, as a writer, I must ensure that we do not release lies in order to hide the facts.
According to studies, admitting responsibility and taking accountability in instances like these is
preferable to adopting the other approach and concealing the facts.

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