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Stopping smoking increases your chances of living a longer and healthier life. You'll feel the
benefits from the day you quit. Not only will you to start to save money but you'll experience
a reduced risk of:

 heart disease, stroke, vascular disease and respiratory disease

 a whole range of cancers

Your life expectancy will be greater, and you'll notice an improvement in the symptoms of
smoking related diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Stopping smoking can help you live life to the full. You'll feel fitter and more able to take
part in physical activity. This in turn can benefit your mental health and wellbeing.

Saving money
By stopping smoking, you could spend the money you save on:

 a reward such as a trip to the cinema or a meal out

 a family holiday (equivalent to the cost of smoking 20 cigarettes a day for a year) 

Benefits to your health

Although smoking seriously harms your health, once you stop, your body starts to repair

Within days you'll experience:

 a drop in heart rate

 carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in blood return to normal (similar to those who've
never smoked)  
 your sense of taste and smell improving

Within weeks you'll benefit from:

 a reduction in the risk of sudden death from a heart attack

 improvement in lung function
 less coughing and shortness of breath
 fewer severe asthma attacks

Within a few months you'll experience:

 an improvement in symptoms of chronic bronchitis (phlegm, wheezing, shortness of

 less risk of ulcers

Benefits within a year of having quit include:

 risks of coronary heart disease (CHD) cut by half

 an improvement in lung function among people with mild to moderate COPD

As well as the immediate and long-term benefits to your health, there are many other good
reasons to stop smoking.

Preventing harm to others

Stopping smoking can also help the health of your friends and family.

Second-hand smoke

Stopping smoking means that you're no longer harming others through second-hand smoke
(passive smoking). This benefits babies and children in particular, who are at risk of:

 sudden and unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)

 respiratory/chest illnesses and infections
 reduced lung function, middle ear disease and asthma attacks

Smoking and young people

Stopping smoking means it's less likely that your children will become smokers. Children
living with parents or others who smoke are much more likely to start smoking themselves.

Smoking and pregnancy

Smoking harms your unborn baby. Stopping smoking will reduce the risk of harm during


THE SMOKING IS MAKRUH : makruh is something that is prohibited and

omitted by the keyword used with the term "haram" –

Cigarettes is one of the favorite puffs for every talented person, it keeps the nature
of addiction but the addiction can spread if a smoker wants to leave it - there is no law that
stipulates that cigarettes are "unlawfully haram" therefore as long as there is no law that gives
something forbidden then the first law is still in effect ‫ االصل االباحة‬including ushul fiqh rules
that Al-Syaukani in the book of irshad al-fuhul ‫ان‬C‫اؤه فى الزم‬C‫ان ما ثبت فى الزمان الماض فاالصل بق‬
‫ المستقبل‬which means "what has prevailed in the past, then in principle still prevails in the
future" and Ibn al-Subki in the book of Jam'u al-jawami 'II states: ‫ثبوت امر فى الثانى لثبوته فى االول‬
‫ لفقدان ما يصلح للتخيير‬its mean: the enactment of something at the second time because of that
never apply at the first time because there is nothing to change it. And if you look to the
person who forbid smoking by always using the argument of the verse of the Qur'an ‫وال تلقوا‬
‫ديكم الى التهلكة‬CC‫باي‬, when the verse if we see from the interpretation of al-misbah ‫ التهلكة‬or
destruction is a deviation or loss of positive value attached to something, without where it
goes, the essence of the al-misbah tafseer is this verse tells the story of the man who does not
spend his wealth, if you do not spend your money in the way of the gods then you throw
yourself into perdition. We see again from the interpretation of Ibnu katsir from a friend
nu'am bin basyir ra sentence ‫ التهلكة‬is a sinner then he said that God does not forgive him.

We see again from Hadith Bukhori - this verse goes down regarding the livelihood.
We see again from At-Tirmidhi - Abu Dawud - An-Nasai - Ibn Hibban - Al-Hakim that ‫التهلكة‬
is a man who is lost in wealth and abandons jihad. We see again in the book al-jami 'li
ahkamil Qur'an - abu abu abdullah muhammad bin ahmad al-ansori al-Qurtubi - that ibn
Abbas ra and Huzaifah bin al-Yaman stated that ‫ التهلك‬is to leave the infaq on the god's road
and worry about the fate of his family. And there is also a verse that is often used is suraat
al-'Araf verse 157 ‫بئث‬CC‫رم عليهم الخ‬CC‫ل لهم الطيبت ويح‬CC‫" ويح‬justifies what is good" is justified
everything good that is forbidden by the Israelis and the ignorant before the coming of Islam
and "mengahramkan what -what is bad "is something that has been forbidden such as: pigs,
blood, carcasses, and so forth, and Allah does not forbid anything nash unless it is bad.

Well, among the NU (nahdhotul 'ulama) concluded that cigarettes are makruh
lighoirihi, because if indeed the cigarette is haram because there is element mudhorotnya, an
element that comes from outside. Thus cigarettes are forbidden only to those who - if they
smoke - will be exposed to mudhorot - not haram of others - because the mudhorot exists
because the person who smokes cigarettes does not fit with him, but if it is no mudhorot then
the law is limited makruh. In principle "as long as there is nothing to change it then the
previous law remains in force"


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