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Due to the globalization and the dynamic changes in the business forms the service sector
business needs to be expand. The airline industry exists in a very serious market of
competition and very aggressive marketplace. In the previous few years there was an
extraction in the whole industry which has some far reaching effects on the industry and
its style which is changing its directions towards growing in local and worldwide airline
The aim of this dissertation is” To Analysis of Quality of Services of Pakistan
International Airline” and to check the integration of quality management system with
the success and failure of organization. In service sector the customer satisfaction is very
important and it has the effect of the working procedure of organization. And also due to
this that the basic and major element of quality is customer satisfaction and for the
purpose to analyze the service quality of PIA and its customer satisfaction level the
SERVQUAL model will be used. The techniques and research methodologies for this
research use is empirical research method because of its practical, experimental and easy
to observance nature. The researcher have colleted the both primary and secondary data
and use basic methods for its analysis. And quantitative method is used for the analysis of
both types of data. All the steps including in the data analysis procedure are based of
simple and basic mathematical and statistical methods like tables, charts and diagrams.
And type of study in this dissertation is descriptive study due to the existence of details in
this research and part of analyst is based and in the form of pie charts and bar diagrams.


In the last ten years the quality is major and very important issue in the all type of
business more than any matter in the whole world (Gates, 1999). Big businesses have
many challenges of style, promotions, rewards and threats to achieve the excellence and
quality (Waters, 2000). In the present situation of pure competition it is very important to
focuses on the customer satisfaction and quality to get competitive. Quality management
approach is very easy and reliable approach to expand the business because it has clear
principles and guidelines and practices which can be applied with in the organization for
its expansion (Cobb, 2003). The quality management system tells the organization how to
enhance the quality of services and products and even the quality of employees of
organization (Lee, 2002). The quality management system helps the organization to
achieve the best level of quality as the one of the major objective of organization
(Cobb, 2003).The airline business doesn’t have any exemption about the quality service.
This is one of the industries which are now rapidly growing in the world. It includes

• Airspace
• Airplane manufacturing
• Flight procedures
• Aircraft holdings
• Upholding measures etc
Quality policies are the measurement tools which assure that the quality methods are


The basic reason for selecting this topic is the significant important of quality and its
objectives in the production and service sector too (Flynn et al, 1995). Further many
organizations are more concerned about the planned quality and quality management
(Cobb, 2003) Many companies concludes that successful management system of quality
can enhance their capacity to give rapidly response of dynamic demands of market
(Yamin and Gunasekaren, 1999) this rule gives a direction towards “a spell of action”
(Business week, 2003) on the behalf of all types of organizations big and small, profit
earning and non-profit, manufacturing and service organizations to have or develop or
form a very strong quality management system in the organization which also can be
assist by the professionals on the field of quality management (John C. Anderson et al.,
Jul., 1994). Another reason for choosing the airline industry is the rapid growth of this
industry in its operations and size (La Croix and Center, 1995). The highly increase in the
layer of customers of airline industry makes it to focuses on the customer satisfaction
while having the strong quality management system. The selection of PIA research
dissertation is based on the reason just to analyze the quality management systems and
their evaluations in the one of the major and key significant organizations the Pakistan.
The airline industry is significant because of its huge size and its importance in the
today’s world of innovations and inventions.
The airline industry operates in highly aggressive market (Miller and Chen, 1994). In the
previous years there was a highly expansion in the whole industry which have long
lasting results on the industry to compete in the local and world widely (The Airline
Industry, 2010).



The main aim of this research dissertation is to judge and analyze the “Service Quality of
Pakistan International Airline” and evaluation the successful implementing the of quality
management system which contributes to the success of organization. And the analysis of
norms, culture and code of conducts prevails in the Pakistan International Airline with the
quality management system’s basic criteria.


For the purpose of attaining this stated objective or aim of dissertation the researcher
have conducted many several questions
Some are followings:
1. What is the customer expectation about the RELIBILITY of service quality of the

2. What is the customer expectation about the ASSURANCE of service quality of

the PIA?

3. What is the customer expectation about the TENGIBILITY of service quality of

the PIA?

4. What is the customer expectation about the EMPTHY of service quality of the

5. What is the customer expectation about the RISPONSIVENESS of service quality

of the PIA?

6. Is the level of perception or expectations of all customers travelling in different

classes is same?


These are the main research objectives which are derived by the researcher on the basis
of research aim and research questions.

1. To evaluate the perception of customers about the Relibility dimension of

services quality of PIA.

2. To evaluate the perception of customers about the Assurance dimension of

services quality of PIA.

3. To evaluate the perception of customers about the Tengiblity dimension of

services quality of PIA.
4. To evaluate the perception of customers about the Empathy dimension of services
quality of PIA.

5. To evaluate the perception of customers about the Responsiveness dimension of

services quality of PIA.

6. To evaluate the impact of different classes of customers on their perception about

quality of services.

The scope of this study is to eveluate the quality management system and its effects on
the PIA and analysis of the factors effecting success or failure of quailty system.Anf main
focus of study is to enhace the understanding of quality management system and its
framework and make a literture review and crtitical analysis of the PIA.


In business especially in manufacturing and engineering have very clear interpretation

that is superiority o something. Quality is the perception of customer of any product or
service which is something may be conditional and subjective attribute understood by
different people. Mostly consumers pay attention of the specification quality of any
product and service which they compare with the competitors. And producers may pay
attention on the conformance quality which is measurement that tells that product is
produced correctly.
There are many methods and definitions which tell about the aspects of business
operation which have effect on the quality of product and service.
There are many techniques and concepts and methods to improve the quality and service
quality. In a business there are two major and common functions about the quality

1- Quality Assurance
2- Quality Control

Quality assurance is the prevention activity like to remove the defects by installing the
“quality management system” and also by having preventing ways like “FAILURE
Quality control is the way to detect the defects and normally take place as testing phase in
a quality management system for the verification and validation of quality.
Quality is an attribute and property in a way that attribute is subjective and property is in
possession and is comes from Latin word QUALITIAS
Quality concept generated after the era of industrialization and huge or mass production
way after the second world war (Biggs et al; 1999) originally the concept of quality
considered as the inspection and utilizing the inputs for batter outputs and focuses on the
product management( Hakes, 1991)
With the changing in the global environment and expansion of business the service
sector also needs to be expend to over come demands (Febrile, 1996) and this expansion
of service sector brings the term quality management and then it converts into quality
management system which focuses on the improvement of mechanisms of business and
quality functions of business and also on customers or consumers and the impacts of
product and service on them (Bucket G, & N this et al, 2003).


A quality management can be divided into four main components like

1- Quality planning
2- Quality control
3- Quality assurance
4- Quality improvement

Quality management not tells about the quality improvement but it tells about the means
to achieve it. It means all functions and activities to define the quality and policy also
allocation of resources to achieve its objective and its consistent implementation it
includes quality assurance, planning, and control.
In all types of business the quality management is always be as a challenge for being a
part of business strategies according to ISO 9000 and 2005 the quality management
focuses on the four key issues (Kaser, 2010, Rose Kennath) the four major parts of
quality management are:

1- quality planning
2- quality control
3- quality assurance
4- quality improvement
(Kaser, 2010, Rose Kennath)

Quality management is a systematic combination of techniques which are forms to

get and support the assessed quality products or services (Barbara B, Flynn et al)
In the study of quality we have some particular issues like decryption of quality and
its management and very exact and clear mechanisms of statically quality control.
When we talk about the statistical quality the research development is very clear
about the way and path which is founded by the Juran, Shewhart and Deming etc. but
the other major issues like quality management does not have any evolution research
work (Barbara B, Flynn et al, March 1994)
There is high and rapidly growing awareness prevails in the organizations about the
tactical and strategic value of the quality management system (Srinidhi, 1998).
For the purpose to survive and being a sustained business in the global environment
of aggressive markets organizations have started now consedring the quality
management system as the part of organization. This awareness

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