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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

7 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Science Grade 7
Quarter 2 - Module 5
Reproduction: The
\ Continuity of Life

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Module Reproduction: The
5 Continuity of Life

What I Need to Know

The beginning of a new life is truly a remarkable event. The sight of a chick
making its way out of the cracked shell or a germinating seed slowly pushing through
the soil can leave one fascinated. The ability of an organism to produce new
individuals is one of the characteristics that distinguish living things from nonliving
things. This is called reproduction.
In the previous modules, you have already begun to explore the diversity of
organisms. These organisms bring about the continuation of their own kind through
reproduction. And although these organisms have different methods of
reproductions, every method leads to the beginning of a new life.
This module will discuss the different modes of reproduction in representative
plants, animals, and microorganisms. Investigations are included in this module to
help you understand the different ways that organisms reproduce and differentiate
the offspring resulting from each mode of reproduction.
After completing this module, you are expected to:
 Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of:
a. Number of individuals involved
b. Similarities of offspring to parents (S7LT-IIg-7)

What’s In
In grade 5, you learned the concept of reproduction particularly on how the
parts of the human reproductive system works, how animals reproduce and how
plants reproduce. Now let us try recalling your knowledge by answering the questions
ACTIVITY 1. Photo Quiz
Directions: Pictures are shown in the first column of the table in the next page.
Identify them and look for the correct answers in Word Bank below. Write the correct
answer on the space provided in the next column. (2pts. each)

Word Bank

Sperm cell Flower

Conception Female reproductive organ

Male reproductive organ
What’s New

Let’s do two activities to differentiate asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

Activity 2. Can you grow new plants from “eyes”?
A potato tuber is a specialized stem which functions as a food storage organ.
Let us investigate how tubers can be used in growing new plants.
After you have performed this activity, you should be able to:
a. describe how potatoes reproduce.
b. explain what vegetative reproduction is.
c. describe the advantage of growing plants using vegetative reproduction.
Materials Needed
 1 potato
 5 big cans Bolo
 Knife

Figure 1. Potato Procedure

1. Examine the potato. Can you see depressions? These are the “eyes” or buds.
2. Cut the potato into pieces with each piece having an “eye”. Observe how the cut
pieces look.
3. Set aside the cut pieces for 3 days. Draw and describe how the cut pieces look like
after 3 days.
Draw Here (2pts) Describe Here (2pts)

4. After 3 days, plant each piece in a can, about 10 cm deep. Set the tuber so that
the “eye” points upward.
For questions 1, 2, 3, and 4, put a check mark on the box for the correct answer.

Q1. Can you give a reason why it is better to plant the cut pieces with the eye pointing
a Break the soil & to receive sunlight
a Break the soil only
5. Set aside
a the cans in a shady area. Water the soil every day to keep it moist.
Q2. How many
A “eyes” from each potato were you able to get?
a One
, More than two
Q3. How many new shoots grew from each potato “eye” you planted?
j One
More than two
Q4. What is the advantage of using this type of propagation?
Plants reach maturity faster than plants grown in seeds and the same
traits such as taste well be passed from generation to generation.
Plants propagate faster
Q5. What is vegetative reproduction?
The offspring is produced from a single parent
The offspring is produced from two parents
Activity 3. Structure of a Gumamela flower
After you have performed this activity, you should be able to:
a. distinguish the male and the female reproductive structures of a gumamela flower
b. describe the function of each structure in reproduction.
Materials needed
 2 gumamela flowers (1 fresh
and 1 withered)
 1 gumamela bud
 Razor blade
Fig. 2. Fresh Gumamela Fig. 3. Withered Gumamela
1. Examine the flower attached to the stem,
2. Examine the bud, an unopened flower,
see figure 5. Identify the sepals.
For questions 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, put
Figure 4. Opened and unopened flower a check mark on the box for a chosen answer.
Q6. What is the function of the sepals in the
unopened flower?
Protects the developing flower and prevents flower
from drying up
Give shade to the flower
3. Remove the sepals and petals from the flower. Sepals
are the small, green leaf-like structures in between the
petals and sepals. Use your hands to pull each other
Figure 5. Removing the sepals down towards the stem, see figure 6.
and petals

Q7. On which flower does the stigma feel sticky?
Fresh flower
Withered flower
Q8. Why do you think the stigma is sticky?
For pollen grains to stick
For pollen grains to escape
4. Cut through the ovary and examine the parts inside the
compartments are ovules which contain the egg cell.
Q9. How many compartments do you find?
Figure 6. Ovary of a Gumamela flower
5. Touch the tip of a stamen or tap it lightly over a piece
of white paper. The powdery materials at the tip are made
up of pollen grain. Sperm cell (male gamete) are produced
inside these grains.
6. Take the whole flower. Measure the distance between
a pollen grain on a stamen and the ovary where the ovule
Figure 7. Stamen of a Gumamela flower
Q10. How do you think pollen grains reach the pistil?
The distance from pollen grains to pistil is very near.
Pollen grains are carried by agents of pollination.

What Is It?
Reproduction Defined
Reproduction is the ability of an organism to produce new individuals, a
characteristic that distinguishes living things from nonliving things. In order to
continue their own kind, organism must reproduce. Organisms may reproduce either
asexually or sexually.
1. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION-the parent and the resulting offspring have the
same genes and they are genetically identical.
Types of Asexual Reproduction
A. Vegetative Reproduction -a new individual, known as the offspring, is
produced from a single parent usually exhibited by some plants. Examples of these
organisms are potato tuber, ginger, gabi and kalanchoe. Potatoes are propagated
vegetatively. Potato “eyes” are auxiliary buds where shoots can emerge.
This results in plants that reach maturity faster than plants grown from seeds,
and the same good agricultural traits such as taste, yield, and resistance to pests
will be passed on from generation to generation but when unfavorable condition
occurs, population might be wiped out.
Activity 2, Can you grow new plants from” eyes” is an example of this asexual
reproduction because you have observed that the same observable characteristics

were carried by the new plants or shoots. It means that in asexual reproduction, the
genes of the parents will be the same or identical with the offspring except for some
B. Fission -the cell divides to form two identical daughter cells. Examples of
these organisms are protococcus cells.
C. Budding-a new individual may form as an outgrowth of the parent and
separate to become a new individual. Yeast, hydra and sponges reproduce this way.
D. Spore Formation-happens when a spore case land in a favorable
condition, a new individual develops like bread mold a fungi.
E. Regeneration-happens when a part of the parent body breaks off from the
body and develop into a new individual.

Asexual Reproduction Exhibited by

Vegetative Reproduction Potato tuber “eyes”

Fission Protococcus cells

Budding Hydra

Spore Formation Molds or Fungi

Regeneration Starfish

Table 1. Types of Asexual Reproduction

2. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION-give rise to offspring that are a combination of the

traits from its parents. Activity 3, Structure of a Gumamela Flower, is an example
of this type of reproduction. Pollination brings together the gametes of a flower and
it occurs when a pollen grain of the right kind lands on the stigma of the pistil. Each
pollen forms a tube that grows down through the pistil and reaches the ovule in the
ovary one of the nuclei in the pollen tube unites with the egg nucleus in the ovule to
form a zygote.
Types of Sexual Reproduction
A. Conjugation –a bridge forms between two cells lying side by side where
contents of one cell pass into the other cell and then combine to form a zygote which

later on becomes an individual. Examples of these organism are microorganism like
B. Fertilization- when a favorable condition occurs a sperm and egg unite to
form a zygote containing genes from both parents usually exhibited by higher
animals, plants and humans. In activity 3, a typical gumamela flower having a male
and a female reproductive structure made sexual reproduction to happen. After some
time, the fertilized egg will develop into a seed. In humans, it needs 2 parents and
the resulting characteristics are a combination from its parents.

Table 2. Types of Sexual Reproduction

Advantages and Disadvantages
Type Advantage Disadvantage
Asexual Reproduction No mate needed. Many No variation in the
offsprings produce offspring.
Sexual Reproduction Genetic variation in the Requires both sexes to
offspring. participate.

What’s More 10

Activity 4 “Match Me”

Directions: Match the types of reproduction to their characteristics. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before the number.

(Types of reproduction) (Characteristics)
___1. Asexual a. a bridge is form between two cells where contents
Reproduction pass to the other cell to combine to form a zygote.
___2. Fertilization b. the parent and the resulting offspring have the same
___3. Conjugation genes which is genetically identical.
___4. Regeneration c. happens when a spore case land in a favorable
___5. Vegetative condition, a new individual develop
Reproduction d. a new individual known as the offspring, is
___6. Budding produced from a single parent usually exhibited
___7. Reproduction by some plants
___8. Fission e. occurs when a sperm and egg unite to form a zygote
___9. Spore Formation containing genes from both parents
___10. Sexual f. give rise to offspring that are a combination of the
Reproduction traits from its parents.
g. a new individual may form as an outgrowth of the
parent and separate to become a new individual.
h. the ability of an organism to produce new individuals.
i. the cell divides to form two identical daughter cells
j. happens when a part of the parent body breaks off
from the body and develop into a new individual

What I Have Learned? 10

Directions: Fill up the table as indicated. Choose your answer on the word bank
Yeast Flowering Plants
Budding Fungi- bread molds
Ginger Gabi/ taro
Spirogyra Algae-protococcus
Regeneration Higher Animal

Types of Reproduction
Sample Organism/s
(Sexual or Asexual)
Example: Vegetative reproduction Potato tuber
Conjugation-Sexual reproduction 3
Fertilization-Sexual reproduction Humans
Budding-asexual reproduction 6.
Fission-asexual reproduction 7.
8. Yeast and sponges
9. Starfishes
Spore formation-asexual reproduction 10.

What I Can Do
Performance Task: Information Dissemination Activity
Goal: Your objective is to present helpful information to the community about
the advantages of using vegetative propagation. The challenge is how you will be able
to lead the community to take action.
Role: Suppose you are an agriculturist assigned in your community. You
are asked to disseminate information regarding the advantages of vegetative
Audience: Your target individuals to receive the information you will provide are
the people in the community including your parents, classmates and teachers.
Situation: From your gathered information and observation, only few are
adapting the new technology of propagating plants.
The challenge deals with creating a poster that will trigger the consciousness of
applying the technology-vegetative propagation.
Product: Design a placard or wall poster that will make the community apply
the new way of propagating plants.
Standards: You will be given 3 days to prepare your ideas and put it in a poster.

Make your poster here


Rubric for Grading your poster

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Presentation The poster clearly The poster conveys The poster The poster does
conveys the main important ideas indirectly not sufficiently
idea and strongly and slightly communicates conveys any
promotes promotes ideas and hardly idea promoting
awareness awareness. promotes awareness.
Creativity and All of the graphics Most of the The graphics were The graphics
originality used reflect an graphics used on made by students were not made
exceptional degree the poster reflect but were copied by student.
of ingenuity. student ingenuity from other.

Accuracy and All graphics in the Most graphics in Some graphics in The graphics in
relevance of the poster are the poster are the poster are the poster are
Content accurate and accurate and are accurate and neither
related to the related to the topic. related to the topic. accurate nor
topic. related to the


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which ability of an organism distinguishes living things from nonliving things?

A. Reproduction C. respiration
B. digestion D. Circulation
2. What type of reproduction gives rise to offspring that are a combination of parents’
A. Asexual C. budding
B. sexual D. fission
3. How many parents are needed to produce an individual in sexual reproduction?
A. two C. three
B. one D. none is needed
4. What type of reproduction that produced offspring that are identical to the parent?
A. Asexual C. fertilization
B. sexual D. conjugation
5. What do you call to the cell that humans and all animals have in order to produce
A. zygote C. sperm
B. gametes D. egg
6. Which mode of reproduction is exhibited by protococcus cell where the cell divides
to form two identical cells?
A. fission C. Spore formation
B. budding D. regeneration
7. What mode of asexual reproduction where several shoots emerged from a single
potato eye?
A. budding C. fission
B. vegetative reproduction D. spore formation
8. Which mode of reproduction wherein a new individual form as an outgrowth of the
parent and becomes a new individual?
A. Spore formation C. budding
B. fission D. Regeneration
9. Which of the following processes refers to the union of two parents?
A. fertilization C. fission
B. conjugation D. budding
10. Which traits usually result in offspring through sexual reproduction?
A. identical C. combination from both
B. not identical D. none of them

Answer Key
Gr7Q2W5 Science

13 21 19 20 18 5 16 18 15 4 21 3 5

REFERENCES: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ “ __ __ __ __
--K to 12 Science Grade 7 Learners Manual. Pasig city Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR),2017
15 14 5 12 9 6 5 3 15 14 20 9 14 21 5 20 15 15 18 4 5 18 9 14
__ __ __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ “__ __
Additional Activities “Break the Code”
10.c 5. b
eproduction&oq=types+of+asexual&gs 9.a 4.a 8. A 3.a 7. b 2.b 6. A 1.a Assessment
5. Higher animal 10. Bread molds-fungi 5. d 10. F
4. Flowering plants 9. Regeneration 4. j 9. c
3. Spirogyra 8.budding 3. a 8. i
2. Ginger 7. Algae-protococcus 2. e 7. h
1. Gabi/taro 6. Yeast 1. b 6. g
Development Team
Answer to Activity 5 “Fill Me Up” Region IX Hymn
Answer to Activity 4 “Match Me”
What I have learned What’s More

Q10. Pollen grains are carried by agents of pollination

Q9. Five
Q8. Fresh flower
Q7. For pollen grains to stick
Q6. Protects the developing flower and prevents flower from drying up
Answers to activity 3
Q5. (varied answer)
from generation to generation
Q4. Plants reach maturity faster than plants grown in seeds and the same traits such as taste well be passed
Q3. More than two
Q2. More than two
Q1. Break the soil & to receive sunlight
Answers to Activity 2
What’s New
5. flower
5.B 10.C 4.femaaale reproductive system
4.B 9.A 3.male reproductive system
3. A 8.B 2.conception
2. B 7.A 1.Sperm cell
1. B 6. A Answers to activity 1
What I Know What’s In

--K to 12 Science Grade 7 Learners Manual. Pasig city Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR),2017

Development Team Region IX Hymn

Writer: Myravel L. Malagom
Editors: Margie Lou C. Jacob
Laarni A. Adonis Here the trees and Golden beams of
Kathleen Joy B. Padilla flowers bloom, sunrise and sunset,
Joly C. Baradero Here the breezes Are visions you’ll never
Reviewer: Sandy R. Albarico gently blow, forget.
Illustrator: Here the birds sing Oh! That’s Region IX...
Layout Artist: merrily,
Management Team: And liberty forever Hardworking people
Majarani M. Jacinto, CESO VI stays, abound,
SDS-ZDS Every valley and dale
Here the Badjaos Zamboangenos,
Visminda Q. Valde, Ed.D swam the seas, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
ASDS Here the Samals live in Cebuanos, Ilocanos,
peace, Subanens, Boholanos,
Raymond M. Salvador, Ed.D Here the Tausogs Illongos,
ASDs thrive so free, All of them are proud
With the Yakans in and true
Juliet A. Magallanes, Ed.D unity. Region IX our Eden
CID Chief Land.
Gallant men
Florencio R. Caballero, DTE And Ladies fair,
EPS-LRMDS Linger with love and Region IX, our Eden
care, Land.
Sandy R. Albarico
EPS -Science


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