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In worldview, our beliefs are like snowflakes. Just like there are not any two snowflakes that are
equivalent, the set of beliefs that you simply hold in your head are unique to only you. These
beliefs are what create our personal view of the world and give us a sense of right and wrong
behaviour. our beliefs are shaped by those around us and the culture we grow up in. Therefore,
while your set of beliefs are unique to you, groups of individuals can have commonly shared
values that give them a way of right and wrong behaviour.
We know that a worldview is a collection of commonly shared values, and thus the term
environmental worldviews dictate how we interact with nature and our attitude toward how
we use the natural resources it contains and because of our individual perspective in the
environmental worldview, we humans abuse our nature because we think that we have our
ingenuity and technology, we will not run out of resources, also others think that the potential
for economic growth is essentially unlimited and we are apart from the rest of nature and can
manage nature to satisfy our increasing needs and needs. I together with my members think
that this kind of belief will destroy our environment like pollution, burning fossil fuels, and
deforestation and some changes like climate change and poor air quality. My group beliefs
within the environmental wisdom worldview that resources are limited and will not be wasted,
and that we should encourage earth sustaining sorts of economic processes and discourage
earth degrading forms.

So have can we save the environment?

1. Be knowledgeable enough about our environment

Before we can save our environment we humans should have knowledge first because environmental
knowledge is the number of information individuals has concerning environmental issues and their
ability to understand and evaluate their impact on society and the environment.

2. Be a better environmental citizen.

The concept of EC redefines the relationship between people and nature and reiterates that
environmental conservation is everybody's sole responsibility at all times, based on one's life choices in
minimizing the ecological impact on the earth.

3. Stop Deforestation.
Do not cut down more trees as it will only worsen the level of carbon dioxide in the air. Instead,
encourage people to plant even more trees to create a fine balance in nature.

4. Renewable energies

The first way to prevent climate change is to move away from fossil fuels. What are the alternatives?
Renewable energies like solar, wind, biomass and geothermal.

5. Energy & Water Efficiency

Producing clean energy is essential, but reducing our consumption of energy and water by using more
efficient devices (e.g. LED light bulbs, innovative shower systems) is less costly and equally important.

6. Sustainable transportation

Promoting public transportation, carpooling, but also electric and hydrogen mobility can definitely help
reduce CO2 emissions and thus fight global warming.

7. Shop with Reusable Bags

100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic bags each year. Switch to reusables to reduce your overall
waste and keep sea life from harm.

8. Recycle Everything!

200,000 and we do mean everything and you cannot reuse, compost, or donate. Try Terracycle!


The Environmental Working Group found that red meat is responsible for 10 to 40 times as many
greenhouse emissions as common vegetables and grains. If the grain fed to livestock were fed to people,
we could feed 800 million people! Reduce your footprint and go meatless.

10. Conserve electricity

As you can guess, we’re quite fond of this method of protecting the environment! Anytime you can use
less electricity, it’s a win for the planet.

70% of trash contents can be recycled

80-100 tons of smoke particles jump out to the atmosphere as a result of a wood fire

10million tons of oil each year falls in the world’s ocean

784million people around the world are without basic water access

11% of all global greenhouse gas emissions were caused by deforestations

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