The National Education Policy 2016

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The National Education Policy 2016:

A Critical Appraisal

HE MINISTRY of Human Resources world with the youth literacy rate (15-24
T Development (MHRD) has come out
with a 43-page document called “Some
years) and adult literacy rate (15 years and
above) in India in 2011 being 86.1 percent
Inputs for Draft New Education Policy” and 69.3 percent respectively” (page 7).
(NEP-2016), available in the website The NEP-2016 document acknowledges This is the “In the last 40 years, a number of pro-
third education policy to be formulated grammes have been started, such as, Ru-
since India’s independence, the first one ral Functional Literacy Programme (RFLP),
was in 1968 and the second was in 1986 National Literacy Mission (NLM), Saakshar
(revised in 1992). Naturally it has raised Bharat Abhiyan, etc. Despite all these
hopes in the education-loving people that efforts, India still has over 280 million
the new policy will address the real issues adult illiterates which is about one-third of
confronting education in our country and the total number of adult illiterates in the
will take positive steps in realizing the long- world” (clause 4.7).
cherished dream of a universal, secular, This is the bleak situation almost seven
democratic and scientific education system. decades after India’s independence, where
So, in this appraisal, we will first take a a large fraction of the population is sieved
look at what the real issues are, and then out without any scope of being intellectually
will evaluate how the policy takes note of productive. Moreover, it seems literacy has
them and proposes to address them. been equated to ‘functional literacy’ which
is taken as the ability to sign one’s name.
The problems that need to be The children, who are fortunate enough
addressed to get into a school, face a challenging
situation that causes high drop-out rates.
The first problem is that, in spite of re- Most school buildings are unfit to be called
peated declarations and lofty pronounce- ‘buildings’, many do not have a roof over
ments, education has not reached a vast their heads, most schools do not have
section of the Indian populace. According toilets (especially for girls), and if they exist
to the government’s statistics, “the absolute are in a unusable state. Many primary
number of out-of-school children remains and lower secondary schools have just one
high and “India currently has the largest teacher for four classes. Naturally the stan-
non-literate population in the world with dard of education imparted is abysmally
the absolute number of non-literates among low. The NEP-2016 admits that “In 2014-
population aged 7 and above being 282.6 15, the retention rate at primary level
million in 2011. India also hosts the largest was 83.7 per cent and it was as low as
number of youth and adult illiterates in the 67.4 percent at the elementary level. This

4 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016

indicates that roughly, four in every 10 high marks without learning to express
children enrolled in grade I leave the school clearly their thoughts verbally or in written
before completing grade VIII” (page 12). language. Since language is the vehicle
In addition to that, the deliberate degra- of thought, this weakening of language
dation of the examination system, the learning has in turn weakened the ability
abolition of the pass-fail system, and the of the students to grasp higher ideas. And
abolition of English learning at the primary without adequate exposure to the treasure
and lower-secondary levels have created house of literature, students lack exposure
a condition where the standard of edu- to the high standard of ethics, morality, and
cation at the government-run schools has culture that are reflected in great literature.
hit rock bottom. High-charging private The course content of the higher sec-
English medium schools have mushroomed ondary level has been made so heavy that
to fill the void. It is felt that the void most schools cannot complete the course
has been deliberately created so that these within the allotted teaching time. Things
schools can do a roaring business peddling that should normally be taught in college
education. Even poorer people prefer their or university are now included in the school
children to go to the so-called English curriculum. Most students have to rely on
medium kindergartens. Parents do not private tuition to learn what is supposed
want to admit their children in government- to be taught in school. Those who cannot
run schools; but many cannot afford to afford it, fall to the bottom or out of the
admit their children in private schools. class. Those who somehow can complete
This has created two classes of students: the syllabus get only superficial knowledge.
those who are educated in the government- There is emphasis on learning by rote,
run schools and receive a low quality of not concept building, logical thinking, and
education, and those who are educated in solving the problems of life and society with
private schools and have the advantage of the help of science.
having examinations and English educa- Add to this the fact that practically no
tion. Naturally the ‘haves’ have an ad- government school has any facility for ex-
vantage over the ‘have-nots’ when it comes perimentation. The students have to con-
to entry into higher education. Thus a fine their learning to textbooks, the quality
large number of students are deliberately of which is often sub-standard. Naturally
deprived of the scope of furthering their their understanding becomes truncated.
education. The science textbooks are crammed with
The school curriculum has been made facts, figures, and theories, but nowhere do
heavy with jargon and superfluous material we see any mention of how we learnt these
that do not give the students any concep- to be true. We teach students what science
tual understanding. Just take a look at any has found, but do not teach how science
school textbook, and you will wonder about has found them. The method of science
20-30% of the material “why do students and the life-struggle of great scientists are
have to learn this?” not included in the curriculum. Naturally,
One of the most damaging developments students learn science just as any other
in recent years is the degradation of lan- subject, without understanding that it is
guage teaching. With the emphasis on a guide to thinking. That is why we see
multiple choice questions, a condition has so many persons who are science literates
been created where students can score subscribing to all sorts of unscientific be-

Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016 5

liefs and superstitions. depriving them of the flow of funds required
Most of those who are fortunate enough to sustain a healthy environment of teach-
to get some sort of schooling cannot ad- ing and research, and through political
vance to the next ladder: “the Gross En- intervention in the day-to-day functioning.
rolment Ratio in higher education remains On the other hand, systems of “favoured”
low at 23.6 percent in 2014-15.” This is institutions have been created—the IITs,
not because students do not want to go NITs, IISERs, etc.—which receive the lion’s
into higher education. The actual reason is share of educational funding and are pro-
that the number of colleges and universities jected as “centres of excellence”. Only
is hopelessly insufficient to provide higher a handful students receive education in
education to all those who aspire for it. these centres of excellence, and the vast
The NEP-2016 declares as its target “to majority is left to flounder in the sea of
increase GER to 25.2 per cent in 2017- mediocre education. They are then branded
18 and further to 30 per cent in 2020-21” as “unemployable”.
(page 7). If the target itself is set so low, Thus we see that the dream of universal,
the chance of any real increase in higher secular, democratic and scientific educa-
education is marginal. It also contradicts tion system is far from being met. Instead,
its pronouncement in a later section on the Indian education system is in a state
ensuring that all secondary students have of rot and needs an urgent and drastic
“equitable access to higher education”. overhaul—which clearly shows the failure
Why this reluctance to increase the reach of NPE-1968 and NPE-1986.
of higher education? The fact is that the But if we read through these two docu-
Indian industry is unable to put this vast ments we find no dearth of high-sounding
number of educated individuals to produc- verbiage. For example, the National Policy
tive use, and most will remain unemployed. on Education (1968) laid stress on “the
Even in a job-oriented discipline like engi- need for a radical reconstruction of the ed-
neering, there is a big mismatch between ucation system, to improve its quality at all
the number of engineers being currently stages, and the development of science and
produced and the number finding gainful technology, the cultivation of moral and
employment. This is a curse of the capital- social values, and a closer relation between
ist production system: the more it advances education and the life of the people. The
the less it employs. Thus, in this society, a Resolution stressed the role of education
large section of the population is doomed in promoting national progress, a sense of
to remain outside the ambit of money and common citizenship and culture, and in
commodity circulation, in perpetual misery. strengthening national integration.”
And the system is better off if it manages to Similarly, the National Policy on Educa-
keep these people uneducated, so that they tion 1986 envisaged a “national system of
believe they are ‘unemployable’. education which implies that up to a given
Still, a large number of students get level, all students, irrespective of caste,
education in colleges and universities—a creed, location or sex, have access to edu-
number that is larger than the employment cation of a comparative quality”. We clearly
capacity of Indian industries. That is why see that none of these objectives have been
we see a shrewd design in the Indian higher met. We do not even see a semblance of
education scenario. The standard of the attempt by the people in power to meet
universities have been gradually eroded by these objectives. The lesson to be learnt is

6 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016

that we should not take such statements what education truly is. We assess the
at their face value, and should check the value of education in the same manner as
actual actions taken by the MHRD under its we assess the value of land or of shares
current leadership to verify its earnestness in the stock exchange market. We want
in actually implementing the declared aims to provide only such education as would
and objectives. enable the student to earn more. We hardly
Now let us see how much realization give any thought to the improvement of the
about the real state of the education system character of the educated” (page 5).
is reflected in the proposed NEP-2016. We Wonderful! Upon seeing this quotation
will see that most of the real problems in the NEP-2016 document one would tend
discussed above do not find mention in the to believe that finally the education policy
document. So we confine ourselves to the makers have realized that earning is not the
ones that are mentioned, and will check sole objective of education and appropriate
how the government proposes to address emphasis would be placed on “improvement
the problems. of the character of the educated.”

Job-oriented education: But as we read

The content of NEP-2016 on, we realize that is not the Government’s
agenda at all. In fact, one of the main
Like the earlier NEPs, the NEP-2016 de- objections of the educationists to the NEP-
clares a lofty objective: “The National 86 was its undue stress on job-oriented
Education Policy, 2016 envisions a cred- education. Most prominent educationists
ible education system capable of ensur- feel that the primary purpose of educa-
ing inclusive quality education and life- tion should be man-making and character-
long learning opportunities for all and pro- building, that education should enable the
ducing students/graduates equipped with educated to think clearly, rationally, and
the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values with proper scientific and historical per-
that are required to lead a productive life, spective. They feel that the slogan of job-
participate in the country’s development oriented education without first fulfilling
process, respond to the requirements of the the above objective goes exactly in the
fastchanging, everglobalising, knowledge- opposite direction.
based societies, and developing responsible We find that the primary agenda of the
citizens who respect the Indian tradition of NEP-2016 is again to promote job-oriented
acceptance of diversity of India’s heritage, education, but cloaked under a different ex-
culture and history and promote social pression. “The need for the development of
cohesion and religious amity” (page 14). human skills, including life skills, that meet
Such pronouncements are not much dif- the demands of the emerging knowledge
ferent from those in NEP-68 and NEP-86, economy and society highlights the need
and, are slickly phrased in such a way that to promote the acquisition by learners of
there is no measurable yardstick of commit- knowledge and skills on a life-long basis to
ment or success in any of these directions, enhance their capacity to adapt to changing
and so one cannot accuse the government skill requirements” (page 4).
of failure in meeting the objectives. And then it goes on to say “India is one
Then the document goes on to invoke of the youngest nations in the world with
Mahatma Gandhi’s teaching: “The real more than 54 percent of its total population
difficulty is that people have no idea of below 25 years of age. It is estimated

Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016 7

that there will be 104.62 million fresh Expansion of the school system: The
entrants to the workforce by 2022 who will document does recognize some of the lim-
need to be skilled. However, institutional itations of our school education mentioned
arrangements to support technical and earlier. “The biggest challenge facing school
vocational education programmes remain education relates to the unsatisfactory level
quite inadequate. Formally linking the of student learning. The findings of the
development of skills in vocational fields, National Achievement Surveys (NAS) cover-
and bringing an academic equivalence to ing Grades III, V, VIII and X suggest that
vocational accomplishments with avenues learning levels of a significant proportion of
for horizontal and vertical mobility of stu- students do not measure up to the expected
dents has been attempted only recently. To learning levels”. “The perceived failure
enhance employability, a blend of education of the schools in the government system
and skills is essential for individual growth to provide education of good quality has
and economic development” (page 8). triggered entry of a large number of pri-
“There is a growing realisation that there vate schools, many of which lack required
exist serious disconnects between the exist- infrastructure, learning environment, and
ing school and higher education curricula competent teachers” (page 8).
and the curricular thrusts that are needed
Thus, the document recognizes the need
for promoting the acquisition by students of
for expanding the reach of the education
relevant skills required for decent work and
system. But as a means it proposes
a better life in a rapidly changing world”
to rely on non-formal channels. “Sig-
(page 9).
nificant changes have taken place in the
At another place it says “Expanding op- education sector. The educational activ-
portunities for skill development and en- ities and learning process are no longer
suring acquisition by young people and confined to the classroom and, therefore,
adults of the skills and competencies for the domain of education is no longer lim-
life and work, including technical and vo- ited to formal schooling or higher edu-
cational skills that are required for em- cation. The educational process is not
ployability, work and entrepreneurship and only mediated by classroom-based cur-
for adapting to an ever-changing world of riculum transaction but also by media,
work” (page 9). both electronic and print, information and
Thus, according to the education policy- communication technologies, books and
makers, the acquisition of “skill” is the journals etc. Learners today have access
focus. Our organization feels that the de- to more current knowledge through non-
velopment of personality, thinking capacity institutionalized means” (page 4). This
and quality of mind should be the primary implies that the government does not really
focus of education, and skill may be im- intend to increase, augment, and improve
parted only after meeting these primary ob- the school education system, and that is
jectives. According to Albert Einstein, “The why it eulogizes “out of classroom” learning.
school should always have as its aim that The entire focus of NEP-2016 is to produce
the young person leaves it as a harmonious a large number of half-educated people to
personality, not as a specialist. Otherwise, satisfy the needs of the job market rather
he — with his specialized knowledge — than to improve the quality of education
more closely resembles a well-trained dog and to make it accessible to larger number
than a harmoniously developed person.” of students.

8 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016

Commercialization of education: The testing the students’ ability to reproduce
document recognizes the problem of com- content knowledge. The whole assessment
mercialization of education: “Commerciali- system needs to be revamped to ensure
sation is rampant both in school and higher comprehensive assessment of the students,
education sub-sectors as reflected in the including learning outcomes relating to
charges levied for admissions in private ed- both scholastic and co-scholastic domains”
ucational institutions. The proliferation of (clause 4.5).
sub-standard educational institutions has That is good thinking. But in what direc-
contributed to the diminished credibility of tion do they seek to bring in changes? That
the education system” (page 12). is not spelt out clearly, retaining the scope
But does it recommend substituting it by of retrograde steps that might jeopardize
well-funded government school and college the education system further.
system? No. They are only mentioning the The only concrete recommendation we
problem in passing, and the document does find is this: “High failure rate in class-
not propose stoppage of commercialization X examination is attributed to a large ex-
of education. As we will see later, the gov- tent to poor performance in three subjects:
ernment actually proposes to strengthen Mathematics, Science and English. In
private investment in the education sector. order to reduce the failure rates, class X
examination in Mathematics, Science and
No detention policy: The document recog- English will be at two levels: Part-A at a
nizes the problem created by no-detention higher level and Part-B at a lower level.
policy. It says: “The present provisions of Students who intend to join courses/ pro-
no-detention policy will be amended, as it grammes for which science, mathematics
has seriously affected the academic perfor- or English is not a prerequisite or wish to
mance of students.” But then, it seeks to shift to vocational stream after class-X will
continue the policy in the primary stage: be able to opt for Part-B level examination”
“The no detention policy will be limited up (clause 4.5-8). This recommendation is
to class V and the system of detention will highly debatable and has no relation to
be restored at the upper primary stage” the problems of the present examination
(clause 4.3-3). If the policy has seri- system pointed out in the same document.
ously affected the academic performance
of students, will it not continue to have English: One welcome aspect of NEP-2016
detrimental effects on primary education— is that it proposes to introduce English as
the foundation of the whole education sys- second language from the primary level:
tem? We demand that proper examination “Knowledge of English plays an important
system should be brought back from the role in the national and international mo-
primary level. bility of students and provides an access
to global knowledge. Hence, it is important
Examination reform: Similarly, the doc- to make children proficient in reading and
ument acknowledges the problems of the writing English. Therefore, if the medium of
examination system in the higher levels instruction upto primary level is the mother
also. “The overall assessment practices tongue or local or regional language, the
at the school and college/university level second language will be English and the
remain unsatisfactory. In most cases choice of the third language (at the upper
the assessment of learning achievement primary and secondary levels) will be with
continues to focus on rote learning and the individual states and local authorities,

Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016 9

in keeping with the Constitutional provi- missiles flying with nuclear warheads (what
sions” (clause 4.11-2). else is Brahmastra?), and doctors routinely
While the increased emphasis on English giving birth to test-tube babies—all these
is welcome, they clearly state that they are supposedly occurring ten thousand years
proposing a three-language formula (clause back!
4.11)—which many eminent educationists The objective of the education system is
have opposed. to equip students with the latest and the
most refined knowledge about the working
Sanskrit: In ‘Language and Culture in of nature, obtained through the rigorous
Education’ (clause 4.11-5) it mentions that, scientific method of observation, experi-
“Keeping in view special importance of San- mentation, theory-building, and objective
skrit to the growth and development of testing of theories. Teaching a mixture of
Indian languages and its unique contribu- old and new texts in the name of a so-
tion to the cultural unity of the country, called ‘inter-disciplinary’ study might lead
facilities for teaching Sanskrit at the school to a truncated, confused and erroneous
and university stages will be offered on understanding.
a more liberal scale.” In this context
it is worthwhile to recall that, in May Curricular reforms: Regarding curriculum
2016, the MHRD has issued an advisory renewal and examination reforms, the doc-
to the IITs and other institutes of national ument just gives a quotation from Swami
importance instructing them to initiate Vivekananda, “Education is not the amount
“Sanskrit Cells” for introducing courses in of information that we put into your brain
Sanskrit. The MHRD Committee headed and runs riot there, undigested, all your
by Shri N Gopalaswamy, a former Chief life. We must have life-building, man-
Election Commissioner, recommends this making, character-making assimilation of
step “in order to facilitate study of Science ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas
and Technology in Sanskrit literature and and made them your life and character, you
inter disciplinary study of various modern have more education than any man who
subjects and its corresponding subjects in has got by heart a whole library.. . If
Sanskrit literature.” The MHRD document education is identical with information, the
(http:// sites/ upload files/ libraries are the greatest sages of the world
mhrd/files/Report-CVRM.pdf) titled ‘Vision and encyclopedia are the greatest Rishis”
and Road Map for the Development of (clause 4.5).
Sanskrit Ten Year Perspective Plan’ further Surprisingly, the rest of the document
claims, “There are hundreds of works like is completely silent about what steps
Siddhanta Shiromani, Vriksha Ayurveda, will be taken to change the information-
Upavana Vinoda, Mayamatam, etc., to centric curricula into ones whose objectives
name a few, which are of great relevance are life-building, man-making, character-
in the context of research and innovation.” making. There is no emphasis on inculca-
Actually the government is trying to im- tion of scientific bent of mind and logical
pose Sanskrit at various levels of the educa- thinking.
tion system as a part of their indoctrination
agenda, where the Vedic age will be painted The anti-science attitide: It is noticeable
in a picture of imaginary glory—Pushpak that the NEP-2016 document consciously
vimanas flying to other planets, surgeons avoids spelling out the anti-science ap-
planting elephant heads on human torsos, proach the current NDA government has

10 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016

been pursuing in all fields of education. educational institutions from the hands
The history textbooks are being modified of educationists to the hands of bureau-
by mixing mythology with history and by crats. We demand that education should
projecting a distorted image of India’s past. be governed by the collective wisdom of the
Subjects like Vedic mathematics are being academic community through a democratic
introduced in the school curricula. Many process.
other steps are being surreptitiously taken
to propagate unscientific bents of mind and Financing of education
various shades of superstitions. But these
find no mention in the policy statement. One remarkable (and welcome) aspect of
Only in two places we find hints of what the policy statement is that it envisages a
are to come. “The Education System which universal elementary and secondary educa-
was evolved first in ancient India is known tion and seeks to ensure 100% enrolment
as the Vedic system. The ultimate aim of of eligible students in higher education.
education in ancient India was not knowl- “Achieving universal elementary and sec-
ondary education and ensuring that all
edge, as preparation for life in this world or
for life beyond, but for complete realizationsecondary education graduates have ac-
of the self.” This is the way they are tryingcess to higher secondary education and all
to define the objective of modern educa- higher secondary education graduates have
tion! And then they propose that “Ways of equitable access to higher education and
building synergies and linkages, providing that all enrolled students are supported
mentoring and advice between Ashram sha- to successfully complete their education
las and nearby secondary schools/ higher with all of them achieving expected learning
secondary schools/ Kendriya Vidyalayas/ outcomes” (Goals and objectives, point 2).
Navodaya Vidyalayas will be worked out.” Yet, as we have seen earlier, the NEP-
(clause 4.6-4). That is it, then. The schools2016 declares as its target to increase gross
and colleges will be guided by what they callenrolment ratio to 25.2 per cent in 2017-18
the “Ashram shalas”, in reality the religiousand further to 30 per cent in 2020-21!!
fanatics! The policy statement even says that
It is historically a fact that the Vedic “Education, in Indian context, should be
education included a varna (caste) system, considered a public good and there is a
in which lower castes were denied scope need for greater public investment in the
of education. By citing this as an ‘ideal’ sector. There are evidences to show that
education system, does the government countries which have heavily privatized
plan to do something similar today? education systems could not economically
and socially progress and hence there is a
Governance of education: The policy value loss rather than gain. On the other
document states that (clause 4.14-4) “The hand, countries which consider education
State will endeavour to implement the rec- a public good reap greater social benefits
ommendations of earlier policies of 1968 on a sustained basis” (clause 4.21)
and 1986/92 for the creation of an Indian It goes without saying that fulfilling this
Education Service (IES), which is reiterated objective will require many-fold increase
herein too. The IES will be an all India in the educational facilities at all levels,
service with HRD as the cadre controlling and it costs money. Therefore the success
authority.” The move seems to be aimed crucially depends on the flow of adequate
at formalising the shifting of control of funds. The document even acknowledges

Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016 11

that the prime reason for the failure of funds. In fact, the former Minister of
education policies so far was inadequate Human Resource Development, Smt Smriti
financial commitment of the respective gov- Irani asked the IITs to raise the running
ernments. “Insufficient financing of edu- expenditure entirely from students’ fees,
cation continues to constrain efforts to ex- and as a result the fees of the IITs have
pand access to education and foster quality gone up from Rs. 90,000 per semester to
education. Several studies have reported Rs. 2 lakhs per semester in one go. The
the challenges in education governance IISERs and the NITs have also been ordered
exemplified by the delayed fund flows to to increase the students’ fees. If this is
schools/ colleges/ universities. The earlier the status of the ‘favoured’ institutions,
education policies had endorsed a norm of it is anybody’s guess how much financial
6 percent of GDP as the minimum expen- support the mainstream less-endowed in-
diture on education. However, this target stitutions and universities receive from the
has never been met” (page 12, Budgetary government. Do these moves reflect any
Constraints). intention of increasing the governmental
The policy statement then declares “The support for education?
earlier National Policies of 1968 and In fact, the NEP-2016 document amply
1986/92 had recommended 6% of GDP as betrays the government’s real intentions.
the norm for the national outlay on educa- “Over the next decade, at least 100 new
tion. However, the actual expenditure on centres/ departments of excellence, in the
education has remained consistently below field of higher education, both in the public
this level and in recent years it has hovered and the private sector, will be established to
around 3.5%. ... The government will take promote excellence in research and encour-
steps for reaching the long pending goal of age innovations.”
raising the investment in education sector But who will fund these ventures? “Pri-
to at least 6% of GDP as a priority” (clause vate trusts, philanthropists and founda-
4.21). This is a very welcome wish, indeed. tions will be given freedom to establish such
However, we would like to point out that it Centres of Excellence” (clause 4.20). Ha!
has been demanded by educationists for a The cat is out of the bag.
long time that 10% of the union and state
Their policy is in fact spelt out quite
budgets should be allotted to education and
clearly: “In order to supplement the Gov-
ernment efforts, investment in education by
We need to note that the earlier education private providers through philanthropy and
policies had no dearth of such wishful corporate sector responsibility will be en-
pronouncements which were never planned couraged. The Government will take steps
to be met. Will the current policy meet the for incentivizing private sector investment
same fate? in education, such as, tax benefits and
There are already a few indicators. Ever inclusion of education within the definition
since the current NDA government came of infrastructure. In general, public funding
to power, the financial outlay in education will continue for core activities, whereas
and scientific research has been drastically other functions can be through private
reduced. The science funding agencies funding. Private funding and FDI for R&D
like the DST have experienced slashing of and other quality enhancement activities in
their budget. The IITs, IISERs, and NITs education institutions will be pursued as an
have also experienced reduction of their important strategy for mobilising financial

12 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016

resources” (clause 4.21-2). and unless one accesses the webpage of the
“HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) MHRD, there is no way to know about it.
funded by governments need to find ways How many people would visit the MHRD
of increasing their revenues through other website for no reason, and would chance
sources, such as, alumni funding, en- upon the related documents?
dowment funding, tuition fee enhancement It is clear that the government does not
along with fee waiver for disadvantaged intend to follow a democratic process in
sections, and private investment” (clause formulating NEP-2016. Just a five-member
4.21-4). committee headed by a retired bureaucrat
The infusion of foreign direct investment Mr T S R Subramaniam was constituted
(FDI) is now welcome: “Selected foreign uni- to formulate the policy. This committee
versities, from the top 200 in the world, will submitted its 230-page report and recom-
be encouraged to establish their presence mendations to the HRD Ministry on 27th
in India through collaboration with Indian May, 2016. No debates/discussions have
universities. If required, steps will be taken been held involving teachers, scientists,
to put in place an enabling legislation. and educationists. It is also to be noted
Rules/ Regulations will be framed so that it that the MHRD released only a 43-page
is possible for a foreign university to offer its abridged version of the report, and has
own degree to the Indian students studying not subjected the whole policy statement
in India, such that these degrees will be to public scrutiny. Why this secrecy?
valid also in the country of origin” (clause Why should the education loving people not
4.18-1). know the content of the whole policy?
Thus it is clear that the government is The document, now available only in
not really committing any increased public English, should also be made available in
fund inflow into the education and research all the state languages so that all people
sector. It is washing its hand of the finan- can be made aware of the NEP 2016 and
cial responsibility of education in stages, what it portends for the future of education,
and inviting private capital (even FDI) to and can meaningfully take part in as wide
be invested in the educational sector. The a debate as possible so as to evolve a
crocodile tears about commercialization of education policy that will truly address the
education mentioned earlier should be seen education needs of the masses.
in this light. The Breakthrough Science Society urges
all education loving people to protest
The process followed in against the attempt to formulate such
formulating the policy a crucial policy statement without ad-
equate consultative process. We also
While the government claims that it has urge all people to use not only whatever
held “hundreds and thousands” of consul- means of registering public opinion that
tations with people at different levels, the have been offered—by sending emails to
fact is the most people directly concerned—but also to start their own
with education have no idea about the campaigns using whatever platforms, in-
existence of such a consultative process. It cluding online petitions, to publicise the
has never been publicized in any form, issue. 2

Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 1, November 2016 13

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