Activity Sheet For English 8 Quarter 2 - Week 3 - MELC 3 Comparing and Contrasting The Presentation of The Same Topic in Different Multimodal Texts

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Activity Sheet for English 8 Quarter 2 –

Week 3 – MELC 3 Comparing and
Contrasting the Presentation of the Same
Topic in Different Multimodal Texts


English 8
Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English Activity Sheets

Writer: Ermie Joy C. Joaquin

Illustrator: Ermie Joy C. Joaquin
Editor: Vivian L. Doromal
Layout Artist: Camille V. Vestidas

Division of Capiz Management Team:

Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr., EdD, CESO V

Segundina F. Dollete, EdD
Shirley A. De Juan
Salvador Dale B. Artates

Regional Management Team:

Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, CESO V

Dr. Josilyn S. Solana, CESO V
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul M. Pingil, EdD, PhD


Welcome to English 8!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Capiz and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents, and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners
in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity
and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The English 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English 8 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning

even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully
read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Quarter 2, Week 3

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.3

Name: _Grade and Section: _


Activity Sheet in English 8

Comparing and Contrasting the Presentation of the Same Topic in Different
Multimodal Texts

I. Learning Competency
● Compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different
multimodal texts.

II. Background Information for Learners

In this lesson, you will be learning how to compare and contrast the presentation of the
same topic in different multimodal texts.
Comparison in writing discusses the points that are similar, while contrasting in
writing discusses points that are different. Topics can be presented in different modes or ways.
Multimodal texts are texts that use two or more ways of communication to make
meaning clearer and more understandable to the reader. Some texts use mere written language,
some use only spoken language, others can be presented using images, symbols, music, and
gestures. Multimodal texts can be paper, digital, live, or can be trans-media (more than one
These multimodal texts are usually compared and contrasted in order to critically
evaluate the same texts presented in different ways which will give a better understanding of
the topic.
Note that though the texts written or presented may have the same topic, they can have
different information depending on the author’s opinion or point of view.
There are words that help readers compare and contrast ideas. These are called transition
devices which signal similarities and differences.

Words that is used when comparing Words/Expressions used when

(signals similarity) contrasting
(to signal differences)

Like, likewise, similarly, But, yet, however, although, whereas,

once again, both though even so, nonetheless, still, unlike
once more on the other hand, on the contrary

Quarter 2, Week 3

III. References

English 8 Teaching Guide, pp. 288-289

Joaquin, Ermie Joy C. (2020). Stay Positive. Unpublished Editorial. Online Sources: dealing-stress-

IV. Activities


Direction: Read and study the following texts about school enrolment and answer the
questions that follow in your answer sheet.

Text 1.
Vicente Andaya Sr. National High School Enrolment Enrollment
Process Amid COVID19

Quarter 2, Week 3

Text 2.

How to Enroll in Vicente Andaya Sr. National High School this Pandemic?
By: Ermie Joy C. Joaquin

The school had given two ways to enroll. One way is through online for those who have a
strong and stable internet connection. You can go through the FB page and find the link for the
Learner Enrolment and Survey Form (LESF). Fill out the form with needed information and
submit. Once you have clicked the submit button you are now enrolled.

If you do not have a stable internet connection, the school will provide the Learner
Enrolment Survey Form (LESF) in your respective barangay hall where you may take a copy
and fill out the needed information. After that, the forms will be dropped inside the boxes, and
will be picked up by the teachers of the school.

1. Which text used purely written language?

a. Text 1 b. Text 2 c. both
2. Which text used a combination of graphics and written language?
a. Text 1 b. Text 2 c. both
3. Do both texts have the same topics?
a. Yes b. No
4. What similar ideas have you found in both texts?
a. How to enroll
b. How to go online
c. How to fill out the LESF form
5. Can you find any differences between Text 1 and Text 2? List here:

6. If you are a student about to enroll in this school, did Text 1 and Text 2 help you
understand the enrolment process better? If Yes, how? If No, why?

Quarter 2, Week 3


Direction: Use the words inside the box in writing a sentence that compare and contrast
multimodal texts. You may use the signal words more than once.

like but still

likewise yet unlike
similarly however although
both on the contrary on the other hand

Example: movie version vs. written play of Romeo and Juliet. Comparison: Both the
movie version and the written play have the same characters, plot, setting and conflict as
well as the theme.
Contrast: The movie version shows the actual faces of the characters, on the other hand, in
the written play they cannot be seen.
1. Comics vs. Story books

2. Flowchart vs. Essay.

3. PowerPoint Presentation vs. Word Format Explanation

4. Advertisements of a product in a pamphlet vs. Advertisement shown on


Quarter 2, Week 3


Direction: Read and study Text A and Text B. Show comparison and contrast in a Venn

Text A. Editorial.

Stay Positive!

It was one of the most shocking events we had experienced as Filipinos of this
generation. We were locked down. Totally!

Offices were closed, entertainment areas were closed, and even schools were closed. And
we stayed home to be safe.

And now we are approaching the eighth month of being at home. And yes, we stayed
negative, most of us, from the pandemic, the COVID 19 pandemic.

Different places were slowly opened, and classes began, but now in the new normal we
try to live in. And in the midst of this, the children, the youth, and the elderly are still locked
down. Though they stayed negative from the virus, being positive in life seems too hard.

Many are sad, bored, depressed and feel hopeless from not being back to the normal lives
they’ve once lived. Being physically and socially close with families and friends became a

And so, as some of us become too lonely, we encourage you to stay positive. Stay positive
in life, hoping that God sees through us, our pains and struggles and longings to save us from this

So, pray, this is one of the best things we can do, never lose hope that God sees and loves
us. And after this, keep yourselves physically and mentally healthy. Wash and disinfect. Wear
your mask if you must. Be healthy, eat healthily, and stop eating foods that are not beneficial to
your body. Take time for yourself. The little things you enjoy and can still enjoy, breathe, enjoy
nature or adopt-a-plant. Learn, never be tired from nourishing your minds. Pause from your
gadgets for a while and focus on those precious people. This virus made us realize that we always
have. Talk to you parents, siblings, grandparents who are there, at home with you, and together
think positively that one day, we will be free.

Stay positive Filipinos!

Quarter 2, Week 3

Text B. Infographic.

Image taken from stress-during-covid-


Quarter 2, Week 3

Text A. Text B.
Editorial Similarities Infographic
(Differences) (Differences)

ex. Purely ex. Has the same ex. A

written topic combination of
language words and

V. Reflection

What Have I Learned?

Direction: In your paper, write three keywords, phrases, or sentences that tell what you have
learned from this activity sheet.


Quarter 2, Week 3

VI. Answer Key

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