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Module Code : Pasay –21STCL-Q1-W3-D1

Name : ________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Module Code : Pasay –21STCL-Q1-W3-D1

Name : ________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D1

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________




First Quarter/ Week4/ Day 1

ESSENTIAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discusses the principle for effective Oral Communication


What I Need to Know?

Oral communication is the most used form of communication done with words. Oral communication is
nothing but words that come out of our mouth to convey a message or idea via sound. The various modes of oral
communication are face-to-face discussions, presentations, intercom, messages
delivered on phones, telephonic conversations, radio, transistor, skyping or video
chatting, speeches, interviews, etc.
Furthermore, communication skills are important for interpersonal
communication because they help you interact effectively with people you
encounter at schools, community, work, including customers, potential clients and
colleagues. In this lesson, we cover a range of principles for developing your oral communication skills.

What I Know
Character and Critical Thinking

Be an effective communicator! It is time for you to characterize yourself into an effective

communicator. Arrange the shuffled words/ phrases that demonstrate the character as an effective
Do you possess those
characters of an effective
llert ysort itchampe
dmide nepo tinetap communicator? Why or why
_________ _________
__________ _______ not?
___ ___ ___________________________ _
___________________________ ernliste
edntifonc veitssaer ___________________________ ctivelfer
_________ ________ ______ ________
_ __ __

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D1

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

What is it?
Effective oral communication is an important skill to understand. Having the courage and ability to convey
your thoughts in a respectable way will help enhance mutual understanding, trust,
decision-making, and problem-solving between yourself and others, making the act
of properly speaking and listening to an imperative influence on how we learn and
think for ourselves.

Active listening Adaptability Constructive Emotional

Feedback Intelligence

Clarity Confidence Interpersonal

Assertiveness Empathy Skills

Characteristic of Effective Oral Communication

Body language Open- mindedness

Patience storytelling

The Principles of Effective Oral Communication

The Content of Talking

Keep your speaking clear, simple and make sense.

✓ Make sure speak clear and logical and logical sequence. Ask yourself questions, how do they
sound, can they be immediately understandable. Unorganized ideas cannot provide clear idea
to audience and make people confused

Adjust your choice of words to audience

✓ Use carefully worded transition as you move through your oral communication. Words can
have different meaning to different people in different situation in oral communication, thus
you should just use common, simple, nature and familiar words to ensure audiences can
understand you correctly.

Be aware of distracting habits

✓ Someone may like ask questions during communication, so be aware of these habits and try not
be disrupted.
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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D1

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

Voice (pacing and high volume)

✓ Using natural voice, sometimes unnatural voice may distort the message. Using nature voice
would make communication more effective. Clear pronunciation, make sure you can speak
clearly, pronounce clearly, otherwise the communication would be confused.

Be attractive
✓ It makes oral communication effective. You should deliver his speech in a very nice and sweet
language so that audiences can be actively participating into the communication.

In presentation, a dynamic format is rather than a static one

✓ It has been reported that about 60-65% people are visualized people, which means people can
remember thing easier via eyes. Dynamic means forceful, alive and moving, such as video, and
some interesting images, it means your audiences could remember your information easily.

Use language best suited to ear, not the eye

✓ Use language for the ear, in your presentation, ensure don't put too much information in your
presentation slides. Audiences need to hear important information from your talking but not
your slides.

Thus, be careful in your introduction

✓ The good introduction could make your presentation more efficiently, the purposes of the
introduction is 1) to arrest the attention of the hearer; 2) to awaken interest in your subject; 3)
to introduce your subject; 4) to introduce the text; 5) to make a smooth transition into the body
of idea.

The closing of your introduction

✓ Conclusion will include the visualization and action steps. It will development returns to your
purpose. The best method in your closing is use illustration and application to picture the
experience of the purpose for the audiences.

Understand your nervousness

✓ It is common, most of people will feel nervous about speaking in public, therefore you need to
learn how to manage your nervous. Here are some tips to help you to manage your nervous.

1. Your performance is important, but the most important thing is sharing information, your
message, your idea, and feeling. It’s about learning together.
2. Nobody can be perfect. If you mess up something, just fix it and go on.
3. Sometime, some nervousness is a good thing. It will energize your presentation, enhance your
alertness and animation, and boost audience engagement.
4. Use relaxation techniques, before your presentation, sit quiet, focus on letting the tension go
out of your body, breathe deeply from you abdomen.
5. Smile.

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D1

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________
Using Non-verbal communication

• Body language
• Posture
• Expression
• Eye contact

What I Can Do

You are assigned by an English teacher to present a speech using technology on the issue of
New Normal learning. The presentation should be at least 3 minutes and must demonstrate the
principle of effective oral communication. For further understanding, you may watch the link on
YouTube :
Meryl Streep Powerful Speech at the Golden Globe

What’s More
Given situation: Being the most patriotic in the class, you were selected to present a speech on
nationalism topic. However, you are not that confident to express yourself articulately, so the teacher
asks you to design a semantic web that presents the Principle of Effective Communication you are
lacking of and what do you do to overcome it.


What I have learnt ?

With Understanding Nervousness, how would you apply to overcome your fear and nervousness
to deliver your message effectively?
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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D1

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the gap with appropriate word/phrase that complete the sentence.
1. Keep your speaking ______, ______ and make sense.
2. Adjust your choice of words to _______
3. Be aware of _______ habits
4. Use language best _____ to ear, not the eye
5. be careful in your ______
6. The best method in your closing is use _______and ______ to picture the experience of the
purpose for the audiences.
7. You should deliver speech in a very ______ and ______language so that audiences can be
actively participate into the communication.
8. Using natural voice, sometimes ______ voice my ______the message. Using nature voice
would make communication more effective.
9. you should just use common, ______, and ______ words to ensure audiences can understand
you correctly.
10. _______ ideas can't provide clear idea to audience and make people confused

Writer: Jonatham F. Batac


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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D2

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________




First Quarter/ Week4/ Day 2

ESSENTIAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Evaluates the types of oral communication activities



What I Need to Know?

Communication is one of the essential components of the foundation of the personality. We need it
everywhere and every time, so it also becomes an important part of social skill. Especially the games and
activities that promote teamwork would automatically improve the communication, so the activities should be
performed in a group rather than doing it alone for fast learning.

Oral communication is the process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one individual or group
to another. Oral communication can be either formal or informal. Here are the types of oral activities that can
be tailored for the purpose of different courses across disciplines. Most of these oral activities can be adapted
for individual or group completion.

What I Know?
Critical Thinking learning skill
Analyze the following photos and describe what type of oral communication activities is it?

1. 2.

Explain your answer


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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D2

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

What is It?
Types of Oral Communication Activities

In any place, oral communication skill is a must-have for every individual because without
effective oral communication, individuals are unable to communicate their needs and experiences
with each other. Additionally, it is a necessary skill for success in every academic and working
environment, and strengthening oral communication activities can help learners and professionals to
master their oral skills.

• One-on-One Speaking

Refers to interaction between two individuals who

shares and influences ideas, thoughts and
For instance, a student talking to his/her teacher, a
patient consults his/her doctor

• Small Group or Team-Based Oral Work

Refers to interactions among three or more people who

are connected through a common purpose, mutual
influence, and a shared identity
For instance, a class reunion organizer may limit the
planning committee to a group of 12 alumni; an
environmental activist might join a group that plants
trees in parks

What Can I do?

Situation: Your classmate/ sibling has been emotionally saddened because of family problem. What
would be your advice to him/her, so he/she will feel better?
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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D2

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

• Debate

is a process that involves formal discussion on a

particular topic. In a debate, opposing arguments are put
forward to argue for opposing viewpoints. Debate occurs
in public meetings, academic institutions, and legislative
assemblies.[1] It is a formal type of discussion, often with
a moderator and an audience, in addition to the debate

What I can Do?

Your task it to record a debate between your classmate or sibling about the
New Normal Learning. The question is: Which do you think is better


• Deliberation

Deliberation is a process of thoughtfully weighing

options, usually prior to voting. Deliberation emphasizes
the use of logic and reason as opposed to power-struggle,
creativity, or dialog. Group decisions are generally made
after deliberation through a vote or consensus of those

What Can I do?

Communication, Critical Thinking learning skills
Situation: Your family is going to buy a car considering the pandemic virus reason. However,
your financial status is not that stable, so your father calls everyone to deliberate the concern.
What would be your decision on this matter to help for final deliberation?
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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D2

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________


• Speeches

The faculty or power of speaking; oral communication;

ability to express one's thoughts and emotions by speech
sounds and gesture.
a form of communication in spoken language, made by
a speaker before an audience for a given purpose:

• Presentation

is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is

typically a demonstration, introduction, lecture, or
speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, or
to build good will or to present a new idea or product.

What Can I do?

Creativity and Communication learning skills

Present the types of Oral Communication Activities in a PowerPoint, the presentation must have
pictures and examples of each activity and do a video lecturing

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D2

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________


• Oral Examination

Is a practice in many schools and disciplines in which

an examiner poses questions to the student in spoken
form. The student has to answer the question in such a
way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the
subject to pass the exam.

Writer: Jonathan F. Batac


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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D3

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________




First Quarter/ Week4/ Day 3

ESSENTIAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identifies strategies used by speaker to convey his/her ideas

Today’s Lesson


What I Need to Know?

. Good group /public speaking skills are essential in other areas of your life. You might be asked
to make a speech at a classmate’s birthday, give a eulogy for a loved one, or inspire a group of
volunteers at a charity event. In short, being a good public speaker can enhance your reputation, boost your
self-confidence, and open up countless opportunities.
However, while good skills can open doors, poor ones can close them. For example, your boss might
decide against promoting you after sitting through a badly-delivered presentation. You might lose a valuable
new contract by failing to connect with a prospect during a sales pitch. Or you could make a poor impression
with your new team, because you trip over your words and don't look people in the eye. The good news is
that speaking in public/ group is acquirable skill. As such, you can use the following strategies to become
an effective speaker and presenter.

What I Know

In your own perspective, what do you think are the characteristics of a goof speaker? Design a
concept web on how will you present it clearly.


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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D3

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

What is it?
Here are 10 strategies to be a good speaker, whether you are presenting in front of the class,
school activities, seminars, talking to potential clients or receiving an award.

1.Have a Message

What is the one thing that you want the audience to remember from your presentation? Put it into one sentence and you
have your message – the whole point. Say it clearly and repeat it so the audience remembers it. And make sure that every example,
story and statistic relates to it.

2. Focus On Your

Why should the audience care about what you are saying? Think about your message from the audience's point of view
and then target your presentation to their needs. Remember, it's not all about you – it's about them.

3. Organize Your

One of the easiest ways to improve your presentation skills is to organize your material clearly. Your presentation should have
an introduction, body and conclusion. The body, or main part of your presentation, should consist of related material arranged
according to some organizational principle, such as a number of points, chronology, pros and cons, etc. Be sure to have a clear
transition from one section of the body to the next.

4. Slide May Not

Be Necessary

Too many presentations are full of crowded, hard-to-read slides with too much disorganized information thrown onto them. Before
you create slides, think about whether they're really necessary. How will slides make your presentation better? You are the
presentation and the slides are just the visual aid.

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D3

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

5. Watch Your

Never go over your time limit. No one will complain if you finish a few minutes early but things go downhill very fast
once you go one minute beyond your time limit.

6. Make Eye

When you're speaking, make eye contact with everyone in the audience – or if it’s a very large group, with all sections of the
audience. It helps you connect to the audience, engage them and gauge their reaction. Hold eye contact for three to give seconds
and then move onto another person.

7. Use

Non-verbal communication includes elements such as facial expression, voice, eye contact, gestures, posture and movement. The
key is for your non-verbals to match the message you are conveying or it will confuse the audience and distract from your message.
So if you want to convey a message with confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and your weight evenly distribute
on both feet, smile, make eye contact with the audience and speak in a loud, clear voice.

8. Smile

Facial expressions fall under non-verbals but a smile deserves its own category. Smiling can relax you, which in turn, can relax
the audience and help you be more engaging. In most public speaking situations, a smile is appropriate, but nerves or a misplaced
sense of seriousness prevent speakers from smiling; instead, they look gloomy or bored.

9. Be Confident

If you are nervous about public speaking, join the club that will develop your speaking skills. There is organization or clubs in
school which helps learners to improve their public speaking skills through regular meetings of prepared and extemporaneous
speeches. The practice and the feedback that you'll receive will help you overcome your fear.

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D3

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

10. Practice

There is no substitute for practice. If you're not used to public speaking, it's going to be almost impossible to be as good as you
could be without practice. How should you practice? Say the words out loud, in as close to the real environment as possible, with
particular focus on your opening, closing and key points. It's also helpful to record yourself or get feedback from trusted colleagues.

What I Can Do?

Your task: You are going to watch the following videos with anyone of your siblings, then you have to
discuss what are the weaknesses of the speaker and what would be your recommendation to improve her/his
speaking and presentation skills. Here are the links:

Video 1
Video 2

Weakness Recommendation

Weakness Recommendation

What’s More
Creativity, Character & Critical thinking learning skills

Given Situation: This speaker is glossophobic, and as an excellent speaker you have to show him/her
what should he be possessing to overcome fear?

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D3

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________


What I have learnt ?

Communication and Critical thinking learning skills
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the gap with correct word or phrase to complete its thought.
1. If you're not used to public speaking, it's going to be almost impossible to be as good as you could be without

2. The key is for your non-verbals to the message you are conveying or it will confuse the
audience and distract from your message.

3. Facial expressions fall under non-verbal but a deserves its own category

4. One of the easiest ways to improve your skills is to organize your material clearly.

5. Think about your message from the and then target your presentation to their needs


Writer: Jonathan F. Batac

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D4

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________




First Quarter/ Week4/ Day 4

ESSENTIAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues that each
speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose

Today’s Lesson


What I Need to Know?

We all use verbal cues everyday, but how well do we recognize them as listeners? Through
this lesson, you'll learn what defines verbal and nonverbal cues and explore some examples of
different types and their purposes. When it comes to communication, cues are prompts that people
use to indicate that they expect a response or reaction. Speakers use non- verbal cues all the
time through body language or tone, but they might also deliver cues verbally. A verbal
cue is a prompt that is conveyed in spoken language from one person to another or a group
of people. For example, if you were listening to a lecture, the instructor might say something like,
'Does anyone know why this happened?' In this case, the instructor is obviously looking for
one or more people to respond to the question with an answer.

Verbal and nonverbal cues are common when teaching children and, like the one in the
previous example, are usually pretty easy to spot because they are clearly articulated, such as,
'Does anyone know…?' This, however, doesn't mean they're always so apparent or direct. In
fact, they can come in many different forms, and a strong communicator knows how to
recognize them all.

References for Further Enhancement:

1. Oral Communication in Context by Ramona S. Flores

2. Oral Communication In Context For Senior High School by DepEd

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D4

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

What I Know?
Creativity and Critical thinking learning skills

Your Task: You have to observe your family members and create a list of all nonverbal cues you
can record. Explain why you considered them as nonverbal cues.

What is it? Verbal Cues

Broadly speaking, there are two main types of verbal cues under which other sub-types
fall. The first, direct verbal cues, are clearly articulated statements of instructions. These are
probably very familiar to parents, who often have to repeatedly give children directions like, 'Go
clean your room' and 'Go brush your teeth.' Direct verbal cues are used to make very clear that
the listener is expected to do or say something in response.

The second of these types, indirect verbal cues, are prompts that tend to be less obvious
about what is expected and might come in the form of a question. For instance, the earlier
example of being in a lecture illustrates the use of an indirect prompt. In that case, the instructor
has indicated that he or she is looking for a response, but is not specific about what he or she wants
to hear.

Direct verbal cues leave little doubt about what is expected because it is the responsibility
of the speaker to clearly state what he or she wants from the listener. Indirect verbal cues, on
the other hand, place considerable responsibility on the listener, who is to deliver the desired
response based on the prompt. That might sound complicated, but consider this: if the
aforementioned child cleans his or her room as requested, the parents might follow that by
saying, 'Alright, then what else were you supposed to do?' This is an indirect verbal cue because
it implies that they expected something else, like 'Brush your teeth,' requiring the child to think
back over the other parts of the conversation to remember that other expectation.

❖ Direct Verbal Cues

Are short and concise phrases that
are used to direct and prompt
❖ They are used to direct, motivate
and guide learners
❖ Verbal cues should not suggest
reward-driven demands like “win”
or “lose” Some Examples: Bend your Knees, Good
Eye, Good Pass, Excellent Move, Keep it Up,
Go clean your room

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D4

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

❖ Indirect Verbal Cues

These prompts tend to be less
obvious about what is expected
and might come in the form of
Using questions “Now what?”, “What’s
next?” What else are you supposed to do?”
What I Can Do?

Your Task: Your best friend will be joining Binibining Pilipinas beauty pageant, however she
has no confidence and trust to herself. As a best friend, how would you apply direct verbal cues to
boost her confidence?

Non-Verbal Cues

Nonverbal cues include “all the communication between people that do not have a direct
verbal translation.” They are “body movements, body orientation, nuances of the voice, facial
expressions, details of dress, and choice and movement of objects that communicate.” Time and
space can also be perceived as having nonverbal cues. It simply putting nonverbal cues all the
ways you present and express yourself, apart from the actual words you speak.
The way in which you say
Paralanguage word: volume, pitch, speaking
rate, voice quality

Example: You can say, “You

are beautiful.” In a sarcastic
manner to a girl

Giving Flowers The use of flowers based on the

meaning of each type of flower

Example: You may give roses to express

admiration or love to a girl

The use of colors based on the

meaning of each hue
Example: Red means love or
war. Black can mean death or

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Module Code : Pasay –OC-Q1-W4-D4

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

The language of time based on

Chronemics position or power

Example: Authorities may show

their power by being waited by
his subordinates

Proxemics The use of space to show


Example: When they are in

relationship then their space is
very intimate.

Haptics The language of touch to

express what cannot be said

Example:Touching one’s
shoulder can provide a person
with comfort

The actions and movement of

Gestures hand and other parts of the body

Example: nodding heads may

express courtesy

The configuration of eyes,

Facial eyebrows, lips, cheeks, nose
Expression and forehead to express
feelings and emotions

Example: frowning shows

frustration, a smile expresses

The manner how the

individual carries and dresses
oneself Good posture and
Expression stand expresses confidence
and dignity.

Example: The way you stand,

crossing leg

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Module Code : Pasay –FILPLTVOC-Q1-W4- D4

Name : _________________________________________ Strand : ________________

Name of Teacher : ______________________________ Grade : ________________

What I Can Do?

Given Situation: Imagine your sibling storms into your house after lunch. She/ he has
red- faced, tight-lipped and speaks to no one. She/he throws the briefcase on the desk,
plops down in her chair and glares out the window. You ask, “Are you all right?”
She/ he snaps back in an angry tone, “I’m fine!”

Which message do you believe: Her/his nonverbal communication (behavior and

voice tone), or her verbal one (words alone)? ". Justify your answer in 5 sentences.

What’s M ore

Your Task: watch the video about the people’s manner of communication in
different fields and state of living. List all the verbal and nonverbal cues you have
observed. You can use a table to present your work.

Writer: Jonathan F. Batac

p/180500?fbclid=IwAR2mgjlPeHmZErezizOKlaqlKSigxsNjIbnZCHYSFdTtkTTD5EZHhh6Zyfg photos

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