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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Phyllosphere microbiology with special reference to

diversity and plant genotype
J.M. Whipps, P. Hand, D. Pink and G.D. Bending
Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, Wellesbourne, Warwick, UK

Keywords Summary
bacteria, culture-independent profiling,
diversity, fungi, phyllosphere, plant genotype. The phyllosphere represents the habitat provided by the aboveground parts of
plants, and on a global scale supports a large and complex microbial commu-
Correspondence nity. Microbial interactions in the phyllosphere can affect the fitness of plants
Gary D. Bending, Warwick HRI, Wellesbourne, in natural communities, the productivity of agricultural crops, and the safety
Warwick, CV35 9EF, UK.
of horticultural produce for human consumption. The structure of phyllo-
E-mail: gary.bending@warwick.ac.uk
sphere communities reflects immigration, survival and growth of microbial col-
2007 ⁄ 1891: received 23 November 2007, onists, which is influenced by numerous environmental factors in addition to
revised 4 April 2008 and accepted 22 April leaf physico-chemical properties. The recent use of culture-independent tech-
2008 niques has demonstrated considerable previously unrecognized diversity in
phyllosphere bacterial communities. Furthermore, there is significant recent
doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2008.03906.x evidence that plant genotype can play a major role in determining the structure
of phyllosphere microbial communities. The main aims of this review are: (i)
to discuss the diversity of phyllosphere microbial populations; (ii) to consider
the processes by which microbes colonize the phyllosphere; (iii) to address the
leaf characteristics and environmental factors that determine the survival and
growth of colonists; (iv) to discuss microbial adaptations that allow establish-
ment in the phyllosphere habitat and (v) to evaluate evidence for plant geno-
typic control of phyllosphere communities. Finally, we suggest approaches and
priority areas for future research on phyllosphere microbiology.

phyllosphere bacterial species in this habitat alone

(Lambais et al. 2006).
The aerial parts of living plants including leaves, stems, The phyllosphere represents a niche with great agricul-
buds, flowers and fruits provide a habitat for micro- tural and environmental significance. There is growing
organisms termed the phyllosphere. Bacteria are consi- evidence for important interactions of phyllosphere
dered to be the dominant microbial inhabitants of the microbial inhabitants that may affect the fitness of natural
phyllosphere, although archaea, filamentous fungi and plant populations and the quality and productivity of
yeasts may also be important. These microbes can be agricultural crops. Phyllosphere bacteria can promote
found both as epiphytes on the plant surface and as plant growth and both suppress and stimulate the coloni-
endophytes within plant tissues (Arnold et al. 2000; Ina- zation and infection of tissues by plant pathogens (Lin-
cio et al. 2002; Lindow and Brandl 2003; Stapleton and dow and Brandl 2003; Rasche et al. 2006a). Similarly,
Simmons 2006). The global surface area of the phyllo- fungal endophytes of leaves may deter herbivores, protect
sphere has been estimated to total over 4 · 108 km2, against pathogens and increase drought tolerance (Arnold
supporting bacterial populations in the region of 1026 et al. 2003; Schweitzer et al. 2006). Furthermore, interac-
cells (Morris and Kinkel 2002). Furthermore, recent esti- tions in the phyllosphere zone determine the extent to
mates of the diversity of phyllosphere bacteria in the which human pathogens are able to colonize and survive
20 000 vascular plants inhabiting the Brazillian Atlantic on plant tissues, an area of increasing importance with
forest, suggests the possible occurrence of 2–13 million the rise in cases of human disease associated with

ª 2008 The Authors

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J.M. Whipps et al. Phyllosphere microbial diversity

consumption of fresh salad, fruit and vegetable produce without causing obvious damage to the plant, as absence
(Whipps et al. 2008). of disease is the normal situation in nature.
There is evidence for functional roles within the phyllo-
sphere microbial community which given the size of the
Microbial diversity in the phyllosphere
habitat could have global significance. The best studied of
these is nitrogen fixation. Measured rates of bacterial The microbial communities of the phyllosphere are
nitrogen fixation in the phyllosphere vary widely, but in diverse, supporting numerous genera of bacteria, filamen-
the phyllosphere of trees in some tropical habitats rates of tous fungi, yeasts, algae and in some situations proto-
over 60 kg N ha)1 have been reported, although amounts zoans and nematodes (Morris et al. 2002; Lindow and
fixed in the phyllosphere of temperate trees is generally Brandl 2003). Bacteria are the most numerous and diverse
considerably lower (Freiberg 1998). Furthermore, nitrogen colonists of leaves, with culturable counts ranging
fixation or the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria has between 102 and 1012 cells per gram of leaf (Thompson
been reported in the phyllosphere of many crop plants et al. 1993; Inacio et al. 2002). Culture-based studies of
(e.g. Murty 1983; Miyamoto et al. 2004). Other environ- sugar beet over the whole of the growing season have
mentally important microbial processes for which there is found more than 78 bacterial species representing 37
evidence in the phyllosphere include methanol degra- known bacterial genera (Thompson et al. 1993). Similar
dation (Corpe and Rheem 1989; Van Aken et al. 2004) studies in wheat have revealed 88 bacterial species repre-
and nitrification (Papen et al. 2002), although the rates of senting 37 known bacterial genera (Legard et al. 1994).
these processes and their ubiquity within the phyllosphere Recent studies have demonstrated that profiling of
remains to be elucidated. phyllosphere communities based on culture-dependent
Most knowledge of the structure and activities of methods is likely to be inaccurate and to underestimate
phyllosphere microbial communities has been established diversity (Rasche et al. 2006b). In the case of the phyllo-
using culture-dependant methods. However, these are sphere, use of culture-independent approaches has shown
recognized to significantly underestimate diversity, with that although assumptions regarding the dominant
only 0Æ1–3% of environmental bacteria considered cul- inhabitants are largely correct, the diversity of phyllo-
turable (Wagner et al. 1993). Data gathered using these sphere communities is far greater than previously recog-
methods therefore relate only to culturable members of nized. Analysis of 16S rDNA cloned directly from leaf
the community and provide no information on the vast samples has demonstrated that proteobacteria are the
majority of microbes present in samples. As in other dominant group found on leaves (Table 1), confirming
areas of environmental microbiology, the recent applica- data obtained using culture-dependant methods (e.g.
tion of culture-independent methods based on the char- Thompson et al. 1993). a- and c-proteobacteria are gen-
acterization of small subunit rRNA gene sequences for erally the dominant bacterial inhabitants of the phyllo-
microbial community analysis is providing new insights sphere, with bacteroidetes being usually important.
into the complexity of phyllosphere microbial communi- b-proteobacteria and firmicutes can also form a large part
ties and their interactions with plants and the wider of the bacterial community in some situations, with aci-
environment. dobacteria, actinobacteria and cyanobacteria occurring
In the current paper, we review the extent to which the infrequently (Kadivar and Stapleton 2006; Idris et al.
use of culture-independent approaches has changed our 2004; Lambais et al. 2006; Rasche et al. 2006b,c).
understanding of the structure and diversity of phyllo- In a study of phyllosphere bacterial communities in a
sphere communities. A variety of plant, microbial and tropical Brazillian forest, 97% of the bacterial sequences
environmental factors control establishment of microbial were from previously undescribed species with phyllo-
communities in the phyllosphere, but recently there has spheres of different plant species supporting from 95 to
been recognition of the role that plant genotype plays in 671 bacterial species (Lambais et al. 2006). The extent to
selecting phyllosphere communities. The evidence for the which such diversity occurs in other plant species is
different factors that regulate the structure of phyllo- unclear. Those sequences showing 95% or less homology
sphere communities is discussed with special reference to to known bacterial species database entries comprised
the role of plant genotype. Finally, we suggest approaches 15Æ2% of the sequences obtained from Thlapsi geosingense
and priority areas for future research on phyllosphere (Idris et al. 2004), and 7Æ9, 2Æ3, 3Æ5 and 1Æ2% of those
microbiology. Although much of the phyllosphere litera- sequences obtained from Crocus, potato, pepper and
ture is concerned with interactions between plant and maize, respectively (Kadivar and Stapleton 2003; Rasche
plant pathogens (bacteria and fungi that cause diseases in et al. 2006a,b; Reiter and Sessitsch 2006). However, in a
plants), in the current review emphasis is placed on study of a range of temperate agricultural crop species, 5
studies of micro-organisms that live in the phyllosphere of 17 bands cut from 16S rRNA denaturant gradient gel

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Phyllosphere microbial diversity J.M. Whipps et al.

electrophoresis gels had less than 90% similarity to data-

Sessitsch 2006;
base entries, suggesting that in some situations phyllo-

Reiter and
spheres of crop plants may support large numbers of
novel bacteria (Yang et al. 2001). The number of
sequences investigated in the culture-independent studies
conducted to date has been limited, so that only domi-
tuberosum*,– (137)

nant members of the community are likely to have been

detected, and the true extent of bacterial diversity in the

Rasche et al.
phyllosphere therefore remains to be determined.
Table 1 Percentage frequency of bacterial groups in 16S rRNA gene clone libraries prepared from DNA extracted directly from the phyllospheres of different species


Yeasts are the major epiphytic fungal group in the

phyllosphere with filamentous fungi largely occurring as
dormant spores rather than active mycelia except on older
leaves (Andrews and Harris 2000; de Jager et al. 2001).
annum*,§ (39)

Culturable yeast populations can range between 10 and

Rasche et al.

1010 CFU g)1 leaf (Thompson et al. 1993; Inacio et al.



2002). The diversity of culturable yeasts appears to be


mostly limited to the genera Cryptococcus, Sporobolomyces

and Rhodotorula, although total species number can reach
over 40, with multiple species of each coexisting in the
Stapleton 2003

phyllosphere, together with a number of other genera that

mays*, (30)

Kadivar and

occur less frequently (Thompson et al. 1993; Inacio et al.

2002; Glushakova and Chernov 2004).

Filamentous fungus population sizes can range between

102 and 108 CFU g)1 leaf. Cladosporium and Alternaria
are usually considered the most abundant fungi found on
xanthocarpa (166)

leaves, although several other genera, including Penicil-


Lambais et al.

lium, Acremonium, Mucor and Aspergillus are also found

(Thompson et al. 1993; Inacio et al. 2002). Filamentous

fungi appear to occur ubiquitously as endophytes, the


diversity of which may be substantial, particularly in

long-lived tropical leaves. Using culture-dependant
clausenii (153)

approaches, over 340 genetically distinct taxa were reco-

Lambais et al.

§Nonchilled and chilled milder Spiral and Ziegenhorn Bello varieties combined.

vered from individuals of two tropical forest understory

plant species at two sites. Furthermore, there was evi-


dence for host preference within the endophyte

community (Arnold et al. 2000). Culture-independent
–Flowering and senescent Desire and Merkur cultivars combined.
Field grown, ultraviolet (UV) and no UV treatments combined.

approaches have not yet been used to characterize fungal

Figures in brackets give total number of sequences obtained.
catigua (109)

Lambais et al.

diversity in the phyllosphere.

DNA extracted from bacterial cells washed from leaf.

There are various developing technologies that show



promise to significantly increase throughput of analysis to


provide a finer resolution of understanding about the

*DNA extracted from surface-sterilized shoot.

diversity and structure of phyllosphere communities and


to link diversity with functioning. Culture-independent

analysis using phylogenetic specific primers represents a
Idris et al.

powerful method to investigate the dynamics and distri-



bution of specific bacterial groups of interest (Sessitsch


et al. 2002; Miyamoto et al. 2004). Additionally multiplex

terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
(TRFLP), in which several phylogentic groups or func-




tional genes can be analysed at the same time, provides



an opportunity to improve throughput of samples in

a cost-effective manner (Singh et al. 2006). However,
these techniques remain time-consuming, and future

ª 2008 The Authors

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J.M. Whipps et al. Phyllosphere microbial diversity

developments will depend on high throughput methods. onto the leaf surface, sedimentation or rain splash as well
Phylogenetic microarrays clearly provide a way forward, as from contamination with soil (Venette and Kennedy
allowing the presence and amount of thousands of micro- 1975; Lacey 1996).
organisms to be determined simultaneously, and could There is increasing evidence that micro-organisms on
also be used to detect novel members of the phylogenetic seeds or roots can become endophytic in the roots, enter
groups. Similarly, functional gene arrays provide a means the vascular system and be transferred internally to the
of characterizing activity of the phyllosphere community, aerial parts of plants where they establish as phyllosphere
and when used with phylogenetic microarrays, for linking endophytes (Lamb et al. 1996; Wulff et al. 2003). Endo-
community structure to function (Sessitsch et al. 2006). phytes can also arise from ingression into the internal leaf
In order to understand and predict the diversity and spaces following colonization by epiphytes, suggesting
structure of phyllopshere communities, it is necessary to that epiphytes and endophytes are really part of a contin-
understand the biological and environmental factors that uum in the phyllosphere (Beattie and Lindow 1999;
control the establishment and dynamics of microbial Wilson et al. 1999).
communities on the leaf surface. This is the focus of the Micro-organisms that have arrived in the phyllosphere
remainder of the review. have to become established and colonize the leaf to
become a residual epiphyte. The pattern of distribution of
micro-organisms on leaves is not even. The most com-
Sources of microbes colonizing the phyllosphere
mon sites of bacterial colonization are in the epidermal
The sources of micro-organisms on the phyllosphere can cell wall junctions (Blakeman 1985; Davis and Brlansky
be manifold. Epiphytic filamentous fungi, yeasts and bac- 1991) especially in protected sites in grooves along the
teria may arrive on the leaf surface through insect-, atmo- veins (Mansvelt and Hattingh 1987; Leben 1988; Mariano
sphere-, seed- or even animal-borne sources. Tree buds, and McCarter 1993), at stomata (Mew and Vera Cruz
seeds of annual plants and the debris from previous crops 1986; Mariano and McCarter 1993) and at the base of
are likely to be the most important sources for the colo- trichomes (Mew and Vera Cruz 1986; Mansvelt and
nization of new plants and leaves as they are a major Hattingh 1987; Mariano and McCarter 1993). They are
source of bacteria already adapted to the phyllosphere also found under the cuticle (Corpe and Rheem 1989), in
(Manceau and Kasempour 2002). depressions in the cuticle (Mansvelt and Hattingh 1987),
Those micro-organisms that show no or limited multi- near hydrathodes (Mew et al. 1984) and in specific sites
plication in the phyllosphere are considered transient that only occur on particular plants such as stomatal pits
epiphytes whereas those with the capacity for multiplica- in oleander and pectate hairs in olive (Surico 1993). In
tion in the absence of wounds are known as residual general, greater numbers of bacteria are found on lower
epiphytes (Suslow 2002). Microbial populations can vary than upper leaf surfaces (Leben 1988; Surico 1993) possi-
in size among and within plant species over short periods bly because of the lower leaf surface having a greater den-
of time (Hirano and Upper 1989) as well as over the sity of stomata or trichomes, or a thinner cuticular layer
growing season (e.g. Thompson et al. 1993; Legard et al. (Beattie and Lindow 1999).
1994; Inacio et al. 2002), with few epiphytic bacteria pres- Bacterial populations in the phyllosphere can differ in
ent on leaves shortly after emergence from buds or seeds, distribution over very small scales, as little as 0Æ1 mm2
but increasing in quantity subsequently (Hirano and (Kinkel et al. 1995) and are often well-described by a log-
Upper 1993). There is a general succession of microbial normal distribution (Hirano et al. 1982; Ishimaru et al.
populations on leaves over the growing season with bacte- 1991) whereas yeasts and filamentous fungi may be better
ria dominating initially, followed by yeasts and finally described by a normal distribution (Kinkel et al. 1989).
filamentous fungi (Kinkel 1997). Micro-organisms may occur individually on the leaf sur-
The atmospheric microflora can vary in composition face but frequently, they occur as aggregates or biofilm-
and concentration diurnally and seasonally as well as in like structures containing bacteria (Kinkel et al. 1995;
response to environmental events such as rainfall and Morris et al. 1997, 1998; Jacques et al. 2005), yeasts (Last
high wind (Kinkel 1997; Zak 2002), directly influencing 1955) and filamentous fungi (Bernstein and Carroll
the immigration of micro-organisms to the phyllosphere. 1977).
Local vegetation, and in areas of crop production, agri- Clearly, not all micro-organisms that arrive in the phyllo-
cultural practices such as harvesting and cultivation, also sphere are able to colonize and grow. To some extent this
influence atmospheric microbiology and colonization of reflects processes of emigration through dispersal mecha-
nearby plants (Lindemann et al. 1982; Lacey 1996; Light- nisms such as rain splash, wash-off, bounce-off, water
hart 1997). Immigration of micro-organisms to leaves movement or removal by insects (Kinkel 1997). Ability to
from the atmosphere can take place through impaction survive and grow are dependent on the environmental,

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Phyllosphere microbial diversity J.M. Whipps et al.

physicochemical and genetic features of the plant and ments and that only few cells randomly land in zones of
specific properties exhibited by the phyllosphere micro- relatively abundant nutrients that support growth. Other
organisms, which together determine the structure and discrete sites of nutrient loss such as wounds or glandular
diversity of the microbial community. Evidence for such trichomes (Monier and Lindow 2005), or sites of nutrient
selection is supported by the findings of Miyamoto et al. enrichment including pollen (Diem 1974) or honeydew
(2004), in which 16S rRNA-TRFLP with Clostridia-specific (Dik and Vanpelt 1992) also provide sites for microbial
primers was used to show the presence of diverse Clostri- growth. Other nutrients such as nitrogen sources or iron
dia populations within Miscanthus sinensis, which were are not considered as growth limiting to micro-organisms
shown to be distinct to those Clostridia populations inhab- on the phyllosphere as the carbon sources (Lindow and
iting soil around plants. Furthermore, as a substantial Brandl 2003). Interestingly, when the resurrection fern,
proportion of those bacteria inhabiting the phyllosphere Polypodium polypodioides, is exposed to rainfall after a
appear to be novel to this habitat there have been sugges- period of desiccation, the complex phyllosphere commu-
tions that some may be unique or specialists to this nity undergoes changes in overall structure and activity,
habitat (Yang et al. 2001; Lambais et al. 2006). reflecting use of labile organic substrates in the form of
There are a number of areas relating to the coloniza- an enrichment culture (Jackson et al. 2006). Whether this
tion of phyllosphere that require more complete under- occurs with other plants is unknown.
standing. The transmission of micro-organisms from Plant leaves also release a wide range of volatile organic
roots to aerial parts of plants appears to have been a compounds into the boundary layer around leaves. These
neglected area of research and the importance of this can include small molecules such as CO2 and acetone,
environmentally protected phyllosphere colonization medium-sized molecules including terpenoids and a num-
route needs to be elucidated. This could be particularly ber of aldehydes and alcohols, as well as large molecules
important for soils contaminated with human pathogens. such as long-chain hydrocarbons and sesquiterpenoids;
sulfides and nitrogen-containing compounds also occur. It
is unclear whether these could be nutrient sources directly,
Leaf characteristics and environmental factors controlling
but there is evidence that some of these compounds can
phyllosphere microbiology
be inhibitory or toxic to some fungi (Mechaber 2002).
Following arrival of microbial cells or propagules on the Similarly, some proteins secreted by glandular trichomes
leaf surface, a variety of factors determine whether cells can inhibit some pathogens (Shepherd et al. 2005). There
are able to colonize the leaf, and where cells become are also data to suggest that plants can release a number
localized. Establishment is determined by interaction of compounds in response to damage that not only pro-
between leaf and environmental characteristics that inter- mote microbial development but can selectively inhibit
act to control conditions prevailing in the phyllosphere microbial growth as well (Dingman 2000).
habitat. The first point of contact of microbial cells immi- Characteristics of the plant species themselves may
grating to the phyllosphere is the cuticle (Beattie 2002). also influence the microbial carrying capacity of the leaf.
This waxy surface, often microcrystalline in nature, serves The total number of culturable bacteria from broad leaf
several functions: a diffusion barrier, reducing water and succulent herbaceous plants such as cucumber, lettuce
solute loss and aqueous pollution ingress; as a reflectant and bean can be significantly higher than that from
to minimize temperature fluctuations; conferring water grasses or waxy broad-leaved plants such as cabbage
repellence; and providing protection from pathogens and citrus (O’Brien and Lindow 1989; Lindow and
(Beattie 2002). The water repellence is particularly impor- Andersen 1996; Kinkel et al. 2000). Culture-independent
tant in preventing immigration of micro-organisms to the approaches have demonstrated that community structure
leaf surface. This is so especially on young leaves where on leaves from individuals of the same species is simi-
the cuticle is intact relative to older leaves because as the lar, but varies significantly between species (Yang et al.
cuticle erodes, wettability increases (Beattie 2002). In 2001). Lambais et al. (2006) showed that just 0Æ5% of
addition, cuticle-mediated limitation of nutrient loss from the bacterial species recorded in tropical tree canopies
the leaf is particularly important in supporting epiphytic were common to all tree species. Furthermore, both
microbial populations. Use of whole cell bacterial biosen- bacterial and fungal population size on leaves has been
sors for sucrose, fructose and glucose have revealed that correlated with leaf position, plant architecture and
these sugars are present only in discrete localized sites on height in the canopy (Wildman and Parkinson 1979;
the leaf (Leveau and Lindow 2001; Miller et al. 2001). Oliveira et al. 1991; Jacques et al. 1995). We would sug-
This, and recent microscopical evidence (Monier and gest that microbial diversity and community structure
Lindow 2005), suggests that most microbial immigrants are also influenced by these factors, although this
to the phyllosphere are exposed to nutrient poor environ- remains to be shown.

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J.M. Whipps et al. Phyllosphere microbial diversity

Information is needed to characterize the arrangement syringomycin that eventually leads to cell lysis. Neverthe-
and dynamics of communities in time and space, espe- less, low levels are produced by nonpathogenic epiphytic
cially at the landscape scale. In particular the relative strains of P. syringae pv. syringae such that necrosis and
importance of environmental factors, location and plant disease do not occur although release of plant nutrients
species in determining the composition and dynamics of is still stimulated (Hutchison et al. 1995). Interestingly,
phyllosphere communities needs to be addressed. Biogeo- syringomycin also acts as a surfactant providing two
graphical approaches to the analysis of microbial commu- possible mechanisms to enhance nutrient availability in
nities show potential to elucidate these fundamental the phyllosphere.
relationships (Ramette and Tiedje 2007). Another, perhaps more widespread mechanism, is the
production and release of plant growth regulators. Pro-
duction of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is common among
Microbial adaptations to the phyllosphere habitat
bacterial epiphytes (Glickmann et al. 1998; Brandl et al.
In addition to plant and environmental factors, properties 2001) and is associated with enhanced nutrient leakage
of the microbial colonists themselves determine the extent and microbial fitness (Brandl and Lindow 1998; Manulis
to which they are able to establish on the leaf surface. For et al. 1998). Lindow and Brandl (2003) have also made
some micro-organisms, this reflects their inherent ability the suggestion that presence of a functional type III
to survive in the existing habitat whereas others are capa- secretion pathway in Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudo-
ble of modifying the environment to ameliorate the levels monas putida (Preston et al. 2001), which provides the
of stress they are exposed to. capacity to modify the local habitat, may be needed for
Culture-independent analyses have indicated that toler- growth and survival in the phyllosphere. Production of
ance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is likely to be an pili and flagellae may also be important in allowing bac-
important selection pressure for survival and growth in terial attachment and colonization of the phyllosphere
this habitat (Kadivar and Stapleton 2006; Stapleton and (Romantschuck et al. 2002). A whole range of genes and
Simmons 2006), and most isolated phyllosphere micro- gene products that are important for phyllosphere colo-
organisms are capable of withstanding high UV radiation nization are now being identified using molecular tech-
levels on the leaf surface (Sundin 2002). In fungi, dark niques (Gal et al. 2003; Gourion et al. 2006) and may
melanin-type pigments are thought to play a key role as provide further insights into mechanisms involved in
protective pigments along with UV-B-induced hyphal- epiphytic growth.
wall thickening, the latter protecting lower levels of the As mentioned earlier, bacterial distribution on the leaf
fungal colony (Fourtouni et al. 1998; Sundin 2002). Inter- surface is not uniform and frequently, aggregates of cells
estingly, the most UV-B-tolerant strains of bacteria from occur (Morris and Monier 2003). The presence of these
the peanut phyllosphere were those that produced pink aggregates may provide the epiphytes with an ability to
or orange pigments (Sundin and Jacobs 1999) and so colonize and survive in the phyllosphere and modify the
multiple UV-B protectant mechanisms may be exhibited local environment. The production of extracellular poly-
by phyllosphere micro-organisms. saccharides (EPS) by bacteria may protect the bacteria
A low level of water availability and nutrients are key from water stress and help anchor the cells to the leaf
limiting factors for microbial growth in the phyllosphere surface (Morris et al. 1997; Gal et al. 2003). By analogy
so epiphytes display a variety of mechanisms to over- with biofilms (Morris et al. 2002; Morris and Monier
come these limitations. For example, some epiphytic 2003), these aggregates may also protect from UVR, pre-
Pseudomonas spp. can release surfactants that increase dation and bacteriocides, moderate pH and gas exchange,
the wettability of leaf surfaces making it easier for enhance genetic exchange particularly through plasmid
micro-organisms to use water and increasing solubiliza- transfer and allow cell density-dependent behaviour. The
tion and diffusion of nutrients, thereby increasing sub- latter, often mediated by accumulation of diffusible
strate availability to epiphytic bacteria (Bunster et al. molecules such as N-acyl homoserine lactones through
1989). A number of phyllosphere bacteria have recently quorum sensing may have numerous effects on microbial
been shown to increase permeability of the cuticle behaviour including EPS and antibiotic production as
enhancing water and nutrient availability in the phyllo- well as pathogenicity traits (Swift et al. 1994; Greenberg
sphere (Schreiber et al. 2005). Another, potentially 1997). Interestingly, if signalling controls the formation
related, mechanism to increase nutrient availability may and functioning of aggregates, it may be possible in
relate to the ability to produce toxins that affect ion future to manipulate the microbial populations on the
transport across plant cell plasma membranes (Quigley phyllosphere if the molecular signals and receptors essen-
and Gross 1994; Hutchison et al. 1995). Plant pathogenic tial for aggregate behaviour can be identified (Morris
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae secrete the toxin et al. 2002).

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Phyllosphere microbial diversity J.M. Whipps et al.

phyllosphere microbial populations. Phyllosphere popula-

Plant genotype and phyllosphere microbiology
tions of bacteria were found to differ between cultivars of
It is clear that microbial populations in the phyllosphere sweet pepper and tomato (Rasche et al. 2006b; Correa
can vary markedly in size and composition both spatially et al. 2007) and both endophytes and epiphytes differed
and temporally on the same plant, differ between different between varieties of potato (Sessitsch et al. 2002; Rasche
plants and parts of plants in the same place, and even dif- et al. 2006a,c). Plant genotype differences may affect some
fer on the same plant species in different places (Linde- microbial communities more than others. For example,
mann et al. 1984; Morris and Lucotte 1993; Lindow and phyllosphere bacterial community structure was shown to
Andersen 1996; Kinkel 1997). Much of the variability vary between wheat cultivars, although there was found to
must reflect the environmental conditions prevailing at be no difference in archaeal communities (Stapleton and
the time and place of sampling, thereby influencing the Simmons 2006). Recently, lettuce cultivar was shown to
processes of microbial immigration, emigration, growth affect colonization of leaves by Salmonella enterica serovars
and death. However, the microbial population that does (Klerks et al. 2007), with significant serovar–cultivar inter-
develop must relate to a large extent to the phenotypic actions demonstrated. Furthermore, diversity of endophyte
characteristics exhibited by the plant, controlled ultimately bacterial populations varied between the three lettuce
by its genetic make-up. Certainly, there are ‘hot-spots’ of cultivars used, and data suggested that the degree to which
microbial growth on the leaf associated with specific sites S. enterica serovars were able to colonize plants endophy-
and it would be expected that these would similarly be tically was in part determined by competitive interactions
under the influence of plant genetic characteristics. We with the natural endophyte bacterial community.
suggest that within plant species, genotype has a key role Culture-dependent analysis showed that genetic modifi-
in determining colonization and establishment of cation of potato with an antibacterial peptide, magainin,
microbial communities in the phyllosphere. However, few failed to influence the number or structure of phyllo-
studies have addressed the relationship between plant sphere bacterial or fungal populations although magainin-
genetic control of phenotypic characteristics and their expressing potato tubers did exhibit lower total numbers
concomitant effects on microbial populations in the of bacteria than unmodified plants (O’Callaghan et al.
phyllosphere, despite its potential importance. 2004). In contrast, genetic modification of potato with a
Several studies have used culture-dependent approaches gene producing antibacterial T4-lysozyme or attacin ⁄
to investigate the impact of plant genotype on phyllo- cecropin, was shown to induce greater difference in phyllo-
sphere microbiology. Adams and Kloepper (2002) showed sphere microbial community structure to the parent line,
that endophytic bacteria population sizes and structure relative to variations between three cultivars (Rasche et al.
differed among nine cotton cultivars, and in pea 5 of 11 2006a,c). However, field site and plant growth stage had
cultivars were found to contain endophytic bacteria with greater effects on bacterial community structure than
one showing a higher colonization level than the others either cultivar or genetic modification.
(Elvira-Recuenco and van Vuurde 2000). In a gnotobiotic Furthermore, microbial communities selected by differ-
system with tomato, one cultivar out of four supported ent genotypes can show differing responses to environ-
fewer Pseudomonas sp. on the shoot exterior following mental variables. Rasche et al. (2006b) showed that
application of the bacterium to the seed (Pillay and chilling sweet pepper plants altered endophyte bacterial
Nowak 1997). Differences in ability to support popula- community structure, with the extent of the effect differ-
tions of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae were also ing between cultivars, and dependant on cultivar chilling
found between different cultivars of snap bean (Hirano tolerance. Similarly, in a study of wheat cultivars, it was
et al. 1996; Upper et al. 2003). However, no differences in shown that the response of phyllosphere bacterial com-
occurrence of native, epiphytic mycoparasites were munities to UV-B radiation depended on host genotype.
observed between the three main coffee cultivars or However, it was not clear whether these differences
between clones of the same group (ten Hoopen et al. reflected direct effects on the bacterial community or
2003). Similarly, no differences were found between epi- indirect effects associated with differences in the plant
phytes on three cultivars of apple (Becker and Manning responses to UV-B (Stapleton and Simmons 2006).
1983) or in endophytes in three cultivars of wheat Furthermore, plant genotype can influence colonization
(Larran et al. 2002). and survival of microbial inoculants in the phyllosphere.
Culture-independent community profiling approaches Correa et al. (2007) showed that the survival of a plant
have been particularly valuable for elucidating interactions growth promoting Azospirillum inoculant differed in the
between plant genotype and phyllosphere microbial com- phyllosphere of contrasting tomato genotypes, and that
munity structure. Several studies have indicated that differ- the response of the phyllosphere bacterial community to
ent cultivars of the same plant species exhibit different inoculation varied between genotypes.

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ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology 105 (2008) 1744–1755 1755

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