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Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.1 Question: DOH.2

True or false? Building equal number of hospitals in Who is targeted during a mass education campaign
each district irrespective of population size is against meningitis?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.3 Question: DOH.4

A selective PHC approach referred to collectively How can poor nutrition lead to Caesarean section?
under the acronym GOBI-FFF combine strategies
that mainly focus on ...
A: Children
B: Adults
C: Mother and Child
D: Men
E: Health staff
Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.5 Question: DOH.6

Folic acid, which is found in oranges, prevents which What is the process of sterilizing milk called?
of the following?
A: Scurvy
B: Birth defects
C: High blood pressure
D: Dementia

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.7 Question: DOH.8

Which of the following is incorrect? True or false? Developing a drug in India can cost as
A: Vit C prevents scurvy little as $100 million, compared with a cost of $1
B: Vit B3 prevents TB billion or more in the United States.
C: Iodine prevents goitres
D: VitD prevents rickets

Green Green
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.2 Question: DOH.1

Answer: Answer:
The whole population False

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.4 Question: DOH.3

Answer: Answer:
Malnutrition may cause a contracted pelvis. C: Mother and Child

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.6 Question: DOH.5

Answer: Answer:
Pasteurization B: Birth defects

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.8 Question: DOH.7

Answer: Answer:
True B: Vit B3 prevents TB
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.9 Question: DOH.10

True of false? China is smaller and poorer than True or false? India's population is projected to
India. overtake China's by 2040 even though in both
populations the growth will decline.

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.11 Question: DOH.12

The GDP of whole Sub Saharan Africa was US$ 744 Which percentage of Sub-Saharan Africa’s
billion. This is equivalent to 28% of the GDP of ... population is in-between the ages of 0 and 14?
A: China
B: Brazil
C: Russia
D: India

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.13 Question: DOH.14

Which percentage of women are already married Which percentage of women between 15–24 years
before the age of 19 in countries like Mozambique, old have given birth in countries like Mozambique,
Chad, Guinea, Mali, Sierra Leone and Niger? Malawi, Niger, Chad, Uganda and Gabon?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.15 Question: DOH.16

Estimate which percentage of the population was What is Millennium Development Goal 1 about?
below the minimum dietary energy consumption in
Eritrea in (2004)?

Green Green
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.10 Question: DOH.9

Answer: Answer:
True False (vice versa)

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.12 Question: DOH.11

Answer: Answer:
Any percentage between 40-50% (43%) A: China

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.14 Question: DOH.13

Answer: Answer:
Any percentage between 47-58 Any percentage between 46-62%

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.16 Question: DOH.15

Answer: Answer:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Any percentage between 70-80 (around 75%)
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.17 Question: DOH.18

The prevalence of underweight children in India is What is the aim of environmental engineer in the
nearly half/the same/nearly double that of Sub- prevention of outbreaks of infectious diseases?
Saharan Africa?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.19 Question: DOH.20

A lack of physical activity is an independent risk What is the most common calculating method used
factor for which "group" of diseases: acute or to measure overweight and obesity in adults?
chronic diseases?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.21 Question: DOH.22

In Europe what percentage of children is What are the two main sources of infection?
A: 10%
B: 20%
C: 30%
D: 40%

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.23 Question: DOH.24

In all situations which is the best way of preventing Which part of the world has the highest number of
malnutrition and mortality in infant? countries with increasing rates of malnutrition?

Green Green
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.18 Question: DOH.17

Answer: Answer:
Reduce exposure and transmission Nearly double

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.20 Question: DOH.19

Answer: Answer:
Calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) Chronic diseases

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.22 Question: DOH.21

Answer: Answer:
Food and water B: 20%

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.24 Question: DOH.23

Answer: Answer:
Sub-Saharan Africa Breastfeeding
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.25 Question: DOH.26

What percentage of the global pharmaceutical Which department ensures safe foods and quality of
market is spent on North America? medical products?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.27 Question: DOH.28

Which region has the highest percentage of children How many fully qualified psychiatrist did Afganistan
that are never expected to enrol into education? have in 2007?
A: South-east Asia A: 1-4
B: Latin America B: 20-24
C: Sub-Saharan Africa C: 40-44
D: Western Asia

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.29 Question: DOH.30

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and True or false? Public health is the science and art of
social well-being and not merely the absence of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting
disease or infirmity.” health through the organised efforts of society.
Which year and where was this definition adopted?

Green Green

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.31 Question: DOH.32

What does the acronym OECD stands for? Mention five pricinples of Primary Health Care (PHC)
as per Alma Ata conference?

Green Green
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.26 Question: DOH.25

Answer: Answer:
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Any percentage between 40-55% (around 47%)

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.28 Question: DOH.27

Answer: Answer:
A: 1-4 (2) D: Western Asia (65%)

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.30 Question: DOH.29

Answer: Answer:
True 1946, New York

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.32 Question: DOH.31

Answer: Answer:
1. Universal access Organization for Economic Co-operation and
2. Unversal coverage Development
3. Community involvement
4. Self-reliance
5. Intersectoral action/collaboration
6. Use of appropriate technology
Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.33 Question: DOH.34

List the WHO health system building blocks. A multi-dimensional process by which national and
international policy makers promote domestic
deregulation and external liberalisation is referred to
as …

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.35 Question: DOH.36

Whats does the acronym TRIPS stands for? In Mexico a 9-year difference was observed in life
expectancy between people living in a poor county
compared to a relatively well-off county. How do you
define this situation?

Determinants of health Determinants of health

Question: DOH.37 Question: DOH.38

Hospitals are usually distributed mainly in urban Identify the element(s) that is (are) part of a district
areas, whereas rural dwellers have to move great health system.
distances to attend an hospital when they are in A: Traditional healers
need. How do you define this situation? B: National referral hospital
C: Private practitioners
D: Integrated national disease control program

Determinants of health
Question: DOH.39
Cost recovery as advocated by UNICEF (Bamako
initiative) is at odds with one of the Primary Health
Care principles. Which principle is that?

z z
Question: DOH.34 Question: DOH.33
Answer: Answer:
Globalization 1. Service delivery
2. Health workforce
3. Information
4. Medical products (vaccines & technologies)
5. Financing
6. Leadership / Governance

Question: DOH.36 Question: DOH.35

Answer: Answer:
Inequity Trade - Related aspect of Intellectual Property

Question: DOH.38 Question: DOH.37

Answer: Answer:
C: Private practioners AND Inequity
D: Integrated national disease control program

Question: Question: DOH.39

Answer: Answer:
Equity & Affordability

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